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Neighbors Chapter 4

"Satisfying the neighbor, but meeting another."

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Matt left the shop, seeing that it was fully dark and he glanced at his watch, the dial reading 7:10 PM. He hurried back to his apartment, getting there at twenty minutes to eight.

Going up to his apartment, Matt glanced across to his neighbors darkened windows, then changed into his new outfit, slipping on the one pair of cowboy boots he owned and wiped the dust off of them with one of his socks. When he had changed, he looked across to his neighbor’s apartment again. There were no lights on, but he could make out a small flickering light against the blinds in her bedroom. It was 7:52 when he got to the elevator on his floor, dressed, clean shaven, and smelling good, his new toy still in the bag from Sweet Endings with the lingerie folded around it.

Matt buzzed #602 on the buildings intercom at 7:58, breathing a little fast from the run through his lobby and across to the building next door. There was no answer, but the door to the lobby unlocked with a metallic buzz.

He punched the elevator button at exactly 8:00, the door swinging open immediately and Matt stepped in.

Taped to her door was a note that read, 'Door's open. Please lock it. I am in the bedroom.'

Matt stepped into her apartment, removing the note and locking the door as he closed it. He saw the flickering light from several candles through the open door leading into her bedroom, the light faintly illuminating his way. He crossed the living room and stepped into the doorway slowly, seeing her lying across the bed on her belly, her head propped up on her elbows. Several candles were placed about the room, their soft, flickering light showing almost golden against the skin of her nude body. She had placed two paddles on the bed, the long flat style one he had watched her use last week, next to the small round paddle that he had seen her use on that firm ass weeks ago. Matt also saw that she had placed a thin wicker cane and a tube of what he thought was lotion on the other side of her. Her vibrator was setting on the night stand beside her.

Her voice was like silk as she spoke. 'Hi neighbor. I am so glad you accepted my invitation.'

Matt felt his penis quickly swelling in his pants as he admired her body, the even tan of her skin glowing in the candle light. He stepped to the side of her bed, still gazing at her nudity, and produced the paddle he had bought to use on her, the deep blue teddy falling to the bed.

'I bought a couple things to celebrate our first actual meeting.' Matt said as he laid the paddle beside the satin fabric of the teddy. 'I'd like to introduce myself first. I'm Ma...'

His neighbor held up her hand, looking away from him and interrupting before he could finish.

'I don't need to know your name. Let's just keep this... uncomplicated, shall we?' She rolled onto her side, showing her smooth flat belly above her now clean shaven vulva, her smooth white lips contrasting to the tan on the rest of her body.

'I'm not sure what you mean ma'am. I thought we had, I don't know, a connection?' Matt looked into her eyes, his confused gaze meeting her confident one.

'Let me try to explain a little more clearly,' she said soft and sultry as she picked up the large round paddle he had bought. 'I need to be spanked, hard, almost as much as I need to feel a large cock inside of me.' She twirled the paddle by its handle as she looked at Matt, almost pleading for his understand with her eyes, while at the same time seeming to dare him to argue with her voice. 'I have my own life, and I don't want any kind of relationship outside of the bedroom. I enjoyed the other night, and even though you can obviously give me both of the things that I need, we could just forget this evening if you would prefer.'

Matt gazed into her eyes for a few moments, and then slowly he said. 'I can appreciate you having your own life, but I don't see why knowing your name would complicate anything.'

She rolled onto her stomach, rubbing the new paddle softly across her buttocks. 'Okay neighbor, I will make you a deal. You call me... Kat. And I will call you... Sir. You spank me until I cream, and then if you do a good job, I will reward your efforts with a bit more information about me. Deal?'

Matt's arousal almost answered for him, but he resisted the immediate “yes” that sprang to mind, instead sitting on the edge of her bed. He noted the way she said 'Sir', had the same inflection that Cindy had used to address him.

