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Could the Pizza Guy Be My Valentine?

"Alone in a new city, pizza on the way, and there is a knock at the door. Anything could happen!"

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Author's Notes

"In all transparency, this was originally supposed to be a piece for the Celebration Competition back in December. But Covid and influenza decided that I was not going to finish in time, so now we have a Valentine's Day story and I hope you enjoy this Celebration as well."

Moving boxes stare me in the face like the ominous ghosts of the future. Stacked two and three boxes high I have no idea where to start and I’m thinking about procrastinating one more night. But I desperately need to settle into my new Chicago life sooner rather than later.

Only six weeks ago, I was back at home in Denver, celebrating Christmas surrounded by family members, stuffing my face with homemade food, unwrapping gifts, and singing carols. Then ringing in the New Year with friends I have had my whole life.

Now, I am here in Chicago. Alone. And it is time to start being an adult. Alone. Sigh.

On February 11th, I got on a plane and headed to Chicago to start my dream job, leaving all my family and friends behind. Today is February 13th, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and I obviously have no one to celebrate with – I am alone AGAIN! And my new job starts on February 14th so it’s not like I can go paint the town red anyway.  Even if I wasn’t ALONE.

Here I am sitting, alone, in my tiny apartment that smells a bit like moldy cheese.  There are dank white walls, dim light struggles to shine from a single light bulb hanging from a hole in the ceiling, and then there are the boxes, so many boxes.

It’s almost as if the last six weeks were in Ultra High-Def color, and now I am in a black and white film.

“Ok Kate, time to move forward. One step at a time,” I cajole myself. “First, music. Second, nourishment. Third, start unpacking. Good plan.” And I literally pat myself on the back and smile.

Locating the box labeled Living Room, I unearth the Bose speaker, connect Spotify, and am rocking out to Pink in no time.

Music – Check.

Dinner? I am not going to the grocery store, so pizza it is!  With the help of Google, I find a place that delivers, with a five-star rating, and place my order.

Nourishment – Check.

Now unpack – ugh.

I decide to start in the kitchen during the ninety-minute wait for dinner. I grab the first Kitchen box in sight and fall into an easy rhythm to “So What,” and am dancing around the kitchen putting away silverware, Tupperware, pots, and pans. Before long the kitchen is done.

Wow, I’m amazing! I laughed at myself. Shit, I’m also horny.

Thinking back, I haven’t had sex in three months and haven’t had good sex in twelve months. My ex-boyfriend, Brad, became increasingly distant over this past year until we ultimately broke up in early December. I know he cheated on me, but to this day, he will not admit it.

I could tell though.  For five years, Brad had been the most attentive boyfriend; never missing an anniversary, always putting me first, making sure my every emotional and sexual need was met first. But this last year things all changed. And I knew it was because his light was shining on someone else.

Stop it, Kate! We are not going to think about Brad. This is a brand-new start.

I am a woman of the twenty-first century, and I do not need a man to take care of my needs! No, I just need to find the box where I put the vibrator among this mountain of boxes.

Dang it, I didn’t exactly write Sex Toys on the outside of the box, so this may be tricky.

The unyielding hunt began and twenty minutes later I still have not found my treasure. I take a step back to strategize which box to open next. I am hotter in more ways than one; I strip down to my sports bra and boy briefs to take care of the temperature, but only that vibrator is going to take care of the fire between my legs.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings. Oh, maybe the pizza guy could be my Valentine, I consider briefly.

And then it rings again. Wow, impatient pizza guy, I think rolling my eyes.

Well, if he is that impatient, he gets this ugly picture, I decide, regarding my ample 42DD breast, too compressed in the sports bra, and my soft, pudgy belly not compressed enough by the boy briefs. Oh well, it’s not like we will ever see each other again anyway.

Swinging the door open, I find what I can only describe as a handsome rugged looking cowboy straight off the set of Yellowstone but dressed like he just walked home from a Saks Fifth Avenue photo shoot. And to top it all off, he is wearing a plastic hat adorned with “Happy Valentine’s Day” and hearts springing out the sides.

The word juxtaposition comes to mind.

“You forgot the pizza,” I chide.

“I’m sorry,” he mutters.

“The pizza. Where is my pizza?” I repeat. “Aren’t you the pizza guy?”

As his eyes rise from my body to my face, he finds his footing and says, “What? No, no. Uh…I am Matthew. Your neighbor from 2D.”

“NEIGHBOR! Oh, crap on a cracker!” I slam the door in Matthew’s face and quickly redress in my yoga pants and sweatshirt, then return to the door. I open the door just as Matthew’s hand was raised ready to knock again. But this time he is joined by a pimple-faced teenage kid in a red T-shirt and ripped-up jeans.

