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Helen’s Ongoing Ordeal

"Helen returns to the school for the second punishment by the headmistress, but things go very differently than expected"

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Author's Notes

"My thanks to OldKnight, who came up with the detailed idea for the story again and much of this story was written by him."

Helen Smith was twenty-three and a nerdy computer I.T. specialist. She had been asleep for several hours caused by exhaustion, adrenalin overload, and a surfeit of orgasms that had rendered her comatose. 

When she stretched and rolled from her side, a pained yelp burst from her and she instantly leapt from her bed. She looked in the dressing table mirror and saw that her bottom was extremely red, covered in angry welts, and was so terribly sore.  

Slowly, as the fog cleared from her sleepy head, the previous day's amazing turn of events once again returned to her. Her fingers traced the outlines of her terribly sore bottom, the multiple welts crisscrossing her bottom, and the re-energising sting this was creating in her bottom sent sizzles not only through her bare stinging bottom but also through her awakening pussy.  

As her left hand explored the beautiful welts on her bottom, none too gently either, she replayed the memories of her first ever strapping she had experienced at the hands of a wonderful headmistress, or, at least wonderful to Helen.  

Sitting ever so gently down on the corner of her bed, her legs apart, still smarting from her stinging bottom, her right hand was making magic happen deep inside her pussy and she knew she would orgasm again very soon and did several times.  

Helen’s whole body was on fire, her breasts were alive and her nipples, well, when her fingers touched them a jolt of lightning shot through her and they stood out like erect guardsmen on duty protecting their treasure. The thrills her pussy was experiencing as she touched and rolled them between her thumb and fingers and pinched and pulled them until they hurt was electrifying. Helen could never remember her nipples giving her so much pleasure or being so firm and erect, and was excited at how long were they.  

Beginning to get carried away again, Helen stood back up and again looked in the mirror and saw the multitude of tear stains on her face where her running makeup had dried. Then the sight again of her bare, expertly thrashed crimson welted and bruised bottom delighted her as that was how she had envisaged her bottom and face looking so many times in her fantasies. Her red swollen, puffy, hyper-sensitive excited and dripping sex also confirmed that her extremely sore bottom was what she wanted, needed, and definitely deserved and wanted a lot more of.  

After showering for an extended period, letting the hot water course over her bare stinging bum, and washing herself thoroughly then drying in a luxury soft warm towel, Helen climbed back into bed naked which she rarely ever did, but at this moment she revelled in the touch and feel of her bed linen everywhere as it rubbed against her sensitive skin.  

Deep rejuvenating sleep followed quickly and all too soon the alarm was ringing, signalling the start of another day. One that surely could never match yesterday.  

Now properly rested and not so brain-blinded by all the other signals overloading her, Helen realised that due to her meeting with the headmistress yesterday taking such an unexpected and delightful detour, she had not updated her computer. Aghast at her mistake, she phoned the school as soon as she felt that someone might be there and got the headmistress's secretary. Saying she needed to check up on the computer as she hadn’t managed to complete the update before having to leave yesterday, she enquired when was the soonest she could complete what was required. The secretary replied, a little curtly Helen thought, that the headmistress was not in until late that afternoon and that if she came early today then she would have all the time she needed this morning.  

Quickly going through today’s tasks, Helen realised most of what she had to do today was the paperwork for yesterday, updating her company database on what was done and on the other sites she had visited. The time lost travelling back to the school and updating the computer she could easily recover during the remainder of the afternoon and a little into the evening. So, dressing appropriately, not as her little schoolgirl clone this time, she drove there, albeit rather uncomfortably with her bottom reminding her all the time of just how thoroughly she had been disciplined yesterday.  

On arrival, she went straight to the headmistress's secretaries' office and was shown into the head's room.  

