I have been a teacher and then a Deputy-Headmistress for more than thirty years. During that time, education for girls had developed from the dark ages when they were mainly excluded from higher studies. Now, they are free to tackle any subject at Senior Secondary School. In addition, they can go on to College and University and do better than their male counterparts more often than not. This is not to say that they have achieved parity with boys. Luddite views on girls and their education still exist but thankfully are becoming less evident.
Early during my teaching career, two pupils in my class fell pregnant. While this in itself was a shocking event, what really astounded me was that neither girl had any idea how or why it happened. As a teenager, I knew the basics of female matters, including the birds and the bees, through talks with my mother and naively assumed it was the same for other girls. So, it was appalling to find out that this was not the case – indeed, for most, knowledge of themselves was non-existent. I resolved there and then that girls in my classes would be taught at least the basics of health and well-being. Of course, there was a great uproar over such a scandalous idea, but I found ways to convey the fundamentals to my girls in time. Thankfully, as we have moved towards the 1960s, girls' health and welfare had become a recognised component of their syllabus.
Career-oriented women were not considered dutiful wife-material while I was in my twenties and thirties. So, I had to settle for life as a spinster and teacher. I was content until recent times when I began to doubt my choices. Then, one incredible event was to forever shatter my illusions.
One day while walking in a small, wooded area well out of town, I heard a commotion and went to investigate. Lo and behold, a boy and a girl from my school were making love in a clearing. To be honest, that statement is inaccurate. They were going at it like rabbits in heat. I was shocked, but I did not stop them. By now, I had enough experience to know that their actions, while not approved, were not the atrocity that moralists would have us believe. It was only a loving couple freely engaging in the ultimate pleasure. This was no case of male dominance; both were clearly giving their all to the proceedings. So, I just left the scene and allowed things to take their course. In due course, my whole body quivered when I heard the nerve-tingling sounds of climax in the distance.
Touching or exploring yourself or others was an absolute taboo when I grew up – you would go blind and be condemned to purgatory or, so we were told. These threats certainly scared the hell out of me, so I never dared to examine myself even into later life. Little did I realise that the events of the afternoon were about to wipe away those inhibitions.
The intimate scene in the wood played over and over in my head as I lay in bed that evening, and sensual curiosity took hold. I slid my hand down inside my pyjamas and sighed as my fingers reached the mound, ruffled its hair, and then worked their way down into my crotch. I gasped as they finally touched my pussy lips and, to my great delight, triggered warm and tingling sensations. These feelings intensified rapidly as my fingers steadily caressed the labia. Then, they went through the roof when, by pure chance, I uncovered an ultra-sensitive spot and went to work on it. Before long, my whole body trembled as my twat spasmed and released a small amount of nectar. Words cannot adequately describe the sheer bliss I felt at this, my first-ever orgasm.
I could only marvel at the resilience and tenacity of my pussy. It would have been primed and ready for action when I was a teenager and could have become moribund during the many barren years. But, instead, it had clung on, presumably dreaming of this very moment, and given its chance at long last, had delivered big time in taking me to cloud nine. Again, I could only be thankful for its tenacity.
This first sensual experience had me wondering what other delights my body was hiding. So, just like a kid in a sweet shop, I spent the following weeks seeking out and repeatedly enjoying the pleasures of my lady bits. I remember feeling particularly wicked when I came across the alternate functions of a hairbrush handle. I smiled as I wondered how many of my teenage charges were already well practised in its use. I went off the rails for a short time and became obsessed with self-pleasure. But fortunately, I soon recognised its almost all-consuming hold over me. I eased off to a more sedentary but equally satisfying pace.
The physical and emotional roller coaster I endured during my sensual awakening was a turning point. Until then, I knew that teenagers had many physical and sexual challenges during puberty and beyond. But I did not really appreciate just how disturbing and bewildering they could be. My recent experiences gave me a practical understanding of their possible impact and insight into why many adolescent girls go off the rails, have long spells of brain fuzz or give up on schooling. They are trying to make sense of a maelstrom of sexual changes with essentially no guidance or support. Indeed, my own teenage struggles with concentration at school now made sense.
I now recalled how I had treated these apparently recalcitrant girls over the years with great sadness. Instead of understanding their problems, I assumed they were lazy and needed to be remotivated. Like my headmistress Miss Noble had done with me, I gave each of them a severe tawse on the bottom wake-up call.
I resolved from then on that the belt would be the last resort in such cases. So instead, I ensured that all girls had free access to health and well-being counsellors. As a result, they could talk in complete confidence and anonymity about the personal or pubertal problems they faced and get practical help and advice. My sensual experiences were also helpful in another way. They allowed me, without blushing, to answer some of the cringe-worthy questions that the new generation of girls thankfully has no qualms about asking.
This supportive/interactive approach worked very well with most teenage girls. But I was shocked to find that one or two of the very brightest girls in any year continued to have brain fog problems despite all the help available. I could see no obvious reasons for this. However, it did occur to me that these girls were so clever that seeking advice from others was possibly beneath them. I could not allow these smart girls to fail, so my only option was to use the tried and tested method to bring them to their senses. Unfortunately, these girls were otherwise well-behaved, so their bottoms had no prior acquaintance with the fiery tawse. Therefore, the agonising deed was an appalling shock and humiliation for them. But it was all the more effective as a result. The girls hated me with a vengeance afterwards. Still, they all redoubled their efforts and went to academic and career success.
