I was on my knees between my husband’s legs; his pants were down, and one of my hands stroked his cock. My other hand was playing with my clit and rubbing my wetness all over my pussy lips.
“Here’s how this will work,” I told him, catching his attention. One of my fingers plunged inside my pussy, making me moan on his hardness as my mouth went all the way down his shaft, devouring and savoring it. Pulling my lips off the length of his penis, trails of saliva oozing from my mouth, I continued. “I want us to be happy and equal in all things, so we’ll degrade you when you really deserve it and on special occasions.”
“Yes, uuuh…” his words caught in his throat as I pumped my mouth over his hard cock.
“But,” I stroked his manhood quickly and hard, my spit lubricating it. “From now on, you’ll not only treat me like your friend and partner, but you’ll also show me how much I excite you, sexually. Treat me with respect and open lust. Do you understand?”
“Yes, umm, oh…yes, Mistress.”
“So long as you treat me like a lady and fuck me like a slut, it’s okay if you lust after our neighbor,” I smiled up at him, still stroking. I teased him by plunging my mouth over his cock, sucking on the head while I fondled his balls. My free hand was stroking my clit fast and hard. “But that permits me to lust after other men. Fair?”
“Oh, fuck, don’t stop.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” I continued sucking his cock while I fucked myself. Christy was right, I was a wild child. His penis grew thicker and harder in my mouth, his breath coming out in moaning gasps and sighs.
“Knock, knock,” I heard through the bay window. Looking up, a naughty, feline grin on my face, I saw Christy, dressed to thrill, standing at the window, waving. She had a paper bag in her other hand.
“Shit,” John exclaimed as he rushed to cover his erection. I giggled, slowly removing my fingers from my sopping pussy and licking my juice off them.
“Come in, the door’s open.” I didn’t bother standing up, as it was all part of our evil plan.
“Hi, John,” Christy chuckled as she entered. “I’d ask you how your evening is going, but I think I already know. Sorry to interrupt.”
“That’s fine,” he said. The crestfallen look on his face was priceless.
Christy was wearing a light, somewhat see-through green dress. Looking more like a toga than a dress, the neckline plunged to her waist, two strips of cloth covering her perfect breasts. The skirt portion was a pixie skirt type, revealing most of her legs. Her areolas and constantly-hard nipples could be seen through the fabric, and the material was so light and thin that her lack of underwear was obvious.
“I found that dress I told you about. The sexy one you wanted to borrow.” She held out the bag.
I looked at her, dumbfounded, for a moment, then remembered what she had previously told me. She would find an excuse to come over after John got home. I was supposed to go with whatever she said. “Oh, yeah. I’ve been dying to try it on.”
Christy giggled. “Tell you what. Glen and I are roasting some fresh beef on the spit over the fire. Why don’t you two join us for dinner, and you can wear it.” She turned to my husband. “What do you say, John?”
I “oohed” and “aahed” over the wispy, maroon mini-dress, pulling it out of the bag. With a short skirt, slit almost up to the waist on one side, barely-there front, and backless rear cut, wearing anything under it was almost impossible. Tiny panties could maybe remain hidden under that dress.
“I, um, we can’t,” John stuttered. His eyes were giving themselves whiplash as his focus bounced between my holding the dress up in front of me and Christy’s boobs. “I have work in the morning.”
“Work to live, silly. Don’t live to work. You need to relax, so come on over. Besides,” her face grew passionate and impish, “I just love a good spit-roasting.”
She turned to me, winking, as I tried not to laugh. “Now, you run along, John. Glen wants to discuss your driveway.”
“But, I have to…”
“We’re going, and that’s final. We haven’t eaten, yet, and we should be neighborly,” I scolded. “You go and help Glen and talk, and we’ll get me into this tiny, little, sexy dress…” I paused, “unless you don’t want to drool over how sexy I am.”
John sighed, chewed his lip, and nodded. “I’ll be across the street, then, honey.”
