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Spank Me! Part 2

"Tiffany comes to Mr. Matthews’ dungeon for a spanking, and gets so much more!"

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Author's Notes

"It's not necessary to read Part 1 to enjoy this, but it will get you some useful background on the characters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Plus, it's fun on its own!"

Looking through the peephole at the quivering girl, I smiled to myself, then opened the door. “Right on time, Miss Burke. Well begun.”

She started to move past me into the house, but I held up my hand. “Not quite yet, Miss Burke. Kindly remove your clothes first.”

She looked wildly at me and started to protest – then stood up and opened her red raincoat, revealing that she was naked underneath. She hung there as if this were enough to cause me to change my mind. 

I smiled again. “Your clothes, Miss Burke,” and waited. 

She stared at me, then kicked off her low heels, slipped the coat off her shoulders, and handed it to me, then stood there, naked, on my doorstep, hands crossed over her breasts. 

I took the coat from her, then moved to the right and waved her inside. She hopped in as if the floor were hot, then moved to the left so she wasn’t visible from the street.

It was going rather nicely, I thought. I stepped out, scooped up her shoes, then moved inside, closed, and locked the door with a key from the inside, pocketing the key. Draping the coat over the coat rack and placing the shoes next to it, I gestured with my left hand towards an open door several steps ahead. “After you, Miss Burke.”

She looked at me with big eyes, her chest rising and falling underneath her still-crossed arms. Quickly turning, she walked forward, her delicious bottom clenching and releasing as she walked towards the doorway, revealing her tension and discomfort.

She paused at the top of the staircase, looking down anxiously.  

“On you go, please,” I directed in a clipped tone. 

She swallowed, turned to obey, then quickly descended a few steps, but paused again when one of the wooden boards creaked underfoot. I grasped the back of her neck with my whole hand, and urged her to continue her descent into the basement – my special place for submissives. 

When she reached the bottom of the staircase, Tiffany stood glued to the floor, rotating her neck in my hand like an owl. I closely watched her reactions and her struggle to comprehend the scene around her. Her fear was obvious as she wrapped her arms around herself. 

Some had told me the basement’s stone walls resembled a castle’s dungeon. And the lighting was purposefully dim. There were oblong mirrors strategically placed. A variety of spanking implements and other toys hung from crude hooks in the walls. 

I woke her from her shock with a sharp smack on her arse with my free hand. That’s when she noticed my other guest. 

She gasped, then turned on me, anger in her eyes. “What’s she doing here?” Burke demanded, pointing at the naked figure, bent in whipping position over the medieval-looking form with feet spread wide, strapped tightly, and offering her defenseless arse to view. I’d similarly bound her hands, straight out in front of her, taut. With her head hung down, raven hair cascaded towards the floor, pointing in the same direction as her tits, which were tight, pebbled, and twisted into little points, the dark areola crinkled and rippled. She was panting, and honey was dripping from her cunt and trickling down her thighs. Some of it dripped onto the tiled floor. 

It was a bit of a wonder that Burke recognized her – Kimberley wasn’t exactly in the same social circle.

I pushed Burke forward, releasing her neck, and causing her to stumble slightly. “Miss Burke, you were instructed to be here, dressed in a manner you thought would please me, which you have done. You were not invited to question my actions or my taste in guests. Now, stand there, Miss Burke, and be quiet until you are instructed to do otherwise.”

She hung there, frozen in my death stare, then swallowed hard, dropped her eyes, and moved to the spot I had indicated, next to the whipping form, facing the naked, helpless form of Kimberley bound there.

Crimson stripes crisscrossed her arse and decorated up and down her thighs. A variety of implements lay on the table next to the form, neatly laid out and ready to hand. 

I moved back into position behind Kimberley and selected a crop. “Have you had enough, Kimberley?” She raised her head, and her wide eyes met mine in the mirror positioned at the head of the form. 

She panted, and her entire form quivered. “No, Mr. Matthews.”

“You want more punishment?” I queried.

“Please, Mr. Matthews, yes, please.”

“You know I increase the intensity with each instrument, don’t you?”

She was silent, panting. Saliva drooled from her mouth. She swallowed and licked her lips, then nodded. 

“Beg for it, Kimberley. Beg me to crop your arse and your cunt.”

She hesitated, and I found the wait delicious, knowing she would beg despite her hesitation and fear. “Please, Mr. Matthews, please crop me. Crop my arse and my…my c…cunt.”

“How hard do you want me to crop you, Kimberley?”

“Uh…a…as hard as you like, Mr. Matthews.”

“Good girl.” And with that, I flicked the crop upwards so the flap smacked hard, directly on Kimberley’s cunt and clit.

Her whole body went rigid and bounced within the bonds of the frame. “Oh, SIR!”

Tremors ran up and down her legs and back, and goosebumps rose on her arse cheeks. I waited until her legs began to unlock their muscles, then smacked the crop’s shaft hard across the middle of her arse.

