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How Fascinating - Part 5

"Day four of Marie's stay in her rented cottage and barmaid Tammy joins Marie, Lee and Colin for caning and sex fun."

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Marie Quinn enjoyed her drive around the picturesque villages in the hills near her rented cottage. She had great memories of the area from earlier in her forty-seven years on the planet.

She had a meal in a pub in one of the villages; she did not want to be eating heavily later in the day because the evening and night promised to be energetic.

This was the fourth day of a week that Marie had rented the cottage, and on this day, she was so far doing much as she had planned before her holiday.

The reason that she had not already done too much of what she had originally envisaged was that on her first evening in the village, she met Colin and Lee Purvis.

They were a very pleasant couple, both aged sixty-six, and, as it happened, lived in the cottage right next door to Marie's rented one.

Discussions with Lee and Colin that first evening centred on the cane and caning, things that Marie previously knew nothing about.

Since that first evening, Marie had been caned and had administered canings and had had sex, more than once, with both Lee and Colin. Her time with Lee was her first real experience of lesbian sex.

The consequence of all this was that, so far, Marie had not done much of what she had intended. She did visit a nearby castle, but her concentration was not fully on it.

She was going to be spending this coming evening in the company of Lee and Colin. No doubt there would be sex, and quite possibly, the cane would be in use again. Marie had received six hard strokes from Lee two days ago, and she was not sure if she was ready for more. Lee and Colin had taken the cane across their buttocks going back to when they were both seventeen and had been caned at school.

An added ingredient this coming evening was Tammy Rice, the fifty-six-year-old barmaid from the village pub. Tammy had been a quite regular visitor to Mr and Mrs Purvis for canings and sex.

Tammy was a very typical buxom barmaid; she was also very much bisexual. Tammy was much more into receiving canings than she was giving them. She had been in a relationship with an older woman several years before when she frequently bent over for the cane.

Marie, of course, hardly knew Tammy. She had seen her when she visited the village pub on her first evening, and she had been introduced to her the previous evening in the pub.

Marie got back from her day out, showered, and started preparations to go next door. She decided to again wear the tight white trousers that she had worn two evenings earlier, she rather liked how they exhibited her sizeable buttocks, and she knew that Colin liked them. She also knew that Lee liked her bottom, in or out of trousers, and she rather hoped that Tammy liked it.

Marie had never thought sexually about other women before, but Lee had put such thoughts into her head. Marie thought Tammy was very sexy, and she loved her curves.

Marie decided against wearing knickers; she liked how the tight white trousers displayed her cunt. She put on a blouse but no bra; she felt very horny as she wondered what the evening would bring. It looked like it would bring sex and lots of it.

There had not been a specific time fixed to meet, but Marie looked out of her window and saw Tammy approaching. Tammy was in a red T-shirt and white shorts, and apart from her trainers, that was almost certainly all.

On impulse, Marie decided to intercept Tammy before she reached Lee and Colin's cottage.

"Hi, Tammy, all ready for a fun evening, I see," smiled Marie, standing at her cottage door.

"Hello to you; Wow, you look good," said Tammy, standing at the gate to Marie's rented cottage.

"Thank you, so do you. Would you like to come in for a few minutes so that we can get to know each other a bit?" said the still-smiling Marie.

"Yes, I would like that," replied Tammy, entering the gate and walking up the path.


Lee, next door, had also seen Tammy approaching.

"Ha, Tammy has just gone into Marie's cottage. I wonder how long before they come out again," the very attractive Lee said to Colin.

"Shall we have a quick fuck while we are waiting?" asked Colin, feeling his wife's arse in tight trousers and kissing her neck.

"I wouldn't mind, but what if they are not long?" replied Lee, her hand feeling Colin's bulging cock through his trousers.

"I would not be surprised if Tammy and Marie went to bed, but we could leave our door open for them in case they get here before we are done," said Colin, who was now pressing his crotch against Lee's arse.

