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His Smile: when they lose themselves

"Two college friends decide to take the leap and see where their chemistry takes them."

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His smile always stood out to me. Goodness his smile. Just a little quirk of that mouth of his, a tiny movement of his lips, it was all it took to make my putty in his hands.

We’d met through mutual friends when I moved countries for university. Months later we were always hanging out. The first time I met him and he smiled at me I knew he’d be dangerous to my well being, but I ignored it. I mean just ‘cause I felt the attraction doesn’t mean he did right? Besides, I didn’t see him that much so I could simply pretend he didn’t affect me the way he did, and hoped that maybe soon he really wouldn’t. I needed to reclaim sanity somehow.

So that’s what I’d been doing. Ignoring how he made me feel every time I met him, but what he made me feel grew with each meeting, regardless of how much I denied it. A few times he’d look at me with his intense, dark brown eyes and I’d feel whatever he was trying to say to me through his eyes shoot through my body from one lady brain to the other. My heart would start beating just a little bit faster the longer I stared back and at some point the cliché of how we were the only two people in the room would kick in. I’m sure our friends noticed but never said anything just in case whatever spell was cast around us would disappear. Then he’d lift the corner of his lips a little and I’d have to look away before his mouth morphed into that perfect smile of his and I’d combust.

Following that through the rest of our night he’d find ways to sit next to me, to lean his arm over my leg, brush his leg with mine and then leave it there, and all sorts of little flirty things.

The next day though I’d dismiss what happened and blame it on whatever alcohol we were drinking at that time. Since he never said anything either it was easy to convince myself that it wasn’t what I thought (or hoped) it was and meant.

Until recently, of course. There wouldn’t be any point in starting a story if it wouldn’t lead anywhere eventful.


I was out drinking with my friends at the same bar he was at. I knew he’d be there so I took a little extra time with my appearance before realizing it’d be pretty pointless considering all the other women that would be there. No one can resist that smile of his. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and judged what stared back. My brown hair fell in natural wavy ringlets down my back. My brown eyes were highlighted by the black eyeliner marking their outline and the thick lashes were made to look even thicker by the mascara I’d brushed on. I tilted my head to the side as I contemplated doing anything else but decided against it. I felt like I’d already done too much. Nevertheless, I’d already made the effort so now I’d make the effort to show him that I didn’t make an effort at all!

I groaned to myself. Women were ridiculous sometimes. I put on my beaded black gladiators and grabbed a denim jacket to wear over my form fitting orange dress before announcing that I was ready.

My roommate, Kate, and I got there and went to greet everyone. We wouldn’t be sitting with them since we’d made plans of our own and I was grateful for that. Everyone knew that ‘elastic band’ theory. I wasn’t trying to adopt it but I wasn’t about to be super eager and agree to ditch pre-made plans just to sit two feet away from him.

God you’re pathetic, Rochelle.

I could tell he’d been drinking for a while because he’d tried to ensnare me with those chocolate eyes of his five minutes into our meeting. He only ever had the courage to do that in front of our friends when he’d borrowed some Dutch courage from his Corona. Luckily I hadn’t been drinking yet so I was able to break away from that. Also, I had a little more will power tonight considering the long internal pep talk I’d given myself for an hour before I got there. I doubted that will power would last very long though, as it already wavered severely.

We made small talk for a few more minutes before my other friends joined us and I had to detach myself from his general vicinity. It was a lot harder than I was hoping and I found myself already trying to make excuses to join our two parties.

Get. A. Grip.

I shook my head internally before leaving with my other friends and heading over to our table.

The drinks were coming in and I was having a great time! I hadn’t really thought of him at all. Soon though I had to excuse myself to use the bathroom and I walked past his table. I could feel his eyes on me and, feeling a little braver myself, I added a little extra sway to my hips smiling to myself. I heard a whistle nearby and, though it wasn’t him, I knew it had to have made some sort of impact. My smile widened.

