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Seduced By Salvation Ch. 01

"Jacob and Emily set off for a religious retreat."

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Author's Notes

"Thought I'd spice it up a bit and share something a little different. This chapter starts off a bit slow but sets the groundwork for... lots to come. Hope you all enjoy it :)"

Jacob drummed his fingers nervously on the steering wheel as he navigated his beat-up Honda Civic through the winding roads of the Oregon countryside. In the passenger seat, Emily stared out the window, her eyes following the gentle rolls of the hills and farmland scenery. She’d never been this far away from home before, and she wondered if she would even miss her parents.

An uneasy knot twisted in Jacob's stomach as he glanced over at his girlfriend of four years. Her face was pensive, lips pursed slightly. He recognized that look - the one she got when her mind was consumed by the expectations of her rigidly religious parents.

"Hey," Jacob said softly, reaching over to give Emily's thigh a reassuring squeeze, causing small goosebumps to form on her leg. "Talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours?"

Emily startled slightly at his touch, snapping out of her trance. Her green eyes found his and she forced a warm smile that didn't quite chase away the crease of worry that had appeared on her forehead.

"Just...anxious, I guess," she admitted. "This retreat is so important. My parents have never approved of us, of you. If we can't convince the church elders we're ready for marriage..." She trailed off with a sigh.

Jacob's jaw tightened at the mention of Emily's sanctimonious parents and their condemnation of him as an unworthy suitor. A drifter whose freewheeling ways would only derail their precious daughter's potential. As if he didn't know the endless sleepless nights Emily endured, fending off their verbal assaults and pleas to break things off with "that boy." They didn’t just disapprove of Jacob, they flatout forbid her from seeing him. Her father threatened to kick her out of the house the second she turned eighteen, but luckily Emily’s mother stepped in and convinced him to pray on it. That prayer led them to Pastor Wilson, who led them to this retreat.

"Forget what those jerks think," Jacob snapped, unable to hide his bitterness. "It's our lives, our choice who we want to spend them with."

"Jacob..." Emily put a hand on his arm, her tone tinged with resignation. "You know I don't agree with their judgments of you. But denying their demands has only brought more conflict. This retreat is a chance to get their blessing by proving our commitment to the church's teachings on the sacred vows of marriage."

Jacob felt a flicker of anger, ready to argue the injustice of having to jump through hoops for anyone's approval, let alone that of Emily's perpetually dissatisfied parents. But the longing in her eyes disarmed him. After all that they'd endured, all she wanted was her family's acceptance of their love.

Swallowing his pride, Jacob forced a smile and playfully tousled Emily's long blonde hair. "Alright, alright. For you, I'll be a spiritual warrior this week. No wisecracks about whatever initiation rituals they put us through. Just..."

His voice softened as he studied her delicate features. "Just don't let them pull you away from the real reason we're doing this, okay? Our future together."

Emily's eyes beamed with gratitude and she leaned over to kiss him deeply. "Have I told you lately how incredible you are? I couldn't have found a more caring, supportive partner to spend my life with."

As their lips broke apart, Jacob couldn't resist a roguish grin. "Well, I am told I have a way with more than just my words." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively as his hand slid up her exposed thigh.

"Jacob!" Emily gasped in mock outrage, but her bright laughter filled the car's interior, banishing any lingering tension.


As they pulled into the ferry terminal parking lot, Jacob killed the engine and turned to Emily.

“You ready for this?”

Emily faced him and gave him a warm smile that still made his heart skip a beat even after all these years. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose. Just promise me again you'll at least try to take it seriously?"

He returned the grin and reached his hand over to give her thigh a playful squeeze. "Oh, I'll be serious. Dead serious about finally being able to get you alone for a week with nobody to cock-block us."

"Jacob!" Emily tried to stifle a laugh as she swatted his hand away. "That's not at all what this trip is about and you know it."

