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The Housekeeper

"My First Week in a New Job"

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I was so pleased when he rang and told me I had got the job. I was the new housekeeper for Richard Adkins. The salary was excellent and best of all it came with a self-contained flat in the annex which meant I could finally move out of the house I shared with my useless ex-boyfriend. As an extra benefit, Richard Adkins was a good-looking, successful businessman, to whom I found myself attracted from the moment I saw him.

The only problem was that I had lied on my C.V., I did not have any of the experience required and I had made up the references. How difficult could it be to be a housekeeper? I was expected to keep the house tidy, cook some meals, do the laundry, and make Richard’s life easy. I was more than ready to train on the job.

I moved into the annex on Sunday and reported to work on Monday at nine o’clock as requested. Richard showed me around the house and explained what he expected from me. He was an easy person to like, and we seemed to get on. The first day went well.

On Tuesday morning whilst working in the kitchen I heard a knock at the back door. As I opened the door I was greeted by a smiling face. “You must be the new housekeeper; I am Caroline the gardener. Do you fancy a coffee?”

“Hi, yes I am Penny, lovely to meet you.”

I made coffee and we sat together. I discovered Caroline worked Tuesday and Friday mornings. She was good company and the conversation soon turned to Richard.

“What do you think of him?” I was asked.

“He seems nice and easygoing.”

“He is until you upset him then he can be very strict.”

“What do you mean strict?”

“I cannot really say, but you will find out soon enough. He is hard but fair. His ways can come as something as a shock at first but if you get used to them, they can also be exciting.”

“What do you mean?”

With a knowing smile, she said, “You will find out.” I could get no more from her, but I was intrigued by what she meant.

That afternoon Richard was working at home. As I walked past his office, I heard him say, “That is not acceptable, you promised the client and have let them down. I cannot just let this go, that will be twelve and on the bare this time.” I did not know who he was on the phone to, but you could tell he was cross, he did not need to shout but there was no doubt about his feelings. I did not know what he meant by twelve on the bare, but I was curious. He came out of the office after the call and saw me on the staircase, a small smile passed across his face. He knew I had overheard him.

Shortly afterwards he came down to the kitchen. He favoured me with a huge smile and said, “I come in search of tea and biscuits, have I come to the right place?”

“Of course, I will bring them up to you.”

"No need let's both have tea here.” He sat down and we started chatting. Conversation came easily as he had an easy manner. I asked about his work and found out he ran a large IT Consulting Business. It was something to do with cloud computing, hybrid strategy, and AI adaptation. I must say I did not fully understand. He told me he focussed on the sales side and split his time between the office and being at home.

“I run a sales team of five people who all work hard although they get very well rewarded. I do expect a lot from them. I believe in working in an environment of total honesty and integrity.” With this, he looked directly at me, and I am sure I blushed thinking of the piece of fiction that was my CV.

As he got up to leave Richard said he needed a shirt washing for a client meeting on Thursday. He was due to deliver a key presentation which could secure a multi-million-dollar deal. He wanted to look his best and I was expected to ensure everything was ready for him.

Some suits had arrived from the dry cleaners, I went to hang them in the master bedroom and to find the shirt Richard had spoken about. In the wardrobe hanging on the rail, I saw several canes hanging by their curved handles. I could not help myself staring at them. I took hold of one of them and flexed it, I could not begin to imagine what it would feel like if it was used for punishment. There was also something that looked like a wide leather belt with its buckle missing. It also had a long split along some of its length. I could, however, guess its intended purpose.

Suddenly what Charlotte said about him being strict made sense. I also thought I had a good idea of what he had meant when he had said 'twelve on the bare# earlier. My mouth went dry, and my heart raced. Could he want to do this to me? Should I run now? Why did I also feel a rush of excitement?

In a hurry, I put the suits away and found the shirt. My mind was in a whirl.

As I did not have a full load of washing, I added some of my own things at needed doing and started the wash cycle. I could not get the thoughts of the canes out of my mind. I would be lying if I said I had no interest in spanking, I had tried it in the past but only as fun. This took it to a new level.

After an hour, the washing machine beeped informing me that it had finished its cycle. I opened the door and stared in horror. One of my red socks had found its way into the wash and everything, including Richard's white shirt, had turned a pink colour. I knew that I was in deep trouble, and I could see no way out of it. After some deliberation I decided, I would have to face the music and tell Richard hoping that he would forgive me.

I went to his office and knocked and when asked I entered.

“I am so sorry I have ruined your shirt,” I blurted out as soon as I saw him.

“Really what happened?” he remained calm but I could tell he was annoyed.

I told him the truth.

He looked at me and asked. “Honestly have you done this type of work before?”

It was as if he could read my mind. I knew I could not lie my way out of this one.

“No, sorry this is the first job like this.”

