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Fiction Or Reality? - Part 2

"The inspiration for one fantasy DOES become reality! ... or does it?"

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Was this really happening? The story that Zoey had to some degree inspired was going to play out for real in some way. I tend to over-analyze things and have to make a conscious effort to avoid it, which I was to some degree successful, but I couldn't get the image of little Zoey pulling her tight, black pants down and laying over my lap, her face silently begging for a spanking!

I had to leave; there was nothing left for me to do here so I headed towards the door with her standing at her podium biting her lower lip.

“Goodnight! Hope to see you again real soon!” she said with a double entendre known only to us.

“I hope so too!” I replied less definitively than I would have liked but I was still in disbelief and imagined any number of things going wrong by the time ten o’clock rolled around. Walking through the door I looked back at her, still looking at me and nodding her head ever so slightly twice as if to say, ‘It’s for real!’ As I walked to my car, I checked the time; seven-thirty, which was much later than I’d normally be leaving but still two and a half hours till Zoey got off work.

I couldn’t plan anything as I had no idea what was really going to happen. There’s no way she was going to invite me into a minivan for fifteen minutes of hard non-stop spanking the way my character Rachel had. Those things don’t really happen, but the best imaginary stories are those that push the boundaries of reality way back.

I killed time with a couple of unimportant errands and wandering around stores, but most of them close at nine. I made my way back to the restaurant parking area and just waited for an hour to pass, mentally trying to will her out the door towards my car.

Finally, she did come out and I blinked my lights twice to show her where I was. She came right to my side and bent slightly to rest her elbows on the door, her face close enough to kiss with a little stretch.

“Nice car!” she commented on my racy two-seat convertible, but wasn’t making any move to get in. “Buy me a drink?” she asked motioning to the sports bar next door. I put the top up on my car and we walked together to the door and before long we were seated with a couple of glasses of wine. There was a minimum of small talk before we got to the preferred subject.

“So, all I saw was the title about good girls needing to be spanked. What was it, a porn site about spanking?” she asked.

“No, it’s a site that publishes stories by amateur writers on a variety of sexual scenes and practices. That story was obviously in the ‘Spanking’ section.”

“You go there to read sexy stories? No pictures or videos?”

“Nope! Occasionally there’ll be a single picture on the title page. A well-written story can have your imagination conjuring up its own pictures probably better than any porn site. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy spanking porn, but they usually lack any real story behind them other than ‘You’ve been a bad girl and need a spanking’. These are very short stories, very direct and to the point, but they still lay out a scenario and dialog between the characters and that can be very – arousing!”

“I’ll have to check it out. Do you do more than read stories about spanking?” she asked with a challenging smile.

“Actually, I’ve written a few.”

“Ooo, I’d like to read them!” she interrupted.

“But I think what you’re really asking is whether I give, or get, any real spankings?” She nodded indicating that was indeed the question and I replied, “Yes, I have had some good girls across my knee for a spanking. Are you a good girl, Zoey, or have you been naughty?”

“Do you remember when I said that there are times I like to be seen as a little girl? I should have said ‘naughty little girl’; one who gets spanked by her daddy when she needs it!”

“And do you need it now? Have you been a naughty girl, Zoey?” I asked very directly.

“Yes, daddy!” was her equally direct reply, biting her lip!

“Then I guess we need to find someplace where I can get you over my knee and give that gorgeous bottom of yours a good spanking!”

“I live close by. Can I trust you to show you where I live?” she asked appropriately.

“Only you can answer that question,” I replied honestly.

“Good answer. C’mon! You can follow me.”

In the interest of expediency, I left enough cash on the table to more than cover the check and tip. We walked outside and back to my car where Zoey pointed out her car, so I’d know what to follow. Within a minute or two we were at a traffic light leaving the parking lot of the shopping center. It took maybe ten minutes before we were pulling into a large apartment complex and another minute or two winding our way through various parking areas to park in front of her building. She came to my car as I was about to get out.

“Give me five minutes and come in. The door will be open.” I agreed and waited for what seemed like the longest five minutes ever! I went to her door and as promised it was open, so I walked into a typical small one-bedroom apartment, the living and dining area visible, but no Zoey.

“Zoey?” I called out.