"I'm kidding, babe. Mostly." He winked at her. "You know I'm going to have a real hard time keeping my hands off you though when we're stuck on that island together."

Emily rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress her smile at his antics. "Which is precisely why we're doing this retreat, Mr. Grab-Hands. To make sure we stay on the path of purity until our wedding night."

“I’m not sure how you expect me to go a whole week keeping my hands to myself.” Jacob’s tone was playful, but his actions were more urgent. He continued his upward path on Emily’s leg. She gave another laugh, shaking her head as she bit her lip.

“And what should we do about that?” She asked playfully, looking over her shoulder at the near empty parking lot as she spread her legs slightly. 

Jacob needed no further permission as he dipped his hand under her dress and leaned across the car kissing her exposed neck.

“You make me do such naughty things. I’m going to have to say an extra prayer tonight.” Emily sighed as she closed her eyes and allowed the electricity of Jacob’s fingers to work their magic.

Jacob knew they didn’t have long. He always knew Emily wouldn't allow him to do any more than hand stuff. He learned a long time ago not to complain and take what he could get. Only once in their relationship did Emily ever entertain the idea of doing anything more sexual than that. The summer after she graduated high school, they were celebrating her 18th birthday. He had convinced her to drink a couple of wine coolers and in her tipsy state she actually took his dick into her mouth. Despite the fact that it was only her first time, she was a natural and quickly had him cumming in her mouth. After that night Emily made him promise to never push her to do stuff like that again when she was drunk. He could see that he had really hurt her, and so he promised. He even went to church with her 3 times that week as an act of apology. 

A low moan brought Jacob back to the present as his tongue wrestled with Emily’s and his fingers danced around the front of her wet panties. 

“I can’t wait until we are married,” Emily moaned into his mouth as she pressed her hips into his fingers. 

“I’m not going to let you out of the bedroom at all the first week,” Jacob teased as he whispered in her ear sending a shiver up her spine. His fingers had finally made it past her panties and he pushed a single one into her open folds as she ran her fingers through his hair. 

The windows of his old civic were starting to cloud as the passion inside the car started to pick up. Emily reached out grasping Jacob through his pants and stroked him slowly as her hips tried to push his finger deeper inside her. Jacob had always been impressed by her sex drive. Despite the fact that she was so inexperienced, once he got her going her body seemed to act off of instinct. 

He felt her orgasm approaching as she let out a loud moan, clamping her hand around his swollen dick causing the friction of his pants to cause more pain than pleasure.  Despite that, he couldn’t help but smile to himself as he felt her muscles clench around his finger forcing it out of her, as her climax hit its peak. 

Emily moaned softly, rocking her hips as she tried to catch her breath. Once the orgasm passed, she half opened her glassy eyes and smiled at the love of her life before smashing her lips to his and pushing her tongue into his mouth. 

“You take such great care of me,” she whispered, as her tongue continued to wrestle with Jacob’s. 

“I’m just glad I can make you happy.” 

Emily stared into his eyes, still panting softly. “Perhaps I should return the favor,” she said with a mischievous grin. 

Before Jacob even had the chance to ask her what she meant by that, she threw her leg over top of him and began working on the buttons of his pants. 

If Jacob could see himself, he was sure he would look like one of those cartoon characters whose eyes bulged out of their head. In all their time together, she had never been this aggressive. 

"Babe, what are you…”

“Shh. you’re going to act like a good boy this week right?” she teased as she gripped his naked cock and pulled it under her dress.

All Jacob could do was nod as he felt the heat of her sex as she pulled it closer.

“Good boy,” she giggled, leaning down to kiss his neck. Just be careful, don’t let it slide inside.” she said as she pressed his cock against her clit and began to softly grind into him. 

Jacob couldn’t believe this was happening. They had never been this close to the actual act of sex before. Now, all he had to do was flex his hips and he would  be inside her. 

