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The Consolation Gift Part 2

"Frank's birthday arrives and he awaits Val's gift..."

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Author's Notes

"So Frank got Val a wonderful gift in the shape of Danny. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It's his Birthday and he wonders..."

I laid back on the recliner letting the sun wash over my naked flesh. I’d already done my thirty lengths in the pool and was letting my muscles relax. I wasn’t sure who had picked this house twelve years ago, me or Val, but with the addition of the jacuzzi it would be our ‘forever’ home. Especially now the kids had left and we could return to our more risqué desires.

It was odd, we were both highly intelligent people and understood the necessity of ‘maintaining’ our relationship and yet we had let it slide over the years. Of course, it wasn’t just about sex but when I remembered our life B.C. we had talked so much more about everything and nothing. Our youngest, Julie, had noticed the shift in us on a video call the previous night commenting with a feigned disgust that she ‘bet we were now having sex all over the house’ now that we were alone.

“How comfortable is your bed, Sammie?” Val had asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“Yuck, mom,” was the simple reply.

Not to be outdone I asked, “I hope the bed in your dorm room is comfortable, too?”

The two of us laughed as a further ‘yuck’ came through the iPad. It was at least two hours before we found out how comfortable our daughter’s bed actually was! The two of us, post-orgasm, had looked at the old-style wrought-iron frame and didn’t need to say anything about the fact we would make use of it again.

My cock twitched in the hot sunlight as I wondered what Val had planned for me today, it was my birthday after all. She knew she couldn’t surprise like I had done with Danny so I reckoned she’d have something creative up her sleeves, maybe involving a partner for us to share. After she had gone ‘shopping’, and the way she said it, definitely sounded like an euphemism, I had showered and carefully shaved all the hair from my crotch as my own surprise for her. I stared at my denuded cock and balls, it was a novelty but, to me, they looked alien and I wasn’t sure that it was something I could ever get used to. Even with Val, I preferred some hair down below.

The doorbell rang and I grabbed my pair of shorts with some annoyance. Walking through the house the suspicion that maybe this was Val’s surprise for me arose in my head. I opened the door to find a red-headed young man with a file clutched under his arm.

“Prof Fagin?” he asked.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Oh, sorry, Prof Val, sir?” he corrected himself.

“Yes, she lives here, and you are?” I asked.

“Ahh, Bill Richardson, sir,” he stated as if I should know him, “I’m one of Prof Val’s students, she told me I could pop around to discuss my thesis, sir.”

“Frank,” I stated.

“Frank, sir?” he queried.

“My name’s Frank, not sir,” I grinned. He was ‘cute’, a little role-play, Val? I thought. “Come on in, Bill Richardson, Val’s out at the moment but I’m sure she’ll return soon enough.”

I turned and walked back through the house, hearing the front door shut behind me. I strode back into the garden and sat back down on my recliner. Bill appeared through the kitchen door and looked about the garden and then at me, I waved to the recliner beside me and he hesitantly sat down upon it. I flipped the lid off the cooler beside me, pulled out a beer and offered it to ‘Val’s student’. He looked at it unsure, “It’s hot, it’s Saturday and unless you’re driving?” he shook his head, “Well, then?”

“Thank you, s… Frank,” he answered as he took the proffered bottle.

“You’re welcome, Bill.”

We sat and chatted for a while, I wondered just how much Val had prepared him and how much of a ‘role-play’ was required. There were two things I particularly wondered about. One was; was Val watching? Two was; Bill was very good at ignoring the near-erect cock in my shorts whereas I had spotted an interesting lump in his own. I surreptitiously slipped the little blue pill from my pocket and washed it down with my beer.

Time to test his revision skills. “So, you’re enjoying Val’s course?” I asked.

“Very much… she’s quite challenging,” he replied.

“So, you’ve decided on a thesis?”

“I’m not sure… quite tempted with Byron as a subject or maybe Shelley,” he suggested.

“Definitely the right era to gain Val’s approval, Byron more than Shelley, but if you, really want to nail it…?” I answered.

“I would,” he replied swivelling off the lounger to face me.

“Keen,” I grinned, I looked at his armpits, “and sweaty.”

He followed my gaze and nodded his agreement, “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.”

