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Crazy From The Heat

"Crazy From The Heat"

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Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex

Jake looked up at the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling of his garage as they started to flicker. When the lights went dead, he cursed, "Fuck, not again."

It was mid-July in Toronto, the start of the Dog Days of Summer. When the power would come back on again was anybody’s guess. South-Western Ontario was also under an extreme heat alert. For the next seven days, the temperature was expected to hold steady at thirty-five degrees Celsius during the day. When the humidity index was factored in, the temperature hit a scorching forty-one degrees Celsius.

Jake was in his garage working on restoring a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible. The car was a gift from his parents for graduating his first year of college. Jake’s parents vacationed at their cottage for most of the month of July. Jake was home from college and decided to skip vacationing at the cottage to focus on restoring his classic muscle car. He had another reason that he kept to himself to stay home, his neighbor Miss Ducharme. From the first time he laid eyes on the tall, slender, long haired brunette with emerald green eyes, Jake was smitten.

Carol Ducharme was a high school teacher. She moved next door to Jake three years prior. She was divorced and had a teenage son who looked up to Jake. Carol thought Jake to be very handsome, polite, and very mature for his age. No matter how many times she had asked the twenty-year-old Jake to call her Carol, he continued to address her as Miss Ducharme.

She was grateful that her son wanted to spend time with Jake. He was kind and patient with her boy, and let him help out when he worked on cars. A far better role model than her ex-husband could ever be. Carol’s son begrudgingly was staying with his dad for two weeks of his summer vacation. As much as Carol missed her son when he was staying with his father, she did appreciate having time to herself.

Whenever Carol was in her backyard, Jake played the role of a voyeur. One of the wooden slats of the privacy fence that ran along the two house's property line had a semicircular hole in it where a knot in the wood had fallen out. With the side door of Jake's garage ajar, he could admire Carol's body whenever she was in the line of sight provided by the imperfect slat of the fence.

Jake fantasized lewd and lascivious scenarios that ended with him fucking Miss Ducharme while stroking his cock. He had masturbated on many occasions while watching his slim, sexy neighbor doing yard work. She'd be on her knees, or bent over, as Jake stroked his cock while ogling Carol's bra-less, jiggling breasts, or her shapely ass and legs, and the split mound between her legs with the thin material of her shorts stretched tightly over it.

One full day without electrical power, combined with the scorching temperatures, left little to do other than wait for the power to return and try to keep cool in the sweltering heat. Without power for air-conditioner units, houses quickly became sweat boxes. Carol had placed a lawn chair next to the side door of her house that led out to her backyard. A garden hose provided temporary relief from the muggy, suffocating, early evening heat. Carol intermittently sprayed her white bikini clad body with a cold mist of water to stay cool.

That evening, Jake was positioned behind the garage door, slowly stroking his fully erect cock, eyeing Carol spray her face, chest and legs with the hose. The cold water made Carol's nipples hard and poke through the thin, white bikini top - Much to Jake’s delight. He gripped his cock tighter and pumped it faster as he fantasized having Carol on her hands and knees and fucking her doggie-style, as she begged him to fuck her harder.

To Jake's disappointment, Carol slowly sat up, got off the lawn chair and went inside. “No, no! Don't go! I'm so close!” he panted barely above a whisper.

Jake waddled with his shorts around his ankles to his Camaro, leaned his ass against it and continued stroking his aching cock, facing the garage door he had been hiding behind seconds earlier. Jake shut his eyes tight and stroked his cock faster. The pressure building up at the base of his cock increased steadily. He moaned and thrust his hips forward when he surrendered to the pressure and allowed his twitching cock to erupt. He opened his eyes and watched his sperm spew from his dick. At that instant, the door that had provided him a stealth location to beat off behind suddenly opened. The look of ecstasy on Jake's face quickly turned to one of terror.

Carol entered the garage and was looking at the Tupperware container she was carrying. “Hi, Jake, I thought you'd like sandwiches and some veggies for dinner.”

She looked up at Jake just as his cock blasted a thick ribbon of cum flying towards her in a tight arc. It struck her bare thigh with a hot splat. It took Carol a few seconds to process what she had walked in on.

They stared at each other in complete horror of the scene the other was witnessing. When Carol got over the initial shock, she gasped, dropped the plastic container and covered her mouth with her hands. Carol took a step backward and bounced off the door.

“I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, Jake! I had no idea!” Carol stuttered her apology but couldn’t pry her eyes away from Jake's twitching cock and the long, string of cum dangling from its tip, as it defied gravity and never fell to the floor.

