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A Caning Before Bedtime

"A mature wife drastically overspends and receives a severe punishment caning from her husband before they later fuck"

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Sixty-one-year-old Sandra Brogan was very much feeling mixed emotions. Her husband John, aged sixty-four, had told her that he would be caning her before bedtime, and she was both dreading it and longing for it.

The part that she did not like was the first three or four strokes across her large arse because they always stung like fuck but as the caning went on she should get more and more sexually aroused, something that she did like.

She also liked the fucking that she knew that she and John would have later although that would be quite some time after the caning was completed.

Sandra had not been caned for about eleven months but when John became aware of her spending on their joint credit card he had told her what she would be getting that night, and she agreed that she deserved it.

She knew that her arse would be on fire as the cane lashed her bare buttocks, but she also knew that the fire would also appear in her vagina and only a good fucking would be able to put it out.

Sandra's mind went back to before she and John went to their work that morning, the post had just arrived and John was opening it.

"What the fuck is this?" stormed John, as he looked at their credit card statement.

"Um, oh yeah, sorry; I meant to warn you about that," replied Sandra, knowing she was in deep shit.

"Warn me? Warn me about what, your fucking overspending?" raged John.

"Yes, sorry, I went a bit crazy with the card," said Sandra, already fearing for her arse because she knew where this would probably lead.

"A bit crazy? You know that we cannot afford things like these amounts at the moment," continued a still angry John.

"I will see if I can get some overtime at work to pay for what I have spent," offered Sandra.

"Oh you will fucking pay for it alright; pay for it by getting your arse caned," shouted John.

Sandra knew that there was little point in protesting and also knew that her dramatic overspending probably justified a very sore backside, but she thought she had better make some show at getting a reprieve. "John, honey; I am so sorry but is a caning really necessary?" asked Sandra, more in hope than expectation although the aftermath of a caning made getting a striped arse worthwhile.

"Too damn true it is necessary; I will deal with you tonight; now I am off to work," said John, his temper cooled slightly by knowing the sexual pleasure that awaited both he and his wife after he had thrashed her.

Discipline had played a big part in most of the thirty-nine years of the Brogan's marriage and it worked in both directions. Spanking had long been a part of their still quite good sex life but the cane was only used for punishment, both Mr and Mrs Brogan had felt it across their buttocks a few times over the years, Sandra more times than John though.

Sandra was subdued during most of her day at work, she worked in a shop, and although her friends at work asked if there was anything wrong, she said that she was okay. Although she was friendly with her workmates, none of them knew anything about Sandra's sex life or the use of discipline in her marriage, even Sandra's best friend, who did not work with her, knew very little about what happened behind closed doors in the Brogan house.

Sandra and John sat down together for their evening meal and John was civil in conversation with her but not overly friendly. Sandra remained subdued, thinking about how the buttocks that she was currently sitting on would be feeling in a few hours although she knew that sitting down would be out of the question after the caning had been administered.

"I will deal with you at nine o'clock," announced John, after they had done the washing up.

"Yes, dear," Sandra answered, knowing that arguing or protesting would not help. She had actually wanted to watch something on television at nine but now she would be otherwise engaged.

The normal bedtime for Sandra and John was ten thirty so the beating was going to be done well before then. That meant that Sandra would be suffering from a very sore bottom for a considerable time before she could expect sex to help relieve the stinging in her arse.

She had no idea how many strokes she would be getting, but she had taken eighteen in the past as a severe punishment. Receiving a caning came in various stages for Sandra with the first few strokes not being to her liking but once she got 'acclimatised' to the beating, she almost welcomed the strokes because of the sexual arousal that they brought.

The time went past eight o'clock and although the television was on, Sandra could not concentrate on it. All her thoughts were on her rapidly approaching caning although she did think of the sex that no doubt would follow later. She found herself wishing that John would send her to prepare herself now so that the caning could be got over with, but she knew that as John had said nine o'clock then nine o'clock it would be.

Preparing for a caning was the same whether it was to be Sandra or John on the receiving end. When instructed to prepare, the person about to be caned had to go to the bedroom and make themselves naked from the waist down. They then had to move a chair into an open space in the room and be bending over the back of it with their bare arse towards the bedroom door when their partner arrived to administer the flogging.