While I was leaving the bathroom an arm grabbed me and pulled me to a corner nearby. The place we were at was one of those dark, crooked-rooms-everywhere type bar. It had a cool vibe and was relatively safe, at least with all the bouncers and security around I’d like to think it was. Either way I’d never had to worry about being pulled into dark corners before. I was spun to face whoever it was and I could only see brown eyes. It was enough though because, coupled with the singeing my skin felt where he touched me, I knew exactly who it was.

“Daniel what the hell?”

“Shh,” he said, his finger on my lips. One of his arms wound around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was pressed up against his toned body and I stared up at him, my breathing heavy as he played with my lips with his fingers. His index finger lightly traced the outline of my lips and I thanked every divine being that I hadn’t worn lipstick.

Really Chelle? THAT’S what you’re thinking about?

“What are you doing?” I asked him, trying to pretend that I wasn’t enjoying where this was heading, but even I could hear the slight quiver in my voice as I spoke. His lips quirked into that half smile of his and I knew he could see that I was at his mercy. I was panting like a common street mutt and I knew my face would be flushed and my eyes wide and excited.

“Come with us,” he whispered, tugging us out of the corner.

That confused me, slightly snapping me out of whatever magic he was spelling me with.

“I’m sorry what?”I asked him, trying to get my breathing in check. My body and I were going to have a serious conversation about agreeing with, and not betraying, each other later.

“We were thinking of heading to the pub next door. Come with us.” There was no question in his words and he was pulling me to the exit were I saw the rest of our friends waiting for us. I hoped they hadn’t seen us earlier because I would not be able to deny that away.

“I can’t, I’m here with my other friends so I’m not about to leave them,” I countered, trying to pull myself out of his hold despite how much I wanted to stay in it. I mentally patted myself on the back for not brainlessly following him out.

He stopped and turned to look at me then. Those hypnotic eyes searing mine as he started pulling me towards the exit again. I didn’t even realize he was until one of our friends asked if I was joining them. I realized what he’d done then and tore myself out of whatever spell I was under. I glared at him as he smirked right back at me. There would be no hope for me if he continued to do that. I turned to my friends feeling him staring at me again as I declined and said that I’d only come out to say goodbye and that maybe Kate and I would join them later if they were still out when we’d wrapped up here.

They left then and headed to the pub, Daniel right behind them when he turned to face me again and winked before smiling, then turning back around to join the others.

I stood there shaking my head, my own lips moulding into a smirk as I mentally vowed that we’d definitely be joining them later and he’d regret the game he was trying to play.

I returned to my own party and soon enough everyone was ready to go home. Kate and I weren’t though and I remembered that Daniel and the others were still out. Agreeing that neither of us were ready to turn in for the night, a little too drunk Kate and I headed to the pub Daniel had mentioned they’d be at.

“So, how do you know that Daniel and the rest of them are going to be here?” Kate asked while we’re lined up to get in.

“Well, he told me,” I replied as nonchalantly as I could while my mind replayed how he’d gone about doing that.

“Why don’t you just jump his bones already? It’s so obvious he’s got a constant hard on for you and your vagina practically falls to the floor begging for him whenever he looks your way,” she teases me, as we hand over our ID’s to the bouncers letting us in. My eyes widen at that observation, despite being overly exaggerated, and I worry about how much my body language had betrayed me. Just thinking about him had my nipples hardening in a way that usually takes a little more attention than just wet dreams, or well PG13 thoughts in this case.

Really girls? Now, when I’m about to see him?

I roll my eyes at myself and turn to face Kate, halting our movements briefly. “Please not now Kate,” I beg her as we’re waved over to where the rest of the crew was.

Weaving our way through the compact crowd, Kate glared at the guy that walked away after grabbing at her ass before responding to my request, “Whatever Chelle, but you cannot deny this anymore. What are you so afraid of?”