My eyes gazed over his slim tanned torso as the T-shirt was pulled over his head and dropped to the floor. When his eyes returned to mine, I was sure there was a twinkle, “If I really wanted to nail it?” he asked.

“Only one man,” I replied.

“Fucking Joyce?” he asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded. “Nah… love him, but fucking Ulysses!”

“Yep, therein lies the problem, you can talk rhymes and rhymes about all his other works but if you don’t have a handle on Ulysses, you don’t have anything!” I agreed.

He stood up and paced towards the edge of the pool contemplating the rippling surface. He genuinely seemed to be considering this ‘supposed’ quandary.

I figured Val had hired him from the same high-end agency where I had found ‘Danny’ although he was truly called Damian. My criteria had been reasonably specific about looks and cock-size and the rudimentary skills of a plumber. It had appealed to me to put Val in a ‘classic porn’ situation even though she enjoyed porn, though more of the literary type, I figured she would never suspect the low-brough approach. The agency seemed. if I were any judge, to employ intelligent as well as good-looking staff.

It was too much of a coincidence that he would turn up today. I got up and walked over beside him. “Do Byron… but maybe submit a piece on Ulysses to her, see what she thinks?”

He nodded in agreement but continued to study the rippling water. “You fancy a dip?” I asked.

“I haven’t got any trunks with me,” he stated.

“You’re doing Val’s class on Victorian Erotica?” I asked with a grin.

“I am,” he replied and looked at me quizzically.

“Well, none of that hypocrisy exists in this household,” I answered, “And truth be told, I’ve no idea where my trunks are… it must be months since I wore any. So much nicer!” It was only a small lie as when our children’s friends were about the two of us would always wear swimming costumes. I hooked my fingers into my shorts and pulled them down, stepping out of them I dived into the pool.

I swam the length, wondering what Bill’s reaction would be and saw him still standing on the edge as I turned about. I swam back to the edge at his feet and looked up at him. “Shocked?” I asked.

He shook his head, “No… just…Val?”

“Well…” I began, “If we were both on the loungers discussing how insane Ulysses is, she wouldn’t be surprised and if we were both naked swimming up and down the pool she also wouldn’t be surprised, actually, I imagine she would strip off and join us.”

“You… you’re sure?” he asked and for the first time, I saw a nervousness about him. Damn, he’s good. I thought.

“One hundred per cent,” I assured him.

I took off back to the other end of the pool and this time when I turned, I got a flash of a naked Bill, and possibly a fully-fledged erection, diving into the pool. It was enough of a glimpse for my cock to harden fully as I swam back past him as he surfaced. The third time we passed each other I decided on back-stroke and I did not doubt that Bill’s eyes focused on my stiff erection. We passed each other four more times before I waited for him at the edge of the pool.

Bill’s eyes were dilated, as I imagined mine were, as he asked, “And what would the other Professor Fagin think about this?”

“About what?” I replied with a grin.

A soft moan escaped from between my lips as Bill’s hand wrapped around my hard-on beneath the water, “About this!”

“Mmmm… well,” I took hold of Bill’s long slim cock as well, “I guess that depends. She’d be happy to watch but she’d much prefer to share this.”

“I’m her student, she could get into trouble, as could you,” he countered although his hand was slowly pulling on my shaft. Damn, this boy is Method, I thought.

“Yes, there are those who would use it against her in particular,” I conceded and mimicked Bill’s movements, “At least a couple of other Professors thought they deserved that Tenure but the fact was Val was easily the best ‘man’ for the job. You’re a consenting adult, Bill, we don’t care and trust me, Val won’t give you any extra credit for fucking me or her or both and she won’t hold it against you if you don’t.”

“Good,” he answered and took a deep breath. His move surprised me completely as I gripped the edge of the pool as he disappeared beneath the water and the cool sensation of the water was replaced by the hot feel of his mouth as he sucked over half my length between his lips. My eyes rolled back as I wasn’t sure if I could be as neutral about the young man if I had been his tutor.

His mouth pumped up and down my length all the time sucking powerfully until he exploded out of the water gasping for breath. I shuddered as the cool water swirled around my cock once again. I reached out a hand and cupped the back of his neck.

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“I’ve always wanted to do that,” he admitted and smiled as I pulled him towards me and we kissed deeply. Carefully, within our embrace, I guided him back to the pool steps and up until our hips emerged from the water.