His trip to Sweet Endings proved that he enjoyed giving a spanking, that was plain from the arousal he had experienced, but he really felt out of his element not knowing this woman's name. He had always courted a woman before making love with her, and even though his sexual experiences were limited, having only slept with a few women in his life, at least he had known who they were before hopping into bed with them.

'I am just a bit... uncomfortable, not knowing your name... Kat. Don't get me wrong, I really want this to happen, I've wanted to make love with you since the night I watched you use your paddle on that cute little butt.' Matt turned to look at her, but she had her eyes closed as she was stroking the new paddle across the skin of her buttocks.

Matt watched her feeling the smooth wood caress her skin as she said to him with her eyes still closed.

'Well Sir, two points. First, we will not be “making love,” it's only sex. Face it; we will be fucking the brains out of each other. Taking pleasure from one another's bodies, nothing more, nothing less. Secondly, you know my terms. No spanking, no name, period. Take it or leave it, the choice is all yours. I can satisfy my own needs with the toys I have.'

She opened her eyes to look at Matt, handing him the paddle as she rolled onto her back with her feet toward him. 'Come on neighbor,' she said as she opened her legs to him, reaching between them to spread the lips of her vulva with two fingers, showing him the pink opening of her vagina. ‘Don't you want to fuck me?' Her eyes held a teasing look as she closed her legs again, rolling back onto her belly. She tucked her arms beneath her chest and lifted her hips slightly. 'Don't you want to paddle my ass nice and hard? I can teach you how I like it, but I think you know.'

Matt felt his erection pulse as it pushed against his new jeans, his arousal making the decision for him. 'You might need to guide me a little Kat; I had a short lesson when I bought the paddle from Sweet Endings though.'

'Oh I just love that store Sir.' Kat said as she wiggled her hips down until she was positioned on the bed with her feet dangling over the side, her firm ass only feet from the edge. 'Did they show you how to do a warm up Sir?'

'That's the next lesson the clerk offered to teach me.' Matt told her as he removed his clothing, freeing his large erection from the confining jeans as he tossed them, with his new briefs, beside the bed. He set the paddle on Kat’s lower back as he removed his shirt. 'The clerk was a sweet young lady. She helped me a lot, even saying that she had one of these paddles.'

'I've met a few of the girls Sir,' Kat said, reaching for her pillow and tucking it under her hips, elevating her backside nicely. 'Who was it that helped you Sir?'

Matt took the paddle from Kat's back, before he replied. 'Her name is Cindy; she’s the one with hair to her waist. She let me use this paddle on her a little bit, and then gave me her number for my next lesson.'

'She's a sweet girl Sir. I think she would enjoy that cock of yours as much as I know I will,' Kat said as she felt the coolness of the paddle lightly caress her buttocks. Then she told Matt. 'A warm up is when you give someone light swats until they have a uniform redness to their buttocks Sir. It is also called “peppering”. That helps to reduce the bruising to the skin.'

Matt continued caressing Kat's buttocks with the large face of the paddle. 'I find it hard to believe that you would need much of a warm up Kat. In fact, I think you would really enjoy the feel of a few bruises to that sweet butt of yours.'

Kat looked over her shoulder at Matt, smiling wickedly. 'I am your submissive right now Sir. That decision is for you to make, not me.'

Matt began to realize the feeling of control he held as he lightly swatted her buttocks, the paddle hitting Kat's ass with a soft smack, the face of it centered over her anus. He then swatted each cheek of her buttocks a few times, the feeling of the paddle as it struck her skin allowing Matt the arousal of dominance he had felt when at the adult shop spanking Cindy.

He found the feeling almost heady, like a rush of adrenaline or some kind of a drug.

Matt liked that feeling, and was already planning to call Cindy, his first submissive, as soon as he could.

