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Driving with Uber, An Unexpected Benefit - Chapter 14, Conclusion

"The girls surprise Uncle Chuck. Do they turn the tables?"

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We separated after dinner. I had headed back to my place and Klara and Khrystiana headed back to Khrys' place. On the Uber ride back home I started thinking about our upcoming ‘farewell’ picnic for Klara on Saturday. One thing that struck me was Khrys’ comment about how provocative she found the idea of being spanked in a way that could be viewed by others. I had also noticed the sparkle in Klara’s eyes when Khrys made her comment.

I realized as soon as Khrys suggested the picnic that this might be my chance to give both girls a spanking. I figured that after five days, Klara’s bottom might be ready for another one. I thought she might want one given the fact that it would probably be a while before she could find a spanker back in Denmark, but I also realized that if we were caught doing this it could mean being arrested for public indecency. So my challenge was finding a place for the picnic where the girls might think that the possibility was there but, in reality, it was not.

I spent the rest of the evening thinking about this before finally deciding that the risk was not worth it. I decided that the next best thing would be to find a great place for a picnic on Lake Michigan that would actually be private so that if the girls decided that a ‘reminder’ spanking was in order I could easily and happily oblige them.

The solution to my problem was simple and easy. Before my retirement I worked for a truly great boss. He had also been a great friend. We stayed in touch after my retirement and often enjoyed dinner and an occasional golf match. He was the CEO of a large IT company and had been eminently successful. Tom had bought a 6,300 square foot house on about thirty acres of lakeshore in Highland Park, not far from Chicago.

I knew that he would gladly let me use his grounds for a picnic. I also knew he was visiting some of his European offices. I fired off a quick email asking if I could use his place. When I woke up on Thursday there was an email from him telling me that I did not even have to ask. He also suggested dinner in two weeks when he got back to the States.

Now all I had to do was wait until Saturday. I had told the girls Wednesday evening that I would take care of the location for the picnic and our drinks. They were going to take care of the food. I told the girls that I would drive and would pick them up around 10:30 as it would take us about an hour to get to my friend’s place.

I called Khrys as I was getting close to her condo and when I pulled up in front both girls were waiting for me with an oversized picnic hamper. I pressed the button to open the trunk of my car and jumped out to help with the hamper. I had previously placed a cooler in the trunk with some beer, soda, water and a few bottles of white wine. We stowed the hamper. Khrys jumped in on the passenger side while Klara got in the back seat behind her sister. On the drive out I told the girls that a good friend was letting us use his place for our picnic.

I pulled up to his gated entry and punched in the code. The gate swung open and I headed down the quarter mile drive through forest to his house. Both girls gasped a bit when the house came into view. It was on a rise with Lake Michigan behind it. Between the house and the lake shore were a swimming pool and a tennis court.

The two girls looked at me and, as if one voice, asked, "Who owns this place?" I told them about Tom. I told them that I had been one of his senior executives but had not done as well as Tom had.

Khrys looked at me. "I never asked you, Uncle Chuck, why you were driving for Uber. But now I will. Obviously, you were not doing that for the money."

I laughed as I replied. "You are correct. But at that time of my life, I was going stir crazy. My wife had died. I had retired. I simply wanted something to do to get me out of the house a bit. Uber did that for me. I am certainly glad that I had because otherwise, dear Khrys, you and I never would have met."

Khrys called me Uncle Chuck at times but I was not related to her by blood. I had found out during that first drive that on occasion her dad still believed in corporal punishment for his daughter no matter whether she was ten or sixteen or twenty-two. Khrys and I continued to get together and, over time, she found out that I had always been fascinated with adult spankings and had, in my past, helped a couple of young women hold themselves accountable. Khrys had asked me to do the same for her and had adopted me as a sort of ‘strict uncle’. That decision led to Khrystiana receiving a proper spanking for some money management issues.

More time passed and I found out that Khrys had been turned on watching one of her best friends get a spanking from that friend’s dad in front of Khrys. She realized over time that this was not uncommon so, on her birthday, I gave her a ‘reminder spanking’.  Khrys had a nice orgasm as an additional birthday present as a result of that spanking and our first digital sexual contact.

When Klara got to the States for an internship in Milwaukee, Khrys introduced her to me. Eventually, Klara had also been given a proper spanking. Klara had a difficult time grasping the idea that a spanking could be pleasurable, but she had found out just a few days before our outing that they could be.

We pulled up onto Tom’s driveway and unloaded our stuff. We decided to head down to Tom’s private beach and set up our picnic there. I grabbed a beer as the two girls poured themselves a glass of wine. Khrys looked back towards the pool.

“I wish you had told us that there was going to be a pool available. We could have brought our suits.”

