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Julia And I Get Into Spanking And Join With A Group Of Girls At A BDSM Dungeon

"Julia enjoys spanking and caning and at a sex theme hotel we meet with a group of girls in the dungeon for spanking and caning activity"

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Author's Notes

"I heard about something similar from a spanko friend"

Julia, who was in her mid-twenties, had been my partner for six months. Her previous boyfriend had been a wealthy merchant banker I knew socially, and I had noticed Julia warming to me. Everything changed when I returned from one of my foreign trips looking frazzled and with my hair turned grey overnight, despite being thirty. Terrorists armed with AK47s had chased us and we had narrowly escaped their grasp. Out drinking with our social group, I told a sanitised version of what went on.

In drink, describing part of the adventure, I said, “Every cloud has a silver lining. In the safe house where they took us after our rescue, several lovely local girls worked there as cooks, cleaners, etc. I wondered if whoever had recruited them thought he was recruiting for a beauty salon. If I get a chance, I wouldn’t mind going back there and see if I could move things along.”

This fellow, Roger, looked a little archly at me and said, “Was sex the only thing you could think of at a time like that?”

Everyone laughed when I replied, “Don’t you mentally take the clothes off every half-decent-looking lady you meet? What’s wrong with you?”

I noticed Julia laughed one of the loudest. I thought to myself, Roger; you have a problem. The group, I knew, thought I was on the rough side of acceptability, but I was sure some of them envied some aspects of my work.

The following week, I met with Julia in a bookshop. She asked how I was and of course, I said, “So much better for meeting you. I have not had nightmares about my recent encounter. It’s only one of many if one of the worst.”

“I’ve finished with Roger. He was so rude about you afterwards and I said he should show you respect considering his comfortable life compared to the dangers they expose you to. OK, Ian laughed at you, and you will live a long time after being laughed at. He got even more annoyed and went on about your remarks about what he called women from the ‘third world.' This annoyed me because one of my grandmothers came from the ‘third world.’ I walked out. He rang me later and pleaded with me, but I have had enough of him. Never mind his money, it’s not everything.”

We started a relationship, and within six months, we became partners. Julia moved into my townhouse with me and rented out her apartment. My too-frequent absences, whilst she didn’t enjoy them, spiced up our life on my return. We got a dog to be company for her. Julia had always had dogs around as a girl and wanted one. There are dog walkers, who will look after your pet during the working day, which makes it possible.

We went sailing, and to vintage car rallies of the upmarket variety, and did a great deal else. We had a great sex life, and I soon realised Julia was submissive. Our sexual compatibility was excellent, as we liked the same things. Only two months into our relationship, I had come out of the shower late in the evening and found her lying on the bed, bottom up.

“Ian, I’ve had a tough week at work, and I need a spanking to de-stress me.”

I sat on the bed beside her, stroked her cheek and said, “What’s all this about spanking?”

“I got spanked starting at sixteen. My mum and dad both spanked me for unacceptable behaviour and my dad caned me at seventeen for being at a party raided by the police where they found drugs, but not on me. Despite the pain, it turned me on and I have missed it. Please, Ian, put me over your knee and spank me like a naughty daughter. I would love that.”

“Give me a minute. There’s something I need to show you.”

As a normal male, I had enjoyed the favours of nubile young ladies on my trips abroad. I had always taken precautions, but these are not a one hundred per cent guarantee of sexual safety, so having met Julia, I behaved myself and after waiting long enough for STDs to register; I got checked out to verify I was not carrying one of them. Since I had no symptoms, I thought I was OK, so I took myself to a private clinic and they tested me. All negative. I had the report in my bag, got it out and showed it to Julia.

“Good,” she said. “I’ve had an implant, and I had been plucking up the courage to ask you about this sort of thing, but you have done it already. The implant has been in place for long enough for it to work. We can have natural sex at last. I’m so happy that you take our relationship so seriously, and a spanking is what I need from you to make me feel I belong. Roger would never do it, the wimp. I am your naughty daughter and you are my daddy. Please, can we do it like that?”

“Darling, I don’t own you, but if a spanking will help you de-stress and feel more secure in our relationship, I’m happy to oblige. Come over my knee.”

Julia went obediently over my knee as I sat on a chair by the bed. The role play went like this:-

“You wicked girl! You need a hot and sore bottom! It will do you the world of good. It’s a shame they have banned it in schools. No wonder you are such a bad girl these days and I need to deal with that, (etc.)”

“Daddy, have mercy. Don’t spank my soft bottie too hard, please. I will be a good girl!”

I started on her with quite hard hand spanks. She yelped as each spank landed. Her legs were far enough apart, so I could see she was becoming very aroused. After about seventeen or eighteen hard spanks with her bottom turning red, she said, “Stick it in me, bad boy. Screw the hell out of me.”

I was pleased she hadn’t asked Daddy to screw her.