The meager warm up Matt had allowed Kat to have, had given just the barest pink tinge to the skin of her butt. He raised the paddle a bit more, bringing the wood down centered on her ass, with just a little of his own force behind the blow. The paddle connected solidly against Kat's skin with a loud smack, bringing a small moan from her lips as she pushed her torso up onto her elbows. Matt didn't wait more than a few seconds before he hit her butt again, the paddle striking the same spot. Kat gasped as she kicked her legs against the bed, her hips pushing into the pillow under them.

'Ow!' She exclaimed between clenched teeth, her hips relaxing a little before she pushed against the pillow again. Matt softly rubbed the paddle across the bright pink circle his blows had caused, the smooth wood gliding over the center of her ass as he rubbed it back and forth.

Matt paused, raising the paddle again. 'Harder?' he asked Kat.

'If it pleases you Sir. You're the Dominant one here. You're in control Sir. Complete control,' she whispered in response.

He brought the paddle down with more force against her ass, but he struck only one of her cheeks with a loud smack, making Kat arch her back slightly as she pushed against the bed, grinding her hips into the pillow. Matt struck her other cheek with the paddle, and Kat pushed her self fully off of the bed.

'Ah,' she cried out. 'Oh God! That hurts so well!' She pushed her hips against the pillow and dropped her head forward. 'OH. OH. The sting is so sweet Sir. Please, don't stop!'

Matt felt pre-cum drip from the end of his penis as he struck her ass hard again, the muscles rippling outward as the paddle landed across both cheeks. He struck each red cheek again, and then rubbed her warm skin with his free hand.

'Oh Sir,' Kat said. 'I am so wet.' She spread her legs open and lifted her hips off of the pillow. 'Would you like to know how wet I am Sir? I would like very much for you to know just how wet my pussy is Sir.'

Matt Continued rubbing her bright red ass as he placed the paddle between her legs, then, very slowly, he touched the edge of the paddle against her vulva, sliding it upwards as the wood parted the smooth, white lips.

He pulled the paddle edge up until it slipped out from between the lips of her vagina, the edge glistening with wetness in the candle light, the sight bringing a solid pulse from his cock.

'Yes Kat, you are very wet,' he said to her. 'But I will wait to feel just how wet you really are when I slide my cock inside of that pretty bare pussy of yours.'

Matt struck her ass with the paddle, almost before his last word was uttered, giving her butt a dozen full swings without hardly any of his own force behind the blows. Kat kicked her legs as he struck her, falling onto the bed again panting and voicing a low moan. Matt spread out the swats to cover her entire buttocks, his erection quivering as his hand struck her ass with the paddle. She pushed her hips against the pillow with each swat, lifting her hips sharply to meet the paddle as Matt brought it down forcefully, quickly deepening the red tint on the skin of her ass.

Matt set the paddle on Kat's back as he picked up the wicker cane from beside her. 'This is an interesting toy,' he said, resting the slim wood against the top of her ass. 'I bet the marks from this look very pretty across your butt.'

Kat looked over her shoulder slowly, a look of worry showing in her expression. 'If you think you're ready for that Sir, I will accept what you decide. Please Sir, just start slowly.'

Matt lifted the two-foot cane, swinging it back and forth experimentally, the wicker cutting through the air, the sound very distinctive. He stepped to the foot of the bed and landed a swat with it against the blanket. The cane swished through the air before it thudded into the fabric with much more force that he expected.

'Wow. Nasty little toy isn't it?' He said, and then struck the bed softer, using only the last few inches of the cane.

The resulting thud was much more acceptable, so Matt tried a few more swings using different lengths of the slim wood to thud against the bed. He found that just a slight flick of the wrist seemed to be all that was needed, the supple wood cutting through the air easily. He leaned forward, satisfied with his control of the cane, and lightly brought the tip down on Kat's ass. The cane struck her left buttocks with a soft thwack, Kat muffling a gasp, a deep red line appearing across her cheek as Matt watched, his cock seeming to tremble with this added arousal. He leaned a bit more forward and struck her other cheek, the cane landing against Kat's skin sharply, a matching line appearing as she kicked her legs, burying her face into the blanket as she cried out.