“You know, Khrys,” Klara commented, “a swim does sound like a really good idea given how warm it is.”

With that, she picked up her glass of wine and headed back to the pool. She put her glass on one of the tables by the pool and peeled off her tee-shirt. Once again she had gone without a bra. She kicked off her sandals and removed her shorts. She then stepped out of her panties and headed to the pool. She stood by the side of the pool, turned to wave at Khrys and me, and yelled.

“Well, come on.”

Khrystiana and I looked at each other and headed over to a now submerged Klara. We stripped and joined Klara in the cool water. It was a delight to see these two beautiful young naked ladies cavorting around in the water. I was wondering if sometime soon I might have the pleasure of having one or maybe both of these nubile young women over my lap.

As we jumped out of the pool after about a half hour or so I headed to the bath house to grab some towels.  We dried off and changed back into our street clothes and headed back to the waterfront for our picnic. The girls had packed an assortment of bread, cheeses, fruits and roasted chicken. The swimming had given each of us an appetite so we dug right in.

We were laying on the blankets we had brought with us after lunch when Klara popped up on her elbows.

“Uncle Chuck, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“And what might that be, my young Klara?”

“I mentioned at dinner Wednesday night that I had told Khrys the night before that I was very pleasantly surprised by the ‘reminder’ spanking that you had given me.  I had been surprised by how arousing they can be. I had also been surprised on how sore my bottom was when I woke up on Wednesday. My big sister laughed as she told me that regardless of why the spanking was given they stung for a few days afterward. She also told me that she did not think you knew how to give an easy spanking. Well, my bottom is still a little bit tingly. But I am heading back to Sweden tomorrow, and I have a concern that it is going to be a long time before I get another reminder spanking. So the favor I am looking for is for you to give me another ‘playful’ spanking. Would you mind?”

I smiled as I replied, “Klara, I believe that you know that I very much believe in proper spankings when one is deserved. You also know that I really do dislike having to give them. We talked about the fact that it is the mindset that makes such a difference in either you or Khrys receiving a punishment spanking versus a playful one. It is the same fact with me in having to give a punishment spanking over a playful one, one of mindset. I do not like giving punishment spankings. However, I love giving playful ones. I think that you need to get into your birthday suit and join me on the bench over there. Khrys, do you want to watch or do you want to go for a walk or something?”

“Oh no, Uncle Chuck, I am definitely going to stay to see my little sister get a good spanking. In fact, I had a hunch that Klara might be asking you to do this, so,” Khrys said as she dug into her bag to bring out the hairbrush I had given her for her birthday, “I brought this along just in case. You see, I don’t want you to wear out your hand because once you are done with Klara it is going to be me baring my bottom and crawling over your knee. I am definitely staying to watch the spanking.  However, once the spanking is over I am going to take a walk as what might happen next should be in private.”

I smiled as I accepted the brush from Khrys. I realized that my wondering about spanking both of these young ladies was going to turn into reality. The three of us walked over to the conversation area Tom had built overlooking the lake. Khrys sat down on one of the benches facing me as I sat on a second one. Klara, in turn, had removed her top. As she looked at me I slapped the palm of my hand a couple of times with the back of the brush and Klara winced a bit but smiled. I laid the brush at my side so that I could reach it when it was needed.

Klara faced away from me as she unsnapped her shorts and was slowly unzipping her zipper as she turned back towards us. She peeled them down along with her panties and kicked them off. She came close and sat on my lap. Her arms went around my neck and she gave me a long, searching kiss. I kissed her in return with one hand around her slender waist and the other caressing her breast and pinching slightly at her nipple. It immediately began to swell and harden.

I kissed her one more time and then adjusted her so that her bottom was perfectly positioned for my left hand. I rubbed and pinched her bottom and also felt between her legs. I could feel the slightest amount of moisture on her vaginal lips.

“Let’s see. You wanted a reminder spanking. I guess we should begin.”

Once again I started slow and my spanks were fairly moderate. As I continued, I realized that Klara’s bottom was getting pink sooner than it had on Tuesday. I hoped that this was enough time for Klara before getting another pretty serious, if playful, spanking. Like Khrys had told her sister, Uncle Chuck did not really know how to give an easy spanking.

After a few minutes, I stopped and started rubbing Klara's bottom. I then decided to continue the spanking with a little more vigor. By now Klara was letting out some "oohs" and "ouches". Her bottom was moving around quite a bit and she was kicking slightly with each spank landing. I started rubbing again and once again felt for moisture. I was not disappointed. By now Klara was wet and she moaned as she felt my fingers go into her pussy.

