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Big Trouble For Little Daphne

"My first real punishment, or how I got a Mistress for Christmas."

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Author's Notes

"The story of my first real punishment."

I was in trouble. Not just any trouble, but BIG trouble. I had fucked up big-time. I took a car I wasn't supposed to drive, lost it, then lied about it.

Miss hadn't spoken to me since last night.

Miss is my Mistress, my lover and my soulmate. We had only been together for a couple of months, when this happened. I had been playfully spanked before her, but Miss was the first to tie me up, use an implement on me, make me cry while being spanked, and the first to provide me with any real discipline. However, she had never actually punished me. The spankings were part of our love-making.

Today, I am a Painslut. When this happened, I was a naive vanilla young girl.

I was nineteen at the time, petite, with medium size breasts, long bottle-blonde hair and large brown eyes. Miss is seven years older, full-figured and classically beautiful.

She was also the first to show me unconditional love.

At this point, we were just lovers. The Dom/Sub relationship hadn't even been considered. At least not by me.

I was a spoiled brat growing up, and Miss was determined to whip some, but not all, of the brattiness out of me. Taking her car was me showing out, something I wouldn't do today. Well, probably not today.

I certainly wasn't addicted to pain then, pain was... Well, pain.

It did turn me on, especially thinking about it, but I didn't like the actual spanking itself. Well, maybe I liked it a little. Back then, she would stop if I simply said 'Stop.' Even a really hard hand spanking would've brought me to tears. What got me off was the anticipation and the feelings afterwards. And especially the sex that followed.

I wished she would talk to me. Scream, yell, scold me, even whip me, but silence is her real weapon.

To be fair, I deserved this, and she did give me hugs and kisses throughout the day, but that seemed to make it even worse.

So here is what happened…

My battery was dead, but I had an appointment, so I took her baby: her recently restored, vintage Mercedes convertible. I was forbidden to touch it, but I wanted my hair and nails done, so I took a chance. That was a really bad idea.

I parked it, had my appointment, paid my bill, then looked for my keys. No keys to be found.

"They are in the car, they are in the car," I chanted under my breath as I ran to the car.

The car was gone!

Fuck fuck fuck!

I was in full panic mode.

Was it stolen?

Had I left the keys in the ignition?

What was Miss going to say?

Say, hell, what was she gonna do?

This was bad, really really bad.

Okay, taking and losing the car was bad enough, but where I 'really' fucked up, was making the conscious decision to lie about it.

Lying is at the top of the list of things Miss hates. I didn't have rules then, but she had expectations of how I should act. I have always been submissive in bed, and she liked being in charge. It was great for both of us. She did playfully punish me with denial of orgasms, spanking me when I got out of line and similar things. We both enjoyed it.

Losing the car would have cost me a physical punishment, and orgasm denial for a solid week at most.

What was gonna cost me?

The details of me getting caught in my lie are boring, I'm sure, so the short end of that, long tale is: I played dumb, I got caught, I tried to downplay the situation, I had parked in a tow-away zone, the car was towed, the keys were in the salon, we got the car back and Miss was not happy with me.

The next day: Miss was finally talking to me again. I was miserable, but she wasn't giving me any sympathy. She was not acting mad anymore, but l knew she was still upset.

She asked if I was willing to accept a real punishment to settle the matter.

Real punishment? Really?

I tentatively agreed.

She was disappointed in me. That's the worst part. I felt like a child, and she punished me like one too. She brought me a notepad and made me write the same line over and over.

'I am sorry for lying and I will never lie again.'

I had to write that line non-stop until the pad was full.

Brand-new fucking yellow legal pad.

The rules: I was allowed a ten-minute break each hour, to get a drink, stretch my legs or use the bathroom, no lunch for me, and the lines had to be exact, neat and legible. Every mistake will cost me a single leather strap-stroke on my palms.

WTF? I thought to myself. Why would she strap my hands, and not my bottom? And why was I writing the same fucking sentence over and over?

I was seething, but I knew my place, and now was not the time to argue or act out.

I didn't want her to leave me; this house is lonely, without someone special to share it with. She wouldn't have left me over that, but we all have our insecurities.

I started writing. By the third page, my hand had started to cramp, so I had put the pen down to rub my hand, when Miss walked over.

"Did I tell you that It was okay to take an extra break?" she asked. I try to explain but she doesn't care.

"I'll give you something to rub!" she said and walked away.

