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The Maid

"Pete defies the family maid for the last time"

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Most people would describe Pete as a spoiled brat. He lived a life of ease growing up as an only child in upper-middle-class suburbia. His parents were overly protective, insulating him from the consequences of any bad behavior. By the time he reached eighteen, he'd descended into a rude, disrespectful prick who took everything that was given to him for granted. On top of their enabling tendencies, his parents were hardly around, always busy and away on extended business trips. They didn't really have to deal with his behavior, and the maid took the brunt of his assholery. 

The maid had been hired a few years ago. She did the cleaning, cooking, and some of the babysitting. She was paid well and loved everything about her job except for Pete. He was the bane of her existence and treated her like shit. He always threw parties when his parents were gone, trashing the house and leaving it for her to clean. He would mouth off to her any chance he got. She tried bringing his actions to his parents' attention, but they basically told her, "Boys will be boys." She'd had enough of his antics. 

Pete was having another party over the weekend. His parents were both gone again. One of his friends brought over some hard drugs, and the party was really getting out of hand. The maid had more than enough. Fuming, she stormed into the room and yelled for everyone to leave. Pete turned to her and cussed her out publicly. She threatened to call the cops, so the guests reluctantly left. 

Pete turned to the maid angrily. "What the hell was that, you bitch?!" he screamed in her face.

"That was your last party, young man," she said calmly. "You have disrespected me long enough. It's time someone taught you a lesson."

"Ha! You can't do shit. My parents will fire you if you try so much as to touch me."

"If they do, it'll be a blessing that I won't have to deal with your ass anymore. Plus, they won't find out anyway," she said, holding up a bag of the drugs she'd confiscated. "Because if you say a word to them, I will tell them about this."

"They won't believe that they're mine," he protested.

"They will when I show them this video," she said, holding up her phone.

"You're lying. It's not recording."

She turned her phone around for Pete to see that it was indeed recording the whole conversation.

Visibly flustered, Pete lunged at her phone in her hand. She yanked it from his reach and slapped him across the face. "Listen, shitstain, I've had enough of your blatant disrespect." She shoved him down on the couch and pointed her finger in his face. "You will submit to be punished by me, or I'm going to the police." Taken completely by surprise by her speed, strength, and resolve, for the first time in his life, he had no sarcastic retort. He just sat there, looking up at her, dumbfounded. Pete never had a woman stand up to him like this, and he found it incredibly arousing.

"March your ass to your room and wait for me," she commanded loudly, standing over him. 

His anger was completely gone. He was now solely focused on defying her every demand. Purposely wanting to get under her skin, he naturally played a defiant brat. The more angry she became, the more encouraged he was, and the more thrilling her threats became. 

Eventually, he did as he was told, stomping off to his room. She searched the house for the most painful things she could find. She found a bath brush hanging in one of the bathrooms. The dense brush had a long handle and a large, round head. She also took a long plastic rod off the window shades before making her way upstairs. 

She opened his door to find him on his bed, sitting up against the headboard. She set the implements down on an end table. He looked at her in defiance. She stood at the end of his bed, looking down at him angrily. 

"Your tantrums are only making this worse for you. I am going to give you the spanking of your life." 

"You won't sp..." he started to interrupt.

"Shut your mouth; I am not finished," she said, angrily cutting him off. "This has been a long time coming, and today is the day you will finally pay for your years of disrespectful behavior." She entered his walk-in closet and picked out a sturdy leather belt from his collection. "We'll start with this. Get up and bend over the foot of the bed," she ordered. He stayed put, an evil smile spreading across his face.

"Do I need to remind you what the police and your parents will do when they find out what drugs you've been using? Get your ass up NOW!!"

"Okaay, fine," he said, climbing off the bed.

"Now, remove your clothes," she commanded. He scoffed and immediately regretted it when she swung the belt at him in the general direction of his waist. The belt connected with his hip, and the end wrapped around him, stinging his ass. "How many times do I have to repeat myself? You are only making this worse for yourself."

Pete knew this was true, but he couldn't help himself. He was getting off on the maid's impatience. Her constant scolding and threats were making his dick grow harder in his pants. He continued to defy her, inflaming her anger and coaxing her on.

He took off his shirt and removed his pants. "Underwear too, young man." He obediently took off his underwear, allowing his erection to spring outward. Taken by surprise at his arousal, she said, "You're enjoying this? You disgusting piece of shit! Bend over RIGHT NOW!"

"Yeah, right," he said, smirking in her face. 

She responded by swinging the belt wildly, connecting with the back of his thighs. He yelped in pain. She grabbed his forearm and yanked him forward towards the bed, causing him to fall over it. He had to put his hands on the bed to catch himself as the belt came down hard across his bare ass. His body jolted forward as a red line formed across his cheeks.

"Stick your ass back out!" she said as she landed another on the bottom half of his ass. He cried out in pain as he tried holding his position, but the pain of each stroke caused him to move forward until he was fully on the bed, trying to get away. "Get back in position before I have to tie you down!"

