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Sometimes I Need To Be Disciplined, Sir

"A waitress at a hotel tells her male boss what is required to keep her in line"

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Rochelle Williams was a very attractive twenty-six-year-old black woman who had an attraction to older or even much older white men. She worked as a waitress in a high-class hotel and currently had her eye on the man who oversaw everything in the restaurant, Simon McKenzie.

Simon was aged sixty-two and he was married to Fiona, who was of similar age and also part of the management in the hotel.

Rochelle found that, more often than not, if she set out to bed a particular man she was usually successful although some were more of a challenge than others, and she was thinking that the very handsome Mr McKenzie might fall into that category.

She did not come into direct contact with Simon very often because he had a multitude of staff to oversee and seemingly countless tasks to handle, so Rochelle was trying to think of a way that she could attract his attention.

The hotel set extremely high standards, as any hotel should, so staff had to always be very meticulous in everything that they did.

Rochelle's immediate boss was a woman in her forties, Clare Vernon, and she rather fancied Rochelle and Rochelle knew it. Rochelle did occasionally go to bed with women and she would give Clare a smile from time to time to make the older woman think that she had a chance, which she probably did.

Clare kept an eye on Rochelle, not just sexually, and was watching her set out the cutlery on the tables for the evening sitting in the restaurant, and she noticed a spoon left out of alignment.

"Ms Williams, that spoon, it is not straight," said Clare quite sharply, trying to drag her eyes away from Rochelle's arse in her shortish black skirt.

"Oh, so sorry, Miss Vernon," replied Rochelle, straightening the spoon and giving a slight smile.

"It is no smiling matter, Ms Williams, I should not need to follow you around checking on you," said Clare, although they both knew that she rather liked following Rochelle around.

"Sorry, Miss Vernon, it will not happen again," responded Rochelle, trying not to smirk.

"See that it doesn't because next time I will have to formally speak to you about your standard of work, and no improvement will lead to Mr McKenzie being informed," warned Clare.

"Yes, Miss Vernon," replied Rochelle, trying to sound contrite but seeing a path to getting some time with Simon McKenzie.

A couple of days later, Rochelle knew that Clare Vernon was hovering nearby so she deliberately bent over more than necessary, forcing her rounded arse in her tight skirt back towards her immediate boss. Rochelle laughed to herself at the thought of Clare's knickers getting damp as she looked at Rochelle's backside.

"Something wrong, Miss Vernon?" asked Rochelle, smiling because she knew that the other woman fancied her.

"Just making sure that everything is as it should be," responded Clare.

"I had better make sure it is or I will be meeting you formally, won't I?" said Rochelle.

"There is no need to be impertinent, Ms Williams, it is my responsibility to make sure that you and others work up to the standards set by Mr McKenzie," said Clare Vernon, irritated by Rochelle's attitude.

"Yes, I apologise, Miss Vernon," said Rochelle, finding herself wondering what Clare's cunt tasted like but mostly wanting to somehow get one-to-one with Simon McKenzie.

"As you continue to be flippant, I think that this should be discussed formally. See me at the end of this shift, Ms Williams," said an angry-looking Clare.

Rochelle was going to protest that she was not being flippant but the meeting with Miss Vernon was one step away from a meeting with Simon McKenzie, so she kept quiet.

Clare had the power to dismiss any staff that were directly under her although if it ever got close to that, she normally discussed it with Simon McKenzie first. She had no intention of dismissing Rochelle although she was getting annoyed at the apparent lack of respect being shown.

At the end of the shift, Clare took Rochelle to an office that Clare shared with two others from lower management. "I am not making this a formal warning, Ms Williams, but I have been displeased with some of your work and some of your attitude recently," said Clare.

"I am sorry to hear that, Miss Vernon," replied Rochelle, knowing that if she went to bed with this woman then there would be no more talk of bad attitude.

"So I expect an improvement in both, otherwise we will have to make it formal and consider involving Mr McKenzie," continued Clare.

Rochelle's inclination was to dispute that there was a problem with her attitude; she thought of telling Clare Vernon to fuck off, but no good could come of that. "Yes, Miss Vernon," said Rochelle, trying not to sound sullen although the expression on Clare's face suggested that she might not have succeeded.

"We will leave it there, but I will be keeping my eye on you," said Clare, and Rochelle thought, 'Yeah, I bet you will.'

Two days later, Rochelle decided it was time to goad Clare into involving Simon McKenzie. It could all go horribly wrong and Rochelle might lose her job although she thought that if it came to that, a night in bed with Miss Vernon would probably save it.

Rochelle deliberately left a fork out of perfect alignment when laying the cutlery out on a table "Ms Williams, this is not good enough," said Clare.

"Whatever," responded Rochelle, knowing that she had done it now but hoping that she had not gone too far.

"See me after the shift. You will receive a formal warning and I will report the matter to Mr McKenzie," said Clare, trying to control her inner rage at the younger woman's attitude.

