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Nora Becomes Dominant

"Nora catches her boyfriend by surprise with her dominant side."

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Author's Notes

"Nora shows her dominant side to Paul by giving him a good sound paddling on his backside. What happens next is not what he was hoping for. Nora had done a few dominatrix gigs during her hooking career, so she had some idea of how to handle this event. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This is taking place in September 1974. The “Mormon girl” story is in “Nora Gets Submissive.”"

One day in late September, I made one of my usual trips out to Maspeth to visit Nora at her house. I was surprised by her appearance when she opened the door. She was wearing a business outfit: a dark-gray suit with a tight skirt, dark nylon stockings, and high heels. I had seen those clothes before during her first visit to the college newspaper, The Salient. Her dark-blonde hair was pinned up on her head.

Her most noticeable accessory was the big wooden object she was holding in her right hand. I guessed that it was a paddle. Now, who would she use that on? I seemed to be was the only candidate around. I had never seen her dominant side in action, but I expected that I would find out about it on that day.

“Oh, hi Nora.”

“It’s Miss Meara if you please.” I knew that dominatrices sometimes used “Miss” when referring to themselves, but I figured I’d go along with whatever action she had cooked up for me.  She obviously was playing a game, but I didn’t know the exact details of it yet. I had previously experienced her in her submissive mode in which I was the one spanking and belting her.

We went into the living room and she sat on the couch. I was just about to sit next to her when she said, “Oh no, just stand right there.”

She crossed her legs and I thought, God, she looks great today. She should get dressed up more often. Then she touched a substantial wooden hairbrush on a side table. “This, and my paddle, are the two implements I have available for me today.” It was obvious at that point that she was going to use them on me.

I had put my hands in my pockets. “Get your hands out of your pockets when I’m speaking to you.” I didn’t have much choice but to fold them in front of me.

“So, Nora...”

“It’s Miss Meara, remember?”

“Okay, Miss Meara...”

“Let me speak, if you would.” When she had my attention, she continued, “Paul, I have a serious issue with you. Today I’m going to deal with it quite firmly and thoroughly.”

It was impressive how she usually adjusted her speaking patterns to whatever plan she had going. She was a better actress than I had originally thought last spring.

“All right, Miss Meara, what is it?”

“Let me explain in some detail. It has to do with our fellow female staffers on The Salient. I have noticed that your eyes are all over them. In fact, I’m sure you use them for your sick masturbation fantasies.”

She had a point. There had been six of them last year, and now there was a seventh. The new one was a very tall, very nice-looking girl named Linda. I had indeed used all of them for fantasy material. I tried a push-back to see what would happen. “Well, how about Lilith? I don’t like her and she doesn’t like me.” Lilith was a dark-haired, very intense, and a rather humorless senior who was our news editor.

“That doesn’t matter; you still want to possess her physically.” That was indeed true. I had fantasized about her but I had forgotten that I had told Nora about it.  She hadn’t forgotten. “You told me once me you wanted her on top, straddling you on the main table in The Salient office. By the way, I notice that she doesn’t always shave her under her arms.”

“That doesn’t bother me.”

“Who cares? She gets to you anyway. And that new Linda tart. I saw her black knee socks. I’m sure you've imagined lifting her skirt up, pulling off her panties, and copulating with her standing up against a desk.”

Actually, my fantasy had been on the couch, but basically, Nora was correct. Copulating; I never heard her use that word before.

A counter-strike occurred to me. “Besides, I’m sure you’ve also indulged in an occasional imaginary fling with somebody.”

“Absolutely not. I’m completely loyal to you, in my heart and mind as well as with my body.” A woman of heart and mind, as Joni Mitchell had put it. In any case, I didn’t believe her.

But who would she use as her fantasy lover? I doubted it was any of the male staffers. Maybe it would be Professor Raskin, the English professor who taught a course about vampires and other figures of evil and horror in literature. He was relatively young and rather hot for a professor. Somehow, I could imagine whatever Nora might have considered doing with him. It was sort of one fantasy inside of another one. He’d have dropped his pants inside his office, and Nora would be on his desk with her skirt up and her legs splayed. She cried out in pleasure as he nailed her on the desktop.

