It had suddenly all made sense to Elizabeth, the thirty-nine-year-old step-mum to eighteen-year-old Emma. Elizabeth was looking at Emma who was wearing a pink vest top allowing her red hair to flow over her bare shoulders, and very tight white cotton shorts which showed her cute very spankable bottom off admirably. Elizabeth and Emma had just done the housework together and Emma was putting away the hoover and was just moments away from getting yet another spanking.
It hadn’t always been this way. Elizabeth had become Emma’s step-mum only two years earlier and her dad had extolled Emma’s virtues. He happily said that Emma had been well-behaved growing up, did well at school, and had a bright future by anyone’s standards. However, once married, that wasn’t Elizabeth’s experience of her new step-daughter because with her the happy schoolgirl became moody at home, answering back, throwing a strop, stamping her feet when she didn’t get her own way, and had major sulks. Elizabeth tried everything she could to snap Emma out of her moods but nothing worked.
Worse, was that Emma refused to help around the house. She kept her own room tidy but wouldn’t help with the housework, or washing up, or ironing, and Elizabeth was getting more and more exasperated.
What didn’t help either was that Emma’s dad was away for long periods of time and in fact Emma was noticeably more co-operative when he was home. Then, like a switch, she would revert to being moody and sulky as soon as he went away again.
Elizabeth asked her friends about Emma’s mood swings. Most thought that it was hormonal which she hid when a man was around but didn’t when it was just Elizabeth at home. One friend, Belinda, said Emma was just a sulking teenager trying to get her way with everything and that she shouldn’t stand for it. Her advice to Elizabeth was that, “Young Emma needed a good clip around the ear or better still a good spanking.”
“She is eighteen-years-old, Belinda” Elizabeth replied, adding, “So far too old for a spanking.”
Belinda smiled as she replied, “Is anyone really too old for a spanking?”
Elizabeth took the comment as a joke, although the next time Emma stamped her foot when she didn’t get her own way the thought re-entered her head. However, she again told herself she didn’t believe in spanking and would much prefer to treat Emma like the adult she was and reason with her. The only trouble was that Emma wouldn’t have that conversation.
One day, Elizabeth and Emma both stayed in for the evening and agreed to watch a film that had just got on to mainstream TV. It was about a man and a woman where the woman was sexually excited about hitting her boyfriend with a riding crop. They met at a mutual friends’ party and the girl suggested it to the man, who said he would try it. Elizabeth noticed how Emma was transfixed by the storyline and was wide-eyed when the film showed the girl beating the man, albeit the shots were slanted so it never actually showed the man being hit, but he made sounds as though he had been.
Emma never said a word afterwards, but calmly told Elizabeth, “I’m going to bed.”
Elizabeth wondered what Emma had been thinking as she watched the film and again recalled what Belinda had said to her, except it wasn’t going to help if Emma was sexually excited about spanking a man. Equally, Elizabeth hadn’t been turned on at all by one person beating another even though both supposedly got aroused and made heated love together afterwards.
Elizabeth forgot about the film by the morning. It was eleven o’clock and Emma was still in bed when Elizabeth started the housework. Half-an-hour later she needed to start hoovering and even though Emma was still in bed she decided to do, as, if nothing else, it should make Emma get out of bed.
Elizabeth had hoovered downstairs and then hoovered the stairs and then started in the hallway upstairs. She wasn’t sure why, but Belinda’s comment kept coming in to her head and she even pictured herself giving Emma a spanking. Even as she got to the upstairs hallway Emma still hadn’t surfaced. However, once she hoovered directly outside Emma’s door it flew open and a very angry Emma said, “Can’t you do that later as I’m trying to sleep.”
Elizabeth thought the tone of voice particularly rude and just retorted with, “Apologise for being so rude or you’ll get a spanking when your dad gets back.”
The retort seemed to throw Emma who blushed and replied in a contrite tone, “Sorry,” and went back in to her bedroom.
Elizabeth was just happy she had got the apology and saw that as a win, but didn’t intend telling Emma’s dad about the incident. She even stopped hoovering and went downstairs and made herself a coffee and thought that today was a good day.
