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Emma’s Further Request

"Emma wants a more severe punishment"

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Chapter 3

Miss Hoskins had been staying at Emma's for over a week. Miss Hoskins was Emma's class teacher at the sixth form college for girls, and it was at Emma's request that she be given a whole set of rules which she had to obey or get a bare bottom spanking. Ten days in, and Emma had already been spanked by Miss Hoskins four times. 

Emma was seventeen. Miss Hopkins was pretty much her mum's age at thirty-eight. 

Emma always addressed Miss Hoskins by her full title and never by her first name. It was the same as though Miss Hoskins was her mum, as Emma never called her mum by her first name. Even when out shopping or at a restaurant with Miss Hopkins, Emma would only address her as Miss Hoskins. 

If Emma misbehaved or didn't do as she was told, immediately and without any hesitation, even when out shopping together, she was told immediately by Miss Hopkins, who would say loud enough for others to hear, "When we get home, you'll be getting another spanking, young lady." 

There would be the obvious looks of surprise from anyone who did hear because Emma certainly looked as though she was too old to be spanked. However, Emma never argued about it, and always replied, "Yes, Miss Hoskins, I know I deserve another spanking." Emma knew that she loved being put in her place like that, just as she knew that Miss Hoskins loved having that control over her. It got them both very wet. 

Both saw it as being very similar to having to behave at college. At college, disobey a teacher and you got a detention. At home, if Emma disobeyed Miss Hoskins, she got a spanking. Both saw that as an important part of their growing loving relationship, with Emma giving Miss Hopkins full respect, and submission, being such an important and very willing part of that. 

Miss Hoskins had Emma's parent's bedroom, but Emma knew that was right. After all, the person in control should have the best bedroom. 

As well as having to behave at home, doing as she was told to do by Miss Hoskins immediately and without question, she also had to get good marks in her college work, and, if she got a detention, the thrashing that Emma got when back home was going to be well beyond what she could easily cope with. Crying buckets of tears was the fully expected aim of every such punishment. 

However, Emma loved having to obey rules, and, when she was thrashed, really wanted to be thrashed hard so that she did cry buckets of tears and had a stinging bottom for days afterwards. In fact, she loved having a stinging bottom so much, that she was quite happy to get another thrashing just as soon as her bottom stopped stinging. 

Miss Hoskins was aware that Emma was happy enough to be thrashed, or, more to the point, she hated the thrashing itself but loved the feeling of submission and having to be obedient, and that being thrashed was a price that Emma was happy enough to accept. Hence, her request to Miss Hoskins to be both extra strict and to enforce every punishment to the full whilst they lived together. 

Emma was pretty sure that Miss Hoskins was happy enough to punish her so severely, at least judging from the way that she had got such wet knickers after that first time she spanked and caned her, so it was something that was going to work for both of them. 

Emma also liked having to remain in her college uniform when she got home. She knew that she could dress more appropriately in very tight vest tops with a bare midriff, and a very short skirt that would show off her legs, knowing that she would love to have her legs smacked for even the smallest misdemeanour. On the other hand, she found remaining in her college uniform helped her obey the rules, bearing in mind that Miss Hoskins was her teacher at the college. 

Emma loved her college uniform which, in the summer as it was now, was a short-sleeved green and white check gingham dress with a white belt and white ankle socks. 

Whenever Emma earned a spanking, Miss Hoskins would happily give Emma instructions on how to prepare for the spanking, which Emma readily followed. Invariably, this would involve Miss Hoskins instructing Emma to take off her knickers, roll her college dress up to above her waist, tuck the hem into the belt, then go and face the wall on one of her many naughty spots around the house, one in each room in fact, and press her nose against the wall, putting her hands firmly on top of her head. The instruction was that Emma had to think about what she had done wrong, and, in that way, prepare for the inevitable spanking that would follow. 

Miss Hoskins normally left Emma facing the wall for seventeen minutes, a minute for every year of her age. She would then clasp hold of Emma's bare upper arm, and lead her from wherever the naughty spot was, down into the dining room. Once there, Miss Hoskins would turn one of the chairs into the room, sit down, and order Emma across her lap, telling her to make sure that her dress stayed well above her waist so that she would then be naked below the waist right down to her ankle socks. 