I was nervous as she returned, holding a leather strap. Where did she get that? Miss must have secrets.

Looking back, it was a rather lightweight strap, but it hurt like hell at the time. It would probably make me giggle today. It was about twelve inches long, an inch and a half wide, and thinner than a man's belt.

"Hand out, chest high, support it with your other hand," she barked. I did as she instructed. "Six strokes. Count each out loud. Move your hand and we start over. Miscount and we start over."

Wow! Where did that come from? The way she acted made me feel funny inside.

She tapped the strap on my hand, raised it, and brought it down sharply on my palm. CRACK. Nothing for about half a second, then the pain washed over me.

"Awwww," I yelled, as I danced around, shaking my hand.

"Back in position!" she barked. I had a tear in my eye as she stated, "NOW!"

I had never seen her like this. It was both scary and yet, somehow thrilling.

"Seven strokes. Do you want to go for 8? Position, NOW!" she said quite forcefully. "Seven to go, starting at one."

I held my palm up, she tapped it with the strap, raised it, hesitated, then slapped it into my palm. I cried out but held my position. She tapped the strap again, raised it, and delivered another stroke.

I started hopping from foot to foot when I remembered I was supposed to count.

"TWO?" I cried, hopefully. Miss smiled a weird little smile.

"Wrong. Starting over. Seven strokes. Next stroke is one," she said.

Fuckety, fuck! That was three strokes that didn't count, plus one extra for arguing.

Four fucking extra strokes. This wasn't Funishment. This was serious stuff. I would've been almost finished if I had just followed her directions, but there we were, and we hadn't even started yet, on the original punishment. Still seven to go.

My palm burned, and I needed to pee.


I got in position. CRACK. "One," I yelled as I danced about. CRACK. "Twooo."

"Other hand," she ordered.

I switched hands. CRACK. "Three."

The strapping hurt, but not enough to make me really cry.

She finally finished my punishment. This time I made it to the end, without a mistake.

I had leaked only a couple of tears. Miss held me and comforted me. She kissed my tears and told me how proud she was of me. I felt a warmth in my pussy, and brought her hand down, hoping she would touch me.

"No no no," she said, "Take a break, clean up, then go back to your lines. And don't touch yourself."

I was back writing. God, this sucked. I was nineteen fucking years old. I was not a child. I started getting very angry. My hands were both cramping and on fire. My eyes were blurry; my head throbbing. I had done the math. At this rate, I wouldn't even be finished at bedtime tomorrow. Miss wasn't here, so I quickly removed a few blank pages. Miss would never notice, and I would finish early. I smiled inside.

I was finished for the day, and we had a lovely dinner. In bed, I was as horny as could be. I started kissing Miss, and she warmed up to me. Miss doesn't like me describing what I do to her in our intimate moments, so all I can say is I made her happy and content, and I was hoping for my turn. She started playing with me, then stopped, just as I was at the brink of orgasm. Edging, she called it, a new trick she had taught me.

My 'problem', if you want to call It that, is that I arouse easily, and I can cum quickly and often. Miss timed me once. She made me masturbate from a state of zero arousal. I orgasmed in four minutes. She made me try again, ten minutes later, and I came in less than three minutes, that time, and a little over seven minutes on the third try. She introduced me to edging shortly after that.

Best. Day. Ever.

That changed several firecracker orgasms into a TNT explosion. Nuclear fireworks came much later, when I discovered Subspace.

She edged me several times, then said, "Goodnight," as I whimpered and whined, but she told me in a firm tone, "No. You are still being punished. Now go to sleep, and no touching yourself. I mean it."

I complied. Edging is only fun if you get to cum. True punishment sucked. Sleep was fitful and restless. I was horny, with no relief in sight.

The next day: I finished writing my lines, and handed the pad to Miss, just before dinner. No lunch again, so I was starving. She looked over the pad, as I was cooking.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Miss roared.

Fucking Fuck! She must have noticed the pages I had removed. She must have counted them. What to do? Play dumb? Lie? No! That got me writing the lines to begin with.

Miss was pissed. She started in on me, "I just don't know what to do with you. This is the same as lying. You WILL learn. You WILL regret this. Your punishment would have been almost over if you had done as I asked."

I mumbled, "You didn't ask."

"WHAT was that?"

"Nothing," I whispered.

She threw the pad in the trash, and stormed off, then I heard her making a call that lasted quite a long while.