“So, you lied to me?”

“Yes, so sorry, I had to get away from my last boyfriend.” Tears had formed in my eyes.

He reached into one of his desk drawers and placed my C.V. in front of him. “So other than your name and I assume your date of birth everything is false?”

I shuffled my feet. “Yes. But I was desperate.”

“I value honesty very highly; you have broken my trust. I will have to let you go. Please vacate the annex by the end of tomorrow.”

The bottom was falling out of my world. I could only return to my mother’s house, and we would both hate that. I was desperate.

“You could cane me,” I blurted this out before I could stop myself.


I repeated myself this time with more confidence. “You could cane me; I saw the canes in your cupboard. You could punish me, and we could start over.”

I saw the trace of a smile pass across his face. “I am paying you very well. I thought you had the relevant experience. Do you think a caning will solve all that?”

“I will work as hard as possible and any time I fail, you could punish me. I think you would enjoy that, and we would both get what we want.”

“You would be willing to do that?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Let me think about it overnight, you do the same, and let's discuss it again in the morning. Agreed?”

“Yes, thank you. And I am sorry, once again.”

That evening I sat alone with my thoughts. Initially, I was relieved that I would probably be able to keep my job. I had told all my friends and family how good this position was, and it would be so embarrassing to tell them I had been sacked. I would also keep a comfortable roof over my head. The thought of my caning was terrifying. What would happen? Could I cope? Also, this was likely to happen more than once. I never doubted I would go ahead with it, but I was scared. I did find the vision of Richard wielding a cane over my naked bottom did hold a certain attraction. He did have a personality that I found very appealing.

Sleep was hard to come by but eventually, I must have drifted off, and I woke to face my fate.

At nine o’clock I knocked on Richard's office door again. It felt like those times I had knocked on the headmaster’s door when at school, although this time I was far more nervous.

When I entered Richard did look like an imposing headmaster.

“Do you still agree you should be punished?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Right, at lunchtime you will bring me the wooden hairbrush from the dressing table in my bedroom and I will punish you with that. This evening you will receive six strokes of the cane. Both punishments will be carried out on your bare bottom.”

I blushed crimson, I had thought this might be the case and my worst fears were now confirmed.

“Yes,” I replied, and then to my surprise I added, “Sir.”

It was just like being back at school.

Richard smiled at that. “I am glad you wish to stay; I do like you and I think we can make this arrangement work. I will see you at noon, bring the hairbrush with you.”

I was dismissed. I went into his bedroom and picked up the wooden brush, it had a long handle and a large oval head, and it was heavy. I was struggling to imagine what it would feel like smacking against my naked bottom. I concluded it would be very painful.

Nothing got done that morning, I could not focus on anything. An hour before my appointment with the hairbrush I went to get ready. I showered and stood in front of the mirror. I could not help myself I looked at my bottom, it looked so pale and vulnerable.

I like to think of myself as a pretty girl and I have been told I have a good figure; although I have always thought my bottom is too big. But past boyfriends have complimented me on my figure. I try to look after myself and keep fit and this hopefully shows in my looks.

I considered what underwear to select. I had no experience with lingerie requirements whilst getting your bottom spanked. Eventually, I selected a plain black bra with matching panties. I elected to wear a loose skirt as I thought I would need easy access to my bottom.

Once dressed I was pleased with how I looked, but I was now very nervous. Still, excitement was present, I felt like a was going on a scary roller-coaster ride. Lots of fear but excitement at the same time.

I collected the dreaded brush a made my way to Richard's office. Now it really did feel like waiting outside the headmaster’s door. At the stroke of noon, I knocked.

“Enter,” I heard.

I stood before the desk feeling more than ever like a naughty schoolgirl. If I was honest with myself that was also the way I had behaved to get myself in this situation.

“I am glad you are on time. Punctuality is important, especially when punishment is due.”

“Thank you,” I paused and added, “Sir.”

I was not sure what made me keep calling him Sir, but it somehow felt right to do so.

Again, I saw the trace of a smile.

“There is no benefit in long speeches at this point, you know why you are here, and you only have yourself to blame. I would like you to remove your skirt and place it on the desk.”

He said this in such a matter-of-fact way. There was to be no discussion; he just expected it to happen. I stepped out of my skirt and placed it on the desk. I stood before him, and my hands covered my pussy. “Hands to the side. Modesty is for good girls; you do not fit that description.”

He was fully clothed, and I was before him semi-naked. There was a tension in the air, a sexual tension. Although nervous about what was to come, I felt a pulse of excitement down below.

“And now your panties can join your skirt on my desk.” Again, no room for discussion.

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I slid my panties down and placed them as requested. I went to cover myself and thought better of it. I stood naked from the waist down. He looked at my pussy, and again I felt a pulse of excitement.