“God, I want that, Uncle Chuck, but not yet. For me to remember this you have to spank me a lot harder than you are doing. I need to have a really sore bottom for my flight tomorrow. You need to do much better than this.”

I smiled a bit and glanced over at Khrys. She was grinning widely and then pointed to the brush at my side. Klara had seen the motion. She looked at her sister and called her a traitor. I nodded back to Khrys. I felt Klara up a little more before I brought my hand back to her bottom and started the spanking again. Klara jumped as she felt my hand land hard.

“My palm is beginning to sting, Klara. If I am going to save some of it for Khrystiana then I am going to have to accept your sister’s advice.”

I picked up the hairbrush and started tapping it on Klara’ bottom cheeks and tops of her legs. I brought it down with a very sharp crack on her right cheek and then her left. Klara kicked both legs up and threw her head back.

“God, that hurt!, God. Wow. Yes, I need that, Uncle Chuck.”

I continued. My hand was moving up and down quickly and moving to put that flat wooden surface high then low, right then left. I pulled Klara to me and brought the brush down five times in one spot on her right cheek and then did the same to her left. By now Klara is kicking and some tears are flowing. She is bucking but at the same time asking for more. She finally completely slumped over my lap and dropped her head and more tears started to flow. I laid the brush down and rested my hand on Klara’s very crimson backside. Her bottom was emanating heat. I slowly rubbed and caressed and soon Klara started with small cooing sounds.

She opened her legs and I reached in to touch a sopping pussy. I picked her up and carried her to the blanket a few feet away and noticed that Khrys was walking away. I laid her on her side and she gingerly laid on her back. I dropped down and started kissing her legs getting closer and closer to those quivering pussy lips. I finally reached them and my tongue entered and found her clitoris.

It did not take long. Klara was grabbing my head and pulling me into her when she screamed that she was cumming. I kept at it and could feel orgasm after orgasm. She finally subsided and I could feel her relaxing. I laid beside her and held her in my arms. We exchanged a couple of kisses and held each other for a few minutes. After a few more minutes I heard Khrys coming back from her walk.

Klara giggled and looked into my eyes. She gave me a very light kiss.

“I guess that you do have to take care of my older sister, Uncle Chuck. If you don’t mind, however, I think that I am going to head back to the pool and see if the cool water helps my very angry bottom.”

I stood up and headed to the bench as Khrys removed her top. Her beautiful breasts held my attention, but not for long as she tugged her shorts down her long legs and laid them on one of the benches. Her panties quickly followed. She strutted over towards me as I sat down on the bench.

“Uncle Chuck, I don’t know if I should say this but I think I will.  From the sound of that spanking, it was obviously intense, especially with the brush.  I want you to spank me the same way you spanked Klara with the hairbrush, but maybe not so hard. I think that my sister can take more than I can. Your punishment spankings for me have always been much harder than the reminder ones. But this reminder one should be harder than the other playful spankings were, but again, not as hard as my sister’s.”

I kissed Khrys lightly and said. “Remember, you always have the safe words.”

Khrystiana leaned down and kissed me and I responded by kissing each of her breasts. She giggled as she laid across my lap and allowed me to position her to my liking. As I had done with her sister, I started with moderate spanks evenly timed and was soon building up speed and intensity. Khrys was slow to show a reaction. I continued raining spanks down on her beautiful ass and legs and then stopped to just rub and enjoy the view.

I started the spanking again. Now Khrys’ bottom and legs were turning red and Khrys finally was showing a reaction. She was kicking a foot now almost with each spank and was becoming vocal. I stopped to rub. I pressed down into her crack as she spread her legs enough so that I could reach in and place my fingers on her now-wet pussy. She groaned slightly and, in a very husky voice, told me that my touch felt so good.

“I want you to quit spanking me, Uncle Chuck, but at the same time, I don't. I want to find out how aroused I would get with a really hard spanking when I am not being punished.”

She reached back and found my hand and pulled it back onto her back. She arched her bottom up invitingly. I decided to accept her invitation. Using my hand, I continued the spanking but now with very hard spanks and coming at a faster pace. Now Khrys was turning and giving out “ouches” and “ohs” but no safe word. I stopped and starting rubbing for a few minutes but then picked up the brush. I laid the paddle side down on her bottom and rubbed. Khrys looked back at me with a couple tears showing.

“Are you sure that you want me to do this, Khrystiana?”


Like her sister, I brought the brush down with a resounding crack on one cheek then the other. Khrys bucked and kicked. She threw her head back and yelled.

“FUCK! Fuck, Fuck, God! Owww!”

