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The Spying Neighbour

"A neighbour spys on her much younger neighbour and gets caught and disciplined"

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Jenny was thrown when she heard the doorbell, opened the front door, and saw her neighbour’s twenty-two-year-old daughter, Samantha, standing there. She smiled uneasily as she had just this moment come back downstairs after masturbating on her bed. The thing was that she had been fantasising about Samantha. Jenny was thirty-seven-years -old but was so taken by Samantha.

“Hi Samantha,” Jenny managed to say looking her up and down. She looked so gorgeous in her pink cropped vest top showing off her full breasts and flat tummy. She was wearing bikini bottoms which showed off her long bare equally gorgeous legs. It was different to the view she took to bed with her. The view she had when she looked at Samantha through the hole in their fence. Then Samantha was laid out on a deckchair and was naked from top to toe.

Samantha smiled and replied, “Hi, Jenny.”

Jenny saw that Samantha was holding out a cup. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and asked, “Is you’re Mum away now?”

Samantha kept smiling as she replied, “Yes, Jenny. She’s away for two weeks. Anyway, I wanted to bake a cake but Mum didn’t leave any sugar. Have you got some I could borrow, please? I’ll go shopping later and buy some.”

Jenny relaxed as she realised Samantha hadn’t seen her spying on her. It would have been so embarrassing. “Sure thing, Samantha. Come in and I’ll get some for you.”

Jenny stood back as Samantha walked towards the kitchen. She looked at Samantha’s bottom which was hardly covered by the very brief bikini bottoms. Jenny so wanted to kiss those delicious looking cheeks.

Samantha turned around and caught Jenny’s eye and could see her mind was wandering as she held the cup out.

“Oh yes,” Jenny said taking the cup and hoped Samantha didn’t realise that she was thinking about something else. Samantha’s bottom in fact.

Once Jenny had filled the cup with sugar Samantha smiled and said, “I’ll get back and bake that cake now, Jenny. How about I bring you some cake once I’ve made it?”

“That would be lovely,” Samantha replied making sure she looked straight at Samantha and not at her full breasts that pushed out her vest top.

Jenny was a successful writer. She had already written four best sellers and was part way through her fifth book. She had intended writing some more today but was so thrown by seeing Samantha she could not concentrate. So she read the newspaper and played a few games on her computer thinking about Samantha coming over again later.

Mid-afternoon Jenny went out in to her garden and heard some movement next door. She could not see in to her neighbour's garden from her house and nor could any other house. However there was that hole in the fence and Jenny could not resist looking through it. She was as quiet as she could be as she went to the hole and bent down and looked through. She gasped with delight as she saw Samantha lying on her back again and fully naked. She bit her lips as she savoured the sight of Samantha’s full breasts and even saw the Brazilian that Samantha sported. Oh how Jenny wanted to lick those pussy lips of Samantha’s.

Unable to control herself Jenny went back in to the house and straight upstairs. She lifted her dress up above her waist as she lay on the bed. Her fingers quickly dived inside her knickers and she felt her very wet pussy lips. She ran her fingers up and down her pussy lips. Edging inside her vagina and flicking her taut clit she brought herself to another orgasm as she pictured the naked Samantha in her mind.

Jenny went back downstairs and waited restlessly for Samantha to come back over. There was quite an age gap but even so Jenny found the twenty-two-year-old so attractive and loved her school mistress voice with the edge to it that demanded to be obeyed. In fact Samantha was a school teacher and Jenny often played over in her mind sitting in a detention held by her.

The afternoon dragged by but eventually at about seven o’clock the doorbell rang again. Jenny opened it to find Samantha holding a plate with a fruit cake on it.

“Tadaa,” Samantha said with a smile.

“Looks great, Samantha. Do come in.”

Samantha was wearing a red vest top which again showed off her full breasts. She wore a very short white skirt and had bare legs.

Samantha got in first with, “That’s a nice dress, Jenny.”

Jenny smiled. It was a favourite of hers It was floral and sleeveless with a hem well above her knee. She too had bare legs. “Thank you. You look very nice too, Samantha,”

Smiling, they both went in to the kitchen. Samantha put the cake on the table and saw that Jenny had already got a couple of plates and forks ready. She saw two wine glasses as well.

“Fancy a glass of white?” Jenny asked.

