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The Pain In Spain

"A wild girl is brought to heel"

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Author's Notes

"This character was inspired by a young goth woman I recently saw boarding my daily commute."

It is a curious tradition in literature that all epic poems begin in the middle of the story. Homer began the Iliad in the midst of the Trojan War, and Milton began Paradise Lost with Satan's rebels fallen into Hell, to name but two examples.

With this in mind, the best place to begin the tale of Emma Cordova's epic spanking and fucking is to picture her riding her flatmate Josep's cock. There is a thick black hoodie on the floor, along with a Marilyn Manson t-shirt, some black jeans, and black lacy panties. These things are on the floor, but she is not, technically, naked. There is a black collar around her neck with metal studs. Her hair is black too, a thick bouffant like Elizabeth Taylor and the classic movie stars. Emma's arms are tattooed, but there are red scars there too, for, alas, she is prone to mild self-harming. See her rock back and forth on that penis! See her belly button piercing swing back and forth like the pendulum of a Grandfather clock. She is feeling every one of its six inches. She is coming, but she is not smiling. Emma very seldom smiles.

A squelch! Almost like a wet pussy fart. Her flatmate bites his lips so as not to giggle.

"We gotta change," Emma says, fuming that her body embarrassed her like that.

She gets up and takes to her hands and knees. She decides to make extra noise so that he forgets that bloody fanny fart. Shit, she was sobering up. She needed another shot. No sooner is Josep inside her than she reaches for the vodka, now watery as the ice has melted, which is on the table by the bed.

Why is this the middle of the story? Josep’s was just the latest in a long line of cocks she had invited in since she got together with her long-term boyfriend, Dani.

Dani and Emma had, to put it mildly, a tempestuous relationship. They rowed all the time. Emma often felt that Dani was not supportive of her mental health issues, whereas Dani would accuse her of being a drama queen who loved attention. Dani was starting to fear that Emma was a black hole that, no matter what he did, would never clean up and make a healthy partner for him.

Emma was already thinking about what she would tell Dani, even as Josep re-entered her and rubbed her naked thighs. Dani would have to know. She sighed, then took another drink and the world shimmered as her vision grew blurry again. The warmth of the vodka felt great, and her orgasm was building. Her pussy was really wet now. Josep’s dick slid smoothly in and out and she closed her eyes…


“Oh, Em! Yes! Fuck! Fuck! Suck it! Yes! Yes! Oooohhhhh!”

Dani was looking to his left, where Emma’s naked ass was reflected in the mirror as she blew him. He hadn’t told her this, but he’d positioned the mirror there intentionally for when they were making love. Not that they had made love today. She had entered the flat, tottering a little, led him straight to the bed and begun to blow him.

Emma felt Dani’s semen shoot up into her mouth. Eugggh! That would require a new shot of vodka to wash out. Sighing, she knew that, now the soften-him-up blowjob was over, she would have to confess.

“Dani, I’ve done a... wery shilly thing. I slept with another man.”

Emma’s words were slurred. It was obvious she was very drunk.

“What? Again?”

“Technically, we didn’t really sleep at all. We lasted all night!”

She giggled. Dani did not.

“At least, I remember that, when I tossed my head back to swallow his cum…it was…light.”

“You gave him a blowjob?” Dani asked, anger rising in his voice.

“But of course, I sucked his dick! It wouldn’t be sex without a suck or two would it?”

“You know what, Emma? I don’t even want to look at you! You can fuck off. Get the hell out of here, I’ve had it with…”

“Well, I’ve had it with you. Sex with us is so boring,”

Her eyelids were drooping. She was so drunk she was falling asleep.

“You can’t even apologise? You come in here, drunk, telling me you sucked another guy’s cock and…”

He was wasting his time. She had dropped off.


“And then she told me she had cheated. But it wasn’t like she had slipped up. You know, drunkenly kissed a guy, she regretted it and was apologizing and asking for forgiveness. It was like she didn’t care if she had hurt me.”

Emma’s parents looked down at the table, then at each other.

“Thank you for telling us, Dani. I’m sure it took a lot to be this honest.”

Emma’s dad, Manuel, said at last.

“What are we going to do with her?” his wife, Noelia, said, shaking her head.

“From my point of view, I love Emma, I want to get her to see sense about her behaviour. But I can’t stay with her if she’s always going to be like this. I love her and I have all the time in the world for you guys, and the way you’ve let me into your family. But the truth is, I have a rope and I’m near the end of it,” Dani said quietly.

“No…no, we understand that son,” Manuel said.

“If she were six years old, I’d take her over my knee and give her a damn good thrashing, let me tell you,” Noelia said. “Maybe smack some sense into her.”

As soon as she said that Emma’s dad suddenly changed his expression. He said,

“Punishment. We’ve tried therapy and listening and giving. We’ve tried anger and threats. We haven’t punished her.”

“We tried grounding her.”

“No…I mean, corporal punishment.”

Dani sat forward in his seat. Noelia looked tense.

“She wouldn’t take it off of me, and I don’t want to be accused of abuse,” Dani said quickly.

