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My Girlfriend's Sister

"Joann stayed out past her curfew because her parents were out of town."

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Lisa and I had been dating for just a couple of months.  She was a really cute girl, but also a serious student.  We had gone to a few movies and out to dinner, but she was always concerned about the curfew her parents had.  I knew right away that pleasing her folks was of the utmost importance to Lisa.  We had really only, "Made out," a couple of times and even those were limited to a little french kissing. 

I really liked her and I was pretty sure she saw something in me.  She was fun and had a great sense of humor, but also seemed old fashion and proper.  So while I thought constantly about trying to go further with her, the signal I thought I got, was to not push too hard.

I was kind of excited when she told me on Friday, "My folks will be out of town this weekend, if you want to come over for dinner and to watch some TV, that would be nice."

"Sure, that sounds great," I replied.  

She added, "I think I need to stay home to make sure that my sister doesn't take advantage of my being in charge."

"Okay," I said, "Your sister seems really nice, I can't imagine she would be any problem."

"Well, she is only sixteen and, as you may have guessed, the boys in her class are all calling her.  She's a good kid, but a little more adventurous than I am.  I know she is going to a party, I just need to make sure she gets home by 11:00, that's her curfew time.  There is a good movie I want to watch with you, so we'll have a nice time."

I arrived at about 6 PM on Saturday night.  Her sister, Joni, was around for a half hour or so before her friends came to pick her up.  She was also fun to talk to. She was at least as pretty as her sister with a really cute personality with a body that every boy in school had to dream about.

Once Joni left, I thought things might get interesting.  Lisa made a really good meal and put on a movie we both liked.  We did some cuddling and again made out but Lisa controlled how far we went, which was short of second base.  I was frustrated and a bit disappointed but I still was very attracted to her.  

When the clock struck 11:00, Lisa said, "I told you she might take advantage of me. If Mom and Dad were home, she would never come home late."

I said, "Lisa, it's just a few minutes, is it that big of a deal?"

She replied, "I suppose we can wait a few minutes, she might have a good reason."

But then the clock kept ticking and Lisa was bothered more and more.  Finally, at about 11:30, Joni walked in.  She did not appear to be too upset but did tell Lisa she was sorry for being late, that the girl she rode with was just not ready to leave.  Then she just went on up to her room.

Lisa sat back down next to me and said, "If our folks were home, she would have made sure her friend got her back on time, she just thinks I won't tell on her."

I don't know what made me say anything at all, but I jokingly said, "Joni really needs a good spanking, doesn't she?"

Lisa looked at me with an expression that made me think I had said something brilliant and said, "Would you like to spank Joni?"

"I was just joking, Lisa, I can't do anything like that."

"Okay, but what if you really could and no one else would ever know and it was even alright with Joni, wouldn't you kind of like to spank her just a little bit?"

"Just think," she added, "Is there any situation you can imagine, where you would give my sister the punishment she deserves?"

"Lisa, your sister is a really pretty and cute girl, a lot like you.  I suppose that if this were a 'real question' and if you asked me to spank your sister and she told me that it would be okay, I guess I might want to do it then. But that is never going to happen."

"Hey, never say never, she was late and she for sure does not want me to tell on her.  I'm not going to tell her what we discussed, but I am going to tell her how upset I am at her taking advantage of me.  We may need your help to settle things, so just come looking for me in ten minutes or so."

With that, Lisa disappeared to Joni's room upstairs.  I could not imagine the conversation.  After a few minutes, I went part way up the stairs until I could hear them.  They were not yelling or anything, but I could tell they were having a serious discussion.  I was getting a little nervous about what might be happening. 

I was also a bit excited about Lisa's suggestions.  I did not quite believe anything would come of it, but I was beginning to wonder.  I had waited well past the ten minutes Lisa had mentioned, so I slowly walked to Joni's door and softly knocked.

Lisa's voice responded, "Come in, Jimmy."

The two girls were sitting on the bed holding hands and I could tell that Joni had been sobbing a little. 

