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An English Country Lady Wants More

"Auntie Gwen proved something of a surprise!"

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I'd fulfilled a lifelong ambition and moved to the county of Suffolk, in the southeast of England, the place of my forebears. My pension as a senior aircraft engineer, and my share of the house I shared with Barbara, just about ran to a broken down cottage four miles out of Ipswich. The place was still in the family, owned by an aunt Gwen, whom I barely knew and was related by marriage and no blood relation to me.

It was midsummer, and I was busy fixing up the place, which really needed much more work than I could afford, so a clean up and fresh paint job had to suffice. The tiny south-facing front garden clearly hadn't been tended for years, and because it enjoyed so much sun, I made it my first job; I couldn't wait to enjoy a glass of wine, sitting on the rickety old bench by the front door.

A week saw the job done and my first cool drink in the sunshine, and that was when I first met Gwen, who, along with my ex wife, had organised the cottage for me. "All done, I see. Lovely to see the old place coming alive again." I looked up to see a woman standing at the gate with her dog.

"Yes thanks, beautiful day, isn't it?"

She introduced herself as aunt Gwen, and said that she walked her dog every day around this time. She was related to my dad's side, although it was my mother who had alerted me to the possibility of buying the cottage. She and dad rented it in the summer for several years. 

Auntie Gwen was pleasant, a typical product of the English middle class. I'm guessing she was in her late forties. She wore a pleated tweed skirt, sensible shoes, and a blouse with a frilly collar that struggled to contain what appeared to be rather interesting breasts.

I saw Gwen from time to time with her dog. We normally just waved, but sometimes she'd come to the gate knowing full well I would offer a glass of wine. That was about the extent of it until one afternoon in late July. I'd finished my work in the house and was enjoying a beer in the front garden when Gwen appeared on the lane. She appeared to be hobbling and clearly in some distress as she arrived at the gate, sweating and wincing.

"You ok," I said, "what's happened?"

"Damn dog, bolted after a rabbit, pulled me over. I think I've sprained my ankle," she said.

A pack of frozen peas on her foot and a rather large glass of chilled Sauvignon soon calmed her down. We chatted for a while, and when it got chilly we went inside. Gwen proved to be a charming surprise.

Apparently, she was married to the local vicar and took part in all the activities you'd expect of an English country lady, WI, charity fundraisers, jumble sales, and so on.

But auntie Gwen also proved to be unexpectedly outspoken, brash even, and had no problem with one or two glasses of Sauvignon Blanc which, on this occasion, seemed to have loosened her tongue. What came next I could never have foreseen.

"Miles and I have been married for four years now," she said. "Actually, I'd always suspected he may be gay during our courtship, if you can call it that. He made no sexual advances to me, and eventually he just told me he had a reason.

Miles had been looking for a parish for some time and was taken aside by the Bishop one day. He was advised that to get married would work wonders for his prospects. So this was the deal; Miles and I would marry. He would provide us with a decent living, a nice house and a steady, secure life, on the understanding that the marriage would never be consummated. He told me that if a sexless union became too onerous for me, I could seek my pleasure elsewhere, with maximum discretion, of course. I was in my mid forties, and men weren't exactly banging down the door, so I went for it."

I sat there, stunned. This was all very interesting, but why on earth was she telling me? The last thing I expected was an insight into her private life, not least her sex life!

"Well, that's enough of that. I can't imagine why I shared all that with you. It must show how at ease I am with you," she said, and placed a hand on my knee, giving it a little squeeze.

By the time Gwen left, I had to admit, she was thoroughly enchanting. Not least the hint of those tantalising breasts hidden from view, that jiggled and heaved when she threw her shoulders back to laugh, which she did often. She extended her hand. "Well thank you Mark, apart from the ankle, it's been a very pleasant afternoon." Her hand was soft and warm and she held on just that fraction of a second more than necessary, long enough to get me thinking... surely not!

Gwen continued to walk her dog past the house, and sometimes she'd visit. She was magnificently eccentric, good fun and occasionally a little naughty. It was near the end of August when she just appeared at the front door. I asked her in and poured her a glass of wine. Her mood differed from any I had seen before.

"You're very serious Gwen, is everything alright?" I said. She took a large gulp of wine.

