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Hawk - Chapter 18

"After their great trip to Tahiti, the couple decides to explore Italy... and other things"

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Author's Notes

"This is Chapter 18 or a nineteen part series. In the previous chapter Tommy and Elizabeth returned home from their honeymoon to find a hidden recording device hidden in a closet."

The next six months were a time of great joy for Elizabeth and Tommy. They both continued to have great success at work while their love for each other only grew. They celebrated their favorite football team’s victories with parties at their home. None of their guests ever wanted to miss one of their gatherings, because they were so much fun.

At least once a month, Margaret came back to visit, but mostly to see Jonathan Boatwright. The Hawks grew to be very fond of Jonathan and readily welcomed him to their home. By the time May rolled around, it appeared to be a foregone conclusion that Margaret and Jonathan would be married before the year ended.

Margaret had finished all of the work on her Master’s program by mid-May and had taken up residence on the lower floor of Elizabeth’s home. There was always joking about the noise that the women made in the throes of passion, but there was also a great deal of truth in it.

Once Margaret was back with them, Tommy decided it was time for a Hawk vacation. Explaining to his wife that it would be a good idea to give the love birds an empty house to enjoy, he took control and made reservations. A week before they were to leave, he let his wife know their destination. Having always appreciated a ‘take charge’ kind of man, Elizabeth was thrilled to hear the plan.

One day after Margaret arrived from school, Elizabeth and Tommy flew out of DFW airport, heading to Rome, Italy. Once they landed in Rome, they took the commuter train to the central railway station in Rome before boarding a different train to Florence.

Tommy had booked first-class accommodations at the Hotel Perseo in Florence. It was close to the Duomo Cathedral, and only a short walk from the train station. Their suite had its own balcony with a lovely view of the city. They spent eight days there, taking side trips by train to Siena and Venice, but always returning to Florence at the end of the day.

Elizabeth was particularly taken with Venice and insisted that they ride in a gondola. It was something she had seen in movies all her life and wanted to have the experience for herself. There was so much to see in Venice… so many incredible sights with hundreds of years of history.

Before they took the water taxi back to the train station, Elizabeth insisted they stop in one of the many small stores to buy a festival mask. The hardest part was deciding which store to shop, there were so many with their incredible costumes displayed in their windows to the street.

Elizabeth finally selected a shop and picked a gold mask painted red and black with long black feathers coming out the top.

They fell asleep on the train back to Florence, her head resting on his shoulder. Riding in the first-class cabin, they were not disturbed.

Once back in their room, Tommy showered and slipped into bed. “Hurry up, Betts if you want to see me before I’m asleep again. All of this walking has worn me out.”

“In a minute,” she called to him.

Two minutes later, Tommy grunted and turned out the lamp beside the bed. “Took too long,” he called out to her.

The only light in the room was coming from their bathroom. Tommy heard a noise and opened his eyes. What he saw was outlined in the dim light. Elizabeth was walking toward him wearing nothing but the mask she had purchased in Venice. Her naked body moved in a ghostlike fashion. The light behind gave her the look of a goddess. Despite his desire to sleep, Tommy was instantly aroused, waiting for the vision to reach him.

When Elizabeth reached the bed, she pulled back the covers to expose him and his erection. She didn’t say a word but gently eased onto the bed and straddled him. Moving slowly, Betts lowered herself until she felt the head of his cock, touching her wet opening. Remaining upright, Betts slowly dropped her weight until she had taken all of him.

Holding out her hands to him, she interlaced her fingers with his but didn’t move. Tommy looked up at her face, but could only see her eyes looking through the mask. To him, they appeared to be filled with fire, and he knew that sleep was not coming soon.

It was a long time before Elizabeth moved. She lifted his hands to hold her breasts, put her palms on his chest and began to glide back and forth, but at a snail’s pace. For several minutes, Betts continued this slow movement until he could feel his belly covered with her copious fluids. “Yes,” she whispered, beginning to move with more urgency.

