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Keep Those Grades Up! - Sara Goes To College - Pt 1

"Sara gets a whole different kind of motivation to keep her grades up!"

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Author's Notes

"The first of a four-part story with an interesting twist in part four. Enjoy! (5/26 edit - Thanks to Vampire Vixen for constructive suggestions making the story more believable. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks, Daphne!)"

Sara had arrived quite early only because her last class had been so close to Miss Judy’s just-off-campus location and going back to her dorm before her appointment meant crossing the entire campus twice. She let herself into the waiting room as she’d done twice before and just as she entered, the study door was open and another student, a boy, was walking in with a stern greeting of ‘Welcome back, Mister Tim” just before the door closed. She took a seat against the wall between the two rooms, but as far away from the door as possible.

She’d never been there before when another student was in Miss Judy’s study but would soon find it to be both an arousing experience as well as a beginning of a new behavior for her. She didn’t want to eavesdrop, but her curiosity got the better of her and she listened carefully for anything she could discern about what was happening inside. The walls were well insulated, but she noticed more sound leaking around the door, so she moved down to the seat next to it, finally hearing some of the dialogue.

“You got a B+ on your assignment?” Miss Judy asked him already several steps into the routine. She couldn’t hear Tim’s response as he was speaking much more softly than her authoritative tone. “Why didn’t you get the A you’re supposed to be working for?” Again, soft mumbling but a longer answer this time. “Well, I’m sure you won’t do that again when an important assignment is due the following day, will you?” After a quick response, she continued, “So, this is your third visit this year and you got a B, so you know what comes next.” A quick response Sara took as ‘Yes, Ma’am’.

“Right. Get up and take your pants down!” Miss Judy ordered. After some sounds of movement and rustling the unmistakable sound of a bare bottom being soundly spanked came clearly through the door. Hearing someone else being punished and knowing she was next had Sara squirming in her seat with a mixture of dread and something else she hadn’t quite figured out yet. She knew she shouldn’t be listening and imagined she’d get extra punishment if caught but couldn’t stop, her attention enthralled by the sound of Tim’s bottom being spanked.

Having checked the schedule to see what she was in for today, she knew that Tim’s third visit with a B would entail two hundred spanks on his bare bottom over Miss Judy’s knee and as she absentmindedly counted his spanks, she also remembered that her C was going to get her something more severe. A little frightened at just how long two hundred smacks to his bottom was taking, she imagined herself in his place as his cries and gasps got ever louder as he neared the end, and along with the fear, she felt that stirring in her panties that she didn’t understand.

The punishment finally at an end, Sara moved quickly back to her seat away from the door to avoid being caught listening but the experience still fresh in her mind brought a new sensation. ‘Why do I feel like my panties are wet?’ she asked herself silently with her usual virginal naivete.

The door opened and “Keep those grades up!” boomed through the open door as Tim exited. Sara tried to look away, but her curiosity bested her again and saw a nice-looking young man walk out with his hands on his sore bottom not aware of Sara’s presence. Sara’s recent shock was quickly surpassed when the door closed and Tim thrust his hand into his elastic waist pants and was, what? Rubbing himself? Inexperienced in such matters, but a very bright girl, she figured out what he was doing and suddenly her own suppressed feelings were partially understood. ‘This is something you could enjoy?’ she asked herself as the conflicted and confusing thoughts raged while Tim stood just outside the door and rubbed his penis! Not his bottom!

“Come in, Miss Sara!” the intercom boomed and suddenly aware of Sara’s presence, Tim quickly pulled his hand out and almost ran out the door, while Sara stared at his wake in both shock and enlightenment. “Miss Sara?” the intercom questioned, and Sara’s reverie ended as she got up to go meet her fate as well.

She walked through the door remembering the first time she had done so with her mother, never imagining the circumstances under which she’d be walking in now.


It was almost a year ago, after her college orientation, that she and her mother visited Miss Judy with the intent of providing continued motivation to achieve good grades. She’d continue what her mother had been doing; spanking her when, and only when her grades suffered, but Sara had no idea just how much more motivation Miss Judy would be providing.

This was not a remedial service for underperforming students that were routinely getting bad grades that parents wished were better. Quite the opposite, Sara’s mother had to provide a transcript of her high school grades to be admitted into the program and her almost straight A’s made her a prime candidate for the program. Having been informed that she had been admitted, Miss Judy described for them both how it worked.

With A grades being the objective, any lower grade earned punishment according to a schedule. The students were expected on their own to go online and make an appointment for punishment whenever a bad grade had been given for any assignment. They were becoming responsible adults after all and should be able to recognize that when their grades fell below standards that they needed and should request the help necessary to ensure it didn’t happen too often; and the help came in the form of spankings the severity of which increased with the frequency of low grades.