These unfortunate incidents aside, I was now more tolerant and genial than at any other time in my teaching career. I used the ultimate sanction only when a girl went too far, which thankfully became an infrequent event. Still, I often got pangs of guilt when I recalled the many bottoms that turned bright red for misdemeanours I now dealt with in non-painful ways.
The intimate knowledge I gleaned during this enlightening time proved to be a lifesaver. For example, I detected a tiny lump in one of my breasts and had it looked at straight away. Thankfully, the problem was spotted early and successfully eliminated by intensive therapy. This sharpened my thoughts over girls’ health. Despite reluctance from many of my more traditionalist co-workers, I ensured that my girls were taught how to check themselves and encouraged them to do so regularly. I also advised them to go to a doctor straight away if they had concerns, even if adults thought it was a fuss about nothing.
My journey in self-pleasure continued for a few satisfying months. But then, it moved to new heights when a sixth-form boy, John Smith, was brought to my office by a local police officer. The lad had been caught fighting, and the victim's parents threatened to make it an official police matter. The officer was keen to keep it off the books but could only do so if the school took immediate action. This presented a problem because the headmaster and his male deputy were away from the school on that day. I was acting head, but I did not have the authority to deal with the matter since my responsibility was exclusively for the girls. However, if the incident became a police case, the repercussions for the boy would undoubtedly damage his educational and career prospects.
"So, Mr Smith, what have you got to say for yourself."
John looked at me defiantly. “That bully has been beating and ridiculing me for weeks. I finally had enough and responded in the only way he would understand. He got what he deserved.”
“That is not the point. No matter the provocation, you acted like a common thug. That behaviour is totally unacceptable in this school, and I must deal with it in the severest manner allowed.
"I should suspend you from school immediately, but that means you will miss important final year examinations. The alternative, if you accept, is that I give you the maximum tariff of the tawse and settle the matter here and now. The choice is yours.”
The look on John's face was unforgettable, but he quickly agreed. “I will take the belt.”
This response was no surprise, given that the punishment would be over and done with quickly. Also, how bad could it be – after all, I was only a woman.
I told the John to stay put, went to the headmaster’s study, and returned with his extra heavy tawse. John turned pale at the sight of this belt. Rightly so, its reputation was fearsome, and as John was about to find out well-deserved. John was quiet when he lowered his trousers down and bent over my desk. But he gasped in shock when I tugged down his drawers.
John was shivering when I said, "There are no excuses for your hooligan behaviour. You have earned thirteen on the bare. That is bad luck for you.”
The headmaster’s belt was thicker and heavier than mine and packed a mighty wallop even in the hands of a weakly female. So, John shot up in the air when the first hit unleashed its venom into his bum. Trying to be tough, he made little sound at first but then screamed in agony as the blazing streak on his buttocks released its heat and pain. John got back into position but reacted in the same way as five more fiery lines were added to his bottom. But after this, he seemed to accept the inevitable and remained still and quiet while the remainder of his behind met its agonising fate. Twelve vivid stripes were etched on John’s rear when I applied the final clincher, a diagonal strike that relit all the others and set his buttocks ablaze. Again, John screamed as waves of excruciating pain surged throughout his bum, and he finally broke down in tears.
I let John recover. "Get up, remember this agony the next time you consider lashing out at someone because I can assure you for a repeat visit, the consequences will be far worse. Now, tidy yourself up lad, and head off home.”
After John had redressed and partially composed himself, I let him leave by the back door to my office, just I did with girls. There was no need to rub salt into his wounds. He would have a hard time with his peers without dealing with it while still in severe distress.
The policeman nodded his approval after the completion of the punishment. He said, "I am satisfied. The matter has been dealt with appropriately and is now closed."
The headmaster later endorsed my swift resolution of the matter.
As fate would have it, fairness was served two weeks later. John's tormentor was caught bullying another boy, and the headmaster gave him a doubly severe bare bottom thrashing.
The side story to this incident with John revolves around the moral dilemmas it posed for me. I abhorred nudity in any form. Even so, I had no qualms about pulling down a girl’s knickers if she merited the belt on the bare. However silly as it may seem, the idea of uncovering John seemed indecent. The easy way out would have been to tawse him on the underpants, but I knew that this would not be considered an adequate punishment. After due consideration, I finally settled on a compromise. I lowered John’s drawers just far enough to expose his bum but leave his privates hidden from sight.
I was pleased with this solution, but I need not have bothered. As the initial strikes of the tawse kissed John's rear, his undies slipped down to his knees, anyway, revealing his tackle in all its glory.
John’s cock was quiescent at this point but then grew as the third and fourth strikes of the tawse left their fiery mark and was fully erect and engorged when number five hit home. It tremored and spasmed and began shooting its load as the sixth wallop found its target and was still spurting when the seventh strike did its worst. After that, John’s spent willy shrank back to its resting state, despite the continuing punishment to his bottom. I can still clearly recall those events even to this day. No surprises there, given that this was my first sight of a penis and one in an excited state, no less.
