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Tina: Part 1, Sucking Cock

"A young woman who thinks a little bit too much about herself has an eye opening experience."

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Life was good, thought Eric as he sat on the terrace of his twentieth-floor penthouse looking out over the city lights below him. The penthouse was quiet now that his wife and kids were gone for the weekend. He loved them but sometimes it was nice with some alone time. Clear your mind, have a bit more to drink than he should, and just relax. He wore black silk boxers and nothing else. His fifty-year-old body had seen better times but he wasn’t out of shape, just a few more pounds more than he should have. He lifted his glass and enjoyed the taste of the expensive wine. He cut a slice of cheese and put it on a cracker which he then popped into his mouth and chewed slowly.

This high up the sound of the traffic hardly reached him. It was a buzz far, far away. He had another cracker with cheese and then another before finishing the wine. He got up and walked to the kitchen to get a refill but realized the bottle was empty. He looked at his small wine collection sitting next to the fridge and chose another bottle. When he sat down again, he heard a sound that he hadn’t heard before, at least not up where he was.

Heavy breathing and moans were coming from somewhere. It couldn't be from above and the neighbors on either side were gone for the weekend so it had to come from the apartment below. He got up and leaned over the wrought iron railing trying to see what was going on. From where he was the sounds were louder and it dawned on him it was people fucking. He leaned out a bit more and then he saw them. The daughter of the neighbor below was leaning over the railing face down towards the street. Half of her body was in the air and it looked very dangerous. Behind her stood a guy about her age and he was fucking her hard.

“God, yes, yes, you have a tight pussy.”

“Yeah? You like fucking my tight pussy outside, do you?” she said between his thrusts.

Eric thought the entire situation looked very dangerous so he shouted, “Hey, go and do that inside. She could fall.”

She twisted her neck and looked up at him. “Please don’t tell my parents.”

“Fine, just go back inside and it will stay our secret.”

They stopped fucking and a few seconds later Eric heard the sliding doors lock. He went back to his chair with a smile. The neighbors had moved in the year before and consisted of Mom Clair, Dad Mike, and their daughter Tina. She was taking a sabbatical between high school and university and worked at a famous lingerie store in the city. She was cute with a subtle upturned nose, freckles, and thick red hair that flowed down the back and over her shoulders past her boobs. She usually wore a tight outfit or a short skirt. He couldn’t remember one single time he had seen her in jeans or any kind of pants.

She would sometimes babysit for Eric and his wife, Denise when they wanted to go to dinner or a movie. She was always on time and never complained even if the twins could be a handful. They paid her well and it was a win-win situation.

Eric had another glass of wine and he couldn’t get Tina's face out of his mind. Her half-open lips, those large green eyes looking up at him as she bent over with a cock in her pussy. Fuck, he had to jerk off he thought. He sat down on his chair and grabbed his semi-erect dick with his right hand and began to stroke it. The more he thought about Tina the harder he became until he shot his load over the marble floor. Panting he sipped from the wine and then went to get some paper towels to clean up the mess.


The following day on his way back from the corner shop he ran into Tina in the lobby. She wore a grey one-piece body suit so tight it looked like it was painted on her and a short black leather jacket.

“Good morning,” he said cheerfully.

She blushed and said, “Hi, Mr. Conrad. I hope we didn’t bother you too much last night.”

“Don’t worry. I was young once and I remember one had to take the opportunities when they came. Where are your parents?”

“Gone to see Granny. She had a hip replacement last week and she isn’t in good shape. I have to work today so I couldn’t go with them.”

“Well, if you need anything, let me know. I’ll be home all weekend.”


He let her walk a few steps until he leisurely turned, and pretended to look at the information board in the lobby but was ogling her tight round ass. When they spoke, it had been hard not to stare at her cameltoe between her legs. Fuck, he was a dirty old man he thought as he entered the elevator. She couldn’t be more than eighteen or nineteen, and here he was more than twice her age thinking about her being naked in his bed.

Tina got a rideshare outside the apartment complex and in the back seat, she thought back to her conversation with Eric. He was a cool dude she thought and she liked babysitting his kids. His wife was a fun and kind woman who doted on her children. She had never sexually thought about Eric, and why should she? He was much older, married, and not her type at all. She loved fit men her age or maybe a few years older. Eric was past his due date, with some extra pounds, and his hair thinning but he was fun and kind.

