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The School Play

"Jenny needs motivation to learn her lines for the play."

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Jenny had never been so excited in her life. She had just won the roll of, Sandy in her high school's Spring play of Grease.

Jenny was best known for having been the school's homecoming queen the previous fall. That was a great honor which she truly enjoyed. However, she felt that it had been mainly based on her looks. While looks were certainly important in getting the roll of Sandy, she had worked very hard to learn the lines and had taken some acting classes, so she felt that she had really earned this part.

The school's drama teacher and director of the play was, Mr. Bell. Twenty-three year old Jim Bell, in his first year of teaching, was very happy with the talent he had discovered at Central High. He was most satisfied to have found Jenny, who seemed like the ideal girl to play Sandy. Not only was Jenny a beautiful, high energy blond, but she could sing and dance like a pro.

The initial rehearsals went very well. Jenny seemed to have become, Sandy. Jim could tell that she connected with the roll and with the era of the 1950's. The other key actors were also very good. Jim felt that this play had the potential to help him make a name for himself, not just at the school, but in the community as well.

Jim had very few concerns about the play until the week prior to its opening, when he noticed that Jenny was stumbling over a few lines, not just once, but several times. Initially, he did not think to much about it, but as the opening grew closer, Jenny's issues seemed to be growing. Jim was becoming concerned that his star actress, might end up causing the play to unravel.

The opening was set for the following weekend. The rehearsal on Monday did not seem to go any better for Jenny. Mr. Bell, asked her to see him for a few minutes after the others had left. Jenny walked over and stood a few yards away as Mr. Bell finished making a few notes. When he did look in her direction, she for the first time, felt a few tears running down her cheeks.

"Mr. Bell," she began, "I am so sorry for the mistakes I have been making. I don't want to mess up this play for you. I want to do a great job, I really do." Jenny told him, now showing an uncertainty that Jim had not expected.

"Jenny, things started out so amazingly well. You had your lines down almost perfectly on the first few days. Now, you seem to have lost the confidence you had, what is going on?"

Wiping away a few tears, Jenny told Mr. Bell, "I don't really know what happened. I felt so great about having gotten this part. I told everyone and my parents invited my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. They all plan to be there just to see me. I started to think about all of them watching and wondered, what would they think if I mess this up? They will never forget it and neither will I. Mr. Bell, I really need to do a good job, but now, I don't know that I can.

"Jenny, you have become much to anxious about this play. While it is understandable and easy to do, we have to find a way to help you calm down, so you can just focus on becoming Sandy again."

"Oh Mr. Bell, if you can find a way to help me get through this, I would be so grateful. I am just panicking more and more as we get closer to doing the show. So any way you know of to help, would be wonderful."

"Jenny, if only we had a few more weeks, I could help teach you some tricks that other actors, I know, have used to deal with stage freight. The problem we have now, is that we are just a few days away and we may need to consider trying a more aggressive plan. Sort of a shortcut to helping you focus on becoming Sandy and not thinking at all about Jenny."

"I agree, Mr. Bell, we have no time to waste. I would be open to any plan you might have. Anything you can do to help me, is what I want."

"Jenny, what I have in mind, may sort of shock you as it is usually considered to be a punishment for doing something wrong. However, in your case, I would just think of it as a technique or method that could help you to stay focused on what you need to do in order to properly preform the play."

"Perfect, Mr. Bell, I want to hear all about it. No matter what, I know I'll need your help this week."

"Jenny, as I have said, we do not have a punishment situation here, but none the less, it is a situation that demands a quick result. The most effective way I know of to take your mind off of uncontrollable influences and to focus on the one thing that you can control, is for you to accept a spanking from me. I know that sounds odd, I understand, but I do hope you will consider it. At this point, I really have no other ideas to try."

"Mr. Bell," a very surprised Jenny, responded. "I never imagined that you would suggest giving me a spanking. I think I need a little time to figure that out. I appreciate your trying to help me and I will consider what you have said. I just have to get used to the idea of being spanked by one of my teachers."

"I completely understand that Jenny. In fact, I would have been surprised if you had reacted any differently. Here is my suggestion. Go home tonight, Think about our discussion. If you want to proceed as is, just tell me tomorrow. If you decide to accept my idea, write a short note accepting a spanking and in it, you may add any concerns you have or limitations you would like to place on; how, when, or where, the spanking should be conducted. If that sounds okay, we'll see you at our morning rehearsal tomorrow.

"Thanks, Mr. Bell, I can give that some thought and see you in the morning."

Tuesday morning's rehearsal went about the same as the previous few had gone for Jenny. After everyone else had left, she handed an envelope to Mr. Bell.

She simply said, "Here is a letter I wrote for you last night, Mr. Bell, I hope you have a chance to read it as soon as possible."

Mr. Bell accepted the envelope and told Jenny that he would read it prior to seeing her in his third period drama class.

