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Author's Notes

"I've been complimented on the dialog in my stories, so hopefully, you'll like this chapter of mostly dialog. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

9 - Sexy Conversation

I stared at the door for a minute or so, wondering if she’d return, and when she didn’t, I gathered my briefcase and headed for the door. As I closed the door behind me and turned towards the hall, Justina pounced on me, planting her delicious lips on mine, and kissing me lustily with exuberant praise sprinkled in.

“Oh, my God! That was so good! Thank you! My butt is so sore, and I love it! I’ve never done a scene where I wanted to get spanked! You’re very good at role-playing!” She was so excited.

“You bring out the best in me! And the pleasure was all mine!” I replied when I could get a word in edgewise. She finished by hugging me and not letting go, so it felt appropriate to put my hands on her sore cheeks and massage them gently.

“Mmm,” she hummed, holding that position for at least a minute or two as her bottom moved with my massaging hands. Finally, she pulled away and looked up at me with a big smile. “It’s still early! Come, have a drink with me?”

“I’d love to,” I replied simply.

“I’ll take a quick shower, and meet you there in thirty or forty minutes?”

“Great! Then I can go home and change as well. Where?”

“Mickey’s, of course,” she replied, with a cute smile.

She walked me to the door and gave me another million-dollar smile as I turned to watch her close it behind me. Immediately, I reflected on what had just happened. Rarely does a plan come together as well as that one did. I couldn’t have planned it better, and I was surprised at how she played right into it when she couldn’t have known what I was doing. I’d ask her about that later.

I went home, took a quick shower, and dressed very casually in a T-shirt, elastic-waist shorts, and sandals. By the time I got to Mickey’s, it had been just over forty minutes since I’d left her apartment. As I pulled in, I looked for her car and didn’t see it at first, but then spied her big old Buick Roadmaster off in a remote corner. I parked next to her and made my way inside.

For a Monday night, it was surprisingly busy. I had to look for Justina and finally found her in a remote corner. She waved excitedly when she saw me.

“I ordered the same wine you had last time. Is that okay?” she asked, as I slid into and around the round booth she’d selected. When I slid in next to her, she smiled and gave me another kiss.

“Yes, the wine and the kiss are great!” I said, looking into her happy face. Looking down at her body, I noted the simple white top that fit her snugly, emphasizing her beautiful breasts, but smiled broadly at the tiniest little, short shorts that were at least as tight as her top.

“You like?” she asked, standing as much as she could in the booth to give me a better view.

“Definitely!” I replied enthusiastically.

We talked for a few minutes about how crowded Mickey’s was, what the traffic was like getting here, and general small talk before we got around to what we both wanted to talk about.

“Don’t those tight shorts hurt your …”

“My hiney?” she interrupted, “A little, but it feels good!” A look of both pain and pleasure passed over her pretty face. “Where did you come up with that scene? It was amazing!”

“Over the weekend. I admit I thought about you and your naughty, little bottom a lot this past weekend.”

“You mean, my ‘hiney’!” she corrected, “Remember? You asked me what I liked to call it, so you have to call it that too!”

“I have to ask you. You seemed to be playing right into my scene, yet you couldn’t have known what I planned. How, did you …”

“No, see, I was going to admit that I liked you and that I misbehaved so that I would get to see you, and have you finger and fuck me, and of course, I’d have to get spanked as well. But your plan was so much better! All the scenes I’ve ever done were always punishment scenes, where regardless of how much you wanted it, you were still being punished and had to act like you didn’t want it. This was so much better, finally being able to say, ‘I want to be spanked’, and ‘spank me harder’!”

“See, I prefer it that way. I like it when you can ask to be spanked and say how much you like getting spanked, even ask to be spanked in different ways. You can still be the naughty one and yet enjoy the result. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t like the other kind of scenario also. I do, but I like it when my naughty girl tells me how much she enjoys her spanking.”

