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Across the Pond- Chapter 1

"A husband and wife fantasize about enriching their love life"

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Steve and Diana had been friends on an adult chat site for a while, neither of their spouses knew about the chats and photos they shared or the stories they wrote. The boredom that came with Covid restrictions had driven them both to the website where they sort of just found each other through their similar interests and fantasies. They lived on opposite sides of an ocean, some 2700 miles apart, and had never even considered the possibility of meeting in person.

Diana had divulged having made a couple of fantasies come true, but Steve was never really sure if she was telling the whole story or if any of it was true. But her tales were titillating and provided much fodder for an overactive and underserved libido on his part. He wrote stories of his fantasies, some of them fueled by the private images she had shared as a reward for teasing and arousing her with his tales.

Steve and his wife Anne had always talked about taking a trip to the country where Diana and her husband, Richard, lived but with Covid and all, it seemed it might never happen.  Then restrictions began to lift and talk of travelling abroad began to resurface. Finally, they took the risk that restrictions would not be tightened and they booked their trip, twenty-one days across the pond to play some golf, see some castles and sample the delicious beer he loved so much. He shared their plans with his virtual friend and mentioned that it might be interesting if they were to bump into each other, accidentally on purpose. She agreed that interesting was one way to put it.

For Diana’s part, she was always looking for a new fantasy, it could be something that she and her husband had never tried in the bedroom or a tryst with someone new. She probed her long-distance friend for information about the places they might visit or the places they might be staying but he was always coy about the plans he and his wife were making. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to meet Diana or her husband, it was because he had certain fantasies about them that he was certain his wife would not entertain. He was satisfied to keep his fantasies as they were, unfulfilled.

But she was insistent. She continued to prod him and finally, he relented after she promised that she was only wanting to provide recommendations about places to visit or things they should avoid. No harm in having a little inside information regarding their trip. The trick was going to be not letting on how he came about this information or who had provided it.

Early that summer, the time had come. Bags were packed, Covid tests were taken just in case, money exchanged for the local currency and they boarded the red-eye for Heathrow. Steve and Anne were both excited to be finally travelling abroad, looking forward to new adventures and not having to cook or clean for nearly three weeks. Add to that the whispered excitement from Anne that they would be spending the next twenty nights in hotel beds and that she was looking forward to the things that happened when they slept in hotel beds.

At about 6:30 AM the flight touched down, an hour later they had cleared customs and were riding the tube into West London to the Airbnb apartment they had rented for the next four days. They were planning to visit several regions but had decided to start and end their trip to London. Arriving at their rented flat, they met with the property manager before going to the Sainsbury’s store next door to get some essentials before climbing into bed for a quickie and a nap, intending to wake early in the afternoon.

Their nap lasted a little longer than they intended and their time in bed was extended as they snuggled and made out for a bit before finally getting up and taking a shower. Unfortunately, the shower stall in the apartment was barely large enough for one of them so they had to forego the idea of showering together, something they did infrequently at home but both enjoyed. Fresh and clean, they dressed and headed to a nearby pub for a pint and a G&T before going to a restaurant the property manager had recommended for supper. An hour or so back at the pub for a nightcap and they retired to their rooms for another round of better-than-average sex ending with Steve spraying his cum all over his wife’s tummy after he had licked and sucked her to orgasm. Steve was a firm believer in the old adage, “Ladies First”, something his wife very much appreciated.

The following few days were filled with museums and shows, pubs and restaurants followed by more great sex every night. They both commented that they should go on vacation more often, if only for the benefit of their love life! “Thank goodness our toys are USB rechargeable!” declared Anne as she packed them into her suitcase, “we’d be spending a fortune on batteries!”

“We might have to find a source for some lube if we keep this up,” answered Steve. “We might run out at this rate!”

“I’m sure there’s a naughty shop somewhere near us that’ll have what we need,” said Anne. She might not be especially adventurous in bed but she rather enjoyed the things that they did do. Using her g-spot vibrator while her husband licked and suckled her clit was her favourite thing to do.

Bags packed, they headed for the nearby tube station to go to Euston Station to catch a train to Wales. Anne was a huge fan of British cop shows and wanted their trip to include some stops at the towns where some of them were filmed. Aberystwyth and Newcastle-upon-Tyne were the two places she wanted to see so they were included in their itinerary. It meant spending quite a bit of time on trains but it was cheaper than a car hire and paying for petrol, which was nearly twice as expensive here as it was at home. A twenty-minute stop in Birmingham to change trains afforded them just enough time to grab a bacon sandwich and a cuppa from the kiosk in the station before boarding the last leg of their journey for the day.