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, babe. To be united with you, as one, under God. You know how important it is to have our union blessed by God, right?” As she spoke, she continued to grind her slick lips back and forth over Jacob’s throbbing cock. She felt his breathing begin to get shallow as he gripped her hips and grinded into her. 

“Fuck, Em, you feel so good. I’m not going to last.”

Emily bit her lip and sped up her movements. She knew that what she was doing was wrong, but she was desperate for Jacob to be on his best behavior. She wanted so badly to get her parent’s approval and she needed this week to go perfectly. 

“Mmm just think, babe, after this week we can start planning the marriage and then you’ll be inside me as you…” 

Emily never got to finish the sentence as she felt Jacob’s hips lift off the seat and rope after rope of his warm cum hit her belly. 

Emily slowed her movements, and brought her lips to Jacob's, bringing him into another passionate kiss. 

“Now, you think you’ll be able to manage the rest of the week?” She asked with a smirk as she stared into his eyes. 

“I love you so much, baby. God Da…”

"Do not take the Lord's name in vain!" Emily interrupted. As she slowly climbed back into her own seat.

“I will be on my best behavior. I can’t wait to spend my life with you.” Jacob said with a reassuring smile as he tucked his deflated cock back into his pants. 


Jacob tightened his grip on Emily's hand as they stepped off the small ferry boat onto the dock of the remote island. The salty sea breeze whipped her long blonde hair across her face, and she brushed it back with her free hand, smiling brightly at him.

"So...this is it. Holy Isle," he murmured, more to himself than Emily. "You ready to get spiritually overhauled into the model married couple?"

Emily squeezed his hand tightly, worrying her lower lip - a nervous habit Jacob found utterly endearing. "As ready as I'll ever be. Just...just remember your promise. For us." Her eyes searched his imploringly.

Jacob forced himself to nod. "I know. No more clowning around, scout's honor." He leaned in to brush his lips against her cheek. "I'd walk through fire for a chance to make an honest woman out of you. Besides, it’s a week, how bad can it be?"

Jacob turned his head to take in his surrounds, and hide some of the anxiety he was already feeling. The isolation of the heavily forested land rising from waters of the North Pacific gave him a twinge of apprehension. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in God. He just didn’t quite believe the people who were spreading “the good word.” Most of them seemed to have skeletons of their own in their closets, and despite their claims of being non-judgemental and all welcoming everyone seemed very standoffish when they spoke of Jacob. They didn’t exactly hide their disdain between his and Emily’s relationship. Even Pastor Wilson could hide his disapproving gaze when Jacob would miss a Sunday or two of church.

A stout, middle-aged man in a plain white shirt and black pants strode forward from the small gathering on the dock, arms open wide in welcome. His broad smile and neatly trimmed beard put Jacob somewhat at ease.

"Sister Emily, Brother Jacob, I'm George," the man said, embracing each of them. "On behalf of everyone here, blessed be your arrival at our sanctuary. You are among the chosen ones."

Emily beamed, giving Jacob's hand a squeeze. This was the last step before finally marrying Jacob before God and all of her family. She was excited to get it started.

"We're so grateful to be here, Brother George," she replied. "We've looked forward to this retreat for months to prepare our hearts and minds for the sacred covenant of marriage."

George gave an approving nod, then led them along the weathered wooden dock to the small campus of buildings at the island's edge. A large meetinghouse bordered by clusters of single-story cabins. All were painted in shades of white and pastel blue and green, a stark contrast to the dense wall of green foliage rising up the hillsides just beyond.

"You'll find Holy Isle to be a paradise, an escape from the distractions and sins of the modern world," George said over his shoulder as they walked. "A place to reconnect with the wise and ancient teachings of The Father, who has walked this earth for over 60 years spreading the light of truth."

Jacob furrowed his brow slightly at the odd phrasing, but Emily seemed unfazed, hanging on George's every word as he continued talking about the virtues of their new surroundings. This was exactly the kind of experience she'd dreamed of, a chance to immerse herself in devout spiritual teachings.