“Love to,” Jenny replied smiling.

They chatted for a while and had a couple of glasses of wine. Jenny was getting particularly relaxed. At least she was until Samantha said in her school mistress voice, “So when I was sunbathing in the garden yesterday I heard some movement on your side of the fence, Jenny.”

Samantha felt herself blushing as she took another sip of wine and asked in an embarrassed tone, “Oh yes?”

Samantha looked sternly at Jenny and said, “Yes. I heard the movement and looked at that hole in the fence and I could see you looking through it. Straight at me.”

“Did I?” Jenny asked blushing but realising Samantha knew her awful truth.

Samantha continued. “You didn’t look just once did you? I know that you looked several times and again today. You looked at me and I was stark naked every time. You did, didn’t you, Jenny?” Samantha demanded.

Jenny mumbled, “Erm, sorry, Samantha,” as she took another sip. Then realising she had been caught out she said quietly again, “Sorry, Samantha.”

Samantha continued with a stern look and ‘Do as I say,’ tone of voice. “I recall in one of your books a girl looked through a fence at a naked woman and she got a spanking. I think you need a spanking as well.”

Jenny was shocked at the bald statement. She recalled the book and when she wrote the story it felt right. So now that Samantha stated that she deserved a spanking she could hardly argue. What was right in the story was also right in real life. Added to that Jenny knew that as well as fantasising about being in a detention held by Samantha she had also pictured herself bending across her lap for a spanking or even bending over for the cane.

Not that she had ever been spanked or caned at school herself but she had often wondered what it might have been like. She had never even been smacked at school nor at home. She didn’t quite know why she had fantasised about being disciplined. However now she was being told point blank she was going to be spanked. So still blushing she replied, “Okay, Samantha. I guess I do deserve a spanking.”

Samantha nodded in satisfaction and ordered, “Right then, Jenny. Get undressed and then I’ll put you across my lap.”

Jenny was taken aback. “Why undressed? Why don’t I just raise my dress up?”

Samantha gave Jenny another school teacher stern stare and snapped, “You saw me naked, Jenny. That means I get to see you naked. So get undressed right now.”

Jenny saw the sense of that so again could not argue. She unzipped her dress and stepped out of it. She put her hands behind her back and unclipped her bra and let the straps slip down her arms catching the bra and putting it on top of her dress. Finally she blushed a deep red as she stepped out of her knickers and placed them on top of her other clothes. She stood facing Samantha with one hand covering her pussy and the other trying to cover her breasts.

Samantha was having none of it. “Put your hands on top of your head, my girl,” she said sternly.

Jenny blushed an even deeper red as she slowly raised her hands and clasped them above her head. This certainly wasn’t how she had ever imagined herself with the ever so attractive Samantha.

On the other hand Samantha smiled as she watched her older neighbour do as she was told and watched for several moments, noting Jenny’s full breasts, slight roundness of her tummy, and slimmish legs. Maybe not a women in the first flush of youth but still quite a looker she told herself.

Samantha turned a chair in to the room and sat down. Her short skirt rode right up and knew that the naked Jenny would find herself lying across her bare thighs. She looked up at Jenny who still had her hands on her head and looked embarrassed but she ignored that. She was quite used to seeing naughty schoolgirls and boys who were regretting being naughty before a punishment. She taught sixteen to eighteen-year-olds and several thought they were above the school rules. That was until caught and told they faced a punishment. Jenny was no different to those pupils except for her age. She hadn’t punished anyone as old as Jenny but was looking forward to it.

“Get across my lap,” Samantha ordered still looking stern but seeing Jenny’s taut nipples which were a giveaway that she was getting aroused by the prospect of her spanking. It was not something she had ever registered before as she put a schoolgirl or boy across her lap, but then, they were never naked.

Jenny swallowed as she stepped forward and looked down at Samantha’s lap. The realisation that she was about to bend across her bare thighs was erotic whilst the thought of her first ever spanking was strangely a turn-on as well. As she bent down she felt so strange. As her hands caught her fall she had a tingly fluttery feeling as she lowered her tummy and her bare skin lay across Samantha’s bare thighs. Samantha’s cool bare thighs. Even seeing her own legs on the far side of the chair seemed erotic. More so was the close-up view she now had of the backs of Samantha’s legs and her painted toes. Being submissive was somehow a real turn-on whilst being across a much younger woman’s lap made it even more erotic.