At the same instant, Jake panicked and shouted, “I’m so sorry for spying on you!”

It took him three attempts with fumbling hands to pull his shorts up. Carol repeated that she was sorry and bolted out of the garage, embarrassed by what she had just witnessed, and shocked by the confession that Jake had blurted out ringing in her ears.

Carol rushed to her house, pulled the door shut behind her and sat at her kitchen table in an attempt to calm down and make sense of the shocking, impromptu scene she had been a part of. As the minutes slowly passed, she began to think of how best to approach Jake and discuss what had happened, to avoid the certain awkwardness of being in each other's presence in the future. They were neighbors after all, and her son looked up to Jake. Carol thought Jake to be a fine young man. It would be tragic if their relationship became irreparable because of Jake's hormones, and they ended up feeling awkward around each other, or worse, avoided each other completely.

“No time like the present. I’m the adult here,” Carol said out loud as she built up the courage to sort the situation out with Jake. She slapped her thighs and stood up from the chair.

“What the…?” she exclaimed when she felt Jake’s still warm cum smear across the top of her thigh.

Carol couldn’t help but chuckle all the way to her shower to rinse the spunk off her leg and hand. “Very impressive, Jake,” she softly snickered.

Curiosity got the best of Carol; she stopped in front of the shower door and rolled Jake's cum between the pads of her thumb and fingers. She felt her pussy begin to dampen as it suddenly clenched tight. Her hands began to shake and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. The initial shock of walking in on Jake had worn off. Her mind now processed the scene from a different perspective - The perspective of a sexually frustrated woman that had witnessed a handsome young man masturbating to dirty thoughts of her.

Carol fought the sudden urge to bring her fingers to her lips. The thought of tasting his cum, despite the scorching heat, sent a cold shiver up her spine and made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. It had been years since Carol had been with a man. She gasped and almost came when she imagined sucking a mouthful of cum straight from Jake’s big, thick, pulsating dick.

Carol had acquired a penchant for oral sex. She began experimenting with sex when she was in college. There wasn't anything that she wouldn't try once. The more she experimented, the more it became evident to her that sucking on a cock and allowing her partner to come in her mouth elicited a more intense and gratifying sexual response and reaction, both in her body and in her mind.

“Fuck,” Carol muttered to herself. Her mind was racing, but one thought in particular kept reoccurring. The situation couldn't have been more perfect for her to fuck Jake. They would both be alone for almost two weeks.

Carol jumped in the shower and rinsed her hand and thigh before she would have surely given in to temptation and tasted her young voyeur's cum.

Carol made her way back to Jake. She knocked on the garage door and called out, “Jake, we need to talk this through and put it behind us.”

After a short silence, Jake pleaded, “I’m so sorry. Please go away!”

Carol huffed and knocked on the door again. “Jake, listen to me. You’re an adult now, please behave like one. It’s not as bad as you think. We’re neighbors and friends; we can’t avoid each other for ever, can we?”

After a moment of silence, Carol knocked on the door again and said, “Jake, please invite me in. I’m not mad at you, if that is what you’re worried about.”

Jake gripped the steering wheel, leaned back in his car’s seat and shut his eyes. He couldn’t find enough courage to reply to Carol. He thought he would surely die of embarrassment if he had to face her knowing she knew he had been spying and beating off to her.

Carol took a deep breath and called out to Jake, “How do you think your parents and my son will react when they notice we can’t even look at each other? How are you going to answer them when they ask you why we’re avoiding each other?”

Jake thought about what Carol had just asked him and swore at himself for being so stupid. “All right, you can come in, Miss Ducharme. But I’m not getting out of my car,” he reluctantly replied.

Carol entered the garage and thanked Jake for allowing her to enter. “May I sit in your car, or do I have to stand?”

Jake nodded without making eye contact and replied, “You can sit in my car.”

“Thank you, Jake,” Carol replied as she opened the passenger side door and sat in the Camaro’s bucket seat.

Even though the center console and stick shift separated them, Carol fought the urge to smile as Jake scooted away from her with red cheeks and a sheepish look on his face. She decided to wait a moment and ease in to the conversation that Jake was no doubt dreading.

“Does the radio work?” she asked.

Jake nodded his head once and replied, “Yes. I finished all the electrical work. But the battery isn't connected.” His words hung in the muggy air as they left his tight throat.

“How much longer before you can drive it?” Carol asked, hoping to calm Jake down and keep him contributing to the conversation.

“Two, three weeks max, and she'll be on the road.”