It was weird, but now I had a pang of jealously regarding this scene that I myself had made up. But Nora, Miss Meara, quickly interrupted my musings.

“If you are wondering how I’m going to correct your misbehavior, then I will tell you.” She leaned forward on the sofa and explained it in some detail.

“Paul, it’s quite simple but effective. It’s called corporal punishment.”

Even though I already knew what was coming, I suddenly wasn’t that keen on the whole idea. “You’re kidding me right?”

“Absolutely not. You’re going to kneel on the floor, and I’m going sit here and paddle you on your backside. First, you’re getting it on the seat of your trousers. They look kind of lightweight, and I’m sure they won’t give much protection of any kind for your sorry ass.”

I pushed back again, “This has to be a joke.”

“I notice you can dish out the spankings to me, but you can’t take them yourself. That’s rather unfair, wouldn’t you say?”

It was interesting to see her formerly hidden dominant side emerge. Other guys had seen it, but I never had. I said, “You never mentioned this aspect of yourself before.”

“I certainly have when discussing my former customers.” But I had never judged her past before, and I decided not to do it now. I remembered her saying once that being a dominatrix, for her, was the only satisfying aspect of being a prostitute.

She continued her description. “After some of that, you are going to take down your trousers and I’m going to vigorously apply my implement to your bare buttocks. Then you are going over my lap, and I’m going to firmly beat you with this nice, big hairbrush.”

My behind twitched at the prospect. Maybe I’d like this after all. Her dominatrix look was not the black leather kind. Her model was the strict teacher or manager look – or, in this case, the strict girlfriend.

“What if I don’t like it?”

“Then there are always the safe words, tuna salad. However, knowing what a twisted little mother-fucker you are, I suspect that you will like it.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Sweetie, you know I’ve been with a lot of guys. After a while, I can practically sniff out what they’re thinking. And you, my friend, I’m sure that you are a switch. You have both sadistic and masochistic tendencies.”

That was an impressive bit of psychology. I tried one last ploy, “Miss Meara, this whole thing of me looking at other women, fantasizing about them, it’s just an excuse, a pretext, and you know it.”

She could be very firm, even if she was faking it. “Well, I don’t think it’s a pretext.” She had one more thing for me. “Be a man about it, take your punishment like a big boy. Don’t be a pussy about it.” Then she smirked, “If you don’t get a big erection from this, I’ll be quite surprised.”

“And how much of this am I getting?”

“You’ll get as many as I deem necessary. Now, kneel down and present your behind for correction. Get it up nice and high so I have a good target.”

I guess I could have just gotten up and left. What was she going to do, break up with me? Maybe her appeal to my manly pride got to me. This chick isn’t going to intimidate me. I was rather annoyed by her today and yet, underneath, I was excited by her proposal too.

I got into a kneeling position on the floor and raised my ass for her. “Go ahead, baby, let’s see what you can do.”

“Oh, you’re not just going to see it; you’re definitely going to feel it too.”

She moved forward on the sofa to position herself, then she gently rubbed her paddle on the seat of my pants. She moved it up and down, and from side to side.

“How does that feel? Pretty nice, right.”

I tried to remain nonchalant about it, “Yeah, it’s okay I’d say.”

“All right, try this one.” Without any further warning, she raised it high and brought it down on me. I felt the impact and heard the thwack of it connecting with my backside. I couldn’t help but yowl, and I fell forward. I didn’t go all the way down, by Nora commented on it.

“Come on Paul, you can do better than that.”

I said the obvious thing, “But it hurts.”

“Of course, it’s supposed to.” I didn’t know it then, but I didn’t realize how trite what she said was. “Steady yourself; you know what to expect now.”

I suppose I did better with the next ones, but I still made noises and wriggled around. I didn’t nearly collapse with those, and she didn’t chide me for my sounds or movements. I lost count, but I think she gave me at least six on each cheek. “There, you’re doing much better now. Make me proud of you.”