Tommy had seen Elizabeth like this a few times before and knew that what was about to take place would be loud and long. The mask seemed to excite her more than he would have expected and made a mental note to keep it handy once they were home.

Their lovemaking did take much longer than was normal for them, ending with Tommy throwing Betts onto her back to finish with her third orgasm in an explosion of sound and fury. Elizabeth wrapped her legs around her husband and refused to let him free because he felt so good inside her. They eventually went to sleep in that position.

The next morning they were up and out again. Tommy had reservations for a tour of the Duomo Cathedral in the morning and the Uffizi Gallery in the afternoon. They found a cute little gelato shop to have a treat before going to the gallery where they spent most of their afternoon but left enough time to get to the Galleria dell'Accademia to see the famous statue of David. Because the crowd was relatively small when they arrived, Tommy was able to get a photo of Elizabeth studying David’s private parts. It was a picture that they would laugh about for many years to come.

After their long day, Elizabeth and David found their way to the central city market. A woman in the Irish pub had told them the top floor of the market was virtually a giant restaurant and bar. She told them it was crowded every night with locals who sat at long tables drinking local wine and beer while selecting food from dozens of different vendors. Thinking that it sounded like fun and not a tourist hangout, they tried it.

Tommy was taken with the local beer while Elizabeth fell in love with their wines. She liked them so much they returned to the market the following day to purchase several cases of wine to be shipped back to Dallas.

On the eighth day of their trip, they were back on the train to Rome. As soon as they were checked in at their hotel, they boarded one of the many double-decker buses for a sightseeing trip. It was Tommy’s idea to ride around the city on the tour bus to decide what they wanted to see while they were there. Sitting in the open-top level of the bus, they rode with a map in hand, making notes on the places they wanted to see.

By the end of the day, they had a list of things essential to visit. They had seen the outside of the Roman Colosseum from the bus and were anxious to get back to see the inside. Of course, you couldn’t come to Rome and not visit the Vatican and see the Sistine Chapel. Sitting down with the hotel’s concierge, they received excellent advice on the best ways to see the things on their list.

The concierge, Luca, was a delightful young man who was happy to suggest the things in his city that would send them home with the best memories. First, he suggested that they take the Vatican garden tour, explaining that is wasn’t well known to the general public, but would allow them to see parts of the Vatican few people knew existed. He told them that they could spend their money getting into a tour of the Vatican, but was easy to leave the garden tour and simply join the crowd to walk through the historic site.

“I would recommend that you leave one full day for the Vatican,” Luca told them. “Then on the next day hire a cab to take you to see a few of the special places, not all tourists see. For one hundred dollars, I can put you with a cab driver that speaks English and will take you wherever you want to go. He’ll wait for you outside before taking you to the next stop.”

“Oh, I like that idea,” Elizabeth gushed.

“In the cab, you can see St. Peter in Chains, which I highly recommend. You’ll also want to see the Mouth of Truth.”

“I never heard of that,” Elizabeth told Luca.

“I saw it in a movie once,” Tommy said. “At least I think I did.”

“It was in an ancient movie,” Luca said with a smile. “The legend is that a man would take his bride to the shrine. She would put her hand inside the mouth. If she had been unfaithful, the god inside would bite her hand off. If she remained pure, nothing would happen.”

“Oh yeah,” Tommy laughed. “I need to do that!”

“There’s no need to take a guided tour of the Colosseum,” Luca recommended. “I like to take the ‘hop-on, hop-off’ bus to get there. After you’ve seen all you want, you can get back on the bus and take it to a different part of Rome where you can see the Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and the Spanish Steps. If you see all of that, you’ll be tired and ready for a rest. If you’d like my suggestions, I’ll make you a morning reservation for the garden tour, and arrange for a car to take you there. Once you’ve finished with the Vatican, there are dozens of charming little restaurants outside the main gates.”

“That would be so nice,” Elizabeth beamed at the concierge.