Sitting behind the desk she couldn’t help fidgeting and getting very hot. Looking at the drawer where the tawse was kept and at the cupboard where the thicker one was hung up, Helen couldn’t avoid her body reacting. She knew she was getting red in the face and neck, but worse her sex was starting to get very wet and excited and she knew she was beginning to soak her knickers again. However, trying but failing to look professional and calm she couldn’t help but make eye contact with the secretary who sat on the other side of the desk while she worked, seemingly tidying up the papers on the desk.  

The secretary, Sarah, who was twenty-five, slim, her long hair tied into a bun, wearing a short-sleeved blouse, asked quizzically, “You seem to be rather agitated today, Helen, and you don’t appear to be comfortable in that chair and you look to be blushing and hot. Is there something the matter?” 

When Helen didn’t answer but was blushing, Sarah was annoyed with her, and showed it by making a string of very direct comments. “Is your bottom red, welted and incredibly sore? Like mine is? Did you find bending over Mrs Mckinlay’s desk as punishing as I did, and still do? Do you realise I got thoroughly and severely caned not only on my knickers but also on my bare bottom because of you, with eighteen extremely painful strokes with the senior cane both times? I could not sit for the rest of the afternoon. I was sobbing and tearful most of the time and my bottom is now covered in deep crimson and purple welts and will be sore, in fact very sore, for the rest of the week probably.”  

Sarah was about to continue but Helen interjected. “I’m really sorry, truly I am. I know just how sore Mrs Mckinlay spanks. Trust me, I really do know, but I don’t see why you getting a thrashing is my fault.”  

Sarah continued in an angry and sarcastic tone, “Because, if you had worn your ID badge as you were supposed to, this mistake would never have happened. Also, Mrs Mckinlay would never have had to call me in with tea, and I would never have been so rude and disrespectful in my behaviour towards her. If you hadn’t asked Mrs Mckinlay to give you a second leathering, goodness sakes knows why, she wouldn’t have gotten so wound up, berated me, enquired what had caused the error, and not found out that I had left my desk when I shouldn’t have done. Then I wouldn’t have told her how I had a crush on her for years as a pupil and dreamed umpteen times of being over her lap for a hiding, and of being bent over her desk bare-bottomed for a long thrashing. So, thank you for that.”  

Helen’s mouth dropped and she simply stared at Sarah and honestly said, “I’m sorry, I just got carried away in my own dream. I...”  

She didn’t finish the sentence as Sarah jumped up from her chair, dashed round the other side, sat down on Helen’s lap, said, “Thank you,” and gave her a huge warm loving hug.  

Sarah smiled and said meaningfully, “No, I meant it. I really do thank you. Like you, I got a dream come true. I got the hardest, sorest, and longest and very real thrashing I have fantasised over ever since I got the job as her secretary. You have no idea how many times I have had my ear to Mrs Mckinlay’s door hearing the swoosh and crack as her tawse and cane made girls howl and cry. How my knickers would stick to me as I watched them leave her office crying their poor sorry eyes out, clutching obviously extremely sore bottoms. Or how I loved that I found I could tell the difference in the sound of her strap or cane on knickers or bare bottom. She has also agreed to discipline my bottom thoroughly for errors I make going forwards, and even if I just need a good sore bottom anytime because that’s what I want and can ask for. I would just have to fill in a punishment slip with details of the punishment earned and she will make sure I am a very sorry girl indeed. So no, honestly, I really do mean thank you. I wish I could repay you. Like, maybe next time you come to see the computers I could get you into some trouble with Mrs Mckinlay and she might thrash your bottom again for you? Think about it and let me know."  

Sarah was so happy as she got up and went back to her chair and allowed Helen to complete her work on the PC. 

Once Helen had completed what she needed to do, it was her turn to hug Sarah back, saying she was glad that everything had worked out for the best and that she hoped she would get as many hidings and thrashings as she wanted or needed. She added that she didn’t need to make up stories as Mrs Mckinlay understood her needs too and that she and Helen had another appointment this Saturday for her to get not only another leathering but a severe caning too.  

As they got up to leave, Helen’s mind was reeling with another idea. “Sarah, did you mean what you said about repaying me?”  