I eased Bill down to sit on the tiled steps before breaking our kiss. “I figure that’s a talent I would have to work on,” I confessed as I began to kiss my way down his neck and across his shoulders. His fingers ran through my matted hair as I kissed across his chest and sucked on one of his nipples. His cock jerked in my hand so I bit softly upon his hard nipple and gained a deep moan from above. Bill tried to jerk his hips in my grip but I simply tightened my fist around his shaft and continued to pleasure and pain his nipples in turn.

“Oh, fuck, Frank!” he groaned as I felt the blood pulse strongly in his trembling length.

I looked up to see him staring lustfully back into my eyes. I gripped his hard right nipple between my teeth and stretched and watched Bill drag air in through his clenched teeth. I released if and watched a set of circular ripples emanate briefly from it across his pale flesh. I was impatient myself and licked a line straight down his sternum and across his abdomen till I reached the point of our present mutual desires.

I released his shaft and took a moment to examine it. I always found redheads’ crotches a little weird to look at. The light red hair surrounding cock or cunt almost seemed unhealthy to my biased vision. I had no idea why and yet it never stopped me from plunging my tongue up a dripping quim or wrapping my mouth around a hard shaft. Bill’s cock was close to eight inches long but quite slim which brought a wide smile to my mouth. I locked eyes with him and lapped at the slit in his circumcised glans.

His right hand had moved to the nipple I had abused the most and his finger were gently tweaking it as I began to coat his angry cock-head in saliva. The faint taste of chlorine from the pool was rapidly diminishing and the pearl of pre-cum that oozed from the eyes turned the taste salty. He tightened his grip on his nipple as I kissed the top of his cock and slid my lips over his glans till it was fully cocooned within my mouth.

“Oh yes,” he moaned, “Go on… Prof, suck my cock!”

I circled my thumb and finger around the base of his cock and sucked hard on his helmet using the suction to pull my mouth further down his shaft. My own cock throbbed beneath the water as I took half of his length into my mouth and my other fingers stroked against his taint. I slowly bobbed my head up and down his length as he shifted his hips encouraging my fingers to his asshole. Both his hands were on his chest squeezing and twisting his nipples as I tilted his cock downwards and moved up a step so I could get a better angle.

Unfortunately, as I lined up my throat I had to break eye contact with Bill, but needs must! I forced my head down and had three quarters of his cock between my lips as it pushed into my throat. My finger wormed its way into Bill’s pucker as I continued to bob my head up and down his length gradually taking more and more of his length deeper and deeper into my throat. I timed my downward bobs with my forefinger driving into his ass eliciting groan after groan from above.

Finally, I succeeded in feeling my thumb and forefinger, wrapped around his base, press against my lips. I love a nice slim cock I thought as I was able to pull air in around it and not gag. I really wanted Bill to grab my head and pump it up and down his length but it seemed he was happy enough with my actions and enjoying torturing his own nipples. My finger was thrusting in and out of his rear hole and I felt his scrotum twitch against my palm.

Not yet, you don’t I said silently as I strangled the base of his cock in my grip and thrust my head up and down as fast as I could. His cock jerked within my mouth, I felt his seed surge against the barrier of my thumb and forefinger as I sucked for all my worth as his glans pushed deep into my throat.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Bill shouted as his balls dragged up tightly and yet failed to deliver his sperm. My cock jerked within the water but with the little blue pill, I knew there was no danger in my own ejaculation. I held his twitching cock deep inside my mouth as his dry orgasm continued. It was at least thirty seconds before I released the base and slowly dragged my mouth up along his length to be rewarded with a fair amount of seminal fluid. I lifted my head to grin at Bill as I popped my finger from his ass.

“Shit, Prof! That was intense,” Bill gasped.

“Val is a very good tutor,” I smiled. took Bill’s hand and led him back towards the loungers. “So, will you be fucking my wife as well?”

“If she’ll have me,” he answered, “I figure most of her ‘Victorian Erotica’ classes have consisted of hard cocks and wet pussies! It wouldn’t be the first time I have ejaculated thinking about your wife. My girlfriend attends the class too, we’ve fucked each other’s brains out imagining she was instructing us!”

“So, an unclosed relationship too?” I asked. In the back of my brain, I was beginning to wonder about the young man before me. I laid Bill down on the lounger and straddled his hips.