And with that she leaves me and joins our friends, instantly ditching her belongings in a corner and dancing to the old school RnB blasting through the speakers. She was right though. What was I so afraid of? It was more than a little clear that he was into me and I knew I was into him so why not? I guess the intensity of what would potentially follow was something that had me reeling in my hormones, not that they listened to me anyway.

Fuck this, I guess it’s okay to throw caution to the wind sometimes.

I looked over to where everyone was dancing away as I bought myself a drink and my eyes met Daniel’s. We both took a sip from our drinks holding our little stare and I walked over to where he was, determination straightening my back and thrusting my chest out just a tad bit more. The beat of the music added to the effect of my approach as I walked in time to the music playing. Normally more demure I figured since I was going to do this I’d be free and go all out. I winked at Daniel as I got closer to him, moving my hips a little exaggeratedly in time to the music, and he reacted by raising an eyebrow, a smirk made its way to his lips. His eyes never left mine and I could feel them burn a little my way.

Oh yeah, whatever happens tonight I’m game.

We’d all claimed a more secluded part of the pub where the music was not as current as the other, more crowded section, but that suited us just fine. I was one of those ‘sing at the top of your lungs to the song while you dance’ kind of a person anyway.

The songs playing now had more of a ‘move your hips to the beat’ instead of the usual ‘electronic-y jump around with her hands in the air’ kind of a beat you hear everywhere nowadays, which worked perfectly well with me. Isabelle, one of the girls in our group, pulled me to her and we were moving our bodies and shaking in time to the music. We were the dancers of our group so it usually worked that when we wanted to really dance we’d call on the other for some company. I could feel eyes on us. The other guys in the bar weren’t discreet with their lust for us as our skirts swayed with our hips. I’d had my fair share to drink so I had minimal to no inhibitions, so the stares didn’t bother me as much as they might have otherwise. Besides, I’d declared tonight the night of possibilities.

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There was only one pair of eyes that I was interested in, however, and they were watching my every move intently. He was dancing with Elle, another friend from the group, but as I turned to get a drink from the bar his eyes never left my frame. He smirked at me as he bent down and whispered something in Elle’s ear that had her giggling and replying to him in the same flirtatious manner he’d adopted when talking to her. His eyes studied me as I watched another girl come up to the both of them and have a ‘little chat’ while she ran her hand up his arm and rested it on his chest.

“Miss?” I heard someone call. I didn’t register it though.

“Miss?” the same voice asked, followed by him clearing his throat before patting my arm. I jumped at the contact and swung my head to face the bartender that had called me. I then remembered that I’d been watching Daniel and his groupies from the bar when I’d meant to buy a drink instead. I smiled at the bartender before turning to glance at Daniel, who had a smirk on his face, as his eyes regarded me with the childish humour that guys get for making a girl jealous. I rolled my eyes at him before turning around to order my drink, knowing, from the way the hair at the back of my neck stood, that he was watching me in his discreet but intense ‘I can make you cum with one look’ way.

Two can play that game , I thought as the bartender returned with my drink. I paid him and watched as he went to retrieve my change. He was a handsome guy, around my age with a Spanish accent that makes most women drool, and I could tell with the way his white uniform shirt bunched at the arms that he worked out, a lot. He came back and handed me my change before lingering a bit. I internally smirked and thanked whoever had presented me with the opportunity to get my own over Daniel. He seemed to think I wasn’t one of those people that could play the jealousy card. And what better way to judge how this night could pan out in regard to whether or not we end up in bed together.

“I like your watch,” I said to him before I could stop myself, internally face palming for being oh-so-composed. Regardless, it seemed to work as he grinned and went to town talking about how he’d got it. We were really hitting it off and, with the way he was touching my arm and his eyes periodically darted to gaze at my cleavage, as I was giggling and leaning closer to ‘hear him’, it was obvious we were flirting. For a second, I was able to ignore the daggers shooting at my back and the reason why I’d started to talk to Paulo in the first place.