Once Emma was across her lap, with her bottom perched in the perfect position to be spanked, the spanking would then start. Miss Hoskins would spank Emma's bare bottom cheeks, alternatively, for at least five minutes, progressing to spanking the same bottom cheeks several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, this happening for at least another five minutes. After that, Miss Hoskins would spank the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, followed by the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and this would also be for a minimum of five minutes. 

By now, Emma would be crying uncontrollably, with tears flooding down her face, repeatedly saying, 'sorry,' to Miss Hoskins, but knowing that she both deserved to be thrashed like this, but also needed to be thrashed like this. 

Once the spanking was over, Miss Hoskins would then send Emma to the naughty spot in the dining room, making her press her nose against the wall and have her hands on her head, which ensured that Emma would not be able to rub her stinging bottom. She would have to stand there for another seventeen minutes. 

Whenever she was spanked, Emma's bedtime of ten o'clock was always brought forward to seven o'clock. Emma would have to be ready for bed by six-thirty, and, once in her shorty night dress but without knickers on, would have to go across Miss Hoskins's lap for a bedtime spanking. That always helped Emma cry herself to sleep, knowing that she would wake up with a still seriously stinging bottom. 

Today, Emma had earned a detention, albeit for being just three minutes late to a lesson, but that was enough for her to tell Miss Hoskins that she deserved another spanking when she got home. This time, Emma was really up for an even more severe thrashing than normal. Miss Hopkins had already progressed from spanking Emma with her hand to also spanking her with a wooden-backed hairbrush. This did reduce Emma to crying even more uncontrollably. However, Emma knew she wanted to ask Miss Hopkins to be even more severe, and today was the time that she decided to ask. 

Emma knew that Miss Hopkins had in her wardrobe an old-fashioned really nasty thick leather strap, which was bound to make her bottom sting even more intensely. However, that was what she wanted to be thrashed with today. So, when they were alone in the classroom, Emma actually begged Miss Hoskins to thrash her with that leather strap. In fact, Emma asked for the thrashing to be so severe that her bottom would sting intensely for several days afterwards. 

Miss Hoskins could tell, from the sincerity in Emma's voice, that Emma really did want this to happen. Miss Hoskins certainly wasn't going to mind doing it, because she loved thrashing Emma, and so often fingered herself to huge orgasms in bed, even after Emma had fingered her to an orgasm or licked her to an orgasm after each spanking. In fact, Miss Hoskins knew that her knickers were getting wet just as Emma was begging her to thrash her with the leather strap. 

So, when they got home, with Emma still in her college uniform, Miss Hoskins gave the instruction, "Okay, Emma, take your knickers off, then lift your dress right up and tuck the hem into the belt, so you are then fully naked below your waist right down to your ankle socks." 

Emma knew that she was excited, knowing that she still hated the pain of the actual spanking, but loved to submit to Miss Hoskins, who she really did love. 

As soon as Emma had done as she was told, Miss Hoskins decided to do away with naughty spot time today, and instructed, "Now get your very naughty bottom across my lap." 

Emma expected to be spanked first, because she knew that she had asked for the leather strap to be used on her after the normal spanking. As she went down across Miss Hoskins's lap, Emma was tense, but loved the sight, once again, of Miss Hoskins's bare upside down legs, with her own legs dangling under the far side of the dining chair. She even loved having to submit as spank after spank landed on her bottom, making her gasp each time. 

Miss Hoskins loved having Emma's bare bottom across her lap. She certainly found Emma very attractive, and hoped that one day Emma would be her very submissive girlfriend. Right now, though, she was taking on the maternal role and spanking the naughty girl across her lap. She loved how Emma's bottom flattened as her hand spanked down on each bare bottom cheek, as, on and on, time and again, she spanked Emma's very spankable bare bottom cheeks. It wasn't long before Miss Hoskins knew that Emma was sobbing and then crying, and loved how tears flooded down Emma's face. 

Even though she was crying uncontrollably, Emma still knew that the punishment was a long way away from ending. She was still hating every single spank, because the pain was so awful, but she loved equally the submission, and she certainly knew that the pain of a spanking went so well with the ultimate pleasure of being spanked. 

Miss Hoskins didn't make the spanking any shorter than normal. Why should she, after all, as this was what Emma had asked for? She knew that she was enjoying herself giving the spanking, and that her knickers were already damp with that excitement. She had even run her fingers along Emma's pussy lips as she lay across her lap, and knew that they were damp, even though Emma was crying uncontrollably. 