Sandra was fidgety in her chair as time ticked on, squirming her arse and clenching her buttocks as their appointment with the cane got closer and closer. It was almost a relief when just after ten minutes before nine, John spoke. "Go and prepare yourself; I will be there to deal with you shortly," said John, in a calm and controlled voice.

Sandra did not speak but, after a moment's delay, got up from her chair and headed for the stairs.

She got to the bedroom and saw the anxiety on her face in the wardrobe mirror. She mentally said to herself that it would be okay after the first few strokes as she undid and removed her skirt and took off her knickers. She found herself looking at her bare arse in the mirror knowing that soon there would be multiple cane marks on it.

She positioned the chair with its back towards the bedroom door and then bent over the back of it, her bare backside presented for the cane.

She heard John coming up the stairs, Sandra involuntarily raised her heels from the floor and gripped the chair tighter as she anticipated what was about to happen.

John had always thought that his wife had a fantastic arse and seeing it as he entered the bedroom he would have gladly fucked her from behind right there and then but his task at the moment was to thrash that arse and thrash it he would.

John retrieved the cane from where it had been since it was last put to use, and he bent it and slashed it through the air a few times. He smiled to himself as he watched Sandra's buttocks reflex twitch each time the cane whistled through the air. John was not a sadist, but he was going to make sure that his wife felt her well-deserved caning, he would also give her a good fucking later.

Sandra remained in position knowing that the first stinging lash of the cane across her large arse could only be seconds away. She braced herself in anticipation and let out a little whimper when she felt John tapping the cane against her backside as he lined up the first stroke.

The cane left her arse and Sandra gripped the chair as tightly as she could and closed her eyes tight as she waited for the cane to descend.

John raised the cane high, steadied his body then slashed the cane down, SWISH CRACK

A split second after impact, Sandra reacted. "Argggh! Fuck! Shit! Fuck!" wailed Sandra as she felt the initial sting and then felt it spread.

John waited a few seconds then raised the cane SWISH CRACK the second stroke lashed Sandra's buttocks.

"Oh, oh, fucking hell, fuck!" shouted Sandra.

Sandra raised her left foot, put it down then raised her right one as John looked at the two red lines that the cane had brought to his wife's arse.

SWISH CRACK John delivered the third stroke and Sandra reacted as she had to the first two.

"God! oh fuck, fucking hell, fuck it hurts," uttered Sandra, she was now sobbing.

"It had supposed to hurt; maybe you will be a bit more careful with your spending in the future," said John, raising the cane again.

SWISH CRACK "Oh fucking shit, fuck, oh fuck, fuck, fuck," sobbed Sandra as she struggled to stay bent over.

Sandra's arse was burning, but she knew that she was just about at the point when the pain started to merge with pleasure as the tingling in her arse started to produce a tingling in her cunt. She braced herself for the next stroke.

SWISH CRACK "Arggh, fucking hell, oh fuck," wailed Sandra as John slashed the cane across the lower portion of her buttocks.

Sandra could now feel her arousal increasing, and she knew that although future strokes would hurt like fuck, they would also increase her sexual excitement.

John's penis was rigid in his trousers, but he had already postponed fucking until they went to bed more than an hour into the future.

The caning went on and Sandra's arse was a mass of red lines. She continued to react vocally to each stroke but the sensations that she was feeling in her buttocks were transmitted via her brain to her cunt which was getting increasingly wet.

John had given her twelve strokes and considered stopping but decided that his wife needed three more before she had been suitably punished.

John slashed the thirteenth stroke across his wife's buttocks but although her arse felt on fire, Sandra was almost welcoming the cane strokes now. She had never orgasmed during a caning, but she was not too far from doing it now.

She was in pain, and she stamped her feet and swayed her big backside as well as yelling at each stroke but the glowing of her buttocks was causing a glowing in her vagina.

The cane made contact with Sandra's behind for the fourteenth time during the beating. "Mmm, shit, shit, shit," said the bent-over mature woman as she tried to shake the sting of that stroke out of her backside.

John had decided that he would stop at fifteen but he was going to make the last stroke one for Sandra to remember.

He whipped the cane down across the top of Sandra's thighs. SWISH CRACK

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"Arggh!" screamed Sandra before adding, "Fuck, shit, shitting hell," as she swung her big arse from side to side, she also started to cum.