“This little incident hasn’t made you have change of heart about taking me out for a ride and opening it, has it, Jake?” Carol asked calmly, but added a hint of disappointment in her voice if Jake had changed his mind.

Jake suppressed a chuckle and corrected Carol, “Open her up. Not opening it. I will keep my promise and take you for as many rides, anytime you want, Miss Ducharme.”

Carol chuckled at having used the incorrect phrase, and replied, “Sorry. Open her up.” Carol smiled to herself and thought, “I wouldn’t mind you opening up my pussy with that thick cock of yours.” Carol continued, “Thank you, Jake. I look forward to flying down the highway with the top down and music blasting from the radio.”

Jake nodded as he shifted nervously in his seat.

Carol took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Let me say what I came here to say before I lose my nerve. Okay, firstly, I want to apologize for not knocking and asking if I could come in. That was a lack of manners on my part.”

Jake mumbled, “No problem.”

Carol turned to face Jake and said, “I want you to know that the only thing that upset me was that you spied on me. It’s a breach of trust and an invasion of privacy. It’s fucking creepy, Jake. May I ask how you were able to see me? The fence is pretty high.”

Jake hesitated for a few seconds as he fidgeted with the steering before he replied, “There's a hole in the fence where a big knot in the wood fell out. I’m so sorry, Miss Ducharme. I feel horrible. Please don’t hate me,” Jake pleaded as he finally made eye contact with her.

Carol smiled reassuringly at him and replied, “I don’t hate you, Jake. I was just as shocked and stunned as you were. You're entitled to privacy, too.” Carol tilted her head and asked, “You don’t have any girlfriends that you can get together with? You’re kind, handsome, fun to be with, and very sexy.”

Jake shook his head and replied, “Between school, restoring my Camaro, and the side jobs I take on, I don’t have much free time. And it’s not the same, about the privacy I mean. You were bringing me dinner. But I was…” he couldn’t finish the sentence. “I’m sorry I betrayed our friendship and your trust.”

Carol huffed, “I don’t want you to feel ashamed for being sexually attracted to another person. Don’t you ever apologize to anyone for how you feel. I’m almost forty years old, been divorced for five years, a single mom that works too long and too hard, and have a social life that consists of going out to dinner with my sister once a month. If there is a silver lining here, it’s learning that a handsome and kind young man finds me sexually desirable.” Carol paused for a moment and continued, “I masturbate, too. It's not a big deal, really. When you need release, a little self-service goes a long way.”

Jake was visibly uncomfortable and aroused at the same time when Carol admitted that she masturbates. He continued to fidget with the steering wheel but couldn't help darting his eyes to Carol's bare, tanned legs.

Carol laughed at what she had said. “I’m sorry, Jake, that was way too much information.” She was aware of Jake stealing glances at her legs, and watching him do so set off a tingle in her clit. She darted her eyes to Jake's crotch and was pleased to see a bulge in his baggy shorts.

“No problem, Miss Ducharme,” Jake softly laughed.

Carol shook her head and laughed out loud.

“What? What’s so funny?” Jake chuckled, thinking he had missed the punch-line to a joke.

Carol brought her hands to her mouth. “It's funny, but I shouldn’t say it.”

Jake nudged her gently with his elbow and said, “Go on, say it. We could use a laugh.”

Carol bit her lip, shook her head and snickered, “I must be going crazy from the heat. What the hell? Here goes nothing.” She cleared her throat and continued, “You are much too polite, Jake. Even after you blew your spunk on my leg, which by the way was impressive considering the distance, you still won’t call me by my first name.”

Jake turned pale as a ghost and became tongued tied. Carol watched him squirm in his seat for a few seconds and then nudged him back with her elbow. They both burst out in uncontrollable laughter. They laughed until tears filled their eyes.

“That wasn’t so dreadful, was it, Jake?” Carol asked after their laughing fit passed.

Jake was still chuckling, and replied, “No, it wasn’t. Thank for being so cool about… you know...”

Carol nodded, “No problem, Jake.” She got out of the car. “Oh,” she added as she closed the car door and leaned in the car through its open window, “and I’m also sorry that I ruined your orgasm. But I think you'll be able to forgive me for that, you were spying on me, after all. Let's call it even, shall we, Jake?”

Jake blushed and chuckled, “Sorry, Miss Ducharme.”

Carol nodded and replied, “Enough with the apologies. We're adults, we talked this through and now we can put it behind us. I feel much better now. I hope you do, too, Jake. It's too damn hot. I'm going to hit the sack early and try to get some sleep.”