Lisa said, "Jimmy, Joni feels very badly about missing her curfew.  I told her that you and I had discussed some ways you may be able to help her understand how important it is to follow the rules.  She knows you're a really nice guy and I just want you to talk to her for a few minutes, that's all.  I will be downstairs, take as long as you would like."

With that, she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I looked at Joni and said, "This seems a little awkward but if I can help in any way, I'll be happy to."

Joni told me that she really did kind of take advantage of Lisa.  She said, "I guess I did not know how concerned she was for my safety. She worries because she loves me and we have to watch out for each other when our folks are gone.  I let her down and she knows that I think a lot of you and that you're a great person to talk to."

I said, "Well, I think a great deal of you as well as your sister.  You are both so smart, really pretty young ladies.  I know you feel bad about hurting Lisa.  I also know that Lisa does not want to tell your parents about your missing curfew by so much."

Then she looked at me with kind of big sad eyes and said, "Does she want you to punish me?"

"I think maybe she does, Joni.  Just before you walked in, she told me how disappointed she was that you were coming home late.  She said that she hated having to tell your parents but that she had no choice in the matter.  I asked her if there wasn't any other way to help you to understand how much she cares about your safety without getting your parents involved.  She, for some reason, thought that I might be able to talk to you and find a way to help you, especially if we could keep from getting your folks involved.

Lisa said, "You know I really do love my sister, I feel guilty about letting her down, it kind of wasn't my fault, but I'm sure I could have made it home by my curfew if I had really tried."

Then she added, "Lisa thinks a lot of you, Jimmy. She told me how great you are to talk to and how mature are, that you seem to know what to do in any situation.  I guess that is why she wanted you to talk to me and try to help me."

"Wow, Joni, that's a nice thing to hear.  Now the question is, are you comfortable talking to me and do you trust that I can help?" 

Joni just stood and walked to the door of her bedroom. I thought she was about to leave but instead, she just turned the lock and came back over to me.  She was wearing a form-fitting white top and some jean shorts with a wide brown belt.

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She stood close to me and said, "Jimmy, I trust you and I know you can help me."

I looked quizzically into her eyes and she just gave me a slight nod of her head and looked down to watch as I slowly and nervously reached both hands forward to her belt buckle.  My hands were shaking as I held the buckle in my left hand while my right hand slid the end of the belt through the opening before giving it a slight tug allowing the buckle to open.  Joni stood very still as I then popped the snap open on the top of her shorts.  She balanced, with her hands on both of my shoulders, while I slid her zipper down.  I looked up into her eyes before slowly opening her shorts and pushing them over her hips, allowing them to drop to the floor.  I was now looking at Joni's pretty, thin, lacy white bikini panties.  Through them, I could clearly make out the very full young bush they were covering.

I looked up and whispered to Joni, "Do you think we should leave your panties on?"  

She whispered back, "No, Jimmy, I need you to punish me and it might be best if you take my panties down."

I said, "Okay, Joni, please bend over my lap so I can help you get into position first, alright?"'

She slowly began to lean forward while I helped to guide her into position across my lap.  After securing her with my left arm and gently brushing my right hand over her panties, I quickly delivered a half dozen light spanks with my fingers.  She squirmed just a bit.  I asked if she was doing alright. 

She said, "I'm okay, but I thought you were going to pull my panties down."

"I'll take your panties down now, Joni. I just wanted to make sure you were really alright with my spanking you."

With that, I slid both of my index fingers under the waistband, I felt Joni lift up slightly to make it easy for me to pull her panties down over her beautiful sixteen-year-old bottom.  I then slid them down her legs and allowed them to fall to the ground.

Joni then relaxed her legs turned her head and said, "Jimmy, I need you to give me a good spanking."

"I'll do my best, I promise."  Then I delivered a blow that surprised even me with its force.

She said, "Oww," but remained perfectly still.  I dialed it back some and came down with half a dozen firm slaps onto each cheek.  I heard her moan a little with each blow, but she seemed to be doing okay.  I then began to mix it up a bit with some very soft pats followed by much firmer strikes.  Her legs would occasionally kick up and she would wiggle back and forth on my lap. I made a very conscious effort to keep her in a proper position with my left arm, especially with the firmer blows.  After a few minutes, I stopped to just rub her bottom gently and asked how she was doing.