Matt was very pleased with her reaction to the cane, so he landed a blow across both of her cheeks, just slightly harder. Kat arched her back, screaming out loudly when the cane struck lower than Matt had intended it to, striking along the crease where her legs met her buttocks. She pounded her legs against the bed wildly, bouncing her hips against the pillow beneath her.

'Oh Sir, please, not so hard in my sit spot,' Kat gasped. 'That is a very tender area Sir. I promise to show you how to use the cane next time. Please just use the paddle for now, and my vibrator is right there. Please, will you allow me to cum Sir?'

'Of course I will Kat. Open your legs for me,' Matt told her, picking up the vibrator and familiarizing himself with the control buttons at the base, his erection throbbing in time with his heartbeat now.

Kat opened her legs for him, lifting her hips off of the pillow again as she reached her hand around, rubbing the deep red line appearing along the crease Matt had struck with the cane. He turned the pink sex toy on, the head coming to life in his hand as he slid it up the inside of her thigh causing her to open her legs wider and lift her hips higher, pushing herself toward him a little. Matt rested the jumping tip of the vibrator against the lips of her vulva, teasing her a bit with it as he let the toy vibrate up to the base of her pussy. As he brought the little toy back down her vulva, he put a bit of pressure against her lips, parting them easily, the head of the vibrator slipping past them. Kat moaned loudly as she pushed her hips back against the toy, causing it to slip just a little more into her slick vagina.

Matt brought the vibrator down and pressed the head of it against her clitoris, Kat drawing a quick breath in through her clenched teeth as her body began to tremble slightly. He pushed the rest of the toy slowly into her, pressing the shaft against her clitoris as it penetrated her quivering vagina. When only the base protruded from the lips of her vulva, Matt urged her to lay back down with his hand against her red ass, his other hand holding the vibrator against her clitoris. As she complied, he pushed her left leg closed and she brought the right one against it, pinning the vibrator inside of her.

Matt quickly removed his hand from between her thighs and grabbed the paddle, striking Kat's ass hard with a loud smack. She only grunted as her body trembled harder, her muscles tensing as she approached climax.

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Matt struck her ass again, with force this time, putting a lot more momentum into his swing, and Kat reacted by throwing her head back as her body began to convulse.

'Oh God, I'm cumming! I'm cumming for you Sir,' she cried out as Matt struck her ass again, his muscles showing as he put even more force behind the paddle. 'Yes! Yes!' she screamed, her body thrashing about in climax as Matt brought the paddle down against her ass soundly several more times, bruising starting to show beneath the deep red skin of her buttocks.

Matt set the paddle on the foot of the bed as her entire body shook, her muscles tensing and releasing from her orgasm. He eased her legs apart, removing the vibrator from inside of her as he began softly rubbing the hot skin of her ass, her climax easing. Her butt showed a deep red all over, the two lines where the cane has struck deeper still, large bruises forming on each cheek. Matt continued to gently rub her tortured buttocks, being careful not to put too much pressure while her body continued to tremble, occasional spasms making the muscles tense involuntarily.

Kat laid against the bed, her arms bent at the elbows with her hands touching the top her head. She still quivered all over and her body jumped every few moments as her climax slowly passed.

She turned her head toward him, resting her cheek against the blanket and Matt could see she had tears wet on her face, her breathing very hard. 'You sure, you've never, spanked anyone, before today?' she asked Matt between breaths. 'My ass, is on fire! And you, brought me to, orgasm twice Sir!' She was smiling pleasantly as she lay there with her eyes closed.

'Well, I'm pleased that you enjoyed yourself Kat.' Matt said with a huge smile plastered on his face. 'Now, let me put some lotion on your ass, it has to be sore.' And he reached for the tube on the bed as he spoke.

'There's some in the bathroom beneath the sink,' she said as her body began to relax.