Carol stared at Jake as if she had more to say to him but wasn’t sure if she should, or shouldn’t. Unbeknownst to Jake, she wanted to tell him that she had masturbated while thinking of him. Carol just smiled in silence for a moment as she peered into his sparkling, brown eyes.

Carol went home, rinsed the sweat of her body in the shower, and headed naked to her basement where the temperature was a little cooler than the rest of the house. She lit a candle, poured herself a glass of wine, and sprawled out on her couch that she had covered with a bed sheet. She closed her eyes and let out a long sigh.

Her mind wandered to images of Jake's twitching, spewing cock. She gasped softly as she remembered the feel of the hot splat on her thigh where Jake's cum landed. Carol moaned and slid her hand to the area on her thigh where she could still feel the sticky warmth of Jake’s cum. Before she was aware of it, her hand slid between her legs. She shivered and arched her back as she parted her pussy, dipped her fingertips in its slick wetness, and gently moved her lubricated fingertips in slow, teasing, tight circles over her clit.

She moaned out loud as she began to fantasize about walking in on Jake as he stroked his cock. In her fantasy she sauntered up to Jake and knelt before him as she slowly kissed her way down his chest, down his abdomen, and finally to his rock hard cock. Jake released his grip and she took him in her mouth. The thought of Jake moaning and trembling as she grabbed his hard on with both hands and sucked him made her quiver. She could almost feel and taste his hardness.

Carol's fingers moved with urgency over her clit. She imagined slowly sliding her mouth over his pulsating length. And then Jake grabbing fistfuls of her hair and slowly pumping his cock in and out of her mouth. Her throat suddenly became dry as desert sand, and the only thing that could sate her thirst was a mouthful of Jake's cum. As an orgasm ripped through her body, she imagined Jake erupting and filling her mouth with hot, creamy cum. Carol squeezed her thighs tight around her hand as she shook and moaned and rode the waves of pleasure rolling through her.

When the tremors subsided she stretched out on the couch and chuckled, “I must be going crazy from the heat.”

Carol woke up as the sun was rising. She stretched and yawned, then rubbed her eyes. The thin bed sheet on the couch stuck to her damp skin when she rolled onto her side. Despite the almost unbearable temperature inside her house, Carol did manage to get a half decent night's sleep. A wicked smile formed on her lips as memories of how she had masturbated to the thought of sucking Jake off returned to her. New images of Jake's muscles rippling under the tight, tanned skin of his lean, young body as he fucked her filled her head. Carol squeezed her legs together and bit her lower lip. She felt as if she hadn’t been fucked in forever. She ached to feel her pussy stuffed and stretched, again.

Carol got off the couch and headed to the shower. The thought of seducing Jake popped into her mind. As much as she wanted to fuck Jake, she knew it was a risky venture to pursue. Carol tried to push the thought of seducing her horny, young neighbor out of her mind. The cool water pelting against her hot skin added to her arousal. The insistent thought of her horny, young neighbor stroking his cock as he covertly watched her, made her hornier.

It might have been scorching heat, or the knowledge that her sexy, young neighbor had the hots for her, or having her sexual appetite whetted when she inadvertently walked in on Jake and saw him pumping his cock. It might have been a combination of all those things that contributed to Carol deciding she had to have Jake.

She smiled and said out loud, “I’m going to make all of your fantasies come true, my little Peeping Tom.” Carol’s smile broadened into a determined grin, “After I torment you.”

Carol finished showering, threw on a pair of pink runner shorts, her skimpiest, pink bikini top, slipped her feet in a pair of flip-flops, and headed to her kitchen. She brought some water to a boil on her tabletop gas burner and added a heaped spoonful of instant coffee in each of the two mugs on her kitchen counter. Then stepped to the side door’s small glass panel and looked out. To her delight, the side door of the garage was open. Which meant Jake was up and about.

Carol exited her house and walked to the fence. It was another breezeless, muggy, scorching morning. Droplets of sweat immediately pooled on her bare shoulders, the back of her neck, her brow, and the top of her chest. She looked at the space in the fence where Jake had been watching her from. Carol became more aroused as she ran the pads of her fingers around the rough, semi-circular opening.

Carol stood on the tips of her toes to look over the fence at Jake, and called out, “Good morning, Jake. I made coffee. Would you like a cup?”

Jake was caught off guard; his cock twitched when he heard Carol's voice. He didn’t expect Carol to be up so early on a Sunday morning. He stepped through the door and replied, “Good morning, Miss Ducharme. I would love a cup, thank you. I hooked up a new battery in the car. If you want, we could hang out and listen to some tunes.”