I hesitated to see if I would hear a safe word but nothing more came. Khrys lowered her head again, grabbed both my legs with her hands and then raised her bottom again, inviting the brush. I continued landing the heavy brush all over Khrystiana’s rear. Once I felt that her spanking was pretty close to her sister’s I stopped. I dropped the brush and brought my hand very gently down onto Khrys’ red bottom. I was amazed at the warmth of her skin. I stroked her bottom very gently for a few minutes until Khrys was able to compose herself. She looked back at me with a few tears flowing.

“I did it. It was amazing. I cannot believe it but I came when you were using the hairbrush.”

She parted her legs and, not surprisingly, she was soaking wet. I slowly helped her stand up and then lifted her in my arms and carried her over to a second blanket. She sat down very gingerly as I knelt beside her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and started nuzzling my neck before reaching in for a long, deep kiss.

I laid her back and went between her legs, nibbling and kissing as I moved up the insides of her very soft legs. I finally reached my target and my tongue found her clitoris. As I rimmed it and caressed it Khrys was getting more and more excited. She was telling me to keep doing what I was doing and her voice was getting more and more ragged. Finally, she let out a low guttural moan and started telling me that she was cumming. I kept my tongue in her as long as I could and finally collapsed alongside her. We laid beside each other for a few minutes and just held each other. 

I decided to head over to our cooler and brought back a chilled bottle of Pinot Grigio. I opened it and poured us each a glass as Klara returned from her swim. I sat on one of the benches as the two girls reclined on their blankets. I was enjoying the exquisite view that was in front of me, two absolutely beautiful naked young women with zero sense of modesty. We started a casual conversation and the conversation headed in a direction that surprised me.

“Uncle Chuck, we know how much you enjoy giving playful spankings,” Khrys said, “but Klara and I were wondering if you had ever been spanked. I thought that you told me that you had been a couple of times by a couple of your partners. Is that not correct?”

“Actually, Khrys, I do remember mentioning that to you at one time. I have been spanked by three of my partners, but one in particular kind of stood out. A very good friend named Nancy decided that I needed to be spanked during one of my trips to Philadelphia to visit her.”

Klara broke in. “I am curious as to when that was. And also, was it not that she just wanted to spank you, but rather she felt that you needed to be spanked? So was it a punishment spanking?”

"It was a while ago, about twenty years or more. And no, Klara, not really a true punishment spanking …. More of an in-between playful and punishment. She felt that what was good for the goose was good for the gander. But actually what had happened was that I had given her a pretty serious punishment spanking with both a leather paddle and a hairbrush. On our next time together, she mentioned how much both had hurt. I told her that I imagined that they did hurt quite a bit. She looked at me with a kind of surprised look and repeated the word ‘imagined’.

She then asked me when was the last time I had been spanked with either one of those implements. I  told her never with the paddle and the last time with a hairbrush was when my mom took me over her knee when I was about twelve. She got very upset with me and told me that she thought it was wrong for me to use implements on my friends when I really had no idea what they felt like. She told me then that we were going back to my hotel room and I was going to get a very serious spanking so that I would know in the future what these things felt like.”

Khrys looked at me kind of wide-eyed and said, “And you agreed?”

“I did not really want to, but I had to admit to myself that she did have a point. So I did go along with it. After the spanking, I actually realized that she not only had a point but had a very good one. When she started spanking me with the hairbrush I could remember Mom spanking me with hers but over time had completely forgotten how brutal it was.”

I was wondering where this conversation had come from and, more importantly, where it was going.

“Why are you asking? Do you two girls want to spank me?”

The two sisters looked at each other and giggled.

Khrys answered me.

“Actually, Uncle Chuck, we kind of talked about what it would be like to have you being on the receiving end. But we decided against it even though we thought it might be fun.  We kind of figured that you might not like the idea.  We decided instead to just ask you about the times you might have been spanked. I told Klara that I thought you had mentioned something about it once so we were both curious about more of the details. However, now that you have told us that story I am beginning to wonder not if we would like to spank you but rather if we should spank you.”

Khrys looked at her sister, “Klara, Uncle Chuck just made some comments that have me thinking. He told us that his friend Nancy had felt that he needed to be spanked because he had no idea what those implements felt like. So he did find out. But he also commented on the fact that when he was being spanked with the brush, he had pretty much forgotten how bad it was.”

Khrys looked back at me. “You said, Chuck, that the spanking that Nancy gave you was over twenty years ago. You have used a belt on us, a slipper and a hairbrush. But you have not felt any one of those in over twenty years. I think that Nancy had a very good point in that you needed to find out what they felt like. Just like I think that I have a very good point in that you now need to be reminded of what they feel like. I think that you need a reminder spanking that leans more towards punishment than play.

I realize that you will not be spanking Klara again until at the least next summer, if even then.