Sarah replied, “Of course I did, Helen. Why?”  

Helen looked mischievous as she replied, “We are alone here now, and my fantasy revolves around getting punished when my bottom is already sore, which is why I asked Mrs Mckinlay to give me a second leathering yesterday, and wow did she ever. I must say my bottom really is sore right now, and sitting on it updating that computer has made it really angry and tender again, which makes it an ideal time for me to be strapped again. Would you make me bend over the desk, get Mrs Mckinlay’s strap from her desk drawer, and leather me over my knickers then my bare bum? Like, for real. Not too hard, but real, with maybe twelve hard whacks on my knickers and twelve on my bare bum?”  

Sarah smiled, clutched her own bottom, and said, “Deal, but only if it’s twelve on your knickers and twenty-four on your bare bum, and you then repay me by using her cane with the same number of strokes on my bottom.” 

Helen replied, swallowing hard, “Agreed.” 

Moments later and Helen was bent across the desk, her skirt raised above her waist, and was clutching the far edge of the desk. Sarah was standing, the tawse in her hand, eyeing Helen’s knicker-covered bottom. She then pulled her arm back and landed the first lash with a loud thwack and heard Helen gasp. She then proceeded to give the rest of the first twelve lashes, not overly hard but certainly not light either, and heard Helen’s louder and louder gasps. 

Then Sarah ordered, “Knickers down, girl, and quickly.” 

Helen heard the instruction and was sobbing already as she eased her thumbs into the elastic of her knickers and pushed them down to her knees. How could she ask for this, she wondered, but at the same time wanted to be thrashed on her bare bottom and relished it.  

Sarah focused now on Helen’s bare bottom and proceeded to land twenty-four harder lashes and enjoyed listening to the yelps that followed each one and saw how Helen struggled to cope, but did. 

Once that was over, they changed positions, and Sarah bent over the desk as Helen went to the cupboard and took out a hook-ended cane. It was Helen’s turn to focus on Sarah’s bottom knowing she was going to cane her over her knickers first. She had never caned anyone before but landed twelve strokes that made Sarah yelp and squirm around on the desk. When she had ordered Sarah to take her knickers down she then gave her twenty-four more strokes and again heard Sarah’s yelps as she squirmed around after each stroke, desperately clutched hold of the far edge of the desk. She also happily watched the red welts appear knowing that that was what happened to her bottom and knew her knickers were getting damper and damper as her own bottom still stung. 

Once done and a crying Sarah stood up clutching her bottom, stepping from foot to foot, she saw through her blurred eyes that Helen was doing the same. Crazy, she told herself, but she wanted more pain still, and needed to finger herself. 

Helen had the same thoughts and nodding to each other both gently sat on a chair, their legs apart, running their fingers along their very wet pussies, easing inside and also flicking their taut clits, and both exploded in tremendous orgasms. 

As they both recovered, they had eyes as bloodshot red as their bottoms, tears streaming down their faces, with neither wearing their knickers as their bottoms were far too sore.  

Both had got what they had asked each other for, then almost simultaneously afterwards had decided that doing what they had done was very naughty and required that they be seriously punished for their behaviour. After several minutes of discussion on what a suitable punishment should be, they agreed that as they had used the strap and cane without permission, it should be a strict punishment. 

Helen then had a thought that she shared with Sarah. “Naughty girls shouldn’t get to decide what punishments we get. That should be decided by others and imposed no matter how severe. Do you see what I mean?” 

Sarah did and got excited at the prospect as the loss of any control was an added excitement, as confirmed by the flutters again flying around her vagina, and asked eagerly, “How do we do that?” 

Helen exclaimed, “I know of just the website to use.” 

So, going onto a website Helen knew with a random punishment generator, they put into the programme their requirements. They said what implements could be used, what positions they could be in, and how painfully they expected to be punished. It was the numbers given by each implement that they had no say over and was chosen by the random programme. They both agreed they would accept whatever it suggested and would punish each other accordingly.  

