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Time Waits 3. Something Unexpected

"Maggie and Jack Plus One."

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Time Waits. Something Unexpected. 

Until now, it had all been up close and very, very personal. Standing only a few steps apart, I could take in the beauty of Jack in all her almost naked beauty. And my god, was she beautiful. 

"You're in charge here, Maggie. Where do you want me? How do you want me?"

A month ago, less than that, I was a lonely (maybe), single (definitely), middle-aged (almost), and purely cock-lusting (100%) successful businesswoman with many of the trappings to prove it.

This Wednesday evening could never even have been imagined then. 

But I'd been led beautifully astray from that life, with all of its missing parts and pieces, by Jack, who'd seen in me a woman easily old enough to be her mother—someone else again.

I watched her strip. 

Not a sexy, overly provocative strip tease, trying to seduce away the punishment she'd agreed to. But removing first her light summer jacket, then the loose t-shirt she'd chosen to wear for the concert we'd abandoned, and seeing her silk-covered breasts for the first time from this distance, I knew something had changed in me.

Transfixed, I continued watching as her tight jeans were also removed, revealing the matching tanga panties, the jeans joining the pile of discarded clothes on the floor to her right.

Breasts, bigger than a handful but absolutely not a waste, and still covered bottom, bits, and hips were in this moment mine to command. 

I needed to think.

"Get us iced juice."

By the time she returned with the drinks, I had made my decision, although my arousal took it in far more spontaneous directions than I'd expected.

Drinking half the contents of the glass, I handed it back to Jack, and indicating the table, she placed them down on two coasters.

"Turn that chair around, bring me two paddles, and come over my knees."

Jack did so.

"Place them on the floor, within easy reach," I said as she draped herself gracefully into position, placing a paddle and a well-used hairbrush on the floor. "I have a feeling I'll need one of them at least in the next few minutes, don't you?"

As she'd done when I didn't answer quickly enough, my open palm made hard contact with Jack's beautifully covered and oh-so-smackable bottom.

"Don't you?" I repeated, perhaps a little louder than I expected to. My punctuation was hers, but I didn't just want to repeat a copy of what she'd done with me, so I continued to smack alternate cheeks until I was satisfied with her answer.

"Yes, Miss. Yes, miss. Sorry, miss. Not so hard, please miss."

I paused to think for a moment.


"Yes, Miss."

A nice, quick answer.

"When was the last time you were spanked?"

"I haven't been," Jack whispered. 

Returning to her heavy-handed punctuation, Maggie admonished Jack.

"Come on, girl, speak up."

"Miss! Miss! I haven't."

The smacking continued until I wanted to speak again. 

In her upended position, the relentless smack, smack, smacking began shaking her large breasts out of her bra. I helped, not pausing the assault on her bottom but deftly un-hitching the clip in the centre of her back, letting them dangle free, the bra falling to the floor.

"So this is a first, is it?" I said, resting my stinging palm on the rounded underside of her panty-clad bottom.

"Yes miss. Yes, it is."

Her answer was clear as day, but I still gave her lovely bottom a few more hard spanks, just for good measure. 

"That's better."

More punctuation again.

"Now pass me a hairbrush. I'm enjoying myself far too much to even begin to think of stopping yet. And how are you feeling?" I asked, taking advantage of the naked breast closest to me and doing what I'd learnt from my excellent teacher. 

Her hard nipple, slick with perspiration, slipped between my finger and thumb perfectly, my grip ensuring it didn't slip straight back out.

Jack yowled.

My goodness, Jack yowled.

I gripped harder. She yowled louder. 

Letting go, I felt Jack's relief, but it was short-lived.

Very short-lived.

I dragged her knickers up hard so they disappeared between the cheeks of her bottom, revealing for the first time the colour I'd already created there.


Very red, actually. 

But we both know that this is just the beginning. The hairbrush—this hairbrush—was an ideal punishment tool. And I put it to great use, within a very short time having to hold on tightly to Jack's writhing, wriggling body as she tried to escape the inevitable, stinging, punishing head of the heavy, wooden brush.

Occasionally I would pause, flipping to the bristle side, and use this on her tormented, red cheeks.

She seemed to love this, her breathing quickly changing from anguished to eroticised. I loved both and felt my breathing change, too.


"Yes, miss," came the immediate reply, but I flipped the brush back and smacked it repeatedly, even harder, onto Jack's youthful, resilient rebounding cheeks. 

Her breathing became panting, and she could no longer internalise the pain I was producing on her cuter-than-cute derriere.

She let out a long, pained howl.


I continued to spank, increasing both ferocity and rapidity, the hairbrush a mere blur as it raised purplish blue areas on her recently pale pink cheeks.