She could have sworn he looked at her pussy from a distance when they approached each other in the lobby. It made her shiver, dirty old fuck, she thought as the rideshare arrived at the shop where she worked. Her boyfriend, Nick who had fucked her last night was her type of guy and she didn’t like that Eric had been ogling her. Maybe he had masturbated after they had gone inside? What a loser if that was the case. She had thought he and Denise were still getting it on but maybe she was wrong.

When she came home later that afternoon Nick was waiting in the lobby. She had called him because she was still horny from being cut off in mid fuck the previous evening.

“Hey, babe, you look great,” he said and hugged her.

Hand in hand they rode the elevator and rushed back to her apartment where they quickly got naked just inside the front door. She loved running her hands and nails across his chiseled chest and stomach from behind. His hard butt against her shaved pussy which she knew turned him on. She kissed his neck and then they turned facing each other. Kissing him she slid a hand down finding him hard and ready for her.

“Fuck, I love your cock, Nick.”

His hand caressed her pussy and he ran a finger along her slit which came away wet. “And I, your pussy.”

They crab walked into the apartment still kissing and fondling each other until they reached the sofa. He gently pushed her down and she landed with a giggle. She knew what he wanted.

“Do you want me to suck your dick, baby?”


She licked the head tentatively and it jerked which made her giggle. She loved the control she had over him and the way it made her feel. She began sucking deeply while playing with his balls.

“Oh, oh, Tina, please don’t stop,”

She tickled his little hole with her tongue and then went down deep on him again, her nose almost brushing against his tummy.

“Oh fuck, fuck, I’m so close, so close, Please, I beg you let me come in your mouth, just this once.”

Tina let go of his cock and took it in her hand, using her saliva as lubrication. “You know I don’t do that.”

“Oh, C’mon, just once, I beg you. Other girls I have been with do it.”

This pissed her off. Here she was, naked with his cock in her hand and horny as fuck and he pulled out the “other” girls card. She let go of his dick and stood up. “Fine, go and fuck them then.”

She walked toward the balcony for some fresh air. He reached her when she had just opened the door. “Please, Tina, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way."

She shook off his hand from her wrist and went outside. Turning to him, her eyes ablaze she said, “Too late, asshole. Just get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.”


“Get lost, asshole.”

He went back inside and collected his clothes from the floor in the hallway and quickly put them on. “Just so you know, you suck at sucking cock!” With those words, he slipped out the door and was gone.

Tina was fuming. She was good at sucking cock. The only thing was that she didn’t swallow. None of the other guys had said she was bad. Who was Nick to judge her cock sucking skills?

“Asshole!” she shouted to no one.

Eric was looking forward to a quiet dinner on the terrace when he walked out with his plate of creamy shrimp pasta and a glass of white wine. The sun was about to set and the air had cooled down. He was just about to take his first bite when he heard the balcony door below slide open and shouting. He pricked his ears and after a few minutes of listening he said to himself, “There is trouble in paradise.”

He waited after he had heard Tina scream asshole figuring the guy would come back to defend himself again but there was nothing apart from the balcony door sliding close again. So, Tina likes to suck dick, but doesn’t swallow. What a pity. She had those full cock sucking lips that Eric just loved. Denise had them too and he remembered the first time she went down on him. It was the most amazing experience he had had up until then. She sucked his cock to two orgasms, right after each other and she didn’t spit or come up for air. She swallowed the first and the second. God lord, what a woman he had for a wife.

But that had been twenty years earlier. These days they hardly touched. They still loved each other but the sex was dead. The last time they had fucked was after the twins had gone to sleep on New Year’s Eve three years before. Since then, Eric masturbated a couple of times a week and he had no idea what Denise did since they no longer slept in the same bed.

A few weeks earlier Eric had overheard Tina and her mother speak in the elevator about her Insta account and Tina had mentioned the name. Later that day, Eric created an account and asked to be friends with her after befriending other models. He used a nickname so she wouldn’t know it was him. He felt like a stalker when he did it but after overhearing their conversation, he was curious what had made Tina’s mom so upset. Once his request had been approved, he knew exactly why. Tina would upload pictures of herself in sexy lingerie from the store where she worked. She must have had great discounts because he knew they weren’t cheap since he had bought things for Denise many years before.

Sipping on his wine he opened his Insta and found her account and began scrolling through it. She posted mostly from her bedroom with a few pictures from their living room or the balcony. She loved white and black. The thongs and panties she modeled sat perfectly on her and he could make out the curve of her pussy. The bras exposed her full breast and he guessed she was a C cup. His dick grew hard in his slacks and he contemplated masturbating. Then the lights went out and it was pitch black on the balcony apart from the lights from the other buildings.


