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"Just a business agreement until her husband shows up."

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Mike briskly walked the mile and a half from his landlady's house, just as he had several times before. He had been renting a space from her and her husband for almost a year now, paying his utilities along with the reasonable rent, every week, just as they had agreed. When he had fallen on tough times several months ago, she had been very understanding and said he could catch the rent up when he was doing better.

Her and her husband weren't well off, but they were doing alright, his small rent payment not an issue for them. They were both in their late sixties, but were still going strong and quite active. They had land and some cattle, their life of hard work leaving them both fit and capable.

Mike commented to her on more than one occasion, as he paid the rent, that she was still a very attractive woman, seeming to flirt with her every time he saw her, and could tell that she was flattered. He was able to pay most of the utilities in small increments to her from the weekly paycheck he now received, but he was still falling behind with the rent.

Several weeks ago, she came to his trailer and said that they would need to come to some arrangement if he was going to continue renting the spot. Mike said that he would do whatever he could to work it off and when his job had him working more hours, he would repay her in full.

'As I said ma'am, however I can make it square with you'. Mike told his landlady when she pulled up to his trailer. "I can do yard work or maintenance or whatever you need."

'Good!' She said as she climbed the steps and entered his trailer.

He hadn't been keeping up on the housework, the trailer having clothes lying about, the sink piled with dirty dishes, and Mike was a bit embarrassed as she looked around.

'I am sorry for the mess ma'am.' He stammered a bit as he turned and started to pick up laundry piled in one corner. "I didn't think I would have company in here for a while.'

When he turned back, she had unbuttoned the front of her dress, slipping it, along with her bra, off her shoulders. Mike dropped the pile of clothes he had gathered, standing there shocked with a deer in the headlight gaze on his face. He couldn't stop watching as she reached behind herself and undid her bra, dropping it to the couch beside her, revealing herself to him.

For being in her sixties, she still had a well-toned body. Her breasts weren't very firm, and had a little sag to them, but they were still large and shapely, much of the shape they had when she was younger being evident. She had wrinkles around her upper arms where they met her body, but they weren't very pronounced, nor were the wrinkles on her face and throat. She was still an attractive woman for her age, and he clearly saw that, so much so that he felt his penis responding as he gazed at her bare breasts.

'Well Mike?' she said, slipping her dress down over her hips. 'You flirted with me enough. Was that all just talk, or don't you really find me attractive like you said? Maybe I am just too forward for you.' Her dress slipped off of her hips to the floor and she stepped out of it. "Let's be adults about this. I have seen you in those tight shorts you like to strut around in enough times to know that you have a nice package between your legs. Have sex with me, and we will call your rent caught up. Okay?'

He stood a few more moments admiring her body. She had rounded hips above her slightly wrinkled shapely legs. Her large breasts sagged slightly as they rested against her chest, and her eyes seemed alive with excitement as she stood in front of him with only beige panties on. She wasn't bad to look at, and his erection spoke volumes toward that opinion.

'No ma'am. I mean, yes ma'am.' He stammered. 'I flirted with you because you're attractive. I agree, wholeheartedly, to make love with you ma'am, but it would be from me wanting to, not paying any debt off'.

She stepped to him and undid his belt, then his jeans, unzipping the fly. 'Don't think of it like that Mike. It's more of a mutual benefit that I get you in bed.' She took his, now fully erect penis, in hand as his jeans slid down his waist a bit. 'I don't get the attention at home that I need, and you wouldn't have a place to stay otherwise, so we both win with this arrangement. Plus I don't feel cheated.'

Her hands were calloused from the hard life she led, but they still felt good holding him. 'Yes ma'am. I will do whatever you need for me to do.'

'Well first, stop calling me ma'am. Then take your clothes off.' She said as she stood back from him and slid her panties to her ankles, stepping out of them. Her light brown pubic hair glistened slightly as she stood, and He could see the slight damp patch where her panties were moist.

She went past him, her hand gliding over the skin above his groin as she crossed the small room to sit on the edge of his bed, watching as he undressed. She gazed at his firm ass, broad shoulders, and as he turned toward her fully nude, his erect penis.

He was much younger than her, being almost thirty, and she had found him attractive since first meeting him. She had never said anything to him of course, but his flirting with her made her curious as to his ability to follow through.

From the way his manhood stood fully erect as he walked toward her, she had no doubt that his follow through could prove to be quite satisfying, if maybe a bit uncomfortable the first few times. Her sex life was sparse, to say the least, and she still had needs damn it.