She returned…

"I'm taking you to a professional disciplinarian, Mrs. Kelley, tomorrow for a full day of training."

I blanched.

"Wha… what? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Someone to teach you some respect," she told me. "God knows you don't respect ME."

Miss told me she wouldn't deprive me of food, but I would have to eat alone in the bedroom.

I didn't eat. I deprived myself, and went to bed hungry. I was so ashamed of myself. Why did I do that? I was also very scared.

The next morning, as we were getting ready, I begged and pleaded not to go. Miss sat me down and gazed into my eyes. She gave me one free chance. She asked if I had disobeyed her. Had I lied and cheated? Did I deserve to be punished? Was I ashamed of myself?

"Yes, to all of it," I replied.

She said it was up to me. She wouldn't force me to go. We could stay home, and it would be done, if that's what I really wanted. My only punishment would be my conscience, and her disappointment in me, or, we would visit Mrs Kelley today, and start truly fresh tonite. All debts paid. She promised I wouldn't be really hurt.

Who was this Mrs Kelley, and how did Miss know her? What is a professional disciplinarian? What's going to happen to me there?

Damn, she is good…

I couldn't even look at her.

She knew my answer, without me saying it.

We arrived at a very old Victorian-style house, and were met by a very pretty, very young maid, and were invited inside. I saw an older woman, maybe forty, coming down the stairs. Her hair was tied in a bun, and she was wearing a high-buttoned, long-sleeved white blouse and long black skirt. She looked very severe and 100 years out of time. She was carrying a riding crop.

"Is this the young lady?" she asked.

Miss nudged me and I said, "Yes ma'am."

"Good girl," she replied. "I'll take It from here."

Miss left, leaving me alone here with the scary lady.

"Why are you here?" she asked in a stern tone.

"To be punished," I replied.

"Why were you sent here?"

"I have been a Brat. I took something that didn't belong to me, then lied over and over. I cheated, and tried to avoid punishment."

"Follow me," she said, as she turned and walked downstairs, and led me into a large room. Her dungeon.

That room was scary. There were several different whipping frames, a couple of different padded spanking benches, a St. Andrews Cross on one wall, and a pillory in the center of the room. I didn't know what some of these things were, but I could guess what they were used for. I was very frightened. And a little turned on.

I have been reading erotica, and watching porn since Jr. High, but back then, my tastes ran to sensual lesbian encounters, with lots of foreplay; the ones where the girls aren't even naked until the halfway point in the film, and domestic and school-type FF discipline. My favorite was OTK spankings, with a hairbrush or wooden spoon, or the girl lying over pillows in her bed, getting the strap. Mouth soaping after the spanking added a special thrill. Maybe Miss will do that to me someday.

Early on, It was the idea of someone else getting a spanking that turned me on. I was paddled only once in school, then got a double dose of the strap when I got home. It certainly wasn't erotic at the time, and I definitely didn't masturbate in the bathroom afterwards. I just cried both times. I was in the seventh grade, so I would have been about sixteen at the time. I had also witnessed one spanking of two of my cousins, F/FM, and didn't find that erotic at the time, but I do now.

I knew what bondage was, of course, but it wasn't something I fantasized about much back then. These devices were all new to me. I had read a few BDSM stories on Lush, and had seen some pictures, but live and in person was a shock. And yet again, thrilling, somehow.

Mrs Kelley gave me a tour, showing me every single item in her dungeon.

She had things that inflicted pain on tender girl flesh that I had never even imagined.

There were whips, paddles, straps, canes, floggers, gags, clips and clamps, as well as dozens of restraints and rope of all types.

She had me hold every implement, and described, in exquisite detail, how it would feel.

She described the difference in leather straps: How a long, supple, heavy, thick strap applies a deep dark burning pain, that lasts and lasts, and would leave you with terrible bruises, that lasted for days or weeks, but a lightweight, short, wide one just stings for a while and left few marks the next day.

She described the difference in canes: How a thin, light, whippy cane would sting and make you dance, and how a heavy dragonwood cane will take your breath away, and make a grown man cry. How a dense synthetic cane hurts terribly. How the looped canes guarantee tears.

Then paddles: How a heavy paddle would always bruise, and how a lightweight thin paddle stings like a wasp.

She explained everything! And I do mean everything: The restraints, the spanking bench, the whipping frames, the antique caning bench, the implements. Then she described the enhancements, like Icy Hot being applied to your punished skin and private parts. How it felt having stinging nettles brushed over your most sensitive parts, and what having a peeled ginger root inserted into your anus felt like.

