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A Smile That Can Make Panties Drop 2

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Sammi's arms dropped, outstretched, her legs straightening onto the floor, still trembling; the hard body on top of her pressed her into the deep pile of the carpet.

The room was silent, except for the sound of her heart pounding in her ears and her labored breathing.

But what about David's breathing? Oh great! The first sex I've had in almost two years and I've killed him. Way to go Sammi - no promotion for you.

'That was intense,' her hot boss',' voice was muffled by her shoulder and neck.

Oh, he's not dead. Thank goodness..

David's breath on her skin made her eyes flutter - she'd only just had sex with him and already she was getting horny again.

Okay, Sammi, think of something to say. Something smart, something witty. Something that won't make him get off you, walk back to his room and then arrange for you to get a cab home on Monday so he wouldn't have to drive you back. You just need to find the right words. You're smart, you went to college. You can do this.

'I only came out here for a glass of water.' Terrific.

'I only came out to see what all the noise was. I thought maybe you'd broken the toilet seat.'

Sammi closed her eyes - that's not going away any time soon.

David lifted his head, looked down at her pretty face, framed by strands of blonde hair. 

'Hey,' she said looking a little embarrassed.


Sammi twisted her mouth and looked away from his gaze, her fingers drumming softly on the floor.

'Would you like me to get off you?'

Oh, no. Please don't. Please just stay right where you are so I can see your gorgeous face. Then maybe if you get hard again inside me we can do that all over again.

'Uh, sure. If you want to.'

'Actually, I don't want to. I'm very happy here. Looking at you.'

Sammi's eyes flittered around as she chewed her bottom lip. 'Okay. Whatever works for you. You're the boss. Literally.'

David's brow creased a little. 'Sammi, are you okay like this? Or would you like me to move?'

Her eyes looked to one side, still unable to hold his gaze. David began to move.

'No.' she blurted. 'Don't move - y'know, unless you want to. I like it. It's nice.'

'I think so,' David said, resting on his forearms. He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. 'You're beautiful.'

'Yeah, right. No make-up, tired eyes.' She felt a bead of perspiration run down her neck. 'Sweaty.'

David nodded, a smile raising the edges of his mouth. 'Or you could have said, thank you, David. I think you're reasonably good looking too. Or something like that, you could have chosen your own words.'

Sammi covered her eyes with her hand. 'Urgh, you're right. I'm horrible at this.'

'At what? Laying under your boss?'

She shook her head. 'No. I mean yes. Oh, I don't know. I'm so totally terrible at all this stuff.'

'What stuff?'

'Oh, y'know - talking.'

David laughed, the movement causing his penis, still lodged deliciously inside her, to flex. Her eyes widened. 'So where did we come down on the whole me moving thing?'

'Oh, that. Yeah don't - if you don't mind.' She looked up him. Well, Kacey was right, that smile really does make your panties fall off. Or at least it distracts you while he takes 'em off. Where are my panties, anyway? 

Sammi was suddenly very aware of her situation - naked, her hot boss - correction - her boss' hot boss on top of her, inside her, on a weekend working retreat. 'Maybe we should move,' she said, completely regretting the sentence as soon as it left her lips.

David smiled, a little sadly, and nodded. He started to lift himself off her petite body. Sammi shuddered as she felt him slide out of her. He leaned back onto his knees, his shaft still long and heavy between his muscled legs. Sammi sat up and her gaze immediately went to it, as it swung in front of her. She quickly looked away, very aware of her nakedness and open legs.

David looked a little awkward. 'I suddenly feel a little embarrassed,' he said, placing his hands on his thighs.

Sammi's gaze went to his penis again before looked away. 'You don't have anything to be embarrassed about,' she said before she could stop herself.

'I don't?'

'No. Have you seen you? And that?'

He looked down and then back at her.

'It's just really nice, is all,' she said, her raised eyebrows creasing her forehead.

'It is?'

'Well, yeah. Look at it. You're not even hard anymore and it's still - big.'

It was David's turn to drum his fingers, unsure of what to say.

'I'm sorry,' Sammi said, her arms crossing over her naked breasts. 'I really shouldn't have said that. It's just that sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain. I'm smart really. Honestly I am.'

'I know you're smart,' David said, his embarrassment having dissipated. 'Why do you think you're here this weekend?'

'Because you're my boss' boss and you wanted to screw a young employee?'

David looked a little hurt. 'Do you really think that?'

Sammi shook her head, looking down. 'No, I don't think that. It's just, like I said, I'm not very good at the talking. If there's a stupid thing to say, then I'll say it. I refer you to my previous statement.'