“When you need to be punished in the future, please wear stockings and suspenders. I think punishment should be a formal process and you should look your best.”

There was no question that punishment was going to happen repeatedly and there was no question of the dress code for such occasions. I replied, “Yes, Sir, I understand.”

“Can you place that chair in the middle of the rug,” he pointed to a chair in the corner; I had not noticed it before, but it did look out of place in this plush office. It was a basic dining room chair with no arms. I was slightly puzzled but turned to comply with his request. As I   walked across the room, I felt his eyes fix on my bottom. I lifted the chair and turned and saw the lustful look in his face, I could not help myself, but I felt the stirrings of desire also. I placed the chair as requested. Richard stood he picked up the hairbrush and took his seat as I waited meekly next to him.

“I want you to lay across my lap with your bottom uppermost.”

I could now see the purpose of this plain chair it was perfect for positioning someone for a spanking. With as much dignity as I could muster, I took my position. I felt Richard's hand briefly stroke my bottom and it felt like electricity passed between us.

“Beautiful, truly beautiful,” Richard said, “you have a beautiful bottom.”

“Well thank you, kind Sir,” I replied. “Does it not seem a shame to punish it?” I cheekily asked.

“Sadly, you have made it necessary. I would however be lying if I said I was not looking forward to this. I will deliver twelve strokes with the brush, six on each buttock. You will keep your bottom still; you will make a minimum of noise and you will thank me at the end. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” It was going to happen. I was to be spanked.

The brush was placed on the centre of my left buttock and it was rubbed gently in a circle then lifted away. It returned to my bottom at speed, I heard the crack and felt a flame of pain. I let out a small groaning noise. It had hurt but I also knew that Richard was not being overly harsh in his punishment. The second stroke was swiftly delivered to my right buttock, and I kicked my leg in response. He continued with my punishment leaving fifteen to twenty seconds between each stroke, I felt each delivery and my bottom was starting to burn.

“Final two coming up,” with this, he delivered the two hardest strokes in quick succession. I cried out and tears formed in my eyes for the first time.

Silence filled the room. Then I remembered, “thank you for my punishment, Sir,” I said. I was relieved it was over, and that I had endured it with some dignity.

“You have been very brave; I will see you at five o’clock for your caning. Please bring the lightest colour cane with you. Remember stockings and suspenders.”

He ran his hand over my bottom again, and I could feel his erect penis pushing into me as I eased myself upright and rubbed my bottom.

“You had better go now. You may want to leave your panties off for now,” Richard said.

I took my skirt and put it on, and I did indeed keep my panties off. I walked back to my bedroom very conscious of my partial nudity and the sting of my punishment. As soon as I could, I lifted my skirt and bent to examine my bottom in the mirror. It was a pink colour all over with deeper red patches. It was also starting to tingle nicely.

The feeling also transmitted itself to my pussy which started a tingle of its own.

I could not help myself - I used my fingers to increase my excitement and before long, I was on my bed, legs apart with my dildo deep inside me. In my imagination, I could picture Richard holding his cane over my defenseless, naked bottom. I would not have to wait very long for this dream to become a reality.

As I came down from my high, I realised I had always had a very active sex life in my imagination, but the reality has been boring at best. With Richard, I could see the chance to change that. I also knew I had to keep busy otherwise the afternoon would drag on.

I decided to vacuum the house it was a physical activity that helped to take my mind off my bottom. I did the downstairs rooms before starting upstairs and when I had finished in Richard's bedroom, I could not help myself I took the cane out of the cupboard.

It was very flexible, and I swished it through the air. The sound sent a tingle down my spine. I tried a practice stroke on the bed. At that moment I noticed Richard standing at the door with a smile on his face.

“Curiosity killed the cat, they say.”

I looked directly at his crotch, “I was just checking everything was in working order for later,” I was feeling very naughty at this stage.

“I think you will find everything works as required. I will see you later. Do not be late.”

He left and I put the cane back. The rest of the afternoon passed in a bit of a daze. I showered and dressed, as requested, in my lingerie. Again, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing black stockings and suspenders with a matching bra and knicker set. I did look dressed for sex. My ex-boyfriend loved me to wear stockings, and I rarely did for him. I was surprised that I was so keen to dress up for Richard. I knew the caning would be painful, but I also knew Richard would not be cruel.

I put on a pretty dress, collected the cane, and knocked on the door as the clock struck five. Once again, I found myself before Richard's desk.

“Thank you for bringing the cane. Have you been caned before?” he inquired.


“Have you wanted to be?”

“Before today no, I am scared but excited at the same time.”

“This is supposed to be a punishment,” he smiled.

“Oh sorry, I meant to say I was terrified.”

“Let us see how you feel shortly. It looks like you will have to remove your dress.”