Carol smiled as she admired Jake’s physique. He was dressed in a pair of baggy, orange shorts and a pair of black cross-trainers. Jake had the look of a tri-athlete with his six-foot tall frame, broad shoulders, chiseled torso, slim waist, and sinewy legs. He was covered in a thin film of sweat from his brow to his ankles, which made his skin glisten under the sun. Carol stared hungrily at the sight of her young admirer.

“I'd love to listen to some tunes with you. Just milk in your coffee, right?”

Jake smiled and replied, “Right. Thank you.”

Carol returned to find Jake sitting in his car and turning the volume up on its CD player. She placed the two cups of coffee on a workbench, made her way to Jake and leaned on the driver’s side car door with both her elbows. Jake had the window rolled down and the Camaro's rag top down. When her damp, chestnut brown hair, still wet from the shower, came to rest on Jake's bare chest, his cock jumped to attention.

“That sounds great. What's the song title?” Carol casually asked as she stared at Jake's crotch, hoping his cock was beginning to get hard.

Jake cleared his throat and replied, “Camaro, by Kings of Leon.”

Having Carol so close to him that he could feel the heat coming off her body and her scent of being freshly showered aroused Jake. He tried not to stare at Carol's breasts that were squeezed between her arms and swelling out of the bikini top.

Carol felt Jake's breath on her shoulder; his breathing was quick and deep. She slowly turned her head to look at him and grinned. With their faces inches apart, Carol placed her hand on Jake's sweaty, heaving, bare chest and coyly asked, “Are you okay? Why are you breathing so hard?”

Jake couldn't look away from Carol's gaze. She had him mesmerized. He swallowed hard. “I-I'm fine. It's the heat, I guess.”

Carol slowly slid her hand up Jake's sweaty chest and brushed away strands of his jet black hair that were matted to his forehead. Jake moaned and shifted in his seat. The sound of his moans set off a throbbing between Carol's legs.

She continued to tease and stimulate Jake. “I think we're both crazy from the heat, Jake. We'll have to be extra careful around each other. We’re alone for two weeks. Who knows what effect this heat will have on us, and what trouble we could end up getting in to?” Carol coyly grinned. "Maybe you didn't sleep well last night, Jake. I had a great night's sleep. Did you take my advice and self-service yourself before going to bed?”

Jake shook his head. “I hardly slept at all.” The quiver of arousal and anticipation in his voice sent a thrumming current thorough Carol's clit. She was getting off on teasing and arousing Jake, and watching him squirm.

Carol pouted and said, “Poor baby. Was it because I ruined your orgasm? It's no wonder you hardly sleep at all. I feel horrible about it, now.”

Jake's eyes widened. The throbbing of his cock reverberated in his ears. All he could see, hear and smell was Carol.

Carol placed a kiss on his forehead and teased, “I had a cold shower last night, and masturbated just before I went to sleep. It was so hot that I slept in my basement, naked of course.” She paused to let her words paint a picture in Jake's mind. “Do you want to know what I was fantasizing about while I rubbed my clit, Jake?” Carol dragged the sound of his name out when she spoke it. Her own arousal was increasing as her words tortured Jake.

Jake panted and nodded his head. "Yes, I want know.”

Carol lowered her head and licked the salty sweat off Jake's neck. The soft, slippery sensation of her tongue gliding across his skin made Jake grunt and lift his hips off the car seat. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Tell me what you were fantasizing about, please!”

Carol grinned and replied, “Your big, beautiful cock, Jake. I fantasized about your cock exploding in my mouth, and me swallowing every, last, delicious drop of your cum,” Carol cooed into Jake's ear, and abruptly stood up straight. She opened the car door and said to the mesmerized Jake, “Take off your shorts and show me that big, beautiful cock you stroked when you spied on me.”

Jake lifted his hips off his car seat and removed his shorts. His cock sprang straight up and twitched a few times. Carol licked her lips as she devoured Jake's hard meat with her eyes.

“Mmm, is that for me, Jake? I'm beginning to think that going crazy from the heat is a good thing,” Carol teased as she reached around to her back with both hands and undid her bikini top's clasp. “You're not going to be selfish and jerk off, are you?” She slid the bikini straps over her arms and held its cups tight to her breasts. “Did you jerk off to my tits, Jake?” she teased.

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Jake nodded.

“Do you want to see my tits, Jake?” She almost whispered the question.

Jake panted, “Yes. Please show them to me.”

Carol let the bikini top fall to the floor and grinned as Jake was held spellbound by her breasts. “Do you like them?” She continued to torment the horny, young man and gave both her perky tits a squeeze, then pinched her erect nipples and jiggled her breasts for Jake's viewing pleasure.