The result was:  

Twenty-four strokes with the cane medium strength over their knickers.  

Forty-eight lashes with the tawse given hard on their bare bottom.  

A five-minute very hard bare bottom slipper spanking.  

Ending with six lashes with the tawse hard on each hand.  

Both of them gasped but looking at each other just nodded nervously, accepting that that’s what fate had decreed.  

They then took it in turns to thrash the other, giving each other the cane, then the tawse, then the slipper, all on their beautifully presented bottoms, and finally the tawse on their outstretched hands. Throughout, they both gasped and yelped and screeched as the pain was so awful, but afterwards both again felt so turned-on by the stinging pain and gave themselves more huge orgasms. 

Afterwards, two very sorry-for-themselves but elated girls left Mrs Mckinlay’s office to clean themselves up in the private bathroom. As they washed away the tear stains from their faces and re-did their makeup they were both thinking seriously about what had just happened. 

As they stood looking in the mirror and felt more relaxed, Helen asked Sarah, “So did you prefer to give me a thrashing or to take the thrashing yourself?” 

Sarah was smiling as she replied, “I know it’s crazy, but I didn’t get that much enjoyment from thrashing you, but an immense enjoyment from being thrashed by you. What about you?” 

Helen was also smiling as she replied, “I know it is really crazy, but I also got so turned on by being thrashed, whilst thrashing you was just something I did. I guess that means that we both need to find a partner who gets turned on by thrashing us. I bet they are out there.”  

That got them both thinking as they left the bathroom and Sarah returned to continue her work and Helen collected her things from the Study and then walked out of the school to her next appointment, both knowing they still had very red eyes.  

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For the rest of the week, Helen found her job very uncomfortable because her bottom was so sore to sit on but she saw that as a necessary part of any thrashing, so dealt with it. However, she also felt so excited most of the time and was looking forward to Saturday and her birthday present thrashing from Mrs Mckinlay. So excited, in fact, that each day she took two spare pairs of knickers with her as she soaked them through so regularly as she kept on thinking about the thrashing to come.  

Friday evening found Helen soaking in her bath and then laying out the schoolgirl clothes she had bought from the school outfitters Mrs Mckinlay had told her supplied their school uniforms. They comprised a plain white cotton bra and panties which were nothing like the pretty lacy sexy types she loved, a white blouse, a red tartan skirt, red ankle socks, and a red jumper. Finally, to round things off, a pair of black leather T-bar shoes.  

Going early to bed, she told herself this was part of her punishment for her detention. No TV, no phone or other electronics, and lights out by 8.00 pm and it was intended to put herself into naughty girl mode. She forbade herself any orgasms as part of her punishment. 

Her appointment was at Mrs Mckinlay’s office at 8.30 am sharp so she had set her alarm and driven to school in her authentic new school outfit, having tied her hair back into a bun. Arriving early, she made her way through the school to the head's office and took a seat and waited very apprehensively for her headmistress to arrive. As she sat there, she got into the mood her outfit made her feel, which was like being just eighteen again, and she sat fidgeting, running through in her mind that she was a very naughty girl called to the head’s office knowing she was in for a severe strapping and caning. She genuinely developed butterflies and was very anxious about her impending thrashing whilst at the same time hoping the headmistress would thrash her to her limits, and even beyond that. 

At 8.20 the head's office door opened and Mrs Gough, who Helen recognised was a teacher, walked in. She was in her mid-thirties and wearing a white blouse and dark blue skirt. Looking at Helen and in surprise, she asked, “What are you doing here, Smith, you are in detention and should be in the library."  

Helen didn’t dare say who she really was and replied as though a schoolgirl being submissive to her teacher, “No, Miss, Mrs Mckinlay told me to report to her office at 8.30."   

Mrs Gough stated thunderously, “Nonsense, don’t lie to me, Smith, detention is always in the library as you well know, the only change being if a thrashing is due first, in which case you should be in your classroom. Why are you here and don’t dare lie to me again.”  