They had reserved a B&B for their two nights in town, it turned out the metal frame bed was rather squeaky so, in order to not alert their fellow houseguests, they dragged the blankets onto the floor and made their love there. “We haven’t done that in twenty years!” whispered Anne as she hugged her husband.

“I know, right!” he answered. “Brings back some nice memories of that cabin on Black Rattle Lake, doesn’t it?” They had spent a weekend there with friends a few summers previous, choosing to fuck on the floor rather than wake everyone else with a squeaky bunk. They hadn’t fooled anyone, Anne’s friend Kelly had confessed that she’d heard them and crept out of bed to watch, masturbating she watched them.

“Except no one’s watching us here!” Anne giggled.

“Would it be awful if someone were?” he asked.

“If we didn’t know they were there, we’d never know,” she replied.

“And if we did know?” He was going to keep poking away until she gave him an answer.

“I don’t know, maybe not so bad,” she replied. “Is that a fantasy for you? To have someone watch us?”

“Maybe,” he conceded. “You know what my biggest fantasy is.” He rubbed her thigh, tracing his fingers near to her still-wet pussy.

“Yes, I do,” she answered, “and I told you, I’m not letting you watch another man fuck me. End of story.”

“And if I weren’t watching? Would you fuck another guy?” That thread was still sticking out so he kept pulling at it.

“Leave it would you?” she said, grasping his wrist and taking his hand from her. “You know I’m not comfortable talking about this stuff.”

“Sorry sweetie,” he said. She might deny it but he knew that merely thinking about fucking another man had made her wet. He kissed her tenderly, “Good night sweetie, I love you.”

“Love you too, you old lecher!” she said, allowing herself to be wrapped in a hug.

After a couple of days tramping around West Wales, they boarded another train back to Birmingham and then on to Newcastle for three nights. This leg of the trip was more of the same, wandering about town sampling the local custom by day, lots of steamy sex by night. Steve broached the subject of their fantasies again several times, usually after his wife had consumed a few glasses of cider in a pub or with dinner. Anne loved cider.

They didn’t have much time apart from each other but on the few occasions they did, he took the time to touch base with Diane. He had picked up a prepaid phone after they had arrived, it was less expensive than paying the international roaming and other charges he’d incur using his own phone. After a few days of playing messaging tag through the website, he convinced Diane to trade mobile numbers so they could better keep in contact. He knew the general area where she lived but not the specifics so he did some research and came up with a plan that might see him meet his online friend.

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On their last evening in Newcastle, he made a suggestion to Anne. “We’ve been pretty flat out since we got to the UK, why don’t we take a couple of days off one of our planned stops and just relax for a bit?” She too was feeling the fatigue and asked what he had in mind. “Why not cut our visit to Liverpool short by a day and wait an extra day before going back to London? We could rent a car, get a room in a quiet B&B and tour the countryside, say in the Cotswolds? I hear the scenery there is spectacular and they don’t have the bustle of the cities.” Together, they checked online and agreed that a couple of down days might be a good idea. “Might be nice to get another round of golf in as well,” he suggested, they had only played once so far on their trip and he hated to think they’d dragged their clubs all over creation for only one game.

So it was decided, after two days in Liverpool, they would interrupt their trip and spend three nights in a small hotel in Cheltenham, from which they would tour the hills, valley, towns and villages in the area. The next morning, when his wife was in the bath, he texted Diane about their change of plans. She responded quickly and said she would make arrangements to meet them in a pub not far from their hotel.

Liverpool and Blackpool were great fun if tiring. Anne conceded that taking a few days off their galivanting around was indeed one of her husband’s better ideas. That evening, he brought up the subject of being watched while making love and Anne, being in her cups, conceded that it wasn’t an altogether bad idea. “In this fantasy of yours,” she asked, “would we have to watch other people as well?”

“We wouldn’t have to,” he answered, “but we could if you wanted to.”

“I have an idea,” she said, getting out her iPad and propping it up on the chest of drawers across the room. “Let’s make a movie!”

“Really, I thought that was a hard no for you?” She had firmly rebuffed him when he had suggested it early on in their relationship.

“People change,” she said, reaching for him. “And you seem so intent on this. We’ll make a movie and have a look at it. If watching turns me on, maybe we might take the next step.” She got out of bed to turn on the camera and pulled the covers all the way off the bed. Taking her husband’s cock in her hand, she looked at the camera and winked before opening her mouth and taking him in.