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Miss Hoskins kept on spanking for a few minutes longer than usual, making sure that every square inch of Emma's bare bottom, sit spot, and the tops of both legs, were bright red. That went so well with what she knew were Emma's tears flooding down her face. 

Once she was happy with the spanking, Miss Hoskins didn't wait for Emma to recover at all, but said in a very stern tone of voice, "Right, Emma, I want you to go upstairs, get undressed, and then put on your night dress. I want you to wear a short one, but you can wear your knickers. Once you have done that, go to my bedroom, pile my pillows up in the middle of the bed, and perch your very naughty bare bottom on top of them. You will then clasp hold of the far end of the mattress and wait for me. Go now, you very naughty girl." 

Emma once again did as she was told, loving being obedient, but this time, as she made her way upstairs, as Miss Hoskins had stayed downstairs, she was able to rub her stinging bottom. It was such a lovely feeling for her, and was a far better use of her hands than rubbing the tears away from her face. 

As instructed, Emma first went to her own bedroom, got undressed, and put on her shorty night dress and knickers. She knew that those knickers were not going to give her any protection whatsoever, given how thick the leather strap was, but it would feel really good when Miss Hoskins yanked her knickers down to bare her bottom once again. Once she was undressed, with her nighty on but not yet her knickers, Emma couldn't resist looking in the mirror in her cupboard, and seeing just how red her bottom and legs were. She gasped, in wonderment, excitement, and fear of what was soon going to happen. Mind you, she could also feel her vulva throbbing, as she was looking forward to what was going to be the most awful pain that she would ever have suffered. She was also looking forward to the orgasms that she would have afterwards, though. 

Still feeling excited, Emma stepped into her knickers and then made her way to Miss Hoskins's bedroom. 

Once in Miss Hoskins's bedroom, Emma took the pillows and piled them up in the middle of the bed, and, whilst still crying, perched her bottom on top of the pillows, did manage to clasp hold of the far end of the mattress, and waited. 

Miss Hoskins could hear that Emma was doing as she was told, gave for a couple of minutes, and then followed her upstairs and went into her bedroom. When she did, she was delighted to see that Emma was already in position, by her actions practically begging her to thrash her bottom again. Well, she went to the cupboard, got out the rather thick leather strap, and went and stood to the side of Emma. She then rested the end of the leather belt on Emma's knicker-covered bottom, just so there was no doubt about what was going to happen. She looked at Emma's face and saw how tense she was, but, equally, could see that Emma was clearly wanting this to happen. 

Miss Hoskins was still excited knowing that her knickers were now really damp, as she lifted the belt up and thrashed it down, so it landed with a really loud thwack, and loved how Emma's bottom cheek surrendered so readily to it. Well, that was just the first spank, and she knew that she was going to land that leather strap at least one hundred times. That was what she proceeded to do, and each time the leather strap landed, so Emma gasped and yelped, and howled as well. 

Emma really did struggle to keep a hold of the mattress, but knew that she wanted to. This was the experience that she had wanted to have for quite some time, knowing that whilst the cane did hurt, this type of thick leather strap also hurt, and invariably there were many many more spanks with it than strokes of the cane. That was what Miss Hoskins was doing to her, and she was so thankful that she was. 

Miss Hoskins loved the way that Emma was forcing herself to stay perched on top of the pillows, probably subconsciously, judging from the way that she was howling and crying. Nevertheless, she did stay in place and was taking every single harder and harder spank with the thick leather strap. 

As Emma's bottom was being turned blue with bruises from the strap, Miss Hoskins told herself that this really was a good implement to use. She did intend to ask Emma whether it was okay to use in future, but expected a very positive answer. Even as she was thinking these thoughts, Miss Hoskins was continuing to land spank after spank with the thick leather strap all over Emma's bare bottom. 

Although she originally intended to give one hundred spanks with the leather strap, Miss Hoskins did make it one hundred and ten, actually enjoying giving the extra ten lashes. Nevertheless, Miss Hoskins did know that she would have to eventually stop, which she did. 

Even after the thrashing had stopped, Emma continued to cry, wanting to rub and clutch her stinging bottom cheeks, but loving the fact that she wasn't able to until Miss Hoskins gave her permission. 