"Her howl was repeated.


I leaned forward, as she'd previously done, but whispered, not growled, "Origami?"

"No Miss. No Miss. No Origami!"

Sitting back up, I smiled as wide a smile as I ever remember smiling.

Peeling her panties from between what must be excruciatingly painful cheeks, I saw how wet the gusset was and slipped them, with a little help from raised hips by Jack, right off her long, bare legs.

Once again gripping her already tormented nipple, possibly even tighter now in my excitement, the howl turned again into the anguished yowl.

My spanking hand turned then into a wanking hand as I slipped several fingers into her slippery, tight slit and, using some of her lubricating juices on my thumb, slipped it as deep inside her adjacent hole as I could.

She reared in protest, but it took only seconds of these intrusions to bring her to the ultimate pleasure, and I hoped, beyond hope, that the previous pain I'd so enjoyed inflicting had made it a journey worth taking.

With the panting, shaking nakedness I was left with, I helped her to bed and, curling and cuddling behind her, felt the intense heat radiating from Jack's beaten bottom. I gently stroked it. She flinched, then pushed the scorched cheeks into me.

The spanker spanked.

"That was amazing," she whispered, drifting towards an exhausted, elated sleep. "The spanker loves you," and she slept.
"And I love you."

She didn't hear me, although I meant it with all my heart.

As Jack drifted into a deeper sleep, hoping her dreams were as pleasing as my recent reality, I decided to get up and shower. It's just my thing, I suppose, rarely going to bed without one.

I tidied first, picking up our discarded clothes, piling them neatly, and taking the opportunity to, looking around, secretly push the over-damp knickers to my nose and inhale deeply. Having missed out on my own happy ending, Jack's smell on them re-aroused me dramatically, so I took myself and them out onto the dark veranda.

Perching on the edge of a chair and spreading my knees wide, I pushed Jack's panties back against my nose and mouth, and, breathing deeply, I tasted again her fantastic slippery slit, a flavour I'd so recently licked from my fingers.

Keeping them in place there, the pants and those same fingers, with all their years of practice, knew exactly what to do to please me the most. 

Build and pause.

Build and pause.

Sometimes dextrous fingers deep inside. Sometimes, those same fingers play in and around the shallows. All the time, knowing the next place to touch and stroke to build on the last touch and stroke.

This time, though, there were two fantasy thoughts, blending fighting for supremacy and I cared not, which took me over the magic edge into orgasm-land.

To begin with, I was being thoroughly and severely spanked, my bottom throbbing and red from all the painful attention. Jack—well, I could certainly smell Jack—had found her rhythm. Then suddenly it was my rhythm, and she was over my knee. In my imagination, she'd been there as long as I'd been over her knees, her bare bottom as red as mine would have been. And I continued, adding even more colour as I changed to the heavy rubber sole we'd bought but not used.
With this, the magic edge took me unaware, and I tumbled headlong into climax, my fingers going into overtime, one easily sliding into my anus, adding the extra layer of stimulating pleasure that brought on another, then another.

A creak on the veranda stairs brought me, frightened and panting immediately out of my sweaty, masturbatory haze.

Marie was there again. In the dark. Watching. Spying.

"What the fuck?"

"Sorry! Sorry! Dog walking again and caught sight. I couldn't look away. Please don't tell mum. Please forgive me. Or spank me. Or both."

"Jack! Jack!"

"What the fuck!? Is the place on fire? It'd fuckin' better be," Jack said, pulling fresh panties into place and smoothing the seat over her battered bottom. Her nipples stood erect inside her matching cami top.

"She did what?" Jack exploded once I explained in detail how Marie had spied on me masturbating and why I was doing so.

"And she thinks that a spanking would be adequate recompense for her breach of your privacy," Jack continued. 
"Yes," Marie began, but Jack interrupted. 

"I was speaking to Maggie. And would you like to do the honours, Maggie? You've just done such a fantastic job on me, but as I've found out, you can never have enough practice."

"Yes, please, miss. I'd love that. Inside or out?"

"Well, she watched you outside. I'll get drinks. And implements. Begin as soon as you like. I need the loo too; now I'm properly awake."

"Yes miss. Thank you, miss. Right, little Miss Voyeur, are you sure you want this? I've just beaten shades of bluey-purple onto Jack's bottom. For nothing. This," I said, "isn't for nothing, is it?"

"No, Miss Maggie. I came and watched on purpose, hoping to catch a glimpse of something. I never imagined getting involved. When she, Jack, smacked my bottom yesterday, it was like finding something I didn't even know I was searching for. I really want this."

Marie finished speaking, then, without being asked, draped herself in the same position so recently vacated by Jack, flipping her skirt up, so I was looking at a vision of enticing loveliness.