“Would you like for me to get you a cab for tomorrow? The Vatican reservation usually takes two days.”

“I like your plan,” Tommy said. “Perhaps, you could give us a list of things to see while we’re in the cab.”

“It would be my pleasure, Mr. Hawk. Are you pleased with your suite?”

“It’s quite nice,” Elizabeth answered. “The view is simply excellent.”

“You might enjoy our rooftop bar and restaurant,” Luca suggested. “Our weather today is very nice for sitting outdoors and enjoying our special Italian wines.”

“Let’s do it!” Tommy said as he stood, holding out his hand to Elizabeth.

“I’ll have a list slipped under the door to your suite later today with the name of your driver. I would suggest that you meet him at the main entrance at 9:00 tomorrow morning.”

Fifteen minutes later, they were back in their suite, changing clothes before going to the rooftop bar.

Elizabeth had insisted on taking a quick shower. After drying off, she selected lingerie to wear but was stopped by Tommy. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting dressed,” she replied, wondering what he was asking.

“You aren’t wearing those,” he said as she pointed to the undergarments.

“Why not?”

“Because I may want to touch you, and I don’t want anything in the way.”

“Tommy,” she sighed. “Really?”

In a quick move, he grabbed her by her blonde curls. Bending her over the bathroom countertop, he slapped her ass with a hard blow. “I seem to remember that you were my submissive wife,” he growled before hitting the other cheek. “Perhaps, I need to show you once again the importance of my rules.” His hand moved from one ass cheek to the other again and again. Tommy watched her face in the mirror, continuing the spanking until he saw the facial expression he wanted. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was open. He knew that her butt hurt, but he could see her arousal.

Standing beside her, his hand was sore, but he stroked the silky soft skin of her ass. “Have I made my point yet?”

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“Yes, Tommy,” she muttered.

He slapped her butt again. “I don’t think so,” he growled and began the spanking once more. When her cheeks were bright red, he stopped. “Have I made my point yet?”

“Yes, baby,” she whispered. “I am your submissive wife and will do as you say.”

“Spread your legs,” he demanded, watching as she followed his instructions. Tommy pushed her face down on the cold stone of the countertop. He saw her breast pressed against its glossy top and knew her nipples were hard. Dropping his trousers, Tommy moved up behind her, thrusting his stiff cock into her wetness. “I’m going to fuck you hard, Elizabeth. When I’m ready to finish, you will get on your knees and ask from my cum on your face. Do you understand that?”

“Yes, baby,” she whimpered.

Taking a handful of her hair, Tommy pulled back until his wife was looking into the mirror. He was now so excited his cock began ramming her fast and hard. Letting go of her hair, Tommy took her hips in his hands so he could go faster and push deeper.

Elizabeth kept her head up so that she could watch him, but began to moan and whimper.

When he finally realized that he was near orgasm, he turned Betts around, pushing her down to her knees.

“Please, baby,” she moaned. “Please, cum on my face.”

Taking his thick cock in his hand, Tommy stroked it a few times before a blast of hot semen fired out of him, hitting her on her mouth. That first burst was followed by four more that seemed to cover her face. When he stopped stroking his member, Elizabeth quickly leaned forward to take it in her mouth.

After a minute, Tommy ordered, “Look up at me.”

Lifting her head, Elizabeth was unable to open her eyes because her lids were covered with his semen. She heard the sound of the camera on his phone as she assumed he was taking several photos of her face.

“Now stand up and lean over the counter,” he demanded.

She quickly did as he said, wondering if he was going to spank her again. However, once again, she heard the shutter clicks of his camera.

“Clean yourself up and get dressed. I’ll be waiting for you in the bedroom.”

When she heard him leave the room, Betts washed her face, after she had licked some of the jizz off of her lips. For some strange reason, it seemed to taste better after a spanking. Once dressed, she stepped into the bedroom wearing a skirt and a soft cotton sweater.

“Show me,” he barked.

Elizabeth lifted her skirt to show him she wore no panties before she lifted the sweater to expose her bare breasts.