“I really liked it, but I still want to do the other, too. I like feeling that the punishment is totally out of my hands like I don’t know what’s going to happen next. You know, am I gonna get paddled or strapped? Will he just put me across his knee or bend me over? Or when my hiney is really sore, how much longer is he going to spank me?! I like that loss of control, giving control to someone else. That’s why I didn’t like giving spankings as much as getting them.”

“I like both ways; if I had too much of one, I’d probably want the other.”

“Yeah, probably. How was it with your first spanking girlfriend? What was her name, Rosa?

“Yes, Rosa, but she wasn’t my girlfriend anymore at that point, or I guess she was. It was kinda strange.”

“Will you tell me more about it?” she asked. I suspected she’d told me so much detail about herself, that perhaps she wanted to even things up a bit.

I told her the story of Rosa, the girl that got away, in long form. How we’d met and dated in New York, moved to Florida with the Company, and were together more to have someone familiar to share the new environment with. It only started getting interesting when we got to the ‘You need a spanking’ line she’d use on me.

“If I did or said something she didn’t like, nothing major, maybe a minor insult or knock on her music, she’d say, ‘You need a spankin’! I was so stupid or naïve, I never picked up on it as a signal.

“Even worse, one time in my apartment, the roles were reversed, and she insulted my music. I told her she needed a spanking, to which she replied, ‘Promise?’, and when I said yes, she took off screaming happily for the bedroom. I cornered her, and when she tried to get away across my bed, I pounced on her, pulled her over my knee, and gave her a few light spanks over her jeans, but then I stopped and got up. I didn’t understand why she looked at me so strangely when I helped her up.”

“Wow! How could you not pick up that hint?”

“I’m telling you, I felt strange about this thing that I liked, like it was a perversion, something normal people didn’t do. And I’m not good with women and their signals!”

“Could’ve fooled me,” she said, putting her hands on her butt, as if to say, ‘I’m still feeling how good you read my signals!’.

“Well, I wasn’t then! Especially at picking up on your little hints and clues.”

“But what happened when you had sex? Didn’t it naturally come up then?”

“See, that’s what else was weird about this relationship; we weren’t having sex! It wasn’t for lack of trying, but I never got so much as my hand in her pants!”

“You’re kidding?!”

“No, I’m not. Look, I’m not pushy when it comes to that. I won’t force myself on someone under any circumstances.” She smiled in agreement at this statement, which made me feel good, as that was what I’d hoped she’d think given her circumstances. “But we did naturally progress to that point. I could touch and stroke her anywhere, as long as her clothes were on, but the minute I tried to open or remove anything, she’d stop me cold.”

“How come?”

“I didn’t know, and I never did find out. Anyway, that was ultimately the reason we broke up. We’d just gone through that scene again, on the night when I’d sort of spanked her. I’d been rubbing her crotch through her tight pants, but as soon as I went to open them, she stopped me. I told her I couldn’t deal with it any longer, asked her why, and when she wouldn’t give me any reason, I was the one to go cold.

“She eventually offered to let me have my way with her, but it didn’t feel right, like she was doing it just because I wanted to, not because she wanted to, so I suggested she go home. She left, again confused at my reaction, and things were strained after that. We drifted apart, and a few months later, she moved back to New York.”

“Wait, it didn’t end there, right? You did say you and Rosa really spanked each other?”

The long version of my discovery, that I wasn’t so unique or perverted, seemed boring to me, but Justina seemed to be enjoying it. She’d never heard of the magazine ‘Variations’, but she was intrigued by it. I had a tangent thought that it might be fun to read some of the stories in it together and see what happened.

Of course, that lead to the story of how we had gotten together when I’d made a business trip to New York and told her my whole stupid story of how stupid me had been so stupid, that thankfully resulted in my first time both spanking her and getting spanked myself. I didn’t go into any of the details of our encounters, just that there had been many of them before the long-distance relationship petered out, as most do.

“I’m sorry,” she replied sincerely.

“Don’t be! At least I figured it all out! And here we are, you with a nice sore bott … uh, hiney in your sexy, little, white shorts and me knowing I gave it to you!”