As soon as he’d left, leaving us at the doorway telling him we’d be right along, I slammed the door shut and locked it, turning to Christy. My back was against the door, and I pulled her into me, wrapping my arms around her, and kissing her passionately.
“Mmm,” she sighed into my open mouth.
All my trepidation gone, my tongue darted into her steaming mouth, our lips tasting the other's. My hands roamed all over her back, cupped her bare ass cheeks under her dress, and delicately pet the soft down above her pussy. Her hands explored my body, my heat increasing, my body responding.
“That answers my big question,” she said, a mischievous look dancing over her features. “Time for us to set our ground rules.”
“You mean about our plan? We’ve already talked all that out: never lie, discuss plans on messenger on Plushtales, so we can show our husbands if need be, have fun, etcetera.”
“No,” she laughed. “For you and me.”
Christy reached under my sundress and felt my wet pussy. She smiled, and brought her moist fingers to her mouth, her tongue flicking out to taste me. Replacing her hand, her deft fingers found my clit.
“Look, I’m into women and very strongly attracted to you, sexually. I will never hide that from you, or anyone else, unless prudence or context requires I don’t. What I meant was that whatever we do, how far we go, is entirely up to you.”
“I, um, I don’t know.” I was having difficulty concentrating; her fingers quickly put me on the verge of cumming, and I was lost in the lusty sensation.
“Exactly,” she said, proudly. “Earlier, today, you swore to me that you’re not into women. Now, you’re grabbing me, making out with me, and moaning as I finger you, which I like. I will continue to act like we want each other, but, what happens is up to you. You say when and where to stop, and I shall.”
“What if I stop you and then change my mind?” Her fingers changed pace, swirling around and over my clit, causing me to elicit horny moans.
“Then start it up again. No matter what, though we must remain good friends; anything else is just a fun bonus.”
I grabbed her hands and pulled her upstairs into our bedroom. “Let’s get this dress on and start seducing our men!”
Christy, her face a mask of horny lust, her nipples hard as diamonds, helped me out of my dress. “Fuck me, you’re fucking sexy,” she told me as her eyes drank in my nudity. There was no lechery, just open desire, still letting me decide.
“I don’t have anything close to your body,” I said. “You’re too perfect, like a model or a porn star. Everything about you is drop-dead sexy.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” her hands caressed my nude flesh. “If I had your tits, I’d enslave all mankind. And the rest of you! You’re why primitive men painted on cave walls.”
Between us playing with each other’s bodies and making out, it took more than fifteen minutes to get into the dress. The act of pulling it over my body took maybe ten seconds; the rest of the time involved my hands, mouth, and fingers exploring Christy’s body. She mirrored my actions, moaning, pushing her body into me. When her lips sucked in my nipples, her hand immediately shooting to my clit, I thought I’d died and gone to girl-on-girl-heaven. I stopped her just short of cumming on her expert fingers.
“We need to go before I cum all over your hand and beg you to make love to me.”
“See? Isn’t that easy?” It wasn’t. It took every ounce of my resolve to not let her seduce me right there and then.
Looking into the mirror, I was amazed at how a simple, sexy frock can transform you. In that maroon mini-dress, I looked sexy and hot. My breasts showed lots of cleavage and side boob and allowed my breasts to bounce enough to tantalize while still showing how high and firm they are. My butt looked amazing; the way the cloth draped over it drew in one’s eyes, and the shortness of the skirt bordered on scandalous. I looked hot and horny, which made me feel exactly that.
Laughing and groping at each other’s bodies, we walked across the highway, arm in arm. We were two powerful, sexual women, setting a lusty man trap. As we rounded the bend in their driveway, I saw Glen and John sitting beside the fire, a huge shank of beef on the spit. Glen was very animatedly talking about what I wanted to be done to our driveway, his voice very passionate.
As soon as we came into view, he stopped talking and stared at us both with desire, appreciation, and humor. “Two perfect ladies have graced our mundane existence. What divine visions you both are.”
“Yeah,” John said to me. “You look nice.”
Nice? I look nice. Glen made my heart flutter and weakened my knees and my own husband says I look nice?!