"Mark, I want to talk to you. I've thought over and over how to approach this since you first arrived, and there's no way other than to come straight out with it."

She was clearly nervous. I topped up her wine, sat back, and waited. "I've enjoyed our afternoon chats Mark. You're an interesting man; intelligent, handsome and very sexy, you know that." At that point, my curiosity was running wild. I walked into the kitchen to top up the wine, and partly to collect my thoughts. I thought I could see where this was going, but couldn't quite believe it.

But Gwen followed me in. She stood facing me. "The thing is, I'm no angel. I had a great time at uni but that was a long time ago. But now, I need more. Honestly, I need a companion. I mean a man, of course, but not any man. I need discretion. It's essential, someone I can trust. I'm well known and respected in the town. I'm the vicar's wife, after all."

"I know I'm older than you, but you seem to like me, and I'm obviously very attracted to you. So, I've put myself out on a perilous limb here, because I could just embarrass both of us, and that would be disastrous. But I've decided it's worth a try. Basically, Mark, I need a sexual companion. This barren relationship with Miles is killing me. If you'll excuse the salty language, I suppose I'm asking you to fuck me."

I stood with my head down, gobsmacked. "Say something, Mark, for God's sake. I'm dying here," she said. I instinctively put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug.

Her face was on my neck, and I lifted her chin to face me and talk. "Look Gwen," but she moved into me suddenly and kissed me, draping her arms around my neck. She held the kiss, and her tongue flicked into my mouth. Her lips were puffy but warm, and those breasts pressed hard on my chest. I moved my hands instinctively up to caress them, and then I was kissing her back! Our tongues danced together as I felt her hand moving over my crotch. She began tracing out the outline of my rapidly thickening cock through my pants. As she felt it responding, her breathing quickened, her kissing became more urgent with gentle moans intermingled with them.

"Take me upstairs, Mark," she whispered.

Gwen stood by the bed, twiddling her fingers. She looked nervous, childlike even. I moved closer to her and placed my hands on her breasts, gently squeezing them. “Do you like them?” she said. “I’ve seen you looking at them.”

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“I think they’re fabulous, but I want to see them.” I said.

“Undress me, you’ll see them, you’ll see all of me,” she said.

I watched those wonderful globes tumble from her bra as I unhooked it. I buried my face in them, sucking alternately on her thick aroused nipples. Slowly, I removed the rest of her clothes. I dropped to my knees to remove her panties, and found myself faced with a bush of luxuriant dark brown pubic hair that extended from a thin line from her navel down to her crotch. I placed my hands on her thighs and pulled her onto my face. She shuddered as my tongue found the folds of her pussy, and a startled scream left her lips as my tongue found her love bud. Her hands gripped either side of my head, and her hips thrust gently as she locked my face tightly into that deep thatch, groaning with every flick of my tongue.

“Take me to bed,” she panted, “For the next hour or two don't treat me like your aunt, or the vicar's wife, or the stuffy country housewife you might think I am. Treat me like a woman that just longs to be fucked."

 I stripped off to join her, but she stopped me. "Hold it there, let me look at you". I stood there my cock standing hard and proud as she ran her eyes over me. "Mmm, my god, I'd forgotten so much. You'll do, you'll do nicely."

I joined aunt Gwen in the bed, and for a while we lay side by side in silence. At length, Gwen rolled onto her side, facing me, and propped her head up on her elbow. She placed the other hand flat on my chest and spoke.

"My god," she said, "how did we get to this? I've fantasised for weeks how it would be to be with you; pictured us in bed making love, sometimes laying in bed next to Miles, horny as hell aching to be touched. Yet, here we are, I've got you here in bed beside me, and I will not waste it." She leaned over and kissed me, "Touch me Mark. Touch me all over, feel my hard nipples, feel my big breasts, put your hands between my legs, feel how wet I am. Make me horny."

My hand moved through the thatch of hair, my fingers searching out her folds. I found her slit and slid two fingers inside her. My thumb was rubbing on her clit. I felt her tense up and gasp as I worked her pussy, "Oh god, kiss me Mark. That is so fucking good mmm, god, so good" I kissed her, a long lingering kiss as I rubbed her pussy lips and met her tongue with mine.