“Manuel, you can’t!” cried Emma’s mum. Her husband shook his head,

“I can’t. Dani can’t. None of us can. But maybe an outsider could…smack some sense into her.”

“Then who?”

“We’ll have to go to a master or a mistress. In the BDSM scene. He or she will have the equipment and the experience to punish Emma effectively.”

There was a long silence.

“It could work,” said Dani slowly,

“But all the same, we can hire a mistress with a cane and a paddle. We can tell Emma she deserves to be punished. But we can’t actually force her to submit.”

“I think we can,” said Emma’s dad, “I think we can.”


“So, either I submit to a spanking, or I lose my inheritance?”

“Yes,” her parents said firmly.

“And you lose me,” Dani said quietly.

“Emma, you have to learn that you can’t just go around the world like a wrecking ball, doing whatever you want. There are consequences to your actions. And now the moment has come for you to face the consequences.”

“I’m sorry, Dad. I’m sorry, Mum.” Tears started rolling down Emma’s cheeks.

“And?” her father said firmly.

“I’m sorry, Dani.”

“You have a week to decide which option you choose,” Manuel said, “The master is booked in seven days, next Saturday.”

Emma wept for a few minutes more, but then she reached up and dried her eyes. She didn’t realise it, but the tears were making her black eyeliner run down her cheeks.

“Ok,” Emma said at last. “I’ll do it.”

Everyone else smiled, feeling tremendously relieved that she had chosen to stay within the fold.


The dungeon was full of odd equipment. Dani looked around, fascinated. There was a bondage wheel. There was what looked like a toilet, but which had a pillow under the seat for pussy licking. There was a rack of whips, crops, and canes. In the centre of the room, presumably put there with Emma in mind, was a table. In the middle of the table was a sort of hobby horse that you could drape yourself over while kneeling on the table. Clearly, it would elevate and tighten your buttocks, presenting them for chastisement.

The master had greeted them and asked Emma to take a shower, then emerge in the pyjamas he had provided. Dani sat with the guy awkwardly, drinking coffee.

“So, how many people do you see a week?” he asked, curious.

“Depends. It’s economy sensitive. When times are hard, people cut back on pleasures.”

Dani looked around doubtfully. Being beaten and chained up wasn’t his idea of pleasure.

Emma emerged from the bathroom.

“Right, Emma. Your family has explained that you have been drinking irresponsibly and cheating on your boyfriend. You’ve told lies and disrespected your parents. You agree that you deserve to be punished and consent?”

“I do.”

“Very well. Lower your pyjama trousers and bend over the horse, please.”

Emma complied. Dani watched as his girlfriend’s buttocks appeared. She climbed onto the table and assumed the correct position, and when she had settled into position her stomach was pushed up so that her bottom was elevated high and tight. He traced his line of vision from the top to the bottom of her crack, thinking back to when he had pulled those buttocks apart to try anal for the first time. He had rubbed lube on that soft asshole and then she had encouraged him to push firmly in…

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He thought back to their early golden period five years ago. How had they got to this? How had she gone so badly off the rails?

The master stood behind her, rolling up the sleeves of his right hand. Dani tensed, sitting on the edge of his seat as the man swung his arm back, then cracked his hand onto Emma’s butt cheek.

Emma didn’t make a sound. The master smacked her again, and the flat of his hand made a slap sound that rang through the room. He began to smack in a rhythm. He was building up speed and strength. She had taken eight – ten – twelve smacks and still they rained down upon her buttocks…

Emma’s bottom was starting to pinken.


Emma felt her bottom tingle as the master smacked it. It was pretty humiliating, having her ass walloped by a stranger. It wasn’t really painful though. In fact, far from painful, it was starting to feel good. She was surprised to feel arousal stir in her. She’d never thought of trying BDSM, but now she was being spanked her body was signaling its approval. Mmmmm…he could keep this up as long as he liked…


After sixty smacks, the spanking stopped. Thirty had been administered to each cheek. Dani sat back. Was that it? It didn’t seem to have had much of an effect.

“Right, Emma, we’re going to move to the instrument phase now. I’m going to use a paddle first. Hold still.”

The master went to his rack of instruments and picked up the thin wooden paddle, which was aerated with holes like a crusty old cheese. Dani grinned, his fears allayed. She would definitely feel a few strokes with that thing.

The master resumed his stance behind Emma, then swung the paddle mightily so that it smashed onto her tender bottom.


Dani nodded approvingly. Now they were getting through to her.


Emma yelped again as the paddle struck her backside a third time. This was far more intense than the hand spanking. The paddle covered a much wider area of her bottom and the firmness of the wooden instrument contrasted sharply with the rubbery bounce that a human hand smacking her ass gave.

Her bottom was in pain. But her pussy was trembling at the thought of how vulnerable and exposed she was. She was bent over and totally at the mercy of two men, either one of whom could do whatever they wanted to her. Her body was now desiring a cock, nerve endings on her bottom melding seamlessly with those in her pussy...

Crack! A fourth stroke with the paddle. She knew she deserved this. She was determined to take as much as she could, and to wring every second of pain and pleasure out of this experience.