I relived that event many times in the days that followed, and every time my pussy shivered and squirmed just at the mere thought of that rampant penis. A feral hunger had been awakened that left my twat desperate to be used for its purpose. Sadly, I knew that self-love was my only option since post-menopausal women did not do sex – that was a disgusting chore of the long distant past, or so it was said. Nevertheless, I continued to have flights of fancy that left the gusset of my drawers moist. Did my teenage charges have similar wet dreams, I wondered?
A strange memory from a few years previous came to the surface around this time. This centred around three girls in their final year of school. They had been friends for years, were academically bright, and generally well-behaved. I had no direct dealings with them until one was sent to me for discipline. She had hit another girl, so I had no option but to acquaint her pantied bottom with the tawse. I hoped that this short sharp shock would be enough but was disappointed to find that she and her two friends were sent to see me about one month later. Even more, this pattern was repeated monthly from thereon. The girls could or would not explain their odd behaviour other than having a bad day whenever things kicked off. I tried my best to break this strange conduct and even used the extra-heavy tawse on them. But all to no avail. Without fail, they were back over my desk the following month.
I was utterly bamboozled by the behaviour of these girls – even the hardest bullies usually toed the line after two or three bottom thrashings. Sadly, I had to maintain discipline in the school, so I had to keep making an example of them. Eventually, I had no option but to give the tawse on the bare. Unhappily, this did not change their behaviour.
The one thing that stood out was the reactions of these girls to getting the belt – hard girls scowl with the pain but remain quiet, whereas most others howl and cry by the bucketload. These three did neither – they wept very little and generally looked at peace with themselves despite having a bum glowing like a fire. Remarkably, these contented looks were more evident once I started giving them the belt on the bare.
The conduct of these three girls was inexplicable at the time. Still, my recent experiences with John now suggested a likely answer. He orgasmed while getting the belt, so these girls possibly did the same. The first girl may have climaxed during her initial punishment and spread the word to her best friends, leading them to fixate on this as a way of obtaining pussy joy. This may seem ridiculous, but imagine if this was your first orgasm. It would be such a memorable event that it would undoubtedly be worth repeating if you did not know of alternative ways to achieve it. I found this realisation unsettling – had I been providing orgasm by tawse?
The greater significance of this conclusion was that I presently had a repeat offender whose behaviour had similarities to that of the earlier three. Was she out of control, or was this just her way of getting an orgasm? So, the next time Amanda Jones was sent to see me, I decided to bite the bullet.
“Now, young lady, you are here in front of me yet again. What have you got to say for yourself?”
“I am sorry, Miss. It has been a difficult day, and I finally lost the plot with my classmate.”
“That is no excuse for thuggery. But is that the real reason that you are here?”
“What do you mean?”
“It is simple. Do you climax while getting the tawse?”
She immediately went crimson and struggled to speak. “Yes, but how do you know that?”
“Let us just call it teacher’s intuition. I am only surprised that you have not found less painful ways to climax.”
“None of my friends talk about sexual matters. So, when I had my first climax, as you gave me the belt for daydreaming in class, I decided to stick with a winning formula. The thought of all that pain in the bum was off-putting. But when I reach the middle of each month, the desire for a climax overcomes these doubts. Why would that be?”
“My guess is that is when you are at the most fertile point of your cycle - when your pussy is at its most receptive."
“Oh my, I never imagined that these feral instincts were so powerful.”
"They certainly are. Girls get frustrated and cranky if they ignore or do not satiate these pangs of hunger. Orgasm by tawse is just your way of doing so. There are less painful ways of achieving satisfaction, and I can guide you to them, but that is for another day. You have obviously steeled yourself for this moment, and I must hand out the just desserts for your poor conduct in school. So, we had better deal get it done.”
“I wish that I had talked with you sooner, but I was scared.”
“That is silly. You were too scared to talk with me but not too frightened to get a severe thrashing.”
“It is ridiculous when you put it that way, but that is how it is.”
“No need to fret. I was just as terrified of my mentor, Miss Noble, and would never have dared talk with her about sexual matters. Okay, now bend over my desk.”
Amanda smiled as she settled into place but shivered a little as I folded her skirt over her back and slipped her panties down. I picked the medium tawse and quickly unleashed its venom on her bum. I did not hold back but kept a close watch for the early signs of climax. I did not want to go overboard and ruin the moment for her by causing too much pain. I recognised the distinctive body shudder and the twitching of her pussy as juices started began dribbling from it. I gave her one further hard strike on the bottom as she went through orgasm to ensure she finished on the maximal high. Then, I put down my tawse and surveyed my handiwork. Her bum was red, but she was beaming from ear to ear while her juices continued to drip onto her panties.
“Thank you so much. That was the best one ever.”
“Glad to make your day. It is much easier to play a perfect tune when you know that punishment is not the primary aim.”
Amanda blushed. “I could have avoided excess pain if I had talked about my needs with you.”
“The reality is that it could not happen any other way. So come to see me on Monday, and we will have a discussion.”
Amanda duly came to my office at lunchtime on Monday. We had a long and frank talk about sexuality and how she could use self-gratification to meet her needs.
“Thank you, why are we not taught about this at school.”
