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Madame Gabriella Part 2

"Never disrespect Madame, if so be prepared for her wrath."

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Author's Notes

"Thank you JWren for your awesome work in editing, bringing my words to life. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Also for the beautiful art work."

I decided to stay with Madame Gabriella and I must say things went well. After about six months, Madame and I had become close, but I still remembered my place. She was my Mistress and it was drilled into me that I shouldn’t forget that or try to take advantage of the fact that I was her pet. If I stepped slightly out of line, Madame would quickly and firmly put me back in my place.

Jim and Mark and I continued to see each other at least twice a month unless something special cropped up. They always called ahead to get Madame's approval and they were not allowed to approach me directly. I entertained other people but only on rare occasions and, really, Madame kept me exclusively for herself and her very top-rated clients. Right then, Jim and Mark were the best. 

Vickie saw other sets of clients and, as far as I knew, she was never with Madame. But that was not my business and we were dissuaded from discussing such things.

Living in the house and all it entailed had quickly become my way of life and I was totally satisfied. I loved Madame and I was close to Jim and Mark. What could go wrong?


With the weekend looming, I wasn’t yet sure if I would be seeing Mark and Jim. I could simply be a hostess or even stay in my room. I would be told soon enough.

After running the water for a relaxing bath before a night with Madame, I stepped into the tub. Truly, it’s a beautiful tub, large enough in which to do anything with one person or several people. Mistress and I enjoyed many evenings in the tub. 

Getting comfortable with a glass of wine, I heard my bedroom door open. I thought it was probably the housemaid putting out my clothes for tonight and I continued to soak and enjoy my drink. 

"Excuse me,” Madame Gabriella boomed, stepping into the bathroom. “When did you become so relaxed that you don't acknowledge my entrance?"

“Oh my god, Mistress, I didn't hear you. Well, I heard the door open, but I thought it was the housemaid laying out my clothes."

“And, whom may I ask said you were going anywhere this evening?"

"No one, Mistress.” I stood and stepped out of the tub with tears forming in my eyes."I would never ignore you or disrespect you. I love you."

“Hush, hush, stop crying… stop this very moment,” she said, her tone still harsh. “This is the second time you’ve ignored my entrance. I assure you, it won't happen again."

Trying to stem my tears, I suddenly felt ashamed to be naked in front of Madame. Crossing my arms over my breasts, I sank to my knees and, with my head bowed, I begged forgiveness. But it was as though I wasn’t even there. Madame turned on her high heels and walked out, slamming the door. 

I slumped on the floor. I’d never disappointed Mistress like that before and I lay crying for some time before I again heard a door open. Looking up, I hoped Madame was returning. I couldn’t have been more wrong. 

A man I’d never seen before approached and I scrambled to my feet. He was dressed all in black leather and I demanded, “What are you doing here?”

“Madame Gabriella has sent for you. You will come with me."

"Wait, I need to get dressed.” The man handed me my robe. “No, I need to be dressed properly. I can't go like this."

"Yes, you can, and you will. Now, please, come with me."

He held my arm tightly as if preventing me from running away, and he led me to a room I’d never been in before. As we entered, I saw a woman in a leather suit. She had long black hair and I thought it was Madame. But, I couldn’t understand why she would have someone bring me here or why she’d be dressed like this?

"Mistress, is that you?” I dared to ask. The woman didn’t respond, so I asked again, ”Mistress, is that you?"

The woman then spoke to the man in a language I didn’t understand and he walked me over to a wall with straps hanging down.

"Remove your robe and face the wall, Misty,” he ordered. I was rooted to the spot. What’s going on?

"Do as he said… now,” she barked. Unmistakably, that was her voice and Mistress turned, glaring at me. I’d never seen her so upset.

"Mistress, please, I’m sorry. I never meant to disrespect you."

The man told me to face the wall and attached straps to my wrists and ankles. Spreadeagled and crying again, I looked over a shoulder and pleaded, "Please Mistress, I didn’t realize it was you. I would have come running to you."

"Quiet! Don't say another word."

Madame told the man to leave and she walked toward me. 

"I think you have become spoiled, Misty. You think you can treat me any way you please after everything I have done for you. I’ve given you the best clients; you’re my pet… and, in return, you treat me with disrespect. How dare you?” 

She moved to my left side and stared at me. “I had a new client for you tonight. A good, respectable man. Someone I think you would have enjoyed. But, look at you — look at you now — you’re tied to a wall and about to get your ass burned with my paddle.” She took a deep breath. "Misty, the most important thing I told you when you first came here, I demand respect from everyone in (my) home. And that includes you.”

With that, I felt a sting across my ass and I screamed in shock and pain.

"You will receive ten of these for showing disrespect to me and, for god’s sake, consider yourself lucky. You will count each one and, if you fail, you will get ten more. One other thing, no more screaming. Don’t utter a sound unless you want ten more."