Miss Hoskins loved the site of the crying Emma, but knew what else she wanted to have happen. She therefore instructed, "Slide off the pillows, Emma, but stay on the bed." 

Once again, Emma did she was told, but as her eyes were so blurred because of the tears that filled her eyes, she didn't see that Miss Hoskins had got herself undressed. Moments later, though, Emma felt the warm body of Miss Hoskins cuddle up to her, and heard being whispered in her ear, "Hug me, Emma," 

As Miss Hoskins and Emma hugged each other, Miss Hoskins controlled what they did, and the first thing was to give Emma a loving kiss on the lips, edging her tongue inside Emma's mouth, and entwining their tongues. She could tell from the way that Emma reacted that Emma was really up for being kissed like this. 

Soon afterwards, both Miss Hoskins and Emma worked their way down each other's bodies, kissing the other's breasts, knowing that both had exceptionally taut nipples. After that, they kissed each other's tummies, and then were eagerly licking and kissing each other's very wet pussy lips. It didn't take long at all for them both to explode in huge orgasms. 

Even after that, neither wanted to stop, and it didn't take much licking and kissing of the other's still very wet pussy lips for them both to explode in a second huge orgasm. 

As Miss Hoskins worked her way back up Emma's body, kissing as she went, and then laying down next to Emma, face-to-face, she said, "Don't forget, you will have to be in bed by seven o'clock. This time, however, after I have spanked you again, you will be coming to my bed, so don't bother at all with a nightdress or knickers. We will both have more orgasms then as well." 

When Miss Hoskins could see that Emma fully agreed to that happening, she then asked, "How's your bottom feel now after the thrashing with the leather strap, Emma?" 

Emma knew that her bottom was stinging as it had never stung before, but loved it. Having said that to Miss Hoskins, she then added, "What I would really love, is my bottom to be stinging for the next two weeks. I would really appreciate it if, whenever I am at college, and you think that I am sitting comfortably, please find a reason to send me to the punishment room, and use this leather strap on me again and again. I would love it then to have to come back to the classroom, and all my classmates would know that I have been thrashed once again because I will be gasping as I sit down, and will be squirming around, unable to get comfortable, with tears streaming down my face. Then, not just then, but for as much of the next two weeks, thrash me again whenever you can see I can sit comfortably. It would be like having a daily maintenance spanking, but only when you can see that I am not sitting uncomfortably. Please, please please, Miss Hoskins, will you do that?" 

Once again, even as Emma was describing this further set of punishments, Miss Hoskins knew that she was getting massively wet again. It was the most fantastic feeling, and she readily agreed to Emma's request. 

Miss Hoskins smiled wickedly as she replied, "No problem there, Emma. I do have one further thing that will have to happen. You remember Lucy, who you spanked that time, and which led to you first disciplining me, and then me disciplining you?" 

Emma replied, "I've thought about that a lot, Miss Hoskins. I did say sorry to her." 

Miss Hoskins replied, "As you know, Emma, saying sorry is never good enough. Not before your thrashing, anyway. Tomorrow, I will be sending you to the punishment room. When you get there, Lucy will already be there. She will be giving you a bare bottom spanking and six strokes of the cane. I will be there, watching it happen. Then, as the rule is, punished at college, then punished again at home, I'll be giving you another thrashing at home, with my hand, hairbrush, and at least another one hundred spanks with my thick leather strap." 

Emma was getting so wet at the thought of Lucy, who was younger than her, disciplining her, and the total humiliation that would cause her to suffer. It was then that Emma realised that humiliation was a really important part of being disciplined, and being thrashed with the leather strap, once again, told her she was going to have the hugest of orgasms as she now always did when her bottom was stinging intensely.  

What was clear, was that Emma knew that being submissive to Miss Hoskins, having to be obedient and do whatever Miss Hoskins told her to, and immediately, kept her in her right place, knowing that each and every time she wavered for even a second, she would, quite rightly, be reduced to uncontrolled crying and howling as she was getting yet another stinging bottom. 

Miss Hoskins knew that she got so much from having Emma as her submissive, getting so wet as she thrashed her and getting such huge orgasms afterwards. 

They both knew where this was heading. The most wonderful relationship, involving not just discipline and humiliation for Emma, and domination by Miss Hoskins, but the most wonderful lovemaking, and, they both hoped, a truly loving relationship. 


Written by SusanHarper
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