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A Better Direction For Maisie As Well

"Maisie wants to follow Jack across Nikita's lap"

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Jack knew it had to happen but it did rather quicker than he had thought. It was only two days after Maisie had first spanked him with the hairbrush, but she was out and he was supposed to hoover the house. Instead, he was watching football on the TV when Nikita came back home having been to the shops.

Nikita walked into the living room, quickly looked around, and saw that the hoovering hadn't been done, and said sternly, "You are really lazy, Mr J, so I had better focus your attention again."

Jack winced as he looked up at Nikita knowing he was in trouble as she went straight over to the TV and switched it off. She then glared at Jack and ordered, "Get your trousers and underpants down because you have now earned a spanking. By the way, don't forget the thirty-second rule."

Jack didn't even think of arguing as he knew that would only get him a longer spanking and was just concerned about getting himself ready to go across Nikita's lap quickly enough. He had played over in his mind several times what he had to do in thirty seconds and had even practiced when he was alone in the house. So he suddenly shot into action and stood up and immediately went to the dining table and turned a chair into the room. As he watched Nikita go to her handbag and unzip it and take out that same hairbrush that Maisie had used to spank his bottom, and which Nikita also used to brush her beautiful long dark hair, he was busy undoing his trousers and pushing them to the floor, catching his underpants on the way, and left both draped around his ankles. He just hoped he had done all of that in under thirty seconds.

Nikita smiled to herself at the speed at which Jack was preparing himself to be spanked. She knew that he didn't mind being spanked, and that was proven when he turned around and she saw that he already had an erection. Even so, she knew that her spanking was going to be very different from the one that Jack got from Maisie, both in terms of severity and corner time afterwards rather than a pussy to lick and suck.

Jack looked over and saw that Nikita was dressed as usual in a very tight vest which didn't just show off her well-toned arms, but also her ample breasts and her long black hair. She was also wearing tight cotton shorts which showed off her well-toned legs. He knew, as he lifted his own short-sleeved shirt up to his armpits, that once across her lap his erect penis was going to press down on her bare thighs so he had to make sure that he didn't come because he reckoned that would earn him the sixty strokes of the cane she had threatened him with.

Nikita went and sat on the chair, pointed to her thighs, and ordered, "Get across my lap, you naughty man."

Jack grimaced as he eased himself down, balancing first on the far edge of the seat, then catching his fall with his hands on the floor, and then lowering his full weight and erect penis across Nikita's bare thighs. He tried desperately to make sure that he stayed still even as Nikita rubbed the hairbrush around his bottom cheeks in circles but his erection wasn't helped as he looked at Nikita's upside-down legs and her muscular calf muscles which he always found so erotic. Right now, though, he desperately wanted Nikita to start spanking him in the hope that would make his erection shrivel up before he came. In fact, he was silently begging Nikita to start spanking him.

Nikita smiled down at the back of Jack's head knowing that his erect penis was lying squashed on her thighs. It happened when back at the village and she was quite used to the man she spanked cumming on her thighs which she discovered after they got up. So long as they accepted the spanking, she let that go. One time, though, a man called her a rude name as he got up and she sent him to be caned in the square with sixty strokes and he never called her any rude names ever again after that.

Nikita knew that she was spanking Jack with the full knowledge and agreement of Maisie. After all, Maisie wanted to know how Jack would react to a solely discipline spanking without any thank-you sex or lovemaking afterwards. Nikita knew that Jack would struggle to cope with his erection afterwards, but, then, probably not as much as he was about to struggle under her severe spanking. As she thought that, she lifted the brush up, brought it down on his far bottom cheek, and watched as it surrendered so easily to the spank, with a moment later Jack letting out a louder gasp than he had done when Maisie had landed her first spank just two days earlier. Even so, and without any sympathy, Nikita then spanked Jack on alternate bottom cheeks, watching each surrender each time and then bounce back up and swirl around just as he gasped again as she landed the next spank.

Jack knew that the spanking was going to be far worse from Nikita than when Maisie used the hairbrush on him, and, as each spank landed, so the stinging got worse and worse. Even as he gasped and yelped and he shook his head from side to side hissing in and out through clenched teeth, the spanks continued and got harder and harder. He knew that Nikita didn't take any nonsense from her attitude when watching him being spanked by Maisie just a couple of days ago, but now he knew, firsthand, that when she said that she gives only a severe spanking, she really does give a very severe and pain-filled spanking.