David chucked. 'Firstly, you're here this weekend because your hard work has been noticed and will be rewarded.' He paused. 'This isn't the reward, by the way. Secondly, yes I've seen you around, and I make a point of getting to know all the employees.' He stopped again, realizing what he'd said.

Sammi's eyebrows went up again, and she tried harder to cover her breasts, pulling her knees up, closing her legs.

'Wait, that's not what I meant. Maybe I'm not so good at the talking either. What I meant was, I'd seen you around, but I just thought someone like you would be married or engaged or something.'

'Someone like me?'

'Yes, someone smart, beautiful, sexy, funny. I know which college you went to, I know your major and your final qualifications.

'And that isn't because I was stalking you or anything, but because when someone is on the rise in the company I make it my job to know as much as I can about them. Professionally.'

Sammi looked up him. 'Really?'


Phew, I was starting to think that I'd just screwed my way out of - or into - my job. She ran both her hands through her hair, leaving her breasts in view. 

David's penis twitched and he stopped to gather his thoughts. 'Sammi, I didn't plan for this to happen. I mean, I'm glad it did, but I never thought that it would because I didn't think you were available, and I didn't think you would be interested.'

The pretty blonde looked at his face, trying to keep her eyes off his penis - had it just moved on its own?  She dropped her hands onto her thighs. 'So, you didn't engineer this?'

'Of course I did. I snuck up here in the early hours, broke into the hotel and sabotaged your bathroom.' She giggled and he dropped his gaze to look at her.

'So, now what?' she said, looking embarrassed again.

'What would you like to do?' 

Sammi shrugged, trying to decide if she should cover her breasts again.

'Well, I could get you that glass of water.'

She looked up at the table. 'I have a glass of water. Except I threw half of it all over my boobs.'

David nodded. 'I'll get you another.'

'You would?'

'Sure.' Her boss rolled back onto his feet, Sammi watched as his shaft swung between his legs and tried to cover her stiffening nipples. As he disappeared into the kitchen she hurried to her feet, feeling very naked and exposed. She turned to face him as he reappeared, seemingly comfortable in his own nakedness.

Look at him - how is he single? Ripped and with that thing between his legs.

Her heart pounded again and she struggled to find something to do with her hands.

David handed her the glass - there was something in it. 'I found you a straw,' he said, his eyes twinkling in the half light.

She rolled her eyes in acknowledgement of her clumsiness. 'Thank you.'

She took the glass, placing her lips around the straw, then, realizing the symbolism of her actions she looked away from him. David watched as she drew the water through the paper tube. 'Hmm, eco-friendly.' Oh, shut up Sammi.

'You look great,' David said, still watching her.

She nodded, looking around, still sucking on the straw, trying to look anywhere but at his face or the appendage that was hanging only inches from her body.

Wow, it's big. As Kacey would say, 'like a snake eating an apple.' Wait, did I just look at it? I think I did, didn't I? Did he notice? Is it like when a guy looks at your boobs, and they think its just a glance but to us its like they've been staring for twenty minutes?

She suddenly realized that she had almost drained half the glass. She stopped, taking a breath.


She nodded. 'Good sex'll do that to ya.' Really, Sammi. Just stop talking.

'I'm glad it was good.'

She shrugged.

'It wasn't good?'

'No. I mean, yes. It was good.' She paused, looking down at the floor and realizing that made it look like she was staring at his penis again. She flicked her eyes to one side. 'It was great.'

Her boss' head cocked slightly to one side. 'Great? Well, that's good to hear.'

Sammi shrugged again. 'It was great. Amazing.'

'Good. I wanted it to be amazing. For you.'

She looked up at his eyes at last. 'It was. How was it for you?' Great, now you sound like you're in a restaurant with him. 'How's the fish?'

'I thought it was amazing. I hope it wasn't too fast. I was really turned on.'

Her blonde ponytail swung as she shook her head. 'The length was perfect. I mean the length of the sex, not your length. Although that's perfect too.' Arg! Why?

He laughed. 'I'm glad. I was pretty sure I felt you when you came. Unless you're good at pretending?'

She sucked nervously on the straw again, like a girl in a 50's milkshake bar on a date with the 'bad boy'. Hmm, I really like those dresses they wore. What the hell was that? Concentrate!

'Nope, no Meg Ryan here,' she replied, her cheeks flushing. The room fell silent and she felt she needed to fill it. 'Which is surprising, since I'd already -.' She stopped, her eyes wide in embarrassment.

'Already done what?'

'Oh, nothing.'

'Really?' He waited. The silence hung in the air.

Sammi flipped her hands in resignation, almost spilling her water again. 'I'd already made myself orgasm before you got back.'