“Put this in,” he said as he handed her the pink wireless toy.

She didn’t smile but knew that her sweet torture was going to continue for the rest of the day and night. Elizabeth leaned over the bed and spread her legs so that her husband could watch her slip the toy inside her dripping wet pussy. Standing, Elizabeth saw Tommy slip the toy’s control unit into his pants’ pocket. This type of activity hadn’t happened often in the past six months, but Betts knew it would be a long and glorious night. There was just something special about her husband when he let his inner animal out of its cage.


Once they reached the rooftop bar, Tommy selected a table near the terrace edge, giving them the best view of the city. He ordered a bottle of wine and a cheese plate.

“We’ll just take our time, drink some wine, eat some cheese, and enjoy the beauty of Rome,” Tommy said as he touched his glass to hers. As Elizabeth touched the glass to her lips, Tommy turned on the toy that began to vibrate inside her pussy.

She held the glass to her mouth but didn’t swallow any of the liquid.

He let the toy move for thirty seconds before he turned it off.

“Are you going to tease me all night?” Elizabeth asked when the toy stopped moving.

“Not all night,” he murmured before he turned it back on again. “I will from time to time, and I’ll let it get you off when I’m ready. Right now I’m enjoying seeing that your nipples are hard, and pressed against your sweater. You have wonderful breasts, Betts, and I especially enjoy them when you’re excited.”

Elizabeth started to raise her hand to cover her hard nipples, but Tommy stopped her. “I want to see them,” he said firmly. Putting her hands back on her thighs, Elizabeth leaned back and crossed her legs.

“You have beautiful legs, Betts,” he said as admired her bare skin to mid-thigh. “I like your thighs pressed against my face. I like the feel of your silky smooth skin against my cheeks while my tongue plays with your pussy.”

Elizabeth began to squirm. She loved it when her husband talked to her about sex, but it wasn’t something he often did outside their bedroom. Betts found the topic and the bass of his voice to be extremely stimulating.

“You like that, too, don’t you?”

“You know I do,” she whispered.

“Tell me what else you like.”

Looking around anxiously, Elizabeth asked, “Do you really want to discuss this topic now?”

“Yes, I do,” he said in a steely voice. “Tell me what else you enjoy.”

“Baby, I enjoy everything we do,” she replied.

“Tell me specifically what you enjoy,” he insisted.

Again she glanced around to determine if anyone was close enough to overhear them. “I love it when you go down on me,” she whispered. “You have a very talented tongue.”

“Do you like that I usually finger you while my tongue circles your clit?”

She smiled, “You also have talented fingers.”

“Do you like my cock in your mouth?”

“Yes, baby, I do. I sometimes think about it when I’m sitting at my desk. I think about how you fill up my mouth and how good you taste. If that were all I could do for the rest of my life, I would still be happy.”

Tommy turned on the toy. He watched as her eyes closed.

“Now, tell me if you prefer to be fucked or made love to.”

It was hard for Elizabeth to think when she was sexually stimulated, but she answered. “Those two things are different, but I enjoy the way you fuck me,” she whispered. “I love when you take me. When you want me and take what you want.”

“When we get back to our room, I’m taking your ass,” he whispered.

Trying to open her eyes, Elizabeth wanted to speak but was just seconds from having an orgasm. She uncrossed her legs and gripped the arms of the chair.

Leaning to her ear, Tommy whispered, “When we get back, I’m bending you over the bed and fuck that beautiful ass of yours. You are going to feel every thrust against your tender red bottom.”

That was all it took. Elizabeth gasped as the orgasmic wave washed over her. It was all she could do to restrain herself from putting a hand between her legs. Her entire body trembled.

Tommy waited until her eyes opened. “That’s what you really want, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she managed to say.

“You like to be spanked and have your ass fucked, don’t you?”

Regaining some of her composure, Elizabeth, nodded her head. “I like it because it’s naughty and highly exciting at the same time. And I like the noises you make when you cum in my ass. God, baby, it’s just so sexy.”