"Yes, let's do it," said Lee, turning to snog her husband.

They unlocked their door and left it slightly open, and went upstairs.


"These three or four days since I met Lee and Colin have been amazing," said Marie, as Tammy reached her door.

The two women's bodies were close together, and they looked into each other's eyes.

"Yeah, they are so sexy," replied Tammy, with emphasis on the word 'sexy.'

"Mmmm," said Lee, dreamily, looking at Tammy's lips.

Tammy moved her head towards Marie's, and their lips met. Their tongues entered the other's mouth, and their hands went to the other's buttocks.

They kissed long and hard, and both of them were getting increasingly wet.

"Do you want to?" asked Tammy, when they broke.

"Oh yes, but what about next door?" replied Marie.

"Ha, I will tell them that I seduced you and that I should be caned," laughed Tammy.

"Do you like being caned?" asked Marie, who could still not get her head around anyone actually liking a caning.

"I have been caned a lot, and yeah, I like it," said Tammy, undoing Marie's blouse.

"Not sure if I do," said Marie, pulling Tammy's T-shirt off over her head.

Marie closed her door with her arse, and, after Tammy had taken her blouse off, the women mashed their large tits together as they snogged again.


Colin and Lee went to their bedroom, and neither of them got completely naked. Lee's trousers and knickers were off, Colin's trousers and underpants were down, and his cock was sliding in and out of Lee's cunt.

"Yes, yes, you fucking stud, give me a good fucking," encouraged Lee, her legs locked behind her husband.

"Cum, you fucking horny bitch, you fucking sexy slut," said Colin, as he thrust harder and faster.

They fucked on and on, with continuing expletives.

"Shit! Going to cum, oh fuck!" wailed Lee, as she came with her husband's large cock sliding in and out of her.


Next door, Tammy's shorts, and Marie's trousers were off as the women tongued each other in a sixty-nine, just about the only way that Marie had had lesbian sex.

Their tongues lapped at the other's wet vagina, and they were both very close to cumming.

Marie came first, and Tammy very soon after. They would both like to continue, but they were conscious of the fact that they had a date next door.

"Ha, nice to meet you, Marie," said Tammy, licking her lips.

"Nice to meet you, and to taste you," replied Marie, before they got their heads together and kissed.

"We had better go and see Lee and Colin; they will be wondering what we are up to," said Tammy.

"I hope we can do this again later," said Marie.

"I am sure we will, plus lots of other stuff," replied Tammy.

They tidied themselves up a bit and put their limited amount of clothing back on.

Marie locked her cottage door, and they went hand in hand next door.

"Oh, their door is open," said a surprised Marie, as they reached the door to 'Leecol.'

"It was once before when they knew I was visiting; they were upstairs having a fuck," chuckled Tammy.

"Really? Do you think they are now?" said Marie.

"Let's find out," said Tammy, entering the cottage with Marie following her. They quietly closed the door.


"Fuck! Cumming again!" shouted Lee upstairs.

Tammy giggled and almost dragged Marie up the stairs.

"We shouldn't," protested Marie, although she had watched Lee and Colin fuck the first evening that she met them.

Marie and Tammy entered Lee and Colin's bedroom and caught them towards the end of their fuck. It was a moment before Lee saw their visitors, but when she did, her face was a mixture of a smile and a woman in sexual bliss.

"Are you liking your fucking, you slut?" panted Colin, who was not yet aware of Tammy and Marie's presence.

"Yes, big boy, make me cum again," replied Lee, partly playing to her audience.

"I will make you cum again, you whore," said Colin, thrusting at top speed.

Tammy and Marie were each caressing the other's arse as they watched the mature couple fucking.

"Oh yes, oh yes," wailed Lee, as Colin did make her cum again. Colin still did not know that they had company.

"Here it comes, oh fuck," roared Colin, as his spunk spurted into Lee.

