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His Smile: When She Succumbs

"Rochelle thought one was bad enough. She was pleasurably mistaken."

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"What do you say we head back to my place?" Daniel whispered hoarsely in my ear, his desire for me dripping from each word.

I looked up at him, my mind a whirlwind of activity. Before I could stop myself, I found that I’d nodded my consent to his request. I didn't want to back down now. I couldn't. Not after everything. I'd waited too long, and to know he felt the gosh if it didn't make me want to agree to do every little dirty thing he could think of.

And the pair of chocolate orbs boring holes into my soul expressed that he could indeed think of many dirty things.

I turned to take in my surroundings, to check if anyone had noticed us. No one had. At least no one I could see, and that worked fine for me. I could delude myself into thinking nobody saw us and just leave it at that. Before my courage slipped, I grabbed his arm and dragged us out of the bar as stealthily as I could. I didn't want to explain myself to anybody. Just thinking about the mess that would cause made me shudder.

Quickly, we made our way through the mass of sweaty, gyrating bodies, and into the fresh, cold air outside the bar as Daniel flagged down a cab.

Once inside the cab, he turned to me and grinned. My breath caught in my throat at the danger that lurked behind his eyes. His fingers began to play with the flesh of my upper thighs expertly, keeping me on edge. That was all he did. He kneaded my flesh, before switching to soft, barely-there strokes, and then alternating between them. He had me panting and dripping my juices onto the back seat of the cab with just that in no time. I noticed the cab driver eyeing us from his rear view mirror, hoping for some action no doubt. My nerves were frayed with the anticipation of what we were about to do, what we were already doing and what we had just done. I was reduced to one wanton, hot mess and I didn't care. I relished in not having to think about what was next. Daniel had a way of making me forget my world, my morals, and my life.

I felt his fingers sear their way closer to my slick heat and I sighed, aching for his fingers to reach their destination. I looked up to the rear view mirror again, hoping that the cab driver's eyes were darting to our show. They were. It made me hornier knowing he was watching. Daniel leaned over and kissed the side of my neck, his lips trailing from my chin as they slowly made their way to my cleavage. With the tops of my breasts threatening to spill over, he had plenty for a mouthful already. His tongue joined the dance his lips played over my skin, and I could hear myself pant as his fingers slipped into my panties, and finally found my clit.

Slowly, he circled my sensitive nub, his fingernails grazing it periodically and then gently squeezing before simply rubbing it. He was playing me like the instrument I was for him. I let my eyes flutter shut and spread my legs wider to give Daniel's fingers, and the cab driver's eyes, better access.

"You're so fucking sexy," Daniel croaked out, the only sign - other than his hard, caged member - that he was as effected by what we were doing as I was. He pulled away and slipped my panties off. He then bunched them up and wiped away some of the juices dribbling from my core, before casually tossing them onto the passenger seat up front. I watched, wide eyed, as the cab driver grinned roguishly and lifted the panties, bringing them up to his face. He buried his nose into the fabric and deeply inhaled my scent, before gently placing my panties back on the seat beside him as if they were a prized object. I gasped as the action managed to arouse me further.

You’re a damn whore now, aren’t you Chelle? All because of one man.

Daniel spread my legs wider and slipped his fingers into my cunt, making sure I was spread wide enough to give anyone that dared look inside the cab a damn good show.

"You're unbelievable. You're fucking enjoying being watched! Who knew you were such a slut Chelle?" he groaned, backing up my own thoughts as he lowered his lips to mine. He kissed me roughly, his mouth coaxing mine open as his tongue penetrated my lips in the way he wished his cock would soon.

The atmosphere was delirious, and it had my mind turning to mush. I let Daniel bring me to the brink of an orgasm as I felt the car begin to slow down. Through hooded eyes, I looked out of the window to discover we'd arrived, but neither the cab driver, Daniel nor I made a move to get out of the car once it had stopped. The cab driver turned completely in his seat to face us, clearly wanting a proper viewing of the show I was putting on for him. He lifted my panties to his nose again and watched with dark, lustful eyes as Daniel took my fingers and brought them down to my cunt. I moaned over and over again as Daniel kept me on the brink of paradise, not quite getting me to tip over the edge. He coated my fingers in my juices and motioned for the cab driver to lean forward. Without being prompted, I offered my fingers to the cab driver and groaned as he sucked them dry. The stranger leaned over the front seats and joined Daniel's fingers playing with my pussy. He coated them with my juices before he brought them to my lips. I wasn’t me anymore, as I parted my lips and took his fingers into mouth. I licked and sucked them as I would a cock. The cab driver moaned, and it excited me to know that I’d given him a potential fantasy of me that he would jack off to later. The dangers of such a situation didn’t occur to me in my current state of delirium.