He turned the toy back on.

“Oh no,” she whispered as she looked at him with pleading eyes. “I can’t do that again.”

“Sure you can,” he replied with a grin as he turned up the power. “I was looking online last week and found a new toy for us to get. It’s another remote-controlled toy that is supposed to stimulate your clit and your g-spot at the same time. How does that sound?”

“Can’t we just go back to our room now?”

“Why would we do that?” he asked coyly.

“So we could take off our clothes and fuck,” she hissed. “Oh, Tommy, you’re going to make me cum again.”

“You’re right,” he told her. “You’re going to cum several times before we get back to our room. You are going to be so horny, you’ll be begging me to fuck you in the elevator.” He watched her grip the arms of the chair again, saw the goosebumps on her arms, and could see the wave pass through her body before he turned the power off. “I think you’re enough of an exhibitionist to enjoy having orgasms in public.”

Elizabeth cut her eyes around to look around her, noting that there were twice as many people in the bar now than when they arrived. “Let me rest a minute.”

“It was good, right?”

“It was delicious,” she replied. “I think I’m ready to start begging. Why don’t we go back to our room and try to kill each other? Then when we’re too tired to keep going, we can order room service. We can start again when we’ve finished eating.”

“That sounds good, but it’s not my plan,” he grinned.

“Bastard,” she whispered.


Over two hours passed before Tommy was ready to go back to their suite. In that time, Betts had four more orgasms and plenty of wine. She knew that she should be tired and a little drunk, but rather, her body was tingling. Elizabeth was high on sex. She wanted the one thing that had been unavailable to her… Tommy’s big, hard cock.

The second they were in the room, Elizabeth immediately threw off her skirt and sweater. Wearing only her heels, she dropped to the floor in front of her husband, clawing at his trousers, trying to get them off. When she pulled his boxers down, his hard shaft pointed at her nose. Betts grabbed it with one hand and pushed it into her mouth, groaning with satisfying sounds. Taking the saliva-covered cock from her mouth, she wiped it over her face, acting as if the feel of it would satisfy her need.

When she put it back in her mouth, Tommy turned on the toy.

“Oh my god, Tommy!” she begged.

“Keep going,” he demanded. “I want you to have an orgasm with my cock in your mouth.”

Elizabeth was in the midst of such sexual frenzy that it only took two short minutes before she reached another climax, but she kept her mouth tightly affixed to his shaft, emitting long moans around it.

When Tommy pulled her up off her knees, Elizabeth’s body felt like rubber. He guided her to the bed and bent her over it, spreading her legs wide apart. His cock felt like a piece of steel and was covered with copious amounts of her salvia. He pressed it against her puckered opening, felt no resistance, and pushed it in.

“Oh, fuck!” Betts shouted. “Your cock is so big!”

He slapped her still-red butt. “Tell me what you want, Betts.”

“Fuck me, Tommy!” she cried out. “Fuck my ass, baby. Fuck it hard. Please!”

He didn’t need any more encouragement. He watched his cock slide in and out of Elizabeth’s perfect ass a half dozen times before he turned on the toy again. The thing was moving and vibrating.

“Oh god, Tommy!” she shouted.

Elizabeth had two more orgasms before Tommy was ready for his. At the last second, he pulled out and fired five long, hot blasts of semen to cover her bottom. Elizabeth lay there, unable to move, panting for breath. She heard the shutter of his phone camera, before she felt him run his cock through the jizz on her ass, and put it back in her.

Betts groaned and passed out.

When she woke, it was morning. Looking around, it was evident that Tommy had cleaned her up and put her under the bed covers. She could hear him in the bathroom. Flipping over on her back, Elizabeth opened her legs and felt inside her sex to see if the toy was still there. She found that it was gone, but enjoyed the feeling of her fingers. Leaning back on the sheets, she began to wonder what her husband was going to dream up for them to do today.



Written by JefferyB
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