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Tomorrow Is Another Day

"Discovering the healing powers of love."

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Competition Entry: Spring Forward

Out of my apartment window, all was grim and it looked frigid. The grip of winter was on the land and in my heart. The pandemic had been especially rough on people my age. Isolation had turned us into hermits living in solitary cells. With no companion or close relatives, for such as myself, it had been hell.

The situation was exacerbated due to a major surgery just prior to the onset of the pandemic, which had had catastrophic consequences on my sexual urges. As a result, my sexual desires and abilities had vanished.

I desperately needed a change of scene. I felt as if my life was drawing to a close and the news of a major conflict in foreign lands was depressing me further. So I decided to go south, where at least I would find sun and warmth and an escape from the constant bombardment of bad news on TV.

One week later, I was on the beach in Cuba at a five-star hotel. As I looked around me at some incredible nubile young women cavorting in the surf in bikinis, I realized they were superbly decorative; however, they were out of my league. There was no way I could compete for their interest as they seemed mesmerized by the tight abs and tanned bodies of the young men they were doing their best to seduce. They were obviously succeeding.

The women who were more age-appropriate for me were there with husbands. The few who weren't, frankly, did not strike me either as attractive or my type. Supper that night was a disaster. The dining room was a cold and austere arrangement of tables in a dining room that looked more like a refectory than what I would have expected from a five-star resort. Being unaccompanied, I was shown to a table occupied by two of the unattractive older female specimens I had spotted on the beach.

The conversation was in the nature of an interrogation as to who I was, the depth of my wallet, and whether I knew so and so and the like. The food was disgusting and the complimentary wine could have been used to tan leather. I could not wait to escape. When I finally extricated myself from the two of them, I headed to my room after telling them it had been a long day and I had a migraine.

Just outside the dining room, a bar was being set up. It had not been there when I had entered the so-called dining room. After this thoroughly shitty start to this vacation, I decided I was entitled to reward myself with a decent drink.  

Walking to the bar, I asked the young man who was doing the setup, "Are you open for business?"

He turned to look at me and said, "Sí, señor. What can I get for you?"

"Do you have any good rum?"

"The best I have here is Havana Club Selección de Maestros, a rum made for sipping without a mixer. Do you know of it, señor?"

"No. I don't know much about rum. But, to be honest, usually, I am a single malt fan."

"You will enjoy this, I think."

I took a sip and savored the smooth warmth of this nectar of the gods. "Marvelous," I exclaimed, smiling at the young man.

He smiled back at me and asked, "How are you enjoying your stay at our resort?"

"Not very much so far. I think it was a mistake for me to come here. It is not what I expected. This place is like a morgue."

"You think so? What were you expecting? This is a place for tourists. This is not Cuba. My name is Raoul, señor.”

"Raoul, I arrived today, and I'm ready to leave tomorrow."

"Maybe you should give Cuba another chance. I think I understand. I believe that you are alone, si?"


"If you want to see Cuba as it really is, you should go to Havana. That's where you will find the real Cuba. Music, good food, pretty women and the charm that makes Cuba unique."

"Tell me, how would I get there?"

"You could hire a car or take the bus. Give me a minute. I have an idea."

He rushed off into the reception area and returned a few minutes later, accompanied by a slender woman I recognized as the person who had welcomed me earlier at the reception desk.

"Señor," he said, "this is Mylene, my sister. She is going to Havana in an hour. She could drive you there and back here tomorrow morning."

"And where would I sleep tonight?"

"I'm sure Mylene could find someplace for you to rest."

On that intriguing thought, Mylene returned. My eyes almost popped out at the sight of her. No longer was she dressed in the uniform-like outfit in which I had previously seen her. Instead, she was now in a pale pink 'Guess' t-shirt which exposed her well-tanned midriff and denim shorts that embraced her sumptuous curves. The cut of the shorts revealed her ass cheeks and long legs.

"Señor Mike, are you ready to go?"

"When you are, Mylene."

She took my arm and as we walked out, I could feel the soft swell of her breast against my arm. I truly regretted that I was beyond the stage where I could be no more than an admirer of this truly gorgeous woman.     

