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Cassandra of the Hetari

"A mysterious woman seduces a common man on her journey to protect Mother Earth"

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Competition Entry: Back to Nature

I have a destiny. Not of fate or divine cause, yet one I have a duty to fulfill. It has been thus since my birth. It was the destiny of my mother and hers, and hers before, going back countless generations. It has not been forced upon me, yet it is as inescapable as the dawn.

I am Cassandra of the Hetari, a Sisterhood of Courtesans who serve the Great Families of the Seven Lands. For a thousand years, my Sisters were bred for beauty and grace, and we alone can sate the desires of the Men Who Rule.

I have been trained since birth to perfect my skills. As a child, I learned to sing and speak with an eloquence unmatched by lesser women. I was educated in philosophy and history so I might soothe their worries with words both beguiling and true. I was taught the arts of poetry and fables to comfort them when their shoulders grew weak with the burden of power. I was taught nature's magic to heal the land and those who live upon it. Later, I was taught the ways of pleasure to sate their lusts when lesser women wouldn't do.

Since before the founding of the Empire, it has been the duty of the Sisterhood to be the confidant and companion to power. We do not take sides in the struggles of those who rule. Choosing a suitor to the Throne is not our place. Our concern is that these men are calmed by our presence, and in turn, rule with an even hand. For this, we are loved by the people of Laurentia.

Our neutrality and discretion are thought to be absolute. The trust in our Code keeps us safe from the ravages of political change and we protect it with our lives. In all of our history, only Lucinda the Cursed broke the vow of secrecy. For this, she and her line were burned in the purifying fires of the Cauldron volcano.

What is not known to those outside the Order is that, in darker times, it is up to us to mold those in power and mellow their effect on the common people, and to protect the Mother Earth. This requires a different set of skills, those we perfect in secret and use only when the need becomes dire for the Seven Lands.

Cassandra's gaze flowed over the sacred script of her order. Blowing lightly on the ink, she set it to the parchment before warming the paper over a small flame. As it heated, the Centaurian blood combined with the Nariphon root and the runes reordered themselves, looking like nothing more than the ancient Psalm of Passion written in the common tongue. Its true meaning would be hidden until such time as it was painted with the juice of the Maiden Fruit. Only then would the scroll reveal its secrets.

This scroll was her Testament, a record of her service meant only for the eyes of her Sisters when her life was complete. At her passing, it would be added to the Archive so that her life would never be forgotten.

Carefully rolling up the scroll, Cassandra concealed it in the hollow center of an ancient Satyr horn. It was a priceless artifact left from another time and she smiled in wonder at its beauty before sealing its end. The Satyr were secretive and elusive creatures and, even after so many years, their lingering enchantments would protect its contents from both the ravages of the weather and the prying eyes of men.


The days of her journey grew in number until they could be counted in weeks. The distance from the Sisterhood’s sanctuary in the Eastern Mountains to the ancestral palace of the House of Rand was great, but soon her journey would end.

“Driver, how much longer shall it be before we arrive?" As always, Cassandra’s lyrical voice was crisp and clear, easily carrying over the clip-clop of hooves and the creaking of coach wheels on the worn cobblestones.

Perched upfront of the open carriage, the driver turned, obviously surprised she would deign speak to him. "The Palace overlooks the Tharsis Sea on the cliffs above the Ezion peninsula. We should be there before sunset tomorrow, if it pleases you, Your Ladyship."

Though young, the driver was a mere peasant and a life of hard work was aging him beyond his years. Arriving that morning to escort her from the port’s resthouse, he had been more than deferential. That was understandable.

It was certain that, until this day, he had heard only legends of the Hetari. He was clearly in awe. Even as she spoke, he averted his eyes as if he feared to meet her gaze.

"It does please me," she replied, the hint of a smile in her voice. “And I am not a 'Lady'. I have no noble blood or title. I am of the Sisterhood. We do not claim to be the better of any man."

"Oh? Well, if you say so, ma’am. It's just that, as you are to be the Courtesan of the young Lord, it wouldn't be proper for me to speak to you as a common woman."

Cassandra’s easy laugh flowed from under her cloak. Leaning back, she spread her arms until her concealing robe draped over the wooden back of her bench. “Oh, I assure you, good sir, there is nothing common about me. May I ask your name?"

The driver cringed at the question. Speaking as an equal to a fine lady broke every taboo he'd been brought up to believe. Yet, she was friendly and so unassuming he couldn't resist her request. "If it pleases you, M’lady, I am Colin of the Clan McIntyer."