Clare gave Rochelle the official warning after work and reported the matter to Mr McKenzie, apologising for troubling him with it and requesting that he speak to Ms Williams but not recommending dismissal at this stage.

When Rochelle next arrived for work, she was told to report to Mr McKenzie. As she made her way to his office she had no idea what the outcome of the meeting would be, but she intended to somehow try to get Simon McKenzie sexually interested in her.

Rochelle entered Mr McKenzie's office on his answering, "Come in," to her knock on the door.

Simon McKenzie was seated behind a large desk. "Ms Williams, would you like to sit down?" said Simon, indicating a chair on the opposite side of the desk to where he was.

"No thank you, sir; I will stand if you don't mind," Rochelle heard herself saying; she did not know why she replied like that but she was pleased that she did.

"As you wish; I do not have much time but you are aware that Miss Vernon has spoken to me about your work and attitude?" said Simon.

"Yes, sir," replied Rochelle, who had her hands behind her back, and with them touching her buttocks, she had an idea.

"Miss Vernon speaks highly of you generally but she has become disappointed with certain aspects of your work and demeanour in recent times. Do you have anything to say?" continued Simon.

"Well, sir, sometimes I need to be disciplined... sir," replied Rochelle, adding the second 'sir' on purpose.

"What do you mean, Ms Williams?" asked Simon, perhaps noticing for the first time how strikingly attractive Rochelle was.

"Well, sir, perhaps you should give me a spanking?" answered Rochelle.

"Don't be ridiculous," said a shocked Simon, although the thought was very appealing.

"I mean it, sir; I like working here but I have been rude to Miss Vernon, so I think that a good spanking from you might put me right," said Rochelle.

"That is nonsense, Ms Williams, and illegal," said Simon, trying to get the idea of spanking this woman's bottom out of his head.

"I don't think it would be illegal, sir, if I was happy for you to do it, which I am," said Rochelle, now leaning forward with her hands on the back of the chair that she had been invited to sit on and showing Simon McKenzie just a hint of cleavage.

"This conversation must stop, Ms Williams," said Simon, who was normally very self-confident but was now visibly flustered.

Rochelle decided that it was now or never. "Of course, Simon, after you have spanked me you could fuck me," said Rochelle, flashing a very sexy smile.

"Leave this room now, Ms Williams," said a red-faced Simon.

"Oh, I didn't mean spank me and fuck me now, Simon. You let me know when you are ready, okay?" laughed Rochelle, blowing Simon a kiss.

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"This conversation never happened," said Simon.

"Oh? So what will you tell Clare if she asks what was said?" pouted Rochelle; she had obviously got Simon very interested and she thought it was just a matter of when and not if.

Simon did not answer. "See ya," smiled Rochelle, turning and running a hand over her arse before leaving the room. A room that contained a sixty-two-year-old Simon McKenzie with an erection. He had only been unfaithful to his wife of almost forty years once, and that was not with a member of staff, but this sexy black woman had got to him.

Rochelle left the room feeling confident that she would be getting a spanking and quite possibly a fucking from Mr McKenzie in the not-too-distant future. A location for these events might be a problem because Simon and his wife lived in an apartment within the hotel, so possibly a better option might be Rochelle's flat, where she lived alone.

Clare Vernon did ask Simon if he had spoken with Rochelle, and he replied that he had and that Rochelle admitted that she had been rude to Clare but he expected her attitude to improve.

Simon could not get thoughts of spanking and fucking Rochelle Williams out of his head. He was very tempted to be unfaithful to his wife, and the smile that Rochelle gave him when they had eye contact in the hotel restaurant got him even more tempted.

Rochelle thought that she had better let Simon know that a visit by him to her flat might be their best option but she was trying to work out how to get to speak to him. She got the chance when Simon was in the kitchen when Rochelle came in to collect desserts for a table of diners.

She had to be quick because there were several other staff in the area. "Have you thought more about spanking me, sir?" asked Rochelle.

"We can't talk about that here; I will look for you later," said Simon, certainly not ruling out doing it.

Later that evening, with the restaurant almost clear of guests, Simon beckoned Rochelle to one side. "Look, we must forget all about this," said Simon, not very convincingly.

"But I want you to spank and fuck me, and I think that you want to as well," said Rochelle.

"Oh Rochelle, what are you doing to me?" sighed Simon, using her first name for the first time.

"I am turning you on, aren't I, Simon?" smiled Rochelle.

"It is so wrong," said Simon.

"If we can't get together here you could come to my flat," said Rochelle.

"Here is impossible, but..." started Simon but he was interrupted by the head waiter needing him.

"Soon, baby," smiled Rochelle, as Simon moved away.

Later still, Simon again approached Rochelle. "You are serious about this, not just winding me up?" said Simon.

"Yes, I am serious; I want you to spank my ass and then fuck me," answered Rochelle.