“And I see two men all ready for my spit roast,” Christy mused. “I’m fucking hungry. Give me a nice, big hunk of meat to put in my mouth.”
Glen spoke in tasteful, suggestive innuendo, the kind that ignites the lust within my mind. Christy, on the other hand, talked like a foul-mouthed slut. I took mental notes.
The evening quickly turned into one of those special moments where everything is right with the world. Our hosts were not only beautiful, sexual creatures, but they were also gracious and fun to be around. Fresh beef carved right off the spit, with honeyed vegetables cooked in the embers, was a scrumptious repast. John couldn’t keep his eyes off of either me or Christy, and she teased him mercilessly. I flirted with Glen, and he had this habit of keeping me wondering if he meant what I hoped he had. With the sexual tension so thick that you could taste it, I’d forgotten all about our plans to move the conversation toward sex and found myself gleefully steering the conversation in that direction because I was horny.
“I’d never really even thought about being with another woman until very recently,” I confessed during a discussion about bisexuality.
“Yep,” my husband laughed, tearing his eyes away from my neighbor’s sexy ass. “She’s never even kissed another woman.”
“Never? I doubt that.” Christy said in mock despair, giving me a conspiratorial wink. I made a good show of being embarrassed and blushing. No acting was required, there.
Swaying with her steps, her wispy fairy dress rocking back and forth with her, she approached me and lazily draped her arms over my shoulders. We stared into each other’s eyes, sharing a moment.
“Should I kiss her, John?” she asked.
“Fine by me,” he quietly said. His voice cracked a little.

“Glen, sweetie?”
“You can put me down for a ‘fuck, yes,’” he enthusiastically stated.
Her hair glowing like molten steel in the firelight, she gently drew me to her, pulling me in. Fireworks went off in my head when our lips met. The heat of the fire couldn’t compete with the hotness of her kiss. We kissed like horny lovers, a repeat of what we’d done just an hour or two before, only, this time, our husbands watched in silence.
No groping this time, but the arousal on her face as our lips parted pushed me over the edge. We giggled and hugged as Glen stood, clapping his hands. “Simply amazing,” he cheered. “One of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen in my life.”
He turned to John. “Give her a good compliment, man! Let your perfect, wonderful spouse know how much you appreciate her.”
“That was so hot, Lyn.”
Christy rolled her eyes and Glen shouted, “No, a real compliment. You do know how to compliment a woman, properly, don’t you?”
Christy pulled one of her potent edibles from places unknown in her dress and popped it into my mouth. “Listen up, John. Every man should take Glen lessons; it should be a universal law.”
John had finally learned how to relax and was having a great time. “Alright then, Mr. Romeo, show me how it’s done. Compliment Marilyn, ‘properly’.” His fingers made air quotes as he finished his sentence.
“Very well,” Glen shrugged. He tossed out that thick, blond mane of his and looked me up and down, slowly. There was no aggression in his stare, just appreciation of my beauty. He approached and gently took my hand, holding it in his soft but powerful grip.
“All of you is perfection, as if you were forged by the very gods themselves. You are naturally exotic and alluring, making my heart pound and my blood boil. While the visual delight of you would be enough to rack the soul of any mortal, your mind, creativity, and wit astound me. It’s like adding perfection to the masterpiece that is you. Though it be night, your presence sets the sky alight with the brilliant fires of your soul and primal essence.”
He leaned in, never taking his eyes off mine, and once more kissed the back of my hand. Shrugging, he smiled at me, a knowing, sensual smile, and then turned to my stunned husband. “Your turn; pay Christy a proper compliment.”
“Oh, goodie,” she exclaimed. I watched as she bounced over to my husband, straddled him, and plopped on his lap. I felt jealous, and I had to remind myself that this was part of our plan.
She giggled as she squirmed in his lap. “Maybe I should have worn panties,” she paused, still wiggling, “no, I think he likes it; don’t you, John? Do you like my bare pussy grinding against you?”