She led me to her car, a pink vintage convertible Karman Ghia. We set off at breakneck speed down the highway from Varadero to Havana. I glanced at the speedometer and saw we were driving at 130kph.

Mylene's dirty blond hair streamed in the wind and her look of concentration as she drove was priceless. I kept silent as I did not want to break that concentration.

She broke the silence by asking, "So, Mike, what do you want to do when we get to Havana?'

"What do you suggest?"         

"Well, that depends on you. Havana offers many pleasures. Do you like Cuban music and dance? I had planned to go dancing tonight and you would be welcome to join me if you wish. If not, I will leave you in old Havana, where you will find bars, restaurants, and nightclubs."

I thought about it before saying, "Mylene, it has been years since I've danced, and I don't know any of the modern Latin dances."

"But you used to dance?"

"Oh yes. Before she passed away, my wife and I used to often go dancing, but that was over twenty-five years ago. Before you were even born."

"Flatterer. Yes, I was born then. How old do you think I am?"

"You seem to me to be in your early twenties."

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

"I'd love to, but those days are over for me."

"Well, I just turned thirty. Now, why are those days over?"

I explained to her about my operation and the impotence which had resulted after the procedure."

"Do you mean you no longer have desires?"

"Plenty of desires left; however, my performance is not equal to my desire."

"OK. I'll decide for you. You're coming to dance with me. Let's see if we can find you a hot Latina who will be able to arouse you. I'm stopping at my house to feed my pets, water the plants and then we'll go."

We pulled up in front of a brightly colored house in shades of pink and blue and Mylene invited me inside with her. She proceeded to water plants and feed her dog while I sat in the kitchen watching her do her domestic chores. Suddenly she turned to me and said, Mike, do you find me attractive?"

"Attractive? Mylene, you are beyond attractive. You are a stunning woman."

"Good! I find you very attractive also," she said, running her fingers in a caress on the side of my face.

She took my hand, pulled me to my feet, and wrapped her hands around my neck. "Prove it. Kiss me."

I looked into her dark eyes, startled by the request. She moved her face towards mine and her lips fastened to mine. I tasted her minty flavor as I responded. Soon our tongues were wrestling with each other and I was lost in the voluptuousness of the moment. I could feel my body respond, something which it had not done in ages.

Her pelvis pressed against mine, and I lowered my hands to grab her hips to pull her in tighter to me.

As my hands curved to caress her ass, she broke away and looked me in the eye. She ran her hand over the bulge, which now tented my jeans. "See, it's not dead," she giggled, "remember, tomorrow is another day. Now come, I want to go dancing."

I followed her to her car, wondering at her words as to whether they were an implied promise. She took my hand and placed it on her bare thigh as we drove off.

We drove through crowded streets until we reached a parking lot in front of what looked like a factory.

"We're here," Mylene said as she smiled at me before turning her face to mine for another kiss.

I saw that there was a huge neon sign that read FAC. "FAC?" I asked.

"Si. Fábrica de Arte Cubano. I decided to come here as there are fewer tourists on a weeknight and we can dance, eat, drink, and look at art all in one place. I think you will like it. If you are not tired later, we can go to some friend's place for a house party to which I am invited."


She took my hand and we entered the building. The place was enormous and seemed to be a converted factory. However, few vestiges of the factory remained. We climbed up floor after floor, passed bars, art galleries, photo galleries, and dance floors. Finally, we ended up on the fifth-floor rooftop bar. I gazed out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the beauty of Havana.

During this whole time, I was acutely aware of her by my side and the admiring glances she drew from both the men and women we passed by. I just hoped I was not being perceived as a dirty old man who had picked up a young woman on the street.

We ordered a couple of mojitos, and Mylene suggested we wander about looking at some of the art exhibits. As we walked from room to room, viewing the artworks and decor, I learned more about Mylene. She had been married just after coming out from university and rapidly divorced as her husband had been very abusive. Much to my surprise, she was not only the receptionist at the hotel but also the co-owner of the property with her brother Raoul. Single by choice and multilingual.

When I asked her why she was being so provocative to me, she simply answered, "I prefer older men, and you are extremely attractive to me."