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Bigger all over than Jack, Marie's long ponytail was just asking to be gripped tight. Her wide hips and her big bottom were beautifully covered in almost transparent pale cream silk, which, half an hour later, were hanging on the balustrade newel post where they'd landed when tossed after completely baring Marie from the waist down.

The final stage, Marie's naughty girl corner time, was also still to come, but the journey began with my small palm, stroking circles on this girl's, this woman's thinly covered, beautifully presented bottom.

Different points, at different stages, at different times, were my favourites. 

The beginning, with the first impact palm on Marie's broad bottom as she realised why she was draped precariously over my knees, made my heart beat faster and faster, the blood rushing in my ears. My palm, soon stinging, did not deter me nor decrease the severity. 

Smack! Spank! Crack! 

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

The rhythm was mine. 

Jack held a glass of ice-cold juice to my lips, and I paused in my ministration to Marie's bottom while I drank.

"Thank you, miss."

I made Marie wriggle.

Jack offered me the hairbrush handle first, and I took it with a smile, patting Marie with it ever so gently. 

But only for a few seconds.

The heat and wetness returned between my tightly closed legs, and spanking Marie was a way of adding fuel to that fire.
I wanted to burn.

Burn I did as the paddle beat a repeated tattoo, hitting its target every time in just the spot I wanted it to. This, now, was my favourite. The hefty impact of the heavy brush, now on the bottom I'd recently bared, filled me with unbounded excitement. And I wanted to know if the wiggling, wriggling woman over my lap, who'd almost asked to be here, felt the same.

"May I?" I asked, pausing the punishment and stroking close to her still-hidden sex.

"Yes, please, miss," she answered without hesitation. 

I ran my fingers along the length of her pussy lips, and they came away slippery and dripping wet.

I showed Jack my shining, slick fingers. 

"Use the handle," Jack mouthed to me silently.

I stripped the knickers from Marie's legs, and they landed where I tossed them. I used the hairbrush again, holding Marie tight so she didn't slide off. I hairbrushed the top, bottom, and both sides of her big bottom...until tears slipped from her eyes, and pausing the spanking, I slipped the brush handle into her wet darkness.

The tears stopped as the first orgasm began. Jack handed me a paddle, and I handed it back immediately. 

"You," I said, and the paddle cracked repeatedly onto Marie's already tortured bottom. And this added immeasurably to my fire.

I continued to use the handle to join orgasms together. Jack and I were subconsciously linking the intense spanking pain with ultimate orgasmic pleasure.

Marie was done. But I wasn't.

I tipped her off my knees.

"Stand up, Marie."

She struggled on shaky, jelly legs.

"Corner," I instructed, spurring her there with several increasingly hard swats with the paddle I'd taken from Jack.

We left her there while we kissed.

"I need to fuck you," Jack said, kneeling and using her almost prehensile tongue between my thighs, a thumb disappearing into my anus. 

I pulled her head into me, barely allowing her to breathe, and used her as she'd used me. 

And I came.

And came again.

Opening my eyes, I saw Marie watching and smiled.

"Off you go. We're done and won't tell your mum. But there'd better be a breakfast table waiting. 7.30 sharp," I told her.

"And leave them," I said as she reached for her cunt-wet pants.

She smiled knowingly.

I dragged Jack's head up by her blond hair and kissed her, tasting my sex on and around her sexy mouth.

Once I let her, she stood.

"I'm off back to bed. An interesting day," Jack asked, obviously knowing the answer.

"God, yes. And site-seeing tomorrow may be a bit of a letdown after that."

"We'll see," she replied sleepily.

I was alone on the dark veranda again.

I checked the time. 

A little after midnight. 

I showered again and snuggled in beside the sleeping Jack.

My future...

...was gone when I awoke; her side of the bed was cold.

Not to worry. She's obviously gone ahead for breakfast. It was almost 7.30, after all. I'd slept later than I usually do, and Jack must have just left me because of the late hour we eventually went to bed after the late-night veranda adventure.
I loved her even more for her care of me.

She wasn't there, but Marie was, with a letter.

Family back home needed her, and she'd ring me later.

"I'm here, though," Marie said, "and if last night was anything to go by, there was certainly more than a little chemistry."

"What about Jack?"

"She'll certainly be with us in spirit," Marie continued. "I'm not actually working today, even though you expect me to be. Let's go. Maybe it's my turn."

"For what?"

"Well. Jack smacked my bottom a little, and that kind of struck a spark. You, on the other hand, took me, and that spark became a fire, and it's still burning brightly under this skirt. I've never been this aroused for this long in my life. I want to have a turn, spanking. You."