Yowch! Emma thought as the paddle hit her trembling buttocks again. Her ass now felt raw, as if the skin had been stripped off.

Dani would pay for this, she thought to herself. He was headed for the exit door. She only had one set of parents, but there were other boyfriends.

And when it was done, she would have that sweet inheritance coming her way. The sixth stroke with the paddle was the last. She pricked up her ears. The master was speaking again.


“Ok, Emma, there is one more round. I’m going to use the crop three times and then there’ll be three strokes of the cane. Then we’re done, ok?”


“Ok who?”

“Ok, master.”

The master went over to the instrument rack and selected a fine long riding crop.  

He swung it back and cracked it across her ass. Then again.

Emma wailed as the crop struck her the third time.

“You want to be touched, don’t you, girl?”

“Yes, master.”

“You want that pussy served by a cock, am I right?”

“Yes, master.”

“You will have to wait until your punishment is complete. I will finish by giving a dose of the good old school cane.”

Tears were appearing on her face, although she was dying to reach behind and touch herself. This was part of the master’s game, she knew. To deny her.

The cane was produced from the rack. The master swished it through the air.

“Hold still, girl. This is really going to hurt.”

The cane whistled through the air and smashed into her bare buttocks. When it hit her, Emma nearly screamed, the pain was so bad. Her bottom felt like it was on fire.

Even as her bottom flared up in fresh agony at the second stroke, something odd happened. Emma felt relieved. She felt that she had paid for her bad behavior. Having been punished, her guilt at having hurt Dani and worried her parents was dissipating.

The third stroke landed exactly where the second had and she shrieked, then buried her face in her hands sobbing.

But it was only a minute before she regained possession of herself and, looking up, said, “Master, I want my boyfriend’s dick. I want it now. Tell him, please.”

“I believe it’s over to you, sir!” the master said to Dani.

Dani strode over to where his girlfriend still knelt, stretched across the hobby horse. In a flash, his pants were around his ankles and his cock was hardening as he jerked it. He pressed it firmly at her lips, and she was so wet that it went in easily. Oh, that felt fucking good, her juices lubricating his dick, without the thin layer of latex that a condom would have provided. Bare, his cock swelled to the embrace of her cunt.

Dani began to thrust in and out.

“Harder, Dani! Faster!” Emma urged. Spurred on, he increased his stroke.

“Spank me! Spank me as you fuck me!” Emma cried.                                                                       

 Dani swung his hand back and cracked it across her red ass.

“Yes! Yes! Again!”

As if in slow motion, he watched the master walk to where Emma’s head was and lower his trousers. To Dani’s astonishment, the master had taken it upon himself to order her to lower herself further by sucking his cock. He knew he should protest. He knew he should get mad. But it was too amazing to see, as he was banging Emma from behind. He didn’t want to break the spell.  

Dani was thrusting as hard as he could and without a pause, he drew his hand back and lay six smacks onto Emma’s jiggling buttocks.

“Oh! Oh! Oh yes, master, spank my ass!”

Dani redoubled his efforts, and his thighs bounced off Emma’s ass. He was reclaiming her from Josep’s cock by driving as hard and fast into her as he could. He was punishing her for her transgressions by laying into her with the flat of his hand.

The master had his hands on his own head and was looking down at Emma’s head, which was jerking back and forth as she blew him.

Emma took a break from the blowjob and cried aloud,

“Oh, I’m gonna cum. Oh, I’m cumming! Spank me, Dani, spank me! Use the crop!”

The master, who was watching, grinned and chucked the crop to Dani, who caught it. It wasn’t easy to hit her ass with it while he was inside her, though, and it was more of a flick of the wrist than a proper swat.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Emma squealed as she came hard, and Dani felt her vagina clench and relax and clench around his cock. Oh, this felt so fucking good. He was going to come…

The master’s dick was in her mouth again. She was sucking it hard.

Dani smacked her ass three times, as if the sight of another man’s dick in her mouth had reawakened his jealousy.

“Yes! Yes! Oh my God!”

The master was moaning now, and Dani saw that Emma was sucking it firmly and quickly. Dani knew that facial expression from the pornos; the master was going to come any…

“Ah! Yes!” Semen shot out of the master’s dick and sprayed across Emma’s face.

“Turn, Em, turn! Let me see you covered in his jizz, babe!” Dani cried. Emma turned her head around, and the semen was running down her cheeks like milky tears and she smiled a sweet, coy smile…

That did it. Dani’s orgasm surged up from his balls and his penis jerked uncontrollably inside her, and he felt his cum fountain out inside Emma’s soapy cunt.

“Oh my God, oh my God!”

Dani orgasmed so hard that his vision briefly blurred. The master was laughing.

Emma Cordova had gone limp across the hobby horse, apparently exhausted. She had been well and truly spanked into submission. But, with her pussy full of one man’s cum and her face lathered with another’s, she’d still won the night.


It will, perhaps, not come as a surprise to the reader to learn that Dani and Emma were not to last much longer. Emma made a half-hearted attempt at reform, but a leopard’s spots do not ever really change.

But neither of them ever forgot the night she agreed to submit to the spanking of a lifetime.


Written by MC1982
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