“Teaching about sensuality has come in leaps and bounds since my young days. But even now, getting down to the nitty-gritty is still frowned upon. The great and good do not want their kids being sullied by such disgusting stuff.”
“But that is like ripping out the second half of the book and then telling the reader to enjoy the story and be safe.”
“Sadly, that is true. Hopefully, it will get better soon. At least you have some more of the information you need.”
Amanda did not go astray or encounter my tawse during the remainder of her time in school. Instead, she came to see me on her last day.
"I want to thank you for everything you have done for the other girls and me. I have never felt so content and happy. However, while self-pleasure is wonderful, the climaxes never match those I had when you gave me the belt.”
I will admit that I went bright red. "I bet that you do not miss the pain, though. You just need to find someone who properly rocks your boat, and you will be fine.”
I did not see Amanda again for several months. Then, I met her doing part-time work in a store while studying at college.
“Nice to see you again, Miss. I hope that you are well.”
“Yes, I am fine. Please call me Sally. We are no longer in school.
“Sally, I can never forget what you did for me. You not only kept me on the straight and narrow at school, but you also taught me so much about sensuality. In fact, I have many dreams about the times you made me climax. I would love to repeat that journey one more time, but that I suppose is not possible.”
I tried to be calm and collected and hid my excitement. “Well, I am taking a three-week holiday before the start of the next term. I have rented a remote cottage and am heading off tomorrow. So what about paying me a visit, and we can see how things go.”
Amanda grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Oh, that would be great. I have a few days off from college and could visit you then.”
I wrote down the address for her. “I look forward to getting acquainted again.”
I practically skipped home and set off to the cottage the next day. It was far off the beaten track but in a beautiful location. My plan was to spend time exploring the countryside and enjoying the sunshine while I was there. So, I did for the first two days, but then to my delight, Amanda arrived on the third day.
I was out walking but saw her in the distance. So, I made my way towards the footpath to meet her. “Hi, Amanda. I am glad you are here. Did you have any problems finding the house?”
“No, the bus driver gave me good instructions. I love the wild and am more than happy to be here. In fact, would it be possible to stay for a few days? We could go hiking together.”
My knees were trembling. “You are more than welcome to stay for a while. It will be good to have a companion.”
I showed Amanda to the spare bedroom and left her to unpack. We then had a light snack and chatted for a while, but the conversation became progressively stilted. Eventually, Amanda took the lead and said, “We both know the elephant in the room. So let us get it over and done with and move on."
My heart rate jumped. “Yes, you are correct. Let us do it now. Follow me."
I took Amanda to my bedroom and told her to kneel over the bed. Once she was settled, I unzipped her trousers and lowered them and her panties to her knees. Her bare buttocks looked attractive and kissable, but I did not yield. After all, they would soon get the kisses that they really wanted. As I got out the tawse and set it beside Amanda, I saw her bottom reflected in the dresser-table mirror in front of her. It showed an image from the full-length mirror on the wardrobe behind me. Ever keen on new tweaks, I adjusted the large table mirror so that both Amanda’s face and bum were in full view.
“Well, this is a turnup for the book. Now, I get to see the fiery effects of the belt on my rear, and you get to watch how that pain translates to my face."
I chuckled. “Anything to make this a more interesting experience.”
I did not linger. I picked up the heavy tawse and let fly. Expressions of shock and building pain spread across Amanda’s face once a burning stripe appeared on her buttocks and unleashed its unbearable heat and pain into her bum. Her reactions were the same for the next two hits, but then she became calmer as though accepting her fate. As subsequent strikes hit home, Amanda's bum tensed, and her pussy lips began to tremble, and she began gasping deeply. I saw from her expression that things were closing to a peak. As before, I gave her two hits in quick succession. The last landed across her perineum and set the avalanche in motion. Amanda bawled as her body spasmed, her pussy lips tremored, and love juices squirted out. It is hard to describe the expression on Amanda’s face. At first, her mouth and eyes were wide open with astonishment at the breath-taking eruption in her fanny. Then, the image steadily changed to one of contentment as the juices flowed. Finally, it turned to sheer delight as she was consumed by the sweet sensations surging through her. To my astonishment, her ecstatic display aroused me – my twat began quivering, and my fuzz was soon coated with beads of peach juice.
Amanda was still gasping with joy as I helped her up onto the bed.
“Whew, it is hard to believe that you have surpassed yourself. Maybe watching the action in real-time made it even more exciting. You have set the bar high indeed. It will take something ultra-special to give me an earthquake climax like that again. I am going to need quite some time to calm down.”
“I am delighted to have given you precisely what you wanted. Take all the time you need to recover. I will be waiting for you.
Approximately one hour went past before a still flushed Amanda came through to the lounge.

“That was amazing. How can I ever repay you?”
I hesitated before speaking. “Well, I have an idea about that. I want you to give me the belt to see if I can get the same pleasure as you.”
“What, I cannot do that. You are my friend and mentor.”
“Firstly, I know the consequences of what I am asking and do so of my own free will. You are the only one I can safely ask for this action. I know that my pussy is sensitive and responsive, but I want to know if it will climax like yours when educated by the tawse. Please do this for me.”