More thrills coursed through his body at her threat. As the strokes came, hard and fast, he kept getting out of the way. It would certainly have been difficult to stay in position anyway, but he did little to try. 

Before long, he was back on top of the bed. She reached to grab him, and he fought her off. "That's it! Stack two pillows on the middle of the bed and lay across it with your hips propped up on them. I want the highest point of you to be your ass." She grabbed a couple more belts and a couple of his ties from his closet and secured each limb to the corners of his bed. 

"That's better," she said as she admired his spread-out body on the bed. "Now, your ass is mine. You won't be able to move out of position any longer. You deserve every second of what's coming. You're the most arrogant prick I've ever known. While you are being punished, I want you to remember every foul word you've spoken. I want you to remember every time you were disrespectful to me, to your teachers, and to your parents. I'm going to beat you so hard that you'll remember this for a lifetime."

Hearing her words only made him harder and harder. His erection was visible on the pillow as his legs were spread to the bed corners. His ass was raised high in the air for her. She took her place at the side of the bed and swung the belt down on his ass as hard as she could. He howled in pain, but that didn't deter her. She followed it up with more. Without stopping, she gave him fifty hard strokes.

His ass was bright red by the time she finished. She set the belt down and grabbed the heavy bath brush. Pete tried to turn his body around defensively, but the restraints kept him in place. She set the bath brush on top of his burning ass, letting the weight of it register in his mind. The belt was one thing, but the bath brush introduced some fear to the situation. "Pleeease, I'm so sorry," he said.

"Oh, it's far too late for that, young man. I'll accept your apology when I'm done with you, but we have a ways to go. You need to be fully humbled."

He took a deep breath and braced for impact. She picked up the brush off his ass and brought it down hard on one cheek with stunning force. He screamed out, his body straining. The second swat smashed into his other cheek; the sound was so loud it rang in his ear. The long handle made it so easy to drive the brush head down with power. His agonizing cries continued as she clobbered his ass. Deep bruises formed as she counted out fifty. 

His battered ass was turning deep red. She set the bath brush once again on top of his ass and leaned over, whispering in his ear, "Go ahead, call me a cunt one more time, call me a bitch, do it, please." He remained silent. "C'mon, stupid boy, nothin'? NOTHING? That's what I fuckin thought. You're nothing but a waste, you filthy cocksucker."

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She picked up the bath brush and gave him twenty more hard swats. "Nooo!" he screamed as she peppered his raw flesh. 

She set the brush down, looking at his purple ass. "Let's finish up with some stripes, shall we?" She picked up the curtain rod and swished the hard plastic through the air. It had no give. She smiled as she lined up her shot, tapping his aching ass. 

"Please," he whispered almost unintelligibly.

Showing no mercy, she raised the rod up above her head and crashed it down on his vulnerable ass. His body jolted and tensed up as a line formed on top of the bruising. She brought it down hard again as he was still tensing, making him scream. She whipped his ass with the rod repeatedly until it shattered over his ass, breaking into a bunch of pieces. She threw the last piece that was still in her hand at him. "Are you sorry, boy? 'Cause we've got plenty of those rods."

"Yes, yes!! I'm so sorry," he cried. 

"Yes, what?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am," he said, sobbing. 

"Good," she said as she slapped his ass hard with her hand. 

"You're gonna stay here until I say so." With that, she left the room, closing the door to let him sit and think while his ass remained in the air on fire.

Pete lay there, fixed to the corners of the bed, processing the recent events. He had never seen the family maid take charge like that. He replayed what had just happened, listening to her words play in his mind. The utter disdain in her voice towards him instantly turned him on again. 

His dick pushed against the pillows he was propped over. With his limbs tied down, all he could do was grind his hips into the pillow. With her degrading words ringing in his ear and the echoes of the bath brush crashing into his throbbing ass, he came forcefully, soaking the pillows and bedspread. 

Seconds after he released, regret washed over him. He was stuck, each limb fastened to the bed corners, with his cum displayed between his legs for her to see whenever she decided to come back. Frantically, he worked to try to loosen the knots around his wrists and ankles, pushing, pulling, and wiggling around, but they didn't budge. Eventually, he resigned, waiting for her to return to find the evidence of his pleasure.

Her distant footsteps revived his distress. As they came closer and closer, Pete put his face into the bed, surrendering to his fate. The door opened suddenly, making him jump. "I hope you learned your lesson, boy," she piped as she began untying one of his ankles. "What the fuck is that!?" she exclaimed. "Is that what I think it is?"

Pete just remained prostrate, refusing to acknowledge her discovery.

"You disgusting, pathetic piece of shit. You make me sick. I swear to God, I'm going to beat your twisted mind straight!"