“Unclosed?” he asked.

“I guess ‘open’ is the usual term but that suggests others are ‘closed’, I offered, “Quite early on in our relationship, by accident, we decided jealousy and faithfulness weren’t the fundamentals, but honesty was.” I flipped the lid off the cooler and reached in.

“That’s very literary,” Bill grinned and then saw what was in my hand, “That’s prepared!”

I smiled holding the bottle of lube in my hand, “Didn’t I tell you it was my Birthday… I figured Val would have some sort of surprise for me!” But, are you it? I wondered.

“Happy Birthday, Prof,” Bill answered as I smeared the gel into my hand and wrapped it around and all over his erection.

“Happy Birthday, me,” I agreed and pressed his bulbous cock-head against my anus. I love slim cock that don’t need preparation I thought as I slowly lowered myself onto his erection. I sighed loudly as I eased myself all the way down, “Fucking wonderful,” I moaned. I ground against Bill’s crotch staring into his eyes.

There was the sound of a cough and it hadn’t been Bill. It hadn’t been me either!

I looked up and standing just outside the doorway to the kitchen was Val dressed in Tennis whites. “Wh-” I began as I looked at the person standing beside her. For maybe three seconds I had thought it was my daughter’s best friend, Steph, also in Tennis whites but the young girl’s nose was a fraction smaller and she was not the six inches shorter than Val that Steph truly was. The fact that the real Steph and my daughter didn’t own Whites, or Val for that matter, didn’t even cross my mind.

“Hello Bill,” Val offered.

Bill tilted his head back and I knew he had taken a moment to understand the upside-down view before him, “Hello…. Prof Fagin,” he mumbled.

“How many times have I told you to call me Val… for fuck’s sake you have your cock buried in my husband’s ass, call me Val!” she insisted.

“Err… hi Val,” he agreed.

The Steph-doppelganger nudged Val and she turned to look at her to see her hold up three fingers and then four. Val nodded in agreement and the young woman visibly relaxed and stepped forward. “Mr Fagin!” she exclaimed, “what would my best friend think? Her father’s a pervert!”

“I… I…” I stammered as she stepped forward and straddled Bill’s stomach before flicking up her white tennis skirt and taking hold of my hard-on.

Val stepped forward to stand before Bill’s head, “I did tell you to come here on Monday… six days ago,” she asked rhetorically, to which Bill nodded, “And now your dick is buried in my husband’s ass… sorry he thought you were his present!” she explained.

Pseudo-Steph looked into my eyes as I felt a pantie-less pussy slide down my length. “Well. If you’re giving my husband some,” Val said as she sat on Bill’s face and her hands grasped ‘Steph’s’ breasts from behind. I did not doubt that my wife was also devoid of underwear as my cockhead pressed into the cervix of the escort she had (indeed) ordered and my seed filled her womb. Steph drove up and down my shaft as Bill fucked my ass and my orgasm ran and ran as I collapsed forwards and buried my head into my daughter’s pseudo-best friend’s shoulder.

I was a mess!

When I regained any semblance of consciousness Bill and Steph were bringing my cock back to life as my wife was squatting above my face, driving three of her fingers into her cunt spraying my face, neck, and chest with her juices.

“Stop!” I shouted and the weird sexual tableaux froze. “It’s my birthday, so… Girls, get naked,” I instructed, “And Bill, call your girlfriend!”


Melissa walked through the open garden gate of the address her boyfriend had given and found Professor Fagin being fucked doggy-style by her boyfriend and, what she assumed was her professor’s husband sixty-nine-ing with a girl younger than she was.

She had no choice but to strip and offer her, already dripping, cunt to her professor.

“Fucking Victorian erotica!” she exclaimed as she felt that tongue she had dreamed about slide along her slit.

And then she saw the myriad of toys beside the entwined bodies. Melissa eyed the strap-on and thought of her boyfriends’ bi-sexuality and slipped on the harness. I’m gonna fuck my boyfriend into your tight cunt, Prof, she thought as she lined up the toy, and then I’m gonna fuck your husband!

‘Steph’ looked at the newcomer eyeing up the toys Val had brought out and thought Another twenty per cent and so much more fun!


The end… but, I have said that before….?

Written by wyliecoyote
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