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Marie and Tammy kissed as Lee and Colin climaxed. Colin turned his head and, at last, realised that they had guests.

"Ha, Lee saw you going into Marie's cottage, Tammy, and we thought you might be a while," smiled Colin, not embarrassed in the least.

"Mmmm, we could have been, but we thought that we had better come and see you," replied Tammy, before she and Marie kissed again.

"I see that you two have been getting to know each other," said Lee, with Colin's cock still in her.

"Yeah, she tastes good, doesn't she," said Marie, leaving no doubt that she and Tammy had been getting to know each other a bit.

"You both do," said Lee, who groaned as Colin pulled out.

"Why don't you two continue what you have been doing?" said Colin to Tammy and Marie, his cum-caked penis now on display.

"Shall we, Marie?" Tammy asked her latest lover, as she caressed her backside.

"Are you seducing me again?" smiled Marie, referring to what Tammy had said next door a little while earlier.

"Oh yes, I deserve a good caning for seducing this poor, innocent girl," chuckled Tammy.

"You will be caned, and I think Marie should do some of the caning," said Lee.

"Oh yeah, I would love to bend over for a caning from the beautiful Marie," said Tammy.

"I think she should be caned now," said Colin, always happy to see Tammy's bare arse.

"Twelve strokes," said Lee.

"Twelve?" said Marie.

"Yeah, twelve," said Tammy, relishing a caning. She had not had one for a while.

Rather than worry too much about cleaning himself, Colin removed his trousers and underpants that had only been lowered for the fuck. Lee did not put her knickers and trousers back on.

The four of them went to where the canes were kept and where most canings were administered. Marie knew that she was expected to give Tammy some of her allotted twelve strokes; she did not know how many of them or who would deliver the rest.

"Remove her shorts, Colin," said Lee, who it looked like was taking charge of proceedings.

"Gladly, my dear," said Colin, who undid and pulled down Tammy's shorts, baring her magnificent backside.

"Oh Tammy, what an arse," said Colin, running his hand over it.

"She has a beautiful arse," said Marie, who had not had a proper look at it during their sex next door.

"It will look good with twelve cane marks on it soon," said Lee.

Tammy stepped out of the shorts that were at her feet, Colin continued to feel her arse.

"Right, let's select a suitable cane," said Lee, going to the cane collection. She took a few out one at a time and bent them, and slashed them through the air.

Marie flinched with each slash, imagining the cane making contact with her bottom. Tammy was alive in anticipation; she was wet.

Lee decided on the one she thought was most suitable. Colin had now stopped caressing Tammy's arse and was standing up.

"Bend over the desk, Tammy," ordered Lee, and Tammy was happy to do so.

"You give her the first six; I will give her the others," said Lee, handing the cane to Marie.

Marie had caned both Lee and Colin two evenings before and had proved herself to be quite good at it after a tentative start.

Lee and Colin gave Marie some room. They were side by side, with Colin's hand on Lee's bottom and her hand on his cock; both had their eyes fixed on Tammy's arse.

Marie was transfixed, bending the cane in her hand as she admired Tammy's curved buttocks.

Lee looked at Marie, Lee nodded an unspeaking instruction for her to commence.

Marie tapped the cane against Tammy's rear, Tammy swayed slightly; the atmosphere was tense and highly erotic.

CRACK Marie landed the first stroke far less tentatively than when she had first used a cane. It stung Tammy, and she loved it.

"Fuck, yes," said Tammy, as she absorbed the first cane stroke that she had received in a while.

She was soon absorbing the second one as there was another CRACK as Marie lashed her bottom again; this was slightly harder than the first.

An already flushed with excitement, Marie glanced at Lee, who nodded her approval.

CRACK Marie was administering a caning like she was an expert, not a learner, and Tammy now had three red lines on her large arse. When Marie had caned before, the strokes landed haphazardly, but so far, the marks were distinct and separate.