“AAAAhhhh … OW! OW OW OW OW!”

Immediately, I brought the crop up again, focusing the flap on her clit and the top of her cunt slit.

“Oh my God oh my God SIR!” She pulled on her arms, and her whole body writhed. “Please, Mr. Matthews, I’m going to cum, please please PLEASE let me cum!”

I reached into a metal bowl next to the various whips, canes, and floggers and came up with a handful of ice cubes. “Not until I give permission, Kimberley. Not until I say,” and I started to rub the ice up and down from her spread arse cheeks up and down along her slit and then held them on her clit.

Her body began to buck against the restraints, and she screamed.

I held the ice there for several seconds, then took my hand away, dumping the cubes into the bowl and shaking my hand. It was cold. I almost felt sorry for little Kimberley.


I turned to look at Miss Burke. She was trembling, one hand to her mouth, the other cupped over her pussy. 

“You seemed surprised to see Kimberley here, Miss Burke. You two have more in common than you might think.” I gently caressed Kimberley’s wet cheek and tucked an ebony tendril behind her ear. “You have no doubt noticed Kimberley is shy. She’s learning how to beg for what she wants and needs. Whereas you…” I yanked Tiff’s head back by grabbing a hank of her long sun-bleached hair, “… well, you beg for attention in all the wrong ways.” 

I released my grip on her hair. “So… are you ready to join the fun, Miss Burke?”

I could see that she was hyperventilating already. I wondered how she would handle being spanked – and was looking forward to finding out.

Depending on her reactions, I had other plans for the girls later. I turned back to my first submissive on the table.

“Kimberley, I think we will give you a rest while I give Miss Burke some much-needed attention. Feel free to watch.” I flipped the quick releases on Kimberley’s bonds, then caught her as she collapsed into my arms. Holding her up, I led her to a queen-sized bed with restraints dangling from the four posts, directing her to lie down on her back, feet spread. Her bottom was already blossoming into a lovely shade of crimson.

I put a silk belt across her middle, bound her wrists and ankles, then elevated her ankles so her cunt was on display – and freely available. 

It interested me to see that Miss Burke hadn’t taken her eyes off Kimberley, and she was making telling movements with her mouth - sucking on her lower lip, licking her upper lip. Not surprisingly, Kimberley noticed and squirmed but was unable to cover her nakedness. Yes, these two needed something not only from me but from each other. 

I turned back to Burke. She flinched when I looked at her, which made me smile.

I walked over to a padded, armless chair. “I need you draped over my knees, Miss Burke, so I can give you what your twisted, upper-class arse so desires.”

Her entire body was shaking now; I suspected as much from excitement as fear, her hand covering her mouth, her eyes wide and staring at me.

Now, Miss Burke.”

She bolted forward and almost threw herself over my knees, just about sliding over, then catching herself on the floor with her hands. She cautiously wriggled her way back onto my knees, presenting her naked, unprotected arse for my attention, panting in her excitement. I made no move to help her but let her position herself.

“Are you quite comfortable, Miss Burke?” I asked.

“Y…yes Mr. Matthews.”

“Then we’ll begin. Now, what do you want, Miss Burke?”

“Want … sir?” she gasped, her torso rising and falling as her stomach inflated and deflated.

“Yes, Miss Burke. I’ll always consider what my – play toys – want me to do. And if it matches what you need, I’ll give it to you. So, what do you want, Miss Burke?”

She swallowed hard, letting her head hang down, then mumbled something. I was sure I knew what it was, but wanted her to say it out loud so there would be no going back.

She swallowed again and almost shouted, “Please, sir, spank me. Spank my bare bottom – hard!”

I smiled, “As you wish, Miss Burke,” and brought my waiting hand down on her right cheek, making sure my hand wrapped around that shapely bum with about eighty percent of my power, producing a mighty SMACK!

Her body jerked up, “OH FUCK!” she called, then collapsed across my legs, panting. One hand started to snake back towards her injured bum, then jerked to a stop and dropped back to her side.

I waited a few heartbeats, then asked, “More, Miss Burke?”

Her head swiveled toward me, and then she let it hang down again. “Please.”

“Please what, Miss Burke?”

“Spank me more than you spanked her.” She raised a hand and pointed a finger at Kimberley without looking at her. 

Oh no you don’t, little girl. She still had an attitude about Kimberley being here. 

“Miss Burke, let me be clear. This is not another competition that you need to win. You are a spoiled little girl used to getting whatever you want outside these four walls. But inside these four walls, I decide which guests are here and I decide what each guest receives. You may ask, even beg for what you want, but you will trust that I will give you what you need. And you, Miss Burke, need a heavy dose of humility along with a well-warmed bottom, and I intend to give you both.  Do you understand?”

She sighed theatrically. Clearly, there was more work to be done with her. “Yes, Sir,” she replied. 

