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Seeking A Spanking - Part 2

"Mature Elizabeth meets younger man Tony again, and she gets a caning."

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Elizabeth Bennett, aged fifty-nine, had joined an online sex site and put in her profile that she was seeking a man to give her a spanking.

She had been contacted by a man named Tony, amongst others, and she had arranged to meet the twenty-six-year-old.

Not only did Tony give her a spanking beyond her wildest dreams, they also fucked several times during the close to twenty-four hours that they were together. Elizabeth was anxious to see Tony again, and he was also very much up for a second session with the sexy mature woman.

During Tony's visit, they ordered a cane off the internet, with a view to Tony caning Elizabeth's large backside. Tony had no experience of using a cane but, as Elizabeth pointed out, he was great at spanking and fucking so there was no reason to assume that he could not administer a caning.

Elizabeth had requested, and received, a long and hard spanking from Tony and she would want her caning to be just as severe.

Elizabeth phoned Tony a couple of hours after he had left her on Sunday morning. They had exchanged phone numbers before he left.

"Hey babe, I just want to thank you again for the wonderful spanking and fucking that you gave me," said Elizabeth.

"Oh the pleasure was all mine; you have a wonderful arse for spanking and you are great to fuck," replied Tony.

"I am already looking forward to next time, we will get together again, won't we?" said Elizabeth, although there was little doubt that they would.

"You can count on it," responded Tony.

"Mmmm, my buttocks and my cunt are looking forward to it," said Elizabeth.

"Next weekend, probably," said Tony, although as he only lived about thirty miles away their getting together did not necessarily have to be restricted to weekends.

"I can hardly wait," responded Elizabeth.

"The cane should have arrived by then, shouldn't it?" said Tony.

"Yes, I am expecting delivery on Tuesday," replied Elizabeth.

"I look forward to you bending over for a caning," said Tony, who liked the idea of caning a mature pair of buttocks.

"And I look forward to bending over for a caning," responded Elizabeth.

"I look forward to another fuck, too," said Tony, although it was only about three hours since their last one.

"I am wet thinking about it," said Elizabeth, and she was.

They talked a little more and vowed to stay in touch.

Elizabeth knew that Tony also fucked, and sometimes spanked, a fifty-six-year-old married woman, so she knew that she did not have him all to herself. The spankings that he gave the married women were nothing like the intensity of the spanking that he had administered to Elizabeth because the woman's buttocks could not be red for her husband to see.

That Sunday afternoon, and again that Sunday night, Elizabeth masturbated as she thought back over her spanking and fuckings, and thought ahead to her caning and further fuckings.

Tony had no need to masturbate as he fucked his mature married woman friend whilst her husband was at the golf club.

The cane was delivered on Tuesday, as expected, and Elizabeth slashed it through the air making it whistle as she knew that it would whistle before making contact with her buttocks. She was hugely turned on. That evening, she phoned Tony.

"Hi, baby, just to let you know that the cane has arrived," said Elizabeth.

"Great, I look forward to using it on you," replied Tony.

"When can we see each other?" asked Elizabeth.

"It is difficult before the weekend because I am having to get up early for work," replied Tony.

"Well, can you come Friday, and stay until Sunday?" Elizabeth asked eagerly.

"Yes, yes, that would be good," responded Tony.

"Wonderful, see you Friday," said Elizabeth.

"Looking forward to it," responded Tony.

The time until Friday seemed to drag for Elizabeth, she was so looking forward to the weekend. She thought that if Tony was in agreement her caning could wait until Saturday morning, much as she looked forward to baring her arse for the cane.

Friday evening finally arrived, and so did Tony.

"Hello babe, I have been longing to see you again," said Elizabeth, throwing her arms around Tony's neck as soon as he was inside her house.

"Me too, you are so hot," replied Tony, before their lips met for a long and passionate snog.

"I don't know if you agree, but I would like to leave my caning until tomorrow morning," said Elizabeth, when the kissing stopped.

"And what do you think that we can do until then?" smiled Tony.

"I have some ideas," said Elizabeth, feeling Tony's crotch.

"I bet you do," responded Tony, feeling Elizabeth's large tits.

"Would you like some wine before we fuck?" asked Elizabeth.

"I don't mind," replied Tony.

"Oh, such enthusiasm," laughed Elizabeth.

"I want whatever you want," responded Tony, who had not had sex since shafting his married woman friend on Sunday evening.

"In that case, we will have some wine and then we will fuck," smiled Elizabeth, leading Tony into the living room.

Tony stood behind Elizabeth feeling her arse through her trousers as the mature woman bent to get the bottle of wine and the glasses.

"I love your arse, Elizabeth," said Tony, still having a good feel.

"I am so glad that you do," replied Elizabeth, remaining bent over.

"I am looking forward to seeing it bare," said Tony.

"You will do, baby, very soon," responded Elizabeth, straightening up.

