When she woke the following morning, her first reminder of the prior evening’s activities was a tenderness between her legs. She smiled at the memory of both the most talented tongue and the largest cock she’d ever felt. Still in bed, her hand slipped below the sheets and gently teased her dampening pussy to life.
As the warmth and wetness grew, she recalled the feeling of sitting on Jamie’s face. She’d liked her semi-dominant position and how she used his nose, mouth, and tongue as a scratching post for her playful pussy. Her fingers in her slit now, her hips moved as though repeating those motions, grinding his somewhat large nose between her lips, covering his mouth with her swollen snatch, and feeling his tongue deeper inside than she’d expected. First one, then two fingers darting into her flooded cave helped relive the moment, but hooking her fingers up reached that place he couldn’t with his tongue.
Breathing heavily, with soft sighs, she knew she would come soon, but the thought that suddenly accelerated its arrival was something she hadn’t done last night: take his pants down and spank him. She was almost certain he would have let her, even begged her for it, had she offered. The imagined sound of her hand smacking his bare cheeks pushed her over the edge, her hips bucking in time to the spasms she felt in her core.
Lying back comfortably, with the sheets pulled up again, she recalled all the clues he gave to his submissive side. They didn’t tell her just how submissive he was, but she hoped he didn’t expect her to abuse him in the ways she’d read about in BDSM stories. She imagined him being naughty at times, most likely intentionally, prompting the need for him to be punished. Naturally, that would involve a good spanking over her knee, but she wasn’t sure how far she’d be willing to go beyond that.
That it would likely escalate from there occurred to her, but she hoped there’d be an opportunity for her naughtiness to be ‘rewarded’ similarly. Though those chances seemed slim to her, with the subject of spanking in the open, revealing her desires wouldn’t seem as strange as it might with someone else.
As her thoughts coalesced, she became confident that she’d soon have him over her knee. She smiled at the idea that Mark’s pickup line had seemingly worked and hoped she could tell her mother about it at some point.
Jamie’s thoughts ran along similar lines as he’d awoken, though he had a lot of schoolwork to do and had risen early to get a jump on it. He was not as confident as to the outcome, as she had only offered the one suggestive line and been a little more forceful in their lovemaking than others, but he still had high hopes of finally getting what he’d only dreamed about for so long.
He took a break around ten o’clock, hoping it wasn’t too early to call Chloe. He wanted to see her again before the momentum he imagined had developed ebbed. He felt suggesting another evening activity would be too obvious or presumptuous and decided to offer the kayaking again.
“Good morning, Jamie!” she said in a voice that immediately put him at ease. It said, to him at least, that she’d enjoyed last night and was happy to hear his voice again this morning.
“I hope I’m not calling too early,” he said in a voice she took as meek.
“Not at all! I slept a little longer than I should have, but I need to get going on some homework this morning.”
“Yeah, me too. I should have mine done today. How about you?”
“Probably … if I can stay focused,” she added, not admitting that he was the reason she might not be able to.
“I wonder if you’d reconsider kayaking? Early Sunday morning should be peaceful and calm on the lake.”
“That sounds great. You’ll pick me up?” she said, almost giggling at the thought of paddling a kayak.
They agreed on a time and left the call to return to their work. Both struggled with keeping their mind on the schoolwork and off what they hoped for the following day. As a result, they both just barely finished before evening.
Chloe’s alarm woke her from a deep sleep, and a dream was again lost to her memory, but her vague recollection was of something intensely sexy. She put the thought away as she got up and started putting herself together for her outing with Jamie.
She dressed for a physical activity, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be suggestive. While she planned to move the day’s activities towards returning to her apartment for the spanking she would ensure Jamie had somehow earned, that didn’t mean she couldn’t start planting the seeds for her own need for a sore bottom. Short and very tight athletic shorts, with cute little polka-dot panties underneath, should present her assets in the best light.
As agreed, she put together a cooler with sandwiches, drinks, and snacks, as well as a blanket for their picnic. Ready to go, she sat with a cup of tea and waited for Jamie, who was, as usual, late. She commented on it in a somewhat less-than-friendly way as he got out of his car.
They kissed affectionately and set off for the lake. Having done this before, he knew where to go to rent the kayaks, and before long, they were splashing along the shore, taking in what the quiet early morning and nature had to offer.
“This is fresh water, so alligators are a possibility,” he warned at some point. Being from Gainesville, he was most familiar with freshwater activities, while Chloe, living so close to the Gulf, didn’t generally go in fresh water.