Helen replied, now more nervously, “Please, Miss, it’s the truth. Mrs Mckinlay told me on Monday to report to her office at 8.30 today for her to deal with me herself.” Getting thoroughly scared now, Helen desperately added, “Mrs Mckinlay told me she would be giving me a sound strapping and caning because of my behaviour, and on my bare bottom.”  

Mrs Gough scoffed as she replied, “Where do you girls get these silly rubbish ideas from that lies will get you off? You know full well, Smith, Mrs Mckinlay never comes into the school at weekends. Your lie, as you well know, is not at all credible. I won’t tolerate your lies or behaviour, girl."  

Saying this, Mrs Gough took hold of Helen by the ear and dragged her into the head's office.  

Helen gagged as her ear was grabbed tightly but didn’t dare resist. 

Once inside, Mrs Gough glared at Helen and said sternly, “So, girl, Mrs Mckinlay is going to give you a bare bottom thrashing at 8.30, is she? Well, that’s easy to sort out. We both know Mrs Mckinlay is a stickler for punctuality so if what you say is true, as it is now 8.25, we only have five minutes to wait. Stand there, in front of the desk with your hands on your head.” 

Mrs Gough sat in the headmistress's chair, reached for the top drawer, opened it, and took out the tawse it contained and placed it on the desk. Making meaningful eye contact with Helen, Mrs Gough stated quietly, “Believe me, Smith, your lie is going to cost your bottom very dearly.”  

Helen broke out into a cold sweat, wondering what was happening, and why was Mrs Mckinlay not here? Oh, she was in so much trouble if she didn’t appear as she nervously watched the office clock tick the minutes away.  

As she sat nervously, Helen knew she had imagined sitting still whilst waiting to be punished was a hard thing to do, but it also excited her. Right then, she was more anxious than excited, but did like the fact she had no control and was totally at the beck and call of Mrs Gough. Mixed feelings, she knew, but even so, this reality was even better than the fantasy. 

At 8.35 Mrs Gough stood up, grabbed the tawse from the desk and with an almighty crash whacked it onto the desktop.  

Helen shuddered at the loud thwack, and her anxiety, apprehension, excitement and now desperate worry, caused her body to betray her even more and she wet her knickers with her sex juice, not soaked, but she was sure Mrs Gough would notice and goodness knows what punishment that would then mean.  

Mrs Gough said sternly, “Lies, girl, lies you will regret, I promise you.”  

With that she again grabbed Helen’s ear and pulled her across the desk. Helen had no option but to go where she was dragged and ended up stretched over the desk in prime spanking position. She knew her bottom was unprotected and she placed her legs apart as she always did when imagining being caned when in bed fingering herself. Now, with the reality, she did that almost naturally. 

Nimbly marching around the desk, Mrs Gough raised Helen’s skirt up her back, tucked it into the waistband, and instantly raised her hand and brought it down hard on Helen’s backside.  

Helen tried pleading her case but Mrs Gough was determined. The echoing sounds of whack, splat, wham, splat, followed. On and on her merciless hand whacked onto Helen’s backside and she started kicking and squirming.  

The sounds of whack, thwack, whap, continued, and each time Helen squealed. Oh boy, could Mrs Gough give a long and very hard very sore hand spanking, Helen now knew.  

After what seemed an eternity Mrs Gough stopped, walked back to the seat, sat down so at eye level to the still bent over Helen, and said sternly, “It’s now 8.40. I’ve smacked that bottom of yours for five full minutes and where is Mrs Mckinlay?”  

When the worried-looking Helen didn’t answer, Mrs Gough said sternly, “Nowhere in sight. Only me and a very naughty fibbing girl. What do you have to say, Smith, and choose your words very carefully and honestly,” she hissed slowly, menacingly, and very deliberately, adding harshly, “Whether you can sit for a month depends on your answer.” 