She stood up and leaned forward on the bed with her head and shoulders resting on it. Julia loved oral ahead of sex, so I nibbled and licked at her clitoris and fingered her G spot.

“That’s enough! Please, screw me.”

Julia was soaking, and her pussy was already in motion. We had memorable sex in the doggy position, and afterwards, cuddling in bed, she said, “Those girls you met abroad have done a job on you. It’s like having an iron bar inside me. Was there ever any spanking?”

“Yes, but it was unusual. Only one girl ever asked for it, and she was Overseas Chinese and it’s a kink in China. She had a little homemade leather cord whip in her bag and demanded I use it on her cute bottie. She complained I wasn’t doing it hard enough. This was surprising, so I said, ‘Where did you get the taste for a whipping, please?’”

“She said, ‘It was my mother who is a strict disciplinarian. I’m very wealthy and I’ve got a luxury apartment, but if I go home, she says if I have annoyed her, even though I’m twenty-five, she will still cane me, and she does. I’ve had three canings from her in the last two years, and does she do it hard? The marks last for a month, or maybe more.’”

“So, why do you put up with it?”

“It’s such a turn-on. After she has caned me, I get out my rabbit vibrator and have an incredible session with it. I once asked my mother, ‘Please cane me again,’ because I was so turned on! Of course, I didn’t tell her it turned me on, but she guessed.”

“What happened?”

“As I thought, mother went nuts, got out a thicker cane and beat the daylights out of me. ‘See if that turns you on,’ she said. The problem was that about half an hour later, it did.”

“What did you do about it?”

“I left my mother’s place, went to one of the best nightclubs and picked up a healthy-looking guy, took him back to my apartment and he screwed my stinging ass off me, once he got over the enormous cane marks on my bottom.”

Julia said, “Goodness me! You have seen a lot.”

“Yes, and this girl was seriously wealthy, a multimillionaire, and so kinky!”

“That was the only time. If I had known some of them longer, something kinky might have happened, but it was usually straight sex sometimes with oral, although I was very careful about whom I did that with.”

“Roger was no great shakes at sex. He was very conservative. You are more relaxed and very kinky. I love it when you help me wash my pussy and ass in the shower. He would never have done that, and even if I was fresh out of the shower, he would try to avoid giving me oral.”

“Would you like to explore what else we could do? Tonight has been a watershed. I never thought I would tell a partner in the UK what I got up to abroad, and I find your interest very refreshing.”

“Yes, for sure. Please, let me get my thoughts together because tonight has been such a leap in the dark! Ian, I love you so much and I’m not wasting my time with you!”

Things went from good to excellent when, about a week later, Julia said, “I’ve been talking with two of my more liberated lady friends of similar age to myself and let on I’m submissive, and have been over your knee. One of them said, ‘Is that all?’”

“So far, yes, and we did it in naughty daughter and strict daddy role play, hand spanking only.”

“My friend told me, as part of an Open University sociology course, she has to critique the content of children’s books in the UK from the end of WW2 up to the present date. What surprised her was the material written partly in fun and partly serious, about spanking in these books. She said it horrified her that these books contained such things and that there had been descriptions with illustrations of canings in boys’ schools.”

“This stopped during the nineteen eighties when enlightened attitudes prevailed over the strict attitudes so common after WW2. She said that she found the second-hand books on sale in charity shops. Would they sell them if they knew?”

“I have found and bought some of these books, and I want to explore all those feelings because reading the spanking stories has been such an erotic experience. This material enlightens me in ways I had not considered. There is a heavy element of fear in those about to be spanked, with overtones of punishment and enormous humiliation.”

“Didn’t you read that type of book as a child?”

“No, I must have missed them. I was more into fantasy stories and later, into science fiction, which some thought of as unusual in a girl.”

“Ian, please, can you dress up as a headteacher with a gown and mortarboard, and cane me as an adult schoolgirl dressed in her uniform? I’ve got a pleated skirt and a white blouse, so I would look the part. I feel so horny thinking about it. There are theatrical costumiers around, and you could ring them first. If they have the stuff, we buy it, if it’s not too expensive, or hire it for a few days. We will need to get some spanking canes, of course.”

“Certainly,” I said. “I’m all for it.”

My mental picture of a scared and embarrassed adult schoolgirl Julia standing there, twisting her fingers together while I lectured her, appealed to me.

I would order her to bend over a chair, skirt up, and then lower her knickers to receive six stinging strokes of my cane. I hoped she would burst into tears, and frantically rub her tortured bottom! My submissive Julia would accept this type of discipline and love the role-play! The sex afterwards would be beyond words.

I called the theatrical costumiers, and they said there was little demand for old-school headteacher gear, and they would sell me a set, and if it helped; they had a collection of school canes which they hardly ever hired out, and would I like to buy some? I asked for a description of what was available, length, width, type of cane if known etc.—and pictures. They obliged, and I bought the headteacher gear and half a dozen canes.