Feeling Samantha’s hand rubbing her bottom generated even more flutters deep inside her vagina. Sure she found the upside down position embarrassing. Humiliating even. However as she had pictured herself across Samantha’s lap so many times as she masturbated she reckoned it was better than her dreaming. Even as she felt Samantha rub her bottom her heart beat quicker and quicker and she felt herself getting more and more aroused.

Samantha looked down at Jenny’s bottom as she rubbed her bare cheeks. It was certainly a fuller bottom than the schoolgirls and boys she spanked. Even fuller than the bigger girls and somehow it was rather sexy. It was really quite a turn-on. She had feelings she never felt with the schoolgirls and boys. At school when she spanked a bare bottom it was to discipline them for misbehaving. Sure Jenny had been naughty, spying on her as she sunbathed naked in the garden. However, even that was sexual. She found Jenny attractive and had wondered what it might be like to go out with her. As two girlfriends together. Maybe even kissing and making out. So it was strange to have her across her lap knowing she was going to give her a very hard spanking. No doubt much harder than Jenny had reckoned on even.

When the first spank landed Jenny let out a gasp. She wasn’t expecting it to sting like that. As each spank landed after that on alternate bottom cheeks so she gasped each time. The stinging got worse though. She had reckoned she would get used to the spanks but it became more and more uncomfortable as the spanks continued to land. It hurt more as Samantha landed spank after spank on the same bottom cheek before doing the same to the other bottom cheek. Worse still was when Samantha spanked the backs of her legs.

Samantha smiled as she listened to the increasing distress from Jenny. She knew it would happen of course just as it always happened at school. The brave schoolgirls and boys were full of bravado in front of the others before they entered the classroom alone. Then they quietened down. Once the spanking started though the realisation hit them as the spanks rained down all over their bottoms and soon enough they were saying how sorry they were and pleading for, ‘Miss,’ to stop spanking them. She didn’t though. At least not until their bottoms were bright red and they were crying uncontrollably.

Samantha happily continued to land spank after spank all over Jenny’s bare bottom cheeks and the tops of her legs turning them a delightful rosy red. She enjoyed listening to Jenny’s increasingly loud gasps and watching her squirm around on her lap. It didn’t matter that Jenny was so many years older than her. She was going to teach this naughty woman not to watch her as she sunbathed naked in the garden. At least not unless she agreed to it.

Jenny found it increasingly hard to cope with the intense stinging as the spanks kept on landing. She accepted, though, that she should not have sneaked her several views of the naked Samantha. She kept looking at the floor or just as often at the backs of Jenny’s legs which she still found humiliating but also still a turn-on. Samantha had lovely legs and toes that were definitely kissable. She would cope with the hand spanking she told herself.

Samantha decided Jenny’s bottom was red enough to go on to the next stage of the punishment. She glared at the back of Jenny’s head and ordered, “Get up and bring me my handbag, girl.”

Jenny heard the instruction and was pleased the spanking was over. She pushed herself up and looking around saw the handbag although Samantha was pointing at it anyway. Unsure why she had to get the handbag she did anyway thinking the stinging was manageable now she knew the spanking was over. She retrieved the handbag and handed it to the waiting Samantha.

Jenny looked on innocently as Samantha opened the handbag and took out a hairbrush. It was one of those wooden backed ones. She had a couple herself in fact. So she was going to brush her hair, Jenny assumed. It didn’t seem so unkempt she thought. Her innocence was blown away when she say Samantha look up at her with the same stern school mistress look.

Samantha said sternly, “Get back across my lap, girl. A few dozen with this are in order.”

Jenny was aghast at the command but letting out a sob she obeyed Samantha and quickly eased herself back across her bare thighs. This time they were warm and there was no arousing rubbing. There were just a couple of warning taps with the hard wooden paddle brush. Next moment her bottom exploded as the first spank landed. She let out a cry as the pain engulfed her bottom. As the spanks followed one after the other so she let out louder and louder cries and licked her legs and squirmed around more and more fiercely on Samantha’s lap.

Samantha knew the hairbrush would hurt.

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She used it often enough at school on naughty bottoms that needed more than a hand spanking. It always got great results and with the bonus of kicking legs, plenty of pleas for her to stop, and constant apologies. Of course she always ignored them all until she was ready to stop.