Helen was terrified. It had all gone horribly wrong, but she had to mitigate her situation somehow. “Please, Miss, I’m s-s-sorry, Miss, I must have misheard or misunderstood Mrs Mckinlay, and I must have made a dreadful mistake. I promise, Miss, I’m not telling lies and I honestly believed I was coming for a severe thrashing from Mrs Mckinlay. Please, Miss, why would I make that up?”  

Swinging the tawse back and forward, Mrs Gough bent down again to eye level with Helen and angrily stated, “Oh, you have made a mistake alright.”  

Walking around to the front of the desk and raising the tawse high above her shoulder whilst whipping the tawse down hard across Helen’s bottom, she said, “I am going to make that story of yours of a thrashing come so very true,” and again she whacked the strap across Helen’s twitching bottom.  

Helen sobbed and knew that after only two strokes with the strap she was already in tears. The hand spanking had already made her sore but Mrs Gough smacked so hard with the strap. Whack after whack followed and Helen was kicking and bucking, and her bottom was a burning stinging ball of fire.  

The whacks kept coming and although Helen lost count, Mrs Gough didn’t and gave eighteen hard lashes.  

Then Mrs Gough ordered, “Stand up, girl.”  

Helen barely heard the order for her own screeches and wailing sobs, but slowly stood up stiffly.  

Still swinging the tawse, Mrs Gough asked – no, demanded – of Helen “What was it you were coming here for, Smith? Tell me exactly what you were expecting.”  

Through sobs and tears Helen replied, “A thrashing for poor behaviour and a detention, Miss."  

Mrs Gough demanded even more sternly, “I asked you to tell me exactly what you were going to get. Now try again.”  

After saying that, Mrs Gough laid the tawse on the desk, grabbed Helen round her waist, tucked her under her arm, and started to smack her bare legs and thighs both inside and out with her hand.  

Very quickly Helen was beside herself as her legs suffered and stung profusely as the stinging smacks rained down.  

Mrs Gough repeated firmly, “Tell me exactly, girl. What kind of thrashing did you expect?” Her words were punctuated with extra hard smacks to Helen’s inner thighs between words.  

It didn’t immediately register with Helen what the teacher meant, and the smacks were not helping her as she was hurting, her bottom was sore, and her legs were now red, raw, and stinging madly. However, after many more hard smacks it finally dawned on her. “Please, Pleeease, Miss, a bare bottom thrashing. I was expecting a bare bottom thrashing.”  

Mrs Gough said in a satisfied tone, “Correct, so what needs to happen first?"  

Helen got the picture now and she put her thumbs into her knickers waistband and pushed them down to her knees, baring her now crimson and obviously already very sore bright red bare bottom.  

Mrs Gough watched and then said in a surprised tone, “Well, well, well, look at this. Not only do we have a naughty girl who is lying, but a naughty girl wetting her pants as well. Pull them back up. That’s going to be twenty-four strokes with the cane, before your bare bottom strapping.”  

Helen was now nearly inconsolable and utterly in disbelief that this was happening as she obediently pulled her damp knickers back up and as she stayed bent over the head's desk.  

While Helen was preparing herself, Mrs Gough fetched the whippy but not too mean junior cane from the cupboard. Returning to Helen she stated, “Right, girl, prepare yourself for twenty-four of the best for naughty girls. Wetting your knickers at your age? How disgraceful.” 

Mrs Gough proceeded to lay twenty-four of the best strokes across Helen’s already sore bottom.  

As Helen screeched the study down, tears flooded her eyes and she cried like a baby as each stroke burned a strip across her poor bottom.  

Mrs Gough was smiling, knowing that Helen was unable to see her smile as it was Helen’s very pretty bottom that was facing up at her. Mrs Gough knew the cane would be stinging but nothing like as badly as Helen was making out as she was whacking firmly but nothing like the real caning she would normally give a student. She supposed that Helen’s apprehension and imagination were getting to her much more than the cane was. Her bum was no doubt sore, very sore, but she wasn’t actually leaving any welts on Helen’s behind.  