“Hi, daddy! I’m in my bedroom putting my pajamas on! I’ll be out in a minute!” So, I AM her daddy, and my naughty girl will get spanked in her pajamas. Believing she had some kind of plan, I resigned myself to just go along with it. When she came out any doubt that she could look any cuter than she already did was gone. She came bouncing out of the bedroom in silky pink pajamas with a button-up shirt and short pants. “Hi, daddy!” she said again and gave me a kiss that wasn’t exactly passionate, but not a daughter kissing her father either. Then standing in front of me with her hands behind her back and twisting her body back and forth, she gave the perfect impression of someone guilty of something. “Um, daddy? There’s something I have to tell you,” she said, and biting her lip she looked up at me with an innocent face that was trying hard not to smile.

“Zoey!? What have you done now?”

“I – I got in trouble at school again,” she admitted sheepishly and turned to retrieve a folded piece of paper on a nearby chair. “I have to give you one of these again,” she said handing me the paper, which I opened to find a letter from a headmistress at a private school that Zoey presumably went to call comically Hittinbottom School for Girls. Now I was trying to suppress a smile as I read the letter


Hittinbottom School for Girls

As per the policy of this school, the purpose of this letter is to inform parents when corporal punishment has been administered to their child. I regret to inform you that ­­Zoey received a disciplinary punishment today, Thursday in my study for a behavioral situation in one of her classes. She was sent to me by the teacher listed below for disruptive behavior in class. As you are aware, this is not the first instance of such behavior and the punishment given reflects as such.

Punishment Details

                  Class: English

                  Teacher: Miss Davis

Behavior: Disrupting class with jokes and engaging others in her behavior

                  Punishment: Spanking

                  Position/Clothing: Bent over spanking horse, bare bottom

                  Count/Strokes: 200

Note that the school strongly recommends that any punishment given at school be repeated at home so as to maximize the benefit of the disciplinary punishment and show the child that you support the school’s disciplinary procedures, however the school recognizes that how a parent handles such a situation is completely within their discretion and is therefore neither known nor judged by this school’s administration.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and dating below and returning it to the undersigned.


Signed: Mrs. Strictmor

Ima B. Strictmor


“Zoey!” I said in a stern voice, “What did you …”

“Are you gonna spank me too? Like last time?” she interrupted with the same innocent face.

“What did you do, Zoey,” I asked again.

“The letter is right. I was joking around and getting the girls around me laughing,” she admitted. “Am I gonna get spanked again?”

“You know you are! You know I follow the school’s recommendations! And you shouldn’t even have to ask me that! Get the chair! You know where to put it!”

“Yes, daddy!” she said, turning almost eagerly to retrieve one of her dinette chairs and carry it into her bedroom, placing it at the foot of her bed. I could see her from where I was standing and when she stood beside the chair with her arms folded behind her in an ‘I’m ready’ stance, I went to her and sat down. Taking her elbow, I led her around to my right side ready to go across my knee. “You’re not gonna give me double what the school did like last time, are you daddy?” she asked, giving me a promising idea of what she was expecting.

“Maybe not, but it WILL be a LOT more than the school gave you! Now get over my knee!”

“My poor bottom,” she lamented as she bent herself over my right thigh.

Resting my hand on her cute, little butt I could tell she was wearing full-coverage panties underneath her pajama pants. Not knowing her limits, I decided to pull her PJ pants down, but not her panties at first. Grabbing the loose elastic of her pants, I started sliding them down over her hips while she lifted herself up to allow them to come all the way down, revealing tight, white cotton panties that hugged the curves of her small, sexy bottom.

“You got two hundred spanks at school?”

“Yes daddy, but” she hesitated.

“Then you’ll get three hundred now!” I interrupted.

“Oh, daddy! Please!?” she said with no meaning.

“Shall I make it four hundred?”

“Please no, daddy! You can’t!? My bottom still hurts from the spanking at school!”

“Four hundred it is! … and I want you to count them, Zoey. Since I’ll be spanking you rather fast at times, here’s how you’ll keep up. When you get past ten, you go back to 1 – 2 – 3 … 8 – 9 – 20 – 1 – 2 – 3 … 8 – 9 – 30, and so on. Understand?”

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“Yes, daddy. Ow!” she said unconvincingly as my hand came down on her beautiful butt for the first time. Continuing, my hand repeatedly smacked her tiny little cheeks. “7 … 8 … 9 … 30! 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9. 40! Owww!” she cried as my pace increased and she had to count quicker. Her firm cheeks absorbed the hits with just a little jiggle that I couldn’t wait to see when she was bare!

When we got to fifty, I stopped, my hand smoothing the wrinkles in her panties the spanking had created. As the first fifty progressed I think I'd read her body language correctly when she’d raised her bottom up signaling that she wanted them harder and by the time I stopped the intensity was nearly that of an experienced spankee.