The canes were dry, and I soaked them in linseed oil for two weeks. Their weight increased by at least forty per cent as they soaked up the oil and became springy! It would stop them from snapping on impact and the added weight would increase their sting!

While we waited for the canes to ‘come back to life,’ Julia and I had regular sex on most nights, and she made trips over my knee at least twice a week, with a leather paddle now in use, as well as my hand. To get ready for her headteacher punishment session, Julia put on her pleated skirt, white blouse, ‘regulation bra’ and ‘school knickers.’ She bent over the chair, grasping the rung below the seat which tightened the skin of her bottom.

“Lower your knickers, you wicked girl.”

With her knickers lowered, I was naughty, and I licked her clitoris while fingering her.

“The headteacher would not do that,” Julia protested.

“So, would you like it before or after your thrashing, please?” I asked.

“Let me feel the fear, the pain, the embarrassment, and the humiliation, or the role-play won’t work. I enjoyed the role-play tonight because I know it’s only a rehearsal. When it is the real thing, we keep to the script. Please, don’t be upset if I burst into tears, because it will be part of it. Please, can you wait for an hour after the role-play scene before you comfort me, and we have sex, etc.”

“If I use any of those old school canes, it will be a hard caning and leave you sore and well marked. If we do it on Friday night, you have the weekend to recover before you have to sit on your thrashed bottom at work. Shall we do it next Friday?”

“Yes, please, I can’t wait.”

“Let’s get cleaned up and have fun. You can come over my knee, and I will leather your naughty bottom!”

That always worked. If it was a ‘fun’ session, it could start with oral on Julia, then a leather paddle and hand spanking, which always brought about orgasms, followed by good sex in doggy or missionary. This evening, I gave Julia excellent oral, rolling back the hood of her clitoris and getting the glans between my tongue and teeth. “Roger never did.”

I fingered her G spot. “Roger didn’t know about that, and when I told him, he practically ignored it.”

You show me a man who won’t eat pussy and I will show you a failed relationship.

Julia lay on her back. It was one of the rare occasions when she wanted it in the missionary position, and I entered her vagina not long after I had finished giving her oral attention. We had a lovely mutual orgasm, and I stayed hard within her for as long as I could.

“On Friday, shall we do it upstairs in the spare room? If I need to be alone for a while afterwards, I can come in here and be alone while the naughty little girl comes to terms with her thrashed bottom and her feelings. You can come in after an hour, but not dressed as the headteacher, but as normal. I expect I will feel desperate for sex, but maybe my feelings will be a little more complicated. We wait and see.” 

Friday came around and I came home from the office. Julia was there, dressed, ready for her thrashing. I went upstairs, changed into the headteacher's clothes and went to the spare bedroom.

“Miss Robinson. I am ready for you.”

Julia came in. I was holding a ‘medium’ cane, about ninety centimetres long and eight millimetres in diameter. The linseed oil had restored its springiness.

“Miss Robinson, Mrs Martin reported you to me for cheeking her, Miss Roberts reported you for talking in class after she ordered you to be silent and Miss Henry reported you to me for insolence. Do you have anything to say in your defence?”

“No, sir.”

“You understand these offences warrant eighteen strokes of the medium cane, but the regulations allow me to give you only six strokes at a time and once a week?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. Roll up your skirt, bend over the chair and lower your knickers. You will receive six hard strokes of the medium cane on your bare buttocks. You will keep still, you will not rub your bottom and you will thank me for your punishment with the rod of correction after the last stroke. If you rub your bottom, you will get two extra strokes. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” sniffing back a tear.

Julia bent over the chair.

“Push your bottom out to receive its thrashing, you naughty girl.”

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, sir.”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

A hard stroke crashed into the middle of the fat part of her rump. Julia hopped from toe-to-toe.

“Ouch, ow, sir, it’s so painful.”

“Good. It is teaching you a lesson.”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

"Please, sir, not so hard.” Tears dripped on the carpet.

“It’s having the desired effect. You won’t sit for a week after I’m through with you. I hope the cane delivers its message to what passes for your brain.”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

“Sir, please, it’s agonising.” Julia was squeezing her bottom cheeks together and kicking her legs up. I waited for her to quieten.

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

“Ow, ow, I’ve not known pain like it.”

“Only two more to go. You have done well not to rub.”

Julia hung her head and sobbed.

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

Deep red lines fringed with tram line marks blossomed across her bottom. I hoped and believed these would satisfy Julia’s craving for the experience. Stroke number six would be the five-barred gate stroke, angled to traverse the first five strokes and produce a memorable sting where it intersected them.

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

“Yeow, ow, ow.”

“Stay in position. I wish to inspect your thrashed bottom.”

I ran my fingers along the hard ridges rapidly forming from my cane strokes.

“Young lady, have I adequately thrashed you, or do you need a few more strokes?”