After delivering her twentieth stroke, Mrs Gough did intend to make some welts on the naughty girl’s behind to leave a lasting impression. She laid the final four on with full force, noting the volume in Helen’s screech now become much louder and shriller as she really felt the true effect from the cane.  

Now finished giving the cane, Mrs Gough again told Helen to bare her bottom.  

Still sobbing almost uncontrollably, Helen again pulled her knickers down to her knees. Grabbing the far side of the desk, Helen then pushed her red bottom out and back again and waited for Mrs Gough’s tawse. As much as she was suffering and struggling with the immense pain, she still wanted to suffer more pain from the very strict Mrs Gough.  

Mrs Gough instructed, “Right, Smith, you said you were here for a bare bottom thrashing, I believe. So, it will be a thrashing that you will remember and find very sore sitting on for at least a week coming up. You will be getting twenty-four strokes with this medium two-tail strap. Then, my girl, we will really make this bare bottom of yours pay the price for lying with thirty-six of my very, very best with the heavy three-tailed tawse. I believe you already know just how effective that is.”  

On that note, Mrs Gough thrashed the tawse across Helen’s now very agitated and very sore bare bottom. Each stroke was discipline, real, sore, and increasingly made Helen yell, scream, sob, thrash about kicking, and squirming around, and each one left behind a livid red welt that Mrs Gough knew this time deserved Helen’s very real pain-filled reactions.  

“That is twenty-four,” Mrs Gough almost shouted and laid the two-tail tawse down on the table in Helen’s sight line.  

Helen was by now collapsed across the desk. She had given in totally to the punishment and simply waited and dreaded the next thirty-six with the heavy three-tailed strap. She had no idea how she could cope with this next part, and knew that her sobs were pitiful and very genuine. A pause was welcome, though, as she heard the study cupboard open again and she heard the tawse taken from its hook. Then she heard the footsteps behind her and, panicking at the prospect of the immense pain to come, Helen burst out sobbing even harder and even before any further strokes had landed.  

To Helen’s surprise, a further few seconds passed and still no further agony had arrived. She was vaguely aware of a shape sitting in the headmistress's chair, and through blurry tear-filled eyes Helen saw it was Mrs Mckinlay and standing behind her was Mrs Gough, both looking to be smiling kindly.  

Mrs Mckinlay began, “Well, Helen, that was quite a real thrashing for you, and everything a real thrashing should be, which is scary, unexpected, sore, and above all, memorable. I broached this session with my good friend and colleague, Mrs Gough, and explained your needs, likes and desires. We hatched up this surprise for you together knowing it would really give you that genuine feeling of terror at getting a real punishment, and it seems to have been everything we hoped for and that you dreamed of.  Now, do you want me to finish off your punishment with a very, very real thirty-six of my very best with this tawse, which you already have very painful memories of, and then twenty-four very hard strokes of the cane, both on your bare bottom, or, would you rather sit, albeit uncomfortably, and have this tea and cake I have brought in and discuss how you feel now?”  

Helen knew the only answer had to be the tea and cakes. She couldn’t possibly take any more lashes with the three-tail strap. She would never cope with it. 

Then she felt the quivers flying around her vagina and knew she wanted to finger herself to a huge orgasm. That made sense as well. 

So, knowing the answer she would give, the only possible one, she said, “Thirty-six with the tawse and twenty-four with the cane, please, headmistress.” 

As she said it she couldn’t believe how she had thought one thing and said the opposite. How could she have done? Yet, she tightened her grip on the far edge of the desk and pushed her bottom right out again as she heard Mrs Mckinlay get up, walk around the desk, and moments later shrieked as the first lash thrashed down on her. As she shrieked again she knew she had given the only correct answer for her, knowing that her orgasm, or several huge ones, would have to wait.  

Written by SusanHarper
Contributing Authors
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