What Jack also knew, was that his erection disappeared and all he could think about was the increasing pain and the knowledge that he would find it very difficult to sit down for days to come.

Although Nikita happily continued to spank Jack on alternate bottom cheeks, knowing that she didn't have to change to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again because Jack simply wasn't coping very well as it was. She heard his louder and louder yelps and then heard him start to sob and then cry as the spanks continued, and was also very confident that he would stay across her lap as she had made it very clear that any disobedience on his part would lead to several dozen strokes of the cane.

Jack remembered the threat about being caned and kicked his legs and kept squirming around on Nikita's lap as she continued to land hard spank after hard spank and certainly didn't need any more incentive than that threat to stay across her lap and just take every single spank she wanted to give him.

Nikita had it in mind that she was going to give Jack sixty hard spanks with the hairbrush and was experienced enough in spanking naughty men to be able to keep count whilst she made sure each spank was as hard as she could give him. As she spanked him she saw his bottom cheeks turn bright red and then blue-bruised, just as she always did when spanking the men back at the village. By the time she had finished all sixty spanks, Jack's bottom was completely blue-bruised and she knew this would be the most memorable spanking he had ever received.

Once Nikita finished the spanking, she heard Jack's continued uncontrolled crying but still ordered, "Get up, Mr J, and press your nose against the wall. You will now do thirty minutes of corner time." She knew that Jack would take a little while to recover and reinforced the instruction by adding in a stern voice, "Just make sure you don't rub your bottom until the end of your corner time because if you do you will be going straight back across my lap for another sixty spanks with this hairbrush."

As Jack got up from Nikita's lap he so wanted to rub his bottom but knew that he mustn't, and, at the same time, loved the way that Nikita was ordering him about. He wasn't even surprised when within seconds of getting up his erection had returned as he looked at Nikita's blurred face which he was sure had an angry look on it, and he pictured her well-toned arms and legs. He knew he couldn't do anything other than go to the naughty spot, and, to make sure that he didn't make any mistakes, including rubbing his bottom, he quickly turned and walked to the corner of the room and pressed his nose into the wall, reminding himself, at least, how he always thought of Maisie ordering him to do corner time because he found the thought of it so erotic. He had never been told to do it up until now because Maisie always wanted to get thank-you sex and then give him a blow job so she could swallow his cum. Nikita didn't want any of that and so corner time made so much sense now.

Jack had stood facing the corner for about ten minutes when Maisie came home. She had actually been waiting in the car around the corner, and whilst there she pictured Jack being spanked and was so aroused by the thought, and had wished she was at the house watching the spanking. She didn't finger herself, but she knew as the quivers flew around her vagina she was turned on at the thought and it was quite a while before Nikita had sent her a message to confirm that she had finished spanking him. They both knew that Jack wasn't going to do the hoovering but would watch the football, and Maisie was anxious to find out Jack's reaction to the discipline spanking. So, when she walked into the room and saw Jack with his nose pressed against the wall in the corner, she gasped at the sight of his blue bruised bottom.

When Maisie looked from Jack's bottom and then towards Nikita and felt quivers flying around her vagina, she remembered the morning after Jack was first spanked and she was alone with Nikita, asking, "Tell me, Nikita, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be spanked like you spanked Jack last night?"

Nikita knew the answer immediately. "No, Mrs M, but I know that you have." She let the comment hang in there.

Maisie blushed at the retort and didn't know what to say.

Nikita had seen Maisie blush and knew what she wanted. "You want to experience being disciplined so you will be subject to my discipline and if you fail to do something and I decide you need to be spanked, then you will be."

Maisie gasped at the realisation that Nikita knew exactly what she was thinking, and since then not knowing when she would earn the spanking was somehow so erotic. She realised that the fear of not knowing when, but knowing it had to happen, sent quivers flying around her vagina whenever she thought about it.

Then, when she left the house so that Nikita could spank Jack for not doing the hoovering, she was shocked when Nikita messaged her to tell her to come home as she had spanked Jack, adding, "You didn't put the washing on before you left the house, Mrs M. I think that earns you a spanking." Maisie felt cascading quivers as she read the message and knew she would be getting the spanking she had practically asked for. Even though it was so warm, she shivered for a moment in her sleeveless floral dress with the short'ish hem with her bare legs, before focussing and driving around the corner and into the driveway.