He held the tube up and read the label, Ultra-Glide was printed there, touting that this water based lubricant was ideal for intimate sex, specifically used for anal sex. Matt's curiosity about anal penetration had never been very strong and he had never tried to take a woman in that way, thinking that his size would only be painful for them.

Matt found the lotion and returned to the bedroom, finding Kat standing beside the bed rubbing her tender buttocks as she watched him. There was a flush to her cheeks and her eyes were red rimmed from the tears she had shed.

Matt looked at her with concern. 'Are you alright Kat?' he asked. 'I didn't mean to make you cry.'

She turned to face the bed, leaning over it slightly with her hands flat on the rumpled covers. 'You didn't do anything wrong,' she told him. 'The spanking allows me to release pent up emotions, that's all. I probably should have explained that to you before the spanking.'

Matt stepped behind her and applied lotion to the deep red skin of her back side, carefully spreading it over the large bruises to each cheek. He didn't massage the lotion in, allowing the coolness to soothe her abused skin while he gently spread it over her entire bottom.

'So what you're saying is that a spanking is supposed to make you cry?' Matt asked while he applied more lotion to her ass.

She relaxed her arms, letting her upper body lower over the bed a bit more, her breasts swaying just an inch or so from the sheets. 'Not every spanking is meant to produce tears, just the more severe ones. Most of the time spanking is just a form of foreplay, but I haven't gotten a maintenance spanking since I left California. I really needed that release.'

Matt continued softly stroking his hands across her fanny, spreading the lotion over her sensitive skin until most of it had been absorbed. Kat's breathing had returned to normal by then and Matt was about to insist she keep her end of their deal. After all, he had brought her to climax from the spanking, but she didn't give him the chance.

She stood up and faced him, putting her arms over his shoulders, and looked into his eyes. 'I do not want you to stop calling me Kat,' she said as she leaned forward, lightly kissing him on the lips. 'My given name is Emily. You more than earned the right to know that Sir. Now it's your turn. How would you like to take me?' Kat reached down and wrapped her hands around Matt's erect penis, squeezing the shaft lightly. 'I would just love to have you fill my pussy with this,' she said, giving his cock a firmer squeeze. 'But I will let you take me in the ass if you would prefer.'

Matt took her arms from his shoulders, easing her back to sit on the edge of the bed. He slid his hands gently along the inside of her thighs, reaching her smooth vulva and lightly brushed his fingertips along the lips. 'I told you that I would see just how wet you were Kat. I intend to be a man of my word.'

She smiled up at him as she scooted her body onto the bed, her legs draped over the side. 'Then fill me Sir.'

She opened her legs to him, reaching for his erection as he positioned his hips between her thighs, his arms holding his body above her. She guided his cock toward her vulva until his head pressed lightly against her smooth lips. Using her other hand, she parted her lips as he eased his hips forward, slipping easily past her vulva; the head of his cock sliding slowly into the opening of her vagina.

Matt felt her wetness as she released his erection, placing her hands on his hips and spreading her legs open even more. He eased forward, feeling her tight around the head of his manhood as it penetrated her, the lips of her vulva wrapping around the shaft. Matt lowered his body against her as his cock continued slipping into her, her stiff nipples pressing against his chest as she urged his hips forward. He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly as her body began to tremble slightly.

'Good Lord you're big,' she mumbled as Matt kissed her neck and shoulder, his cock slowly sliding half of its length into her.

He whispered in her ear. 'Just tell me when I'm deep enough Kat; I don't want to hurt you.'

She slipped her hands a little lower, reaching around to grab his buttocks. 'I need all of it Sir, every beautiful inch!' she said, her breathing growing faster as she pulled herself forward, more of his erection pushing tightly into her slick pussy.

'Here you go then,' Matt said pushing his hips forward as his cock plunged into her, the head bumping against her cervix. Kat threw her head back against the bed, her nails digging into Matt's butt cheeks as her body began to spasm beneath his. Her vagina pulsed around him as she held his cock inside of her, orgasm coursing through her body.