I removed both my hands that had been resting on her arse and placed them on my hips to show my annoyance. Kimberley was chewing on her lip and darting her eyes between me and Tiffany. 

They both sat in uncomfortable silence while I waited for a more convincing sign that Miss Burke was ready to submit. She looked back at me several times, clearly frustrated that I hadn’t continued her spanking. She raised her arse and gave it an enticing wiggle. I sat unmoving, unaffected. 

Finally, she looked up at Kimberley and said, “I’m sorry, Kimberley.” Then, she turned her head to me with pleading eyes. “I’m sorry, Mr. Matthews. Please spank me as you see fit.” 

She relaxed her body, becoming dead weight across my lap, fully submitting. 

I smiled to myself. She was challenging, but she was also ready. I turned my attention back to the shapely arse presented to me. 

I decided to show my power and brought my hand down again and again and again on her cheeks, not giving her time to catch her breath, alternating sides until a bright pink spread across her cheeks. She squalled at first, balling her fists around my pant legs until I heard her start to whimper. I glanced at Kimberley, and her body was jerking with each smack on Burke’s bottom. 

No doubt my playtoy’s flesh was stinging as she kicked her legs on a few spanks, so I trapped her legs with one of mine to keep her still. She’d become a wiggle worm on my lap. 

Abruptly, I ceased spanking and was not surprised she started bucking her hips, trying to rub her clit on the fabric of my trousers.  

I slid my fingers down her crack and found a soaking mess between her legs. Sticking two fingers in her sopping cunt, I took control of her body, placing my other hand in the small of her back and keeping her legs trapped.

Breathing deeply from the exertion (and the arousal), I said, “It would seem, Miss Burke, that you are enjoying yourself, are you not?” 

She turned her face to me, tears streaming from her eyes, leaving black mascara lines down her cheeks, but nodded. I reached over and grabbed a couple of tissues from the box kept there, and handed them to her. She blew her nose, wiped her face, then started to give them back to me, thought better of it, and hesitantly dropped them on the floor.

“Good. I believe you’re beginning to understand. You behave – you get rewarded. Let’s move on now, shall we?”

She nodded, and her arse cheeks clenched, waiting for the next onslaught.

So, of course, I surprised her. I always like to keep my playtoys off-balance.

Taking my fingers from her cunt, I pushed her slowly off my lap, catching her by surprise, then took one of her hands and helped her stand. “Now you are going to make amends to our Kimberley.”

Tiffany’s head jerked around to face me. “What?”

I frowned at her. “I see you haven’t fully grasped the situation even now. You see, Miss Burke, while I provide what you need, you provide what I enjoy. And right now, both motivations meet in you pleasuring Kimberley.”

I walked over and then tapped the side of the bed. “Here, Miss Burke.” 

After a heartbeat, she timorously moved to the bedside, looking at me somewhat fearfully.

“Get up on the bed on your hands and knees, and eat Kimberley’s cunt while I watch.”

Turning to Kimberley, whose eyes had gone wide and whose mouth was about to utter protests, “And you, Kimberley, had best keep quiet, or I shan’t allow you to cum.”

Her mouth closed with a snap.

“It’s time for you both to become more – intimately – acquainted.” 

Miss Burke slowly crawled onto the bed between Kimberley’s elevated legs, then turned back towards me. I stood there, unmoving, arms crossed, frowning. Not quite the Death Stare, but in the same universe. “Now, Miss Burke.”

She leaned forward and started to burrow between the pink, puffy folds of Kimberley’s pussy, and I saw her pink tongue begin to make long, slow licks inside the bound girl’s folds. Clearly, this was territory that was quite familiar to our Miss Burke. 

For her part, Kimberley was squirming, her face red with embarrassment, but she was unable to move away from Miss Burke’s ministrations and soon lost all desire to do so. Her pelvis started to thrust upwards, and Kimberley started to moan, her head tossing from one side to the other, breath coming in rapid bursts.

I walked over to Kimberley’s head and started to smooth her hair, holding her head and turning it towards me. “Now, remember, Kimberley, my sweet little cunt – you do not cum until I allow it. I still have plenty of ice to cool your ardor, right?”

Her eyes darted towards me, brow furrowed, breath coming in pants, “Oh…oh…yes, yes, yes, Mr. Matthews. Please?”

I smiled down at her, “Not yet, my eager, desperate slut. Not quite yet.”

I returned to my implements table and selected a light flogger with thin strands. It would sting and perfectly complement the impressions left by my open hand.

Positioning myself behind Miss Burke, who was now happily engaged in lavishing her tongue in and around Kimberley’s cunt, I drew back my right arm and whipped it forward and across, pulling the strands of the flogger across Miss Burke’s up-thrust arse.

I was delighted when she yelped, fell forward onto Kimberley’s stomach, and grasped her arse with both hands. Keeping my voice stern, “Why did you move, Miss Burke? And did I permit you to stop eating sweet Kimberley? Are you not fond of the dish I have prepared for you?”