“Sir, I know I have been a bad girl. You said you needed to give me eighteen strokes. If you give me three more, it makes nine today. My second caning could be nine more strokes whenever it takes place, and that is the matter finished. Please give me three more, and give them quickly, please.”

“As you wish.”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK,’ Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK,’ Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’

Julia could not get her breath.

“I trust you have learned the first part of your lesson. You may get up and go.”

Julia rushed into our bedroom and howled and yelled as she rubbed hard at her flaming rump.

I took off my headteachers’ gear and got back into a pair of casual trousers and a striped shirt, went downstairs and made a coffee. Julia’s muffled sobs slowly subsided. Her reaction to her first hard caning would be very interesting.

I gave her about ninety minutes and went upstairs to our bedroom. Julia was lying on the bed, bottom up. She stared at me and said, “Naughty boy, If I didn’t know better, I would have believed you were trying to kill me.”

The marks on her bottom had turned purple and blue. It had been a ‘punishment’ caning, so I sat down beside her.

“Darling, are you OK? You were so brave.”

“Ian, I experienced the fear and the awful pain of the punishment, but I did not feel humiliated. You have seen my bare bottom so many times! Despite trying to put myself in the frame of mind of a naughty schoolgirl, the humiliation feeling escaped me.”

“How was the pain, if you can recall your father’s caning?”

“It was worse, I’m sure.”

“I must satisfy the humiliation aspect before too long, and I have a few ideas I need to work on. How does your thrashed bottom feel now?”

“I could not believe how much it hurt and thank you so much for it. The impact pain has gone, and it’s sore and sensitive, but I can sit on it if I’m careful. I feel so horny. I had an orgasm during those last three strokes and it lasted for ages. My pussy is soaking. About ten minutes after the caning, I needed a pee, and I had to sit on my very sore bum, still feeling the orgasm aftershocks. The pee came out of me in spurts in time with the orgasmic spasms, and it felt so erotic. Please, can you take care of me?”

“Shall we share a shower? When I caned you, I was so aroused, and I’m sure I have leaked.”

Julia was in obvious pain as she walked to the bathroom. I helped bathe her cane stripes with warm water and washed her ass for her. She washed her pussy. We did it like this to lessen the risk of any urethral infection because of bacterial transfer. I thoroughly washed my hands afterwards.

Back in bed, I said, “Darling, is the tunnel of love open for business, please?”

“It will be when you have unlocked it.”

Julia knelt on the bed, and I went down on her. The clitoris was larger and a deeper pink than normal. The caning must have left her in a medium-term state of high arousal, so I kissed and nibbled at her clitoris while I fingered her vagina. With my other hand, I explored her cane stripes, being careful not to put pressure on them. She squeaked a little if I did inadvertently press on one. They were hot and hard to the touch.

As soon as her vagina was in motion again, I entered her in doggy fashion in a highly aroused state because of her well-caned bottom. The grip of her pelvic floor muscles seemed to have increased, and I wondered if it was because of her caning. It was so lovely to have natural sex, and the sexually charged post-caning atmosphere was a huge stimulus. I had one of those earth-moving orgasms simultaneously with Julia. I stayed hard within her for as long as I was capable.

We collapsed onto the bed and clung to each other. Julia was still shaking with the fading orgasm.

“Ian, can you talk about your ideas to satisfy my urge to be humiliated, please?

 “Julia, how would you feel if strangers could watch me caning your bare bottom?”

She looked shocked!

“How would we do that?”

“That’s not what I was asking! Would you mind and would you feel humiliated?”

“Yes, I’m sure I would feel humiliated, but I wonder how could we do it legally?”

“I have found a ‘sex hotel’ in a certain European capital. It’s for couples only, over the age of twenty-one, and they are hetero and LGBTQ-friendly. The place tolerates group sex activities as long as those involved sign a statement that they agree to the stated activities and that nothing is to go on beyond those activities. Only those who have signed the statement can join the group activity, and there are ‘bouncers’ who can enforce things if they get out of hand.”

“They have a spa, a swimming pool, two dungeons and other large ‘play’ areas. The dungeons have a vaulting horse like they have in schools here. Sometimes, years ago, they would cane a schoolboy or schoolgirl (of age) over the horse. I could give you the cane you four or five days before we go there. You wear a bikini for your caning and I would administer it such that areas of skin beyond the bikini bottom would show part of the cane stripes.”

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“At the sex hotel, we would go for a swim with you in the bikini and other people at the hotel would see your marks. It would cause a stir. Eventually, a girl, probably, would want to talk to you about it. You could tell them I did it and could give a caning demonstration with you bent over the horse because you had been naughty and were due for another dose of the cane across your bare bottom.”

“Would the girl like to watch and perhaps bring someone or others with her? It would be ‘watch only’ and you would allow respectful questions and comments, but nothing else. No touching without permission and certainly no sexual contact. Both of us could offer to give caning instructions and if they agreed, to cane them, etc., but no other sexual contact.”