"No. It's 8 a.m. Jack. Jack is my future. What's going on?"

Unlike the 53-year-old woman I was, I tantrummed. 

"What the fuck? I. I'm. I. I'm leaving. This is too fucking much."

My phone rang.

It was a text message from Jack.

"I can't make it back. It's been fantastic, though. Even last night, watching what you did with the waitress." I glanced up at the obviously disappointed Marie. "I can't wait to see you next time. Maybe even invite her. I'd love to have you both under my tutelage. Two bare, red bottoms need further attention. Take her for our day out, and maybe suggest something appropriate. Not that you need it, but you could even get some practice if she's okay with that."

I messaged back immediately. 

"I'm missing our last day together and wish you were here. The waitress wants a turn at spanking. Me. You're my spanker. My bottom is yours. I had no idea about any of this until I met you. Now there are two of you. I'm so confused. Won't you be jealous? I was. A little. When you smacked her the other night. But you weren't when I spanked her. What if she spanks me? I love you."

In seconds, Jack answered.

"Go for it, my little darlin'. And send me pictures. Lots of pictures. Sorry. Gotta go. Things are a bit tense here. I love you too."

The tantrum evaporated immediately. 

"Sorry Marie. I'm not sure what came over me. Join me for breakfast? Even if I made sitting a little uncomfortable."

"You did," she said, wincing as she sat, "and I'd love to join you, especially if we end up with you in a similar situation."

This young woman, Marie, had an infectious laugh that came easily as we ate and became friends. 

Just after 9 o'clock, I closed the door of the lodge.

"Do you want to do it now? Or have a day out and do it later," I asked her, point blank, pretending I needed to reach over the back of the settee onto the cushions to retrieve something, but perched just a little longer than necessary, my short skirt sliding up to reveal my willing bottom.

The bait was cast.

Sliding to stand beside me, Marie took it, planting hard, resounding smacks on my almost-uncovered cheeks.

"Pictures. Jack wants pictures," I said, tossing Marie my phone.

Every three or four minutes, a new batch was taken from all kinds of different angles.

I had definitely found my tribe, even if we were a tribe of only three. 

This wasn't the punishing spanking I'd initially received and given to both Jack and Marie on consecutive evenings. There was a sense of sensuality I wasn't expecting. Mixed with the continuous smacks was a broad selection of stroking and rubbing, increasing the eroticism by factors of ten, at least. That's not to suggest that the smacks weren't being administered hard enough.

They were.

But the frame of mind we were both in was something else again. From the start, this was definitely something akin to foreplay, with very definite intrusions of Marie's fingers into my very private parts and pieces inside my gusset. 

Pictures once my skirt was lifted.

Knickers barely covering my heating cheeks were spanked harder and harder.

"Jesus. This is fantastic," Marie croaked, her voice thick with arousal. She coughed and repeated herself more clearly. "I think I could do this forever." She slipped my pants down to my knees, spreading my feet so they didn't fall further. Spanking me bare changed the sound and feel once again and made access to my sex even easier.

Amidst the spanking, her fingers and thumb raised the temperature there, while her palm soon swapped for the heavy-headed hairbrush, dramatically increasing the sting on my bottom and reddening the tops of my legs.

"You've done this before, haven't you?"

"No, Maggie. You're my first. I'm a virgin spanker. Is it okay?"

"I've only been being spanked for a very short while, but I think even Jack would approve. I need a break, please."

She stopped, helping me up, and my nickers slid to the floor.

"I'll make us a cuppa," Marie said,giving me a chance to rub my well-smacked bum.

"Nice," she asked, returning with two steaming coffees. 

"God, yes. Take some more pictures for Jack. I hope she'll love them."

"Please, may I have them, too?" she asked, ever so politely. 

And I couldn't resist.

I held her and kissed her, and my belief that I wasn't gay receded even further.

Dancing tongues, causing tingling in my vulva, made my breathing change as our mutual arousal began to take over.
"Stop! Stop! Stop! Sorry! Jack needs to be here," I said as Marie's fingers once again slipped inside me.

We pulled apart, instinctively knowing we were missing our third part, and picked up our drinks, sipping the still-scalding coffee.

"Yes! Yes! You're right. I understand. And thanks for letting me, you know, do all that with you."

She smiled and swapped her coffee for sticky fingers in her mouth.

"Yum," she said with exaggerated pleasure noises, and we laughed together, breaking the disappointment tension that had been building.

I slipped my panties back into place.

"Day out?"

"Yes. That's a great idea. Otherwise, I might try to talk you back out of those pretty panties."

The laughing continued. 

"I'm sure there'll be another time.

There was.




Written by Nomisnohj1
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