The spanks continued to land all over Jenny’s bottom and she knew she was kicking her legs and her eyes were tear-filled. This was hurting much more than the hand spanking and she felt the tears gushing out of her eyes and running down her face. Even so the spanks continued to land.

Samantha could feel Jenny’s chest heaving as she started to cry. That was what she had expected as she landed harder and harder spanks and without any wavering or gaps. She knew when giving a spanking with the hairbrush it had to be firm and constant to get the best effect. That was the most tears and the most remorse from the offender. Spanking Jenny was definitely no different to that. She counted out thirty-six hard remorseless spanks before stopping.

Jenny was crying uncontrollably even as the spanks stopped. She just lay there still across Samantha’s lap with eyes too tear-filled to properly see the backs of her legs any more. At least the spanks had stopped though.

Samantha rubbed Jenny’s bottom as she enjoyed listening to her deep sobs. As she rubbed her fingers slid between Jenny’s legs and along her pussy lips. Her very wet pussy lips. Samantha was surprised and as she checked by running her finger s back along Jenny’s pussy lips she asked in a surprised tone, “Are you aroused by being spanked, Jenny?”

Jenny didn’t reply except she let out the type of gasp Samantha knew meant she was getting aroused. So she ran her fingers up and down Jenny’s wet pussy lips and again drew erotic gasps. This was just so different, Samantha told herself. Could it be that Jenny was a woman who enjoyed being spanked? Certainly she was loving spanking her bottom and knew her own pussy was already damp. If that were the case then she would have to take Jenny to her limit and she would need more than a hairbrush for that.

“Get up, girl,” Samantha ordered.

Jenny tried to force her arms to ease herself up but was crying too much. She lay there for a bit to try to recover. She reckoned without the hand spanks landing again on her bottom and the stern voice from somewhere behind her.

“If you don’t want to get up I can always spank you again, girl,” she heard Samantha say sternly.

Jenny suddenly found the strength in her arms again and pushed herself up until she stood looking down through blurry eyes at what she was sure was still an angry looking Samantha. She had so underestimated the twenty-two-year-old. She knew she was a teacher but none of her teachers had been this stern with her.

Samantha smiled as she watched Jenny rub her bottom furiously as she stepped from foot to foot. Good, she told herself. Jenny was learning her lesson just as she had hoped. What made her happier was that Jenny wasn’t sounding off like an adult. She was accepting her punishment and her disciplinary control which was both rewarding and somehow erotic in a way she had never felt before when spanking anyone.

Samantha had more plans though and so after allowing Jenny to dance and rub for a few moments she ordered, “Go and face the wall and keep your hands on your head. If you rub any more then you are going back across my lap girl. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss,” Jenny replied. As she placed her hands on her head she did find it funny how she had addressed her younger neighbour so respectfully. She liked it though, she told herself.

Samantha watched Jenny stand in front of the wall and ordered. “Press your nose against the wall as well.”

Jenny did as she was told and looked at the wall just an inch from her blurry eyes. This was another new experience for her.

“If you move I will start over again, girl. Understood?” Samantha commanded.

“Yes, Miss,” Jenny repeated thinking that although the spanking wasn’t so bad, now it was over, she didn’t want another one. Not just yet anyway, she told herself.

Samantha said sternly, “I am leaving the room but don’t forget that if you move or rub I’ll start over.”

Jenny kept her nose pressed against the wall and had no intention of moving. She would love to rub her bottom some more as her cheeks stung so much but she also wanted to obey her younger neighbour. So even as she heard Samantha leave the room she kept her nose pressed against the wall and her hands on her head.

It was several minutes before Jenny heard Samantha come back in to the room. She hadn’t heard her move around the house but even so continued to be obedient.

“Turn around but keep your hands on your head, girl,” Samantha ordered.

Jenny turned and as soon as she saw Jenny she gasped. Well not exactly at Samantha but more at what she was holding, a long hook ended cane.

Samantha saw the look on Jenny’s face and gave a hard smile. “I use this on the naughtiest schoolgirls and boys. I think you deserve six strokes.”

Jenny was wide-eyed at the sight of the cane and the tariff she had been given. Did she deserve the cane as well because she ogled Samantha as she sunbathed naked? It took only a moment to tell herself that she did.