Jim returned to his office and anxiously opened the envelope that Jenny had given to him. It read:

"I, Jenny Jones, am requesting that for my own good as well as the good of the school play, Mr. Bell, spank me. The spanking or possible multiple spankings, should be administered in a manner totally at the discretion of Mr. Bell. After a great deal of thought, I have come to realize that Mr. Bell has the best interest of me and the school at heart. I need help and I am confident that he will provide it to me in a fair and effective manner."

Jim was pleased to have gotten this letter from Jenny. He realized that he had a responsibility to remain professional in his dealings with Jenny. He truly did believe that he would be able to provide the help that she needed. At the same time, he knew that he was becoming more excited about the type of help Jenny was trusting him with, than he probably should have been. He needed to quickly work out the logistics of spanking Jenny, as he would be needing to carry this out before the end of the day.

In his third period drama class, he noticed that Jenny looked a little apprehensive maybe even embarrassed, about what she had agreed to. Jim knew he needed to try to put her at ease, (To the degree that was possible) before she left his room. As the bell rang, he was able to get her attention and indicate she should talk to him, before leaving.

While the others quickly filed out, Jenny held back to make sure all the others left before her. She then made her way up to Mr. Bell's desk.

"Jenny," he began, "I want you to know that I do understand how difficult it must have been for you to hand me that note this morning. It was really well thought out and I appreciate the trust you have placed in me."

"I'm so nervous, Mr. Bell. I know doing this is the right thing, I just wish I was not so nervous about it."

"Jenny, don't let yourself worry about this too much. I promise you, it will be a good thing for you. Everything is going to work out really well. I know you will see that. We have to wait until seventh period, that is the first office time I have. I will send a note to your class saying that I need to meet with you about the play. Everyone knows that you have the lead part, so no one will question our meeting."

"Thank you Mr. Bell, I am nervous, but I'm looking forward to seeing you and even to having you spank me."

Shortly after the start of 7th period, Mr. Bell heard a quiet knock on his office door.

"Please come in," he said.

The door slowly opened and Jenny slipped into the small office. Her eyes were drawn to an old wooden ping pong paddle, she spotted on the corner of Mr. Bell's desk. She took a deep breath and closed the office door.

"Jenny," Mr. Bell began, "Would you please lock the door, we would not want to have anyone accidentally come in, during our meeting."

Jenny complied and now stood awkwardly in front of Mr.

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Bell's desk.

"Jenny, why don't you begin by telling me how you feel right now and why you are here, at this time."

"Mr. Bell, I'm feeling pretty nervous right now. I have come to you because I need help and I am quite sure you are the best person to help me. I have come to ask you to spank me in any way you feel will be most beneficial. I need to do a really good job in this play and I believe that being spanked by you, gives me the best chance of success."

"Jenny, I want you to pick up the paddle you see on my desk and just hold it, feel it and look at it for a minute. You are a very good actress, so I want you to imagine that the paddle you hold, is your new best friend. That paddle is going to help you to focus on becoming Sandy for a few days. That is all it needs to do, just help you to focus for a few days."

Jenny held the paddle, turned it over a couple of times. She examined it closely, running her hand across it several times. She felt a tear begin to run down her cheek.

She held it out to Mr. Bell and said, "I think you need to have this now, Mr. Bell."

Jim tried not to show how nervous he was, as he looked into the short pretty blonds, beautiful tear filled blue eyes. He accepted the paddle from Jenny as he stepped around the desk to stand next to her.

Jim placed his right hand gently on Jenny's shoulder, leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Jenny, I need you to lean across my desk, grab onto the far side with both of your hands, spread your feet about shoulders width apart and try to remain as still as possible."

Jenny was now positioned and Mr. Bell wasted no time in applying a solid smack to the back side of her short green plaid uniform skirt.

"Ahhh!" Jenny let out, "I was not ready for that yet."

Before completing the sentence another even harder smack had landed in the same spot.

"Sandy," Jim said, "You are now Sandy, you can only focus on her now. " He repeated, as the smacks kept coming faster and harder."

"Whoa, that really hurts Mr. Bell, it really does!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Keep holding still Sandy, we have only just begun to spank you."

Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. The paddle rained down on the young actress's back side. A good twenty more smacks were applied before Mr. Bell let up.

Finally he said, "Sandy, are you ready for the play now?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Bell, I am ready. I think you helped me for sure, I can feel that in more ways than one," she replied.

The next few days Jenny's rehearsals were much improved, in fact they were outstanding, exactly the result Mr. Bell had hoped for.

Friday was the big opening night. To promote the play, the cast dressed in character during the school day. Mr. Bell saw Jenny in his third period class and sensed that she was not as sure of herself as he had expected. He was happy when she stopped by his desk on the way out of class.

"It's the big day Sandy," Mr. Bell began, "How are you holding up?"

"I thought I was doing pretty well, Mr. Bell. It seems there is something about being dressed in character that now has my stomach tied up in knots. I don't know if I can make it or not. I might need your help, if you have time, sir."

