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Ready To Rumble: Damsel Worship

"After the charity event, the real action begins"

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Author's Notes

"After we helped save the animal shelter, it was time for a party. Retelling our exploits, laughing and feasting, somebody, a horny redhead to be precise, needs to get fucked."

“So, this lilliputian Tasmanian Devil on speed jumps on my back, and I’m like, ‘Whoa! A feral cat’s attacking my ass!'”

Everyone was laughing uproariously. The charity event was a huge success, and, now, it was our time to celebrate. At least three dozen of us sat around a roaring bonfire, feasting, drinking, and retelling our day’s exploits in true bardic fashion. The feats of valor were retold by each of us, in turn, and we painted ourselves as the valiant heroes. Each blow of the sword, every swing of the axe, and our battle cries were blown out of proportion, far beyond hyperbole, and turned into legendary lore—at least for the duration of the story.

Sir Maris accepted the gargantuan drinking horn from my husband, took a deep swig, and passed it along. He patted Glade on the shoulder and continued his narrative.

“So I drop my sword and fling the little fucker off my back,” he paused and smirked, “And he goes, all black and silver, flying through the air…”

“With the greatest of ease!” my husband interjected.

“He’s the daring young Glade on the flying trapeze,” the two of them sang, together.

“He threw me into the chain link fence so hard that my ancestors hurt,” my husband added. Everyone laughed.

“So, I’m all 'Batter up!’ and swing a haymaker at him. That little bastard…”

“Not, so! I know who my father is.”

“That little bastard husband of yours,” Maris smiled at me. “Ducked under my killing blow and rolled up to his feet, the pussy.”

“We are what we eat, you big turd! More mead?”

“Yes, please. Well, I know that I’m stronger than he, and my reach is lengthier.”

“Girth is what really matters, not length, good sir knight.”

“Go fuck yourself, Glade.”

“I pretty much have to. It’s not like I can get laid.”

“Speaking of that,” Maris’ face grew less jovial. “My noble Lord, I did not grope your wife without her consent. I apologize for making it seem so dastardly.”

“All for show. Think nothing of it. May I have my dagger back, please?”

Maris held the splinter of sharpened steel aloft. “Oh yeah! So after this elfish son-of-a-bitch finished his break-dancing routine after bouncing off the fence, he tosses his dagger between my feet and says, ‘Since you’ve lost your steel, chivalry demands that I arm you.’ It was so small, like a toothpick.”

“That’s what she said!”

Everyone laughed, Maris the hardest. Then, his voice grew pensive. “Verily, though I lost the battle, my hands touched the fine lady’s marvelous behind. It was well worth dying for, Lady Krystal.”

I stood and bent over, placing my hands on the stump I was using as my chair. “No need to die, Sean, I mean Sir Maris. Grope away.” I wiggled my ass to entice.

“No muggles here!” My bubbly blond friend, Sylva, shrieked. She grabbed my skirt and pulled it over my waist, exposing my bare butt to everyone.

“Is that a butt plug?” Maris gasped, pointing at my butt.

“No, the butt plug is over here.” My husband held his hand up.

“Yes,” I said. “I’ve been wearing it since after my fight. I promised my husband that if he kicked your ass, he could have mine.”

“Then, I was destined to lose, M’Lady. If such treasures were offered to me, I’d fight like a…well… demon!”

Maris was the first to laugh at his joke, and everyone else followed suit.

“Are you sure?” He asked me. He also glanced at my husband, who smiled and nodded, letting his rival know that he had no problem with his opponent molesting his wife’s behind. “Don’t need to invite me twice.”

“So,” the dark-haired, towering knight continued as he caressed my backside. “I toss the toothpick away and retrieve my great sword. Then I unleash hellfire on the arrogant, little rogue.”

“If your face gets one millimeter closer, Maris, I expect a loving kiss as well.”

He shrugged, smiled, and lowered his lips to my ass. I moaned when his bristly bear tickled my flesh, then screamed in passionate delight when his tongue ran up my cheeks.

“Oooh, aah. Harder.” My response to his gentle spanks elicited laughter.

“Spank the banshee. Spank the banshee,” everyone chanted. Sir Maris timed his swats to the refrain, and, soon, everyone was group-spanking me exposed, plugged ass. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy it.