It happened then.

I shuddered and gasped out Daniel's name as I erupted into the long awaited orgasm. In my heady, sex-brain state, I couldn't make out the words Daniel and the cab driver exchanged with each other. Nor could I make out the words Daniel spoke into the phone he somehow had pressed against his ear while his hands stroked my hair and heated skin. I shifted in my seat, and moaned as the leather brushed against my overly sensitised pussy.

Daniel opened the door and helped me out of the cab. I turned to see the cab driver wave his goodbye, and realised we hadn't paid him the cab fare.

Stupidly, I asked Daniel whether he'd sorted that out while I was groggy and he laughed.

"You're cute, but I think you just gave that man the time of his life. Your panties are payment enough."

I flushed as the enormity of what I'd just done slowly started to sink in.

Fuck Chelle! What the hell did you do? What’s happened to you?

I was beyond embarrassed, and Daniel laughed at the expression on my face. Despite the embarrassment though, I couldn't find myself to regret what I’d just done.

"I am going to have so much fun with you," Daniel smirked down at me, his words shooting another bolt of arousal through my body, straight to my core, and I realised that the night wasn't even close to coming to an end.

I grinned at him, and winked as I walked past him and let myself into his place, walking straight to his room. I'd been here enough times in the past to know where everything was so I didn't bother turning the lights on as I made my way through.

I stripped down to nothing, shedding my clothes as I walked down the passageway that led to his room. Passing the two rooms before his as I made my way, I didn't think twice as I dropped my skirt outside his roommate’s bedroom door, and my bra in front of the bedroom I knew his brother was currently occupying.

I walked into Daniel’s room and lay on his bed, the only light in the room coming from the digital alarm clock that stood on his bedside table. I heard shuffling and doors opening and closing before his silhouette stood in the doorway.

"What are you waiting for? Come to bed!" I purred, only briefly registering that I'd never 'purred' in my entire life.

He stalked into the room slowly, like a predator circling his prey.

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Only difference was that I was willing and eagerly waiting to be devoured. I grinned as I heard him take off his pants and climb into bed naked with me. I smiled at the thought of his clothes probably having joined mine, trailing their way in the passage from the front door to his bedroom. It pleased me to know he was as impatient for this to happen as I was. It excited me to think that, at any point in time, his roommate or brother could walk the hallway and know what we were doing.


Before I could say (or think) anything else, his lips slanted over mine in a slow and gentle kiss; the complete opposite of the steamy, lustful one he'd coaxed out of me in the cab earlier. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body flush against mine. His cock throbbed against my left thigh, and I spread my legs wider to accommodate his legs between mine. I needed to feel his cock against my pulsing pussy.

His kiss got rougher then, more passionate, and his hips moved against my core. He made sure not to penetrate me as he slowly pushed his cock over my slick vagina over and over again. We spent minutes like that, kissing each other, our hands exploring the other as our sexes danced a grind in sync. He tore his lips away from mine as he began to kiss his way to my breasts. His hands followed the trail of kisses, and circled my nipples as he slowly adjusted his legs to balance himself.

"You're gorgeous," he whispered huskily, and I noticed that he didn't sound like himself. The desire coating his words made him sound so foreign it thrilled me. I had that effect on him. Lil ole me.

My inner seductress thrummed at the compliment he gave and his voice change implied, and I couldn't agree with her more.

"Please," I whispered, as his fingers tortured and pinched my nipples, making them hard as little pebbles. Every twist sent jolts of pleasure to my pussy, and I couldn't take much more.

"You do as I say," he commanded softly, his tone sending shivers down my spine. He moved his legs outside mine so that his thighs trapped each of mine. He then lowered his lips to my left breast, and I sucked in a breath as his tongue swirled around my sensitive nipple. He sucked harder then, and I moaned out loud. My fingers fisted themselves into his hair, and my pelvis thrust up instinctually to meet his.