Her incessant berating continued, making his cock rise to life again. She was livid, pacing back and forth and unleashing a tirade of insults. "You're a fucking disgrace!" were her last words before she disappeared. Pete listened to her stomp around until she returned again, bath brush in hand. She made a beeline to the bed, using her momentum to bring the brush head down squarely onto the center of his ass. She immediately pulled it away and brought it down forcefully again and again and again and again, her anger traveling through the instrument to his quickly blistering ass.

Pete shrieked and strained. All four limbs pulled against the restraints, trying desperately to curl inward, but his body was held taut. She continued with no end in sight. "You (WHACK!) Are (WHACK!) A dirty (WHACK!) Repulsive (WHACK!) No Good (WHACK!) Piece (WHACK!) Of Human (WHACK!) Filth (WHACK!) The most (WHACK!) Pathetic (WHACK!) Excuse (WHACK!) For a boy (WHACK!) What (WHACK!) A (WHACK!) Waste (WHACK!)"

With his body held outstretched, the bath brush pounded Pete's bare ass over and over. His wailing could be heard throughout the house and continued long after she stopped.

She set the brush down and listened to his cries for a few minutes. Her anger had dissipated, and she almost felt bad for him. "You sound like a very sorry boy," she said to him in a softer tone. 

"I am! I am!" he sobbed.

"Very well," she said, untying him. "Get on your knees and apologize. You better make it good," she warned, holding the brush menacingly.

Pete obediently kneeled on the floor before her.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" she asked, holding the bath brush to his chin.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am," he said, sniffling. I promise to be good from now on and treat you with respect," he said sorrowfully, pressing his hands together.

"Hm, that was okay," she responded. "Now, thank me," she ordered.

He started to speak while looking at the floor. She raised his chin with the brush. "Look at me while you're talking to me," she commanded.

He looked up at her. "Thank you for spanking my deserving bottom, ma'am. I needed it."

"Yes, you did. Now, repeat after me. I will..."

"I will..."

"...spend the rest of the day..."

"...spend the rest of the day..."

" the house..."

" the house..."

"...completely naked..."

"...completely naked..."

"...until the entire house is cleaned."

"...until the entire house is cleaned."

"Good boy, now hop to it. I'll just hold on to this bath brush, just in case."

She watched his glowing ass scamper off in obedience. Smiling, she took the day off, relaxing on the couch and directing him to do all her chores. The bath brush was displayed on the coffee table within arm's reach.

She watched him work to and fro and started getting aroused. "Your naked ass makes for a great maid," she complimented while sipping her tea. Every once in a while, she'd get up to inspect his work, taking the bath brush with her.

On one of these occasions, she spotted dust on one of the shelves. "You missed a spot," she called out. "Come here, dirty boy." Pete rushed to the area and quickly dusted the shelf clean. "Thank you, but you made me have to tell you. Bend over, hands on your knees," she ordered.

Pete did as he was told, and she gave him five hard whacks across his naked bottom. "Back to work," she directed. She chuckled as he limped off.

She resumed her perch, watching him work from the couch. She was getting hotter by the minute. She watched him scrub the floor vigorously, his red ass displayed, and slipped a finger under her panties into her wet pussy. A slight moan escaped her mouth as she slowly massaged her clit.

She worked her panties off from underneath her skirt and called Pete over. "I don't think you thanked me properly." Pete noticed her hand under her skirt.

"Come here and finish the job, Pete."

"Yes, ma'am," Pete said, understanding the assignment. He kneeled down in front of her and raised her skirt to find no panties and a dripping pussy waiting for him. "Thank you for spanking me so hard and putting me in my place," he said, looking up into her thirst-filled eyes.

"You're welcome, boy. You're lucky I even deal with such filth. Now put your face where it belongs."

"Yes, ma'am," he said, eager to serve. 

He pushed on her knees, opened her legs, and put his face between them. He eagerly lapped up her juices and plunged his tongue between her lips.

"Ohhh, good boy," she moaned as he slid his warm, wet tongue smoothly back and forth against her clit. She forcefully pushed his face against her, driving him deeper inside her. Fueled by pleasure, she held her grip tighter and tighter until his face was so smashed up against her body that he couldn't breathe. Her thighs closed around his head, holding him in place. Determined to serve her well, he held his breath and focused all his strength on flicking his tongue inside her as fast as possible. Her body jolted suddenly, her convulsions pulling his head every which way as he licked with the last amount of energy he had. He held on through the entirety of her orgasm, which lasted for several seconds.

She released him, and he fell straight to the floor, bowing before her, trying to catch his breath. "That's exactly how you say sorry," she said, catching her own breath. "Now, go finish your chores."

"Yes, ma'am," he answered, quickly obeying.

In the next few months, after only a few reminders, Pete's attitude had completely changed. His parents noticed the change but had no idea why he had become so respectful.

Pete learned to trust and respect the maid. His attitude change was their little secret. He would often go to her, requesting a spanking to keep him accountable. She gladly provided. She even let him throw parties again as long as he cleaned up afterwards, naked, of course.

Written by Petesandman
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