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However, I know for a fact that I will be over your lap again soon, but hopefully not for a punishment spanking. But as we have talked, even your playful spankings are very intense as both of our rear ends right now can testify. I think that Nancy's decision of twenty years ago was valid then and it is valid now. Unfortunately, Nancy is not around. However, there are two very fit young women who can take her place."

I had been listening to this with amazement. Deep down inside I had always been a spanker and not a spankee. However, I was aware that the times I had been spanked by partners besides Nancy I had enjoyed it. Nancy’s was different. It was more of a punishment spanking and it stung a lot. Also, after Nancy's lecture, I had felt very guilty about what I had done.  Actually, I had hated receiving that spanking.

However, at the same time, I tried to be fair in my approach with my partners. They had always accepted a punishment spanking if I had felt they deserved one. It would not be fair of me to not treat them in the same way.  I honestly had felt that Nancy had a point. That was the reason I had gone along with Nancy spanking me. Did I want to be spanked by Klara and/or Khrystiana? I was intrigued by the idea but actually did not want to be totally embarrassed by these two much younger women spanking me. I also did not want to ride home with a bottom that stung as much as I am sure my two lady friends were planning on making it if I agreed.

“Khrys, you are not being serious, are you? I really don’t think that I want to be spanked by either you or Klara. That just does not seem to fit the scenario of our relationship.”

“Oh, I agree with that comment 100%, Uncle Chuck. It did not fit the scenario of the relationship when we were driving here today. However, relationships evolve. Our relationship evolved from you and me becoming friends, to you becoming my ‘strict uncle’, to you becoming someone who gave me reminder spankings, to someone who became at times after a spanking, a sexual partner. I am not saying that I may ever want to spank you again or feel that you might need one at some point in the future. I may but I may not.

Today I am not saying that either Klara or I want to spank you. Yes, we discussed that between us and decided the idea was fun but decided against it. However, I am saying that I think that you have earned a pretty serious spanking. I don’t think you have earned one like I had for drinking and driving, but nevertheless, you have earned one. I think it would be appropriate since we were on the receiving end of some rather intense spankings from you that both of us return the favor. Do you agree?”

“Khrys, Klara, I don’t want to agree but I cannot disagree. Everything you are saying is valid. I wish that you would decide not to spank me. However, one thing you said which is definitely true is that I do plan to be spanking you, Khrys, many times into the future.  I also  have hopes that Klara will end up over my lap again. And yes, you are probably correct in that I need to be reminded of how serious those implements are. So if you insist I simply have to accept your decision whether I like the idea or not.”

Klara looked over at her sister.

“Khrys,” Klara said, “I agree with everything you have said and even though Uncle Chuck does not like this idea he does agree with you. We need to use the implements that he used and we do have Uncle Chuck’s belt here. We don’t have one of your slippers but my sandal will do nicely in its stead. Either that or Uncle Chuck could agree that the next time he is at your place that you spank him again using your slipper.”

“Oh no, Klara, your sandal will do nicely. Thank you very much,” I exclaimed.

Khrys laughed and then got serious

“Right. Uncle Chuck, we will start with me giving you a hand spanking and then you will go to Klara. After a hand spanking, we will give you a break and then back to each of us, Klara first this time, for the sandal. We will take another break followed by you bending over a bench for some strokes with the belt. After a last break you will come back to Klara first for the hairbrush and then end with me. I think that will cover it. Do you agree, Klara?”

“Oh, completely, dear sister.”

I groaned inwardly, wondering what I had gotten myself into. This was not at all how I had expected our picnic would end.

Klara looked at me. “I think that you really need to start getting ready for your spanking, Uncle Chuck.”

I realized that I had been sitting there and the girls were obviously waiting for me to get undressed. I had sex with both of these girls. Klara had seen me nude when we showered together after her playful spanking. Both girls had seen me nude in the pool this morning. I had not been embarrassed at all. It was true that I did not have the body that I had when I was their ages but mine was not bad for a guy coming up to sixty. I stood up to get undressed and realized how totally embarrassed I was as I watched the girls watching me. Khrys told me to simply stand there in front of them for a few minutes. I realized that I was feeling excited and getting an erection as I stood there. Klara and Khrys were smiling at that.

Khrys and Klara were still nude. They had gotten some pillows to put on the benches they were going to be sitting on. Khrys motioned me over to her and pulled me over her knee. I was a bit surprised at how easily I fit over her lap. Both my toes and hands were touching the grass. My erection was pressing down onto Khrys’ thighs. She was rubbing my bottom and, as she was doing that, I could feel my cock start to stiffen more. But then Khrys brought her hand down with a crisp clap. I realized that she had decided that my actions, in her opinion, had been serious enough that she was not going to start off slow and easy.