"Maybe I can come to your flat for an hour or so on one of your days off," said Simon.

"Yes, for as long as you can," smiled Rochelle.

"We will sort something," assured Simon.

So the location was agreed upon; it was now the question of the time and date, and they managed to eventually settle on Simon visiting Rochelle the following Thursday afternoon.

Simon arrived at Rochelle's flat and she answered the door in her waitress uniform. "Good afternoon, Mr McKenzie," said Rochelle, almost dragging Simon into her flat.

"Hello, Rochelle," said Simon but anything else that he might have intended to say was stifled by Rochelle putting her lips on his.

Rochelle massaged Simon's crotch as they kissed. "Oh, Mr McKenzie, you seem rather aroused," chuckled Rochelle.

"Yes, I am. Thinking of you has been driving me crazy," admitted the handsome Simon.

"Then you had better give me the spanking that I deserve," said Rochelle, leading Simon to a kitchen chair that she had placed in the room.

Simon sat down; he had spanked his wife a few times over the years, mostly fun spankings but a couple of times punishment spankings, and it seemed to be assumed that this was to be punishment.

"So you think that a good spanking will get you to change your attitude towards Miss Vernon, do you?" asked Simon.

"It will need to be a very thorough spanking, sir. Maybe start over my skirt but end up on my bare bottom," replied Rochelle.

"I think that I can manage that, Ms Williams. Lay over my lap, please," said Simon.

"Yes, sir," said Rochelle, putting herself in the required position.

Simon touched Rochelle's buttocks for the first time; the first touch was gentle but the second one wasn't as he went straight into the spanking. He slapped her hard from cheek to cheek, punctuating the slaps with words. "You...," said Simon as his hand crashed against Rochelle's buttocks.

Rochelle's arse was tingling and it was turning her on as the mature man that she fancied continued to spank her backside.

"Take your skirt off, Ms Williams," said Simon, slightly breathlessly as he paused the spanking.

"Yes, sir," said Rochelle, scrambling off his lap and removing her skirt. She lay back over his lap, now with only white knickers covering parts of her bottom although they had partially disappeared into her arse crack.

Simon spanked some more, a lot of it on bare flesh, before giving Rochelle further instruction. "Bare bottom now, Ms Williams," said Simon.

"Yes, sir," replied a sore-arsed but very turned-on Rochelle as she got up, removed her knickers and got back over, but not before Simon had got a glimpse of her hair around her cunt.

Simon really slapped hard as he spanked Rochelle's bare behind and she squirmed and bucked and her cunt got very wet.

After about a dozen further slaps, Simon decided that the spanking should finish. "Have you learnt your lesson, young lady?" Simon demanded.

"Yes, yes, sir; I needed and deserved that," replied Rochelle, clutching her spanked cheeks when she got off Simon's lap.

"Now we will fuck?" announced Rochelle, hopping from one foot to the other trying to ease some of the stinging in her nether regions.

"That would be nice, my dear," said Simon, standing up from the chair and moving to undo his trousers.

"No, let me," said Rochelle, undoing Simon's trousers and pulling them down. She also dragged down his underpants and his quite impressive penis stood proud.

Rochelle sank to her knees and put her lips around Simon's cock. "Oh, Rochelle, Rochelle," murmured Simon as Rochelle licked and sucked his penis.

After some cock sucking, Rochelle stood and they kissed and her blouse and bra got removed as did Simon's shirt. Simon got out of his trousers and underpants that were at his feet and they made their way to Rochelle's bed.

Rochelle was on her back guiding her boss's cock into her wet cunt. "Oh Simon, I have been longing for this moment," said Rochelle, for now forgetting her very sore arse.

Simon eased himself in and then commenced making love to this beautiful woman. It would probably become a fuck but it started as lovemaking as Simon's rod slid in and out.

"Yes, yes, baby. This is so good," breathed Rochelle as the mature man pleasured her.

"Mmm, mmm, oh, oh, arggh," shrieked Rochelle, as she came.

Simon kept going as Rochelle locked her legs behind him. "Shit! Oh baby, oh shit," squealed Rochelle as she came again and Simon was now getting close. He was unsure about the wisdom of cumming inside Rochelle, so he pulled out just before he spunked and he splattered his cum on her stomach.

"What's the matter, honey, don't you want a baby with Ms Williams?" laughed Rochelle.

"Well, I did not think that that would be a very good idea," replied Simon.

"Next time you can cum in me, I am on the pill," said Rochelle.

"Oh, you are expecting a next time?" chuckled Simon.

"Yeah, aren't you?" replied Rochelle.

"Maybe," said Simon, who then had to think of getting cleaned up and back to the hotel.

Simon McKenzie went back to the hotel, leaving Rochelle with a sore backside and a well-fucked cunt.

Rochelle chuckled to herself wondering what Clare Vernon would think.

Written by PJH
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