"Sandy, if you can come to my office during lunch today, I think we can work everything out for you."

"That would be so great, Mr. Bell, I'm sorry to be so much trouble to you. I really appreciate all you are doing to help me."

The lunch bell sounded and Jenny was on her way to Mr. Bell's office. She knocked on the door and was told to come in. This time Jenny locked the door without being told to.

She turned to Mr. Bell and said, "I don't think we want anyone accidentally coming in, during our meeting."

Jim smiled and told her she looked like the perfect Sandy, "Olivia would be proud he told her."

"I hope so," she replied. "I just am not feeling it today the way I have the last few days. I'm hoping you can help me get my confidence back again.

"Of course, I am happy to help you Jenny. I'm just not too sure if it would do any good for me to paddle you on top of that poodle skirt and petticoat, would it?"

"I'm sure that's right, Mr. Bell, it is quite a few layers."

"Jenny, this time I think you should step back behind my desk so I can help you lay across my lap." He said, as he pushed his chair back as far as possible.

Jenny stepped around the side of the desk until she stood right next to Mr. Bell.

"Do you want me to bend over your lap now, Mr. Bell?" she asked.

"No Jenny, I think it would be best if you could take off that poodle skirt first, Okay?"

With no hesitation, Jenny looked down, found a couple of buttons which she opened, and then pulled a zipper down enough to allow the skirt to fall to the ground. Jenny picked it up and told Mr. Bell she did not want it to get wrinkled and laid it neatly across his desk.

"Do you want me to leave the petticoat on, Mr. Bell?" She asked.

"No Jenny, let me take that down for you, Okay?"

She moved closer to Mr. Bell and placed her hands on his shoulders for balance, as he slide his fingers inside the petticoat's elastic waist band and pull it down over her hips. They allowed the garment to fall to the floor and Jenny stepped out of it. Now the tails of her white blouse covered the front of her pink bikini panties.

Jim, moved the material out of the way in order to get a clear view of Jenny's very shear panties.

As Jim studied the panties, he suggested to Jenny that it might be a good idea to take her panties off, since they already seem to be getting a little bit damp in front.

He said, "I don't think we would want them to get any wetter while I am spanking you, would we?"

"No sir," Jenny replied, "Would you like for me to pull them down for you?"

"I think that would be a very good idea, Jenny, let me watch you pull down your panties."

Jenny, looked at Mr. Bell and could see she had his full attention. She hooked both thumbs under the elastic of her bikini panties, near her hips. Her blue eyes looked down as she very slowly worked the waist band down. Finally, she allowed Mr. Bell an unfettered view of her neatly shaved little pussy. She then allowed her panties to drop, stepped out of them as she was gently guided into position to be spanked, across Mr. Bell's lap.

Jenny looked back and said, "Mr. Bell, I know this is what is best for me. I need you to spank me. I' sorry I ever questioned this. I need you to give me a really good spanking. I need to be thinking about being Sandy, only being Sandy. You can help me to do that, I know you can. Now spank my bottom, Mr. Bell, spank me hard."

After gently rubbing his right hand over the milky white cheeks laying across his lap and giving each a playful squeeze, Jim Bell came down with a torrent of firm smacks on the young girls pretty white bottom. Her legs kicked, just a little at first, but as the speed and firmness of the spanking grew, her kicking became higher and harder. She let out a series of ow, ow, ow, ow and began to violently rock back and forth, as Jim struggled to keep the young girl positioned properly, while continuing to provide the spanking she had requested.

Finally, Jim slowed the spanking to a few easy taps as Jenny settled down. He then tenderly rubbed her now pink bottom and gently tried to pry Jenny's legs apart. Jenny did not resist opening her legs for Jim. Indeed, on her own, she was able to prop one knee up onto Jim's desk, in order to provide him as full a view as possible, of her now very wet pussy.

"Sandy," Jim said, "It's a lucky thing we had you take your panties off before the spanking, it appears they would be far to wet to wear, at this point."

"I know Mr. Bell, now I need you to watch me play with my wet clit, can you see what I'm doing Mr. Bell?"

"Yes Sandy, I can see your fingers working up into your cunt. I see you have three fingers buried inside your pussy. I want to watch until you come. Take as long as you need. I will keep you safe on my lap, just work your fingers up into that wet cunt as long as you need to."

Jim watched and listened intently to the squishing sound Jenny's fingers were making as they trust in and out of her wet cunt. Her breathing became louder, her eyes squinted as she continued to work her fingers, her body now began to rock and roll uncontrollably and finally she began to scream, "I'm coming, I'm coming Mr. Bell, watch me come, can you see me coming?"

Finally spent, Jenny rested on Mr. Bells lap for several minutes. Jim helped her get back to her feet and reassemble her cloths.

When she looked put together, Jim asked, "How do you feel, Jenny?"

"I'm Sandy, Mr. Bell. You helped me become Sandy."

Written by US01236728
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