The next day though Emma returned to normal. When she came downstairs for breakfast still in a very short sleeveless nightie she gave Elizabeth a quick, “Hi,” and then sat eating staring out of the window and not talking.
Even when Elizabeth asked Emma a question she got a one-word answer and no smile or any friendly facial expression. In fact, Elizabeth got quite upset by Emma’s attitude again.
Elizabeth decided to get out of the house for a bit and went shopping. It helped her calm down and she stayed out for lunch. However, she thought that she had better get back by mid-afternoon and as she walked up the path to the front door a sense of foreboding overtook her again. She opened the front door and heard the TV so went in to the living room. She saw Emma albeit still in her shorty nightie, watching a film and said, “Hi, sweetie.”
Emma didn’t even answer but got up and switched off the TV and started to walk straight past Elizabeth towards the hallway.
Elizabeth was livid at the rudeness and said to Emma’s back, “Don’t just walk away, young lady.”
Emma stopped and turned and put her hands on her hips and said in a very direct tone, “Or what?”
Elizabeth was cross by the rude tone and instead of reasoning with Emma as an adult she again remembered Belinda’s suggestion and said sternly, “Or you will get a bare bottom spanking from me.”
Emma pursed her lips as though about to push back, but instead said, “Okay then, spank me,” in a tone of voice that said, ‘I dare you to.’
Elizabeth was shocked by the testing tone and the off-hand response and said, “Okay, young lady, come with me,” and grabbing her by the upper arm led her to the dining table where she turned a chair in to the room while still holding on to Emma’s upper arm. She managed to sit down and as she did she pulled Emma who almost fell across her lap and holding her down with one hand on the middle of her back managed to pull her nightie up so her bottom was bare.
Elizabeth rubbed Emma’s bottom and looked at the back of her head thinking how she hadn’t struggled when being led in to the dining room nor when pulled across her lap. She decided to say in a strict tone, “You said to spank you so I will.”
Emma was looking at the floor when she said an insolent sounding, “Whatever.”
Elizabeth was livid and raising her hand brought it down firmly on Emma’s far bottom cheek. She heard Emma gasp but stay in position and so spanked her other bottom cheek. As Emma stayed across her lap Elizabeth proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks turning Emma’s bottom brighter and brighter shades of red.
Emma started to squirm around on Elizabeth’s lap and kick her legs and her gasps turned to very clear, “Ow ... ow ... ow,” after each spank.
Elizabeth decided that Emma knew she had earned a spanking and that was why she didn’t get up even as the spanks continued and so started to spank Emma on the same bottom cheek six or seven times before changing to spanking the other bottom cheek, and still Emma stayed in place. Elizabeth started to spank the backs of Emma’s legs which she knew would sting and whilst Emma was squirming around more, and her “Ow,” gasps got louder, still she stayed in place.
Once Elizabeth had turned Emma’s bottom cheeks and legs bright red she decided the spanking could stop. As she started to rub Emma’s bottom she looked at the back of her head now worried that this could rebound against her. She asked in what she hoped was a maternally strict tone, “Learnt your lesson, young lady?”
To Elizabeth’s surprise Emma sounded repentant when she replied, “Yes, sorry.”
Elizabeth rubbed Emma’s bottom a few more times before taking a deep breath to prepare herself for an expected tirade of abuse before ordering, “Okay, get up, Emma.”
Emma eased herself up from Elizabeth’s lap and as she stood rubbed her bottom and stepped from foot to foot as the nightie slipped back down over her hair mound. Elizabeth stared at Emma waiting for the almost inevitable rant, but instead Emma simply asked whilst sobbing and wiping the tears from her eyes with her hand, “Can I go to the bathroom, please?”
Elizabeth was almost relieved and said trying to keep a stern look on her face, “Go on then.”
Emma pulled her knickers and shorts back up, easing them gently over her sore bottom, and then walked quickly out of the living room and went upstairs and Elizabeth heard her go in to the bathroom.