She looked back at me, astonishment on her face, then slowly levered herself back up and into position – with her arse even higher and her legs spread wider. I could see her cunt, nestled in its wispy, golden curls, glistening with the dew of her desire, her labia pink and puffy, and her cunt beginning to gape open.

Things were progressing nicely.

Positioning myself directly behind her, I flicked the flail upwards with my wrist – not hard, but directly on her cunt, and wrapping up and around her clit.

It was as if an electric jolt had run through her body.

She squealed with her mouth full of pussy as Kimberley strained against her bonds, staring down at Burke, panting. “Please, Mr. Matthews, please … now?” 

Surprisingly, Burke raised her head and offered a smile for the first time to the shy girl before she buried her face back in her cunt, getting even busier.

I watched for a minute, enjoying the look of desperation on Kimberley’s face, then flicked the flogger back across Burke’s arse, watching her flinch, pause, then continue to lick and slurp and torture the captive Kimberley’s cunt with her lips and tongue.

“Oh my God, please, Sir – PLEASE let me cum!”

I flicked the flogger back the other way, adding to the light, red stripes across Miss Burke’s arse, then looked into Kimberley’s begging eyes and said, “Yes, Kimberley. Now you may cum.”

No sooner had I spoken than her whole body arched up, taut and straining against her bonds as she screamed loud and long, tears streaming from her eyes.

I flicked upwards between Burke’s legs, catching her cunt and clit again, and this time Burke almost elevated into the air – then immediately moved back to work, licking even faster. “Keep busy, Miss Burke. Kimberley is one of those fortunate women who are multi-orgasmic. I want her to cum repeatedly before I allow you to stop.”

It was quite entertaining watching the haughty Miss Burke hard at work, pleasuring Kimberley and making her cum twice more – loudly, I might add. Kimberley was a bit of a screamer when she came and babbled in between. Delightful.

I eased off on flogging Miss Burke during this time, flicking her lightly now and then when she appeared to be flagging, not out of any compassion, but because I had the coup des grâs in mind. I wanted her to still be fit for that. Both women would be exhausted by the time they were done, but it was a bit like cooking: you had to let different dishes simmer at different levels so they were all done at the same time.

Once Kimberley was well and truly into her third orgasm, I placed a hand on Miss Burke’s shoulder, shaking her slightly. “Well done, Tiffany. Now, please sit over on the chair and let our Kimberley recover before we start again.”

Tiffany sat back on her heels, cricked her neck, and massaged its muscles, then shakily got up and stumbled over to the chair I had used to spank her and collapsed. Her face was covered in cunt honey, and her chest was heaving – which did delightful things to her tits, which were also showing signs of her extreme arousal, screwed up into hard little points with pebbling around her areola.

She glanced up at me, bit her lip, then very hesitantly said, “Ma…may I cum soon, Sir? I’m getting kinda desperate myself.” She met my eyes only very briefly, then dropped them. “Please.”

Burke – Tiffany – was coming along rather well, all things considered. “I’ll consider it, my dear. You just keep doing as you're told, and we’ll see. Oh, and from now on, you are not to cum except when you are in my presence, Tiffany dear.”

That caused her head to snap up, her mouth open, shocked. “What?…but I…I…”

“Yes, Miss Burke?” I said, deliberately reverting to a formal address, voice cold.

She swallowed, “I, uh, almost always cum two or three times a day. At least.”

“Did you now?” I ask – although it’s not a question. 

I can see she understands my use of the past tense. She stares at me, eyes wide in shock. “But…”

“That will do, Miss Burke. Be quiet.”

I turned and walked over to Kimberley, flipped the quick releases on her hands and feet, undid the satin belt across her middle, and helped her stand – again. I was certainly getting quite a lot of mileage – or, I suppose, “kilometrage” would be more appropriate these days if that’s a word – out of her body.

I stood her up, then put a finger under her chin, “Are you all right, my dear?”

Her chest was still moving in and out quite heavily, but she swallowed and nodded. “Y…yes Sir.” She looked up into my eyes, her eyes still quite glazed.  “Thank you. I’ve…I’ve never cum like that before.”

“And you will again, repeatedly, my dear – as long as I get to use your body the way I want.” And I walked her over to a plush chair and lowered her gently to a sitting position, where she shifted uncomfortably then settled back with a sigh.

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“Umm…Sir?” Came a hesitant voice from the spanking chair. 

“Yes, Tiffany?” 

She scrunched her face in discomfort, then shifted her weight off her sore bottom, rolling more to her hip. “I was wondering…umm…”

I walked to her, glancing at her chin, slick with Kimberley’s cum plus her own drool. “Don’t be shy now. What do you want?” 

“I know I’d told you I thought a dick inside me would be disgusting, but…well…I would like to suck yours…if it would please you…while Kimberley’s recovering.”