Tina had taken a long shower and sat curled up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. It wasn’t cold but she was addicted to the drink. It had to be Nesquick, nothing else tasted as good. She was about to get up for a refill when the lights went out.

“What the fuck?” she fumbled for her phone and turned on the flashlight app. Using it she made her way to the kitchen and left the cup and then opened the hatch where the breakers were. Nothing looked wrong so she turned the main breaker off and then on, but nothing happened.

She went back to the sofa to wait. Hopefully, it was nothing serious and the light would soon be on. There was light in the other buildings so it was something local. Five minutes went past, ten, twenty, and thirty minutes and there was still no light. Maybe it was just her apartment she thought. She decided to go up the stairs to Eric’s and ask him.

She put on a pair of tight black shorts and a halter top in the same color and then slipped her feet into her favorite slippers with large white bunny ears. She locked her door and using the flashlight on her phone made her way to the fire escape.

Eric walked around the apartment lighting the many candles Denise liked to have as decoration. They very seldom blackouts so the majority were brand new. Some had fragrances but the majority did not. The doorbell rang and he thought it might be the maintenance guy Terence who came to inform him about what had happened.

When he opened he was surprised to see Tina standing outside. She looked kind of funny with her bunny ear slippers, tight clothes, and her red hair in a mess. She had recently taken a shower because it was still damp but she hadn’t had a chance to brush it.

“Hi, Mr. Conrad. I was going to ask if you had electricity but now I see you don’t that was all.”

“Yep, it’s gone here as well. Would you like to come in and ride it out? I have some chardonnay on ice and cheese and crackers?”

It sounded like a cheap pickup line to Tina, but the other option was to go back down to her dark and lonely apartment. Her mother was allergic so they never lit candles at home, not even for birthdays.

“Yeah, thanks.”

He closed the door behind her. “Let’s go to the terrace. There is some ambient light from the other building. I’ll get you a glass.”

Tina knew the apartment very well since she babysat but she had never seen it lit up by candles and it was very pretty. Denise had great taste, she realized. The fragrance coming of the candles was not overwhelming, just right. She smelt rose, sandalwood, and jasmine. She sat down on the chair next to Eric’s and sighed. What a shitty day. She had pretty much broken up with Nick after only four months of dating and then a blackout.

“Here we go. Have some cheese and crackers,” said Eric and filled her glass from the bottle that had stood in a wine cooler next to the table. The cheese almost melted in her mouth and she sighed.

“Pretty good, isn’t it?” he said.

“Amazing.” She drank from her wine.

“There is a place that imports cheeses from Spain and France mostly with a sprinkle of other cheeses from Europe. I guess I’m a bit of a cheese collector if there is such a word.

She laughed and felt a lot better. Eric was fun, even though he could be a bit creepy ogling her. She understood that older men liked to watch her, she had an amazing body, and sexy eyes, and her long red hair just made the whole picture even better.

They talked about her university plans which weren’t set in stone yet. She liked her job and there was space for advancement. Eric suggested she still go to university and if it was possible work part-time. That’s what he had done during his studies. He had an MBA in accounting which Tina found extremely boring and he did agree, but he made good money. She wanted to study fashion or something related.

The wine flowed and half a bottle turned into another bottle and there were still no lights coming on. Eric changed the two candles on the table and lit new ones. The light flickered across Tina’s face and she was such a beautiful girl in the candlelight or any light for that matter. Her eyes were a little unfocused from the wine and she often giggled. He had a great buzz and was so happy for the company he had. Sometimes when the breeze picked up he could smell the soap from her skin and the shampoo from her hair. He wanted to be closer to be able to breathe it in and maybe even touch her.

The wine had gone to his head and before he could stop himself, he blurted out,” I follow you on Insta.”

It took her a few seconds to register what he had said. “Oh, I didn’t know that. I don’t remember seeing an Eric in my friends list.”

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“Well, I kind of use another name. @Dirtydaddy.”

Tina doubled over with laughter. “What the fuck, Eric. Why would you do that, and why use such a creepy name.”

“I was afraid you wouldn’t accept me if you knew it was me, and that’s how I feel sometimes. Like a dirty daddy.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “Really, and is that when you see my photos?”

“Yeah.” He drank from his wine to avoid eye contact with her.

Tina looked out over the city trying to grasp what he had just told her. How long had he been looking at her...

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Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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