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As they reached the open-air pavilion at the center of the village, a small group had gathered in a circle, holding hands and softly singing what sounded like a hymn in an unknown language.

"Here we are!" George proclaimed, "these are our living quarters for our female guests and just across the pond there you will find the quarters for the men. Safe and comfortable, but without any of the luxuries that could...tempt one down an impious path, if you know what I mean."

Jacob cocked his eyebrow. "Wait, separate living quarters? You mean Emily and I won't be staying together?"

George looked scandalized. "Good heavens, of course not, son! This is a sanctum of moral fortitude and virtue. We most certainly cannot allow unmarried couples to shack up and give in to promiscuous urges, no matter how soon the ceremony!"

Emily's eyes went wide but she didn't protest. Jacob felt his jaw tighten in aggravation. This wasn't at all what Pastor Wilson had told them the retreat would entail. He opened his mouth to object but George spoke again before he could get a word in.

"Now, we'll get you two checked into your respective quarters momentarily. But first, let me go over a few of our standards and schedules here at Holy Isle so there's no confusion."

He cleared his throat and began pacing in front of them with his hands clasped behind his back. "Guests are separated not just in their lodgings but in their daily activities and responsibilities as well. The men will spend their days performing spiritual and bodily labor—gardening, foraging, groundskeeping and the like to remain humble and connected to the laws of nature. Excessive physical exertion is also key to constraining impure thoughts and temptations." As he spoke, he gave Jacob a knowing look of disapproval. 

Jacob shot Emily a look of disbelief but she avoided his eyes, knowing he was looking for backup in protesting these weird rules.

George continued. "The women, on the other hand, will be engaged in homekeeping duties and classroom study - cooking, textile work, and most importantly, the morning feminine education course which is the core of our curriculum."

"What exactly does that feminine education cover?" Jacob couldn't stop himself from interjecting, feeling this situation growing more bizarre and suspicious by the minute.

George fixed him with an intense glare. "A man does not question such matters here, son. The women's teachings are sacrosanct and the wives-to-be are to accept them with grace and obedience. It is not your place to know more."

Jacob's temper flared but Emily put a hand on his arm to calm him before he could speak up again. 

"There are more protocols and schedules to go over," George stated sternly. "But let's get you two to your respective cabins first so you can get settled in. Then we'll continue with the orientation to Holy Isle's ways and you can begin your spiritual journey refreshed."

George turned to lead them further into the compound. Jacob leaned close to Emily's ear and whispered urgently.

"Em, I'm not sure about this place. These seem like really strict, weird rules. Maybe we should just go?"

Emily gave a slight shake of her head. "Let's just listen for now and keep an open mind. You promised to try," she said softly, brushing her fingers along his cheek. “The lord works in mysterious ways. This is simply just a test he is putting in front of us. A test we must pass in order to gain his blessing.”

Jacob wanted to protest further but held his tongue. As much as this phoney retreat set off warning flares, he couldn't bring himself to shatter Emily's elation at being on the supposed path to purity.

Not after the hell they'd gone through for years, the verbal abuse from parents who viewed Jacob as nothing more than a punk trying to drag their daughter to sin. He'd endured their cruel rebukes and draconian demands with gritted teeth, determined to prove his worthiness if it killed him.

“Once you are all checked in and changed into the proper clothing, meet me back out here. It’s almost time for The Father’s nightly sermon.”

“Who exactly is The Father?” Jacob asked, feeling his frustration begin to bubble over. He heard Emily gasp and knew immediately that his tone had been a bit more aggressive than he intended. 

George shook his head in disgust and stepped closer to Jacob. His words almost a growl. “Oh, brother Jacob, you are blessed to soon behold our beloved Father in all his sacred glory. He is a vessel of the Divine, a true prophet amongst men, chosen to receive the holy revelations and enlighten our sinful world. Listen carefully to his words, for they are sacred scripture. The Father speaks only eternal truths granted to him through mystic visions, and conversations with God himself.”