Well, this I didn’t see coming. And she’s thinking of someone besides herself maybe for the first time in her life. “And have you ever had a cock in your mouth?” 

“Once. Jeffery Dunkin’s. I mostly like girls, but I was curious. As soon as I put my lips around the head of his penis, he yanked it back and sprayed this…yucky cum all over my face.” 

“I see. And you didn’t like that?” 

“No, I didn’t even get the whole thing in my mouth.”

“Well, he’s a boy, not a man.” I leaned forward and stroked her cheek with the back of my hand. She leaned into my touch, much like a kitten, rubbing against me to be stroked. I was seeing a previously unknown side of her, one I decided I wanted to explore. “I do enjoy a good cocksucker, and you will get more than a quick suck on my penis before I cum in your pretty little mouth.” 

She looked down at the bulge in my pants and licked her open lips in silent invitation. I glanced over at Kimberley; her eyes had closed, and satisfied purring snores came from her lips. It was the perfect time to explore this unplanned training with Tiffany, and my weighty balls could use some relief. 

I pulled Tiffany out of the chair and stood in front of her, then pressed down on the top of her shoulders. She looked at me with the lines of mascara painting black lines from the tears that had trickled down her cheeks, then sank to her knees and looked up for instruction, breathing quickly. 

“Now, unzip my pants and take out my cock.”

Trembling, she put one hand on the front of my pants, holding the flap covering my zip, then slowly used her other hand to pull the tang of my zip down, one tooth at a time, until it reached its furthest travel. She inhaled sharply, then slowly exhaled and very cautiously found the opening in my boxers, hesitated, then reached in and grasped my circumcised cock with two fingers and her thumb.

As she started to pull it out, it sprang out, stiffening up at her as she watched. Surprised, she dropped her hands, leaned back, and regarded it as if it were a snake. “It won’t bite you, Tiffany, dear – although it will undoubtedly choke you.”

Flicking her eyes up at me, she hesitated. “It’s so…it’s big. I…I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

Smiling, I reached forward and slid my hand into her blond tresses, grasped a handful, and then, with my other hand, guided the tip to her mouth. I smeared the pre-cum on her lips. “It’s time for you to learn how to suck cock properly, little girl. Oh, and I want your hands clasped behind you so I can ruminate your mouth and throat as I wish, without resistance. Understand me?”

She swallowed uneasily, then nodded and opened her lips partway. 

“Hands behind you, slut.”

Hesitantly, she reached her hands behind her and clasped them together.

“Very good. Now keep them there.”

And with that, I slid my now dripping cock between those plump, quivering lips, pushing just my head into her mouth, then held her there with the other hand. She swallowed, and I could see her naked chest rising and falling more rapidly, her nipples hard, screwed up, and tight. She was excited – and ready for more, which I would now happily give her.

“Lick the head of my cock, now, my not-so-innocent slut. Use that talented tongue of yours to get it nice and slick, so it will slide down your throat and gag you properly.”

Her eyes flicked up to mine, scared and pleading; then her tongue started to flick and slide around my cockhead. As she did, I started to push more of my length into her mouth.

“Keep licking, my greedy cocksucker. It will make things easier for both of us.”

She swallowed again, more deeply this time, opened her mouth around my cock to take a breath in, then closed her lips and worked her tongue around the far end of my shaft.

I continued to push slowly into her mouth until I reached the back of her throat. She gagged once, her mouth opening, and made a delightful urk-ing sound, then panted, clearly suppressing her gag reflex. I pushed a little further and was rewarded with a full-fledged gag and retching sound. It was music to my ears.

She reached around with one hand – which I had been expecting. I grabbed it, then forced it back behind her. “Hands behind you,” was all I said, holding my cock still against the back of her throat.

Her hand fluttered, then slowly retreated behind her.

Picking up the crop, I leaned forward, “And this…is for disobeying an order,” and smacked her arse with a quick, stinging slap.

And her teeth closed around my cock, enough to hurt but not enough to draw blood. I flicked my wrist, and the crop bit her arse again, and she reacted, biting my sensitive flesh a second time. Fuck! 

I tried to breathe through the pain while my anger rose. I grabbed her jaws between the fingers and thumb of my left hand and squeezed her jaw muscles hard, then withdrew my cock from her mouth, leaving a trail of drool and pre-cum to trickle down her chin. I put the shaft of the crop under her chin and pulled up, forcing her to look up at me. “If I ever feel your teeth again, Miss Burke, it will be a painfully long time before I allow you to cum, and an even longer time before you can sit comfortably. Understand me?”

Her eyes flew open in fear; she nodded. “Yes, Sir.” 

 I squeezed her cheeks again with thumb and forefingers, and she opened her mouth. This time, I shoved it in roughly, making her gag again, then withdrew slightly. She quickly swirled her tongue around my shaft, trying to make amends. “Sthahhry ew thir.”