My hand went from touching the grass to grabbing her leg. She was getting serious and I was holding on. She started in, moving from cheek to cheek and from high to low. I could feel my bottom warming but so far I was taking the spanking pretty well. Given what I figured was coming, I was pretty certain that would not be the case a little later. My bottom was starting to really feel Khrys’ spanking when she stopped and started rubbing again. She then gave me a light pat and told me it was her sister’s turn. I stood up and headed over to Klara who was grinning mischievously.

She helped me over her lap and also started rubbing.

“Nice job, sis. He is turning a very nice shade of pink. I am certain that it will be red by the time we finish with the brush.”

Klara took over from where her sister had let off. She was following the same routine as Khrys had done but at one point she decided to give me about five or six slaps on the same spot on one cheek then the next. She also focused a little more on my ‘sit spot' than Khrys had done. With a couple of slaps there I did make a sound or two. Finally, Klara told me to stand up and head to a bush with my hands on top of my head and my bottom on display.

Khrys walked over and gave me a smack and told me to be thinking about what this reminder was supposed to be teaching me. She told me that I should have remembered Nancy’s thinking and I should have shared that thinking with her after the first or second reminder or playful spanking that I had given her. She told me that I should have shared that information with her so that she and I could have decided if I needed to be spanked again. She indicated that the two of us should have discussed and decided if I needed to find out again what a hair brush felt like. I told her that I was sorry and that she was probably right.

"The reason there was not a discussion today, Chuck,” Khrys continued, “was because you did not bring up the subject matter. We had to find out about it and therefore I decided to be proactive and take matters into our own hands."

The girls let me think for a few minutes when I heard Klara simply say, “Uncle Chuck”. I turned to look at her. She was sitting on the bench again with her sandal in her hand. She motioned for me. Khrys was laying on her side on one of the blankets watching me. As I turned towards Klara I reached back to touch my butt and Khrys immediately told me that there was to be no rubbing. I walked towards Klara and as I got to her she quietly patted her knee. I went over her lap. Klara first rubbed my bottom with her hand and then replaced her hand with her sandal. She patted it a few times on my bottom.

“You know, Uncle Chuck, I heard what Khrystiana told you a few minutes ago. You may be thinking that this is a minor infraction but in a lot of ways, it is a major one. You even told us that you had to admit that Nancy had been correct in her thinking. You also told us that once she started spanking you that you realized that you had forgotten how brutal these implements could be. I, for one, definitely feel that you have earned this session with both of us.  If the spankings we were receiving from you were just punishment spankings then I don’t think that would be true.  But for playful ones, I think it is.   

I have not yet decided on this thought but I very well may suggest to Khrys that this not be the last time you are spanked. You also told us that Nancy felt that what was good for the goose was good for the gander. I want to think about that some but I think that she may have been right about that.  It may be good for you to be in this position again.”

I realized that the lecture was over for now but the spanking was not. Klara brought the thin leather-soled sandal down over and over on my ass and legs. By now it was obvious that I had started to feel the impact of this spanking as I was now beginning to be vocal with the spanking. Klara continued for a while and then slowed to a stop. She rubbed my rear a few times and then suggested I move over to Khrys. As I started to do so Klara stopped me. She handed me the sandal and told me to give it to her sister. I moved over to Khrys and handed her the sandal.

"Khrys, I am sorry. I really should have brought this information to your attention a long time ago. I hate to say this but I actually believe that your sister is right. I have earned this treatment today."

With that, I laid over Khrys' lap. Khrys had willingly taken the sandal and gently rubbed it in circles over my reddening bottom. And then she continued in the same fashion as her sister had, bringing that sole of that shoe down with resounding slaps on my ass and upper legs. By now I was feeling the sting and the movement coming from my rear gave that fact away to both of the girls. After a few minutes, Khrys stopped and helped me off her lap. She pointed again to the shrub for me to stand. Khrys and Klara both had also noticed that my erection had subsided, but only slightly.

The girls decided to give me a little longer to compose himself. After about fifteen minutes Khrystiana asked me to come back to her but to also bring my leather belt. I did as she had asked. Khrys accepted the belt from me and then led me over to a stone top table that was by the pool. She told me to bend over and grab the edge of the table.

“Uncle Chuck, you are going to get sixteen slaps with the belt. I am going to be on one side and give you four. I will then give Klara, who will be on your other side, the belt so she can give you four more. The belt will come back to me for four more and then back to Klara for the final four. We expect you to count the strokes. If we do not hear the count that slap will be repeated. Also if you move out of position that stroke will be repeated. Do you understand?”

I replied, “Yes, Ma’am, I do.”

