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Sometimes A Lady Needs A Good Spanking - Part 2

"Marie Crowther and Calvin Richardson go on a business trip requiring two nights in a hotel..."

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It had been a month since twenty-four-year-old Calvin Richardson had spanked and fucked his boss, fifty-seven-year-old Marie Crowther in her office at her request. Smiles had been exchanged between the pair from time to time in the office but nothing had been said about getting together sexually again since Marie had said that she wanted Calvin again on the evening of their first sexual encounter.

Calvin had felt guilty about betraying his wife, Tanya, to whom he had now been married three months and, despite longing to fuck Marie again, he was thinking that maybe it was for the best if it did prove to be a one-off.

Marie very much wanted to get with Calvin again; the spanking that he had given her had been sensational and the fuck just as good but she was waiting until she was ready for a similar spanking. She also wanted Calvin in a bed rather than fucking with her bent over her desk and she was scheming to get him to her house.

Out of the blue, an even better possibility of getting Calvin into a bed with her cropped up when Marie took a phone call from a major client of the company that Marie and her husband Michael ran. Fentons, the company in question, was extremely pleased with the work being done for them but wanted to see Marie face to face, something that last happened four years previously.

Calvin had just taken on some aspects of the Fentons' account and Marie thought that taking him along to meet a major and important client would be good from both her and Fentons' point of view. They were based more than two hundred miles away so Marie thought an overnight stay in a hotel, maybe two nights, would be necessary. Absolutely perfect for her sexual plans regarding Calvin.

As yet, Calvin had no idea about the possibility of a trip to a major client nor the possibility of a night or two in the same hotel as Marie Crowther.

Marie considered all of the possibilities for a moment; she had not yet fixed a date to visit Fentons, then she phoned Calvin on the internal phone. "Calvin, could you come to my office for a moment, please?" said Marie, in her sexiest voice.

"Yes, of course, Mrs Crowther," replied Calvin, his cock hardening automatically on hearing that voice and those words. It was only early afternoon so he was not expecting anything sexual to happen but that woman was so intoxicatingly exciting.

Calvin knocked on Marie's office door and on entering found her seated on her desk, as she had been when she first made sexual advances towards him.

"You wanted to see me, Mrs Crowther," said Calvin, as he closed the door.

"Oh, I always want to see you, Calvin," smiled Marie, before indicating that he should sit in the chair that was very close to her left leg. The first time that Calvin had been in this situation, he moved the chair slightly to his right before sitting down but this time he left it where it was so he and Marie were almost touching, her left leg very close to his left arm.

"I have been missing you, Calvin; it seems that you have been missing me," smiled Marie, looking at the bulge that had formed in the young man's trousers.

"Um, um, yes, Mrs Crowther," replied Calvin.

"Marie, I think, when we are talking like this and when you have a hard-on," smiled Marie. Calvin said nothing.

Marie kicked her shoe off her left foot and placed her foot on Calvin's bulge, moving her foot slightly. "Ha, I bet that I could make you cum in your boxers doing this," giggled Marie.

"Yes, you probably could," replied Calvin, squirming in his chair.

"Actually, I have not asked you here for sex right now," said Marie, removing her foot from Calvin's crotch.

Calvin felt both relieved and disappointed. "Oh," he responded, his voice probably reflecting his disappointment.

"No, I have been talking to Fentons; don't worry, everything is fine," said Marie, seeing Calvin's concerned look about the possibility of something being wrong.

"I am pleased to hear it; I know that they are an important account," said Calvin.

"They are and they have asked me to visit them; I have suggested that as you now handle a lot of their account that you come along too," said Marie, in her businesslike voice.

"Okay," said Calvin, thinking of the long hours in Mrs Crowther's company that that was likely to entail.

"How would your wife feel about you having two nights away from her, in a hotel?" asked Marie, her voice now back towards sexy.

"Um, oh, I am sure that she would understand; she was pleased when I told her that I had been entrusted with such an important account," replied Calvin, not yet fully comprehending the implications of two nights in the same hotel as Marie Crowther.

"Good, your Tanya sounds very understanding," smirked Marie, putting her foot back on Calvin's crotch.

"Oh fuck," breathed Calvin, as Marie massaged his bulge with her foot.