Tammy knew that the next stroke would make her cum; she longed for it. She did not have to wait long.

CRACK announced the arrival of the hardest stroke yet. Lee's buttocks tensed against her husband's hand, and Tammy groaned, swayed her hips, and started to orgasm.

Marie was aware that Tammy was cumming, as were Colin and Lee, and she looked to Lee for advice as to whether she should whip her again yet. Lee nodded, so the cane whistled through the air again.


"Mmmm, fuck, oh fuck," said Tammy, shaking her arse and stamping her feet.

Marie took a deep breath and slashed the cane down one more time CRACK

Marie was breathless, aroused, and proud as she looked at the pattern that she had put on Tammy's buttocks with the cane.

Marie handed the cane to Lee, expecting her to administer the other six.

"Why don't you girls go to bed? I will deliver the other six later," said Lee, reading Marie and Tammy's needs perfectly.

Lee's words did not sink in straight away with Marie, but they did with Tammy.

Tammy slowly pushed herself up and turned to face Marie. Tammy's face was flushed, and her eyes sparkling; she took Marie's head in her hands and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Thank you, baby, for a wonderful caning," said Tammy.

"Glad you liked it," smiled Marie in return. She now comprehended what was going to happen next.

Lee and Colin stood aside as the two women left the room and headed for the stairs.

"Have fun," said Colin, his eyes on Tammy's recently caned arse and his penis semi-erect.

Tammy and Marie stumbled up the stairs. Tammy's backside was burning, and both women were longing for sex. Lee and Colin would leave them to it, for a while at least.

They made it to Lee and Colin's bedroom, they assumed that that was the bed to use, and Tammy pushed Marie onto her back on the bed and tugged her trousers off. Tammy got her head in between Marie's legs and tongued her wet cunt.

Marie writhed as Tammy's tongue explored her vagina and teased her clitoris; her orgasm arrived swiftly.

"Oh, oh, oh, fuckkkk!" wailed Marie, as she clamped her thighs against Tammy's head.

Tammy kept licking as Marie came and came. She then moved up to kiss her mouth.

"That was a thank you for the caning; now we will make love," smiled Tammy.

Colin and Lee, downstairs, smiled at each other when they heard Marie indicating her orgasm.

Marie and Tammy took off their tops and lovingly played with each other's breasts. They kissed and cuddled, and then Marie was kissing Tammy's caned buttocks.

"You really do like being caned, don't you?" said Marie.

"Yeah, when I was in my thirties, I lived with an ex-headmistress who was in her sixties, she gave me frequent punishment canings, and I would nearly always cum, which annoyed her more, so she caned me more. Some canings were really brutal," confided Tammy.

Marie did not think that she would ever actually enjoy being caned, but she had already discovered things about herself that she would not have believed a few days before.

Marie then had Tammy on her back and licked the older woman to orgasm, before they pleasured each other in a sixty-nine. They then lay side by side, kissing.

Lee and Colin, both naked, now entered the room, although they knocked first. Lee had the cane in her hand.

"You still have six strokes to come, Tammy Rice," said Lee sternly.

"Yes, I have, haven't I?" replied Tammy, positioning herself across Marie's lap with her arse raised.

Lee did not waste time, and she slashed the cane down hard and fast six times. Tammy bounced on Marie's lap and came again. Her buttocks were well marked and would be for a while.

Lee discarded the cane, and she and Colin joined Marie and Tammy on the bed.

For the next hour or more, the four bodies writhed together. There was nothing planned, things just happened, but at various stages, each of the women had one male tongue and the other two female tongues in their vaginas, and each cunt received Colin's stiff penis. Colin's semen was eventually splattered over the three women.

There was no reason for Tammy to go home, she lived alone, nor for Marie to go to her cottage next door, so Tammy and Marie spent the night together in the spare room.

Day and night, four of Marie Quinn's stay in the village were now complete.

Written by PJH
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