“And don’t talk with your mouth full.” I delivered another hard snap to her arse, and this time, she kept her teeth away from my cock. 

My free hand cupped the back of her head, pushing her head forward again. She moaned and sucked harder, pulling my cock to the back of her throat, making her gag again.

“Breathe through your nose,” I coached, “And tilt your head back a bit to straighten your throat, then slowly swallow as my cock moves down. You need to learn how to deep throat to be a decent cocksucker.”

Fuck! Her tight throat squeezed me, and she started to gag again. I saw tears pool in her lower eyelids. “Relax your throat again. Good girl.” I repeated those words over and over as I slid more of my cock into her throat and stroked her hair until her shoulders dropped and her body slowly unclenched. Finally, she managed to open her throat enough that I was able to push her nose up against my pubic hair.

I held her there, then backed off enough that she could breathe. 

Her mouth opened wide around my shaft, and she panted hard, arms still held tight behind her. She was ready, so I started to move my hips to fuck her face and throat with long, slow strokes – out until only my cockhead was in her mouth, then slowly in, forcing her cheeks to puff out and air to whistle out of her nose until her nose was once again pressed against my abdomen.

She was a natural-born cocksucker. She was good at this.

By now, my legs were starting to quiver. She was a talented slut, massaging my shaft with her lips as I pulled out, then sucking me back down her throat. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her hips began thrusting in time with my throat fuck. I began to spank her in short, quick strokes with the crop, and her eyes flew wide, but she didn’t bite down. 

“Good girl.” I praised her, and her lips upturned into a smile around my cock. 

She moved forward, taking me even deeper, clamped her lips more firmly around my shaft, released her hands, placing them around my arse, and seemed to want to take control.

That was not going to happen. I dropped the crop, pushed her hands back behind her, then grasped her head with both hands and started fucking her face fast and hard. 

I was getting close. “I’m about to cum in your mouth,” I warned, “and I want you to hold it there, not swallow it.” I held her head still in my hands, my cockhead on her tongue.

As I ejaculated into her mouth, her eyes flew open, slightly panicky, then I felt her tongue curl around my cock. She gagged once, then settled back, and her cheeks puffed out, filling with cock and cum. After a few spurts, she choked and gagged again, with some of the cum starting to dribble out of one corner of her mouth.

When I finished, I slowly withdrew and watched her scoop the cum from her chin and one of her tits, then suck it back into her mouth. I focused on her hands, and she flung her arms back behind her back, suddenly remembering my order. 

“Now, open your mouth, and show me that it’s full of cum,” I ordered. 

She did, opening wide and displaying a nice pool of milky white semen on her tongue.

Straightening up, I patted her head. “Good girl. You may swallow now.”

She did, then opened her mouth again to show it was empty.

“Very good. Now, tell me – did you enjoy sucking cock?”

“Yes, Sir. I did. It…it gave me an odd sense of power.”

I smiled again. “You’re learning. But speaking of power – from now on, if anyone calls you a cocksucker or asks if you are one, you will admit to it.” I put my finger and thumb on her chin, holding her head. “Understand me?”

She nodded, her eyes big. 

“Now, tell me, Tiffany – have you ever sucked a cock?”

She hesitated, then nodded, “Yes, Sir – I’m…I’m a…cocksucker.”

“Very good. Stand up, please, and you may release your hands.”

She awkwardly stood, stretching and rubbing her legs and knees while I got up, walked over to my implements table, and opened a drawer. Finding the object I wanted, I fished it out and walked back to her. “Do you know what this is?” holding the bright purple object out to her.

Her eyes got big again, “It’s…it’s a feeldoe. I’ve seen these online, but I’ve never…” She made no move to take it.

“Yes, it is. I believe your cunt is wet enough to insert it without lubrication, wouldn’t you agree? I mean, I assume you’ve used a dildo before, yes?”

She blushed and dropped her eyes, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. It should be obvious how this will fit into you. The bulbous end goes into that tight little cunt of yours. The long shaft goes into Kimberley’s pussy. Please use your cunt honey to get both ends slick and slippery, then insert the shorter end into your cunt while I go rouse your partner.”

Tiffany’s eyes grew even bigger – then her face broke out in a big smile, “Yes, Sir!”

I walked over to where Kimberley was sitting, but now her eyes were wide, and she looked alarmed. “Sir?”

“Stand up, my trembling slut. Tiffany’s going to do you – and I’m going to do her.”

It was her turn to swallow. She placed her hands on the arms of the chair and pushed herself reluctantly to a standing position. “Sir…I…I’m a…” she swallowed, “virgin.”

“I expected nothing less. I’ll tell Tiffany to take it slow at first, shall I?” 

Taking Kimberley’s arm, I gently pulled her over to stand at the side of the bed. I had her bend over the bed, face down, hands out in front of her. I lightly kicked her feet apart. Her legs were quivering, and every once in a while, her whole body shook. She turned her head and was anxiously looking at Tiffany over her shoulder.