“Mmm, it is sore, but it feels really good! And that story almost makes me want another spanking! I love talking about spanking too. You do, too, don’t you,” she said more as a statement than a question.

“Yes, I do. Even just saying the word ‘spank’ and ‘spanking’ is a kind of a little turn-on, isn’t it?”

“Yes! It is! Ooo, Mark, I don’t think we’re getting through this night without you spanking me again!” I was grinning from ear to ear. “Not yet, but later, okay?” she added, with a sultry smile.

“Will I need to take you back to ‘my’ office?” I asked suggestively.

“No, that’s just for scenes. You know, role-playing.”

“Yeah, I wondered. You didn’t come back in after the scene. I kinda thought you would.”

“No, I try to keep that room just for that scene, you know? I can get turned on just walking into the room! I’ll fall into my naughty schoolgirl character almost immediately. I try not to go in there unless I’m wearing my schoolgirl outfit.” Was she really saying what I thought she was saying?

“Do you always get spanked when you go in that room in your schoolgirl outfit?”

Combining naughtiness and innocence into one look, she replied simply, “Mm-hmm.”

“So that’s why you have all those paddles, and straps …”

“… and the ruler!” she added mischievously. “C’mon, haven’t you ever spanked yourself?” she asked, like she knew the answer. She continued in one of the most seductive voices I’d ever heard. “Hmm?  Haven’t you ever pulled your pants down, draped yourself over the seat of an armless chair, and spanked yourself?” She slid even closer to me, our hips touching, and continued. “… or stripped naked, bent yourself over a desk, reached back, and given yourself a good paddling?”

She brought to mind the many times I’d done exactly that, and it showed on my face.

“Mmm, feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked, drawing me into her mind game. “It’s better than not getting spanked at all, isn’t it? C’mon, you’ve given yourself a good spanking, haven’t you?

“I have,” I replied simply. “Probably more than I’d like to admit.”

“Why not admit it!” she challenged, “It’s just another form of masturbation, isn’t it? And everybody does that! And, as you’ve pointed out, you can’t just ask someone to spank you.” I was getting hard at the beginning of this conversation, but I was practically bursting at the seams now.

“And you can only go so long without getting spanked!” I added to be sure she knew I agreed with her.


“I’d love to watch you spank yourself!!”

“I don’t know. Maybe if you promise to pick up where I left off!?”

“I promise! I promise!” I replied. There was a pause during which we just looked into each other’s eyes, sizing each other up. “I don’t know if I can take too much more of this talk. Wanna go?”  I asked, not knowing where we’d go if she said yes.

“Not yet, okay?” she said, with a sly smile. “Let’s do this a little longer. I’m really enjoying it!”

“I am too, Justina …”

“Call me Tina”

“I am too, Tina! I like that, it’s cute, but I warn you, pretty soon, I won’t be held responsible for my actions,” I added, with a smile.

“Good! I told you I like giving up control!’ she said, taking the arousal level down a couple of notches. “Why don’t you tell me about the best spanking you’ve ever gotten!” She sensed my reluctance; I didn’t want to tell her details of spanking with other girls, at least not yet anyway. “Or tell me what one of your fantasy spankings would be like!” That I could do.

“Okay, well, I really like licking pussy!” I said, looking into her eyes for a reaction.

“Mmm, I could tell!”

“I like seeing that look of total ecstasy and knowing I’m giving it. It’s a one-sided sex act where I’m only giving pleasure, and all she’s doing is taking it in, without having to give it back and reacting to nothing but what my fingers and tongue are doing between her legs. It’s even better if she likes having her bottom fingered because that’s another source of stimulation.

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“I like face sitting, not smothering, but laying on my back, with you on top of me.” Tina reacted with a smile to my turning this from something abstract to involving her. “Your thighs straddling my face, and then you sit up and slowly lower your pussy into my mouth, so my chin is between your cheeks, my nose is in your slit, and my mouth and tongue are in your pussy.”