I had taken this position as Khrystiana smiled at bit at Klara when she had heard the “Ma’am”.

There was silence and then a swishing sound followed by a loud cracking sound.

“Owww, wow. One, Ma’am.”

Khrystiana took her four strokes and then handed the belt to Klara.

Again the scenario played out… silence, swishing sound, a loud crack.

“Oh God, Jesus… Five, Ma’am”.

The belt was returned to Khrys and then finally returned to Klara. After the sixteenth stroke, Klara reached down to caress my back side. She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on one of my rear cheeks. She told me to get off the table and return to the shrub.

As I did, Khrys looked at me.

“How does your bottom feel, Uncle Chuck?”, she said.

I actually smiled a bit as he said, “Sore, very sore but I know that it is going to be a lot more so soon.”

The girls decided it was time for a bit of a break. While I had assumed the position facing the shrub the girls headed to the cooler and each of them got another glass of wine. Khrys also opened a bottle of beer and brought that over to me. As she approached me she told me that if I could rub my butt if I wanted to.  My hands flew back to my fiery rear end.   Khrys also rested the cold bottle against my ass cheeks and I sighed.

Khrys whispered to me that I should enjoy my beer and then they would finish the session.

It was to be Klara who would start off the session with the hairbrush. She asked that I bring it to her as she moved back to her bench. I went to Khrys and asked for the brush and then took it over to Klara. Klara was already sitting on the bench and accepted the brush. I looked down at her legs as she patted them and spread them apart to bear my weight. I realized then that Klara’s pussy lips were glistening some. I realized that she was getting turned on by spanking me just like she had been turned on when I had been spanking her.

I went over her lap. As she had done previously, she patted my bottom and then started rubbing the brush in circles. I felt Klara tighten her grip around my waist and knew the first strike was coming. Even though I knew it was coming it was still a surprise. I had not remembered the brush feeling like it did. I kicked and threw my head back with a cry. Klara upped the tempo. She brought the hairbrush down over and over all over my rear and top of my legs. She continued while I was struggling to avoid the head of that brush. Finally, I gave in and just quietly laid over her lap. With that Klara stopped. She held me over her lap for a few minutes to allow me to catch my breath. She then helped me up and walked me over to her sister.

Khrys stood up and hugged me telling me that I was doing a great job and that it was almost over. As she sat back down she pulled me over her knee and pulled me close. She took the brush from her sister and thanked her.  I grabbed her ankles with both hands and was squeezing them.  This time there was no rubbing. I realized that Khrys wanted to get this over with as she set right in with the brush. She wanted to get it over with, possibly, but at the same time was going to make certain that I knew that I was being punished.  I had already realized how upset Khrys was with me and her handling of the hairbrush drove that point home even more.

I went through the same routine I had with Klara. I kicked, struggled, begged Khrys to stop, to please stop. However, I did not use one of our safe words. Actually I  did not believe I had the right to use them. The girls, I realized, considered this a punishment spanking which meant that they were in control. I knew that if the girls felt I deserved a proper spanking then I had to take it as well as both of them had the times I had given them their punishment spankings.  Finally though, as I had with Klara, I had enough and just collapsed over Khrys lap. Klara had stopped once I did that; Khrys did not. She continued bringing the brush down as hard as she could, more and more on each cheek and on my sit-spot. Finally, she did stop, dropped the brush to the side and started caressing my now very red bottom. Klara came over carrying some aloe lotion and both of the girls started smoothing the lotion onto my upper legs and ass.

They finally walked back over to their blankets. I laid down on my stomach as the two girls went back to the cooler for more wine, including a glass for me. As they came back, Khrys handed me the glass.

“Now do you remember what a proper spanking is like, Uncle Chuck?” she asked.

I smiled at her. “I most certainly do, and also really understand why I much prefer to give them rather than get them.”

Klara and Khrys both giggled a bit. After they finished their wine we decided that the best thing for three sore red bottoms would be another dip in the pool. We swam for about a half hour or so and then went back to the blankets to dry off and have a snack before heading back into the city.

Klara looked at her sister and then at me and smiled. “This has been quite a summer for me. A summer of firsts. This was my first trip to the States and I also got my first real job offer. It was the first time that someone who was not related to me by blood gave me a real punishment spanking for the simple reason that I needed one and he cared enough about me to do it. It was the first time that I found out that a spanking can bring you pleasure, a lot of pleasure, even though you were going to feel the effects of that spanking for a few days. It was the first time that I had a guy whom I really care about finger-fuck my ass. I know that none of this would have happened if it had not been for my older sister and her best friend.”

“Uncle Chuck, I do have one more favor to ask of you, one more ‘going away’ present you can give me.”