My ass was stinging and following her orders, I managed to say, “One," to avoid making her even angrier. Madame moved slowly, silently observing me, and my skin felt hot as I quivered in strange excitement while anticipating the second swat. Even so, I was still caught by surprise and failed to suppress my yelp of pain when the paddle struck again. 

“Two," I gasped as the pain seared my flesh. I couldn't believe it was happening. I knew Madame could be harsh, but from the smirk on her lips, I felt she was enjoying my torment. The third strike was harder and my whole body rocked as the loud slap filled my ears.

“Three," I screamed. My bindings dug into me as I flinched when the paddle landed on my ass again. 


The heat on my ass registered not only in my mind but radiated through me until my pussy felt hot. My nipples were also hardening and I felt familiar arousal rising in my gut. What’s happening to me? Being shackled while my Mistress administered her punishment was making me horny. I was in pain — and yet longing for the next stinging smack.

Madame didn't keep me waiting. Drawing the paddle back, she swung hard, landing it firmly across my cheek. This time, the sting felt less sharp. Was I becoming numb to the pain? Then, amazingly, I felt my pussy juices oozing and I wished she'd put her fingers inside me. 


As if reading my thoughts, Madame slightly turned me towards her and slid a hand over my cunt, dipping a long finger between my puffy lips. I sighed at the sudden penetration and whimpered when she removed it. 

"Look at this, you little slut.” She waved a glistening finger in front of my face. “You enjoy being punished. In the future, I may need to find more creative ways of keeping you in line. Until then—“

She swung again, this time striking my cunt. I was unprepared for that and might have cried but for a powerful wave of pleasure that swept over me. My clit was tingling as I gasped, ”Six," and I hung my head low as my strength suddenly faded. 

Through more swats, my pussy reached such a tender heat that I wanted Madame to make me come. She gazed at me with what seemed to be a mixture of respect and disdain. But I knew I would be denied an orgasm when she said, "This is a punishment, Misty. You get no reward for surviving it. Perhaps, later, we may revisit this spanking… if I feel you deserve to know its pleasure.” 

I was defeated, totally exhausted. Without the wrist cuffs, I’m sure I’d have fallen to the floor. After a few minutes pause, Madame untied my ankle straps and wrists and, before I understood what was happening, I was being carried out of the room.


Back in my room, my housemaid cared for my red, raw bottom and legs before I drifted off to sleep. When I gradually roused, I immediately realized how sore I was.

"Be still my beautiful girl." It was Madame’s voice and I cried, snuffling and telling her how sorry I was.

"Shhh, it’s over now. I'm sure it will never happen again. Shush, don't cry."

Madame stayed for the rest of the night. She cleaned and took care of my wounds, applying cooling wet cloths and ointment. "We don't want any permanent marks on this beautiful behind of yours,” she chuckled.

We spent a wonderful night, talking while wrapped in each other’s arms. She was the other Madame Gabriella: kind, loving, and considerate. But, make no mistake, I certainly knew she wasn’t to be taken for granted. 


A few days later, Jim and Mark were drinking more than usual, but I thought they would be fine. After all, we’d been together for many months and, though they seemed to want more than the usual on this Friday night, it was okay with me. I certainly didn't need them complaining to Madame. 

Jim led me to a table and tied my arms and ankles to the legs. That left them with full access to every inch of my body and I was powerless.

As I watched Mark walk over to a closet, Jim produced a blindfold. “No, no,“ I shook my head, “you can't do that.”

“Oh, but I can. We have free rein to do anything we like to you, as long as you’re not hurt or marked.” Jim laughed. “But, since you want to run that pretty mouth, I have something for that instead. Open up, my pretty."

Looking up, I saw a small open-mouth cage in his hands. He slid it into my mouth, forcing my jaws to stay open. "There, aren't you cute? Now I can do anything I please to your body and that pretty mouth of yours. Let’s get this party started.” 

Jim was in a really weird mood, totally not like him. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It was virtually fully erect as he said, “This is all for you,” and pushed it through the wire cage into me. 

I sucked Jim’s cock the best I could with this contraption in my mouth, and Mark pulled and pinched my sensitive nipples. I tried moving, wanting him to know he was hurting me, but I believe my wriggling turned him on even more. He continued pinching until it felt like he was tearing them off. The pain was intense, but the pleasure felt even better and my moans for mercy came out only as groans of arousal. 

By now, Jim’s cock was as deep as he could reach while still wearing his pants. So, he pulled out and tossed his clothes onto the floor like a madman before shoving his thick rod back into my open mouth.

“Suck, dammit… suck my fucking cock.” 

He held my head and plunged deep into my throat, causing me to gag. I thought I was going to throw up and tried to pull back. But the more I tried, the harder and faster he worked his cock.

Mark had driven his length into my pussy with such force I thought the table would tip over. Pounding me, he spread saliva around my tight back hole and teased me with a thumb. When he inserted it all the way, my eyes opened wide as a painful but intensely satisfying heat exploded through me. 