Feeling uneasy Elizabeth went and sat down on the sofa to wait for Emma to come back down, if she did, of course. She listened as best she could and heard the shower going. Just then her phone went and coincidently it was Belinda. Elizabeth was still shocked at what she had done and said to Belinda in a surprised tone, ‘You won’t believe this, but I just spanked Emma.”
Belinda howled with delight at the other end of the phone. “Go girl,” she said laughing. They chatted for a few minutes and Belinda kept on congratulating Elizabeth and told her Emma would change now as she knew not to mess with her step-mum again.
Elizabeth even admitted, “The thing is, as I spanked her I felt all the tension flooding out of me and thought maybe I should make spanking a thing.”
Belinda egged Elizabeth on, although they both knew that was unrealistic.
The shower stopped and Elizabeth heard movement upstairs, and she ended the call with Belinda and reverted to worrying about Emma’s reaction. She got even more tense when she heard Emma coming back down the stairs and in to the living room.
Emma walked in to the room and instead of berating her went up to Elizabeth and in the most friendly voice she had ever used when speaking to her asked, “Did you want to say something to me, mum, before I was rude to you.”
Elizabeth was blown away as Emma had called her, ‘mum,’ for the first time. She was flummoxed though and wasn’t sure what to say.
Emma looked at the shopping bag and asked, “Buy something nice, mum?”
Elizabeth got up and picked up the bag and took out the dress she had bought and held it up.
“That’s really lovely, mum. Why not try it on?” Emma said with the friendliest of smiles. “I’ll unzip you,” she offered.
Elizabeth relaxed and in front of Emma slipped her dress down her arms and pushed it to the floor, stepped out of it, scooped it up, and put it on the chair. Standing only in her bra and knickers she took the new dress and slipped it over her head and pushed it down and in to place and Emma even zipped it back up for her.
“It really suits you, mum,” Emma said with what Elizabeth saw as a sincere tone.
Elizabeth decided to ask albeit tentatively, “So what do you think about the spanking?”
Emma blushed and unintentionally rubbed her bottom which was still stinging, and said in a respectful tone, “I deserved it, and know that next time it will most likely be harder.”
Elizabeth thought she had mis-heard. “Next time?” she queried.
Emma bit her lip before replying blushing and with a respectful tone, “Maybe a spanking is what I need to get me to do things around the house, mum.”
Elizabeth corrected Emma with, “You mean if you don’t do what I ask I should spank you?”
Emma blushed again. “Actually, mum, I mean that if I do what you ask you should spank me, and a lot harder than today, and I think you should spank me with a hairbrush as well.”
Elizabeth was confused again. “I don’t understand, Emma.”
Emma looked like she was trying to pick the right words, and then blurted out anxiously but truthfully, “I have wanted you to spank me from the first time I met you. I didn’t know why, except I loved your ‘Do as I say,’ tone of voice and longed for a strict maternal mum who spanked me when I needed it. Then I started to finger myself in bed thinking about you telling me off and spanking me and would cum. I didn’t want to ask you but wanted you to get cross with me and give me a real spanking. That’s why I had the bad attitude with you, thinking just maybe you would get so riled you would spank me. So, today when you did all my fantasies came true.” Emma felt better for having been open with her step-mum, and hoped she would realise that she meant it.
Elizabeth was starting to understand. “Are you saying that you see being spanked as a reward? Like, you will do the housework if I spank you first?”
Emma gave Elizabeth a questioning look and suggested, “Actually, mum, I would like the spanking after I have done the housework, or any of the other chores you set me.”
Elizabeth did then understand and as much as she wanted to treat Emma as an adult, she accepted that Emma wanted to be disciplined instead. So, she agreed, saying, “Okay, so in future, after you have done what I ask I’ll give you a spanking. I’ve got a wooden-backed hairbrush I can use as well.”
Emma blushed as she smiled and said, “Better get some more in, mum, as I heard that they break after being used a few times. Anyway, I really appreciate you understanding how I feel about getting spanked. I just know it will do me a lot of good.