“Finish your story, Maris,” Glade intoned.

“Yes. I was just getting to the part about how much I loathe you. I hate you; you’re revolting.”

Sir Reginald held out the drinking horn. “I think he hates it! More, Data?”

“Yes, please.”

More robust laughter followed.

This is what I felt made life worth living. It wasn’t the fact that grown adults dress up in medieval garb and nerd out, pretending to be some imaginary persona. It wasn’t the charity events, nor the Renaissance festivals. It was the camaraderie and the dedication to living life rather than merely existing.

“You’re so wet it’s dripping down your legs,” Rolf, a good friend of my husband’s, observed after spanking me.

“Why don’t you clean me up, then?” I purred, my face betraying my highly aroused state. “With your tongue,” I added when his fingers touched my thighs.

“Hey, Ass-face,” Rolf jeered to my husband, “do you mind if I lick your wife’s pussy?”

“Have at it, Butt-head.” My husband and Rolf insult each other in alphabetical order.

I turned and sat on the stump once more, spreading my legs. Smiling, Rolf knelt between my outstretched thighs and began licking my pussy in front of everybody.

“How can you just sit there, unfazed?” Sammy, a younger, newer member, asked my husband.

“Because it’s a vision of erotic perfection. It’s too hot to not enjoy. Finish, Maris; finish, Maris.”

“I’ll show you hot. Oh… right there… don’t stop. Somebody put a fucking cock in my mouth and fuck my face. I want cum; I need it.” My words came out in impassioned moans.

Chivalry dictates that a man of honor must always please a lady. Therefore, my request was fulfilled. I was not only offered a cock to use to pleasure my mouth but another for my right hand. Even better, Ursula approached my left side and began fondling my breasts, pulling my hand under her skirt.

I was getting my cunt pleasured, with a cock in both my mouth and hand, and I had a hot, wet pussy to play with.

“Look at her,” I heard a feminine voice moan. “I need some of that, too.”

Arthur, one of my husband’s attackers in the ambush, thrust his cock deep into my mouth. Being a gentleman, he stood still, letting me set the pace and depth. Because I’m a slutty whore, I needed my face fucked, so I loosed my hold on the turgid shaft in my hand long enough to grab Art’s ass and pull him into me. It only took a few guiding gestures before he realized that I wanted my mouth brutalized.

“Finger my cunt, you dirty whore,” Ursula moaned.

“Take it all, you…” Arthur paused. “Do you want me to call you a slut, or are you not in the mood for that?”

“Mmm-hmm,” I hummed over his shaft, my mouth making gurgling noises as I thrust his member as deeply down my throat as it could go.

“You, umm, slut. Take it all, you slut.”

“And then I look up and see the redhead, there, has her hand down her dress, playing with herself. I was so distracted that fucking Glade almost sealed my fate right then and there!” Maris continued his narrative.

“Oooh, fuck, Rolf. I’m going to cum. Please don’t stop. Oh… fuck!” I lunged my face back onto the cock I was using for my pleasure.

That’s my life—our lives—behind the scenes. All of us, provided there’s nobody around that would be offended, can say or do whatever we please. Open, semi-public sex, insulting one another, or whatever was fully permissible, the only things truly disallowed are non-consent and infringing upon others. The mantra, “An’ it harm none, do what thou wilt,” was alive in well in our medieval cosplay mecca.

“Stick your fingers in. Fuck me.” Ursula was humping my hand, plunging her sodden sex down onto my fingers.

“Mmph, hmph,” I moaned. Rolf’s oral talents were driving me to and beyond the edge.

My thighs were quivering, my entire body shaking, as the throes of lust set my flesh on fire. My orgasm, intensified by my exhibitionist kinks being catered to, tore my body and soul into shreds, and my lips lost their death grip on Arthur’s cock as I wailed in ecstatic bliss. Ursula had to stop playing with my tits to keep me from falling off my perch.

“Fucking coming,” Arthur sword.

“Shoot it on my boobs. I want to wear your cum,” I screamed, still gasping for breath and moaning. I tore at my top, exposing my boobs. Rolf kept licking my clit, sending after-shocks through my core. I grabbed his long, straight black hair and held his head in place, running my dripping slit up and down his face.