Before I can even open my mouth, Matthew jumps in, “Good evening, this fine young gentleman is Bryce, and he has your Valentine’s Day Eve feast.” At this Bryce hands me the pizza, I hand him the tip and he leaves, likely thinking we are looney tunes.

“And I am Matthew, your neighbor from two doors down. It is lovely to meet you and welcome to the building, Miss ….?”

Holding the pizza in my left hand, I extend my right hand for a greeting, “Hi, sorry for that confusion. I’m Kate. It is very nice to meet you.” With that, I open the door wider inviting Matthew into the apartment while I drop the pizza in the kitchen.

“So, Kate, I did have a purpose in coming here. A few of us in the building that are alone this Valentine’s Day and feel that it is a Hallmark holiday meant to force single people into eating too much chocolate, are having an impromptu Valentine’s Day Eve party down in the lobby and I am tasked with inviting everyone on the second floor.  Grab any snacks or drinks you want and let’s go, new neighbor!”

Looking around my cave of an apartment, I consider the invitation. He is quite handsome, but I have a plan… music, nourishment, and unpacking. I have only done one room, plus I REALLY need to find that vibrator. Having Matthew look at me in my bra and panties, has only served to make my lower lips swell with excitement and now I can feel the damp spot in my briefs growing bigger. I can smell that light scent of sex and wonder if he can too.

“Matthew, I really appreciate the invite, but I have so much to do tonight,” I gesture to the boxes. “Plus, I am not great in crowds, and I don’t know anyone.”

“Well, all this is going to be hereafter one of the coolest parties of the year,” he says sarcastically, repeating my gesture at the boxes. “You know me now,” he winks and gives me a coy smile. “And I will introduce you to everyone else. Does that cover all your excuses? Good! I will be back in thirty minutes. It’s kinda casual, kinda dressy. Be ready.”

Matthew kisses my hand and is gone before I can even begin to protest.

“Ok,” I sigh, “I guess this is happening.” But I am smiling inside.

Then I think, Kinda casual, kinda dressy. What the heck does that mean?


Taking a deep breath, I luckily find the Bathroom box easily and grab all my shower essentials. I have just enough time to wash off the sweat and do a quick shave; I will have to go with a playful ponytail tonight.

As I am rummaging clear to the bottom of the box searching for the razor blade, I find my hidden treasure and not a moment too soon. I had put everything sex-related in a floral makeup bag back in Denver as a precaution when my parents helped me pack. I didn’t really feel like discussing my dildos with my dad!

Inside the bag is a trove of goodies; lube, my bullet, my rabbit, a few condoms, and a random pair of edible panties – a giveaway from a bachelorette party that I should probably throw away. I grab a razor blade from the box and the bullet from the bag, hoping that it still has a charge, and hop in the shower.

Thinking about Matthew kissing my hand, my clit is so swollen I only get to the medium setting before the vibrations are rippling from between my legs, up to my nipples, and down deep into my abdomen where an orgasm starts and climbs fast. It shakes me like an earthquake. I am so overcome I lean against the shower wall for a moment to catch my breath.

Holy Wow, I needed that!

But time is flying by, and Matthew will be here soon. Thirty minutes later I have cum, showered, exchanged the sports bra and boy briefs for matching black and white polka dot push up bra and thong, and put on the one dress I have in my luggage; a floral wrap dress that accentuated my cleavage and waist, but covers up my tummy and hips.

I am truly a twenty-first century independent woman!

A little makeup, my favorite red lipstick and diamond studs finish off my ensemble. When I look in the mirror, I shrug my shoulder and say to no one in particular, “This is as good as it gets, I suppose.”

With that, the doorbell rings, and then it rings again.

“What the hell?” I mutter as I open the door and then louder to Matthew as he stands in front of me.

“What the hell? Why do you ring the bell twice?”

“Hi again, nice to see you.” He says in sarcastic kindness. “Mine is broken and you have to press it twice, isn’t yours?”, walking into my apartment, without invitation.

“No, mine works just fine. You only need to press it once.”

“Ok, well then from now on when it rings twice you will know it’s me,” again with the wink and the coy smile.

Is he flirting with me? Guys don’t flirt with me. No, he is just being funny.

“Uh…ok, well I don’t really have anything to take with me. I haven’t been to the grocery store yet.”

“No worries, I got you covered. I hope you like red wine, Pinot Noir.”

“That’s perfect.”

Matthew starts to open the door, but then stops to turn and look back at me. The funny and flirtation is gone from his voice, replaced with a sincere tone, “You look stunning tonight. You were beautiful earlier too. I sure hope I get to see more of you soon.”

Holy crap, he is flirting! It’s a good thing I found that vibrator, but still, one drink, and I am going to jump him in the stairway, I thought, hoping he couldn’t see how hard my nipples were.

But I reply with as much confidence as I could muster, “Well, it’s a good thing you feel that way because I am going to be attached to your hip all night. Do Not Leave Me!”