Once again, her soft laughter filled the air. "Colin. That is a fine name for a man. Please, call me by mine. I am Cassandra, or if you must, Sister. I have no other title to claim, and I am certainly no Lady as you know the word."

"Very well, then. If it pleases you, Sister. We will be arriving soon enough."

Cassandra smiled at his discomfort. She knew she should not toy with him, but he was a man and she was trained to please men in any way she could. Though her body was to be reserved for the future Lord of Ezion, she had not yet been formally bound and accepted. Until then, she had the liberty to give the man a gift to brighten his short and uneventful life.

Settling into her padded bench, Cassandra felt a playful flush warm her belly and a mischievous smile formed on her lips. "Colin, would you like to look at me? You've been sneaking glances since we met. It seems the least I can do is allow you to see me before we part company."

The man flinched, dipping his head between his shoulders as if he were dreading a blow from behind. ”No ma’am, I swear I haven’t. On my honor, I would never dare treat you as a common..." The last word stuck in his throat and he seemed about to choke.

"Whore?" she finished for him, trying to suppress a giggle.

"No, ma’am! By the gods, I would never think such a thing.” The poor man was horrified and she could no longer hold back her laughter.

"Of course that is what you meant. It is what I am, after all. I am a whore for the nobility. How much the Sisterhood is paid for my service cannot change that. I take no offense at a simple statement of fact. Come, pull off the road so that we may be alone and I will grant you the sight of me. It will give you a story worthy of sharing at the pub come Restday."

Colin felt his world spinning around him. Cassandra was brushing aside the immutable taboos of his life as if they were but leaves in the wind. What she demanded, what she offered, was unthinkable, yet it would be just as unthinkable to deny her request. His hands quaked so fiercely he could barely hold the reins. He might have frozen in fright if not for the hypnotic timbre of her voice.

"If you say so, ma’am," he managed to reply. "But I don't think anyone would believe me even if I dared tell the tale."

“I'm sure you are right.”

With a strong pull on the reins, he turned the horses from the road and they trotted through a meadow before stomping to a standstill behind a stand of trees. Only when they had stopped did Colin force himself to look upon her.

"There. That's better." Hidden under her scarlet and gold cowl, her face remained barely visible. Her hands rose in fluid grace and she drew back her hood, revealing the sculptured perfection of her face. Her skin was a flawless shade of olive-brown and silver-white hair shone like spun silk in the sunlight. Deep brown eyes rested above her small nose and her lips became full and bright as she brazenly smiled at him.

Colin was terribly confused by this unexpected turn, but couldn't deny the quickening of his pulse. He was transfixed by her exotic beauty and wiped the back of a hand across his mouth as her cloak slid from her shoulders.

Cassandra stood, allowing his gaze to wash over her. The scarlet silk of her shift seemed translucent in the sun, clinging to her feminine hourglass shape. Her breasts were firm and high and the smooth perfection of her legs appeared at mid-thigh, trailing down to her richly expensive shoes.

Catching his attention most, however, were her arms. Every Hetari story he'd ever heard, spoke of the Nariphon vine tattoos that were said to run up her arms, only to wrap protectively around her body. Just as the legends promised, the images of the Maiden leaves were drawn upon her skin in a way that made him mad with desire.

Regardless, he held himself in check. The legendary tree was the symbol of her kind and was said to be the protector of all womanhood. It was also said any man who dared touch her would be seduced by its fruit and forever lost to its power.

For many heartbeats, Cassandra allowed him to feast on her image. She sensed his lust smoldering in his belly and her arousal bloomed like a flower in the morning sun. At just nineteen summers, she was young and ever eager to consummate her needs. With this ruggedly handsome man so near and the moment so perfect, temptation flared with dangerous possibilities. Stepping from the coach, she offered him her hand. “Come, good sir, let us walk and enjoy the day.”

Colin was torn between his fear of taboo and his overwhelming desire to please this beguiling creature. Wordlessly, he ventured from the coach and trembled as she slipped an arm around his.

Cassandra sensed his unease, but that worried her not at all. Her nature was to bring peace to men and her even pace and unassuming laughter soon put him at ease. After a time of walking through the meadow, he felt free of the social shackles ruling his life. Here, in the freedom of the tall grass, Colin was able to see her not as a superior, but as a woman, though one more beautiful than any he’d ever imagined.