“Oh. Yeah. I guess we’ll have to watch out for them. And don’t tell me they’re more afraid of us than we are of them!” she said only half-jokingly. He just laughed.
“So you like paddling?” she asked and smiled when he looked very suddenly at her.
“What!?” he asked, a mixture of concern and confusion on his face.
“You know, paddling!” she said, splashing her paddle in the water, pleased that she’d caught him taking the other meaning as she hoped.
“Oh! Yeah, well, I come out here a few times a year,” he answered, trying to cover his reaction.
They had a great morning in the still water, seeing blue herons, sandhill cranes, and even a bald eagle, but thankfully no alligators. They found a sandy shore with a giant laurel oak providing shade and a perfect picnic spot. They beached their kayaks, spread the blanket, and lay together enjoying the cooler but still warm Florida day.
Chloe opened her cooler and offered him a sandwich and some chips while Jamie brought red wine with two plastic wine glasses. He poured them half a glass, and they toasted the afternoon to come, enjoying their picnic and each other’s company with exploring hands and a lot of kissing. Then Jamie spilled some wine on Chloe’s white shirt.
“Jamie!” she cried in feigned frustration and grabbed for a napkin to soak up the worst of it, but a red stain remained across her chest.
“I’m sorry!” he offered feebly.
“You really need a spanking!” she said for real this time. “You’re always late, you splashed water on me on the lake, and now this!” Like a deer caught in the headlights, he just stood there, not sure if she meant it, sincerely hoped she did, but didn’t know how to react. “Well? Are you gonna say something?” she demanded, thinking, ‘This is it. I’ve got him.’
“I um … I’m sorry,” he repeated, but seeing her stern look, added, “Are you, um, really gonna spank me?”
“Don’t you think you deserve it?”
“Oh, um, well, I guess so?” he said as a question, but wanted to answer with a resounding ‘Yes!’
“Yes! You do!” she said for him as she knelt on a dry portion of the blanket. “Come here!” she ordered, pointing to her right side.
He couldn’t believe it was finally happening. He moved slowly to comply but wanted to throw himself across her lap with his pants down.
“Take your pants down!” she ordered, motioning with her hand, and he slowly pulled the elastic waist shorts down to his knees. “Now get over my knee,” she added, seeing his boxers with a growing bulge staring at her.
She sat down with her legs stretched out and waited while he clumsily placed himself in position. She pulled him to her with her left hand while her right rested on his perfect butt. More excited than she’d expected, she could feel her own arousal growing and couldn’t wait to start, but she didn’t want to rush it.
“Now, why are you getting spanked?” she asked authoritatively.
“Um, because I spilled wine on your blouse?” he said as a question, still unsure of himself.
“That’s right, you need …” she started but was interrupted.
“And I’m always late,” he added, wanting to be sure his bottom would pay the full price.
“Well, we’ll leave that punishment for later,” she said, and he turned to smile at her. He hadn’t even gotten one spanking yet and was already looking forward to another.
Another first for them both, she wasn’t entirely sure how to proceed as the spanker rather than the spankee. She started by rubbing his bottom as he lifted his hips, offering himself to her. Her hands circled both cheeks with particular attention to the cleft between as fingertips traced through the crease she made in his shorts.
“Right, here we go,” she said with a few taps on each cheek and then a resounding smack on his far cheek, followed by another nearer.
“Oh God!” he gasped more in pleasure than pain.
Chloe didn’t know what he’d like, so she spanked him the way she liked to get spanked, which began with a bit of a warm-up, alternating cheeks with gradually more forceful spanks. Unsure of what her own reaction would be, she was pleasantly surprised that she liked it. The feeling of his body laying in this passive position, ready to take whatever she dished out, as well as the physical sensation of her hand on his firm cheeks and how they jiggled a little, was more than a little exciting.
His aural reaction, so far just soft ‘ohs’ and ‘ows,’ especially to those on the lower cheeks, was arousing, assuming he wanted it badly, and that was a feeling she could identify with. She didn’t ask, choosing to surprise him when she pulled his boxers down, his approval evident as he raised his hips to let them pass. She spanked the very top of his round cheeks to demonstrate the difference with a bare bottom.
Jamie didn’t know what he’d like either, so he liked everything. His naughty boy position, his exposed bottom, and especially her hand spanking him continuously. It was so much better than he imagined; the occasional tears he shed were those of joy, not pain.