“Please, please, please..." I moaned softly as he placed open-mouthed kisses from my left to my right breast, before repeating his ministrations over my right nipple. He took my hands into his and placed them above my head, where he then locked them down with one of his own. His mouth still worked over my breasts, biting and sucking, until all that kept me from thrashing were the strong thighs he’d made sure were locking mine. I struggled under him, trying, and desperately failing, to get him to hurry up and fuck me. I couldn't take much more.

My struggles did nothing to him though, and he continued to pleasure me at his leisure, his actions taking me to the brink of, what I knew would be, the best orgasm of my life, but he refused to let me tip over. I didn't want him to either, not until he was buried deep within me, but my frustration at being denied access to his gorgeous body was making me act out.

"Shhh Kitten," he whispered against my lips, "I'll give you exactly what you need, only when you need it, and not a second before."

He got off me then and walked out of the room. I propped myself up on my elbows, shocked speechless at him leaving me here, aching for him. I dropped my head against his pillow, and turned to bury my face in it, holding back the urge to scream into it. I heard him enter again and shut the door. I turned in time to find him hovering over me.

"Protection sweetheart," he confessed, and winked at me, before grinning at my eager moan.


I felt my body tremble as he tore the condom wrapper and slipped the rubber over his enormous member. I couldn't wait to have that inside me, and apparently neither could he as he plunged into my core without a second's warning.

I moaned aloud as he groaned at our sensitive sexes rubbing against each other. He buried himself inside me up to the hilt of his cock, and lay over me for a second, letting us both adjust to the sensations of having him buried so deep within me. He felt fucking fantastic inside me, and I smacked his left butt check in an attempt to get him to start fucking me already.

I grinned as his cock jolted inside me and he let out a little growl before he swooped his head down, swallowing my grin with a punishing kiss. He moved inside me then, slowly exiting my core before thrusting in all the way. He continued his slow love making as he kissed my lips, then moved to my breasts. I pushed against him, matching his rhythm with my own before I couldn't take anymore.

"Fuck me please. I can't take this any longer!" He groaned slightly at my confession before giving me what I needed: a good, damn hard, fuck.

He paused with his cock halfway inside me and knelt up. He then adjusted my legs so that he could shuffle closer to me, my lower back no longer touching the bed as he held the sides of my hips, pushing into my core more forcefully. He then started to move faster, rotating his hips once he’d fully penetrated me, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head in pleasure. Our moans got louder as he fucked me with as much zest and vigour as I fucked him.

I could feel myself getting closer to coming as my pussy walls tightened around him, squeezing him towards the long awaited release we both craved. He moved one of his hands from my hips and flicked my clit. The jolt of pleasure that action caused had me squeezing his cock hard.

"Fuck baby, I'm so close," he groaned out, and I grunted in agreement.

I just needed one little something and I was ready to see stars. He must have realised this as I felt him move his hand down to my ass where he stuck a finger into my ass hole without warning. I gasped at the intrusion, and shuddered into one of the most powerful orgasms I'd ever had. I heard him cry out as he wrenched his dick out of my pussy, removed the condom, and squirted his hot seed over my chest. The image of how I would’ve looked to him now had the lights been on - pussy glistening, cum covered body shuddering in pleasure - had my orgasm stretching out. I moaned as I began to slowly come down from my high.

I felt him lay down beside me.

I then turned to face him as the lights suddenly did turn on.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the bright sharpness of the light caused me discomfort. I heard him groan beside me.

"Not yet bro, at least give us a minute!" Daniel exclaimed from beside me, and my eyes flew open at the thought of what that could possibly mean. I shot up from the bed, as my eyes adjusting rapidly to the light, expecting to see Greg, Daniel's older brother, at the doorway.

Instead, it was Daniel I saw grinning at me from the doorway, before he stalked in and sat in the desk chair conveniently situated next to the bed. I gasped in shock, and quickly turned my head to see Greg lying on the bed next to me, his head propped up on his elbow as he turned to his side to face me.

He had a sated look on his face as he smiled at me softly, his cock slick with our cum.

“What a show babe!” Daniel exclaimed.

What the hell?!

Written by semprecorneo
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