“Oh my God, Mark! I am so turned on right now! But how does spanking fit into this fantasy?”

“You’ll see!”, I said, noting her smile. “I lick you, eat you, fuck you with my tongue until you cum like an explosion. After you settle down, you take me in your arms and tell me what a bad boy I am for doing such naughty things to your pussy, yet not doing them good enough, so you’re gonna spank me! Give me a good spanking to teach me a lesson about eating your pussy.”

“And do you learn from my lesson?”

“Not at first. I get spanked between each attempt until you’re satisfied, even though I’ve made you cum each time!”

“That seems almost cruel!?”

“I guess it is a little. It’s a little bit of domination, obviously, but just a little. I don’t think I’d like anything more severe than that.”

“No, I don’t like domination stuff either. Maybe tie me up for a spanking, but not all that other nasty stuff.”

“Isn’t that more of the giving up control that you like?”

“I suppose so, but as you said, there need to be some limits. Maybe when you get to know someone well enough, you start pushing those limits?”

“Could be. Anyway, as my fantasy has never played out in any way, I’m not sure how well it would work.”

“So, you’re being punished for doing something you like doing, something that brings pleasure to the person who’s punishing you? I suppose it’s no more contradictory than pretending to not want a spanking when that’s exactly what you want.”

“That’s right. You know, I can’t get the image of you spanking yourself out of my mind. The thought of you dressed up in that delicious schoolgirl outfit, bent over a chair, skirt up, and panties down and smacking your own bott … your own hiney is extremely arousing. Tell me about that!”

“Hmm, well, … it’s not like it's planned or anything. The thought of spanking might have come from something I read, or saw, on the internet, or TV. You get to thinking about it, you know, especially if you haven’t had one in a long time. So maybe I’ve just seen a spanking reference on TV, I could find myself walking around, rubbing my bottom, and with the thought that ‘I really need a good spanking’ floating around in my head.

“Then, depending on how fired up that gets me, I may go put the outfit on, or go in the office and put a paddle out on the desk. When I’m ready, I go into the office. I’ll play the dialog out in my head, sometimes talk to myself out loud and get to the inevitable conclusion that I need to be spanked and put myself into position. Of course, I’m being told to lift my skirt or pull my panties down, after which I’ll stay in position for a minute or two, just enjoying the feeling of an exposed bottom, and then reach back and start spanking.”

“Do you think you spank yourself harder or softer than someone else would?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I guess I know exactly how hard I want it, how much sting I want, so I may not do it as hard.”

“That’s what I mean. I may push myself to what my limits are, but not past them. Did you ever set up some kind of random test that would determine how many spanks you get? Or what you get spanked with?”

“You mean when I’m spanking myself?

“Yeah, to put an element of danger in it? Like, if this happens, then I get fifty, but if that happens, I get a hundred?”

“Ooo, no, but it sounds interesting. Like a personal test, and if you don’t make it, you get spanked more? Or with the paddle instead of your hand?”

“Yeah, that’s it. I once worked out a game with dice where you’d take this roll and multiply the numbers to find out how many, and then you’d roll again to determine hand or paddle, or if your pants are down or not.”

“So, if you rolled all sixes, you’d get thirty-six on your bare bottom with a paddle?”

“Yeah, but I made it tougher than that. You’d add the first two die, then multiply it by the third, and then I came up with bonus combinations, like if it comes out to fifty, you’d double it to a hundred and so on.”

“Mmm, sounds complicated.”

“It did get complicated, so I finally wrote a spreadsheet program to roll the dice, do the calculations, and tell you what’s going to happen.” She was starting to look at me like I was weird, so I thought I’d better drop this subject, but then she surprised me.

“So, what would it tell you?”

“Well, you’d click this button, and you’d see the result of the die roll and what all the calculations meant, but it would also give you a sentence describing what would happen. Like, ‘Ooo, double bonus! You get 100 spanks on your bare bottom with the paddle!’”

“Mmm, it sounds like a slot machine! Did you ever hit the jackpot?”