The wink and the smile return, “That’s not exactly what I meant. But don’t worry, I won’t let you out of my sight.”

The air in my apartment is so thick with sexual tension, Matthew’s words hang like flower petals frozen in time. We each take a breath and Matthew says, “We had better go.”

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“Sure, let’s get going.” I agree.


As we come nearer to the lobby, the decibel level increases exponentially, and Matthew must be able to feel me slow our pace. I am reconsidering my hasty decision to attend a soiree where I know only one person.

“Nope, come on. The party is this way,” he says, trying to pull me in that direction.

I stop completely, “You know, I am just not this spontaneous kind of gal. I had a plan for tonight and I really think I should stick to it. I really appreciate your invitation, bu…”

His lips were on mine before the “t” in “but” can even cross my lips.

His soft, wet, wonderful lips press into mine. Though my head is spinning, my lips know exactly what to do. I kiss him back tentatively. But when his hand comes to my chin and his other arm wraps around my waist, I lean in and get lost in him.

I jump as a loud crash in the lobby brings us back to reality.  We pull apart and both laugh nervously, Matthew says, “You’re wrong, you can be spontaneous. Let’s go.”

Before I am out of the fog, he grabs my hand, and we are heading to the lobby.


Walking into the lobby is a bit like walking into a world where all holiday decorations go to die! There are Christmas and Halloween lights and American flags hung haphazardly all around. Garlands drape over furniture and people are wearing costumes, July 4th apparel, and cupid wings. Noisemakers, hats, silly glasses, and streamers sit on every solid surface in the room, just waiting for party-goers to use them in the festivities. The windows have been covered with gift wrapping paper, I guess so no passers-by could see the delectations going on in this apartment building tonight.

One long table under the window on the far side of the room is stuffed with food and alcohol.  To the left of the refreshments is the DJ and dance floor, already filled with revelers. And to the right of the refreshments are games, like Twister and Beer Pong.

It is quite overwhelming!

Matthew sees the panicked look on my face and squeezes my hand, “It’s best to just jump in.”

 For two hours, Matthew kept his word of staying at my side while he introduced me to as many people as possible in the building. We spent extra time chatting with the other second-floor residents so I could get to know my neighbors.

The minutes ticked by, and I relax with the help of a few drinks.  Matthew transitions from dragging me around hand-in-hand, to guiding me around the room with his hand on the small of my back. An intimate gesture, more for a boyfriend rather than someone you just met, but I don’t mind.

“Thirty seconds everyone!” someone yells to announcing a countdown.

I shoot Matthew a confused look, and he shakes his head then explains, “The cupid cake over there is going to explode in an act of rebellion.”

“Oh my, they take this seriously,” I replied with a giggle.

“Yeah, why don’t we head outside for a little air, while they play with the fireworks,” Matthew suggests, pulling me out the glass doors.

We hear the countdown start inside with “10 – 9 – 8 …”

“You must be freezing,” Matthew says, slipping his sport coat on my shoulders and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“3 – 2 – 1,” followed by a loud BOOM and applause.

Looking up at the Chicago skyline, I start to mention that I can’t see as many stars here as in Denver, but before I can speak, Matthew pulls me into a deep kiss that warms me from the inside out.  

Immediately our lips, our hands, our bodies, find each other and speak of our need for each other; not with words, but with a tactile language I wasn’t aware by body knew.

“Can I walk you to your apartment ma’am?” asking with that wink and adorable smile.

“Yes, please,” as if I would answer anything else.

We rush through the lobby, avoiding the partygoers, and up to my apartment. Once in my apartment, I look at Matthew with embarrassment, “I don’t even have anything but water to offer you.”

Matthew gives me that coy smile and says, “I didn’t come up here for water, I have that in my apartment down the hall.”

“Well, what did you come in here for?” I asked with a giggle.

Lifting my chin to look me directly in the eyes, “You.”

With that, he leans down and kisses me again. This time his tongue parts my lips and enters my mouth gently, as if asking permission. My quiet whimper gives the authorization that he needs to press his body to mine and begin a dance between our tongues that, somehow, we both know the steps to. We glide together, fluid, and smooth. His hands move to my cheeks, mine move to his chest. The intensity is greater than it ever was with any kiss I had with Brad.

Matthew pulls away and we both inhale as if we have been deprived of oxygen for hours. Matthew looks around and asks, “How long have you been here?”

“Two and a half days,” I say with a little embarrassment.

“You have barely unpacked.”

“Yeah, I have been procrastinating. I have unpacked a few boxes. And I had a good plan for tonight until a nosey neighbor interrupted me.” He looks over at me and gives me that adorable wink.

“Hey, do you mind if I use your bathroom, shaking all those hands makes me feel like I need to wash up.”

“Sure, it’s just through there.”


As soon as the door clicks closed, a noose tightens around my throat, and my lungs shrivel from lack of oxygen.