She described how not only your butt could be punished, but most of your whole body as well. What really shocked me, was when she described punishing breasts, and even your most private parts.

I was terrified and on the verge of tears. At this point, I had been mostly hand spanked. I had experienced a few mild hairbrush spankings and a couple of strap and paddle punishments. Oh yeah, and yesterday's hand-strapping.

As we walked to the restraints, we passed a cart loaded with gleaming medical-looking instruments. I shuddered. "Don't worry about those," she told me. "They aren't for you."

The tour took what felt like hours, then It was time for lunch. I was famished. We had an awesome variety of food. Lyla was a wonderful cook, but It was hard to eat. I was still nervous, so Mrs Kelley calmed me, and made me feel a little better. Lunch was truly delicious.

After lunch, she led me back to her dungeon. She told me her business was dungeon rental, and paid punishments. Sexual contact was forbidden, but my punishment was personal, so different rules applied.

So… what did that mean?

At the wall of restraints, she asked if I would be good or if she needed help, to put the cuffs on me. I told her, "I'm going to be a good girl."

She orders me to strip naked. I am comfortable being nude around other people, so it was not an embarrassment issue, but It still made me uneasy.

I knew better than to disobey, so I stripped and dropped my clothes on the floor. She slapped me across the face and told me to pick up my clothes and fold them neatly. I did so with a tear in my eye.

Where is Miss?

I want to go home.

She buckled padded leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles.

Now think of what I was feeling. I was nineteen, technically a virgin, and trapped in a stranger's dungeon. I'd never truly been punished, and the person I trusted the most, was nowhere to be seen, and on top of that, I was here to be punished by a total stranger that knew how to punish.

Now, but not then, I understand that most of my punishment was psychological. Fear play, if you will. And it was working.

"We will start with an OTK spanking," she said.

She led me to a wooden, straight-back chair, removed her skirt, then put me over one knee and wrapped her other leg across both of mine, and held my right hand behind my back. It did excite me, but I was still scared. I liked the feel of my bare skin against hers.

She started spanking my bare bottom in a slow rhythm, about one spank per second. Not really hard, just enough to sting. She spanked me for about three minutes with her bare hand.

She reached to a table, and picked up a hairbrush. I looked at the table and saw a round bristle brush, and a bottle of hand sanitizer.

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She reminded me of the safeword she had given me earlier, and tapped the brush on my bottom. She started lecturing me about lying, then without warning…


The brush landed, and the real spanking had started. She spanked slow and medium-hard, but not extreme, in a seemingly random pattern, so I didn't know when or where the next spank would land. A few swats on the same spot, then three random swats on the other cheek, then back and forth, from cheek to cheek. She varied the speed, and how hard she hit; some slow, others rapid, some were like love taps, and others made me squeal.

I was leaking tears at the tenth swat, squirming at fifteen, crying at twenty, and almost bawling when she finished at twenty-five. The last five swats were hard!

'I won't beg.' I silently repeated to myself over and over. At last, she stopped. My bottom was on fire.

She picked up the round brush and started brushing it briskly across my freshly spanked ass.

Holy FUCK!

I sucked in air, and tried to stand up, but to no avail, she held me tight. I thought the paddling hurt, but it was cake compared to that fucking brush. I didn't scream or cry out, but it took all I had in me to keep silent.

She brushed my butt for about thirty seconds, getting every square inch, then started up with the hairbrush again.

Twenty-five more swats landed. The floodgates opened, and I quietly sobbed. I still refused to beg, or say my safeword. I was panting and moaning, but I didn't say a single word. My tears dropped to the floor. My bottom felt like molten iron.

The second bristle brushing lasted a full minute at least and was harder this time. I am silently begging her to stop, and amazingly she does. I was screaming inside but hadn't uttered a single word. She couldn't make me beg! I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. I was bawling like a baby, but that was just a physical reaction. I was too proud to beg.

She reached out, got the hand sanitizer, squirted a huge blob in her hand, and told me it was something to cool me down. She rubbed it into my bottom...


…The world exploded!

"FUCK!" I screamed.

The burning was the worst pain you could possibly imagine.

Hand sanitizer is mostly alcohol, with something to make it gelatinous. I didn't know that then.

I came unglued.

I let out a blood-curdling shriek and started fighting like a wildcat to get away.

I made It that time.