“It does sound kinda like a slot machine, and yes, I’ve hit the jackpot many times! I had to loosen up the rules a bit because who wants to bother with one spank on your underpants? So, I set up minimums and changed the formula to get worthwhile numbers, but I kept the hand vs. paddle odds even, since I prefer the hand but wanted the uncertainty of a good, hard paddling still a good possibility.”

“Any reason you couldn’t use it with someone else, like, play a game with it?”

“You mean like strip poker? The loser has to click the button and take what it says? Are you volunteering?”

“Yeah, I might be,” she replied, with a naughty smile, “Kind of another way of losing control, but it could be fun and different!”

“I’m game. Maybe we’ll plan a Spank Off or something?”

“Ooo, yeah! A Spank Off, but the winner is really the one who gets the most, isn’t it?”

“Up to a point. They can add up pretty fast, you know!”

“Yeah, I guess you’d have to set some sort of a limit, so it doesn’t go too far. Have you ever spanked someone who never seemed to get enough? Someone who just kept asking for more?

“Yes, I have. It was pretty amazing. How about you?”

“No, not really. Most of mine were pretty scripted, so there was always some kind of a limit. Sometimes that limit was quite high on purpose, but there was never a fear of ‘when will this end?’ What was yours like?”

I told her the story about Ashley with as much flair as I could, watching Tina, to see how caught up in it she was. Her rapt interest was given away by her face, which was enjoyable in itself.

“Wow!! What a story! You’re quite a storyteller! Have you done that before? I mean, telling a story like that?”

“Yes, I have,” I admitted, but before I could say anything else, she interrupted.

“Wow!! We have got to try phone sex!! I would’ve had my hand in my panties and cum more than once during a story like that!”

“Thank you, I enjoy telling stories like …”


10 - She Just Can’t Get Enough!

“Oh, Mark, I am so horny!! And I’d be happy if you just fucked me, but I’d really like you to spank me again!”

“Are you sure? Your bottom was awfully red, the last time I saw it,” I said with a smile. She turned toward me with an earnest look on her face.

“I don’t care. I feel like Ashley did! I don’t care how much it hurts; I want, I need to get spanked again, please?” she said, before glancing up to see the waitress and shouting a quick “Check, please!”

“Where should we go?” I asked, so dumbfounded I could hardly think for myself.

“How about the back seat of my car? It’s pretty big! And I’ve never been spanked in a car before,” she added, with a devilish smile.

“Is that why you parked way off in the corner, away from everybody?”

“Yeah, but that was when I was just hoping for some groping and licking. C’mon! I’m such a naughty girl! I need to be spanked now! It’s nice and close. You can have me over your knee in the back seat in just a few minutes!”

The waitress arrived with the check, and again, I left more than enough cash, not wanting to wait for change. I slid out of one end of the booth, and Tina came out the other. We met for a kiss in the middle.

She looked up at me, asking, “Are you gonna spank me?” and pleading with her eyes and biting her lower lip, I finally agreed.

“Such a naughty girl! Can’t get enough spanking on that hot, little hiney, can you?”

With a big smile, she replied, “No! I’ll need a red, hot hiney before I’ve had enough!”

“C’mon, naughty one. I don’t think we can wait until we get home. We’re going to your car, and I’m going to take your panties down, put you over my knee, and spank you.”

“Ooo, yeah!” was all she said. As I put my arm around her waist, she pushed my hand down onto her ass, not caring if anyone in the bar was watching. If someone had come up to her and asked where she was going, I was sure she’d reply, ‘I’m going to get spanked!’

We made our way out the door to a warm, spring evening, when being outside at night was quite pleasant. Seeing no one in the parking lot, I decided to tease her a bit. I lifted my hand off her butt, where it had remained planted since she’d put it there, and smacked her. “Ooo!” was her only reaction, other than clearly wanting another. She got three or four more spanks on her tight shorts before we reached her car. Our cars were still pretty isolated from the rest in the parking lot, with mine parked to the left of hers.