Elizabeth poured the wine and they sat next to each other on the settee, sipping it and giggling.

Their lips met, and the wine glasses were put down so that they could concentrate on the kissing.

Elizabeth took Tony's head in her hands and swung her right leg over him so that she was mounting his lap. Tony's hands went to Elizabeth's arse. They kissed and kissed, both of them getting more and more horny.

"Mmmm, I am ready to fuck," said Elizabeth, looking into Tony's eyes.

"Yeah, so am I," replied Tony.

"Come to bed, big boy," said Elizabeth, dismounting from Tony's lap.

Elizabeth picked up the wine bottle and took a swig, before taking Tony by the hand and leading him out of the room, still with the wine bottle in her other hand.

They made their way up the stairs, Elizabeth taking another swig from the bottle, and they entered Elizabeth's bedroom. She put the wine bottle down and threw her arms around Tony's neck and their lips met for another long kiss, as Tony pawed Elizabeth's sizeable arse, as they ground their bodies together.

"Let's get your trousers off," said Elizabeth, undoing Tony's belt and trousers and starting to lower them.

"Let's get yours off too," said Tony, putting his hands to the top of Elizabeth's trousers and starting to drag them down.

With both of them having their trousers at thigh level, Elizabeth fondled Tony's erection through his boxers as Tony fingered Elizabeth's wet cunt through her knickers.

Elizabeth lowered Tony's boxers and wanked his cock, and Tony got his hand inside Elizabeth's knickers and his fingers into her vagina.

They hastily completed the removal of each other's lower clothing, and then Tony took off Elizabeth's blouse and bra, and Elizabeth removed Tony's shirt. The now naked couple kissed again as their hands roamed over the other's body.

They moved to the bed, with Elizabeth on her back, and Tony's prick was fed into Elizabeth's cunt. Their first fuck of the weekend was commencing.

Elizabeth groaned as Tony got his impressive full length inside her, then moaned as he partially withdrew and then eased forward again. The fuck soon picked up pace, as Tony thrust his hips, and Elizabeth's body reacted in response.

"So good, so good," breathed Elizabeth, as the younger man fucked her towards orgasm.

The fucking continued, and Elizabeth's first cum of the weekend arrived.

"Mmmm, fuck, cumming, oh fuck, oh fuck," uttered Elizabeth, digging her fingers into Tony's back.

The fucking went on and on, Tony was fucking at full pace and they were both getting sweaty.

"Shit! Fucking hell! oh, oh, oh fucking shit," wailed Elizabeth, as she came again.

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Tony kept thrusting and had Elizabeth cumming for a third time before he groaned and creamed in her.

"That was a nice start to the weekend," chuckled Elizabeth, when she could speak.

"Yeah, it was," agreed Tony, before kissing the mature woman.

They drank some more wine out of the bottle, and then Elizabeth lay on her front and Tony paid her arse some attention.

"There are going to be cane marks on these cheeks in the morning," said Tony, caressing Elizabeth's bottom.

"Yeah, lots of them," replied Elizabeth.

"Lots? How many strokes do you expect?" asked Tony, his hand resting on Elizabeth's left buttock.

"I don't know, maybe fifteen, eighteen or more. I want a severe caning," answered Elizabeth.

"Fuck! I don't know if I can do that, I have never caned anyone," said Tony.

"You will be fine; I am sure that you will give my arse the caning that it craves," said Elizabeth.

"I almost feel sorry for your arse," chuckled Tony, kissing Elizabeth's left arse cheek.

"Mmmm, I like the way that you feel sorry for it," said Elizabeth, squirming on the bed.

"Do you?" said Tony getting onto his knees and kissing all over Elizabeth's right buttock, then concentrating on her left one.

"Fuck, oh yeah," said Elizabeth, twisting her hips as her excitement mounted.

Tony parted Elizabeth's buttocks and put his head in her arse crack, kissing and licking it, and sending Elizabeth wild.

"Fuck, fuck, I am cumming," said Elizabeth, humping the bed as Tony's lips and tongue played with her arse crack.

"Fuck, I enjoyed that," said Elizabeth, when her latest orgasm had subsided.

They fucked again before they went to sleep, and Tony was awakened in the morning by Elizabeth sucking his cock.

Tony mounted her, and they had another very satisfying fuck.

They got up, showered, got dressed, and had some breakfast.

They sat chatting until late morning, it was time for the cane to be put to use.

"I will fetch the cane," said Elizabeth, standing up. She left the room with Tony's eyes on her arse in quite tight trousers.

She soon returned, cane in hand, and handed it to Tony, who bent it and studied it.

"I think that you should have some practice swings before you cane me," said Elizabeth.

"Okay," said Tony, giving the cane some half-hearted swishes through the air.

"That will be no good, you will have to put some effort into it," said Elizabeth.

"I told you, I have not done this before," explained Tony.