"I would love to complete this foot wank but it might get a bit messy," said Marie, removing her foot from Calvin's crotch again. Calvin slumped slightly in the chair; it would not have taken much more for him to have filled his boxers with spunk. Again, Calvin said nothing.

"There is no date sorted for our visit to Fentons yet but you tell your wife that she may have to manage without your company in bed for a couple of nights," said Marie; by now it had dawned on Calvin that he would probably be expected to spend part of those two nights in bed with Marie, not a bad prospect.

"Yes, Mar... I mean, Mrs Crowther," said a confused and aroused Calvin.

"Sorry that I teased your cock, you should have plenty of time to give me the spanking that I deserve when we are together in a hotel room," said Marie, already looking forward to more spanking and fucking with Calvin Richardson.

Marie lifted her arse off the desk and put her foot back into her shoe. "Much as I would like you to spend the rest of the afternoon here with me, you had better go; you talk to your wife and tomorrow I will get a date fixed with Fentons, then we find a nice hotel," said Marie, leaning forward and kissing the still seated Calvin.

Calvin left Marie's office with an erection, as he had done before.

That night, Calvin told Tanya that he might have to have two nights away soon; she was not happy about it but she understood. It never crossed her mind that there was any sexual interest between Calvin and Marie Crowther, a woman older than either of their mothers.

Calvin and Tanya's lovemaking was particularly long-lasting and strenuous that night, something that Tanya remarked upon. "Well, you certainly gave me a seeing to there," smiled Tanya, after having multiple orgasms.

"You are a great sex partner," replied Calvin, not able to say that Marie Crowther was on his mind during part of the fucking.

When Marie arrived at work the next morning she said the general 'Good morning' when she walked through the main office and there were several 'Good morning, Mrs Crowther's in return. She made a beeline for Calvin's desk, something that did not go unnoticed by Jon Mills, who had wondered but discounted if Calvin was fucking Marie Crowther when Calvin stayed late at the office a month before.

"Morning, Calvin, did you tell your wife about the possibility of you having two nights away?" smiled Marie.

"Yes, Mrs Crowther and she was not too happy but she understands that Fentons are an important client," replied Calvin, thinking how incredibly sexy Marie was for her age, or any age, come to that.

"Splendid; I will sort out dates with Fentons but not sure whether I will get Sally to sort the hotel or whether I will do it myself," said Marie, swaying her arse as she walked away from Calvin. Sally Russell was Marie's PA and one of the few females that worked for the company.

Sally was bisexual but leaning toward lesbian and thought of her boss as being as sexy as Calvin did.

Marie phoned Fentons and managed to manipulate the meetings into being spread over two days, which meant two nights in a hotel for her and Calvin. Meetings were to start at nine o'clock on the following Tuesday morning, necessitating Monday night in a hotel, and conclude on Wednesday. Marie wanted to get herself a good spanking from Calvin on one of those nights and the thought of attending meetings with her arse maybe still showing some effects from a previous night's spanking seemed very erotic.

She wanted a fucking on both nights; it was now a question of sorting the hotel and whether to do it herself or get Sally to do it. Obviously, two rooms were to be booked but only one of them would get much use if Marie got her way.

Marie thought it would look less suspicious if she got Sally to book rooms for her and Calvin but Marie did first select the hotel that she wanted Sally to book. Sally duly confirmed that rooms had been booked for Marie and Calvin for the Monday and Tuesday nights. Like most of the employees, Sally suspected that Marie was getting fucked by some of the males and she wished that she could share Mrs Crowther's bed one day.

Marie told Calvin that the trip was on and that they would go in Marie's car leaving the office Monday lunchtime and maybe stopping to eat on the way. The business aspect of the visit had to be taken very seriously because Fentons' account was very important or almost vital to Marie and Michael's company but Marie could not wait for the sexual aspect of the trip to kick in.

On Friday, Marie said that she would pick Calvin up from his house on Monday morning so that he could leave his car at home. Calvin wondered if his wife was concerned about him spending two nights away with another woman, although in separate rooms, but a sexual relationship between Calvin and any other woman had not crossed Tanya's mind.

Calvin and Tanya had sex quite a lot during the weekend, sort of fucking in advance because they would be going without for two nights, or at least Tanya would be.