I reached behind and undid the zip and again stood before him in my underwear.

“That is how a woman should present herself for punishment. You look stunning.”

“Why thank you, kind sir.”

“Those panties will need to be removed.”

Again, I complied and stood semi-naked and excited before him. I was sure he could see my excitement.

“The chair needs to be placed once again.”

He watched me place the chair as required.

“Stand at the back of the chair and bend right over. Grip as far forward as you can.”

I did as I had been asked. My naked bottom was pushed out into the room.

He got up and stood behind me. “Legs further apart,” I shuffled my legs apart, “further.”

I was now very lewdly displaying myself to him. My secret charms were no longer secret. I was sure he could see my arousal, “as I said earlier, modesty is for good girls.”

I have been naked in front of men before, but I was sure I have never felt this naked and exposed. I had rarely felt this aroused.

He stood beside me, “You are to receive six strokes of the cane. You will remain in that position with your bottom presented. You will not shout out or use your hands to protect your bottom. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir,” I nervously replied.

“After each stroke, you will count out for me, one, two, and so on. When you are ready for the next stroke you will say thank you, Sir. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“At the end of the punishment, you will stay in position until I give you permission to rise. If you ignore this, I will repeat the punishment. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Right let us get this over with.”

I felt the cane on my lower bottom, my throat was dry, and my heart was hammering in my chest.

The cane tapped gently a couple of times and then I heard the swish and felt the cane strike my bottom. It hurt and I groaned through the pain. But although painful it was bearable.

“What number was that.”

“One, Sir.”

“If you forget to count again, that stroke will not count. Tell me when you are ready.”

I composed myself to say, “Thank you, Sir.”

The second stroke swiftly followed, this one lower down my bottom.

“Two, Sir.” I took a deep breath and added, “Thank you, Sir.”

After the fifth stroke, I was reminded to stay in position. I was very pleased with having taken the punishment so far. The sixth stroke was delivered.

“Six," I called out. I briefly stood and rubbed my bottom.

Richard looked first surprised and then angry. “You silly girl, that is six more strokes.”

Although the caning had hurt, something possessed me to stand and continue the punishment. I knew Richard was enjoying this, and I had been in a state of sexual tension all day. Part of my brain was also convinced I was being foolish, but it was done now.

“Back in position,” I was ordered.

I bent back over the chair and pushed my punished bottom out.

“We will start again at number seven.”

I counted through the rest of the punishment; I did by now have a very sore bottom.

“Last one coming up, again stay in position afterwards.”

The last stroke caught me at the top of my thighs. I shouted out it really did hurt. “Twelve!" I cried out. I stayed in position this time.

Richard knelt behind me his face was level with my sore backside.

“Beautiful,” he said, “you have been very brave.”

I felt his finger trace across my bottom, and I pushed back hoping for more. “As you know, modesty is for good girls. Hold your buttocks open for me.”

I could not believe what he had asked. But I reached behind and, taking a sore buttock in each hand, I displayed myself to him. He would clearly be able to see both my anus and pussy.

“Stunning, you are gorgeous.” You could hear the desire in his voice now. I felt his finger gently run along my pussy, I pushed onto him.

He withdrew his finger and stood.

“You have been very brave; I do not wish to take advantage of you. The slate is wiped clean. I am out all day tomorrow. Let’s talk again on Friday.” He left me bent over the chair.

I was stunned and frustrated. I stood and walked semi-naked back to my room. I had wanted Richard so much, but I could do nothing about it. I inspected myself in the mirror once again and could see the twelve stripes left by the cane. I was strangely proud of myself. Once again, I found myself with my imagination and my dildo. For the second time that day, I brought myself to orgasm thinking of being dominated by Richard.

The next day the house felt quiet. I kept myself busy, but Richard was never far from my mind. On Friday morning Richard saw me and asked if I would join him in his office.

This time I sat opposite him.

“How’s the bottom?”

“I still can see the marks,” I replied but with a smile.

“Well, naughty girls deserve punishment.”

Even this sent a flush of excitement through me.

“I would like to offer you a pay rise.”

I was not sure what I was expecting but this was not it.

“In addition to the pay rise on Wednesdays and Fridays, I want you to wear a uniform.”

Again, this was not what I was expecting.

“Uniform,” I stammered, “what sort of uniform?”

“This sort,” with this he turned his laptop around and I could see a picture of a French Maid dressed in a very skimpy uniform. She had a very short skirt showing her stockings, suspenders, and panties.

“Won’t I get cold?” I replied.

“We can turn the heating up,” he smiled.

“Let me think about it, I will tell you at the end of the day.”

With this, I stood and left him opened-mouthed behind his desk.

I knew I was teasing him; I was, of course, going to agree to his proposal, but he did not know that.

The End.

Written by DorsetP
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