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“Fucking cumming, again. Lick my clit, Rolf. Fucking fuck!”

Another orgasm consumed me as I felt my friend’s hot, sticky spunk splash on my breasts, coating my nipples.

“Okay, okay,” I moaned. “I’m stretched out, now. Who wants to pull out my plug?”

“Maris! Maris!” my husband began chanting. “Though he didn’t win the day, he can win the honor of making my delightful goddess scream with passion. Maris! Maris!”

Blushing and shrugging, the towering bear of a man approached, kneeling and staring at my ass.

“With your teeth, good sir knight.”

His hands spread my cheeks wide, and his mouth descended into the cleft. “Oh, fuck,” I moaned when his teeth began gnawing on the edges of the anal plug. His mouth continued searching for their grip.

Overcome with the shuddering tingles his dental efforts were creating, my hand reached between my legs and sloshed around over my clit. Within seconds, my hips were gyrating back and forth as I moaned in lusty joy. Finally, as I neared another orgasm, his teeth found a strong purchase, and he slowly began pulling the tapered, silicone toy out of my ass.

“Maris! Maris!” everyone chanted.

“Let me,” Sylva yelled, springing up from the ground. She ran over to me, removed my hand, and placed her hand over my throbbing, swollen clit. Our lips met in a passionate, lusty kiss while she tweaked my swollen nub between her thumb and fingers, rolling it.

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” I screamed. The others broke into laughing applause.

Maris, emboldened by my horny state, spanked my undulating ass as he threw his head back, making the anally inserted pleasure toy stretch my sphincter. Then, it popped out as tidal waves of pure, sexy pleasure raced through my veins.

“I’m keeping this!” the bearded warrior announced. He held the plug above his head as if it were a trophy. Then, he launched back into his story.

“So I lunged forward with my blade.” He thrust the butt plug outward as if it were a sword. “And that cretin spun away, too cowardly to face me, and spanked my behind with his little knife.”

Ursula, not usually into men, was cozying up to my husband. Her head was leaning against his firm, muscular chest, and her hands were rubbing up and down his thighs.

“Krystal said I could join you guys, tonight, if that’s OK with you?” Her hand caressed that pants-monster he calls a cock to get her point across.

I looked around. I was happy, content, and among friends. People were conversing, feasting, reveling, and involved in various, sexual activities all around me. My good friend and our queen, Kiera, was getting her bare back massaged by two men, her husband, King Tim, at her feet, rubbing her toes. Another friend of mine, drinking a cup of dark beer, was being fingered by her boyfriend, and two of my other friends, both knights, were kissing each other passionately, their hands stroking each other’s cocks through their pants.

The revelry continued. And it was one of those rare moments when everything was right with the world. Certainly, we’d go back to bills, stress, mortgages, and other mundane complexities that erode life’s joy in the morning, but, at that moment, nothing mattered except sucking the marrow out of the bones of existence. I took in the scenes unfolding around me, smiled, and accepted a weed-filled, very medieval-looking pipe.

“Honey,” I said. “Do you want to claim your prize?” I bent over the stump, peeling off my skirt, and presented my ass to him for the taking. “Now or later?”

“I’d say now, but it would spoil the view.” He toasted me with his drinking horn.

“I’m horny now! Who wants to fuck me? Any volunteers?”

“As a thank you for helping me set up my ambush…”

“Failed ambush!” Maris’ four friends interrupted.

“Nonetheless. May I have the honor of pleasuring the lady?”

“Right now, I’m not a lady. I’m a slut, a fucking whore. Fuck me like one.”

“I’ll buy the next round, Maris, if you can finish your story while fucking her,” Rolf shouted.

I got down on all fours, then had to lay over a bench because Maris is so tall. Finally, we found the proper position and angle, and he plunged his fleshy sword deep inside my quivering depths.

“I told you that I’d find entertainment with the ladies,” he grunted as he plunged his hard cock inside me.

“Oooh… aah… fuck! Finish your story, Maris. Don’t stop. Fuck me harder.” Again, everyone laughed, shouting encouragement.

I was so horny that he got less than three sentences out of his mouth before he was grunting and groaning, fucking me like the furious beast he is.