I was running in circles, screaming, and holding onto my fiery bottom with tears streaming down. I couldn't stop saying fuck out loud.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

She said, "It's just alcohol gel. It's good for you. Why are you acting all crazy?"

"FUCK YOU!" I scream at her. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

Those are my go-to words when I get pissed off at someone.

She grinned at me. "You get the one for free," she said. "Don't curse at me again!"

I was hyperventilating.

I was lightheaded.

I was pissed OFF!

That hurt!

The nuclear fire burning in my bottom was finally losing its heat. That was short but very intense. The alcohol burn only lasted about a minute, but that was time spent in hell.

At least I wasn't sobbing anymore, I was too mad to sob. I looked behind me in a mirror. My ass was bright red. That's gonna bruise, I thought to myself. No greyscale rainbow here. A saw a full-color, seven-shade painting on my entire bottom.

At that point in my life, in early 2021, I didn't like any marks. So I got even more pissed, thinking about bruises.

Now, today, in 2023 I think consensual bruises are beautiful on others, and definitely beautiful on me. They are like badges of honor. My pet name for them is 'My Rainbow Spots'.

"Fucking bitch," I mumbled.

She hissed, "I will wring your little safeword from your lips today, if it's the last thing I do."

"Uh, oh."

She watched me as I settled down.

Then she changed. She smiled, said I was a good little brat, wrapped me in her arms, and told me it was going to be okay. She comforted me, and made me feel warm inside.

"Come with me," she said, "We have a long day ahead of us, and we are just getting started, Missy."

She made me sit in an antique cane bottom chair.

A 'ragged' cane bottom chair.

I could feel the frayed edges dig into my bottom. My tears increased. I was very confused, how could she be loving one minute, and so mean the next. My emotions were running wild. I wanted my Miss.

She put a twenty-minute hourglass on the table, and had me hold my arms straight out in front of me, palms up. She placed the heavy spanking hairbrush flat on my palms.

"Drop it and we will repeat the entire spanking," she informed me.

After ten minutes, the brush felt like it weighed twenty pounds. The sand slipping through the hourglass seemed to slow down. As the final sand slipped through, my arms felt like lead. My face was flushed, and I was trembling, but I didn't drop the brush.

She returned and seemed impressed that I was still holding it.

She praised me again and hugged me. She made me feel safe and sound again. I didn't understand this woman at all. The bitch had just hurt me badly. Why was I attracted to her? Why did I want her approval?

"Corner time," she told me. She took me to a corner, and made me kneel on a floor mat with rice sprinkled on it; my hands behind my head, leaning forward, with my elbows against the wall and my toes touching the floor. All my weight was on my knees. She put a smaller hourglass where I could see it, and walked away. Within a minute, the rice had burrowed into my knees. I tried shifting from knee to knee, but that made it worse. By the time the sand had finished its slow trip, I was in agony. My tears had also returned. She comforted me again.

We took a long break, and Lyla brought us cold drinks and cookies.

Next, she sat with me on the sofa, held my hands, and asked how I was doing. I told her I was fine. My tears were long gone, and my bottom and knees felt a lot better. She told me I was doing wonderfully for a first-time session.

She told me I had a choice to make. She could call Miss now, and I could go home, or we could continue with my lesson.

She then asked me if I thought I had been punished enough.

What kind of question was that?

"Be honest with yourself," she told me.

I may be a brat, but I have deep principles; a code to live by, if you will. I don't steal, (I had borrowed the car) I don't drink and drive, I don't use hard drugs, I don't outright lie, (I simply ignored the car issue) and I treat others like I want to be treated (Miss can use my car anytime). My behavior was just brattiness. At least that's what I told myself. I didn't actually LIE to Miss either; she asked if I knew where her car was. I didn't know, and told her that. Yeah… I deserved what I got. My point is that I take responsibility for my actions.

The day hadn't actually been all that bad. It had been exciting, and my bottom had cooled off by then, I wasn't injured and I had a safeword.

I reluctantly admitted that I probably deserved some more punishment. She asked what I thought I deserved, and I told her I deserved anything she cared to deliver. I trusted her for some weird reason. She told me she thought I was right.

She told me to walk around the room and pick the implements I deserved. One each of all the implements. One wooden paddle. One leather paddle. One strap. One cane. One whip.

I panicked.

I knew she was going to punish me, but picking my own instruments of pain was too much.

"Choose," she demands. "You have ten minutes."