Marie pulled up in her expensive car at the end of Calvin and Tanya's short driveway on Monday morning and Tanya was at the door of the house to see her husband off. Tanya and Calvin kissed and Marie wound down her window and waved to Tanya, who waved back. Tanya had never met Mrs Crowther although she had seen her once before and they had spoken on the phone a couple of times.

"I will miss you so much," said Tanya to Calvin as he picked up his case containing his overnight things and changes of clothes.

"I will miss you too, but it will not be too long before I am back," replied Calvin, before they kissed again.

Calvin put his things in Marie's boot, which she had opened internally, and got in the passenger side of her car. Both Calvin and Marie waved to the waving Tanya, and then they were off. A wave of guilt ran through Calvin's body, not helped by Marie putting her left hand on his right thigh. "Morning, Calvin," said Marie, very sexily.

"Morning, Mrs Crowther," replied Calvin, squirming in the car seat as his cock hardened.

Marie removed her hand from his thigh. "Mrs Crowther when we are with Fentons or in our office but Marie otherwise, okay?" said Marie, turning to face Calvin and smiling.

"Yes, Marie," replied Calvin, relaxing a bit.

"This account is very important, as you know, but when we are alone together we will have such fun," continued Marie.

"Yes, I am sure," responded Calvin, torn at the moment between guilt and lust.

"I want you to spank me like last time or maybe even harder and longer," said Marie.

"Oh, I intend to, but you came twice while I was spanking you last time," replied Calvin, relishing the prospect.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" chuckled Marie, also wishing the hours away so that she could be over this young man's knee again.

They flirted some more on the rest of the short journey to their office and then the flirting had to be put on hold until they left the office at lunchtime.

"Have a nice time," said Jon Mills, slightly sarcastically, as Calvin left his desk at lunchtime. Jon was now pretty convinced that Calvin was shagging Marie Crowther and he was jealous because he had not had her for a while.

There was no way for Calvin to respond really, but by saying nothing he would probably be confirming Jon's belief. "Yeah, if sitting through several hours of meetings is having a nice time," replied Calvin, quite pleased with his response.

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Soon Marie and Calvin were on their way and a lot of the journey time was taken up with serious and detailed conversations about the Fentons' account but there was some time for flirting.

"You haven't told anyone about us, have you?" asked Marie, as the miles whizzed by.

"No, of course not but I think one or two in the office might have suspicions," replied Calvin.

"More than one or two I would think, as I have fucked most of them; aren't I a slut?" laughed Marie.

"You are, you need your fat arse spanked hard," said a now very confident Calvin, who was not surprised by Marie's revelation because he never thought that he would be the only one.

"Looking forward to it, and looking forward to the fucking that we are going to do too," smiled Marie.

"So am I, Marie, but I still feel guilty about Tanya," replied Calvin.

"I know, baby; you should know that I am envious of your Tanya going to bed with you every night but I am not trying to take you away from her," said Marie. Calvin said nothing.

"It is just that I like getting fucked by young men and you are the best that I have had in a long time," added Marie.

"Thank you, Marie, for the compliment," said a slightly subdued Calvin.

"I mean it, baby; that fuck you gave me over my desk was the best in ages and I am so looking forward to having you in a bed," said Marie.

They soon decided to pull off the motorway to get something to eat rather than waiting until they got to the hotel. Whilst eating in public their flirting was kept to a minimum.

They then got back on the road. "I was thinking that when we have checked into the hotel, we could freshen up and then go to the bar for a drink," said Marie.

"Oh, were you now?" teased Calvin.

"Yeah, do you have any better ideas?" laughed Marie.

"I might have; I will let you know," chuckled Calvin.

"Yes, sir!" laughed Marie; they were both feeling really horny.

They arrived at the hotel and checked in; they were both still very turned on, maybe even more so now.

They had the lift to themselves as they headed for their floor and they were all over each other. They would have been happy if the lift had got stuck and they could fuck there and then but it arrived at their floor and they made their way to their adjacent rooms.

"Well, Mr Richardson, have you come up with a better idea than mine?" asked Marie, as they stood about to enter their respective rooms.

"Actually I have: we freshen up and then I come to your room and tan your arse and then we go to the bar for a drink," announced Calvin.