“Own me! Fucking, fuck, fuck. Your cock is in my cunt.” I observed the obvious. “Harder, faster. Oooh… aaah…fuck!”

Kiera had gotten up and left her massaging devotees. I moaned at her as she sat down on the bench, her spread thighs on either side of my face.

“Lick my royal cunt,” the queen commanded.

An obedient subject, I stuck out my tongue, wagging it up and down, ready to receive her sweet, hot pussy. She pressed her mound to my lips, and I licked up and down her slit, moaning into her wet sex as Maris’ cock savagely violated me from behind. I felt hands on my ass, rubbing it, caressing it, and igniting my fiery flesh into an inferno.

“Lick it, you worthless whore. Worship my cunt, and I’ll let you taste my cum.” Our queen has a dominatrix streak.

“As your king, I command ye, my friends, to enjoy yourselves. Where’s my feast bowl and my pipe?”

“And your fiddlers three,” somebody shouted.

“Unng, mmm,” I moaned.

“Suck my clit, you whore. I’m going to fucking cum, you bitch. Fucking hell, you’re great. I just might make you my royal clit licker.”

Kiera’s hands grabbed my head, forcing it so tightly against her convulsing snatch that I couldn't breathe.

“Oh fuck. Fucking fuck. Aaah.” Kiera unleashed a torrent of hot nectar onto my lips, my tongue, and into my mouth. “Next!”

The cock inside me kept pounding into me as I moaned, and, almost immediately, Kiera’s hot, wet pussy was replaced by a hard cock. Without hesitating, I sucked it into my mouth, lunging my lips up and down the shaft.

“Suck it, slut,” I heard a few people chant.

Maris, unable to withstand the velvety vise that is my cunt, pulled out and shot his cum all over my ass, moaning the entire time.”

“You lose, Maris! Drinks are on you.”

“I’ll gladly go get them for everyone.” He turned to me. “Do you want anything, my lady?”

I pulled my mouth off the hard shaft I was servicing long enough to plead, “More cocks. I need more cocks and hot pussies. Free use, everyone!” then, I went back to letting my friend pleasure me by fucking my face.

“Some water, then,” he smirked.

Nobody pays for drinks or food in our group. Every member brings what they can, and we all share. Nobody ever wants in our imaginary world.

“Dibs on the cum,” Sylva shouted. I felt her tiny hands smacking my jizz-covered butt with wild abandon, then, her tongue lowered itself to my buttocks, licking Maris’ sticky goodness from my flesh. I barely had time to moan before the cock in my mouth pulled out, shooting all over my eager, wanton face.

I felt something hard pressing against my pussy, just a moment after Sylva’s tongue finished cleaning me up. With a glance back, I saw another of my male friends standing there, his cock in hand, pointed at my well-fucked hole.

“Fucking fuck me,” I screamed. Then I grabbed a nearby pussy with my hand and fingered it while I redoubled my oral efforts, feasting on the next cock. When two tongues began licking the spunk from my face, the heat of the situation possessed me, and I erupted with another orgasm.

I didn’t count the number of cocks I drained or the pussies that I pleasured. I’d lost track of my orgasms early on, as well. Time stopped, and an infinity was wiled away as I took on all comers—and cummers. The party raged on, all around us, and people would watch, and join if they wanted, and all of them kept on reveling as if things were perfectly normal. For us, this was our norm.

When I’d exhausted more warriors, friends, and lovers than the day’s event had, I stopped and looked around, accepting the moist towels offered to clean up with. My husband was still sitting exactly where he’d been; the only difference is that two women, one of them being Ursula, were stroking his mutant cock.

“I’m all warmed up for you, my knight,” I cooed.

“He’s not a knight,” the real members of the chivalry countered.

It was true. One cannot be knighted unless they swear fealty to the ruling liege. Glade refused to bend the knee for a king, but he did so for me on the day he proposed.

“Yes, my divine perfection. Did you grow even more stunning than this morning?”

He stood, helping up the ladies clinging to him. “Care to join us, my sweet, gorgeous friends?”

“Awesome!” I exclaimed. “A foursome. Remember, though, Glade, you promised to pillage my ass.”

The end.

Written by krystalg
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