“Your bottom is getting very warm, little girl,” I commented placing my hand on each cheek taking her temperature.

“It really hurts!” she complained looking back at me with that cute, little face.

“Good! Maybe if you’d behave yourself at school, you wouldn’t get spanked at home!” I scolded and resumed spanking her on alternating sides at a quick pace, her bottom occasionally rising, wanting it even harder as she struggled between ‘Ow’s’ to keep up with the count. When I stopped briefly at seventy-five, I decided I’d pull her panties down when I get to a hundred, partly because it was time, but also because I was dying to see what I was sure was going to be an exceptional bare bottom. This desire drove me to spank even faster to get to that milestone.

“Time to pull your panties down, Zoey! You need to be spanked on your bare bottom!” I said giving her only a few seconds advance notice as my fingers slipped into the waist of her tight panties.

“Yes, daddy. That means it’s going to hurt even more!” she said as I pulled hard to get the tight fabric over her sexy, round butt. Again, she lifted her hips to allow them to come all the way down. As her sumptuous bottom was slowly revealed, I had to fight a strong urge to grab them – explore them –  squeeeeeze them, and other sexy bits nearby. Stunningly round with a deep cleft between and rosy, pink from spanking, this was a bottom that was made to be spanked!

“Oh, Zoey!” I exclaimed, not able to resist showing appreciation for one of the most beautiful bottoms I’d ever seen.  There was just a hint of a smile on her face when she looked back at me enjoying the affect she’d had on me. I allowed myself some soft caresses with each hand taking a cheek and squeezing the firm flesh ever so gently. Her bottom lifting slightly with an incredibly soft moan, and I knew she was enjoying it as well.

In a way, it didn’t seem right to spank such a gorgeous example of a female bottom, but we both wanted the spanking to resume, and resume it did with her mounds bouncing slightly as my hand spanked them. So entranced was I with watching her tight buns absorb smack after smack that I hadn’t noticed Zoey not counting until we reached twenty or so.

“You’re not counting Zoey! We start over at a hundred,” I scolded.

“Ohhh, you just want to spank my hiney mo – OWW! One! Oww! Two,” she cried as I spanked a bit harder to get her back on track.

As the pace, power and patterns varied, so did Zoey’s reaction. When I’d give her ten or twenty in one spot, she’d raise her bottom up initially, but then pull it back in as if to say ‘Enough! No more!’ but then writhe in ecstasy when I scraped my fingernails across the sore spot I’d just created. A long series of alternating spanks got a similar response during the spanking but pinching and squeezing her cheeks afterwards elicited a long, low moan. Random, fast spanking drew random reactions with a loud ‘Ow!’ on a well-placed smack and ‘Ooo!’ on a pleasurable series; all while trying to continue counting!

I allowed my free hand – whichever it was at the time – to wander a bit down the crack between those gorgeous cheeks or to caress the inside of her thighs, getting close but not actually touching anything sensitive.

Three hundred more went by MUCH too quickly for both of us, but the number was determined by Zoey based on the school letter. I was trying to think of an excuse to continue when she did it for me.

“Mmm, daddy?” she cooed biting her bottom lip, but staying in position over my knee.

“Yes, Zoey?”

“Daddy, you DO know I really like it when you spank me, don’t you?” I liked where this was going.

“Yes, that’s – painfully? – obvious!” I replied, pun intended. She giggled.

“It does hurt! But I like feeling your hand smacking my hiney and I’d like it to hurt some more!? Will you keep spanking me? … and touching me?” she asked, giving me the approval to continue spanking her, but also to allow my wandering fingers more freedom! Taking this pause as an opportunity, my finger slid right down her crack, across her anus and into her very, wet slit! Trying to spread her legs to permit better access, she managed to fling her panties off which had already slid below her knees during the spanking. “Oh Mark!” she moaned as my fingers sawed back and forth through her slit, changing the scenario from daddy/daughter spanking to just fun, sexy spanking!

“I’d like nothing more than to continue spanking your perfect, little bottom! – but get up a minute?” I said more as a request. When she did, she knelt in front of me sticking her chest out as though she knew I wanted to take her pajama top off. The buttons open, I spread open her top to reveal her full, firm, round breasts just begging to be licked. Reading my mind again, she thrust them forward inviting my hands and mouth to enjoy them! ‘Even more perfection from this perfect girl’ I thought as my fingers and tongue encircled her erect nipples! Leaving my fingers to enjoy her tits, she reached for the waist of my pants, opened them, and pulled them off taking my slip-on shoes with them.