With a panic-stricken face, he glanced at a smiling Glen.
“Well, compliment the lady,” that sexy piece of man-meat told him.
Since he was still standing there, his back turned to me, I closed the small distance between us and wrapped my arms around Glen’s waist. His body was rock hard, which made me turn into liquid fire. I debated stealing him for myself.
My stuttering husband, his face reddened, his hands confused about where to be, stammered through a slightly florid, mostly stumbling barrage of compliments. Christy looked on, her hips rocking as he spoke.
When he was done, she climbed off my husband’s lap, flashing her perfectly-rounded butt to us, probably flashing him her finely-manicured pubes. Her fingers disappeared under her skirt for a moment, and she brought them forward, holding them in front of John’s face.
“See how wet you made me?” Giggling, she sucked on her fingers and went back to her seat.
“Okay, John,” I said. “You have work, tomorrow. Time for us to leave.”
“But, Lyn,” he protested.
“You can drool over your neighbor’s wife some other time, bed for you.”
Hugs and kisses were exchanged. I pretended not to notice when she wiped her pussy juices over my husband’s lips. Before we’d even left their property, I grabbed my husband by the hand and pulled him across the highway. When we got to our front porch, I pushed him down onto his back, pulled out his already-hard cock, and pulled up my skirt, showing him that I was nude beneath it.
“Fuck me now, John. Shove your hard cock inside me and fill me with cum; I need it.”
I didn’t wait for an answer and plunged my wetness over his shaft, moaning with abandon as the feeling overwhelmed me.
“Did you like that slutty whore rubbing her nude cunt all over you while your wife and her husband looked on?”
He grunted, grabbing my hips and pulling me more deeply into him.
“Did you get off on us kissing, you fucking pervert? Would you like to watch her lick my pussy while you fuck her from behind?”
My fingers went straight to my clit as I threw my head back, imagining her eating me out. I wish I hadn’t stopped her before, because I would probably have gotten my first oral love from another woman if I’d let things continue.
Up and down and back and forth, I rode my moaning husband. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me hard,” I chanted, no longer caring that a “proper lady” doesn’t speak like that.
“I’m going to cum,” he warned me.
“Shoot it on her dress. I want to wear it, want to feel you cover me with your cum.”
I climbed off him, still fingering my clit, and knelt while he moved to aim his cock at my chest. I watched, an orgasm consuming me, as spurt after spurt flew onto the slutty dress, soaking it.
A refreshing change, rather than him grunting a “love you” after his orgasm, John pulled me to him, my back against his chest, and we sat there, enjoying the night, for several minutes. Finally, I told him to go to bed and that I’d be up soon. I wanted to think about some things. A passionate kiss, followed by a heartfelt compliment, and he was off to slumberland. I grabbed my phone, headed inside, and signed on to Plushtales.
“Are you on? He just went to bed.”
“I know,” came the immediate response. “Nice sex show you put on.”
“You saw us? You slut.”
“I came, I saw, I came again.” A smiley face followed.
“You’re so bad. If I’d known you were watching, I might have been embarrassed.”
“Don’t be; it was beautiful. I’m still wet thinking about it. I came so hard when he jizzed on my dress. You can keep it, now, by the way. Still dripping horny.”
“Well, grab that sexy husband of yours and do something about it.” I couldn’t believe I just typed that. The thought of them having sex aroused me.
“Right now, he has his head between my legs, licking my clit and fingering my pussy. I’m so horny, I’m dripping.”
“You’re chatting with me while having sex?”
“Too much? Overshare?”
“Too hot.” I looked around for something to fuck my needy cunt with. A candle was handy, so I grabbed it and shoved it into my pussy.
“So, what are you up to? Ready for phase two?”
“Right now, I’m fucking myself with a candle. What we did earlier made me so horny.”
“Cum for me,” she typed. “Say my name when you orgasm.”
I did as she asked, imagining her hands on me, her mouth smothering my lips once more. I wailed in ecstasy as my orgasm overpowered me. I came so hard that the candle shot out of me, rolling across the floor.