By this time, Tiffany had collected honey from her cunt, and wiped it up and down the bulb end of the dildo, then repeated it with the shaft end. Stepping her feet wide apart, she squatted slightly and worked the bulbous end into her cunt, her face a strange combination of concentration and eagerness, her tongue poking out of one side of her mouth.

The feeldoe popped into her cunt, and she stood up cautiously, then placed her hands on her hips, tits out and proud. It was like a pose from a Superman comic book! She looked like she was feeling – virile, with a purple prick standing proud in front of her. I stifled a laugh, coughing into my hand instead.

“Very good. Ready to be the fucker instead of the fuckee, Tiffany, my eager cocksucking slut?”

Her smile broadened. “Oh, yeah,” and she moved eagerly over to the recumbent form of her smaller classmate, dildo wagging in front of her.

“Now now, you eager horn dog. Kimberley is a virgin – which I’m quite sure you are not. You will go slow and gently – at least at first. Understand?”

Tiffany nodded happily, “Slow and gently – at first!” she repeated. I could see I would have to keep an eye out that she didn’t get carried away. I didn’t want this to be a one-day stand but a regular thing.

I pulled her over to Kimberley – who was hyperventilating by this time – and positioned her between the smaller girl’s legs.

Tiffany had never stood in the place of someone with a cock, so wasn’t quite sure how to go about it, so I stood by her side and helped her ease the feeldoe’s cockhead between Kimberley’s dripping pussy lips. Then, I had to restrain Tiffany with a hand on her abdomen. “Slowly and gently, Tiffany. You want her to enjoy it – and cum back for seconds…and thirds, right?”

The light dawned in her head. “Got it Chief. I mean…Sir. Nice and easy…”

And with that, she turned back towards Kimberley and, with surprising gentleness, started to ease the feeldoe into the smaller girl’s cunt. Tiffany stroked Kimberley’s hair, “How ya doin’, Kimmi? Feelin’ good?”

Kimberley’s whole body shook violently, “Uh…I…I don’t know…go…go slow, please, Tiff.”

Tiffany patted Kimberley’s arse gently. “Promise, girl. Low and slow…” And she very gradually slid her pelvis forward, easing the shaft into Kimberley’s virgin hole. 

Kimberley started to shake, “Oh God…OH GOD…GOD that feels so GOOD! Why didn’t anyone ever tell me!” She turned forward and gripped the bedclothes. “Oh FUCK, that’s good. More, Tiff – more!”

I saw that Tiffany was about to get carried away, so I put a restraining hand on her shoulder. “Gently still, Tiffany. I want this to be a peak experience for our young miss, don’t you?”

Tiffany nodded, but I could see that her eyes were getting glazed by her own lust. Indeed, her naked legs had intermittent quivers run up and down them. She had clearly never done anything like this. I smiled to myself. All the better to beat you with, my dear, I thought.

Shortly thereafter, Tiffany started to pick up the pace, starting with long, slow strokes in, then out – which soon became faster strokes.

It was time for me to up my game as well. Reaching into my pocket, I brought out the feeldoe’s vibrator control and clicked it. Both women were startled by the unexpected sensations. Tiffany turned to me, her eyes now starting to get wild. “Really?” she asked.

“Oh, yes. And, Miss Burke, I think it’s time for me to start caning your arse – don’t you?”


I smiled and picked up the traditional enemy of the English public school student: a cane – an implement with which I was intimately familiar from my own school days. Holding it up for Tiffany’s inspection, I said, “If you want to continue to fuck young Kimberley, it will only be for as long as I cane you. Interested?” And I upped the vibration on the feeldoe.

And although she was turned slightly towards me with an expression of shock on her face, Tiffany’s eyes were absolutely glazed with lust by now, and unaware, she continued to fuck Kimberley, her pelvis moving in and out like a piston now, with Kimberley mewing with each thrust, and pulling hard on the bedclothes. 

Tiffany was breathing hard but had just enough intelligence left to nod, “Yes…okay…yes. Cane me!” And she turned back towards Kimberley, leaning slightly forward to present her already striped arse towards me, giving me a better target.

Smiling, I took position behind her and slightly to her left, then pulled the cane back – and waited. 

Tiffany kept waiting for me to strike, craning her neck to look back at me – then finally gave up and faced forward again. And at that moment, I struck.

The cane whistled through the air and landed with a meaty smack.

Tiffany shoved forward, and her body jerked upright. She started to move a hand back to her arse, but I was ready and tapped it with the cane, not hard enough to bruise, but hard enough for her to get the message. “All of your attention on Kimberley, Miss Burke. Or would you rather stop?” And I kicked the vibrator up so it was cycling fast, then slow, then fast again.