‘Miss Judy’s Schedule’ provided a framework for the punishments earned, ensuring each student understood exactly what they were in for should they have to report a low grade. They were allowed one occurrence before having to make an appointment, she explained to her prospective clients and then went through the schedule to be sure everyone was well aware of the consequences. She could usually tell before she got to this point which parents would be aghast at what they considered overly severe punishment, but she knew Sara and her mother were not like that.


Miss Judy’s Student Motivation Program

Schedule of Punishments

Class Assignments and Homework

Grade / Punishment / Occurrence / Count*

B+/B/B- / OTK Handspanking / First 100, Second 150, Third 200, Four or more +100 each occurrence

C+/C  / OTK Hairbrush / First 30, Second or more +20 each occurrence

C- & below / Desktop Paddling / Same as hairbrush above

Course Final Grade

B+/B/B- / OTK Hairbrush / Values for Hairbrush Above X2

C+ or less / Desktop Paddling / Values for Paddling Above X2

Semester Average

B+ or less / All Punishments (Hand, Hairbrush AND Paddle) / Values for each Punishment X2

*Note: all punishment types and counts subject to change for unusual circumstances at the sole discretion of Miss Judy. No challenge of such changes is permitted by parents or students.

Sara was surprised that the ‘Schedule of Punishments’ was so well defined as well as the severity of it. She had no idea how hard Miss Judy would administer the spankings, but just the length of them was considerably longer than those she got from her mother. As she reflected on those times across her mother’s knee when the spanking was more embarrassing than painful, the thought of this new regime stirred up that funny feeling in her tummy she sometimes got after a spanking.

Everyone satisfied with the interview, Sara a little less so, they started on the necessary paperwork and contract that made clear everyone’s responsibilities and after all three signed the document, Sara and her mother left. Sara remembered well the conversation on the long car ride home where her mother made sure Sara understood the reasons that they were doing this along with the consequences and responsibilities for making it work. She expressed little doubt that her good girl, Sara, would do well as she did with everything else.


“Good afternoon, Miss Sara,” Miss Judy said as Sara closed the door.

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“Good afternoon, Miss Judy,” she replied politely.

“So … what brings you here today?”

“I got a C on my last English Comp assignment.”

“A C? Oh, that is more serious. Why do you think you got such a low grade?”

“I think it was because I didn’t like the prompt, so my heart wasn’t in my writing, but that’s not a valid excuse as I will face many times in my life where I’ll have to do something I don’t like, and I can’t just do it poorly as a result.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve thought the situation through and realized your responsibility to do good work. I’m sure you know what the punishment is, but I’d like you to tell me and then ask me to punish you.” When she’d originally met Sara and her mother, they requested these additional elements of her punishment and she was very much in favor of this acceptance of responsibility, so she really liked Sara, but that didn’t mean anything as far as administering her punishment was concerned.

“For the C, I’m supposed to be spanked with the hairbrush instead of your hand. As this is my third time it will be seventy. Please give me seventy swats of the hairbrush on my bare bottom, Miss Judy.” Just saying this made those funny feelings stronger and her panties wetter.

“Not quite right, Sara,” she responded and noticed a worried look on Sara’s face as though it might be worse. “As it’s your first time with the hairbrush it will only be thirty, but I’m sure you’ll feel it at least as much as two hundred with my hand. Stand up.”

“Yes, Miss Judy.” Sara stood and waited by the side of the chair and wondered after seeing Tim whether she might like it as well. Having never been spanked with anything other than a hand she figured she ought to be relieved to be only getting thirty with the hairbrush. She knew that her arousal, if that’s what it was, had increased dramatically when Miss Judy spanked her compared to her mother’s spankings and she could only assume it was because they were so much harder and therefore those feelings should be even stronger with the additional pain of a hairbrush spanking. Her anticipation ramped up as Miss Judy sat in the chair.

“Lift your skirt and pull your panties down,” she instructed, and Sara surprised herself at how quickly she complied and wondered “Do I want this spanking?’ With the cool air of the room flowing over her bare vagina she knew that was the source of her wet panties and worried whether Miss Judy would notice.

“Over my knee, Sara,” Miss Judy said, and Sara had to temper what was now an eagerness to be across her knee for her spanking. She hadn’t minded being in this position the first two times she’d been spanked but now she delighted in her exposure and submission to her punishment.