Jake wiped away the sweat that had pooled on his brow and reached for his cock. Carol grabbed Jake's wrist with both her hands and stopped him.

“It's mine, Jake. I got it hard, and I am going to milk your cum from it,” Carol forcefully made the statement with a grin.

Jake was dumbstruck. All he could manage to do was nod. He placed his hands on his thighs and stared hard at Carol’s erect nipples poking out from her glistening, sweat covered breasts.

Carol turned around and looked at Jake from over her shoulder as she slipped her thumbs in her shorts waistband and slowly swayed her hips from side to side. Carol asked him, “Isn’t this better than being a Peeping Tom?”

Jake replied in a cracking voice, “Yes.” As he focused on Carol’s ass swaying inches away from his face.

Carol softly moaned and continued to wind Jake up. “Have you ever jerked off to my ass?”

“Yesss!” he moaned. The desperate ache in his voice made Carol’s pussy clench.

Carol bent at the waist and slowly pulled the shorts down to her ankles, stepped out of them and ordered, “Kiss it, Jake. Grab my hips and kiss the ass that you jerked off to.”

Jake turned in the car seat and placed his feet on the garage floor. He grabbed on tight to Carol’s hips, leaned forward and repeatedly kissed Carol’s round and firm ass. She moaned and shivered at the feel of Jake’s strong hands gripping her slippery hips and the feel of his soft lips and hot breath on her ass cheeks.

“Mmm,” Carol cooed. “Now lick it, you naughty boy.”

Jake nodded enthusiastically and began licking Carol’s ass. He savored the saltiness of her skin as it filled his mouth.

Carol closed her eyes and moaned. “When I tell you to, spread me and suck my pussy."

Jake nodded as he ran his tongue up the back of Carol's thighs and over her ass.

Carol wiggled her ass as Jake continued to lick. “Now, Jake, lick my pussy,” Carol moaned when her need to feel Jake's mouth on her pussy became too overwhelming.

Jake placed his thumbs on Carol's hairless pussy and spread it open. Carol's pink slit effortlessly parted for him to expose her inner pussy lips, clit, and hungry hole. Jake covered Carol's dripping snatch with his mouth. Carol gasped and pushed her ass into his face.

“Don't be so gentle. Suck and lick it harder, Jake! Lick me from my clit to my hole. I'm so fucking close to coming all over your face!”

Jake grinned to himself. He was in sex heaven. He sunk his fingers deeper into Carol's ass cheeks and spread her wider. “Yes Miss Ducharme,” he replied to Carol's demand and sucked her pussy hard into his mouth.

“Just like that, Jake! I'm so close!” Carol moaned.

Jake sucked Carol's swollen clit into his mouth, trapped it between his lips, and danced his tongue over the hard, sensitive nub. Carol's eyes rolled to the back of her head, her body shook violently, and an orgasm began to rip through her. She wailed and almost fell over from the jittery tremors in her legs. Jake wrapped both his arms around her hips and continued to suck and lick Carol's pussy. Carol screamed and bucked wildly as Jake's arms held her fast in place. Jake lapped up Carol's cum with his tongue; the involuntary bucking of Carol's hips smeared whatever juice he didn't suck into his mouth across his cheeks, nose, and chin.

Jake released Carol from his grip, spun her around and sucked her left breast into his mouth. Carol dragged her nails slowly up Jake's back. She grabbed his thick, matted, black hair and pulled his mouth tighter to her breast.

“Mmmm,” Carol cooed. Jake gripped Carol’s left breast with both his hands and sucked hard on her nipple. “Lay back, Jake. Your balls must be aching to be drained,” Carol grinned and pushed him away from her breast.

Jake nodded and replied nervously, “Yes, I need to come so bad.” And did as Carol asked, he leaned back with his hips hanging over the edge of the car seat and set both his feet firmly on the ground.

Carol slid one hand slowly over her flat belly to her soaked pussy and parted her glistening slit. Jake stared at Carol’s pussy with the focus of a predator and licked his lips. Carol grabbed his twitching cock with her free hand, kept her pussy spread open with her other hand, and straddled him.

Jake’s heart jumped into his throat when Carol brushed her pussy against his cock. He watched on in aching anticipation as Carol aimed her spread pussy at his cock. “I want to fuck you so bad, Miss Ducharme. I have wanted to since the first day I saw you,” he softly confessed.