I laughed as I replied, “I will consider giving it as long as it does not entail me being spanked some more!”

“Well, I am still sore from the spanking you gave me this morning. I am pretty certain that you noticed when I was spanking you that I was getting turned on again. Since all three of us are still in our birthday suits, I was hoping that you might let me come back over your knee so you can warm me up a bit and then help me climax again. I honestly have no idea when I am going to be able to get another spanking let alone a climax from a spanking. I have got a hunch that I am going to have to be naughty back home so daddy will have to spank me again. I am just glad that we had today for me to think back on. I just want to really finish the day off with a bang, so to speak.”

I smiled as I stood up and walked over to Klara. I looked at Khrys.

“Want to watch?”

Khrys laughed. “You know I do. But I am not going to. I think I know what my sister has in mind and for that, you two definitely need privacy. I am heading back to sun by the pool.”

After Khrys had disappeared, I sat down and took this darling girl again over my lap. I parted her legs a bit so I could feel her pussy and was surprised that she was already as wet as she was. Her bottom was still somewhat red so I knew that this would be, unlike any previous spankings I had given to either of there young ladies, a very light spanking. I started very slow and easy and, as the endorphins kicked in was able to increase the tempo some. Klara was now moving around and kicking some and then she asked me to go harder. I did but only slightly.

I stopped to rub and again felt her pussy lips. She was sopping. She moaned as my fingers went into her and again as I found her clit. Remembering her excitement from Tuesday I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and using her juices started to enter her tight anus. She gasped in pleasure as I was able to enter her and work myself deeper adding a second and then third finger. My thumb went into her pussy again and found her clit. After a few minutes of play, Klara came and then came again. I slowed down and then removed my hands. I helped Klara stand up and we walked back to a blanket. We laid down and Klara drew me close and kissed me. I returned the kiss.

By now I was fully erect. Klara’s hand went down and encircled my cock. Still holding me she sat up and then reached down to take my cock into her mouth. After a couple of minutes, she looked at me.

“You are not going to say no to this, Chuck. But I want you inside of me and I am not talking about my mouth. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you cum inside of me.”

With that being said, Klara sat up to straddle me and slowly engulfed my cock with her very wet, pulsating vagina. Once I was completely inside of her, she leaned forward and rested her head on mine as her arms encircled my neck. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes as I enjoyed her tightness holding my penis. I then laid Klara back onto her back and moved so that I was on top of her. I slowly started to pump into her knowing that she was already highly stimulated and thinking that another climax would soon be coming. I had guessed correctly in that after a few more long slow thrusts Klara reached up and grabbed my neck.

“God, Chuck, it’s happening… I’m starting. Keep going. Don’t stop.”

And, thank God, I was not ready to stop. I did pull out and positioned Klara on her knees and went behind her. I spread her cheeks and pointed my cock at her pussy from behind. I plunged deep into her and we started rocking back and forth. I knew that Klara easily achieved multiple orgasms and was excited about having her cum yet again. My concern was whether I was going to be able to last. Klara started speeding up so I knew that she was getting close. I was also. With one hand on her waist, I reached around with the other and grabbed Klara's tit. I tweaked the nipple and Klara cried out for me to go harder. I started ramming into Klara's pussy as hard as I could .

I realized that I was getting ready to explode when Klara went rigid for a moment and then yelled out again in orgasmic pleasure. I came violently inside her at the same time that she was having her orgasm. I finally pulled out of her and collapsed onto my side. Klara, in turn, collapsed forward with her legs spread as some of my sperm leaked out of her pussy. After a few minutes, I sat up.  I went to our hamper and got a few moist towelettes and brought them back for Klara.  After composing ourselves, we headed to the pool to join Khrys.  Khrys was relaxing on a pool mattress in the water as we got there.

"I have a hunch I know exactly what happened back there.  My oh my, Uncle Chuck. You are certainly going to owe me the next time we get together!"

I replied, “I love the idea of being in your debt and look forward very much to my payment of that debt.”

We headed to the dressing room.  We finished our showers and cleaned up our picnic area. We headed to the car to get back to the city, as it was getting late. Klara had to finish packing so that Khrys could take her to O’Hare the next day.

As far as my memories, it had been an amazing, and spectacular, summer.

Some concluding comments, Klara did find a playful spanker in Denmark. Her dad still served as a discipline figure for her when needed. Khrys accepted her sister’s recommendation that their Uncle Chuck also needed to be spanked on occasion (after all, what was good for the goose was good for the gander). Klara accepted the job in Milwaukee. That next summer I found that I had two adopted nieces. And a finally yes, young ladies in their twenties (and possibly beyond that) do receive proper spankings when one is called for.

Written by Novamale3
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