He wanted her, of that she had no doubt, and she wanted him with equal measure. It had been long since she’d lain with a man, and she could not resist untying the delicate laces drawing her dress tightly around her waist. As each lace loosened, it came closer to freeing her from its embrace. As it did, the man before her became more and more intoxicated by her beauty.

“Are you married, Colin?” she asked as her shift slipped a bit. It was now barely clinging to her body, and she could easily let it drop with a slight dip of her shoulders.

“Yes. She is a good woman, but not so beautiful as you.”

Cassandra let the dress slip a bit more, exposing the rounded top of her breasts until her hardened nipples were almost revealed. “Do you love her?”


“That is good. It is wrong for me to tempt you so, but this is my calling. My curse. I am to be Concubine of a Lord. A woman to pleasure him at his whim, yet never to be loved by him, nor bare him heirs. It will be his wife who owns his heart, and so it must be for you.”

“I am not sure I understand —”

He stopped as her fingers played along the laces of her dress, drawing his gaze. Her words caressed away his fear, “I would share myself with you if you will have me. A few precious hours spent pleasuring each other before you return to your wife and I become Concubine of the young Lord of Ezion.”

Colin was speechless but his erection strained his trousers. His mouth went dry and his gaze fixated on her fingers as she let the laces holding her dress come completely free. A smile graced her lips and she turned, letting the dress fall away as she made her way through the cover of the tall and wispy grass.

Cassandra could have forced herself on him. She was certain any hesitance he might feel would be overcome with nothing more than a kiss, but that was not how she wanted him. This was a decision he needed to make, and she continued away from him, alluring in her nudity as the grasses tickled her skin.

She waited for several heartbeats, hoping he would be strong enough to accept her gift. It would seem inevitable, but some men lacked the will to take this risk, even for as rare an experience as she offered. Only when she heard him moving toward her did she exhale, knowing he had chosen well.

Cassandra stood passively as he came up behind her. When she felt his hand lightly on her shoulder, she turned and faced him, respecting him as a man capable of abandoning society's grip for a few hours of unforgettable passion.

There was wonder in his eyes, and she realized that his life of unforgiving work had not yet robbed him of his youth. He was lanky and strong, tanned by the sun and the dry winds blowing out of the mountain passes. He was a commoner and not at all like the men she had been trained to please. She was delighted by his rugged masculinity and a shiver ran up her spine as he explored the shape of her breasts.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in awe. "I just… it's your tattoos. They’re so beautiful but I have heard tales of them bewitching any man who sees them. They say that is why the Sisters conceal themselves." His fingers traced the lines as he spoke, creating goosebumps on her skin.

Cassandra took his hand, holding it on the rise of her breast until she felt the pleasure of his fingers tightening. "Have no fear," she murmured. "They are marks earned by my years of training, nothing more. I have no magical hold on any man, no more than any woman. I don’t wish to ensnare you. I merely desire we share a night, one that we can forever keep in our hearts."

Colin was trying to understand it all. It was unbelievable, but the softness of her breast and the pebble-hardness of her nipple raking against his palm were real. Her eyes pierced into his, glimmering with desire as she slid to her knees. As her delicate fingers reached out, he surrendered his fate to her.

The shape of his erection was tenting his trousers. Large and thick, it ran for several pleasant inches under the coarse cotton weave. With practiced skill, she traced him under the cloth, testing and marveling at the eager hardness it promised.

He was so nervous she pondered if he would climax the moment she lay her touch upon him. Then she felt him relax. There was no tremble in his hand, nor quiver in his knees. He stood over her, tall and proud, as a man should be.

The soft earth cushioned her knees and the waving grass felt like a thousand caresses as she drew down his trousers. Released, his erection rose quickly, as if urgently reaching for her touch. Colin was long and thick enough to excite her, and she was pleased by the gradual upward curve in his shaft. His scent was the heady musk of a working man and she licked her lips in anticipation of the taste.

Colin hissed when she took him into her mouth. The sensation was unlike anything he’d experienced and a low growl escaped his lips as her tongue swirled over his head. "Good gods, what is that you are doing, there? I never imagined a woman would do such things."

Cassandra pulled back, stroking his shaft while gazing up at him. "Truly, your wife has never used her mouth on you?"

When he shook his head, she felt sadness in her heart. Colin and his wife were peasants, and talk of sexual acts would likely never go beyond the necessity of having children. With all the hardships the poor must face, that they are denied knowledge of something so intimately pleasurable was tragic indeed.

"Allow me to teach you, so that later you may teach her. I believe you will both be happier for it."