“I think you should be naked too!” she said as she pulled my polo shirt over my head and then took care of my underwear freeing my hard cock from its confines. Stroking it up and down a couple of times, she said, “Good girls need spankings too!” referencing the iPad story that had started all this as she placed herself back over my knee making sure my cock was underneath her belly.

Though a bit harder, I repeated the last hundred or more swats, but with a lot more of the all-in-one-spot spanking she seemed to like best. My free hand explored all her sexy spots – squeezing her firm tits, fingering her wet pussy inside and out and even pressing a fingertip onto her tight bottom! There was no counting; no punishment; no rush, simply good, hard spanking and fingering that brought her quickly to a point where she needed more!

Getting up, she stood and turned to face me giving me my first full frontal view of her exquisite body, but only for a second or two since she then pushed my legs together and stood on the chair with my legs between hers. Reaching for her crotch, she pushed my arms away sliding her hands up them to my head and pulled my face at just the right height into her waiting, wet pussy. My hands reached around to take a cheek in each and pulled her against my face as she put her hands on my shoulders to steady herself.

Covering her meaty lips with my mouth, my tongue explored her slippery slit, slithering up and down and getting loud moans whenever I reached her clit at the top of a stroke. Kneading the soft flesh of her beautiful bottom, I spanked each cheek in turn a few times which made her jerk forward, shoving her delicious pussy harder into my face. The sounds she made, and her body language told me she would cum soon, so for some additional stimulation, I pushed firmly on her tight anus, eliciting a loud exclamation of pleasure, so I went a little further and pushed my fingertip into her bottom! After a couple of ‘oh my gods’ and ‘oh fuck’ she came explosively and almost fell off the chair.

Standing up and grabbing her around the waist I kept her from falling off, but then moving to the side of the bed, I let her fall onto it and falling myself, between her legs I started guiding my hard cock into her tight, little pussy. Lifting and spreading her legs wide showed me we both wanted the same thing. I slid in easily but slowly as she was very tight! What I may lack in length, I make up for in girth and her facial expression, as I pulled out a little and then all the way in, showed she was feeling it.

“Fuck me, Mark! Fuck my little girl pussy!” she said as a slow rhythm developed and she matched me thrust for thrust! With her legs in the air, I grabbed her ankles and lifted her off the bed, getting a better angle for us both! The pace increased as did the noise we both made, and we stroked and groaned our way to a quick climax! Falling on the bed beside her, my shrinking dick still inside her, we reached for each other and kissed passionately.

“My god, you are beautiful, Zoey!” I said to her appreciative smile.

“Thank you! Mmm, and my daddy looks – and feels rather good too!” she replied pushing her pussy against my now flaccid cock. “Daddy?”

“Yes, Zoey?”

“I’m sorry I was such a naughty girl,” she said with a sorrowful face, “Don’t you think I should get spanked again? I think I should. Will you spank me again, daddy? Please?” Sitting up I guide her back over my knee and start spanking before she’s even settled in. “Mmm!” she says acknowledging that this is just for fun. “Spank me, Mark! Spank me!” she cried blurring the line between me and ‘daddy’!

The spanking continues with nothing but pleasure on her face and an occasional ‘ow’ for a well-placed swat; usually on her sit-spots. As my right hand spanks, my left, which had been holding her in place at her waist, slid down to reach underneath with Zoey lifting her body; knowing, and liking where my hand was headed. My fingers found her wet slit and she pushed against my hand wanting more! As my middle finger slid through her drenched valley, the others rubbed and squeezed the meaty lips on either side.

With her gasps and moans increasing the spanking intensity ramps up and my fingers rub and squeeze her clit between them. Her body stiffens and she breathes in short, staccato bursts! “Harder!” she commands simply and both hands go crazy as does she as well when her climax wracks her body spasmodically!

“Holy shit, Mark! Fuck me!” she commands again as she rolls off my lap and onto her back with her legs spread wide and flailing in the air. “Fuck me hard!” I position myself between her spread thighs begging for penetration and I slide easily into her tight sheath for the second time, our bodies come together with extreme pleasure and we both …

 “… else I can help you with, sir?” a distant voice asked.

“Huh? What?” I replied disoriented.

“Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?” my waitress asked shattering my daydream that was brought on by Zoey walking by yet again taunting me with her pretty smile and amazing little body leaving it to my imagination to fill in the gaps as to what it might be like to have her gorgeous bottom across my knee for a good spanking. As she walked by again, returning to her station, I decided that next time I would be a little more careless about what I left displayed on my iPad screen!

Written by 2bespanked
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