"I know, baby; Here, thrash this cushion," said Elizabeth, putting a cushion in the centre of the settee.

Tony felt embarrassed, but he whipped the cane down onto the cushion.

"Harder than that, much harder," said the watching Elizabeth.

Tony took several more practice swings, and was now putting a lot into it.

He looked at Elizabeth for approval.

"I think that you are ready," said Elizabeth, removing her trousers and knickers and baring her arse.

Elizabeth bent over the back of the armchair, her backside presented for the caning. Tony moved behind her, the cane held limply.

Tony took a deep breath, raised the cane, and swished it down. It made a loud CRACK on impact with Elizabeth's buttocks.

"Harder than that, much harder," said Elizabeth, repeating the instruction that she had given Tony when he was taking practice swings on the cushion.

Tony noticed a red line appearing on Elizabeth's buttocks from the first stroke. He gripped the cane tighter, raised it and brought it down faster than the first time. The CRACK that it made on impact was noticeably louder than the first stroke, and it brought a sort of grunt from Elizabeth.

Tony delivered a third stroke and then a fourth, and Elizabeth swayed her hips, and sort of mewed. She had not told him to cane harder since the first stroke, so he assumed that he was doing okay.

The cane continued to rise and fall, and there were a series of red lines across Elizabeth's arse. She was very wet.

Tony landed what was the twelfth stroke of the caning, and Elizabeth cried out.

"Sorry, was that too hard?" asked a concerned Tony.

"No, it was perfect, keep caning me like that," responded Elizabeth, her voice cracking.

Tony realised that his cock was rock hard in his boxers, he was enjoying administering the caning.

He delivered three more strokes and hesitated because he realised that he had reached the fifteen strokes that Elizabeth had mentioned the previous evening.

"Have you had enough?" asked Tony.

"No, no, keep caning. I am going to cum," replied Elizabeth.

Tony continued whipping the woman's arse, and she did indeed cum.

"Oh fuck, oh shit," said Elizabeth, cumming as her legs trembled and her arse took another cane stroke. Tony stopped the caning.

Elizabeth's body shook for a while, her backside a mass of red marks. She eventually pushed herself up, her face was flushed, but alive.

"Thank you, that was amazing," said Elizabeth, her buttocks on fire.

"I was amazed that you took so many strokes," said Tony.

"I needed it, I loved it," replied Elizabeth.

Walking was difficult for Elizabeth, and sitting down was out of the question, but she made her way slowly upstairs with Tony following.

Elizabeth lay face down on the bed, and Tony gently kissed her buttocks. The burning in her arse had got her cunt burning, and as Tony kissed her arse cheeks, she opened her legs wide. Tony inserted two, and then three, fingers into Elizabeth's cunt and whilst still kissing her arse cheeks, he finger fucked her to another orgasm.

Elizabeth examined her caned arse in the wardrobe mirror, and was delighted with what she saw. She knew that she would be marked for some time, just as she liked to be.

Elizabeth then resumed lying on her front on the bed.

The erection that Tony had acquired whilst administering the caning softened eventually, but he was feeling very horny again.

"Do you fancy a fuck?" asked Tony.

"Yeah, from behind," replied Elizabeth.

Tony removed his clothes and got behind Elizabeth who had pushed herself up onto her knees. One touch with his finger was enough to show that Elizabeth's cunt was wet enough to take his cock. He held his penis against her cunt lips, and slid in.

Tony gripped Elizabeth's hips and started fucking her, making her cum almost instantly' He had her cumming twice more before he deposited his latest batch of semen in her.

They still had Saturday night and some of Sunday morning ahead of them, but for now they were both sexually satisfied.

They went downstairs, painfully in Elizabeth's case, and ate, with Elizabeth standing up.

The continuing sting that Elizabeth was feeling from her arse was making her super horny, she wanked Tony to erection and sat him on the settee. She faced him and put one leg on either side of him before feeding his penis into her.

Their lips locked and tongues danced as Elizabeth slowly raised herself up and lowered herself down, riding Tony's pole. Elizabeth rode faster and faster, and soon came, loudly.

Elizabeth kept riding, and Tony wanted to put his hands on her arse but decided not to. Elizabeth came for a second time, prompting Tony to ejaculate, the fifth time that he had done that since arriving twenty-four hours earlier.

They did not fuck when they went to bed that night, but Tony shafted Elizabeth to two more orgasms before he came in her on Sunday morning.

Elizabeth again examined her cane-marked arse in the mirror, and was delighted with what she saw.

"We will see each other again, won't we, Tony?" asked Elizabeth after her house guest had showered and got dressed.

"Yes, Elizabeth, we will," replied Tony.

"Might be a while before I want another caning though," said Elizabeth.

"Yes, I imagine it will be," said Tony.

A little later, he was gone.

Elizabeth Bennett had taken quite a caning from her young lover, and quite a fucking.

Written by PJH
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