Then she stopped, and she felt my backside with her hand. “This must be working; I can feel how hot you are now. Come on, unbuckle your pants. It’s time for some wood on the bare flesh.”

 When I had my pants down below my knees, she noticed something right away. “You do have a huge boner, just as I expected.”

“I couldn’t help it; it just sort of went up on its own.” It reminded me of the first time I had spanked her, back in June, and she was surprised to find that she liked it.

“That’s okay, lots of guys get them. The buttocks are an erogenous zone, as you must know. Blood is flowing into them as you get beaten.”

She had a good grasp of anatomy. I thought, it hurts in the back but it feels surprisingly good in the front.

I glanced over at her, and I noticed that her legs were splayed apart. I could look under her skirt and see up to her crotch. Her underthings were surprising. She had a black garter and straps to hold up her stockings, plus sheer black panties that were virtually transparent. Her public hair was clearly visible.

I commented, “Nice retro underwear you’ve got. I suppose later I’ll get an even better look.”

“Oh no, not today you’re not.”

“Nora, I mean Miss Meara, you know how it goes. First the discipline, then the fucking.”

“That may be how it works with me, but definitely not for you. Now let’s get to the main act.”

Yet I was angry too, but I decided not to argue with her. She raised her paddle again and she hit me about every two or three seconds. Tears were coming out of my eyes, but yet I was still aroused.

“I see you’re still erect. You are one of those hard-core cases.” Then she began to lecture me, “So no more looking at other girls, no more jerking-off about Lilith or Linda or Martha or those other journalistic twats and their eager pussies.”

I realized that she couldn’t possibly know what I was thinking and doing twenty-four hours per day. There was no point in mentioning that, because Nora already knew was it all just a game, and an excuse to tan my hide. It perhaps wasn’t the best pretext she could invent but that paddle felt real enough. Probably if I made a show of just looking innocent in the office, I’d do fine. That was until she decided to do this again.

 I was starting to complain, “Come on Miss Meara, that’s enough already.”

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“Just a little more with the paddle, and then we’ll have it.”

After a bit more she said, “Okay, you may get up and comfort yourself.” I didn’t need any further encouragement. I got up on my knees and grabbed myself. It didn’t help much, but it was better than nothing.

“Take your hands away, I want to see what I’ve done to you.” She looked and said, “My, that’s a well-beaten pair of male buttocks. You’re all red, and you have bruises around the edges.” I tried to look back at myself, and she put a finger on me to feel the damage.

“Jesus, be careful, it’s pretty tender back there.”

She found that amusing. “I bet you think I’m a real bitch.”

“I never said that; you did.”

“So, it’s time to get over my lap and take the hairbrush now.”

I admit I liked the feel of my bare crotch pressed against her clothed one, but man, did she have a strong arm. I yelped each time the brush connected to my rear end. She landed a few on the backs of my thighs, perhaps to even out the coloring of my hindquarters.

Perhaps she took some pity on me because that phase didn’t last too long. She stopped and assessed my condition. “Maybe that’s enough; I’m going over the same places I’ve hit before. The heat is just radiating off of you.” Gee, thanks, honey, you’re so thoughtful.

She tried to explain herself, “I do believe the punishment should be proportionate to the offense, and I think I’ve accomplished that. Anyway, it’s now corner time. First, you may comfort yourself again.”

I tried, but it was now too painful to touch my own behind. She said, “All right, never mind; suit yourself. But get up and stand over there by the wall. Put your hands on your head. And don’t go anywhere. I’m going to get a drink so I can savor this.”

“Where do you think I’m going to go?”

“Just stay where you are until I come back.” She briefly went to the kitchen and came back with a drink. There was some ice in it. I assumed it was vodka because I knew Nora liked that and she never drank gin.

Back on the couch, she said, “So how are you doing?”

“You pulverized me.”

“You’ve never been spanked before, have you?”

“No, and I’m not going to forget it, that’s for sure.”

“That was the point of it,” she said. “Oh God, payback is so sweet.”

 I dared say, “So you enjoyed this.”