Samantha saw that Jenny wasn’t going to argue. She loved the control she had over the older woman. She moved a kitchen stool in to the room and ordered, “Bend over the stool and grab the bar near the floor, girl.” Samantha added in a stern tone, “If you get up or cover your bottom with your hands then the stroke won’t count.”

Jenny swallowed hard as she registered the threat and obediently did as she was told. She bent over the stool and grabbed the bar near the base. She knew her bottom was perched on top of the stool. She had never been caned but several of her friends had been and she knew it would hurt. Six strokes over her already sore bottom was going to hurt a lot, she told herself.

Samantha looked at Jenny’s already reddened bottom and licked her lips as she tapped the cane twice on her unprotected and waiting bottom. She pulled her arm back, waited just a moment, and then brought the cane back down hard and landed the stroke right across the centre of Jenny’s bottom.

Jenny looked at Samantha’s legs as she felt the two taps. Her eyes had cleared and she saw the muscles of Samantha’s legs tense and knew the cane was on its way back down towards her bottom. The next moment the pain cascaded around her bottom. It was much worse than the hairbrush had been and she could not stop herself crying out loudly. At least she assumed it was loudly. She did know she had clenched her teeth and fought back tears.

Samantha watched the red wheal appear as she always did. It only took a few seconds and she used it to time herself between strokes. She aimed and landed the second stroke just below the first and listened to Jenny’s howl as the second wheal developed.

Jenny howled and wanted to stand up and rub her bottom but knew that Samantha would keep her word and the stroke wouldn’t count. As she thought about it the third stroke bit in to her bottom and she howled again and grasped the bar of the chair even harder to make sure she didn’t let go.

Samantha let the third wheal develop and as it reddened so she pulled her arm back and delivered the fourth stroke. She regularly gave six strokes at school and knew that with most of the schoolgirls and boys there were tears by the fourth stroke. She didn’t see any come from Jenny just yet and so determined to make the next stroke even harder. She would also land it just below Jenny’s bottom cheeks which was a more sensitive area than the cheeks themselves.

Jenny sniffed back tears and looked at Samantha’s legs. She saw the muscles tense and knew the fifth stroke was coming. It landed and she screamed out. It seemed to be below her bottom cheeks although she told herself the pain was literally flowing up and down her bottom and from side to side so she wasn’t too sure. Either way she felt the tears run down her face and knew she couldn’t stop herself crying.

Samantha saw the first tear and nodded to herself with satisfaction. Tears made the caning she always told herself. If there were no tears then the lesson wasn’t properly learned. So as she pulled the cane back for the sixth and final stroke she aimed at the tops of Jenny’s thighs knowing it would sting the most. She landed it across the backs of Jenny’s thighs and watched as her head was thrown back and she gave the loudest cry so far.

Samantha savoured the moment and let Jenny stay over the stool and cry for a few moments before commanding, “Get up, girl.”

Jenny made the same mistake as when across Samantha’s lap and lay where she was for too long. She remembered once the cane landed once again just below the last stroke so slightly further down her thighs. She screamed out and pushed herself up to a standing position turning and placing her hands firmly on top of her head. She really must learn from this she told herself.

Samantha smiled at the sight of the thirty-seven-year-old crying like a schoolgirl as she stepped from foot to foot. After a few moments she sympathised and said albeit still firmly, “You can rub, girl.”

“Thank you, Miss,” Jenny replied as she rubbed her bottom feverishly and made more dancing steps as she tried to rub away the pain.

Samantha put the cane on the table and sat on the chair, crossed her legs, and watched. She saw how Jenny was still dancing and rubbing her bottom and the tears kept running down her face. Slowly though the pace of the steps reduced as did the rubbing and as did the tears.

Samantha stood up once Jenny had recovered enough and stood in front of her. She glared at her and said sternly, “Will you spy on me when I am naked again, Jenny?”

“No, Samantha. I won’t. I promise.”

Samantha registered that Jenny was no longer addressing her as ‘Miss,’ but didn’t mind. She continued, “I am going to a party tomorrow night with some teacher friends of mine. Would you like to come with me?”

Jenny swallowed hard but was overjoyed. “Yes please,” Samantha. I would love to.”

“How about a kiss and a cuddle then?” Samantha asked in a less stern tone and smiling.