Miss Judy placed her hands on Sara’s cheeks enjoying the feel of her full round bottom. She loved her job in part because she felt she was providing a valuable service to her young charges to help them on their way to adulthood, but just as much she loved spanking them! They were all young with firm and usually trim bodies that she got to touch and spank. Sara was probably her favorite because she was such a good girl, had a wonderfully girlish body and her submission being so complete, she almost seemed to enjoy her punishment.

“Please spank me?” Sara asked as she was required to do to begin the punishment, but neither of them knew just how much more desire there was in this simple request.

“This is going to hurt a lot more, Sara,” Judy warned and a second later the pain of the first swat was radiating through Sara’s body.

Sara gasped at the major increase in pain she felt and as the next nine were applied to her already sore bottom, she wondered how she could possibly have wanted this. She wanted to squirm; she wanted to rub her burning backside but that wasn’t allowed so being the good girl she was she lay there and took it, relieved at the short rest she was given after the first ten.

“Ten more,” Judy warned again and proceeded to smack each cheek alternately five times. She could tell Sara was struggling with this spanking and its intensity, but she knew she’d push her way through it and take her punishment as she had done before.  

Sara screamed during the first twenty with the pain almost unbearable, but the rest were slightly more tolerable. She needed the rest between but this time she thought she felt a faint stirring between her legs again.

“Almost done, Sara. Just the last ten to go but you know they’re going to be much harder!” Sara yelped when the first five of this last series landed hard on her left cheek, followed by five on the right. Again, she cried out and any thought of arousal between her legs was eliminated by the intense pain.

Judy let her just lay on her lap not knowing the conflicted feelings Sara was having between the relief that this most painful spanking yet was over, and the sexual arousal she now understood, the pleasure of which was started by the soothing caresses Miss Judy’s hands were providing. An unusual gesture for Miss Judy, which she hadn’t done after her first two punishments, but Sara had no idea how much Judy enjoyed giving these spankings: especially to Sara.

“You can get up now,” Judy said and helped her up with one hand on Sara’s shoulder and the other cupping her red bottom. Sara jerked when Judy’s finger unexpectedly touched her labia, a feeling almost like an electric shock, but the pleasure reinforced Sara’s new belief that she enjoyed getting spanked.

“Thank you for spanking me, Miss Judy,” she said as was expected protocol but in this instance was more heartfelt than before, especially with Judy’s hand still stroking her bottom as though relieving the pain.

Sara pulled her panties back up over her sore bottom with both a little sting and a thrill as the elastic scraped across her red-hot bottom. She had to get out of there before her actions betrayed her feelings of arousal.

“Keep those grades up!” Miss Judy said as she always did just before she closed the door. Sara took a few small steps forward, waiting for the sound of the door closing and looked back just to make sure. Remembering how she had surprised Tim, she looked around the room to be sure she was alone and satisfied she was, lifted her skirt and plunged her hand into her panties to rub her vagina. “Oh my god!” she whispered as a wave of extraordinary pleasure passed over her in waves.

Not realizing it until she repeated it back in her dorm room bed, she’d had her first-ever orgasm and wanted that feeling again right away. She walked as fast as she could back to her room and knowing her roommate wouldn’t be back for at least an hour, stripped off her panties, fell on the bed and proceeded to rub her pussy to the memories of her hairbrush spanking, spawning more than one climax. Feeling naughty, sexy, enlightened, and horny all at the same time, she adopted a new vocabulary as she caressed her tingling, red ass and fingered her dripping wet pussy as she brought herself to several more, though less intense orgasms.

To satisfy her next curiosity, she went into the bathroom and looking in the mirror, lifted her skirt to see the damage to her ass. A deep shade of red just below the very tops of her cheeks where the hairbrush had spanked almost exclusively lit her fire again. Removing her skirt, she watched as her hands both soothed and squeezed her sore bottom until her pussy was begging for her fingers again and plunging them into her newly discovered cunt, she learned very quickly how to masturbate for amazing climaxes.

Her body finally satisfied, she changed into more comfortable clothes to go down to the dining hall for dinner. As she walked through the cool evening air, she was reminded of that first touch of cool air on her pussy during her spanking and from then on all she could think about was getting spanked again, convincing herself that was her only way to these amazing, intense feelings. Her personal sexual revolution aside, she was still a good girl and knew she’d have to wait for the uncommon event of a low grade before she’d set off this amazing chain of events that would begin with another spanking on her bare bottom.

Her mind wandered to the image of Tim’s reaction to his punishment and how it had changed her view of getting spanked. She wondered how she could find him as she’d like to talk to him about it; tell him about her experience. Maybe he’d have answers to her questions, but he’d been so embarrassed; would he even talk to her?

Written by 2bespanked
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