“Well, I never. Even although you taught us about health, welfare, and sensual matters, I always thought of you as nonsexual.”
“I was, but not long before you and I had that chat about self-love, it came into my life.”
"Ah, that explains a lot. I could not understand how you knew so much about buffing the muffin.”
“So, Miss Tawse is not so straitlaced and sombre after all, is she?”
“I think that it is really cool that you have been going through the same sexual awakenings and challenges as your teenage charges. No wonder you are so supportive of them.”
“Now, I more clearly understand the issues that pubertal girls face and will do anything I can to help them. The mystery is why married women do not talk to their teenage daughters about them. It would save so much heartbreak."
“They are probably too embarrassed, do not understand themselves, or see sex as just a thankless chore that all wives have to endure.”
“Yes, I suppose you are right. But that is not how it should be. I need you to take my sensual education to the next level - for the student to be my teacher."
“I owe you so much and would love to do what you ask. But I am terrified. I have no experience of giving the tawse. What if I do it wrong and hurt you badly?”
“You have no need to worry. I felt the exact same way when I gave the tawse for the first time. Believe me, when you have endured the belt yourself, instinct will tell you what to do, and when enough is enough.”
“Well, but only if you are sure.”
“Come with me.”
I led Amanda through to my bedroom, found the extra-heavy tawse and handed it to her.
“Okay. I will get into position, but the rest is up to you. If you have any doubts, just remember all the pain I have inflicted on your bottom. The minimum that you get from this session is to take out your revenge on my rear.”
I kneeled by the bed, slipped my knickers down, and flipped my skirt up over my back. However, as I settled in position, I had a worrying flashback to when my mentor Miss Noble was about to belt the teenage me. The same fears that I had then now came back – an acute sense of helplessness and being entirely at her mercy. All the while knowing that Miss Noble would have no pity. On the contrary, she was determined to teach me the error of my ways and did so with relish, causing unbearable pain in my rear. This sudden recall of that agonising day came as a shock to me. I now realised that every girl I punished during my career, including Amanda, would have felt the same terror before and during the painful deed. No wonder they hated me. Well, although it was of my own doing, the tables were now turned. I shivered at the thought of what Amanda might be about to do to me.
These anxieties fears were amplified when Amanda unleashed her first swat. I saw it heading towards my bottom and tried to brace myself, all in vain. It was by no means the hardest of hits, but that extra-heavy tawse still cut a burning swathe across my buttocks, and I howled as waves of pain surged through my tushie. These reactions must have quelled any doubts Amanda had and steeled her to the job in hand because all the subsequent wallops were heavy and breath-taking. I, like her, screamed at each of the early strikes but then went silent as the pain overwhelmed my bum.
Now I felt my pussy awakening. It began to tremble and squirm as the waves of pain spread through it. Soon, the ongoing pain in my rear became less of a mental focus as my fud steadily went into turmoil. I was moaning as it got closer and closer to the point of no return. Then to my utter surprise, Amanda stopped her onslaught for a moment. What was she doing? I went a little off the boil, and my fanny pulled back from the brink. This reaction was what Amanda wanted because the next hits drove my snatch into an absolute frenzy and had me virtually begging and screaming for relief. Again, Amanda stopped before applying one hard swat over my perineum and two in quick succession to the centre of my bum. Now, my eyes and mouth opened wide, and I began gasping for air as my whole body suddenly shuddered, and love juices surged through my frantic fanny. This orgasm persisted until my pussy calmed down and love juices stopped dribbling from its lips. The pleasurable sensations from my fud were tempered by the ongoing pain in my rear. Together, they took me to a sensual bliss that transcended anything I had achieved by self-love.
In my befuddled state, I clambered up onto the bed. As I lay there, I glanced at Amanda. She was flushed and unsteady on her feet. It was evident that I was not the only one for whom the earth had moved.
I shuffled to one side of the bed. “You need to lie down. There is plenty of space here.”
“Thank you. I knew that my pussy was getting hot, but I was taken completely by surprise when it got into action as I watched yours squirming and spurting peach juice. Still, I have no complaints.”
Amanda relaxed alongside me and then startled me by leaning over and kissing me on the lips. “Thank you for everything.”
Unbelievable as it seems, I had never been kissed before, so this lovely interaction caught me on the hop. However, I was nothing if not a quick learner. Soon, we were into the deepest smooches, and I was consumed by delightful new sensations. So it was with great reluctance that we unlatched and just rested.
I eventually got up, tidied myself and set about some household chores. Amanda joined me later, and we prepared an evening meal. We dined together, chatted during the evening, and then retired to bed. I had just put on my PJs when Amanda knocked on the door and entered my room.
“No need to sleep alone tonight. We can be snug and warm.”
After all that we had done together that day, I did not argue. Instead, I slipped between the sheets, and Amanda followed me. As we relaxed side by side, she took me in her arms, and we shared a long lingering kiss. I was in dreamworld when we finally cuddled down and fell asleep.
I awakened the following day to find myself alone, but Amanda soon appeared with breakfast on a tray. Having a morning meal while in bed with a friend was undoubtedly an exciting experience for me.
“You have never shared your bed with anyone before, have you.”
“No, I have not. But how do you know that.”