Sandra was trying to clamp her thighs together because she was cumming and trying to clench her buttocks because her nether regions were a furnace, her whole body was shaking.

John stood back and watched his wife's convulsions, he suspected but was not certain that she was orgasming.

"Stand up," said John, the first indication to Sandra that her caning had finished.

She very, very slowly pushed herself up from the chair, her hands going towards her buttocks. "Don't you dare touch your arse," warned John, and Sandra clenched and unclenched her fists as her hands hovered by her side.

"Turn around; face me," said John, and Sandra slowly turned.

Her face was very flushed and tear-stained but her eyes also indicated sexual excitement.

"Maybe now you will be more careful with your spending," said John, the cane still in his hand.

"Yes John," Sandra said softly.

"You will now stand in the corner with your hands on your head for fifteen minutes," ordered John.

Sandra went to protest because all she wanted to do was rub her caned arse or get a good fucking or both, but she thought it best to follow her husband's orders.

She moved very painfully towards the corner of the room, every step adding to the stinging in her rear. She reached the corner and put her hands on her head. John looked at his watch and sat on the chair over which Sandra had been caned, his eyes on his wife's large cane-marked arse.

John was more than ready to fuck now but sex was going to wait until the couple's normal bedtime which was still over an hour away. John was fascinated, and aroused, by watching Sandra though as she moved from one foot to the other, sometimes clenching her buttocks and sometimes rubbing her thighs together as she fought to find some way of getting more comfortable.

Sandra was in the post-caning state of having a stinging and tingling arse and mounting sexual arousal between her legs. She occasionally sobbed as she faced the wall, longing for the fifteen-minute corner time to end.

Although his eyes were mostly on Sandra's arse, John kept a check on the time and the exact second that fifteen minutes was up he informed his wife. "You can relax now; you can rub your arse; you can come out of the corner," said John.

"Thank you," said Sandra softly, as she turned and put her hands to her buttocks.

Her eyes went to the bulge in her husband's trousers. "You going to use that thing between your legs on me now?" Sandra asked with a smirk.

"No, I will use it on you at bedtime," answered John.

"Okay; fuck, that was some caning you gave me," said Sandra, not with any bitterness.

"You deserved it," responded John.

"I know; will you kiss it better for me?" asked Sandra, laying herself face down on the bed.

"At bedtime," replied John.

"Fucking hell John, that caning has made me so fucking horny," sulked Sandra.

"Then you should appreciate bedtime," said John.

Sitting there looking at Sandra's bottom was so tempting for John but he had just reiterated that sex would have to wait until bedtime so to make sure he did not succumb to temptation, John left the bedroom and went downstairs.

Sandra, on the bed, was fighting her own urges because she was longing to put her fingers between her legs to give herself some sort of sexual release, but she managed to convince herself not to.

John stayed downstairs until almost ten thirty and by the time that he went upstairs, Sandra had been to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and removed the upper clothing that she had on through her caning and beyond. She was again face down on the bed but now totally naked when John looked into the room before going to the bathroom.

John came into the bedroom naked and with his penis almost fully erect, he had a jar of cooling cream in his hand to apply to his wife's caned arse.

"Mmmm, your cock looks so good," purred Sandra, knowing that a good fucking was not far away now.

"I will soothe that arse of yours first, " said John, kneeling on the bed near Sandra's left hip.

John opened the cream jar, got a dollop of cream on his finger, and started gently rubbing it into Sandra's well-caned buttocks. Sandra flinched at first but John was being very gentle, and she relaxed as her husband soothed her bottom.

"Mmmm, John; that feels so good; turning me on even more," Sandra said quietly.

"You have a wonderful arse, Sandra; have I ever told you that?" said John, his penis now rock hard.

"About a thousand times; my arse makes you horny, doesn't it baby?" said Sandra, squirming as her husband gently caressed her buttocks.

"It certainly does; I am going to kiss it now," replied John, putting the lid back on the cooling cream jar and softly kissing Sandra's left arse cheek.

"Mmmm, I hope that cock of yours is ready for a lot of work because I need a long fucking," said a very wet Sandra.

"It is ready; we will not be going to sleep for quite a while," answered John, now kissing Sandra's right buttock.