“Oh yes, I’m loving it. You spanked me on the night of our first date; you’ve belted me enthusiastically more than once.”

“But you liked it, you’re cunt got wet, and then you banged the hell out of me each time.”

“That’s all true, I admit it. But his time, I wanted to turn things around and see how you reacted to it.”

“You wanted to reveal your sadistic side.”

“Okay, so what? I had to get it out of me, and you were the target I had on hand. Besides, you revealed your masochistic side with your big erection. I’m really not that surprised.”

“I’m glad I lived up to your expectations.”

“I will admit to something else; I am very turned on right now. My panties are just so damp. It always happens when I give a guy a good, hard spanking.”

That sounded like excellent news for me. She’s all lubricated to take me in an instant. “Really? Then how about taking them off for me?”

“Oh, don’t get any cute ideas. That’s not going to happen today.”

It was disappointing again; I assumed it would be one of those enthusiastic fucks she gave me after I had dominated her. “Nora, take pity on me. Give me a blowjob or handjob or something.” She didn’t catch that I had slipped and used her first name.

“Forgot about me stroking you in any way.” I was still standing there next to the wall. “Instead, kneel down and kiss my shoes while I sit here. Lick them too.”

I could see that this was another part of her act, but I wasn’t happy with it. “I’m not going to do that. It’s humiliating. And you’ve probably worn them on the A train and the D train and other such MTA horror shows.”

“No, I’ve never had them on outside the house. And humiliation is definitely the point of it.”

I figured I’d play my sub act all the way, and besides, it couldn’t be that bad to lick her shiny clean high-heels. She would owe me big time after that, although I probably wasn’t going to collect that debt today.

So I got down on my knees again as she sat on the sofa. I could see under her skirt again, and I could look between her legs at her garter, straps, and panties for the second time.

I had never seen a woman wear a garter before, but at that time I wasn’t the most experienced guy in the world. I couldn’t tell from my angle, but if she was telling the truth, those sheer black panties had gotten damp during my punishment. Man, all of that great stuff, those sexy underclothes of hers, and it was all going to waste!

I still hoped that the shoe licking would lead to some pussy licking, but I wasn’t going to count on that. When I did the shoe kissing thing as she had requested, it felt strange but objectively I had no problem with it. Her shoes were indeed as shiny and clean as if they had just come straight out of the box.

After a while, she had a new order. “I’m thirsty. Go into the kitchen and get me a glass of seltzer. I want it with ice and slices of lime.”

 I went in there but I was soon back and standing in the doorway of the living room. “Ah, Miss Meara, you do have one lime in the fridge, but...

“Well, take a knife and slice it. It can’t be that complicated.”

When I brought the glass to her, I stood there like a waiter while she sampled it. “Miss Meara, may I get a beer for myself?”

“You certainly may not! For one thing, it’s only eleven in the morning.” Her own alcohol consumption seemed to contradict that. “Get back to the shoe licking. Do the heels, too.”

In a couple of more minutes she said, “Okay, I think you’ve learned your lesson. No more ogling of the girls at school, correct? And no more masturbation about them.” I had already noted her inability to enforce any of that. “So your discipline is over for today. You are dismissed.” I still wasn’t sure that she was serious and she noticed my confusion.

“What I mean is that you should now leave my presence and get out of the house.”

“You’re throwing me out again?”


“Like that Mormon girl thing, or whatever it was you did the last time.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You know what I mean. And you do know it took me over an hour-and-a-half to get out here.” I was going to describe the subway trip to Queens Plaza and then the bus, but she was already familiar with all that.

She said, “That’s your problem.”

“I can’t fucking believe this.”

“Do not use foul language around me.” That was exactly what the “Mormon girl” had said too. Then, “I think next time, I may have to use a cane on you to fully get your attention. That’s about the worst implement there is.”

How did she know that? “Where are you going to get a cane?”

“In the city; it’s easy. You know, in England headmasters and headmistresses – and governesses too – would use them on their naughty charges. Believe me, you should watch yourself or I will use one on your sorry backside too.”