Elizabeth realised that Emma was serious about wanting to be spanked. She also supposed it didn’t matter if Emma got aroused by being spanked because the important thing was that she did her fair share around the house and if spanking her did it then all to the good. Elizabeth did say, “You realise, Emma, that spanking isn’t a turn-on for me.”
Emma replied quickly, “Oh I hope you aren’t turned on mum. That’s just me. I just want you to spank me really hard when I earn it.”
Elizabeth smiled to herself again thinking how Emma meant she had to be good to earn a spanking. Still, it could work, she told herself.
So, today, as Elizabeth watched Emma putting the hoover away, she turned a dining chair in to the room and sat down, holding the large wooden-backed paddle hairbrush in her hand. She also wore shorts but smiled to herself as she kept hers on but knew that Emma loved to lie across her bare thighs.
Emma turned and saw Elizabeth and smiled, albeit tensely, as she walked over and stood to her side looking down at her lap. She pushed her shorts downwards catching her knickers and they both ended up below her knees. She then looked at Elizabeth who pointed to her lap and eased herself downwards lowering her full weight on to Elizabeth’s waiting thighs.
Elizabeth rubbed Emma’s bottom and thought how this was going to be the tenth spanking she will have given Emma who was now a changed young lady. She was co-operative and polite, and told her how much she loved having her as her step-mum. Elizabeth was also much more relaxed as there weren’t any more of those tense hours when Emma would be in one of her infamous sulks.
So as Elizabeth raised her hand and brought it down firmly on Emma’s bottom this was another, ‘Good girl,’ spanking and a thank you for doing the housework. Just as the spanking she gave her three days ago had been a thank you for doing the ironing, and the week before for changing the bedlinen on both their beds, and two days before that for doing the shopping.
The sort of backwards regime worked for both of them. Emma wanted to be spanked and got aroused every time, whilst Elizabeth saw it as different to a naughty girl spanking but achieving the same end, which was a tension free house. It was better than that, actually, as most kids after a spanking sulked for a while whilst Emma never did. It didn’t even matter to Elizabeth that only Emma got aroused by the spanking, as the result was the important thing for her.
Elizabeth spanked Emma’s increasingly reddening bottom harder and harder with the paddle hairbrush even as Emma squirmed around on her lap, tensed and kicked her legs, shook her head, and cried out in obvious pain. Elizabeth knew though that Emma wanted to be spanked that hard and, after all, had done the hoovering and so earned the spanking. Elizabeth kept on spanking Emma even when she saw her bottom was glowing bright red and she knew she was crying and yelping and the pain was taking over all of her senses. In fact, she didn’t stop until she saw her dribbling from her mouth which told her that Emma was now crying uncontrollably.
Once Elizabeth did stop she ordered, “Get up, Emma, time to be a naughty girl again.” It was their in-joke as normally a spanking would be used to turn a naughty girl in to a good one.
Emma eased herself up from Elizabeth’s lap and forced herself to sit on the hard wooden chair that was now in the dining room for just that purpose. As Emma eased herself down, gasping as her tender stinging bottom settled on the cold hard wooden chair, Elizabeth got a hanky and gently rubbed the tears away from Emma’s eyes.
“Thank you, mum,” Emma said as she hugged Elizabeth. “Love you lots, mum.”
Elizabeth was really happy that she had become so close to Emma. “I love you too, Emma, so so much.”
Emma was happy to be cuddled and have the tears wiped away for several minutes before asking, “Can I go upstairs please, mum?”
“Of course, sweetie,” Elizabeth replied letting go of a still sobbing Emma and watched her pull her shorts and knickers back up as gently as she could.
As Emma walk gingerly out of the room rubbing her bottom and went upstairs she knew that doing the housework was a small price to pay to get the stinging spanked bottom she yearned for so often and was so ready to lie on her bed and have several orgasms.
Elizabeth knew how lucky she was to have a step-daughter like Emma and felt so much more relaxed now that she knew that she would give her the help she wanted around the house.
What was also clear to both mum and step-daughter was that theirs was now a far happier home and family because of the new discipline regime wanted by both of them.