I felt that reason not long after place his hand on my back and, there must have been something written on his face, for Paulo suddenly remembered he had something to do and scampered off like a puppy with its tail between its legs.

“You have no idea what effect you have on men. The boy was wetting himself talking to you,” Daniel whispered, his lips grazing my ear as he did causing me to shiver involuntarily. I could feel him smirk as I cursed my body yet again for responding to him so easily.

“I was actually enjoying my chat with him. Then you show up and ruin it,” I snap at him as I turn to glare into his eyes. The smirk fell of his face and his eyes darkened as he tightened the hand he’d placed on my back. I guess I didn’t realize that I was okay with talking to him and it pleased me to see that that little fact didn’t sit well with him. He then hauled me out of my seat and practically dragged me to the dance floor, but not before shooting a fierce glare at Paulo who ducked his head behind the glass he was wiping.

He then proceeded to take us to a spot on the floor away from our friends who were oblivious to everything that was happening. The deafening music was still the kind that led to hip gyrating and moving as Daniel clenched his hands on my hips and pulled me to him until there wasn’t even space for air between us. His right hand moved my hip to rest just above the right cheek of my ass while his left hand travelled across my back holding my snug against him. He began to move his hips causing mine, which were practically glued to his, to move in sync and I could feel the outline of his dick press against me.

He bent his head closer to me and whispered, “Let go, beautiful,” as his right hand moved to my thigh and hitched my skirt up a bit as he separated my legs with his hold. He then moved his leg and rested it between my legs so that my core rubbed against his jean clad thigh causing a friction that made me moan and shiver every time he moved us.

My arms clung to his neck as his hands ran down my sides to the edges of my dress, hiking it up further so that only my panties and his jeans separated our skin. He then proceeded to bend his head and suckle on the skin where my neck meets my collar bone as he moved the leg that was under me, pressing me down on it to feel the full impact of his actions.

I was delirious as our sweaty bodies found a rhythm to the bass in the background. Soon I was moving my hips and humping myself on his leg while his lips continued their slaughter of my senses as they travelled a little lower, stopping just above the collar of my dress. His tongue flicked my cleavage and he pressed us together still, dragging me up his leg so that my core felt every inch of the friction that motion caused. My panties had ridden up but they were of no use to me anyway. I was creaming so much I was sure I’d drenched his leg in my juices. I could smell my sent as we danced and I knew he smelt it too. His dick, now hard was pressed up against the beginnings of my core and he quickened the movement of his hips.

We were practically fucking each other on the dance floor oblivious to any attention we may have attracted, however I was sure everyone else was too busy finding someone to take home to bother with us. It was too dark to see what we were doing and everyone was pretty much drunk anyway. That, tripled with the dizzying flashing strobe lights in the smoky pub, might as well be the equivalent to being invisible.

I’d let this go pretty far as it was and I didn’t think Daniel would go further, but it turned out that he’d adopted an ‘all out’ motto as well. He squeezed my ass then moved his hand upwards underneath my dress, stopping just as he reached my clit. I looked up at him, the fog of desire that surrounded us fading a little as I silently questioned what he was doing.

“You’re mine. You need to learn to deal with that. I’ve been waiting too long to let you go now that I’ve got you,” he growled in my ear, his own voice thick with desire, as he punctuated each word with a stroke to my clit over my panties. He then skilfully moved my panties to one side and explored my most inner folds. I was so wet for him I could hear my juices meet his fingers, hear the squelching noise the movement he caused produced and I got wetter. I rested my head on his shoulder and moaned his name softly. He shivered as my hot breath wisped past his sweaty neck. It made me realize that I affected him just as much as he affected me.

With that in mind I let my hand travel in between us, the way his had done, and cupped him through his jeans. I wasn’t brave enough to risk taking his cock out and stroking it like he was me so I massaged him through his jeans, applying enough pressure to make him groan and growl in my ear. His breathing got heavier and soon we were both practically panting like dogs.