Carol replied with a breathy growl, “We are going to fuck, Jake. You can bet your cute, little ass we are going to fuck. Grab my tits while I sit on that gorgeous cock. I need you to pump a big, creamy, load of cum inside me, just as much as you need to come.”

Jake eagerly kneaded Carol's tits as she held his cock steady and aimed at her hot, slick opening. She clawed at Jake’s chest, and then placed her palm flat on it to steady herself.

“You like to watch, Jake?” Carol half hissed the words out of the lust that was fueling her need to feel her pussy filled and stretched with cock. “When you told me you were watching me, it aroused me. I like the idea of you jerking off to me. Now lay there and watch my pussy take every inch of your cock.”

She closed her eyes, threw her head back and moaned as she slowly impaled herself on Jake's rigid meat. Jake gasped and made gurgling sounds as Carol's pussy swallowed his cock with a slick and incredibly tight grip. He was transfixed by the sight of his twitching cock slowly disappearing into Carol.

Jake moaned, “What do you feel when my cock twitches inside you?”

Carol smiled and panted. “Mmm. Such a curious boy. It feels like this to me.” Carol ever so softly skimmed her fingertips across Jake’s lips.

Carol rocked her hips slowly and moaned, “Watch us fuck, baby. Watch my pussy fuck your cock.” She used her legs to lift herself off and then back down onto Jake's cock. She felt him swell and twitch hard inside her. “Ohhh baby! You're so close, I can feel it.”

Jake gasped and began to shake as he tried to hold off from coming. He wanted to prolong the bliss of Carol’s tight, slippery grip around him. But listening to Carol talking dirty and watching her hairless pussy fuck his cock was too much stimuli for the horny, young Jake to hold off any longer.

Carol grinned as she watched his face contort into a look of agony. “Mmm. Poor baby. It hurts so good doesn't it, Jake? Don't fight it baby. Let go and give it to me,” Carol cooed as she squeezed his cock with her pussy. “I need your cum, Jake." Carol quickened the thrusting of her hips and softly growled, “And then you can watch me suck and lick both of our sex juices off your dick.”

Carol’s words sent Jake over the edge. Every muscle in his body burned, his breath caught in his throat, he shut his eyes tight and thrust his hips upwards. The cum that had built up in the base of his cock burst like a dam. His cock twitched hard and exploded inside of Carol.

Carol gasped when she felt the liquid heat shoot out from Jake's cock and splash inside her. “Ohhhfuuck!” she cried out. A tingling started to build in intensity deep in her belly. She threw her head back and continued grinding her hips. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe. A searing heat spread through her pussy like wild fire. A slow burn began to smolder in her clit. Carol threw her head back and moaned, “Fuck, I’m going to come again.”

Carol shivered once, then her body seized up tight. She felt the nerve and muscle tension build up in her pussy, ass, and thighs. A needles and pins sensation started at the small of her back and traveled up her back, and down her arms and legs. When her body released the tension, Carol’s body convulsed with involuntary spasms of sexual pleasure. Jake and Carol shook and moaned and writhed as feral sounds gurgled in their throats and sweat poured out of their bodies.

Carol remained still after she recovered and waited for Jake to open his eyes as she ran her hands across his sculpted torso. Jake licked his lips and opened his eyes to see Carol looking down at him with a Cheshire smile. Jake reached for Carol's face and pulled her to him. He kissed her hard and long, sending his tongue deep into Carol's mouth. He broke the kiss and let out a long, satisfied sigh.

Carol smiled and said, “I think we’re both crazy from the heat, Jake. Let's make the most of this opportunity. You can have me any time you want for the rest of the days we're alone.”

Jake nodded, smiled and replied, “I’m definitely all in. You are fucking amazing.”

“Look at my pussy, Jake,” she teased as she slowly lifted herself off Jake’s cock. “Watch our cum drip out of me and drip all over your cock.”

Jake watched their cum drip out of Carol’s swollen slit and cascade down his shaft in streaks and globs.

“Mmmm,” Carol cooed as she slathered the mix of their sex over Jake’s cock and balls. “Do you want to watch me lick your cock and balls clean?” she coyly asked, as she brought her hand to her lips and licked their sex cocktail off her fingers.

“Fuck,” was all Jake was able to mutter. His cock twitched and began to get hard again.

Carol winked at him as she placed one hand on each of Jake's knees and slowly lowered herself between his legs. She slid her hands up his thighs and asked, “Did you ever jerk off while fantasizing about fucking my mouth and coming in it, Jake?”