Jacob opened his mouth to protest, and tell George just how ridiculous he sounded. However, out of the corner of his eye he saw Emily, spellbound, mouth agape, holding onto every word George said. He closed his eyes and let out a defeated sigh as he headed down the hill to his cabin to get checked in.

After being shown to his cabin, Jacob quickly learned it was more like a bunkhouse than a traditional cabin. He shared a room with 7 other men, although none were currently in the room. Jacob tossed his bag on the top bunk in the far corner of the room and pulled out his new uniform. The shirt was a light brown color and had long sleeves, was thin and made of cotton. There was a small insignia on the right breast that looked like a tree with limbs stretching upward surrounded by a thin circle. Just above the tree was a single word: “Repent”. 

The rest of the uniform was pretty standard. A pair of loose fitting jeans that one might expect a farmer to wear when working in the fields. A wide-brimmed straw hat to protect him from the sun, and a pair of Earth brown boots that went up to his calf. Jacob felt ridiculous but rushed to put on the clothes in order to get back to Emily. 

As Jacob made his way back to the pavilion, he was stopped in his tracks by the sight of Emily. Her uniform was starkly different than his. She wore a tight white dress thay showed off her curves perfectly. The sleeves stopping just below her shoulder. The neckline was a deep V cut showing more than a modest amount of cleavage as Jacob couldn’t help but tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. She also wore a small lace choker around her neck. Jacob barely recognized her at first, but when he did he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“You look silly,” Emily said with a laugh as she teased the brim of his hat.

“Em, we need to talk.” He felt another pang of urgency to get off this island and back to their normal life. 

“Isn’t it great? I have a roommate, and my own TV. They said it was on a scheduled loop, but it almost feels like a hotel.”

Jacob stood still, mouth agape, as he processed what she was saying. It was like they were staying at two completely different resorts. However, before he could vocalize his concerns, Brother George reappeared and ushered them to the back of the pavilion.

As they settled, Jacob's eyes went wide at the scene before them. In the middle of the raised, wooden structure sat an enormously fat old man wearing a faded blue tunic that could barely contain his stomach. Wiry gray chest hair poked through the V of the collar and his grimy beard flowed in an unkempt tangle down his chest.

"That's...that's The Father," George informed them in a hushed tone, gesturing toward the repulsive-looking man holding court. "Our esteemed leader, to whom we owe our eternal devotion and obedience."

Jacob shot Emily an alarmed look, but she seemed transfixed, her eyes practically shining with awe and admiration for this supposed holy man who had to be at least 70 years old. Despite his peculiar appearance, The Father moved with a certain grace, slippered feet whispering over the worn path.

Emily seemed to be holding her breath beside Jacob. He leaned over towards her ear. “Don't look now, but The Father could probably use a good manscaping,” he whispered with a smirk.

Before Emily could respond, George whipped his head around, eyes blazing. "Brother Jacob!" he barked. "Mind your blasphemous tongue. The Father's corporeal form is a sacred vessel, and you shall treat it with the utmost respect and reverence."

Jacob shrank back, chided. Emily squeezed his hand tightly, shaking her head in dismay at his audacity.

"My children, my blessed flock," The Father's voice echoed through the pavilion. "The reckoning of the end times grows nigh. The prophesied storms and earthquakes have already begun to shake the world's foundations. The hedonistic, consumer-driven society you knew before is rapidly crumbling. The world's false idols of money, power, and material possessions are finally being washed away to reveal the truth! That mankind's only salvation lies in total submission and fidelity to me as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end!"

A chorus of impassioned amens and hallelujahs rang out from the assembled crowd. Jacob felt his stomach turn at the blatant boastfulness and apparent brainwashing on display. This was no normal religious retreat - this was the ramblings of a dangerously deluded cult leader.