He shifted his hand and entered me with his finger and his thumb continued its pleasurable onslaught on my vagina. His fingers moved faster and I could feel myself rising to orgasm. I refused to be the only one and began to stroke him faster. My state of heightened pleasure, and my desire to see him cum, made me a little braver and I unzipped his fly and began to massage him through his briefs. I moved my hand further inside his pants and pulled down the front of his briefs and stroked his member faster. He shivered and groaned, searing my neck with his hot lips, as my hand made contact with his naked glory.

“You’ve got me so hot baby, I’m gonna cum in my pants for you like a pubescent teenager,” he whispered hotly in my ear as we drove each other higher to reach that blissful place of heaven on earth. I choked on a laugh at his comment as he moved the finger he had inside me faster before stopping briefly and slowly adding another. I groaned out loud at the sensation of having his both of his fingers stretching me and moving in me.

“I’m going to cum Daniel,” I breathed, my eyes closing involuntarily as I readied myself for the intense pleasure I knew I was about to feel. The music that pounded around us seemed further away than it was before but still managed to add to the forbidden deliciousness of our actions. The thought of cumming in front of all these people had me rising to it even faster. My fingers clutched and tugged onto his hair as he held me tighter with one arm and continued his skilled play with the other.

“Cum for me baby. God you’re so tight and it’s just my fingers. Fuck, I can’t wait to fuck you senseless,” he growled, nipping my ear lobe at the end. He then took a deep breath before announcing quietly that he was going to cum as well and I quickly covered his dick with his briefs to soak up some of the juices he’d spill, still stroking him.

“I want you to look at me when you come,” he commanded softly and I opened my eyes to meet his before I reached my end. We shuddered and I clutched on tighter as he smothered me in his hold and we came like that together, crying out each other’s name not caring who could hear us. We were way past that point. My knees buckled at the intensity of my orgasm and I knew I’d have fallen into the puddle of my juices, that I’m sure drenched the floor, if Daniel hadn’t been holding me up. His fingers gently stroked me, helping me ride out my orgasm, as he breathed deeply and shuddered at the feel of me still cupping his now wet manhood.

“Fuck baby you’re squeezing my fingers dry. I’m getting hard again just thinking about you doing the same to my cock. Fuck!”

It took a few minutes before I was able to detach myself from him. He withdrew his fingers from me, causing me to shudder again and softly moan as they stroked my over-sensitised lady parts. I zipped up his pants and watched as he brought the fingers he had inside me up to his mouth and sucked them. My breath hitched at the naughtiness of it all and he smirked, bringing those same fingers up to my lips and pressing gently, coaxing me to open up. I did and he watched in fascination as my lips closed round the fingers and I sucked and licked as I knew he wanted. His eyes hooded and darkened further as his lips parted slightly, and I could feel his manhood stir some more.

I then took out his fingers from my mouth and brought my own, wet from his juices, up to my lips. I wrapped my lips around them and sucked on them as I’d sucked his, my eyes never leaving his; his breathing heavier, his cock harder. Before I knew what was happening he ripped my fingers out of my mouth and crushed his lips on mine, searing them with his hot, passionate kiss that had me aching for him all over again.

His hands tangled in my hair as he held my head in place, slanting his lips on mine and coaxing my mouth open with fevered desperation. His tongue invaded my mouth and I pulled on his hair in response. I hadn’t even realised when my arms, having a mind of their own, wrapped around his neck. Our tongues danced in our mouths the way our bodies wanted to and I knew there was no way I was ending tonight without fucking him.


Author's Note:

So I haven't written a story for Lush in a while (this would be my second) and I'm not sure how it'll be taken but I hope you all like it as much as I do. 

There's a second installment to this and I'm working on getting it to you lot as fast as I can all things considered.

Thank you to everyone that waited ever so patiently (John :P) for my next story and I hope you still read this one despite how long it's taken me to  post again. 


Written by semprecorneo
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