Shit, the floral makeup bag is sitting on the bathroom counter. OPEN.

I hear the door open, and I want to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment. I turn around and Matthew is standing in the doorway, floral makeup bag in hand.

“Well, I see you managed to unpack a few things anyway.”

I have no words. All I can do is shrug my shoulders and smile. Matthew walks to me in three long strides, grabs my hand and pulls me into the bedroom. I am not sure if it’s the embarrassment or my libido that leaves me with no ability to refuse. I follow completely complicit.

Matthew places the makeup bag on the nightstand, then comes back to me. His hands on my hips, he softly kisses my forehead, my nose, one cheek and then the other. He then slides down to kiss my neck as he unties my wrap dress and slip it from my shoulder as easily as water falling over a cliff.

Standing there, clad only in my bra and panties, I instinctively move to cover my thick midsection with my arms, but he stops me. “I told you, you are beautiful.”

I move to take his shirt off and unbuckle his belt. He then grabs the bag and pushes me to the bed. “Lay down for me, I want to play.”

For the next hour, Matthew brings me to the edge of the cliff over and over again, then pushed me over again and again with the vibrator, his fingers, and his tongue.

If the vibrator was on my clit, then he was sucking my nipples and finger fucking me. If the vibrator was inside me, then he was licking my clit and pinching my nipples. Any combination you can think, of he did. By the time he was done, my sheets are saturated with my sex juices and my body is shaking with satisfied exhaustion.


I must have fallen asleep for a moment because the next thing I know, Matthew is holding my head up offering a glass of water. “You need to hydrate baby.”

Drinking the water, I realize that I am as dry as the Mojave, Matthew drained all my fluids, and I couldn’t be happier.

Refreshed and rested a bit, it’s Matthews turn.  He helps me over onto my hands and knees, then climbs up behind me. He large hands smooth over my ass cheeks and then smack hard on my right cheek.

I let out an involuntary scream, prompting him to do it again. I scream again and feel that my clit is already tingling again.

OMG how is this even possible.

Matthew strokes his fingers from my clit clear back to my star, dragging my thick cum with him. Rubbing his finger around my back end I moan with excitement, to my own surprise. He spanks my left cheek and I scream again.

“Are you ready?” Matthew asks.

“YES!” I scream.

He tilts my hips up and slowly enters my tunnel. I didn’t realize how thick he was, and I gasp as my walls stretch immediately. He stops.

“Are you ok?”


He pulls out and enters again slowly, pushing in a little farther this time. Four more times he enters in and then pulls out, until my pussy walls have spread enough to take him all the way in; all his girth and all seven inches of him.

“Holy fuck you are tight.”

I can’t speak, it’s like he has pushed all the air out of my body and there is no room to breathe. He pulls out slowly, and I inhale slowly. He pushes in again and this time I feel the pleasure that goes with his penetration. I moan and he knows we are okay.

He crescendos the tempo, thrusting in and out slightly faster with each push. His hands on my hips pulls me back onto his massive manhood. As he rubs my g spot and brings me back up the mountain, I push back on him as he thrust forward.



So deep it feels like I might exhale him right out onto the bed.

“Oh, please don’t stop Matthew, don’t stop.”

“Kate, I am never going to stop fucking this pussy. You are amazing.”

With that, he spanks me again, hard. Harder than he intended, but he is caught up in the excitement. To both our surprise, it pushes me to climax, and I squeeze his cock so hard while drenching him in all the cum that I have left inside me.

I feel him tense and then hear him groan as he squirts rope after rope of cum deep into my womb.

We collapse onto the bed in wearied bliss. Matthew is kissing my neck and upper back, and as I drift to sleep his drained cock is still inside me.


Some hours later, I wake to the smell of coffee, and I forget for a moment that I am in my new apartment in Chicago. I wrap up in the sheet and shuffle out to the kitchen, to find Matthew shirtless making scrambled eggs at my stove. I look around and several of the boxes have been unpacked already.

I subtly clear my throat.

Matthew turns, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

“Umm…what’s going on?” I ask surveying the apartment.

“Well, I am an earlier riser, especially after being energized by last night. So, I unpacked boxes until I found your coffee maker. Then I went over to my apartment and got a few supplies, like coffee, milk, sugar, eggs, bread, butter, you know, breakfast things. I figure we can eat, then maybe I can show you the best grocery store, then we can knock out the rest of these boxes and end the day with a nice dinner. If that’s ok with you?”

I shuffle over to him, and kiss him on the cheek, “That sounds amazing. Happy Valentine’s Day. I guess we will have a date for Valentine’s huh?”

Matthew leans down to kiss me on the lips softy. “I suppose so. And by the way, welcome to Chicago.”


Copyright © 2022 lilcoffeeluvr111

Written by LilCoffeeLuvr
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