Tiffany jerked again, “No! No – keep going…I’m…I’m going to cum…”

Her head tipped forward, and I could see she was flushed and close to cumming. Checking on Kimberley, I saw similar symptoms.

The cane whistled forward and smacked home again. Tiffany jumped – and came.

“Oh, Sweet Fucking CHRIST!” she screamed, balling her fists, then fell forward, hands on the bed on either side of Kimberley’s quivering body. Tiffany began a series of pants and mewling sounds as she came, her hips moving quickly now back and forth, rogering young Kimberley hard and fast.

“Blasphemy, Miss Burke. Tsk tsk!” I commented and whipped the cane forward again, leaving a third, angry red welt on her arse.

I paused now, partly so I could continue to catch Tiffany by surprise but more because I wanted to check on Kimberley. Leaning forward, I caught her eyes, which flicked up to meet mine. She was panting in time to Tiffany’s thrusts, mouth open and drooling. Her entire upper body was flushed, and she was sweating. Her eyes were glazed, yet she smiled at me. 

“This…is…so…fucking…good!” she gasped in time to Tiffany’s thrusts. “Oh GOD, I love this!”

Smiling that I had achieved what I wanted, I stepped back and let the cane find Tiffany’s right buttock, low down, near where her buttock met her leg. She jumped again – and came again, bellowing in a mixture of pain and pleasure. 

She wasn’t a pain slut, but she clearly found pain a turn-on. And I wanted her to associate pain with pleasure. That was my reward…

When I felt I had decorated Miss Burke’s arse with enough red stripes, I clicked off the feeldoe’s vibrator, then dropped the cane, my arm tired and my emotions in the usual hazy, sexual turmoil, my cock hard in my trousers again, leaking pre-cum like a hose. This is so much better than the quick spurt of merely cumming, I thought, collapsing into the plush chair. I looked at my handiwork, spread out in front of me. 

Both girls were fucked out, sweating, flushed, and exhausted. Tiffany was still, having fallen forward onto Kimberley’s back, and the two women were panting in unison. Better still, Tiffany was gently caressing Kimberley’s arm, up and down, tenderly, possessively.

Slowly, we put ourselves back together. Both girls had – separate – showers. Kimberley was pensive and seemed shy and withdrawn again. Tiffany was glowing but also quiet as if marvelling at the magic of the moment. Her arse and thighs were a patchwork of color, all of it shades of red, and her hands kept wandering down to touch tentatively – then jerk away.

I very gently massaged soothing salve into both girls’ bottoms, murmuring praise and kindnesses before I allowed them to dress.

And then we were done, and it was time for them to leave. We all walked up the stairs, rather shakily, including me. It had been a richly rewarding afternoon, but also an exhausting one.

 I escorted them to the front door – and was surprised when Tiffany spontaneously hugged me – then thanked me for having her! There’s hope for you yet, Miss Tiffany Burke, I thought to myself as I helped her on with her raincoat and she scuffed her feet into her shoes.

I put a finger under her chin, lifted it slightly, and smiled into her eyes. “I expect you to excel in my class from here on, Miss Burke. Indeed, I expect to hear paeans of praise from the other instructors as well. It is, shall we say, the price of admission?”

Tiffany beamed back at me. “Abso-fuckin’-lutely, Sir! Now I have something worth studying for!”

Kimberley remained pensive, but she, too, smiled up at me and whispered, “Thank you,” barely audibly. 

“Are you okay, young Kimberley?” I asked, concerned. 

Her eyes got big, and she gulped. “Overwhelmed, I think. My whole body is still vibrating.” She broke into a sunny smile, “But oh, soo good!” And she hugged me hard.

I stroked her cheek, then turned to Tiffany, holding Kimberley close. “Now, remember, Miss Burke – you are only allowed to cum in my presence. But you are welcome to venture here – with prior consultation – as often as you please, understand?”

Tiffany smiled broadly, “Yes, SIR! I hear and obey, O Great One!”

I smirked. “You really are a smart-arse, aren’t you?”

Tiffany nodded, but her smile drooped slightly, “Yes – but it’s part of how I protect myself, Sir. Especially at home – if you catch my drift.”

I nodded. “I do indeed, Tiffany. I caught that right at the start of term.” I held Kimberley away from me. “Now, go home, young ladies. Or your parents will start to think you’ve been up to no good!”

They both laughed, turned, and walked towards their cars. I wasn’t surprised to see Tiffany tentatively reach for Kimberley’s hand but was gratified to see Kimberley grasp Tiffany’s tightly, turn, and smile up at her. Their hand-holding quickly turned into a breast-crushing embrace.

Monday would prove interesting, watching their behavior toward one another in front of their judgmental classmates. Shared secrets surrounding their tender arses would breed a close bond – that much I knew. I smiled to myself. There would be many more shared secrets between the pair in the coming months. 

I looked forward to it and awarded myself Full Marks for my term project.

Written by JamesLlewellyn
Contributing Authors
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