Mark thumb-fucked my ass as hard as he pounded my pussy and, all the time, Jim thrust into my mouth. It felt as though my body was being pummeled and I tried to ease away. But, of course, all that did was make me aware of the tight straps holding me down.

Eventually, Jim pulled out and removed the mouth cage — then thrust his cock back in with such determination that he hit the back of my throat. I almost bit him. He had a hand around my throat, driving his cock back and forth. 

Suddenly, I felt a sting on my ass. Startled by that and the memory of the spanking I’d received still fresh in my mind, I became confused. Mark hit me again and again. I yelped and screamed — both from the pain and the tingling sensation in my pussy. I thought I was about to come, but Jim yelled, “Don't you come, don't you dare,” and shoved his cock deeper into my throat.

By then, Mark was pulsating in my depths and I knew he wasn’t far from his climax. Withdrawing his thumb, he replaced it with a set of anal beads and fucked me harder and faster. I was rapidly nearing my orgasm, and when he pulled the beads from my ass, we both erupted. It was a wonderful moment, wave after wave coursing through me as Mark pumped and spurted like never before. To cap that, Jim pulled out of my mouth and shot his stuff over my face. 

It was incredible, very satisfying, but I had reached my limit and didn’t want any more pain. I was about to shout my safe word when the door slammed open and my Mistress stormed in followed by a couple of her huge guards. They untied me while Madame strode over to Jim and Mark, clearly angry.

When she was close enough for them to feel her breath, she let rip. “Did you two enjoy what you’ve just done to one of my girls? Did you?” she screamed. “You know damn well not to be so rough. What were you thinking? Were you thinking at all? Were you?”

I’d never seen Madame so furious.

“Now, what shall I do with you two assholes? Believe me, you’ll pay for this fuck up. Should you get a bit of what you just gave my girl? Or shall I ban you from here forever?” Her eyes were afire. “Right, do I decide or do I let you? Make the choice, boys: me or you?” 

Madame was shaking with fury. She’d trusted them to treat me properly and they had betrayed that trust.

“It just so happens that my friends here,” she said, gesturing at her guards, “would love to do to you what you enjoyed doing so much with my girl. Now boys, have you decided? Oh, and remember, if you elect to be banned, it won’t be just here. You won't be welcome anywhere. Your name will be shit in all other clubs as well. There won’t be a club around that will let you in.”

Jim and Mark looked at each other. Neither spoke, but they bent for their pants just as a guard happened to step forward and plant a foot on Jim’s trousers.

“I don’t have all day,” said Madame. “Make a decision and make it now. I need to check on my girl you just fucked with.”

“We don’t want to be banned,” said Mark and Madame’s two guys instantly started to undress. Mark and Jim weren’t laughing now and they looked rather scared when the two guards stood naked before them. I saw they had magnificent cocks, the long and thick kind that most women would enjoy. Men? Not so sure.

Jim took a pace back when a guard reached for his limp cock. But the guy still grabbed Jim’s meat and told him not to move again.”Hand me the cage,” he ordered and Jim hesitated. “Don’t make me tell you again. Hand me the fucking cage or get the fuck out of here. Take the ban.”

“We could take the ban,” said Mark, looking at Jim’s worried face. “But then our names would be mud and where would we get our fun? At least, this way it will be over and nobody will ever know.”

Jim handed over the cage and it was stuffed into his mouth.

“On your knees.”

As Jim knelt, Mark was told to bend over the table they’d had me on. “Pull them cheeks apart and don't fucking hesitate,” the guy told him. Mark was receiving as much consideration as he gave me.

A condom in place, the guy shoved his big cock into Mark's ass and began fucking hard and fast. Before long, Mark was pushing back, obviously enjoying himself, and suddenly huge strands of cum shot over the table. The guy pulled out, rolled off the condom, and shoved his erection into Mark’s throat. “Now fucker, suck this cock,” he yelled.

Mark’s head was held steady while the guy thrust hard, letting him feel what had been done to me. When he unloaded, the guy ignored Mark’s gagging and coughing and held him till he’d swallowed every drop.

The other guard was still fucking Jim’s throat, but when he finally reached blowing point, he pulled out and sprayed Jim’s face.

Duty done, both men stepped back and told Jim and Mark to dress and leave. Madame told them they would not be allowed to return until she gave permission. I thought that wouldn’t be for some time.

Madame took me back to my room, where she bathed me and put me to bed. As she rested beside me, there was a knock at the door. She got up and the two guards stood outside. I couldn’t hear any of the conversation; all I saw was Madame shaking her head. 

When she closed the door and came back to me, she said, "Everything is fine my little one. Sleep now."

I haven’t seen Jim or Mark since that Friday night and the whole business has never been mentioned. But it remains a night that changed so much in my life. 

Madame and I are very close. Of course, she’s still my Mistress and I respect her greatly and hold her in high regard. I know my limitations, know my position, but let’s just say that I’ve not been with anyone else since that night. 

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Written by Simplicity
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