We were in a secluded corner and she kissed me again. I started to get jittery. I was with this gorgeous female who obviously had designs on my body, and I already had performance anxiety. What if I could not meet her standards? Noticing the frown on my face, she asked me what was wrong.

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Knowing that I could not avoid the elephant in the room, I admitted my fears to her.

"Mi amor, there are more ways of satisfying a woman than by penetration. So don't worry. Just let things happen naturally, and all will be fine. Now come show me your dancing skills."

We arrived at a dance floor on the second level where a live band performed and couples danced. The music was loud and percussive. You could feel it resound through your body. We seated ourselves at a small table along the wall and watched the gyrating couples for a few minutes.

"So, Mike, what do you think? Ready to try to seduce a Cubana with your dancing prowess?"

"Mylene, if you want me to make a fool of myself on the dance floor, I will. What is at risk here is my dignity and your toes. We can try if you are ready to go in harm's way."

"Don't worry, I will teach you. Just remember your upper body stays still; movement comes from your hips. The steps are easy. There are eight beats, and you step forward on the first, second and third and skip the fourth. You then step back on five, six, and seven and skip the eighth. Claro?"

"Si, mi amor."

After mastering the first ten minutes of terror, I started getting in the groove when it hit me that this was very similar to the mambo I had known in the past. Soon we were dancing and twirling away, and I realized that I had now taken the lead. I was mesmerized by the sway of Mylene's hips. When we regained our table three-quarters of an hour later, Mylene looked at me with a big smile on her face. "What?" I asked.

"Ay, Papi, you are quite a dancer. Where did that come from?"

"I had a very skilled and beautiful instructor."

"Well, your instructor is hungry and needs a shower. Shall we go?"

We stopped at a street vendor on the way out and picked up a Cuban sandwich (pulled pork, ham, swiss cheese, dill pickles, and yellow mustard on Cuban bread) and an order of tostones (fried plantains) and drove to the Malecón, Havana's seawall. We sat watching the waves break against the wall and wolfed down our meal. I could not take my eyes off Mylene as she daintily devoured her food. I loved how the tip of her tongue came out to lick her lips from time to time.

For the first time in an eternity, I felt a lightness of being. It was as if the shroud of morbidity which had descended on me was dissolving. The smell of the sea and the breeze's warmth were cleansing my soul.

Mylene turned to me and asked, "Are you ready, Mike?"

Silently I stood, took her hand, and walked back to the car. As she drove back to her house, I was lost in time and space.

There was no doubt in my mind that by the end of the night, Mylene and I would be lovers. However, what astounded me was that the experience leading to this moment was so different from any that I had previously experienced. There was no struggle of seduction. The games played between men and women over long periods to arrive at this point in a relationship had not existed. Instead, both of us had arrived at this point as if it had been inevitable since we left the hotel.

"Mike, I'm going to take a shower first. Why don't you sit in the living room and see if there's some music you like to listen to in my CD collection? If you wish, Raoul keeps some cigars in the humidor. After I finish, you can have your shower."

"You sure you don't want me to join you to scrub your back?"

"Not this time, love. We will have other opportunities. Maybe tomorrow before breakfast."

"So you are inviting me to spend the night here?"


"Monga? What is monga?"

"Idiot. You're an idiot. Of course, you are spending the night here. Have I not made it obvious that I want to share my bed with you? I want you to love me all night long and that I want to love you." She came to me, kissed me, and said, "Patience. Just give me a chance to make myself beautiful and clean for you so you will want to devour me."

"You don't need to do that. I am ready to devour you right now as is."

"As I said before, 'monga.' Just relax; I will be out soon." Then, she walked out with a wriggle of her hips at me.  

She returned about twenty minutes later wrapped in nothing but a towel with her hair also wrapped in a towel. "Your turn. The bathroom is the second door on the right, and I have left you plenty of hot water and a couple of towels. If you choose, you can come and join me in my bedroom after you are squeaky clean."

Fifteen minutes later and squeaky clean, I entered the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. Mylene was sitting in her bed with her towel still wrapped around her body. She patted the space next to her to indicate that I was to join her. I lay down, and she turned towards me, resting on her elbow.

"Have I told you that you are a great kisser?" she asked.