"I'm doing fine," she replied, "We're not done, are we?" 

"Not yet, you still need a harder spanking I just wanted to be sure you were okay and ready.  

"Yes, I'm ready, Jimmy.  Make sure to punish me for being a naughty little girl."  

I gently rubbed her bottom and as I did, she seemed to relax and her legs parted a bit.  It seemed the more I brushed my hand over her bottom, the wider her legs opened.

She turned her head back toward me and asked, "Jimmy, do you have a good view, I want you to have a good view." 

I said, "If we can help you slide forward just a bit, I should have a nice view of your pretty little clit and the nice beaver I noticed through your panties."  

Once this adjustment was made, I told her that she was a very bad girl and that I needed to continue her punishment.  Resuming the spanking, I could now see that she was becoming quite damp.  The more I spanked her, the wetter she got.  Her breathing became louder and quicker.  I made sure I was not hurting her but continued delivering a good spanking for a few more minutes, making sure and that her bottom did not go past a very light pink color.  I knew when it was time to stop.  I asked Joni if she had learned a good lesson.  

She said, "Yes, Jimmy, and thank you. If I ever need another spanking, I want to get it from you."

She then got up and I handed her panties to her.

Before putting them back on, she stood in front of me and said, "I'm glad you think I have a nice beaver."

She crawled into her bed and asked me to please turn out the light.  I wished her good night closed the door and went back down the steps to find Lisa waiting to give me a big hug.

"What's that for, I asked?"

She then showed me a monitor she had set up in her sister's room.  "I listened to the whole thing, Jimmy. You were even more amazing than I thought you would be."  

"Wow, Lisa, I was glad to help. To be honest, I really enjoyed  spanking Joni, she is so pretty and she seemed to understand why she needed to be punished, so it was really kind of exciting."

Now I noticed that Lisa's blouse was part-way open and I had a pretty good glimpse of at least some of her bra.  She knew I was looking at her chest and made no effort to conceal it.  

She said, "While you were spanking my sister, I decided that I should let you see my bra if you want to see it?"

"That would really be nice, Lisa. I would very much enjoy seeing your bra."

"Okay then, you can watch me take my blouse off."

She slowly opened the remaining buttons, pulled the tail out of her pants and then held the blouse closed tightly in front of her for a few seconds. Finally, she smiled at me and let her blouse open.  She gave me a big hug and kiss before removing it.  I was surprised at how thin and pretty her lacy bra was.  Her nipples protruded nicely through the material.  She sat on the couch and told me to come and stand in front of her.  As I complied, she reached out for my belt and said, "You were wonderful with my sister and you need a reward.  She opened my pants pulled my zipper down and let them drop to the ground.  I was clearly standing at full attention through my briefs. 

Lisa said, "I have never seen a guys cock before, is it alright if I pull down your underpants."

"Of course, Lisa, do anything you like."

She stretched the waistband as far as possible out over my cock, I saw the biggest smile and look of amazement as little Jimmy came into view.  

"Wow, it's so big. I had no idea!" she exclaimed, as she reached out to touch it a little bit.

She became more and more fascinated touching, feeling, rubbing every way possible.  She began to examine my cock getting closer and closer. Finally, she stuck out her tongue and gently licked the head just a little at first.  She then licked the entire shaft up and down over and over again and again.  She now began to kiss it here and there.  Finally, slowly licking the head, it began to disappear into her beautiful mouth.  Deeper and deeper she took it in.  Her left hand playing with my balls her right pulling my rear toward her, I watched her beautiful head bobbing back and forth over and over faster and faster.  I held out as long as I could before exploding a full load into the back of her throat.  She let go just a few seconds to swallow before re-engaging her mouth to catch one more blast of cum.  She licked my cock with ferocity seeking every last drop she could consume. 

"Wow, I had no idea what I've been missing," she told me as she removed her bra and pulled my head down to play with her amazing tits.  "Come back tomorrow and we'll try some other things."

Written by US01236728
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