John had always had great staying power and there was not yet any sign of it declining, something that both he and his wife were very grateful for. If Sandra needed a long fucking she was very likely to get one.

John was now kissing Sandra's arse right next to her arse crack and it was sending her wild. "Oh fuck John, I am so fucking wet; please fuck me soon," pleaded Sandra.

"Just wait a little longer," said John, now kissing Sandra's thighs where the last cane stroke had landed, and he then kissed his way down the back of her legs.

"Okay, ready to go; do you want it from the front or behind to start with?" said John, now standing at the foot of the bed.

"Decisions, decisions; take me from the front first baby," said Sandra, laughing as she rolled onto her back but squealing when her backside made contact with the bed.

She spread her legs displaying her wet and hairy cunt ready for a long fucking. John crawled up the bed, his eyes fixed on Sandra's and the head of his impressive penis made contact with her cunt lips." Here we go; one long fucking coming right up," smiled John, as he eased his cock into his wife's cunt.

"Mmmm, fuck, I so need this," said Sandra, raising her legs as her husband's cock slid deeper into her. Her arse was still burning from the thrashing and her whole body felt alive with sexual desire.

John eased in and out of her very slowly and that was enough to have Sandra cumming. "Yes, fucking yes, oh fuck, yes," Sandra announced as they embarked on what promised to be a long and satisfying fucking session.

They settled into a steady rhythm and Sandra always seemed to be either cumming or about to cum as the fucking went on and on. Although she did not much like the early parts of a caning, Sandra thought that getting a fucking with her arse tingling like it was at the moment was a grade or two up on a normal fucking.

They changed position a few times and Sandra had multiple orgasms, and she was happy for John to ejaculate whenever he was ready because she knew that he would be holding himself back to prolong her pleasure.

"Fuck me from behind now baby; fuck me hard from behind and fill my cunt with your spunk," said Sandra.

John was agreeable to that so he was looking at his wife's large cane-striped arse before slipping his still rigid penis into her hot cunt. John gripped Sandra's hips as he shafted her hard and fast.

"Shit! Oh fucking hell, shit," shouted Sandra as she had an orgasm as violent as any that she had during the session.

"I am going to cum in you, you horny bitch, going to cum so hard," panted John, as he stopped trying to hold back.

"Yes, yes, cum hard in me baby, let it all go," replied the breathless Sandra.

"Cumming! Fuck!" roared John, as he ejaculated and came and came and came.

"Fucking hell, yes," responded Sandra as she had yet another orgasm.

Once they both stopped cumming, they laughed because that seemed the right thing to do.

"Shit, John; that was one hell of a fuck," said Sandra, still with her husband's cock in her although it was now softening a bit.

"That was what you asked for, wasn't it?" responded John, trying to get his breath back.

"Yeah, I suppose it was," chuckled Sandra, as she felt John's cock slip out of her.

They did not bother about showering and soon fell asleep, Sandra on her front.

Sandra awoke first in the morning, before the alarm that was set to get them up for work, and was again feeling horny. She put her hand to her backside and traced a finger along the lines that the cane had made and she was still feeling.

She was unsure whether to wake John or let him sleep a bit longer, but she found her hand going to his penis and slowly starting to wank it.

"Hmmm, good morning," said John, as he felt his wife stroke his cock to full erection.

"Good morning honey; fancy a quickie?" said Sandra, before replacing her hand on John's cock with her mouth.

"Mmm, how could I say no?" replied John, as he stroked Sandra's head as it bobbed on his penis.

"Good; from behind again so you can look at the arse that you like so much," said Sandra, taking her mouth off her husband's cock and shifting into position.

John got behind her and studied her cane-ravaged arse. "Those stripes are going to be on your arse for a while," announced John.

"Good, so you can keep checking on them," laughed Sandra, swaying her arse to encourage her husband to fuck her.

John slid his cock into Sandra's ready cunt and, as it was to be a quickie, shafted her hard and fast.

"Yes, yes, yes, fucking yes," said Sandra as she came.

John fucked some more but was making no attempt to delay his ejaculation and when he started spurting, Sandra came again.

They then had to get up and get ready for their respective work.

It was likely to be a very long time before Sandra's arse felt the cane again, but she and John agreed that he should examine the cane marks on her bare arse at least once a day until they disappear.

Written by PJH
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