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As Maisie looked first at Jack's blue-bruised bottom and heard his sobs and then looked towards Nikita's and saw her stern glare at her, Melissa bit her lips in anticipation but was on the verge of tears herself knowing that the spanking was going to hurt so much but the fear and anticipation but not knowing when had all built up an erotic sexual desire to be spanked by this very dominant lady. Even so, her feelings were so mixed up as she was scared about the pain that she knew that she would receive whilst those feelings were matched by her desire to release the fear of the unknown pain to come. Even so, she subconsciously started to rub her bottom as though she was somehow protecting it, even though the decision had already been taken to spank those bottom cheeks of hers so hard.

Nikita had so often seen the men put their hands on their bottoms just before being told to get ready for their spanking, but it was never a show of defiance but a sign that they knew they needed to be spanked. So, she had no hesitation in ordering, "Push your knickers down to your ankles and raise the hem of your dress well up above your waist and get yourself across my lap, You're a very naughty woman, Mrs M."

Maisie gasped at the instruction but knew she was now very worried that she would not be able to cope with a hard spanking and even joked, "I feel less like Mrs M and more like naughty Maisie."

Nikita wasn't having any nonsense and replied, "Don't worry, Mrs M, names don't matter but I will certainly be giving your naughty bottom a hard spanking." Nikita allowed a moment and then said sternly, "Just don't forget the thirty-second rule to get ready to go across my lap or you'll be getting the cane."

Maisie shot into action at the reminder, which she had remembered right up to the time she

had to act on it. So, she now quickly raised her dress and eased her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers and she pushed them down to her ankles. Then she lifted her dress up above her waist and waddled over towards Nikita, who, as she was undressing and preparing herself for a spanking, had turned a chair into the room and had sat down.

As Maisie got to have a look down at the lap she was about to bend over, she knew that her bare tummy would be lying across Nikita's bare thighs and felt massive quivers flying around her vagina. As she saw Nikita tap her thigh, Maisie eased herself down and moments later her hair was brushing the floor as she looked at Nikita's upside-down legs and her own dangling under the far side of the chair, but far from feeling ecstatic by getting the experience that she wanted, she felt that she was now a naughty girl who didn't put the washing on and needed a spanking to teach her a lesson. It was so erotic, she told herself, as she felt the brush being rubbed in circles around her bottom, whilst at the same time she was so worried thinking about the pain she was about to suffer.

Once Maisie was across her lap, Nikita ordered, "Bend your legs so I can take your knickers off before you snap the elastic."

Maisie saw the sense of that and did as she told and felt Nikita slip her knickers off her ankles. What Maisie didn't see was Nikita feeling her knickers and the smile on her face when she saw that the knickers were damp with her sex juice, telling her that Maisie was aroused when waiting in the car at the prospect of being spanked, although suspected, correctly, that those feelings had changed to real concern at the pain she was going to receive.

Maisie fully expected the spanking itself to hurt, and, even as the first spank landed, it hurt so much more than she had expected. Of course, she had watched as Jack had been spanked with that same hairbrush just two days ago, and he squirmed around and struggled to cope, and his tears quickly flowed. Equally, as the spanks continued on alternate bottom cheeks, and Maisie yelped after each spank, she, without any real reason, started to apologise with, "I am sorry, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I am sorry." Suddenly it wasn't erotic but only painful and getting more painful by the spank. Of course, she expected this and that was why she had feared the spanking as well as yearned for it.

Nikita heard Maisie's yelps of pain and the apologies and knew it meant that she was spanking Maisie hard enough, and certainly wasn't going to make the spanks any lighter just because she was struggling. She was treating Maisie just as she treated the men back in the village, knowing that she had to give her a spanking that she couldn't easily cope with so that she would dissolve into tears and would find it so hard to sit down for maybe days to come, all to teach her just what it was like to be spanked as the incentive to make her do what she should be doing in future without having to be told or corrected.

