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Long Awaited - Part 2

"Two weeks after her belting, Ruth Davies, aged sixty-six, revisits the slightly younger Richard Compton for more attention to her bottom"

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Author's Notes

"The Ruth in this story is based on a lovely lady from Lush, and this part and the first part are written with her help, honesty, approval and encouragement."

It was just over two weeks since sixty-six-year-old widow Ruth Davies had had a conversation in a local cafe with a gentleman that she had not seen before.

The gentleman was named Richard Compton, and at fifty-six was ten years younger than Ruth.

The conversation got onto the subject of women getting spanked, prompted by Richard saying that he believed that a female politician photographed in a discarded newspaper in the cafe, looked in need of a good spanking.

Richard apologised to Ruth if his opinion offended her, but she said that it did not.

Ruth had been subjected to spankings and beltings throughout her marriage to Iwan, up until his passing fourteen years before. She also had a strict upbringing from her parents.

Richard had treated his wife much the same as Ruth had been treated by Iwan. Richard's marriage had ended in divorce, not because of the discipline regime, but because his wife took a lover less than half her age. His wife left Richard's house the evening that she announced that she was going, with her buttocks having received the most severe thrashing of their time together.

Richard gave Ruth his mobile phone number during that conversation, inviting her to phone him to discuss things further in private.

Ruth had neither had her bottom dealt with, nor had sex since she lost Iwan, and it seemed that Richard was offering the bottom warming, if not the sex.

Ruth phoned Richard, and after clarifying exactly what was being suggested, in case of any embarrassing misunderstandings, she arranged to visit Richard's house the next Friday evening.

Ruth received a very severe bare-bottomed belting, something that she had thought she might never get again because she doubted if there were still men like her late husband.

Ruth wanked Richard's penis to ejaculation as a thank you for giving her the long-awaited belting. Ruth spent the night on her stomach on Richard's spare bed, and in the morning, Richard entered the room and after soothing Ruth's buttocks with gentle kisses, they had sex.

Ruth had been embarrassed about baring her bottom for the belting from a stranger, and she was even more embarrassed to be on her knees displaying her bottom, anus and vagina, but the orgasm she got from the sex was sensational.

In the time that had elapsed since the belting, Ruth had masturbated considerably more frequently than she had before. She had not been able to sit down in comfort for five days after her thrashing, exactly as it had been after she had been severely dealt with by Iwan.

She was wanting to see Richard again, not yet for another belting, but the idea of a bare-bottomed spanking from the dominant man really appealed to her. In fact, as she thought about it, her fingers went inside her knickers and before too long, she had to change her knickers because those that she had been wearing were cum soaked.

Spankings from Iwan were sometimes punishment but sometimes foreplay; either way, sex usually followed a spanking. Ruth thought of having sex again with Richard, sex with her buttocks red hot from a spanking. She was in danger of getting another pair of knickers cum soaked.

When Ruth got home on the Saturday morning after her visit to Richard, she masturbated, and then phoned Richard, just to thank him for everything. She had phoned him a couple of times since, once to report that her bottom was still tender three days after the belting, and once just to say 'hello' without arranging to meet again.

Richard wanted to see Ruth again, either to deal with her bottom or to have sex, or both, but he was determined to have her make the first move towards a second meeting at his house. Although he liked controlling and disciplining females, he also liked them to have a mind of their own, if that was not a contradiction.

It was Thursday evening, and Ruth phoned Richard.

"Hello, Ruth," said Richard on answering his phone, his voice neither soft nor too authoritarian; he could easily adapt depending on what Ruth had to say.

"Good evening, sir, how are you?" said Ruth, at her submissive best.

"I am well, have you something to ask me?" said Richard, his voice now more authoritarian.

"Yes sir, it is almost two weeks since I visited you, and I was wondering if I could visit you again, sir, please," responded Ruth.

"Were you now? Does your bottom need to feel my belt again?" said Richard.

"No sir, not yet, unless you think that it does, sir," said Ruth, who knew that she could not dictate what should happen.

"If not a belting, then what?" asked Richard.

"Sir, I was hoping that you would give me a spanking...sir," replied Ruth.

"It would be a very hard spanking," warned Richard.

"Yes sir, that is what I want, I need, sir," answered Ruth.

Richard was liking how this conversation was going; he was liking it so much that he had lowered his trousers and underpants and was stroking his erect penis.

"And when do you want to visit me for this very hard spanking?" asked Richard, wanking a bit faster.

"Would tomorrow evening be possible, please, sir?" responded Ruth.

"Tomorrow evening would be perfect, will you be staying the night?" asked Richard, walking as he talked and wanked because he did not want spunk on his carpet. He was also trying to prevent his trousers and boxers from going too far down and tripping him up.

"If I may, sir," said Ruth.

"You most certainly may, Ruth, I liked it when you stayed last time," said Richard, wanking furiously.