“You were nervous and self-conscious when we first got together. It was such a contrast to when my sister and I shared a bed when we were young - we were so comfortable and at peace with each other. It was nothing sexual, of course.”
“Sadly, I never had that experience. I hope that you were not put off.”
“Not at all.”
Amanda picked up the tray and debris and took them to the kitchen. When she returned, she said, “well, I think it is time for you to get more comfortable with a bed mate. So, take off your PJs.”
I was stunned by this instruction. But then I saw Amanda strip to the buff, and one glance of that lovely body was enough. My PJs were off in a flash, and we jumped into bed. At once, we embraced and cuddled together, mound to mound, breast to breast, lip to lip. Soon, we sought out each other’s erogenous zones, turned ourselves on, and climaxed. Except for the necessary comfort and nutrition breaks, we then stayed in bed for four days sharing the oh so many delights of female-female intercourse.
Self-love is excellent but a poor second choice to being pleasured by or pleasuring another. I soon drove Amanda into rapture with my recently learned tricks. She was less experienced, but a quick learner and readily worked me into a frenzy. Amanda was also highly adventurous and keen to find out what else we could do as a pair. We discovered many beautiful positions and techniques to take ourselves to repeated joint orgasms. I dare say that we found out more about female sensuality over those four days than most learned in a whole lifetime. I was grateful to Amanda for opening my eyes to these pleasures. Equally, I was sure that her newfound sexual knowledge would serve her and her partner/s well in the years to come.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. So, we resolved to make our last day an extra special one – we decided to repeat our first day in the house. The pleasures we shared and enjoyed during the subsequent four days were more than satisfying. Still, that initial day had been so mind-blowing that it seemed fitting to end our time together in the same way. So it was that I belted Amanda to climax, and she did the same for me. The one change I learned from her was introducing two short cool-down periods during her punishment. So, when I applied the coup de gras to her bright red bum, her pussy went through an earth-shattering orgasm. It lasted longer than usual, and she writhed and shrieked throughout. This sight was enough to push my aroused pussy over the edge.
We rested together until midday, and then I got into position. Amanda had no hesitations this time and flayed my behind with eye-watering abandon from strike one. Soon, my bum was hot, and my fanny was in turmoil. This time Amanda introduced three cooldowns. As a result, the first strike of the fourth period drove me crazy – I was fit to burst, and two further strikes opened the flood gates. My body shuddered madly, and I gasped like mad as I went onto climax. The waves of pain surging from my bum kept my pussy on a high and prolonged the orgasm. As a result, I collapsed on the bed, breathless and spent. The icing on the cake was that the earth also moved for Amanda.
Amanda and I now slipped into bed together. We cuddled up, intending to relax for the remainder of the day so that she would be well-rested for the journey home the next day. However, our pussies had other ideas. I was awakened by Amanda’s mound grinding against mine, which willingly responded in kind. The message was clear – they were hungry for more action. The reply was never in doubt. We got into a sixty-nine and munched each other to climax countless times. I can only assume that the powerful sensations still coming from our tender bums kept our vajayjays on a receptive high because they seemed to be insatiable. Time and again, they orgasmed and then demanded more. Never were pussies more hungry, nor their nectar so ample and sweet. Finally, as darkness fell, we dropped off to sleep.
Amanda and I had breakfast together the following day and, with great reluctance, said our goodbyes. We shared a long and lingering kiss before Amanda headed down the path and out of sight.
I reverted to my holiday plans and spent my time hill-walking over the next four days. Sadly, I found myself distracted and unable to properly enjoy the scenery. I felt alone for the first time, and my bed seemed so empty at night. I kept going hoping that I could work my way out of this funk, but by the middle of the fourth day, I decided that I would end my holiday early and head home where I would at least be among friends.
I noticed the first signs of a storm sweeping into the area just as I reached this decision. I set off back to the house straight away, but being miles from there, I got soaked to the skin in the deluge that followed. The ‘hale water’ storm continued long after I was safely indoors. I quickly shed my sodden clothes, dried off, put on a pair of PJs and a housecoat, had a hot drink, and settled down to warm myself by the fire.
I had just finished hanging up my soggy clothes in the bathroom to dry when I heard a loud banging on the front door. I opened it to a sight to behold – a poor hiker that had been in the downpour hours.
“Please, can I shelter here until the worst of this is over?"
This was a safer and more caring era. The lad was obviously a hillwalker in need of help. The universally accepted code was to always aid a fellow hiker in distress, so I invited him in.
“Come on in out of the rain. You had better get out of those sodden clothes before you catch a cold. I will find some others for you. Follow me.”
I led the lad through to the spare room and found him some dry towels, a pair of PJs, and a housecoat. The latter being the only suitable clothes I had available.
“Put your gear and wet clothes in the bathroom to dry off and then come through to the sitting room. I was about to prepare some hot food. We can share it.”
I had just put a tray with soup, sandwiches, and tea on the side table in the sitting area when the still bedraggled-looking lad came through.
“Thank you so much for giving me shelter. I am Kevin. I do a lot of hiking at weekends and am usually ready for the worst. But this rainstorm caught me unawares when I was miles away from the nearest bothy.”