“Would that humiliate you in a safe, controlled way?”

“I’m close to having an orgasm just thinking about it. It’s such a kinky idea!”

“Ian, do you know when you could get time off to go there? A long weekend with some notice won’t be difficult for me to organise.”

“On Monday, I will check. I know there is a one-month site visit planned in three weeks, but coming up to it, I’m sure it would be the office for me and I’m due time off. Let’s see if we can make a two-night booking in two weeks, and what is possible if we have to cancel it?”

“Yes, let us look online right away. You should check the place out to be sure you feel happy about it.”

I found the hotel on my PC. Julia liked what she saw and shivered when she looked at the photos of the dungeon and the vaulting horse.

“I can imagine lying over it and you giving me a hard caning with a group of strangers watching. It would be scary, painful, erotic, and humiliating at the same time. I can feel their eyes staring at my twitching pussy and my ass in motion with a life of its own.”

“Before the caning, I would need to take a pee, and I saw a toilet and bidet off to one side. I could take a pee with them watching and then clean up on the bidet, which would be so humiliating, too.”

We booked for two nights, Friday and Saturday, with flights. I couldn’t see anything in luggage ‘rules and regulations’ which forbade the carriage of spanking canes, so I packed a few in my hold luggage. I packed them in thin plastic bags to reduce any escape of linseed oil and hopefully, stop the smell of it. It worked. It didn’t bother the airport sniffer dogs.

On arrival on Friday, Julia and I went for a swim. Julia sported a set of five-day-old cane marks well outside the confines of her bikini bottom. All those present noticed, but no one said anything. Deliberately, we left the place for a meal outside and came back later. We went to the bar at about nine-thirty pm for a few drinks. Two girls there, I guessed of similar age to Julia, and I thought I recognised them from the pool that late afternoon. I made an excuse and went to the restroom, taking my time. On my return, these two girls were having a chat with Julia, who introduced me as her partner.

Julia said, “My marked bottom here fascinated Ariel and Fran. I told them that’s what happens to naughty girls of a certain mindset.”

“Yes,” I said, “A girl with a sore bottom is a lucky girl.”

Fran asked, “Surely it hurts a lot?”

Julia replied, “Well, yes, but that brings a benefit afterwards. No pain, no gain! I’ve been naughty again and I’m due for a sore bottom at a convenient time. We might do it here. Ian has checked, and a dungeon is free at ten tomorrow morning for a couple of hours. We have booked it for a session. Would you like to join us?”

Ariel asked, “What would happen to us, please?”

“Nothing,” I replied, “Unless you want to experience something. We are not swingers, so we wouldn’t be involved in sexual contact with anyone else, but if it were a ‘spanking’ matter, that could be different.”

Julia said, “Ian is going to spank and cane me. Would you like to watch, please?”

Fran’s eyes were like saucers! “Oh, yes, please!”

Ariel smiled and nodded.

Julia carried on, “I’m submissive and may as well explain that I have a kink about being caned. We did it with Ian, dressed as an old-fashioned English head teacher. It provided me with the mental imagery I wanted, apart from humiliation. If you are there and see me naked over the vaulting horse, I will feel humiliated and it would be fantastic for me if you can come along.”

I nodded in agreement.

Fran said, “We are LGBTQ, and two more girls are arriving shortly. Would you mind if they attend, please?”

I replied, “It would be great if we could meet with them tonight and go over what we are about. It would avoid misunderstandings.

“Absolutely!” said Ariel. “I get the bit about humiliation.”

Fran nodded. These girls would not be a problem. So I ordered drinks for us and we chatted while we waited for their friends to arrive.

About thirty minutes went by and their two girlfriends arrived.

Fran said, “Please, can you hang around for a little while so the four of us can have a chat and put Melli and Gina in the picture? We can meet again once we have decided on who wants to do what if that’s ok with you. We understand the basic rules and can come to an agreement with them about what they would like to do, or not, tomorrow, but don’t worry, Fran and I are up for it!”

Julia beamed! “This is what I came for! Four of you watching would be even better than two!”

Julia and I waited. It wasn’t long before the six of us were around a larger table.

Gina said, “Julia, is it true, you were in the swimming pool with cane marks showing outside your bikini?”

“Yes, Fran and Ariel saw them!”

Gina and Melli were so surprised.

“Please, do you mind if Melli and I join you tomorrow?”

“No, that’s great, but do you have anything you would like to talk about?”

Fran said, “You are English and your nation is probably the most experienced in ‘spanking’ in Europe. We know you plan to cane Julia, but is it possible, please, that you could use her caning to instruct us on how to go about it? Some of us are submissive, and some are more dominant. If the dominant ones want to spank the subs, could you watch and give us hints on what we are doing, right or wrong?”

Julia said, “It will be so humiliating if Ian talks about what he is going to do next while I am lying naked over the vaulting horse and you are staring at me. I’m, you know, more than turned on by the image in my mind.”