'Really? I bet that was nice, in the huge bed you have. Or was it in the shower?' He paused. 'Y'know what? That's none of my business, you don't have to tell me.'

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She shook her head. 'Neither. I was just inside the front door.'

'Oh. So you stumbled through the front door, put your hand in your panties and -.'

Again she shook her head. 'Actually, I stripped off in the hallway, so I was naked when I did it. So that would have been interesting if you'd come back half an hour earlier.'

'I wish I had.'

Me too. 

She looked down. David leaned forward, gently lifting her chin, kissing her. Sammi sighed, her tension leaving her as she allowed his tongue between her lips. He reached up, his fingers grazing the rounded underside of her breast, waiting to move to her nipple. Sammi moaned quietly at his touch, giving him the permission he waited for, and his fingers slipped over her firm bud. Sammi's hand reached out, finding his penis. His shaft, not yet erect, felt heavy in her small hand. She lifted it, stroking slowing, feeling it extend and thicken. 

'Why don't we go to bed?' David said, his lips barely leaving hers.

'Uh-huh,' she whispered, her fingers still wrapped around his shaft.

Taking her hand, he lead her down the hallway to his room. She padded behind him on the cool tiles, her breathing quickening at the thought of being with him again, the heat between her legs rising. 

Entering his room, David turned to look at her, his penis still hard, moving from side to side with each step. He leaned to kiss her, pulling her to him, his erection pressing against her stomach. As she reached behind his neck she realized she was still holding the glass. David eyed it warily, gently taking it from her hand like taking a loaded gun from child, placing it on the dark wooden desk beside them.

Well, that's going to leave a ring. Sammi, seriously!

She slipped her tongue into his mouth and he sucked on it, holding her until he felt her reach between them, taking his erection again. She wanted it. She wanted him inside her. But the logistics wouldn't work in her head - he was too tall. She heard him gasp at her touch and, in a moment of courage, she lowered herself, kissing his chest, stomach, dropping to her knees. She opened her eyes, his tip, swollen and glistening in front of her. Her mouth was dry but she could feel a wetness between her thighs. She licked her lips to moisten them.

'Sammi.' She looked up at his face. 'You don't have -.'

'I want to.' 

She opened her mouth, her lips sliding over the smooth head. She paused as she tasted him, the salty tang pleasant but uncommon to her. She'd given blow jobs before - granted, not on the first night - but it had been a while and right then she was grateful that on nights when she'd been horny and alone she had practiced on her vibrator. 

David groaned, his stomach tightening. She looked up and their eyes locked as he watched her. She sucked in his head before moving lower onto him. He was too large and hard for her to take him deep, but she stroked her hand along his shaft as her lips played over his sensitive head. David jerked at the sensation, a whispered 'fuck' leaving his lips, instilling her with confidence. She took his balls in her free hand, cupping them, teasing the sensitive flesh, running her tongue all over the bulbous mound in her mouth.

'Shit, Sammi. Stop,' he groaned. 

Her eyes flicked up to his, her mouth still full of his erection. 'Don't you like it?' she asked, releasing him.

'I do. You're amazing. But if you keep doing that I'm going to cum. And I don't want to yet.' He dropped to his knees, pulling her mouth to his, his erection, now wet and slippery pressing against her stomach. 'Come up on the bed with me.'

They stood, and Sammi laid back across the bed. David joined her, the sensation of his approaching orgasm starting to ease.

'I want to taste you,' he said, leaning over her.

Sammi trembled. She wanted nothing more than to feel him between her legs, kissing, licking, but she was nervous. When she came before he did too, both of them gasping, moaning. But if he made her cum now he'd be hearing her and she felt self-conscious about being loud. And she had a feeling that with him she would loud. She looked up at him. Sammi, just tell him to do it - let go and cum for him. But what if he doesn't like how I sound? What's not to like? She slapped her hand over her eyes, trying to block out her uncertainty.

And then she felt him kissing down over her body, taking her breasts in his mouth, sucking, nipping, sliding down to her stomach which trembled. 

He moved between her legs and she let him in, allowing him to move where he wanted, signing off of any responsibility for her embarrassment. She let him touch her how and when he wanted, unwilling and unable to do anything else. She wanted him. She wanted him to take her, to move her, she wanted to give herself over to him.

And then she was, allowing his mouth to dip down between her thighs, his tongue sliding into her damp cleft, probing inside her before sliding up to her clitoris, exposing it, exploring it as he slipped a finger inside her, pumping slowly.