“Hi, I am Sally, and happy to provide refuge. I got caught in the downpour as well, luckily not too far away. So sit down by the fire, Kevin, get warmed up, and have some food.”
We chatted afterwards while huddled by the fire. Kevin was a twenty-year-old University student studying the developing subject of computer sciences. He admitted that he did not have a social life because he was considered a boring geek. Trekking in the countryside was his main spare time passion. In reality, Kevin was no nerd. Yes, he would talk forever about computing. Still, his breadth of knowledge in other subjects was already more significant than many would ever achieve. He appeared confident. However, I could see that this was, in part, a show for other people because he was an inherently shy person. I could understand why he avoided social situations. That said, I saw that he had little difficulty conversing with me.
I am pretty sure that Kevin had no sexual thoughts about me that night - after all, I was old enough to be his grandmother. However, as is common in young men, his cock had a mind of its own. Later in the evening, it stirred of its own accord and stood to attention. Kevin went bright red as he tried desperately to hide the tenting of his PJs.
“I am so sorry. You must think that I am disgusting.”
"No, Kevin, I do not. I know that many young lads sometimes lose control of their todgers in the presence of females. For me, it is flattering to still be of interest to it.”
I tried to keep my cool as Kevin sniggered and blushed even more profusely, but I could not ignore that my fud was now quivering just at the thought of that erect tool. In that instant, I lost the plot, leaned over and kissed Kevin on the lips. He was utterly taken aback, but his dick was not – as our lips united, it tried even harder to burst out of its PJ prison.
I am sure that he had not been kissed before because he was hesitant and unsure. But as he relaxed and sweet sensations began to flow between us, he got the idea and was soon snogging like a star. I could hardly believe that my first kiss had only been a few days ago and now I had taught a hunky young man. There was no doubt about my attraction to him - his firm body and luscious lips literally took my breath away.
My obvious concern was whether Kevin really wanted to be with an old woman like me. His cock indeed suggested he did, and since it was in charge, Kevin readily followed me through to my bedroom when I took his hand and said, “come with me.”
Kevin was like a deer staring into headlights while he watched me undress and slip between the sheets. Still, any doubts he had disappeared in a flash. He quickly stripped to the buff, got into bed and took me in his arms. We kissed for a while before his hands began to wander and latched onto my boobs. I sighed with joy as he massaged them, and I started purring like a cat while he suckled the nipples. Well, I never, he was unsure about how to kiss, but he instinctively knew what was best for my mammaries. I was in sensual bliss, but my pussy soon began signalling that it wanted in on the action. As Kevin settled on top of me, I spread my legs, and my mound began to gently rub and tease his shaft. That intuitive act had the desired effect. Kevin adjusted his position so that his cock dropped between my legs and its tip nuzzled my waiting pussy lips.
I tried to prepare myself, but I still shrieked in pain when the head of Kevin’s dick separated my labia and burst inside me. Fortunately, the aches diminished steadily as five inches of throbbing cock worked its way bit by bit into my moist receptive fanny. They were wholly gone by the time Kevin’s balls kissed my thighs. As if by magic, delightful sensations now engulfed my love tunnel while it squirmed, slithered, and tried to form a tight but comfortable sheath around the shaft. My fud had already enjoyed much hot action with Amanda. But those pleasures were as nothing compared to the thrills of being skewered on a pulsating and sizzling cock. My fanny radiated sheer delight as it explored, squeezed, and accommodated every bump and rippling millimetre of Kevin’s rampant shaft. As a result, the rapid thrusts of his dick that followed were tolerable and indeed increasingly stimulating. However, just as I was warming to the ride, Kevin got overexcited and shot his load. He was happy, but while my pussy actually tasted cum for the first time, I was far from satisfied.
I would have been frustrated and distraught to lose my virginity for so little reward if I had been a teenager. But I knew from a lifetime’s experience that first times of anything usually disappoint. You need to continue practising to get them exactly right. I knew that this would not be a problem. I was ready and willing, and Kevin’s cock, having just tasted pussy for the first time, would be desperate to do so again.
Sure enough, little more than thirty minutes elapsed before Kevin and I were making out again. I was soon entranced by Kevin’s sensual work on my tits and a little startled when his dick found its target, pushed the lips aside and slipped inside me. This time was terrific. There was no pain, and I felt every enthralling ripple, pulse, and twitch of his engorged cock as it repeatedly plundered my fud. I groaned as it was ridden to a frenzy and was closing on climax when his cock suddenly went berserk and unloaded its large load of spunk. Oh no, so close, but yet so far. Despite this disappointment, the fantastic sensations surging from my now well-used pussy more than compensated and kept me flying on cloud nine.
Kevin was clearly not of a mind to pass up a good opportunity, so I was awakened by him about three hours later. We petted while I was still in a daze. Still, I came fully awake, and my body trembled with anticipation as Kevin’s todger once more pushed its way between my puffed-up and sensitive labia and into me. I quickly realised that this time was going to be oh so different. While I was still taking full thrusts of his massive dong, the frantic speed and power of the previous times was no longer there. On this occasion, the strokes of his shaft were slow and steady and repeatedly lit up the honey spots in my fud. I was soon cooing and gurgling with delight as Kevin slowly but surely screwed me to bliss.