I saw Fran grind the cheeks of her bottom together. Julia wasn’t alone!

“OK, good. The management has rules about groups using a bookable facility. I need to check our proposal with them to see how it complies because there could be something we need to sign. Please, hang on here while I do that.”

At the front desk, I told them what we had in mind.

“So Group A (Julia and I) don’t want sexual contact with Group B (Fran, etc.)?”

“That’s right, but there can be spanking, caning etc., between the two groups, but no exchange of bodily fluids or penetration.”

“You want to book Dungeon One for two hours, starting at ten in the morning?”

“Yes, please.”

The girl smiled and said, “I may look in to see how it’s going!”

“That’s naughty.”

“Not as naughty as what you guys have planned!”

The girl had prepared the form for us to sign, so I took it back to the group in the bar. It stated no sexual contact apart from spanking between the two groups, etc. There were two areas for signature for our two groups, and everyone signed. I took the signed form back to the front desk.

We had a last drink for the evening and agreed to meet at the Dungeon just before ten in the morning ready for action!

The sexy talk with these girls had turned on Julia, and she could not wait! We took a quick shower, and I went down on Julia. I thought she would want ‘normal sex’ after my oral attention, but no!

“Ian, I never felt so horny! Please, give me six strokes with the thin cane on my lower curves. When I have to sit on the loo and bidet in the dungeon tomorrow, I will feel so humiliated if I am wriggling about on a sore bottom in front of the other group. I am almost having an orgasm thinking about it. The thought of having a pee in front of them is bad enough!”

“What will you do when you put me over the vaulting horse, please?”

“I will part the cheeks of your bottom, and roll back the hood of your clitoris to let them see your state of arousal. This will include the appearance of your labia, which I have noticed, changes once the caning starts.”

“Oh, no, that’s so humiliating. Strangers looking at my parts!”

“Is that too much for you?”

“No, it’s fine. Your imagination is so good.”

“With the display of your initial arousal completed, I’m going to cane you, describing how I go about it using the thin cane. You might request a few ‘punishment’ strokes with the medium cane, but that’s up to you.”

“Julia, how would it be if I asked you to cane me in return?”

“Ian, I have fantasised about doing that to you. I’m not simply ‘submissive,’ and I think I am a ‘switch,’ but on the submissive side of it. Do you want me to cane you in front of the group?”

“Yes, why not? I wonder what the other group would think of it?”

“We can wait and see! Please, six strokes on my bottom, I’m dying for it.”

Julia got up on her knees on the bed with her head and shoulders down. I tapped her right hand lower curve with the cane just above the buttock to thigh crease. This area is very sensitive, and it’s impossible to avoid sitting on it, which makes it an excellent place to apply a cane stroke if the intention is for the recipient to remember it! With care, the spanker delivers the cane stroke to one cheek at a time, which increases the sensation!

“Would you like them slow or fast?”

“Ian, I’m so horny. Please, give them fast, and then screw my stinging ass doggy-style. I can yell in here, because it’s acceptable, and the rooms are well sound-proofed.”

“OK. Here they come.”

I cracked home six moderate stingers to her lower curves, with three on each side.

Julia yelled out loud as I delivered six light strokes in less than a minute. It must have been an enormous shock to her system, even if they were light strokes! She needed to be in good shape for the following day.

“Stand on the floor, bent forward.”

I was stiff as a caber and thrust into her.

“Steady, you are banging on my cervix.”


I willed myself to pump blood into my penis to increase its size. If it worked, I could not be certain, but Julia was in seventh heaven. She had an enormous orgasm and squirted!

“Rub my cane marks, you bad boy! Please, try to stay hard!”

Her vagina was in spasm. I wasn’t quite at my best after a few drinks, but the atmosphere and Julia’s sensuality were an incredible aphrodisiac. After the squirting, we needed to take a shower and eventually, we both calmed and decoupled.

As soon as I finished helping her clean up in the shower, we went to bed. Julia was insatiable that evening. She lay there, legs apart, and looked at me, not needing to say a word. I went down on her, and she said, “That will be it for tonight. It’s been the best session we have ever had. Perhaps it’s thanks to my fantasising about what will happen tomorrow.

We awoke in good time the next morning. Julia said she would hang on without a pee until we were in the dungeon! The staff unlocked the dungeon a few minutes before ten in the morning. We were keen to get on with it and went in. Julia stripped off naked and sat on the loo. The girls had noticed the new cane marks on her bottom and looked amazed!

Naughty Julia said, “I’ve been keeping this to give you a good show!”

She opened her legs, and the pee poured out of her like the fire brigade practising!

“I needed that. Next, I will clean up using the bidet. Watch how my weight on the rim of the bidet will compress last night’s cane marks. It’s painful, but it makes me so horny.”

Julia matched her words with action. She washed her vagina and perineum, and I washed her bottom and ass-hole, taking care to wash my hands thoroughly afterwards. The girls looked on, amazed!