Matt held himself deep inside of her, keeping the head of his erection pressed against her cervix as she clutched his ass, her body trembling all over as it continued to spasm again and again. Her orgasm began to slow and she released Matt's butt, raising her arms to his back. He pulled himself gradually out of her, withdrawing his cock until only the head penetrated her pussy. Then he thrust into her quickly, his erection pushing against her cervix causing another climax to engulf her body once more. She gripped his back, moaning loudly as her fingertips dug against the skin. He withdrew his cock quickly, then plunged his erection into her again as she came around him, her slickness allowing him to push into her slightly deeper.

Matt glanced down between his legs, his cock buried inside of her deeply. There was still over an inch of his shaft that hadn't penetrated her vulva, but she had been able to take most of him, more than any other woman he had been with, and he gladly began to fuck her in earnest, the head of his erection bumping against the opening of her womb with each thrust, as her orgasm slowly subsided.

Suddenly Kat dropped her hands beside her and began meeting his thrusts, her eyes closed tight as she lifting her hips each time he plunged into her. He could feel the head of his erect penis hit bottom each time their hips met, each thrust bringing a soft grunt from her throat as she lifted herself to meet him. The third time he pushed her hips up, his cock hitting painfully against her cervix. Her eyes flew open wide and she screamed out, wrapping her legs around his waist, keeping him fully inside of her.

Matt felt his erection pulse strongly as he began to climax within her, throwing his head back as she watched him cum, her legs tightly around his waist as she reached up and placed her hands against his shoulders.

'That's it baby,' she whispered as his body trembled, his erection pulsing inside of her while he moaned softly. 'Come on baby, fill my pussy, let me have every last drop.'

Sweet release held Matt in its embrace for several moments, her voice seeming far off as his cock throbbed, embedded within her. To Matt, the world was non-existent; his entire awareness was engulfed by his orgasm. The feeling of his erection buried within her as his climax peaked was the only sensation that remained; everything else seemed to just melt away.

As Matt's climax ended, his erection beginning to diminish within her, he slowly lifted his head and looked into Kat's eyes, smiling.

'Wow,' he said his breathing labored. 'I guess you really did want it all.'

'I told you I need a big cock,' she said giggling as her legs relaxed around his waist. 'It's been a few months since I've had sex, but I've always been able to take more than most women. You'll be able to get this deep into me much easier next time.'

Matt lifted himself off of her as he rolled onto his side, propping his head up with his hand. 'Already planning for next time?' he said with a grin, chuckling slightly as he gazed into her eyes. 'What if I'm busy fucking Cindy with this cock? What then?'

Kat smiled with a mischievous look on her face. 'That won't bother me one bit,' she stated. 'Just means you'll last longer for me.'

'So you want me to fuck her?' Matt said as he rolled onto his back. 'Wow Kat. I've never met anyone like you.'

She sat up on the bed, saying over her shoulder. 'I think you should try to give her every inch of that beautiful cock Sir. And you will never meet anyone like me! I'm one of a kind.'

She giggled as she got to her feet, keeping her legs together, and headed into the bathroom. Matt lay there, his body feeling very relaxed as he heard her turn the water on in the sink.

Within just a few minutes she came back into the bedroom, a wet washcloth in her hand. 'Thank you by the way,' she said as she placed the wet cloth around his penis. 'That was a wonderful release.'

'It’s always a pleasure to help a woman in need,' he chuckled. 'I'm glad you had a good orgasm.'

Kat stood with his member still in her hand, smiling as she met his eyes when he lifted his head. 'Baby, I came four times with your cock in me! So, if you count the paddling, I've had six orgasms with your help,' she laughed lightly as she continued staring into his eyes. 'I'm five up on you Sir! Let's see if we can make this a little more even.'