"You expect me to go to the bar with a sore arse?" asked Marie, smiling.

"No, I expect you to go to the bar with a VERY sore arse," answered Calvin.

"See you in a few minutes," said an excited Marie.

"Yeah; I will phone Tanya and tell her that we have arrived," said Calvin, strangely not now feeling guilt because that was outweighed by his desire for Marie Crowther.

"Knock on my door when you are ready," said Marie.

"I will," replied Calvin, as they entered their respective rooms.

They both showered and changed from the office clothes that they had travelled in into something more casual. It seemed to Marie that she would soon be getting a spanking but she did not know if it would be followed straight away by a fucking.

Marie had changed into a green blouse and black trousers, which hugged her buttocks, and had a skimpy pair of black knickers underneath and a black bra. There was a knock on her door and she opened it to find Calvin there wearing a black shirt, the top three buttons undone, and cream-coloured trousers. Marie swooned.

"Do come in, Mr Richardson, you look adorable," said Marie, stepping away from the door slightly.

"You look very good yourself, Mrs Crowther," Calvin managed to say before their lips met in a snog and hands ran over backs and buttocks.

They were now both so worked up that Calvin had another suggestion. "A change of plan, we fuck, then I spank you then we go for a drink," Calvin said breathlessly.

"An excellent plan, Calvin," said Marie, fumbling at Calvin's belt and trouser clasp and zip.

Marie got enough of what was keeping Calvin's trousers up undone to have them down to his thighs as Calvin undid the buttons on Marie's blouse. More kissing preceded the removal of Marie's blouse and the undoing of the remaining buttons on Calvin's shirt.

Marie then tugged on Calvin's boxers and had them and his trousers down to his knees as Calvin removed Marie's bra and saw her tits for the first time; they were sensational. Calvin caressed Marie's breasts as she wanked his erect penis. They were both panting with lust.

Calvin left Marie's tits and undid the zip and button on her trousers and partially lowered them; Calvin then pulled Marie's knickers down to the same level. Both Calvin and Marie now had their trousers and underwear at about knee level as they snogged and Calvin's hands went to Marie's bare arse as Marie wanked his cock in between their bodies.

No words had been spoken since Calvin had suggested fucking now and Marie had agreed, just some grunts and other animalistic noises. It seemed to be mutually decided that it would be expedient for them each to take off their lower clothing which they did to leave Marie naked and Calvin with just his shirt on, but that promptly came off.

They kissed again and Calvin's fingers went to Marie's cunt which he found, not unexpectedly, to be soaking wet. They found themselves on the bed with Marie on her back and she put her legs in the air as she held Calvin's penis to her cunt and, with a forward thrust, it slid in producing a sigh and a groan from both of them.

Considering the state of arousal of both of them it was not likely to be a long fuck and it wasn't. Calvin thrust hard and fast as Marie locked her legs behind him and Marie came loudly. "Shit! Oh, Calvin, oh fuck, cummingggg," Marie announced as Calvin continued to thrust and grunt.

Calvin had been told after he had spunked on Marie's arse the first time that he could cum inside her so, after more thrusting and grunting, he did spurting jets of cream.

"Shit, we both needed that, didn't we?" said Marie, when their bodies had relaxed a bit.

"We did; I have been wanting to have you again ever since the first time," confessed Calvin.

"I have been wanting it too, baby; wanting it so much," replied Marie.

With his cock softening, Calvin pulled out and Marie unlocked her legs from behind his back.

"Now I will spank you; I want you to put those tight trousers back on to start with, no knickers," said Calvin.

"Oh, so masterful," chuckled Marie.

"I will show you how masterful I am when you are back over my knee," warned Calvin.

"Promises, promises," laughed Marie, as she got off the bed and put her trousers back on.

Calvin got off the bed, moved a chair into the centre of the bedroom and sat on it. "Over my knee, Mrs Crowther," said Calvin.

"Yes. sir," replied Marie, placing herself over Calvin's lap for a spanking that she knew and wanted to be hard and long.

Calvin did not waste a second before assaulting Marie's generous backside with a series of hard and fast spanks. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP sounded loudly in the room as Calvin spanked on and on and on.