Colin sighed, no longer caring if this was right or wrong. She was the most beautiful and exotic woman he’d seen and no way would he refuse her gift. He was certain the memory of her kneeling at his feet would never leave him, just as he would forever long for the gentle caress of her tongue.

As she worked his cock deeper into her mouth, Colin spread his legs, bracing himself as the wet sensations spread over his length. It was an incredible moment, and he thanked the gods for his good fortune. Looking over the tall grass, he could see the rolling hills in the distance, feel the soft breeze blowing over his skin and the warmth of the sun shining in his face. It was as if he was in a dream, and only the reality of his impending orgasm convinced him that it was truly happening.

Cassandra was making love to his cock, gliding her lips over his turgid head down to his root before drawing back again. Each time she felt his orgasm rise, she would pull off, squeezing him in her hand while dipping her head to gently suck his balls. He was as hard as iron, and pre-cum leaked into her mouth. She would have been satisfied had he pushed her into the grass and taken her, but she was pleased all the more because he allowed her to continue pleasing him. Sliding her hands up his thighs, she cupped his butt, drawing him deep until his entire cock slid into her mouth and throat.

She heard him grunt and felt his hands on her head, grasping her hair as his orgasm surged. Cupping his balls, she pulled him out of her throat and his cum pooled like hot gravy on her tongue. Colin gasped, trying to thrust as she sucked hard on his head. His knees grew weak, and as the last of his load spilled into her mouth, he collapsed, taking her into his arms.
For a long moment, he did not speak. Cassandra melted easily into his embrace, softly cooing as his touch feathered over her skin.

"Why me?" he finally asked. "I am nothing. A peasant. Why would a Hetari courtesan desire me?"

"Why should I not?" she kindly responded. "You are handsome and kind. What more reason do I need? I desired to please you — and I desire still for you to please me."

"Aye, I would like nothing more, but after what you've done, M’lady, I fear I will need time to recover."

Cassandra giggled into his chest. "Oh, M’lady, am I now? Well, I do love your cock, (Master) Colin," she said playfully, "and I intend to have my fill of it. But, there is more to a man than his cock and I have a need only your tongue may satisfy.

Urging him lower, she offered him her aching nipples, sighing in pleasure as his lips enclosed her sensitive bud. "Mmm, I see you are well versed in this. Your kisses are like fine silk on my breasts, but still, I desire more."

Colin wasn't sure what she meant until she pushed gently on his head, urging him down her body. It dawned on him what she desired, and a hot pulse ran from his belly to his loins. His mouth watered at the thought of tasing her fruit. Sliding between her thighs, he let his breath wash warmly over her glistening sex.

Gazing at the endless azure sky, Cassandra sighed as he settled between her thighs. She was dripping and purring like a needy kitten. His hands felt strong on her thighs, and she groaned as he roughly maneuvered her body. She was biting her lip when he parted her petals and gasped when his tongue slipped between them.

"Oh, goodness, yes, Master Colin. You do learn quickly. Ah, that’s it. Please, do not tease me so, lick me there, right on my little nub."

Thus encouraged, Colin delved into her molten pool, lathering her tender folds with more enthusiasm than skill. Loving the sweet taste of her juice, he sucked her labia until her hips were rolling in his arms. Listening to Cassandra's breathy instructions, he dragged his tongue over her needy clit, bringing a strangled moan from her breast.

The meadow's scent rose around them like nature’s perfume, and Cassandra breathed it in, reveling in the Earth’s embrace while Colin sucked her clit. She loved sex outdoors. It made her feel free and happy. Nothing could be more natural than making love under the sun.

For Colin, the experience was far different. He was a villager, living among simple people who thought sex was a private affair to be had behind closed doors. Only once, when he and his wife were first married, had they enjoyed carnal pleasure away from their home. He’d forgotten how exciting it was to breathe fresh air while enjoying the fruits of female pleasure and he vowed to again share that with his wife.

Thrusting fingers deep inside, he bore down on Cassandra’s clit, dragging his tongue over it until her moans became a guttural groan. She arched her back and rolled her hips, chasing his fluttering tongue with growing desperation.

Cassandra felt her orgasm rising and clenched her thighs as it coiled in her belly. She pinched her nipples, twisting them hard as she convulsed. Lost in orgasm, she let her scream fly free over the meadow.

Afterward, she was out of breath and her pussy was purring with satisfaction. "Mmm, that was wonderful. I doubt even the Lord of Ezion will give me such pleasure."