I almost said, fuck you, you mean twat, but I held my tongue. I had caught the words, next time. I was sure she’d try something like this on me again.

“Anyway, as I said, it’s time for you to go.”

I was still sorely disappointed that I wasn’t going to screw her when she was wearing those wonderful garters and straps. All she would have to remove was her panties and her pussy would be right there. Well, maybe the skirt should go too. It was on the tight side and might get in the way. However, I had seen the handy zipper it had in the back.

I tried one more plea, “At least let me masturbate while I look at you.”

She laughed at that. “Nice try, but you’ll have to wait until you get home for that. There is some lotion here you may want to apply to your sore rear end.”

I didn’t feel like continuing to argue with her, so after the lotion, I let myself out. Unlike last time, I didn’t wait on the sidewalk for an appearance by her that would never happen. I just took the bus up to Queens Plaza, and then the subway into the city.

My ass squirmed on the hard plastic seats. It wasn’t until much later that I was able to look in a mirror and see the full extent of what she had done to my ass. My Nora Meara was a pretty fair dominatrix – although I didn’t have anybody yet to compare her to. The shoe-licking thing was indeed a nice touch too. Plus I had a bad case of blue balls too, and there was nothing to be done about that for a while. I wasn’t like one of those weirdos who would jerk off between the subway cars.

In Manhattan, I wound up watching another Charles Bronson movie, Mister Majestik. In one memorable scene, some bad guys – Majestic grows watermelons – go into his shed and destroy all of his melons. They blast them with submachine guns, which seemed like overkill. Pieces of melons went flying everywhere. The head villain was played by that great bad guy Al Lettieri, who had been so memorable as Sollozo in The Godfather and also as Rudy Butler in The Getaway.

I was thinking, Nora wouldn’t actually get a cane, would she? But I was getting to know her quite well, and I couldn’t discount the possibility.


Finally, after three days, Nora called me, and she sounded very cheerful.

“Hey honey, how are you?”

“Hanging in there, I guess. I’m trying to get my backside back to normal.”

She had different concerns. “Oh God, as I said, it’s so arousing to dominate a man. I found that out when I did a few dom gigs.”

“You told me about that at least once.”

“And for this one with you; I couldn’t stand it. After you left, I got a banana and with that in my cunt and my fingers on my clit, I came four times! Right on the sofa. It took less than an hour for the whole thing.”

It was exciting but a bit odd to think of this happening when I had just left her house and I was on the way to Manhattan.

“You know Nora, my darling, I really was looking forward to screwing you in your garters and straps. I mean, I was right there on the scene, ready to go, and you threw me out.”

“I figured that, but I can’t let you get too complacent. Well, maybe I did overdo the realism a bit.”

“Too complacent! I’m supposed to be your boyfriend, remember?”

“All right, I’ll wear that same underwear again when you come out on Friday, including the transparent panties to make it even more interesting. They come in different colors too, like white and blue.”

“You will?” I couldn’t keep the eagerness out of my voice. “By the way, black and blue were also two of the colors on my backside.”

“Oh, come on, I saw it. It was just a little paddling; so you got a few bruises.”

“You’re quite a little sadist.”

“And you’re quite a little masochist. Plus we’re switches. We’re very well matched in that regard.”

Then it got better; she added, “I really promise, I will wear a pair of those delectable panties for you. You know, it’s so stimulating to take them off and walk around with an open-bottom garter. Later I went over to the supermarket that way.”

I was trying hard to imagine that. “I always said you were a hot number, to use that old expression.”

“You bet, I got so turned on by it, having my pussy bare under my prim outfit. I wondered what it would be like to tell the guy doing the check-out about it, but of course, I didn’t. He was only about twenty-five. And then I just had to go home and beat off a couple more times. So the total number of my climaxes on that day was thus six.”

I swallowed hard. Then I was aware that I had an erection, and I forgot about her punishment of me. I thought, Nora, I love you; you are just the craziest, sweetest, hottest gal any guy could ever hope for. It was an honor to have my cherry busted by you.


Written by LakeShoreLimited
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