The Father continued, working himself up into an evangelical frenzy. "We must atone for our sins, my children! Rid ourselves of our wanton desires through complete obedience to me and my teachings. Only then can we achieve transcendence and eternal paradise at my side!"

Jacob watched in revulsion as The Father raised his flabby arms and a cluster of barely-dressed young women rushed up onto the stage to fawn over him like he was a Greek god. They kissed his bloated face, lips, and hands as he pawed shamelessly at their bodies with no regard to the fact the the small crowd could see his hands as they dipped under their thin dresses to rub their sex.

"Those are The Father's most devoted acolytes," George explained, noting Jacob's disgust. "They are to be the most blessed by receiving his affections and favor. It is the highest honor."

"That's adultery!" Jacob hissed in horror. This had gone from strange straight into lawless depravity right before his eyes.

George shot him a scathing look. "Do not speak of what you do not begin to comprehend, boy. Any requests or desires of The Father are to be welcomed with open arms, for they lead to greater blessings. These women know this, and have transcended their corporeal sinfulness."

Jacob turned to Emily, dumbfounded and ready to demand they get the hell out of this place immediately. But his heart sank when he saw her staring in admiration at The Father, completely taken in by his obvious con. Jacob felt the first insidious fingers of the cult's toxic influence snaking into Emily's psyche. Her need for her family's approval made her vulnerable to the manipulation on display - the more extreme the demands for obedience, the greater her willingness to submit.

"Isn't it incredible?" she breathed dreamily. "We're being given the opportunity to walk the true path of righteousness, to earn The Father's divine blessings. If we can just submit ourselves fully to his teachings, our marriage will be blessed beyond our wildest dreams!"

She finally looked at Jacob, her eyes shining with an intensity that chilled him to the bone. "I have to do this, Jacob. We have to prove ourselves worthy, no matter what rituals or sacrifices are required. promised me."

Jacob felt nauseous, like he was trapped in a waking horror, delivered straight into the clutches of this depraved cult by their trusted pastor. He wanted to grab Emily and run, to shake her from this mass delusion before it consumed her mind and soul.

But one look at her gaze confirmed his worst fears - she was already intoxicated by the darkness emanating from The Father's bloated form. As much as Jacob strained to discern what transcendent wonders Emily envisioned, her eyes saw only a blinding, glorious path to righteousness and divine blessings for their union.

For her sake, Jacob knew he had no choice but to play along, to sell his soul to whatever demented rituals and depravities this unique circle of hell demanded. Because without Emily, his life held no meaning. And that was a truth more powerful than any visions spewed by the delusional cult leader.

Before Jacob could voice his protests, George turned to face them, his expression severe. "Brother Jacob, Sister Emily, it is time for the ritual of purification to strip you of worldly impurities."

George's gaze bore into Jacob's. "The path to redemption begins by releasing your hold on sin. You must open yourselves completely, minds awash in perfect obedience, and learn to just say yes."

Emily squeezed Jacob's hand tightly. "We'll submit to whatever is required. Our love will endure these trials."

"Wise words, Sister," George said with an approving nod. "The ritual cleansing awaits at the sacred waters. There, you shall fully confess each sinful transgression, no matter how small. Speaking these grievances aloud will begin to lighten your spiritual burdens and allow you to atone."

Jacob's heart pounded as George described the awful sacrament. "Once your sins are voiced, you will be baptized beneath the waters, emerging anew and unburdened."

As two stern-faced men in dark robes approached, Jacob felt his chest constrict with panic. This was really happening - they were pawns being used along a path of escalating depravity in the name of "just say yes."

He looked at Emily and realized with dread that he may already be losing her to the cult's poisonous influence. 

Jacob's final thoughts as the robed men seized his arms were of escape - getting Emily away before it was too late, even if it meant losing her in the process. Because he could no longer tell which was the greater danger - staying in this unholy place, or trying to leave it.

Written by mad5226
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