He nodded and swallowed hard. “Lots of times,” he moaned. Gone was the embarrassment of knowing Carol was aware that he spied and jerked off over her. Telling Carol that he fantasized her sucking him off and him coming in her mouth excited him. Carol gently licked Jake’s growing dick and kissed his shaft. Jake moaned as his cock twitched at the feel of Carol’s tongue.

“Are you ready to watch me clean your cock?” Carol purposefully continued to torment her naughty neighbor.

Jake could only nod a reply to Carol’s question. She grinned and swirled her tongue around his balls and the underside of his shaft. Jake watched and felt Carol’s tongue work its magic. She lapped at his balls and slurped up his shaft all the way to his swollen, purple head. She opened her mouth wide and lowered it over Jake’s cock until she felt him twitch at the back of her throat.

Jake’s cock grew fully erect quickly. ‘The benefits of being twenty years old,’ Carol smirked to herself. She began to bob up and down on his full length. Popping the head of his cock out of her mouth and then sliding down his shaft to feel him at the back of her throat again. The longer Carol sucked Jake, the stronger and more desperate a need from long ago grew in her.

Jake noticed a sudden change in Carol as the playful sparkle in her eyes began to fade. A storm began to gather in her eyes. Carol tilted her head back and released Jake's cock from the suction of her mouth.

Gone was the sexy, playful sound in her voice, too. Her words had taken on a whisky and desperate tone, “I’ll take my time and show you all the dirty things I can do with my mouth another time, sweetie. But right now, I need you to come in my mouth. Nothing is sexier or more stimulating to me than bringing a man to orgasm with my mouth. It makes me feel things, physically, emotionally and sexually, Jake. Things that I haven’t felt in far too long. It excites and stimulates me on a level I can't put into words. And I need those wonderful feelings again, right now. I need you to come in my mouth.”

Jake sensed her desperation and grabbed Carol's head with both hands. He guided her mouth to his cock. Carol opened her mouth and allowed Jake to control how he wanted to be sucked.

“Just the head, suck on just the head and I’ll come faster,” he said as he joggled Carol’s head up and down.

Carol felt Jake’s cock grow harder and thicker in her mouth, his entire body suddenly stiffened and his cock twitched hard. She sucked in her cheeks and slid her tongue from side to side over his frenulum. Jake held Carol’s head still and pumped his cock in and out of her mouth with short, quick thrusts. Carol reached between her legs and rolled her clit between her fingers.

Jake writhed and grunted, “I'm going to cum!”

Carol's heart pounded hard in her chest. A low hum deafened her when she felt Jake’s cum splatter against the back of her throat. His musky taste filled her mouth and sent her senses reeling into a free-fall. She suddenly felt weightless. She closed her eyes, squeezed her clit hard between her fingers and let herself float away in euphoric bliss as Jake’s cock continued to fill her mouth.

Carol came again, too. It wasn’t earth-shattering, or mind-boggling, or noticeable to the naked eye. It was the release of sexual tension on the most base of levels. It was what Carol needed. The barely noticeable shivers, accompanied by the tranquil and soothing waves of pleasure lapping gently outwards from her core were cathartic. Her mind became calm and quiet, something that she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

Carol hadn’t swallowed Jake's cum. She waited for Jake to recover from having his cock milked a second time. When he looked at her, she grinned, tilted her back and opened her mouth to present Jake his own cum. Carol swirled his thick, creamy spunk with her tongue for a moment and then swallowed Jake’s load in one thirst quenching gulp.

She stood up and looked down at the satisfied young man she had just serviced with her mouth. Jake lifted himself back in to the car seat and slumped back in it. Carol grabbed the cups of coffee from the workbench and handed one to Jake, then made her way around the Camaro and sat next to him.

“Thank you, Jake,” Carol tenderly said and leaned over to place a kiss on Jake’s lips. “I haven't felt those wonderful sensations in years.”

Jake placed his hand on Carol’s thigh, gave it a gentle squeeze, and replied, “Thank you, too. You are amazing, Miss Ducharme.”

Carol bit her lip and tried with all her might not to laugh. She shook her head and chuckled. “Really, Jake? We’re alone. We just fucked. I swallowed a mouthful of your cum, and you still won't call me by my first name. Calling me Miss Ducharme after that sounds so very wrong, don’t you agree? Crazy from the heat or not, you had better start calling me Carol or you can go back to jerking yourself off.”

Jake laughed out loud. “Sorry. You are amazing, Carol.” Jake winked, and chuckled, “Better?”

Carol slumped back in the car seat, turned to Jake with a satisfied smile on her glowing face, and sighed, “Much Better!”


Written by Gil_Renard
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