"No. Is that a hint?"

"Yes," she said as she slid her arm over me and brought her lips to mine. As we kissed, her towel slipped, and I felt her naked breasts against my chest. I reached down and palmed one making her gasp. Then, I started rolling her nipple between my fingers, teasing it and stretching it without breaking the kiss.

I turned her so she was lying on her back and completely removed the towel. In the dim light of the lamp on the night table, I saw her voluptuous tits capped with two large and prominent nipples. I started licking and kissing her breast while toying with the other one with my fingers. When my lips and tongue began to worship her nipple, she started making small moans of appreciation at the attention she was getting.

I switched my mouth to her other breast and felt her hand reach under my towel and grasp my cock. As she stroked and caressed it. I felt it grow. "Madre mía! Where have you been hiding this?" she exclaimed.

"I haven't been hiding it. You just bring out the best in me."

"Well, I want the best in you in me. I thought you told me that you were sexually challenged. I just expected us to use mouths and fingers. Will you make love to me, Mike?"

"I thought that was what I was doing."

"No, will you fuck me with that magnificent cock?"

"Well, I might after I finish my dessert."

"Your dessert? What's your desert?"

"You are love. If you taste as good as you look, it might take me some time before I begin to fuck you, my dear."

I parted her thighs and moved to lie between them. Finally, I could see her pussy. She was clean-shaven. Her pussy lips were small, and she looked mouth-watering. My tongue went to work exploring her hidden treasure. She bent her knees and arched her back, seeking more intimate contact from me.

I felt her struggle and lifted my head to look at her. "Want me to stop?" I asked.

"No, get on your back. I want to taste you at the same time."

I rolled onto my back, and she straddled me, lowering her pussy down on my face. I could feel her hot breath on my cock as she used her tongue to swirl around the tip. Next, she pushed down her pelvis, and I resumed teasing her pussy with my tongue. My cock was being vacuumed into her mouth. I could feel the delicious warmth and tightness as she bobbed her head up and down.

I parted her cleft using my fingers and was rewarded with her profusely flowing nectar. She was genuinely delicious, tasting both tangy and sweet. Her nub had risen from its folds, and I fastened my lips to it and sucked and teased it with my tongue.

As my cock started to throb in her warm wet mouth, she shook violently. I felt her body tighten as she had an orgasm. Her juices flowed and covered my mouth and chin. Then, just before my cock was ready to erupt, she released it and moved her body so that she was straddling my hips. She lowered herself and placed my cock against the entrance to her pussy and lowered herself till I was firmly embedded in her.

She smiled down at me and said, "Enough dessert. Now for the main course," as she started to ride my cock. My hips rose to meet her downward thrusts, but she placed herself flat on my stomach. "I'll do the work. You just lie back and enjoy. I want this to last a long time," she said as her lips met mine.

"I taste good," she said as she licked her juices off my mouth and chin. The intimacy of that action made my heart smile. Slowly I caressed her back and hips as she nuzzled contentedly in my neck.

For the longest time, we lay there almost motionless. Mylene's pussy warmly massaged my cock in that tight, velvety sheath. I could feel her tighten more and more, and my cock was clasped in a velvet vise. The intensity caused my cock to throb more and more. Suddenly she straightened up and started riding me again. Her head flung back, and her eyes glazed as she fucked me.

"Mike, I'm almost there," she yelled as she rolled over, so I was on top of her. I thrust into her as she wrapped her slender thighs around my waist and pulled me tightly into her. Her body tensed, and I felt her orgasm bath my cock with her hot juices, causing me to shoot stream after stream of cum into her.

She released my waist, and we rolled over to lie panting side by side with me still embedded in her. She kissed me sweetly and lovingly, and I noticed tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing, mi amor. It's just been a very long time since I have been with a man. And see, I was certain you were not impotent," she said, wiping her eyes and smiling at me. Then, finally, she rested her head against my chest and slowly fell asleep in my arms.

I lay there thinking and wondering about my state of mind. I did not know if I could return to my previous life back home. This felt like home should feel. My last thought as I felt myself fall asleep was that tomorrow would be another day and a marvelous one at that.

Written by ChrisM
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