“Just did. Chat tomorrow?“
“Kisses, you hot-to-trot slut.”
She logged off, leaving me with a hot, sticky mess on my hands. Rather than go straight to sleep, I grabbed and inserted another candle. Her pictures gave me visual motivation to cum again, harder. Her stories increased my libidinous heat until I fingered and fucked my pussy into a quivering, orgasmic mass. I didn’t bother to count the number of orgasms I gave myself, barely noting that when I finally made it upstairs I was still so horny that I woke up John.
My newly-used candle, replaced into its holder, lit my way as I climbed the stairs and entered the bedroom. John stirred as I called his name, waking him.
“John, wake up. I’ve been very naughty and need to be punished.” He groggily glanced my way, but stopped, suddenly, his eyes growing wide as he saw that I was wearing his new collar. “Since you deserve punishment for lusting after Christy, I do as well.”
I peeled off my sticky, cum-covered dress and climbed over him, sticking my butt in the air. “I can’t get our kissing out of my head.” I was very proud that I didn’t lie to him. “Spank and fuck me, please.”
I felt his deflated manhood grow hard and thick beneath me. “That’s alright, dear,” he soothed.
“No! Spank me until I can’t take any more, and ram that cock deep in me. This time, cum deep inside me.”
“What’s gotten into you, Lyn?”
“Your cock, if you shut the hell up and punish me for my lusty thoughts.”
My husband’s hand descended on my butt, stinging a little. “Harder!”
“Whack, slap, thump,” went his hand landing on my ass cheek with more and more pressure. I moaned, raising my butt to meet the blows. This wasn’t punishment; it was erotic and sexy.
“You dirty girl, Lyn. Lusting after another.”
“Call me a slut. Tell me how dirty I am.”
Slap, Thump, caress, whack! “Yes! More! Harder, please!” I shouted with every spank. “Tell me and punish me. I need you to degrade me.”
“You’re a dirty slut, lusting after others while I lie here ready to please you. Take that, you fucking slut.”
John’s hands erupted in a flurry of blows, making my ass burn, every nerve fiber alive with wriggling heat. I moaned for him to go hard and faster until I couldn’t handle the odd mixture of pleasure and pain. I was so close to another orgasm that my brain turned off, except for the pleasure centers.
“Now fuck me. Be hard and brutal. Keep telling me what a whore I am.”
“Yes,” he all but shouted as he forced my willing body onto all fours and shoved his hard cock deep inside me. “You’re a nasty slut, wanting to go lesbian with our neighbor. Do you not love my hard cock?” He pumped me hard, deep, and fast as I shoved my still-stinging butt back to meet his thrusts.
“I’m a slut, a dirty, nasty whore. Fuck me, fuck me harder. Spank me while you fuck me. Bruise my fucking ass.”
He continued berating me, calling me all the names that would normally upset me. This time, though, every time he called me a “slut” or a “dirty, filthy, whore” my pussy grew hotter and wetter. As he slammed into me, forcing my head into the mattress and brutally owning me, I had an intense vaginal orgasm, the first he’d ever given me.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” I screamed. My limbs refused to me, making me fall into the soft mattress as he continued pummeling me, going harder and harder.
“You fucking slut,” he wailed, adding slaps with every syllable. As he degraded me, I felt his spunk shoot deep into my orgasming hole. The feeling was incredible.
We lay together, with me nestled within his protective arms. Not only was my marriage suddenly more exciting than it had ever been, but John was playing into my trap.
“One thing, my love,” he whispered as his hands caressed my spanked ass, soothingly. “I told Glen to go ahead and do our driveway how you wanted. I don’t know the exact amount, but he promised me that it’d be far less than the other estimates.”
“So, Glen is going to drop by, tomorrow,” I smiled at the thought. “You mean, all day, working?”
“Yes, my love. Is that okay with you?”
I gave a hopefully exasperated-sounding sigh. “I guess that’s fine.” I already knew exactly what I was going to wear.
To Be Continued...