The first spanking that he had given Marie had been quite brutal, as she had wanted it to be, but this one was even more so as Calvin continued to slap her buttocks at full force. Marie was bucking and writhing but she was loving it and getting hugely turned on.

Calvin kept spanking, still over her trousers, then decided she needed to get it bare-arsed; he paused the spanking. "Get your trousers off," he ordered.

Marie scrambled up, her face red and her eyes sparkling and she swiftly removed her trousers. Without being told, she went back over Calvin's knee. Calvin looked at the woman's bright red buttocks; he had obviously already done a job on them but now he was going to do more. Marie was close to cumming.

SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP Calvin started spanking Marie's bare bottom and he went on and on as she squirmed and bucked but did not protest. She got a sexual release. "Fuck, oh fucking hell, fuck, fuck, fuck," shouted Marie as she came with Calvin's hand almost a blur as he spanked every centimetre of Marie's large arse.

Calvin stopped abruptly; he was breathing heavily and he could almost feel the heat radiating from Marie's arse cheeks.

Once he had got his breath back, he spoke softly. "Get dressed, Mrs Crowther, we are going downstairs for a drink," said Calvin, his hand stinging so he had some idea of how Marie's buttocks were feeling.

Marie did not move for a moment and then slowly pushed herself up. She put her hands to her buttocks; her thighs, as well as Calvin's, were sticky with her cum. "Can I have a shower first, please?" she asked in a breaking voice, still with her hands on her buttocks.

"You may; in fact, I need to get your cum off my thighs," replied Calvin and as he was sweating, a shower seemed a good idea for him too.

They showered, separately, and when Calvin came out, Marie was examining her tanned arse in the dressing table mirror.

"Fucking hell, baby, I have never, ever, ever had a spanking like that," said Marie, still looking at the state of her cheeks in the mirror.

"Did you like it?" asked Calvin, with a smile.

"I loved it, honey," said Marie, grabbing Calvin for a kiss.

"Good, now get dressed and we can go to the bar," said Calvin.

"You are not going to make me sit down, are you?" pouted Marie.

"Oh yes, on the hardest seat that I can find," laughed Calvin.

They eventually got dressed and went down in the lift; walking to the lift and from it when they reached the ground floor was painful for Marie. When they reached the bar, Calvin had a quick scan of the seating possibilities. "Ah, those two barstools look just fine," smiled Calvin.

"You don't expect me to put my on-fire arse on there, do you?" asked a concerned-looking Marie.

"Yep, you put your big backside on there, Mrs Crowther," said Calvin, and Marie very slowly and gingerly put her bottom down on a bar stool but she was squirming immediately.

They had a couple of shots each, with Marie constantly squirming, and Calvin cruelly took his time over his.

"I hope that you are going to give me another fucking after making me put my poor arse on this stool," said Marie, quietly.

"I certainly am," replied Calvin.

"After that you had better go to your room because we both have to get some sleep before tomorrow's meetings," said Marie, squirming her arse yet again.

Their drinks were finished and they went back to Marie's room.

"I had better say good night to Tanya," said Calvin, who phoned his wife from his mobile as Marie got herself naked. Marie had undone and pulled down Calvin's trousers and was gently squeezing his prick through his boxers as the young man was telling his wife how much he loved her and missed her.

As Calvin finished his conversation with Tanya, Marie pulled down his boxers and locked her lips on his erect penis. Calvin groaned and stroked Marie's bobbing head; Marie stopped sucking and looked up. "I want another fuck now and then we must get some sleep," said Marie.

Marie got on the bed, legs spread as Calvin got himself naked. He got in between her legs and his cock eased into her wet cunt smoothly and the fucking started. This time it was slower than the on-arrival fucking and Marie came twice but not as violently as earlier before Calvin's body tensed and he shot cum deep inside her.

They both understood that they needed some sleep so Calvin cleaned himself a bit and got dressed before returning to his room, but not before another long tongue-exchanging kiss.

Marie had another shower and realised how sore her arse still was from the spanking; it would be a while before she wanted another one like that but when she did, she knew who she wanted to administer it.

Marie awoke at just before six; she thought for a moment and then rang Calvin's mobile. "Morning, fancy a quickie?" giggled Marie. Another day was starting.

Written by PJH
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