Jenny smiled back as Samantha put her arms around her waist and pulled her in close. Jenny put her arms around Samantha’s neck and they held each other as they kissed, Jenny opening her lips as Samantha pressed her tongue against them. Soon Samantha’s tongue was entwined with Jenny’s inside Jenny’s mouth and Samantha put her hands on Jenny’s very sore bottom cheeks and squeezed.

As they kissed Samantha guided Jenny towards the wall and pressing her against it they continued to kiss passionately. Jenny’s hand moved between Samantha’s legs and covered her wet pussy. Jenny ran her fingers up and down along Samantha’s pussy as Samantha groaned erotically. When Jenny edged her fingers inside Samantha’s wet pussy the erotic groans got louder and more intense until Samantha exploded in orgasm. They continued kissing and cuddling as Samantha’s breathing returned to normal.

Samantha pulled herself back a few inches and looking with a smile said, “I’ll stay the night.” It was said with a tone that told Jenny she couldn’t argue even if she wanted to. She didn’t want to though and was happy Samantha was taking control. Samantha continued, “You will stay naked until we go tomorrow night. I will probably have to spank you again in the morning just to make sure you remember who is in charge.”

Jenny sniffed as she asked, “Will you be using the hairbrush and cane again, Samantha?”

“Of course,” Samantha replied firmly.

“Can I keep calling you, Miss?” Jenny asked blushing.

“I think you should.” Samantha smiled as she added, “I think two strokes of the cane every time you forget is in order.”

“Really?” Jenny asked smiling.

Samantha gave a wicked smile when replying. “Yes, really, and that is two strokes for not addressing as Miss.”

Jenny blushed an even deeper red but was happy to accept the punishment. She knew her pussy was just so damp and that was because she was with a woman she found so very attractive and loved her to be the dominant partner. She knew she would be spanked and caned a lot during their relationship but welcomed it all.

“Sorry, Miss,” Jenny replied obediently.

“That’s better, girl,” Samantha said sternly but smiling again. “Anyway, I need to be thanked properly for disciplining you. Let’s go to your bedroom and you can put your tongue to work. Understood, girl?”

“Yes, Miss,” Jenny replied submissively.

“Bring the cane,” Samantha ordered. “I’ll give you your two strokes before we get in to bed.”

“Yes, Miss,” Jenny replied picking up the cane.

Samantha led the way but stopped at the bathroom where she picked up some cream. Once in the bedroom she sat on a chair and pointed to her lap. “Get over again, girl,” she ordered.

“Not another spanking?” Jenny pleaded. Her bottom was so sore already.

“Get over my lap and don’t argue,” ordered Samantha.

Once Jenny bent across Samantha’s lap she heard the can open and Samantha started to rub the cream in to Jenny’s bottom. Soon her hands slipped between Jenny’s thighs and up and down her wet pussy lips and within seconds she cried out in orgasm. It must have been the best orgasm she had ever had.

Jenny stood up and leaning forward kissed Samantha and said a sensual, “Thank you.”

Samantha smiled and said, “My pleasure girl. Just as giving you six more strokes will be my pleasure.”

Jenny realised she had missed saying, ‘Miss,’ twice more so that was why she would get six strokes. She swallowed hard but was happier as she watched Samantha get undressed.

Samantha pulled her vest top over her head and put it on the dressing table. She undid her bra and let it slip down her arms and Jenny saw close-up the full breasts she had seen through the hole in the fence. Samantha then pushed her skirt and knickers down in one movement and stepping out of them put them with the rest of her clothes. “Now you can see me naked without peeking through the fence, girl.”

Jenny smiled and could not wait to get her tongue licking Samantha’s Brazilian cut pussy lips. However her joy was short-lived. She gasped as she watched Samantha pick up the cane and swish it.

Samantha saw the horror on Jenny’s face and said wickedly, “I’ll give you the six strokes before we go to bed and you use your tongue on me. You’ll also enjoy it more with a stinging bottom, girl.”

Jenny swallowed hard but knew that Samantha was right. She was going to get caned a lot she reckoned but have better and better orgasms because of it. Not such a bad thing she told herself as she bent over and grabbed the seat of the chair. She wasn’t expecting to be so submissive to a girl so much younger than herself but she was sure that Samantha was going to be worth it.

Written by SusanHarper
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