Her hand moved slowly over my body until she found my cock, "God," she whispered, "you're beautiful, and you're big, I want this so badly. Help me Mark, help me do it right so it's good for you."

"Just go for it Gwen, do what you want, take what you want, say what you want, it's all ok," I said.

She wrapped her fingers tightly around my shaft. She kissed me again, pulling on my cock as her tongue explored me. “Oh god," she mouthed again as her jerking became more urgent. I could sense the fever mounting in her body, and the breathless tremor in her voice as she spoke. "It's no good, get on me Mark, fuck, I can't wait, put it in me".

I moved between her thighs and felt her shudder as my cock probed the thick curls of her bush, searching out her pussy lips. She shuddered as my cock found her and moved slowly into her warm, wet cunt. "Fuck me Mark, fuck auntie Gwen"

I was pumping her with long, slow, deliberate strokes, watching her catch her breath with each one as it pushed deeper into her. Upping the pace, I pounded her harder. "Yes, yes," she gasped, "give it all to me, that's it, I want it, I want it all". Her breasts were swinging wildly up and down with each thrust, her eyes were closed, her mouth half open, contorted with pleasure. Auntie Gwen was loving what I was doing to her, and so was I.

"Keep fucking me, Mark. Don't stop, just keep fucking me."

"I'm getting close, Gwen, you're so hot, so wet."

"It's ok, we have lots of time. Give it to me. Give me your cum." The final short thrusts and my loud groan told her I could hold out no longer; she grabbed my upper arms, digging her nails into me and watched me shudder through the final spurts. "Cum into me, Mark, please give it to me. Do it now." The situation was so hot, she was so hot, it would never last long.

It was several minutes before either of us spoke. We lay there catching our breath and both thinking the same thing. How on earth did we get here? "Thank you, my darling, you'll never know how much I needed that"

"Don't thank me, auntie Gwen, it was absolutely my pleasure." At that she ran her hand over my belly and found my cock. Peeling back the foreskin, she kissed me, a long lingering kiss as my cock stiffened in her hand.

"Can you go again?" she whispered. “You wouldn't leave a lady wanting, would you?" With that, she disappeared under the covers and soon I felt the warm moistness of her mouth as it enveloped my cock. I lifted the covers to watch her work. Her tongue was circling the head of my cock, then running along the length of the shaft, then jerking it vigorously before plunging it back into her hungry mouth. Whatever had happened in Gwen's life, she certainly hadn't lost her skills.

She must have sensed I was approaching climax, as she threw back the covers, flipped onto her hands and knees with her backside turned to me. Seeing those engorged cunt lips hanging between her thighs was all the invitation I needed. I moved behind her and eased my cock into her. She yelped as I penetrated her, followed by some serious moaning. "Yes, that's it, you've got it, yes, yes." I pumped her hard for what seemed an age till at last she gasped, "Fuck, fuck I'm doing it, I'm cumming!" It was all too much. I shot my load into that big comfy backside, shivering with the final spurts.

I watched Gwen as she dressed, as she tucked those magnificent breasts into her sturdy no nonsense bra. "I must say, you're a very good nephew, Mark, you've looked after me very well," she leaned into me and whispered, "And you've got a seriously dangerous weapon down there." She winked.

But you've established the standard now. There can be no backsliding." She kissed me on the forehead. "I'd better go. Miles will wonder where I've got to. He'll be looking for his tea! Ta ta, see you soon." and with a cheery wave, she was gone!

Aunt Gwen was a truly remarkable woman, staid and conservative on the outside, but hot and horny on the inside. She knew what she wanted, and she finally found the courage to take it. Somehow, I felt sure she'd be back.

I lay in bed for a while, replaying it in my mind, her breasts, that dark thicket of pubic hair between her legs, and her almost crazed desire for my cock. Sure enough, the stirring of an erection twitched in my groin. I fondled my cock for a while, lost in a dreamy recollection of a most unusual encounter with auntie Gwen’s comfy body, the brown cigar butt nipples and the look on her face as I pumped my loads into her. As the cum splashed over my stomach, it occurred to me we'd both been winners; she was hot, wet and eager, and I was happy to meet her needs. She was a truly different experience for me, and I knew we’d both want more.

Written by Bergerac
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