It was time for the main event. Julia draped herself over the vaulting horse without being asked to do so. I opened her legs and moved the cheeks of her bottom apart to reveal her vulva. I rolled back the hood of her clitoris, which was showing signs of arousal, as were her vaginal inner lips and labia!

“Come and see what Julia’s parts look like before I start the caning. After a few strokes, we can look again.”

One by one, they looked at her exposed genitalia. Julia didn’t make a sound, hanging her head and awaiting the cane stings across her cute bottie!

“I’m going to give the caning with a thin cane. I’m doing it to stimulate Julia, not to punish her, and to show you how to do it. Notice where I placed last night’s strokes on her lower curves. It’s the most sensitive area of the outer parts of the buttocks and you can’t avoid sitting on it, so for increased horniness in the days after a caning, it’s the best area to cane, as long as the recipient can stand it.”

I touched the lower right curve with the cane to illustrate the point.

“The fat part of the bottom is the best place for a ‘disciplinary’ caning, as the fat protects the nerves beneath it. If the recipient is to receive discipline, this is where I do it and with a thicker cane.”

I touched the ‘fat part’ of Julia’s bottom with the cane.

“Always have the consensual agreement of the recipient before you do anything, please, in both the stimulation and disciplinary scenarios. Julia, do you agree to receive up to twelve stimulation cane strokes from me, mainly across your lower curves, please?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Very well. Are you ready?”


“Tapping the cane on her bottom helps me aim. Watch my wrist action.”

The cane flicked backwards and then swung forward to hit her lower right-hand curve with a light ‘crack,’ using my wrist throughout. My forearm had hardly moved. Julia let out a yelp and wriggled about, but did not rub her bottom.

The others stood there, everyone naked, jaws dropped in surprise. Fran was squeezing her thighs together, not caring that anybody noticed. That’s my girl, I thought.

I gave Julia six cane strokes, moving slowly upwards from her crease. They were all light to moderate strokes and would not have caused her agonising pain. I waited for her to calm herself after the last stroke and separated the cheeks of her bottom. Her vagina was soaking and rolling back the hood of her erect clitoris. It was pulsing and a deeper shade of pink.

“Come and have a look at how caning can turn on some of you girls.”

They inspected her parts, and I noticed some of them surreptitiously rubbing themselves.

Julia unexpectedly said, “Ian, you have had your fun. Would any of the girls like to give me a few cane strokes, please?”

Fran was first off the blocks and she said, “Will it be OK, please?”

“Yes, but there’s one rule. Don’t give it if you can’t take it.”

Julia had never said that before, but I agreed with the sentiment!

Fran took the thin cane from me. She must have been watching carefully, because she lined up in the middle of Julia’s bottom, tapped it with the cane and cracked home a moderate stroke. Julia yelped, as usual. Her bottom was becoming very marked! Her second stroke was a little harder and Julia yelled!

“Fran, that’s naughty!” I said.

“Please let me give her one more. I’m happy to take double that number in return!”

“Julia, are you OK, my love?”

“Yes, please, let Fran give me one more. I will flay the little minx alive!”

Goodness me! What had got into Julia?

Fran’s third stroke cracked home. Julia yelled again!

Julia asked, “Who is next?”

Gina said, “Please, can I give you a few strokes?”

“Sure, but please, no harder than Fran. You know the rule. Don’t give it if you can’t take it!”

Poor Gina looked a little concerned. Had her cute bottom ever felt the kiss of the cane?

Gina took the cane from Fran, lined up on Julia’s bottom and cracked home what I thought was quite a hard stroke.

“Ow, ouch! You wicked girl! Wait until it’s your turn!”

Gina didn’t seem bothered by this, and I wondered why.

Her second stroke cracked across Julia’s bottom. It wasn’t as hard, but it wasn’t a light stroke either.

“Ow, ow.”

Had the devil got into Gina? She gave Julia her third stroke, and it was almost as hard as any I had given her in the past!

It was time for a second inspection of how a caning had affected Julia. I parted her bottom cheeks again and I could see her clitoris enjoying an enormous orgasm and I could see her vagina dripping.

After the group finished inspecting her genitalia, Julia got off the horse.

“Fran, it’s your turn. If I give you three strokes, would you like Ariel to give you the second set of three?”

“OK, then I will give Ariel six strokes, so in terms of numbers received, we will be equal.”

Fran draped herself over the horse. Julia took the thin cane and tapped Fran on the lower right curve of her bottom.


“Yes, replied Fran.

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’ Julia gave her a moderate stroke.

Fran jerked and wriggled about, but did not rub her bottom. “Ow, ow, it hurts worse than I thought.”

“Wait until about fifteen minutes after the caning and see how you feel!” I said.

“Ariel, I hope you are watching carefully!”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’ Fran received her second stroke, this time on the lower left curve with a similar reaction.