My pussy was not passive during this time. It actively teased, squeezed, and stimulated the shaft, causing it to further thicken and stretch my hungry love tunnel in every way. After five enthralling minutes, my whole body trembled, and I was swamped with incredible sensations as my fud tremored and released its love juices. This spurred Kevin on. After a further six powerful thrusts, his dick spasmed like a thing possessed and shot its load. I will happily admit that Kevin shagged me good and proper. I was loopy and exhausted and in absolute bliss as he and I fell asleep together.
Daylight was just peering through the steamed-up windows when I came upon an exquisite male secret – the early morning wood. My pussy quivered at this discovery, clearly was eager for more. Thankfully, Kevin came awake, and we then coupled with great enthusiasm for ten excellent minutes before we climaxed together. Then, with his erection now spent, we both enjoyed that long blissful sleep of the just after.
Kevin and I were on cloud nine as we later cuddled together. After all, how could things be better? Kevin had broken his duck and was now an experienced man, and I was no longer an intact old maid. Best of all, I had lost my innocence to the rampant and insatiable cock of a twenty-year-old, no less. I was in nirvana.
As we lay together, it dawned on me that most of my young charges were of an age where they were aware, considering and possibly being pressured into intercourse with a boy. I did my best to understand their fears and anxieties and give reassurance. I had long advocated girls not to give in to macho pressure. Instead, they should take control and only give up the ultimate prize when ready. Wise words indeed, but for me, the reality was that I got carried away in the passion of the moment. Although I had only just met Kevin, I gave in to female lust and did the very things that scare most virgin girls. I placed myself entirely at a boy's mercy and submitted to his cock. I was lucky with Kevin, but it could have gone horribly wrong. How could I now lecture my charges on the best approaches to intercourse if even I could not follow my rules? Clearly, I needed to fine-tune the message to take account of my own real-life experiences with feral female urges. Girls need to be aware of their own impulses and boys' to help keep themselves safe. It is just such a pity that it has taken so long for me to find this out.
One other critical thing that this day had taught me was the need to include boys in discussions about health, welfare, and relationships. This had never been done before, and I could well imagine the absolute furore that such a suggestion would provoke. However, we need to break the culture of superiority, entitlement, and dominance over girls instilled at an early age into boys. Kevin has shown that they do not have to behave like that to be a stud. Suppose boys were to learn the basics about love, relationship and consent, and the realities and risks of intercourse for girl and boy. In that case, they may learn to be caring partners. Their intimate times could be a joy rather than just a traumatic physical experience, as it is for many girls. I am not naïve enough to think this would completely solve the problem. Macho bully boys will continue to behave in their Neanderthal way. Still, most boys can be tempered to be more caring and appreciative with girls.
I cuddled up tightly with Kevin as these thoughts went through my mind. I was conscious that the storm had blown itself out and that he would soon have to leave. People would be looking for him if he did not come back off the hills. So, I was despondent when we got up around mid-day, had lunch and then said our goodbyes with a lingering kiss. I watched as Kevin disappeared into the distance and eventually went back to bed where I could enjoy the erotic memories of being up close and personal with him.
I knew that I had to get out of the house the next day, so I had an early breakfast and set off to explore the local terrain. It was a hilly and rocky area, so I was tired when I headed back to the house.
This fatigue disappeared as soon as I came within sight of the house. Indeed, my heart skipped a beat, my fanny trembled, and my legs almost gave way. For sitting on the doorstep waiting for me was Kevin.
“Good to see you. Was the walk good today?”
“I am over the moon to see you, but how has this happened. I thought that you would be at home by now."
"That was the plan, but as I walked away yesterday, I thought to myself how stupid it was for both of us to be alone for the next week when we could be together. So I phoned my family and a few university colleagues when I got to town last night. I let them know I was okay and that I would be staying away for another week now that the storm was over. So here I am."
I took him in my arms, and we snogged for a long time before going indoors. Let us just say that we retired to bed after an energy-packed meal and continued our lessons in the erotic arts. Little hill-walking was done over the week, but we did have many, many, vigorous whole-body workouts. Kevin had all the power and strength of youth, but I could match him all the way. The teenage couple I had seen months would have struggled to keep up. The age difference is no impediment if you are both up for a wild ride.
Sadly, our week together was soon over, and we both headed off back to our homes. However, that was not to be the end. We met up at the cottage for a long weekend and reaffirmed our exquisite whole-body training regime three weeks later. From then, we got together every third weekend and during holidays. We saw little of the local area, but we were always more than satisfied with our stay.
Kevin had at least one year more of his studies to complete before he was likely to move away to do doctoral research. So my exhilarating challenge was to make the most of that time - to enjoy the ride of keeping Kevin occupied and satisfied while we remain a couple. Mm. I wonder what my teenage charges would be jealous if they knew what Miss Tawse got up to in her spare time.
Kevin was an excellent lover and more than willing to help me catch up on lost time. As a result, I was often bleary and tired when I returned to school after being with him. Although they did not know it, the girls benefitted from this sensual fuzz. I tolerated more of their mischief for the first couple of days than usual. Also, while I should not have approved, any girl who seemed to be preoccupied, like me, got a free pass.