"So did I, sir," said Ruth, who now had her hand in her knickers.

"I liked what you did to me, and what we did Saturday morning," said Richard, so there was no doubt about his thoughts.

"I am glad that I pleased you, sir, I liked it too," replied Ruth, her fingers in her vagina.

"Me too... oh!" said Richard, as he ejaculated on his kitchen floor.

"Are you alright, sir?" asked Ruth, teasing her clit.

"Yes, yes, see you tomorrow, Ruth," said Richard, glad that the spunk was not on his living room carpet.

"Yes, yes, sir," replied Ruth; the second 'yes' signalled the start of her orgasm.


Ruth Davies had rarely thought about sex over the last fourteen years, but it was now Friday and she was thinking about sex a lot.

She felt embarrassed and even a little bit ashamed about having intercourse with Richard, as a stranger, on her previous visit to his house, but now she wanted, even longed for, sex with him again.

She had not felt shame or anything like that, about stroking his penis to ejaculation, because she saw it as her duty to please the man that had just exerted his authority over her by thrashing her bare bottom, but full sex was different again.

Ruth would have no such inhibitions on her second visit. Richard was still a stranger to some extent, but things had changed dramatically. Ruth felt confident, although she was still submissive by nature, and she would be subservient to Richard; at least she would let him believe that.

For her first visit, Ruth had worn minimal makeup, but now she put some on, not too much. She felt sexy and wanted to look sexy; she looked at her herself in the mirror and mouthed the word 'slut' to herself, and burst into giggles.

Ruth felt just like she used to with Iwan; she was going to get a spanking, no doubt a long and hard spanking, and then she was going to have sex. She felt so good about life; it was so long ago that she last felt this good.

Ruth dressed sexily too, stylishly but sexy, including a pair of trousers that rather hugged her bottom. She knew that she would be sore for the return journey, but she would also be exhilarated and probably well-fucked.

Ruth giggled and admonished herself again; the words that were coming into her head were not the sort of words she had been brought up to use or think.

She packed an overnight bag that included a nightdress, although she doubted if it would be worn.

Richard Compton was looking forward to his guest's arrival very much.

He had cleaned the evidence of his ejaculation the previous day from his kitchen floor and had pleasant thoughts of where his penis might be the next time he ejaculated.

He would give Ruth a very sound spanking, just as she wanted and needed, and what followed promised to be very enjoyable. He understood Ruth's doubts about having sex after going so long without it, but her words and tone during their phone conversation the previous day suggested that she was much more ready for sex this time.

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Ruth arrived at Richard's house, and he was at his door as she got out of her car.

"Good evening, Ruth, you look absolutely stunning," said Richard, and he meant it.

"Well, thank you, sir, I am so pleased to be here," replied Ruth.

They did not kiss; in fact, they had not kissed on her first visit although the purpose of that visit had primarily been punishment; this visit was very much sex-based.

"Would you like to take your overnight bag upstairs?" asked Richard.

"To which room, sir?" responded Ruth, with a smirk on her face that added to her sex appeal.

"To whichever room that you intend to spend the night in," replied Richard, his penis stiffening in his clothing.

"I think that I will take it to your room, sir," said Ruth, still with a very sexy expression on her face.

"I would like that, very much," said Richard, whose eyes then concentrated on Ruth's bottom as the mature woman climbed the stairs.

"You will be spanking that soon, sir," said Ruth, knowing where Richard's eyes would be.

"I will indeed, very hard," said Richard, from the bottom of the stairs.

"I am looking forward to it, sir," said Ruth, turning to smile from the top of the stairs before depositing her overnight bag in Richard's bedroom.

Richard waited at the bottom of the stairs as Ruth descended; she oozed sex appeal and, despite being a submissive, confidence. Richard was very impressed by this woman.

"Would you like something to drink, my dear?" asked Richard, as Ruth reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I want whatever you want, sir," replied Ruth.

Now, for the first time, they kissed, and the kiss went through all the stages from lips touching to mouths opening to tongues probing. These were two people very attracted to each other.

"Mmmm, that was nice," smiled Ruth.

"That was very nice," replied Richard.

It would be very easy for them to go to bed now and make love, but the idea of the visit was for Ruth to get a sound spanking before sex.

"I have been having naughty thoughts, sir, should I be spanked?" smirked Ruth; the smirk was sexy, provocative and teasing.

"What naughty thoughts have you been having, madam?" responded Richard.

"Well, sir, I have been thinking about your penis, and um, you putting it in my vagina," said Ruth.

"Those are indeed naughty thoughts, and I think that a sound spanking is needed," said a very aroused Richard.

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir, I think so too," replied Ruth, surprising herself by feeling the large bulge in Richard's trousers.

"I think that I should administer the spanking right now," said Richard, trying to sound authoritative despite his sexual excitement.