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’ Julia gave her a slightly harder stroke on her lower right curve. “Ow, ow, ow. It stung a lot.”

Julia said, “You have made the acquaintance of the yellow uncle (the cane). Now it’s Ariel’s turn!”

She handed the cane to Ariel, whose glistening vulva was in an aroused state.

Ariel said, “You have taken two strokes on the right and one on the left, so I will start on the left and balance the strokes left and right.”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’ It was a surprisingly hard stroke for what I assumed was the first time Ariel had used the cane.

“Ow, ow, you bad girl. When it’s your turn, I will cut you in half.”

“Not until you have kissed my pussy!”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’ A more moderate stroke on her right lower curve.

“Ouch, ow.”

Tap-tap, whistle, ‘CRACK.’ The last stroke on her lower left curve.

Fran got off the horse and lay on a bed.

“Ariel, go down on me at once.”

Ariel did as she was told. I had never seen two girls at it before and the group watched in somewhere between an amused and aroused state. It made me feel so horny!

I got Julia’s attention and said, “Should we divert them by you giving me six strokes with the medium cane?”

“Yes, get on the horse and I will give you six disciplinary strokes.”

Once over the horse, Julia said, “Would anyone like to watch me discipline the naughty Ian, please?”

Gina and Melli were watching, because Fran and Ariel were ‘busy.’ I was bare-ass over the horse. Julia tapped my bottom with the medium cane and,

Tap-tap, loud whistle, ‘CRACK.’ An agonising line of fire blazed across my naked bottom. It was so painful!

The pain was so bad that I yelled out loud! Gina and Melli were watching in amazement, and Melli said, “No, I can’t take a caning as hard as that!”

Tap-tap, loud whistle, ‘CRACK.’ It carried on like this until Julia had given me a seriously hard six of the best. After the last stroke of the six, I was in awful pain and my bottom was twitching with a life of its own. After about ten minutes, the worst of the impact pain had stopped, but a powerful stinging sensation remained. The marks had formed, hard hot ridges and the afterglow helped me grow an enormous erection.

Julia lay on what was a flogging bench and we made energetic love. Her vagina was in spasm, I suspected because it had turned her on when she caned me..

Gina was over the horse, and Melli was caning her with the thin cane. Gina was very vocal as she received the strokes!

Melli said, “Ian is watching us!”

Gina replied, “Ian, please, give me three hard discipline strokes with the medium cane.”

I looked at Julia, who nodded in agreement.

I gave poor Gina three hard stingers across the fat part of her bottom! She howled and screamed and was in floods of tears at the end. Serve her right for caning Julia too hard!

It was time for us to leave the other group to carry on as they wished, so Julia and I put on our bathrobes and headed back to our room. “Please be out by noon,” I reminded them.

In our room, we soothed each other’s well-thrashed bottoms with Aloe Vera cream.

“How humiliated did you feel?” I asked Julia,

“When you parted my bottom cheeks, and they stared at my clitoris and vulva, it was so humiliating. No one apart from you has ever done that. They were strangers! I felt humiliated, and it wasn’t much better when I was being caned. I felt like a naughty girl getting her deserved punishment in public. The feeling thrilled me and I was having minor orgasms as I received the cane strokes, although I was in a lot of pain. The sets of strokes today ‘woke up’ the older ones, and I felt on fire. As usual, no pain, no gain!”

Julia was as insatiable as ever and demanded I go down on her again. I believe she was in a highly orgasmic state for at least three hours that morning and early afternoon.

The activity was tiring, and we had a sleep for three hours and went out for a walk around the neighbourhood in the late afternoon. We went for a swim in the early evening and two of the girls, Melli and Fran, were there. Cane marks outside the limits of their bikini bottoms were plain for all to see, and the four of us got a lot of curious looks.

We sat at a table in the cafe area by the pool and talked.

“What did you think of the experience?” asked Julia.

Melli replied, “It’s a pity it is so painful, but the erotic feelings afterwards are marvellous. You were so right about how erotic it is to sit on the bidet with a caned bottom!”

Fran nodded in agreement, and said, “About an hour after we left the dungeon, back in our room, we felt so horny. The four of us booked a suite with two bedrooms, and we didn’t shut the doors. We took turns playing with each other, and more hand-spanking went on. I have never had so many orgasms, and I’m getting used to having a sore bottom. Your allowing us to watch you pee was something none of us had done, and we understand how erotic it can be!”

“How are Gina and Ariel?” I asked.

Melli said, “After you left, I gave Ariel a caning, and it turned her on so much. She asked for a few hard strokes with the medium cane and the two were ‘comforting’ each other when we left them! If they carry on like that, they will be sore inside and out!”

We dried, changed and went out for a meal.  Later that evening, the six of us were in the bar. Everyone agreed we had shown each other areas of sexuality we either didn’t know about or had been too embarrassed to reveal to partners! It was a memorable finish to our weekend!

Written by Essebar
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