Steve held her hair out of the way so the camera could capture the image of his cock sliding along his wife’s lips. After a few minutes, she took her mouth off him and moved up to kiss him. “Your turn,” she said and positioned herself on the edge of the bed so her pussy was facing the camera. He knelt on the floor in front of her and went to work, fingering and licking her tangy wetness. The camera didn’t capture much other than her writhing and the expressions on her face as he licked and tongued her. Another few minutes of this and she wanted to change positions again, this time on all fours so he could slip into her from behind. Again, the camera didn’t capture much other than their bodies slapping together as the angle was all wrong.

Lastly, she told him to stop so she could lay on her back and he could mount her. His shoulders hooked under her legs to raise her bottom up and he entered her swiftly. Her fingers snaked between them so she could diddle her clit as he fucked her. This position proved a little more fruitful from a videography point of view as her ass was pulled up off the mattress and his cock could sometimes be seen glistening as he withdrew before driving forward again. What the camera didn’t miss was the sounds of their rapture as they came, his orgasm triggering hers as he fought through the urge to hold himself inside her to continue his thrusting. Sated, they collapsed, him beside her as their bodies heaved.

After recovering somewhat, Anne remembered the iPad, she told Steve to retrieve it and bring it to her. He took it from the top of the chest and moved toward her, focusing the lens on her leaking quim, his cum and hers oozing out of her. He reached for her hand and guided it down so they could both slip a finger along her slit before taking up a dollop on their fingertip. He then decided that if he wanted her to do something he wanted, he might have to make a reciprocal commitment.

A few times early in their relationship, when they used condoms, he had gone down on her after sex to bring her to one more orgasm. She had complained on a couple of occasions that he never did that anymore so that night, he kissed his way down her body and moved between her legs as he had done previously, collecting their combined issue on his tongue and lapping it up, licking her clean. Equal parts, licking, sucking and fingering her clit quickly brought her back to an orgasmic peak, she moaned loudly as she came, holding his head in her hands to make sure he would not relent until she was finished.

Once he had cleaned her pussy as best he could, he moved up and kissed her, she could taste them both on his lips and tongue. “That was different,” she said softly. “What possessed you to do that?”

He shrugged, “Curiosity, I guess.” They kissed again, “Did you not like it?”

“Of course I liked it!” she answered. “I loved it, couldn’t you tell?” She smiled at him.

“All right then,” he answered as they cuddled together.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re working up to something?” she asked.

“Maybe it’s your suspicious nature,” he answered.

“Or maybe it’s because you’re up to something,” she replied. She picked up the iPad and started reviewing the video of them making love. “The lighting’s not very good, is it?” she said, disappointed. “You can’t really see very much.” He thumbed forward through it, it was generally poor quality throughout. “We’ll have to do better next time,” she concluded.

“Next time?” he looked at her, surprised. “All right then!” She deleted the video and set the iPad down.

The next day they took the train back to Birmingham where they rented, hired as the locals put it, a car and with Siri as their guide, set out for Cheltenham. They could have taken the M5 to get there quickly but they were in no hurry and, it being a nice day, they took a more scenic route through Stratford-upon-Avon and through towns and villages with quaint names such as Shipston-on-Stour and Stow-on-the-Wold. The English seemed to have a fascination with hyphenated place names. Just before dark, they arrived at the holiday cottage they had rented for the next three nights. It was time for Steve to see what Diana had in mind.

While Anne was in the bath preparing for bed, he texted Diana to tell her where they were staying. She replied, “Tomorrow night, 7 o’clock, The Merryfellow Inn on School Road. Can you find it?” He replied that he could and that they would be there. He was instantly hard thinking about it as Anne found out when she climbed into bed beside him.

“My goodness,” she said as he guided her hand to his erection, “somebody is eager!”

“I’ve been thinking about what you said about making another video,” he replied. “You know that’s something I’ve always wanted to do!”

“I know,” she replied, “but not tonight. Tonight, I just want to have good old-fashioned, man-on-top sex.”

“Your wish, milady, is my command!” he said in a horrible English accent. He slid down under the covers to warm her up and then assumed his position between her legs. Ten minutes later, it was over and they panted as they caught their breath.

“I have to say,” she said, still breathing hard, “this vacation has been well worth the cost just for the improvement in our sex life!”

“It has indeed,” he replied. “And we’re only halfway through it!” This time it was Anne who slid under the covers to reinvigorate her husband before climbing on top and riding him to another orgasm. Exhausted, they collapsed into each other’s arms and fell fast asleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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