There was pride in the young man's eyes and that made her joyous. Better still, his cock had awakened, standing stiff and hungry for more. Her desire to have him inside her also rose and she drew him close, kissing him with lusty passion.

Words were useless as she guided him toward her wet and eager entrance. Colin dragged his swollen head between her folds until she was squirming under him. Just as her frustration peaked, he thrust hard, lancing his cock deeply into her.

"Urgh, gods, yes," she groaned as his balls slapped against her ass. His hands were strong, digging into her skin as he lifted her hips. He held her tight while slamming his cock into her. Her wet flesh slid over his glans, caressing him until he felt his stomach tighten.

Cassandra held her breasts as he took her hard. He was lost in his need and she welcomed his masculine assault. His muscles were taut, his face glowing with the power of his impending climax. She felt her orgasm rising and, slipping a hand between their bodies, she furiously rubbed her clit in hopes of joining him in ecstasy.

They became lost in a growing spiral of pleasure as the force of his thrusts drove her into the grass. It was raw and hard, and they were panting in heat when they finally erupted, releasing their groans of passion on the wind.

The next morning, Colin felt light and happy as the awe he felt in her presence had been dispelled. Chuckling, he guided the carriage back on to the cobblestone road, knowing it was a day he’d never forget.

Cassandra, again a passenger in his coach, drew her cloak about herself, feeling relaxed and happy after a blissful night of lovemaking. "Thank you, Master Colin. You have given me a wonderful night, and my last as a woman able to choose my lover. I must say to you, I am happy with my choice.”

Colin smiled. "Aye, Cassandra. I am grateful for last night. I'll not have another such as that. Indeed, there is nothing common about you."

"I am a woman, like any other. It is good to hear you using my name. Now we can be friends and speak as equals.”

Hours later, the silhouette of the mighty towers of Ezion appeared on the horizon.


The great fortress at Ezion had been the home of the House of Rand since the Cyrric rebellion six hundred years earlier. That was a time of great tribulation when the former rulers of the Tharsis Coast were slain in the Purges of Cyrric the Great. His family, once nothing more than peasants, became one of the Seven Pillars of the Empire. Centuries later, as its current heir, Cybold the IV prepared to wed, the House of Rand was hated for its low-born blood and feared for its utter ruthlessness.

Cassandra cared not for the squabbles of the nobility and made her journey with the quiet confidence that, regardless of the House's dire reputation, she would find young Cybold to be a man like any other. Legends of the fabled beauty of Ezion had been told for generations and she was filled with anticipation as its great ramparts came into view.

None of her dreams or fantastic imaginations could have prepared her for the reality of the castle. Instead of the polished marble and gilded limestone of which she’d heard tales, the place was dark: a fortress covered in soot and obscured by an ominous black haze hanging like an evil fog.

“Is that smoke?” she inquired with concern. “Is the castle aflame?”

“No, it isn’t burning. It’s the young Lord’s new magic. He burns the black rock to heat water into steam. With this, he creates all manner of strange things. Unnatural it is. I fear what is becoming of Ezion. Lady or no, it’s no place for a woman like yourself.”

“I believe you may be right. But, have no fear," she continued confidently, "I am certain Lord Cybold has a good use for the magic he has brought to the land.”

“To the ears of the gods, I pray you are right.”

Despite her outward calm, Cassandra was filled with foreboding. The Sisterhood feared the old magic of men was being rediscovered at Ezion, and the reality of it had shaken her badly. Long ago, such magic had filled the skies with unbreathable air and caused the lands to become dry. Once in a great while, man's lust for power brought about the rediscovery of this magic.

It was a powerful force in the hands of men. Left unchecked, the young Lord would spread this black magic like a blight throughout the land. The result of that would be devastating. 'All men have lust in their hearts,' she remembered from her training. 'Some lust for gold, others power, but all men lust for the Hetari. We need only seduce him with the juice of the Maiden, and he will be swayed from bringing death to the Mother of the Earth.' 

The horses became nervous as they approached the castle and the steady clip-clop of hooves grew muted as if the oily haze was sucking away the sound. As the coach wound up the road, Cassandra saw men wearing black helmets of leather and brass with polished boots and thick, metal goggles over their eyes.

Neither she nor Colin spoke as the mighty inlaid doors slid open as if pushed by an invisible hand. 'So the battle commences,' she mournfully thought. ‘Again, it falls on the gifts of the Maiden to seduce the lusts of men.'

Relaxing into her seat, she was confident she would succeed.

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Written by Milik_the_Red
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