It didn't take long for Maisie to know that her eyes were tear-filled as she looked at Nikita's

upside-down legs and realised they were blurred. It was only a little while later that, maybe after only another dozen or so very hard spanks, she let out a sob and knew that the tears were flowing down her face. She was also pretty sure that if anyone saw her face, just then, they would see that it would be creased with pain, which is exactly as she felt. As the spanks continued to land without any gap by the so dominant Nikita, Maisie wondered how come she found the thought and fear of being spanked so erotic. Yet, she had, but now she fully understood why such a hard spanking was exactly the incentive that was needed to change anyone's attitude from disobeying to obeying without question. In fact, as much as she was crying, she found that thought so erotic as well.

Nikita counted out the same sixty spanks with the hairbrush that she had given Jack and saw that had made Maisie's bottom that same bruised-blue colour that would last for days and be a reminder throughout that period every time she tried to sit down. At the same time, Nikita reflected that this was the first woman that she had spanked and she liked the fleshier bottom cheeks that surrendered so well and wanted to make sure that she would spank this same woman's bottom again and again. After all, both Mrs M and Mr J seemed to want to be spanked, and if she were in charge of both of them, with rules and boundaries, then she would be sure to spank them both throughout the rest of her stay. So, as she rubbed Maisie's bottom to help calm her down, she eased her hand down her inner thigh and along her pussy lips just once, but knew Maisie was dribbling with sex juice even after so many very hard spanks, which confirmed her likely desire to be spanked again.

So, happy that she had spanked Maisie hard enough, and that Maisie had got the spanking that she had asked for and wanted, she glared at the back of her head and ordered, "Okay, Mrs M, you can get up now. You won't need to do corner time this time."

Maisie was still crying as she eased herself up from Nikita's lap, and, as soon as she stood, her hands flew to her bottom and she rubbed feverishly just as Jack had done two days ago. She glanced across towards him but he was still just a blur because of the tears that filled her eyes, and wondered if he was still crying.

Nikita knew that Maisie was getting closer to an orgasm even as she rubbed her bottom. Having two adults subject to her control allowed her to do things slightly differently from when she was back at the village. So, she went upstairs and came back down with three pillows from the beds, put them on the sofa one on top of the other, and then ordered Maisie, "Okay, Mrs M, go and sit down very gently on those cushions. Jack needs to give you a thank you orgasm."

Maisie couldn't stop herself from smiling and got so excited as she went and, gingerly, eased herself down onto the pillows. Her bottom still stung, but she managed it, leaned back, and spread her legs apart as she heard Nikita order, "Okay Mr J, come out of the corner and give Maisie thank-you sex."

Jack had listened to the exchange and as he heard the instruction it didn't take very long at all for his erection to return. He continued to stiffen as he turned and walked towards the sofa and knelt down between his wife's legs. He looked up at Nikita just to make sure she was okay with this and saw that she smiled and nodded her head, and then turned and walked out of the living room, and went up the stairs to her bedroom.

Jack then immediately started to lick and suck his wife's very wet pussy lips, easing his tongue inside her vagina and also flicking her taut clit and brought Maisie to an orgasm almost within seconds.

Maisie was breathing deeply and her heart was pounding as she heard the instruction for Jack to kneel between her parted legs. She knew her pussy lips were stretched and her vagina was throbbing, and the orgasm he gave her was so wonderful. She now had a decision to make. Should she ask Nikita to continue being in charge of her? Did she want to continue to live with the fear of being spanked, or not?

Equally, Maisie knew she hated the spanking as it hurt so much. However, in the build-up to it, the fear was sensuous as was the constant threat of being subject to Nikita's decision-making although she felt that was like maternal love, not aggression. Then, afterwards, the stinging pain was again so erotic as was the orgasm. She knew Jack had no choice, and now she had experienced the erotic feeling of anticipation and the huge orgasm she had just had after a very hard spanking, so she thought it would be just what she needed for Nikita to spank her again.

So, she made her decision and when Nikita came back into the living room she asked, "Please will you be in control of both of us and help us improve, Nikita, and spank us both whenever you decide."

Nikita hid her smile as she loved being in control and having the right to spank either Mr J or Mrs M was just what she wanted. "Yes, okay, Mrs M. I'll do that for you." She saw the smile on Maisie's face and added, "I would like to stay here for another year, including holidays. That way I reckon I can certainly make the improvements you need to make."

Maisie and Jack immediately agreed and both knew that the fear of breaking the rule, knowing they would but not knowing when, and earning a severe bottom spanking punishment for their own good, was so erotic. So, they both looked forward to the new regime of not knowing when but knowing they would be spanked.

Written by Peter242
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