Switching to a series of spanks in the same place before moving created a different reaction from him. The pain built progressively, deliciously, and the longer, the better. He squirmed a bit more and groaned as the final few fell while she enjoyed the color change in that spot. It had to be over a hundred when she finally stopped.
“Ten more! Hard ones! On each cheek! Ready?” The look on his face, that of total acceptance and gratitude, made her all the surer for what she had planned later, though she may modify it a bit.
“Yes, Chloe!” he said with a little boy’s smile.
Delivering the hardest yet, all on one cheek at a time, she saw him pull away for the first time, and she knew her timing was right. You don’t stop until you’re past the point where you’re not sure you can take any more. With no delay whatsoever, she switched to the other side and couldn’t resist going to a full dozen before she stopped and watched his body deflate, fully relaxed across her lap, gasping for air.
“You can get up, Jamie,” she said, rubbing his warm cheeks until his hands replaced hers. The pain was real, but he rubbed because the remaining sting felt so good and wished it weren’t over.
Chloe loved how his eyes lit up when she said she would spank him again for always being late when they returned to her apartment. She remembered a similar time when her only prior spanking partner, the asshole Bob, split her spanking into two sessions. She was disappointed when the first ended prematurely and thrilled when she found out more was coming later.
“You need to thank me for spanking your naughty bottom!” she said, remembering what little her mom told her about the first time she’d spanked Mark.
“Thank you, Chloe! I … “ he started.
“Not with your words. With your tongue,” she said as she lay back with her legs spread.
“Mmm, I’d love to!” he said while thinking, ‘Oh my God, could this get any better?’
He pulled her shorts and panties off in one go and dove in, determined to make it the best yet. Holding on as long as she could, Chloe finally had two eruptive orgasms in close succession before she stopped him, insisting that he needed to come as well, the great big stump of a dick having lasted from the moment he found out he would get his first real spanking. Chloe returned the oral favors as he lay on the blanket, his cannon shooting far enough to avoid the blanket entirely.

When they started packing up to leave, his motions showed he was clearly in a hurry, and she smiled, knowing that not only had this impromptu spanking gone well but that the next would likely be even better. She stepped up her efforts to hasten their retreat as well.
The trip back to the dock was uneventful, nature no longer of any interest. Chloe enjoyed watching him squirming in his seat, trying to either enhance or avoid the sting in his bottom. She made another joke about ‘paddling,’ suggesting that their kayak paddles could be put to another use. This time, he just looked back at her, smiling as though to say, ‘Bring it on!’
They hardly spoke a word on the short drive back, the air heavy with the threat of what would happen when they arrived. Neither felt the need for casual conversation, just to fill the time.
Chloe was very pleased with her actions so far, but her original plan called for him to get his first spanking here at her apartment. She needed to modify that plan and worked out the details on the way. They arrived at her apartment and carried her things inside together.
“I’ll leave you to put these things away while I go and get cleaned up,” she started, pulling at the wine stain on her shirt. “I want everything ready when I come out, understand?” He just nodded. “I want the chair in place and you standing beside it … naked and ready. Okay?”
“Yes, Chloe,” he answered, biting his lip nervously.
“Oh, and my hairbrush is on my dresser,” she said, smiling at his reaction before she turned to go. She quickly grabbed clean underwear from her bedroom before heading to the bathroom.
Both nervous and excited, Jamie emptied the cooler and put things where he thought they should go. Glancing over at her dinette set, he picked up a chair and placed it between the kitchen/dining area and the living room. He was about to start removing his clothes when he remembered the brush. Walking down the short hallway, he heard her moving in the bathroom, knew her bedroom was empty and quickly grabbed the brush, hastening back to the chair, where he undressed.
Having peeked through the bathroom door, she knew he was ready and walked out slowly, resisting the temptation to smile at his reaction to her appearance.
‘Oh my God!’ he thought as she walked toward him in nothing but a matched set of black, lacy bra and boy-short panties. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail added to the stern look on her face. Little did he know that she was just as nervous as he was. He stepped back when she came to stand before him, her face just inches from his.
“You’re getting another spanking, Jamie.”
“Yes, Chloe.”
“What are you getting spanked for this time?”
“Um, for being late?” he said almost as a question.
“For always being late, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Chloe.”
“So this should be a considerably more severe spanking than the one you got earlier, shouldn’t it?”
“Oh! Um, yes, Chloe,” he stammered, his eyes shooting wide open when she grabbed his erect cock and held it tightly.
“What’s this?” she demanded. “Are you going to enjoy getting spanked, Jamie?”