She allowed him to lean her back onto the bed, her legs dangling over the edge, as he slowly spread them, watching her face as he entered her. He was a big boy, and she felt tight around him as he penetrated her deeply, thrusting several times, but he climaxed much too quickly. She was a bit disappointed at his lack of stamina, but kept him inside of her by wrapping her strong legs about his waist.

'Too fast that time.' She said. 'We are going to have to work on your staying power.

'I'm sorry ma'am, uh ... Mrs. Starr.' He said blushing. 'It's been a while since I've had sex with anyone. I'll do better.'

'I know you will Hun. Now call me Tammy and we will try again.'

His erection had softened only slightly before he began working himself in and out of her once more, much slower this time, and it took no time at all for him to become fully erect again. She kept her legs around his waist, allowing him to continue penetrating her deeply. She was right about it being uncomfortable because of his girth, but the feeling as he slid against her clit was heaven.

He was about seven inches erect, but thicker around than any man she had been with. Even though it was uncomfortable, even slightly painful, she still felt the wetness begin to build even more within her. The arousal she hadn't felt for several years swelled, and before he could climax again, she was throwing back her head, holding his waist with those strong hands as she began releasing around him strongly.

The encounter had taken only twenty minutes, and after he had cum again, she dressed and kissed him lightly on the lips before opening the trailer door.

As she turned to him from the bottom of the steps, she said. 'Thank you for this Mike, I haven't felt this young in years. I will expect the same every couple of weeks, if that's acceptable to you?'

'Tammy, I would make love with you a lot more than that if you let me, but every couple of weeks is fine.'

'Alright Mike. Now not a word to my husband, I doubt he would understand. I have your number and I'll call you to meet when I need your, um, services again.' With that she went to her car, and after just a minute or so, left.

Sure he felt cheap, prostituting himself in this way, but she was not a bad looking woman and felt wonderful in bed.

“Experience has its benefits”. he thought.

He had meant what he said about having sex with her because he wanted to, not because he was paying for anything, and wondered to himself when her husband had satisfied her last.

She called a week and a half later, this time having him come to her house. Her husband was out of town at a cattle auction, and she took him on her bed, riding him expertly as she straddled his manhood. She had him go very slow as she lowered herself onto him, telling him that she had been sore for a couple days after they had had sex at his trailer.

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He did as she instructed, having her do most of the work as she slid onto him, but he still climaxed before she was ready. She kept him erect by continuing to raise and lower herself on his member, and then he began to push into her deeply as he felt her vagina convulse, her body pushing down to take him completely as she climaxed with a soft moan.

She rolled off of him then, her orgasm having run its course, but he immediately rolled on top of her, opening her legs with his knees as he swiftly pushed his engorged erection into her completely, his testicles slapping softly against her buttocks.

Her eyes widened at the feel of him tightly inside, and she wrapped her legs around him. She pulled his hips forward, feeling the head of his erection slightly brush against the spot that had been untouched for more years than she could remember.

Her climax was sudden, and intense. She grabbed his hips, holding him against her as she lifted her head towards the ceiling, a long, low moan escaping her lips.

He withdrew slightly, and then pushed into her again as her orgasm strengthened and coursed through her body while she kept pulling him into her.

He felt the strong pulse of his cock as he too, climaxed with a groan. She felt his body shuddered between her legs, and she felt his erection release inside of her, the head swelling as he came, his ejaculate filling her. She knew that she would be sore from sex this time, but she only lay there smiling, relishing the sweet release her body had felt.

He left as she went to shower, walking the mile and a half back to his trailer. He wasn't thinking how this had paid the rent, he was remembering that satisfied look on her face as she had achieved climax. He was only remembering, quite vividly, how she had felt tightly around him.

It had been almost three weeks when she had called this time, and he had started to think she had changed her mind about their arrangement. She didn't say anything about her husband, only that she needed him to come over right away.

When he got to her house, she met him at the door, nude. Then pulled him inside quickly, closing the door behind him. She took his hand and led him to her bedroom where she had him undress as she sat on the bed watching.

'You had me very sore last time.' She said, standing up from the bed, a wicked grin on her face. 'I want you to do it again.' Then turned and lay across the bed, still standing when he stepped up behind her.

'I think I would like that Tammy.'

'I'm sure.' She said, parting her legs a bit as he stepped between them. 'I want you as deep as you can go this time. Just start slowly and it'll be fine.'

He thought he might have heard a faint noise as he placed the tip of his manhood against her. 'If that’s what you want.'

Just as he began to penetrate her, they both heard the unmistakable 'tap' of a boot on the hard wood floor. He froze, and she turned to look over her shoulder, when they heard a man's voice.