"That would be good, sir," replied Ruth.

"Come with me," said Richard, grabbing Ruth's wrist, although not hard, and leading her into his living room. He had placed a kitchen chair in there earlier for just this purpose.

Richard sat on the chair, with Ruth standing to his right.

"Kindly remove your trousers and knickers," said Richard.

"Yes sir," replied Ruth, taking off her trousers and then her underwear.

"Over my lap," said Richard, pointing, the bulge in his trousers very noticeable.

"Yes sir," said the sixty-six-year-old woman, placing herself over a man's knee for the first time since her husband had passed.

Richard thought that Ruth had a wonderful arse, but he was not going to tell her that at this stage.

"You are going to be spanked, and you will be spanked long and hard," said Richard.

"Yes sir, I deserve it," said the very sexually aroused Ruth.

Richard slapped Ruth hard on her left buttock, and then her right one. He spanked hard from cheek to cheek, building up the pace and power. Ruth was soon feeling her bottom getting hotter and hotter; this was a proper spanking.

Richard spanked on and on, sometimes buttock to buttock, sometimes consecutive spanks on one cheek. Ruth bucked and squirmed, she yelled but did not protest, she was getting what she wanted and needed.

Richard's hand was almost a blur as he tanned the mature backside that was presented to him; this was spanker and spankee in perfect sync.

On and on the spanking went; this was up there with any that Iwan had given Ruth. Her buttocks were on fire, and so was her vagina.

Suddenly, Richard stopped and rested his hand on the glowing cheek that it had last impacted on.

Richard then gently caressed Ruth's glowing buttocks, adding to her sexual arousal. Ruth remained over his lap, passive and at the mercy of whatever he chose to do.

As Richard caressed Ruth's bottom, he let his fingers drift into her arse crack. Ruth tensed, and Richard feared that she did not like it, but when he gently ran his fingers up and down the groove between her bright red buttocks, Ruth relaxed, savouring the feeling.

Richard's fingers drifted to Ruth's vagina, her very wet vagina. He fingered her there, before running his fingers back up her arse crack, making the crack sticky with Ruth's juices.

"Would you like to go to my bedroom now?" asked Richard, pretty confident in the answer that he would get.

"Yes please, sir," replied Ruth.

"Richard, I think, for the next part of our evening," replied Richard.

"Yes, sir, I mean Richard," replied Ruth, still over his knee with his hand still on her bottom.

"Up you get," said Richard, softly, and Ruth struggled off his lap. Her face was very flushed, but her expression was one of sexual desire, as her hands went to her spanked buttocks.

"I think that we should have your trousers off, Richard," said Ruth, when Richard stood up.

Richard did not object as Ruth undid and pulled down his trousers, and he stepped out of them.

"And these," said Ruth, her hands now at the top of his underpants.

Ruth pulled Richard's underpants down, and his erection brushed against her face. Ruth kissed and licked Richard's cock.

"I think you said something about a bedroom," said Ruth, looking up at Richard.

"I did indeed," replied Richard.

Ruth stood and they kissed again, Richard's cock pressing against Ruth's body.

"Fuck me, Richard," said Ruth, a very un-Ruth-like thing.

"Lead the way," replied Richard.

Ruth painfully climbed the stairs, giggling as Richard tried to keep a finger in her arse crack as she climbed.

They reached Richard's bedroom and kissed again. Ruth removed her blouse and bra, and Richard saw her large tits for the first time. Richard took off his shirt, and they moved to the bed.

Ruth squealed when her buttocks made contact with the bed, but what was about to follow would take her mind off that.

Ruth was on her back legs spread, expecting a fucking, but the fucking would wait a while because Richard got his head in between Ruth's legs.

Richard expertly licked and sucked all points of Ruth's vagina and she squirmed on the bed in ecstasy.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," wailed Ruth, as she came.

With the woman still cumming, Richard stopped tonguing her and moved up her body. His lips were on hers and his penis was at her wet vagina; there was no need to ask Ruth if she was ready this time, and Richard's cock slid into her.

Richard thrust hard and fast; this was two mature people fucking.

On and on they fucked, and it was driving Ruth wild.

"Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," yelled Ruth, as she came so hard.

Richard kept going, but he did not think that it would be for much longer. Ruth was cumming again when Richard's penis spat out his semen.

When Richard withdrew and rolled off, they lay looking at the ceiling, both knowing that this could be the start of something long-term. The fact that Ruth was ten years Richard's senior did not matter at all; they seemed perfectly suited.

Ruth, as she had thought, did not need her nightdress. They slept naked and made love in the morning.

Later that day, Ruth again left Richard's house with a sore bottom, but the spanking soreness was different to the belt-thrashing soreness from two weeks before.

There would very likely be other occasions that Ruth left that house with a sore bottom unless the stage was reached that she did not leave at all.

Written by PJH
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