Sammi's head pushed down onto the bed, her fingers gripping the sheets. She could feel him sliding in and out of her while he licked her clit, and she knew it wouldn't be long. Stealing herself, she decided she was going to give in to the sensations, and as her orgasm built she gasped and moaned, her hips pressing up against him. 

When she came her body tensed, her stomach muscles pulling her shoulders off the bed and her hands gripped the back of his head, holding his tongue on her clitoris, relishing the combination of being stimulated inside and out. He pinched her nipple with his free and and she clamped her own over it as her body folded around his, her cries filling the room.

She fell back onto the bed, her stomach rising and falling with her gasps, her thighs trembling. David moved up beside her, and when she looked at him he was staring down at her, a gentle smile of his face, his eyes sparkling, his mouth and chin glinting with her wetness. She pulled him down to kiss her, but she had to break away to gasp as another wave washed over her.


The room had been quiet for several seconds, her head spinning too much to be able to talk. Sammi opened her eyes to see her handsome boss looking down at her. Her legs were still spread open on the large bed and he was lying beside her. He stroked her hair.

'I'm not sure what you just did to me,' she whispered. 'But it didn't stop when you did.'

'I noticed that,' he said. 'Was it okay?'

No, David, it was terrible. I think you should do it again to make up for it.

'No, it was terrible, David. I think you should go again to make up for it.'


'Wait.' She placed her hand on his hard shoulder. 'I was kidding. If you do that again right now I think I might go blind.'

He chuckled, pushing a strand of hair from her damp forehead. She could feel his hard on against her thigh, but she wasn't sure if she could move yet.

'Give me a minute,' she said. 'I'll be right with you.'

'You don't have to do anything,' David whispered. 'If you're tired we can sleep.'

'Really?' she asked, looking at him, blinking to clear her vision. 'But it must be your turn now.'

He shook his head, smiling. 'I don't do things to get something back. I enjoyed doing that to you as much as you enjoyed having it done to you.'

She blew out a breath. 'I don't think that's possible.'

'So I don't need to ask you if you came this time?'

'I think the people in the hotel know I came.'

David lowered his head onto one hand, looking down at her. 'Would you mind if I just stayed here and looked at you for the rest of the night?'

She laughed. 'There's not much to look at.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Well, it's not like I have big Kate Upton boobs or anything, is it?'

'So? I think your boobs are gorgeous.' He placed a hand over one of her firm mounds that rose from her chest. 'C-cup?'

She nodded, shuddering when he touched her nipple, still sensitive from her orgasm, but she found as long as he was gentle it wasn't too intense and she enjoyed having him hold her.

'And the rest of you is gorgeous too. And you taste wonderful.'

Her eyes rolled in embarrassment, pulling her legs closed. His hand rested on her thigh, inches from her vagina. She shuddered.

'So you don't want to make love again?' Make love? Should I have said that? How about screw? Fuck? Bang? Here we go again.

'I would make love to you all night,' David replied.



She nodded and he began to move over her again. She placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. 'I think you've done enough. It's my turn.'

She pushed him and he allowed himself to roll back onto the bed. She followed, lifting one leg over his waist, straddling him. His erection twitched as she took it in her hand, lifting herself, placing him at her entrance. Her eyes closed and her chin dropped to her chest as she lowered onto him. Sammi gasped as she felt him penetrate deep inside her, placing her hands on his chest as he reached her full depth. 

'Oh, that feels good,' she whispered as she held herself on him. 'Just don't move for a second, because you're really deep.'

Looking down at her boss' hot boss, she began to roll her hips, and then, as she stretched around him she rose up, lowering onto him. David took her breasts in his hands, watching as Sammi worked her body on him, her speed increasing as she felt herself settle around his hardness. She wasn't sure if she could cum again so soon after two powerful orgasms but right then all she wanted was to make him feel good. She watched his face, usually so driven and intense, now relishing the sensation of her small body sliding on his erection. 

She sat back, and he watched as she pulled the hair band from her ponytail, letting her tousled hair fall about her shoulders. David sighed, the vision of her beautiful face and gorgeous body riding him bringing him closer to his finish. 


'Yes,' she whispered.

'I'm close.'


'Will you cum too?'

'I don't think I can yet. But I want you to.'

'Without you?'

'Yes. I want to make you cum. I want you to cum inside me.'

'But I want to see you cum again.'

'Then I'll get you hard again and you will. Cum for me. Let me make you cum.'

She watched as his breathing deepened. She rode him, loving that she was in control, that she was doing it just for him. And then she watched as his mouth fell open and he pushed his hips up, pushing him deeper as he burst inside her. Sammi rode him, bracing herself on his chest as he released into her. He said her name and as his body shook once more she lowered to kiss him.

Written by Mercury23
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