“Oh yes … I mean, NO! No, Chloe,” he goofed, and she couldn’t help smiling.
“Well, if you do, my hairbrush will ensure this remains the punishment it’s meant to be. Okay. Come!” she said as she moved the brush to the floor and sat in the chair, pulling on his cock to drag him down onto her lap. As he surrendered his position, she made sure she could feel his stiff shaft between her thighs.
Again, he found this fantastic afternoon unbelievable as he lay ready to be spanked for the second time today. Her hands caressing and squeezing his relaxed cheeks had him realizing he didn’t feel much of a sting any longer, but Chloe proved that observation wrong when she gave him one good, hard smack on each cheek, reviving the sensation of pain.
Following the pattern from earlier, she fell into a rhythm of increasingly hard spanks until his body language showed he was feeling some pain, however much he wanted it.
“You’re just a naughty little boy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Chloe!” he replied with some effort.
“And naughty little boys need to be spanked, don’t they?”
“Ye … yes, Chloe!”
“Where do naughty boys get spanked, Jamie?” she asked, realizing her mom was right about the scolding adding to the atmosphere of the spanking.
“On their … on their bare bottoms! Ow!” he said, struggling.
“No! A little boy gets spanked on his hiney! Doesn’t he?”
“Ye, yes … yes, Chloe!”
“Where do they get spanked, Jamie?”
“On my hiney! On my bare hiney, Chloe!” he cried, fully believing that Chloe had done this many times before.
Writhing on her lap, he was beginning to struggle with the pain, though he wouldn’t dream of asking her to stop. He tried to rationalize how he felt. It really hurt, but for some reason, he wanted more. He hadn’t expected it to hurt quite so much but was very glad it did.
“You want to have your hiney spanked, don’t you?” she asked, starting to turn towards it being a sexy activity, and building to a crescendo, she suddenly stopped. Seeing his visible relief, she realized they may be close to the end.
“I asked you a question! Do you want to have your hiney spanked?”
“Yes. Yes, Chloe,” he said almost in a whisper, clearly appreciating the reprieve.
“Tell me! Ask me to spank you!” taking another play from Bob’s playbook.
“Please spank me?” he said a little louder.
“Louder! And make it a complete, detailed request!”
“Please, Chloe,” he started, gathering his thoughts. “Please give me a good, hard spanking on my bare bot … on my bare hiney!” he finished, correcting himself.
“Good BOY!” she replied, emphasizing the word with a flurry of hard spanks on one spot of his right cheek.
“Ow-ow-ow-owww!” he yelled in response.
At least ten hard smacks landed before she stopped and immediately scraped her fingernails across the deeply red spot, smiling as his body arched dramatically in reaction.
“Oh my … oh my God!” he cried at the delicious over-stimulation.
She repeated the process with a couple more spanks on the left side, pleased at the reaction her mother had told her to expect. Gasping for breath again, he couldn’t take any more but wanted it just the same. Twice more, she provided her exquisite torture, getting a more violent reaction each time.
“You do like getting spanked, don’t you?”
“Oh God, yes, Chloe! Spank me! Please?” he begged and got his wish as she delivered a few dozen random spanks all over his very red bottom until he was again trying to avoid her hand.
“You’ve been a very good boy during your spanking, Jamie. Just the hairbrush now, okay?” she asked but didn’t wait for an answer, adding, “Ten! On each side. Ready?”
Thinking he probably couldn’t take ten on one side at a time, she alternated cheeks with brisk swats of the wooden brush.
“Oh! Fuck!” he cried at the very different sensation of the painful brush, trying to tuck his cheeks in to avoid the onslaught.
“Now, now! Language, Jamie! Ten more!” She kept up the pace with Jamie, crying out with each impact until she finished, and dropped the brush on the floor before him, telling him it was over.
The brush had changed the sting to a powerful burn, and while it hurt far more than he’d expected, he already knew he’d want to do it all over again. It was so much more than he’d envisioned, but he wouldn’t trade any of it for more lenient treatment.
It was only after all these thoughts occurred to him that he realized Chloe was gently caressing his flaming bottom and other sensitive spots she hadn’t spanked. He moaned his appreciation, squirming on her lap while his punished bottom sang with both pain and pleasure.
She helped him up and smiled as he knelt next to her. Stroking his cheek, she kissed him tenderly at first but then passionately as he let her do whatever she wanted.
“You really liked it, didn’t you?” she asked with a smile.