She made her way to the driver’s door, unlocked it, and reached inside to hit the power lock to open the other doors, but before she could get to the back door, I grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the front of my car. Bending her over the hood, I said, “Such an exhibitionist! Do you want everyone to see my hand on your bottom? Let’s see how you like getting spanked where anyone can see you!” I looked quickly around, to be sure no one was watching and began spanking her over her shorts. I thought about pulling them down but was saving that bit of sexiness for when we were inside the car. She knew not to cry out very loudly, but that didn’t keep her silent.

“Ohhhh, I’m sorry!! I’m such a naughty girl! I gave her at least twenty hard smacks on her sexy, white shorts, and she would have taken many more.

“C’mon, naughty girl! I want these pants down, but I’m not letting everyone else see your gorgeous, red butt!”

I opened the door, and she practically jumped in, with me following her and closing the door. By the time I looked over at her, she was kneeling on the seat with a contrite look on her pretty face. “I’m such a bad girl,” she said as she grabbed the hem of her top and pulled it off in one fluid motion. She left her sexy, half-cup bra on and started on her tight shorts. With the button open, she pulled the zipper apart and pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees.

I wanted to slip a finger into her glistening wet slit, but she turned to sit on the seat to remove her shorts and panties. After stripping me from the waist down, she slowly and calmly laid herself across my lap, with her steamy crotch pressing against my bare right thigh. She turned to look at me with a face that was nothing but lust and desire.

My hands were on her back and bottom almost immediately, both caressing and squeezing hard. Allowing my fingers to stray between her legs, I got that quick dip into her honeypot I’d wanted earlier, which was overflowing with her honey. Her soft mewing said she was enjoying this, but I knew what she really wanted.

“So, what happens to naughty girls, Tina?”

“They get spanked! They have to pull their panties down for a spanking!” she replied lustily.

“So, you want me to spank you?”

“Oh yes, Mark! Please? Spank me! Spank my hiney!” she said in a pleading tone.

And I did; not terribly hard, but not just playful either. I went for maximum sensual effect and virtually no punishment, but apart from that, we re-enacted the spanking I’d given Ashley. I continued to scold her for undefined naughtiness, but also got quite a few comments about how she needed and wanted this spanking.

It didn’t last as long either, because she’d started with a sore, red bottom she’d received only a couple of hours ago. I also wanted to be sure not to inflict so much damage, that we’d have to cancel our Friday schoolgirl scene we had agreed to.

“I think my hiney is sore enough now. May I please get up?” I gave her ten more on each cheek and probably a bit harder than the previous spanks, but she loved each one, even thrusting her bottom out in a silent request for more.

As she got up and knelt on the seat beside me, she put a hand on each cheek and rubbed up and down, saying, “Ooo, now that’s a nice, sore hiney,” after which she got on top of me, straddling me the way Ashley had. I reclined as much as I could in the surprisingly roomy, but still limited space we had.

“Thank you,” she said, as she rose up and guided my stiff rod into her soaking wet pussy. “That was a good spanking! I love good spankings!” she added, as she sat down, impaling herself on my cock.

She fucked me for a minute or two at least, with her cumming twice, once almost immediately and again just after I did. Knowing she wanted a re-enactment, I spanked her as well, but not hard, and when I wasn’t smacking her bottom, I was kneading it like bread dough, reveling in the firm roundness of her most perfect ass.

Following the plot line, she placed herself across my knee once again, where I continued the massage of her burning bottom. Not confining myself to her sore, red mounds, my fingers strayed into her crack and between her legs, where they inserted themselves in various ways and depths, the result of which was her arousal building again. I kept it up until she came yet again, after which she collapsed like a wet noodle across my lap. I massaged her back gently, not wanting to awaken her lust yet again.

Being spent both physically and emotionally, we talked in short, clipped phrases of compliments and thanks, and eventually parted, with a simple, but meaningful, "See you in the morning!"



Written by 2bespanked
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