She set the washcloth on her nightstand, and then bent over him, holding his semi erect penis by the base as she lowered her mouth to it. She placed the head of it against her lips, sucking it into her mouth as he laid his head back against the bed. She swirled the sensitive head of his cock around in her mouth, circling it with her tongue. Of course he felt it begin to respond.

As he grew harder she leaned forward, pressing his growing erection against the back of her throat as it slid into her mouth. She pulled him out of her mouth and began licking the head of his cock as her other hand slid down his tummy and began fondling his testicles gently. His erection had grown to full size before she took him into her mouth again, then she took her hand from his scrotum as she crawled onto the bed, keeping him in her mouth as she swiveled her body until her thigh touched his shoulder. She placed one hand on either side of his hips as she knelt beside him, and then rocked her body forward, swallowing his erection down her throat.

'Oh my God that is fabulous,' Matt said as she took all of him, her lips brushing against his groin, and then slowly slid him out of her throat, gagging only slightly.

Kat cleared her throat as she wiped her tearing eyes. 'I think you're hard enough now,' she said, reaching for the tube of lubricant as she faced Matt smiling. 'Now you get to fuck me in the ass.'

'Yes ma'am!' Matt said as she turned to face the head of the bed.

While still kneeling, she placed her hands on the headboard, keeping her legs together. Matt used the lubricant to cover the head of his penis, dabbing a little on her anus, then he knelt behind her, placing the head of his erection against her asshole.

'Please go slow Sir,' Kat whispered as he grabbed her hips, pushing forward slightly, and the head of his cock began to penetrate her.

Her ass was so tight it felt like he was taking a virgin.

She raised her head back while he pushed his cock into her, the head slipping inside of her ass past her sphincter muscle causing her to gasp.

Suddenly Kat pushed back against him and half of his erection disappeared into her quickly.

'Damn!' she panted, 'You sure are hung.'

Then she rocked forward, pulling him partially out of her before pushing back against him again, taking another two inches of cock into her ass with a long, low moan.

Her breathing was in quick gasps as she said over her shoulder. 'That's all of you I can take in this position Sir. Now let me lie down and fuck me really hard! I know you can get more in there!' She yelled out, letting her knees slide between his legs, lowering her body to the bed as he mirrored her movements, keeping his erection inside of her.

As soon as she settled, Matt slipped part of the way out of her ass, and then pushed her legs apart with his knees, placing them between her legs as he pushed his cock back into her until she let out a low groan. Then he really began to fuck her, forcing his erection deeper into her ass with each thrust. Every time it hit bottom she groaned deep in her throat, sounding like an animal as he worked himself, very slowly, deeper into her ass. It wasn't very long before he felt his balls slap against her vulva, so he pushed into her with force again, feeling her asshole tight around the base of his cock as it began to softly throb.

Matt drew out of her until only the head of his erection remained in her anus, then he plunged into her, using his full weight to bury himself as deeply as he could go. Kat screamed aloud as his hips slapped against her buttocks. She threw back her head and cried out again as Matt began pounding his full length into her, slapping against her red buttocks with each thrust, his cock as deep as it could possibly go.

Kat's hand's slid under her groin as he fucked her ass, and she began teasing her clitoris while Matt pounded into her. He felt his release begin as he thrust into her once more before his cock pulsed strongly, sending his cum deep into her ass. She continued pushing against him as he came; wiggling her hips as she began to shudder and Matt felt her ass pulse against his erection as her body climaxed again.

As soon as the throbbing of his cock lessened, Matt pulled out of her slowly, rolling onto his back panting.

She only lay there as he said, 'That’s seven to two if we're keeping score Kat.'

'Well I guess next time I'm just going to have to give you a blow job first,' she said, laughing weakly. 'Somehow I don't think you're going to catch me though.'

They both laughed a bit more and Matt lay down beside her, resting his hand between her shoulder blades. Within minutes Kat's breathing became deeper with Matt lying next to her, then his eyes slowly closed and he too drifted off to sleep.
Written by machu
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