She saw her husband standing there, leaning against the door jamb, his arms crossed over his barrel chest. 'So this is why you've been so happy lately.' He said quietly. 'Don't stop on my account.'

She started to stand as Mike took a step back, but her husband raised his voice slightly. 'I said, don't stop!' He pointed a finger at them. 'Looks like you've got what she needs boy. Use it!'

Mike had lost his erection from the shock he felt, along with the fear of knowing this large man could break him in half, but he stepped back between Tammy's legs obediently.

'I, I don't think I can Mr. Starr.' Mike stammered as he glanced down to his flaccid member.

'Tammy!' Mr. Starr said loudly. 'You wanted him so bad, you take care of that!'

She turned around, sitting on the bed, and took Mike's penis in both hands. She began to stroke him, but there wasn't any reaction, so she leaned over and took him into her mouth. Her husband had entered the bedroom and was leaning against the dresser on the other side of the bed from them when she felt Mike begin to grow. Her arousal hadn't diminished in the slightest even though the wetness she had felt had dried somewhat. She felt really guilty, duping Mike like they were, and she almost told him the truth right then.

Mike kept looking down at her as she brought his erection back, meeting her eyes when she took him in her hand again.

'I'm sorry Mike.' She said as she turned to lean over the bed. She met her husband’s eyes, an unanswered question on her face, but he only smirked slightly at her with a barely perceptible shake of his head.

Before Matt's erection could fade again, he placed himself against her vulva, drawing the head of his erection up, parting her lips. She had become a little dry, but as he worked himself into her, the wetness just beyond her lips allowed his thick shaft to slide deeper. He pulled back, holding her hips, and glanced up to see Mr. Starr watching them, approval showing on his face. He quickly tried to mask it, but Matt began to have suspicions about this whole encounter.

'She said she wanted it deep Mike.' Mr. Starr said as he stepped up to the side of the bed. 'Give her what she wants boy.' And he softly touched Tammy's hair as a smile began to grow across his face. Matt cocked his head slightly; looking into his eyes, seeing the deception there he felt a tremendous relief.

Mike pushed into her deeply then, feeling himself bump against her buttocks. He started to pump slowly in and out of her fully, drawing his cock out to part her lips before easing into her again.

Her body began to respond to his stimulation, and she started pushing back against him as Mike entered her, pushing slowly in and withdrawing, then entering her again. She wasn't getting the stimulation she had felt last time, so she tried stepping wider apart as Mike pushed into her again, but the angle was all wrong.

'Let me lay on my back Mike.'

He pulled out of her, and their eyes met as she flipped onto her back, her hips along the edge of the bed. She pulled him to her as she saw the look of smug satisfaction on his face. She knew then that the ruse was over as her hand guided him between her legs.

He entered her deeply, and hit that spot she wanted on the first thrust! She wrapped her legs about his waist and held him inside of her, the head of his cock resting just where she needed.

She continued looking into his eyes, a bit of a grin on her face as she said softly, 'I asked my husband to show up Mike. I'm sorry we tried to fool you. I wanted him to watch us and I didn't think you would agree to it. Now please take me like you know I want it.'

Mike's smile assured her that he held no grudge as he pushed into her fully with every thrust. Mike looked up and met Mr. Starr's grinning face, his smile of relief matched by the arousal he began to feel in earnest.

'That’s right boy. I knew that she's not been satisfied for a long time. She told me about the night she went to your trailer and you two had sex. I know she's in her prime, but I'm not a young man any more. We agreed that she needs this Mike, so go on and satisfy her boy. You and I both know that she needs this.'

Mike's confidence grew quickly, understanding how much this man truly loved his wife. He loved her enough to put aside his own feelings of inadequacy, allowing her to be satisfied by another man.

Mike thrust into her quickly, then put his hands under her knees, lifting them slightly as his hips parted her legs fully. The feeling of her body starting to tremble around him, the head of his erection firmly against her G spot, gave Matt enormous satisfaction. He knew that he was giving her what she had long desired. Something she had been without for too long.

Her climax seemed endless, her body convulsing as she cried out with him buried fully inside of her. Matt groaned to the ceiling as he felt his own orgasm build, then let her legs go and gripped her hips tightly, pulling her onto him as he thrust hard against her several times, his tight scrotum slapping against her buttocks until he released within her.

Tammy's eyes locked onto his as she felt him swell within her in climax. The feeling of her body reacting to him was exactly what she needed. His erection pulsed strongly as he released again, and she felt sweet orgasm take her once more.


Written by machu
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