“Oh, Chloe! You have no idea!” he said, and she smiled at the thought that, yes, she had a very good idea of what it was like.
“I want you to go to the bedroom and lie in the middle of the bed with your arms at your side. I’ll be there shortly so you can thank me.” He kissed her gently and got up to do what he was told.
Chloe got up as well and watched him walk away. With her hand in her crotch, she concluded she’d never gotten this wet without being touched. Glancing at the chair, she saw a wet area where her pussy had literally dripped, the juice being smeared by her panties as she had squirmed while spanking Jamie.
She moaned as a finger slipped within the gusset of her drenched underwear, gliding once through her seething slit before she pulled it out. Deciding on a pleasant surprise for Jamie this time, she took her bra and panties off and walked into the room completely naked.
“Chloe! You are so beautiful!” he cried when she entered, lifting his head off the bed.
“Thank you, Jamie. I’d like to sit on your face again if that’s okay?” she asked as she climbed onto the bed.
“Yes, please!” he said emphatically. “Will you ride me again, too?”
Leaning down, she kissed him tenderly. She was done being in charge, but she was sure he’d love to repeat what they’d done a few nights ago.
“Uh-uh-uh! No hands,” she scolded kindly when he reached for her tits and then placed one and then the other nipple to his mouth to be licked and suckled. Sitting up, she scooted forward on her knees until her pussy and his mouth aligned and let out a long groaning ‘Ohhhhh’ when he sucked her lips in.
Jamie was in heaven. He had a sore, stinging bottom to remind him of his first real spanking and Chloe’s perfect pussy in his mouth. This was the highlight of the evening, even anticipating coming in Chloe’s cunt.
She had her pussy in his mouth for no more than a minute or two when the first shuddering orgasm struck, bending her at the waist to support herself on his chest. Expecting it this time, she was not surprised that he continued his tongue torture unabated, but another quick climax wasn’t expected. Regaining bodily control, she put her hands on each side of his head and pulled his face into her seething crotch, making him fuck her with his outstretched tongue. It took a little longer this time, but this orgasm had her body shaking in time with her gasping breath. She tried to hold back, but she was powerless to resist each time coming upon her so suddenly. The fourth time was no different, except for her falling to her side, crying, “No more!”
Jamie rolled to his side to hold her, and she grabbed the arms around her, pulling him in tighter. With only gentle caresses and soft kisses, he comforted her as her heart stopped racing and her body settled.
“Jesus, Jamie. How do you do that?” she asked as she turned to face him, kissing his face lovingly. “Are you sure you want me to ride you? I mean, doesn’t your bottom hurt?”
“Yes, it does, and I love it!”
She kissed him again with a sweet smile and climbed back on for the final ride of the evening. As before, she inched his enormous girth into her well-lubed pussy, getting to that comfortable position a little quicker this time.
Rising and falling slowly at first, she increased the pace very gradually. Nowhere near as frantic as last time, she could appreciate the extraordinary fullness his penetration created. Rocking her hips, she could feel him even more as she pulled away at an angle. As the pace quickened, they gasped and grunted together again as their mutual peak approached. Their hips crashing together with each thrust, they summited the peak in unison as she felt the pulsing in his giant cock filling her with warm jets of semen.
Sweaty and tired, they collapsed on the bed and eventually calmed from their best climax yet. Chloe turned to face Jamie, but they said little and touched each other for comfort, not arousal. Basking in the afterglow, they recalled individually what an extraordinary afternoon they’d had, wondering where these actions would take them next.
Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, Jamie groaned and complained that he really didn’t want to leave, but he still had some work to do before classes tomorrow. Chloe felt similarly, and though she’d finished her work, she had an early class for a challenging subject. They reluctantly got up and got dressed.
As they approached the door, she remembered something Bob had done to her that she liked. They kissed at the door, but as Jamie turned to leave, she stopped him.
“Jamie, come here,” she started, then added, “Bend over!” He looked at her with a puzzled smile but did as she asked. Holding him around the waist, she yanked his shorts and boxers down, spanked him good and hard twenty or thirty times, and then pulled his pants back up.
“That’s for the ride home,” she said, kissing his smiling face.
He turned and walked toward his car, rubbing his bottom all the way, making sure she saw his grimace as he sat on his freshly sore bottom and started his car.
So Chloe gets a taste of spanking again, but as Jamie's punisher, rather than having her own bottom reddened. I hope you liked this unusual start to this new relationship. Please 'Like' and/or 'Favorite it if you did! Thanks for reading!!