Slowly, I walk the walls, looking at the horrible punishment tools. I knew I deserved the most severe, but I was terrified. The implements were arranged from mildest on the left, to most severe on the right, in each section.

I chose a somewhat severe wooden paddle, a very severe leather paddle and a mid-level strap. The canes and whips were terrifying, especially the canes. I finally chose the mildest little cane, and a short flogger with a lot of falls.

She was impressed with some of my choices, not so much with the cane and flogger.

She led me to a padded bench in the shape of a 'Y', and made me lie face down upon it, with a cushion under my hips that raised my bottom. She secured me with the leather cuffs attached to my wrists and ankles, and added a thick strap across my lower back. My arms hung down and my legs were spread wide. She told me she was proud that I was owning my behavior.

"We can do better than these, I think," she tells me, indicating my choice of cane and flogger. She searched the implements, and returned with a long, looped, synthetic cane, a different whip and an extra leather strap.

The bottom dropped out. That cane was the one item that scared me the most, out of everything in the entire room. "Let's start with this," she said, showing me the strap.

It was fairly long, and the end was split into two tails. It was a Tawse, even though I didn't know it at the time.

She started on my butt with slow light strokes. It burned, but it wasn't really a very hard whipping. She landed a dozen licks in as many minutes, talking to me the entire time.

Her hand found its way onto my pussy, and a single finger parted my folds, then slid inside.

Ohh. Oh my.

"You're wet," she told me. I was embarrassed beyond belief.

She moved on to whipping my thighs. Not as hard. The pain was… well, not pain exactly. It did hurt, but I liked it.

She continued strapping me slowly, and methodically while touching me intimately, between strokes. She whipped me all over, from my upper back to my knees, avoiding my lower back. All the while she was touching and touching. I was nearing orgasm. My body was glowing. My mind was reeling. She was hitting me just hard enough to turn my skin pink. It was delicious.

Now, she really wasn't hurting me, and I knew it. My body burned a little, but not enough to make me cry. It was a good burn. I was worried that It was just the warm-up before she would really beat me with those other implements.

She stopped and caressed my whole body again. This was all new to me, and it was very confusing.

"I think we're finished," she told me.

She kissed my head and said she never planned to use the implements I picked out. She just wanted me to know what could, and should, have happened. She told me if Lyla, (her maid and Sub) had done what I did, she would have whipped her much worse than she threatened me with.

She told me she wanted to give me two real strokes, with the looped cane, so I would understand true punishment, but only if I happily consented.

I was silent for a bit. I knew I deserved it, but, boy, was I scared of that cane.

I had to think about that. I finally agreed.

She swished the cane through the air. It made a horrible sound. She tapped the cane on one cheek.

She told me to take three deep breaths, then exhale.

I took three deep breaths, and let out a slow, long exhale. At the bottom of my exhale, I heard…

Swish, splat!!

I felt nothing for a split second, then fire erupted on my bottom. It really was a punishment-stroke, no playing this time.

I sucked in air, and made a thin, high-pitched, screeching sound, and tried to get up. I struggled for a minute, then gave up. I wasn't going anywhere.

Worst. Pain. Ever.

Tears clouded my eyes. Somehow I didn't cry out. I was breathing hard and fast.

"Breathe," she whispered.

She touched my pussy once again. Pain and pleasure merged.

After a couple of minutes, she asked if I was doing okay, and I nodded yes. I couldn't speak.

"Can you take the second stroke?" she asked softly.

"Give me a minute," I croaked.

She waited.

"I'm ready," I told her.

"Take three more deep breaths, then exhale," she told me again.

I did.

Swish, SPLAT!

That stroke was harder than the first one, but at least I knew what to expect.

I couldn't stop the tears, and they fell like rain, but again, I didn't cry out, or scream.

My bottom was wracked with deep pain, but it somehow felt right. I felt a sudden cathartic release, and burst into loud sobs.

She quickly unstrapped me, and I fell into her arms, as my tears flowed. She held me for long minutes, until my tears dried.

I looked in the mirror. Each cheek had an angry, red, almost-complete oval welt on top of my already, crimson bottom.

She turned me on my back, and laid me on a flat, padded bench. "One last thing," she said.

She didn't restrain me, but told me to keep my hands above my head. She started caressing me all over. Her hands touched my breasts, my tummy and my thighs. I was in pain, yet wildly turned on. The pain blended with the pleasure she was giving me, and became something entirely new. She spread my knees, and pushed my feet up to my bottom. Her hand softly began rubbing my pussy, as her other hand toyed with my breasts.

I get waxed regularly, so I was as slick as a boiled egg, and wet as the ocean.

She caressed my pussy, with a 'V' shape on two of her fingers, followed by a soft touch on my clit, from her other hand. She spread me open, and rubbed my inner lips. I got closer and closer to orgasm, as she rubbed a slow circle around my clit.

She bent down and kissed my belly.

I started to cum…

"I'm CUMMING," I screamed.

Then… a fucking nightmare.

She put her lips on my belly, and blew a loud raspberry, while shaking her head, side to side. At the exact same moment, she reached up with both hands and tickled me on both my ribs with her fingernails.

I let out a cackling screech.

I am very ticklish.

It was not erotic.

I hate being tickled.

She did this, at the exact moment of orgasm!

My orgasm fizzled!

I was immediately at less than zero. This wasn't edging. I was actually coming when she did that. I felt deflated and empty.

I looked at her with horror!

"Why?" I whispered.

"You're here to be punished," she replied, "And it's your Mistress who will provide your pleasure."

Something twisted inside of me when she said 'Mistress.'


The fuck…?


I had never thought of Miss like that.


'My' mistress.

I felt a warmth spread through me, as I thought about what she had said.

That orgasm cluster-fuck had done me in. I had truly been punished. I felt hollow inside.

Worst. Feeling. Ever.

She let me collect myself, while she called Miss, who arrived immediately. She must have been waiting outside. She was visibly upset when she saw my cane marks.

I looked at her and burst into tears again, as she wrapped me in her arms.

After my tears dried, I told her I wanted to thank Mrs Kelley, and to please wait in the car for me. She thought that was a wonderful idea, and was surprised at my thoughtfulness.

I did thank her, but asked her for something, which she gave to me.

On the drive home, Miss apologized, and told me I wasn't supposed to be caned.

I assured her I was fine, and was okay with the caning, that It was my choice, and it was what I needed. I told her how I broke down, but felt better afterwards. She smiled at that.

The events of the day had changed me somehow, and I knew things would never be the same. A whole new world had opened for me. I hoped Miss would feel the same way.

When we arrived home, I presented Miss with what I had gotten from Mrs Kelley..

It was a small, thin, heavy, dark, wooden cheek-to-cheek paddle that Mrs Kelley assured me was very wicked and stingy, but not heavy enough to bruise much.

I wanted to test Miss, with my new desires.

I asked her to finish my punishment; that I wanted a new beginning. She told me I had been punished enough for one day. I told her I hadn't been, that I needed to be punished by her, for real, like a child that had no choice.

Punished for real!

I begged her, and she finally agreed. She gave me a one-syllable safeword, to make her stop.

A simple word.


I would be spanked until I said stop. We went over what I did wrong, so I knew exactly why I was being paddled. I promised to do better.

We went into the bedroom…

She put her vanity bench in the center of the room, I then stripped naked, and so did she. She sat upon the bench, and I turned over her knees, and she started spanking me with her hand, while I held the paddle. She warmed me up for a couple of minutes, then asked me for the paddle, which I handed her. She started paddling me lightly.

She was worried about the cane marks, but I told her to just do it. The hairbrush marks were already fading.

"Harder,'' I hissed.

She complied.

She paddled me back and forth, between each cheek, trying to avoid the cane marks, pausing about five seconds between swats. Medium swats.

"HARDER," I told her. "PUNISH ME!!"

She quit being picky about where the paddle landed. The spanks were coming faster and harder. I started squirming and making noises. I cried almost silent tears, but I wouldn't say stop.

I was crying freely, and holding on for dear life. That was by far, the hardest spanking anyone had ever given me. That was my first, real, spanking. It was much harder than when Mrs Kelley had spanked me. She kept spanking and spanking, as my sobbing increased, but I wouldn't say stop.

Finally, she threw the paddle down, and shoved me onto the bed. She was ravenous, and so was I. She was like a wild animal. I had never seen her this excited before. Hell. I had never been this excited before either.

Her hand found my wetness. It was like a hot, slick, oil spill, and I came the minute she touched me.

My mouth found her sweet spot, and she exploded immediately.

We fucked all night, and that's what it was, fucking, not making love. Exhausted, we fell asleep in each other's arms, as dawn broke.

The next day, I told her I wanted her to be my Mistress.

Written by Vampire_vixen
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