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Tina: Part 2, Anal Fun

"Tina and Eric continue their adventuring exploring anal sex together."

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Eric lay on Tina’s bed staring up at the ceiling which had little stars glued to it. The room was painted light pink and he shared the bed with several pink stuffed animals. On the walls were posters of popular singers and bands and to his left was a window with a desk below it. On it sat a pink laptop with pink speakers on either side. There were also a couple of makeup bags and a round mirror pushed to one corner. He grunted and turned his attention to Tina who was lying on her stomach between his legs. His cock was deep in her mouth and her eyes had rolled back. They often did that; he had noticed and thought it was quite fascinating. He grunted again and moaned when she gaged and her throat squeezed his cockhead.

“Oh, baby girl, I’m so close now, you just keep sucking that cock.”

She did and as a prize a few minutes later several globs of hot sticky cum shot down her throat. She tried to swallow but it was just too much so some exploded out of her mouth around the cock.

“Eric, that was a lot. I have asked you to jerk off at least once a week before coming to me.”

“Sorry, Denise was at home with the flu so I couldn’t get away to do it. But you did a great job, honey.”

“Fuck no, just look at me.”

She had cum on her chin and her throat and it ran down between her boobs and across her white skin. “I think you look hot.”

She tilted her head. “You know I want to swallow all of it but when it’s that much, I simply can’t.”

He reached for a box of tissues she had on the nightstand and using a couple cleaned her face, before kissing her on the mouth. “Nothing a shower can’t fix. I better be going anyway. Your parents will be home any minute.”

They kissed goodbye and he made his way down the stairs and to the hallway where he grabbed his jacket. A quick walk up the fire escape and he was at home. He had hardly poured a glass of wine when he heard Denise open the front door.

“Eric, I’m home.”

“Great honey, I’ve missed you so much.”


Tina was drying her hair when her parents came home. She called out to them and told them she would be down in a minute. She double-checked her room, opened the window, and tidied the bed. They didn’t dare to use Eric’s place since Tina had red hair and one strand might give them away, especially if it ended up in his bed. Even though Denise and Eric didn’t sleep together she was the one changing the bedding. Tina checked herself in the mirror and then went down to greet her parents.

“Oh my dear, you look so well. Did you have a nice run, your cheeks sure look flushed?” said her mother and kissed her forehead.

“It was great. I love jogging for a while, keeps my head clear and I get a workout.”

“You are such a champ, dear. Working a full-time job and keeping in shape,” said her father.

If they only knew. The only exercise she got was Eric pounding her pussy as many times a week as possible and the man was a monster. You would never think it when you saw him, but he had stamina like a racehorse. Often it was Tina who begged him to stop fucking her after giving her multiple orgasms. But she didn’t complain. She loved being fucked, licked, and sucking his cock. She had become addicted to it since that first time and she looked forward to it.

“Honey, this upcoming weekend we are going to visit Carl and Anne. Would you like to come along?” asked her father.

They were her parent's best friends who they had met in college. Tina had nothing against them but spending an entire weekend in the middle of nowhere which is where they lived wasn’t something she looked forward to. “If it’s ok, I’d prefer to stay in the city. I have to work on Saturday.”

“Are you sure? They will be disappointed,” her mother said with a sigh.

“Yeah I’m, and please tell them I’m sorry.”

Her parents had brought take out and they enjoyed Indian food before the three of them watched TV for a while and then went to bed. Tina lay awake in hers. She was planning how she and Eric could spend the weekend together, or at least as much of it as possible without Denise finding out.

Denise worked as an interior designer and didn’t keep office hours. On top of that, she also would be gone on the weekends but popping back home without letting Eric know. He didn’t work weekends and she expected him to be at home with the kids. And there lay the big problem. The kids. They were too young to be left alone so Eric and Tina would get together either when they were at kindergarten or Denise took them on a play date which was what had happened that day. Another problem was communication. They couldn’t use their phones and for Eric to get a second phone was too risky having two curious children at home.

He would call her job and arrange a meeting or they would arrange a meeting in a café to discuss a hookup. This gave Tina very little time since the next day was Friday and her parents would leave Saturday morning. Since they had just fucked Eric wouldn’t think about calling her until Tuesday at the earliest. She turned her head into the pillow and swore. Such an amazing opportunity and it might not work since they couldn’t communicate very well.

The following morning Eric was feeding the kids breakfast when Denise came in all stressed out.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“The Wilberts, they can’t keep their pants on. They want me to drive all the way there today and spend the weekend while they decide on the color of the walls.”

“Shit, I was supposed to meet Hank and John for our poker night.”

“You can still go. I’ll drop the kids off at my parents on the way to the Wilbers and pick them up on my way back.”

“Cool, thanks, honey. You are the best.”

She left and Eric finished feeding his children and then went to bathe them. He looked forward to the poker game with his friends. They were old high school buddies and had kept in touch over the years.

A couple of hours later Denise came back and picked up the children and she was off. Eric took a shower and then lay on the sofa watching TV for a while. He missed Tina and her hot mouth and pussy. Maybe he should call her from somewhere and see if they could meet up after the poker game Saturday night, he thought. But where could they meet, not at his place and a hotel was out of the question except if Tina paid leaving her credit card. As he lay there thinking about her, he realized that they hadn’t had anal sex yet. It had only been three weeks since that first blowjob but the night before the topic of anal sex had come up. He decided to mention it to her the next time they fucked.

Later that evening he went out for a walk before dinner and on his way back he picked up some ice cream at the corner shop. He was just about to enter the building when he heard a whistle. He turned to the sound and saw Tina standing across the street peaking her head out from behind a minivan.

He crossed over to her and they kissed quickly before she said, “My parents are gone all weekend.”


“No, I’m serious. Can you get away?”

Eric smiled and told her about Denise's trip.

“Oh my god, we must have the best luck in the world.”

“Listen, what about we try anal? We will have loads of time since neither your parents nor Denise are due back until Sunday.”

She punched his shoulder lightly. “You dirty bastard. You want to fuck my tight ass?”

“Yeah, of course I do.”

She giggled. “Will you be gentle?”

“Honey, I’ll give you a full body massage with warm oil so you are completely relaxed and I’ll promise to be gentle.”

“I didn’t know you could give massages?”

“Sure, I can, I’m a master at it.”

“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow after I get back from work around four in the afternoon.”

Eric watched her cross the street and waited until she had taken the elevator. No need to have the doorman see them together. Eric had work to do. He had no fucking idea how to give a massage. He just said so to Tina to get her to agree to the anal sex. Now he had to watch YouTube until he knew how to do it well enough for her to relax.


The following morning Eric was out the door early enough that there was no risk of running into Tina. He has spent a few hours learning about massage, what oil to get, and how to warm it up. There was no time to buy it online so he had searched for a place that sold the Joboba oil and that’s where he was heading.

Tina dressed for work but her mind was on the conversation she and Eric had had the previous evening. Was she ready for anal sex? Did she want to try it? The answers were yes for both questions. Unknown to Eric she had watched a few porn clips where they had anal sex. She knew that there was no way she would be able to do it as easily as the girls in the videos because they were actresses but it gave her an idea of what to expect. Luckily Eric didn’t have an enormous dick, and it was kind of torpedo formed so it was evenly thick from the head down to the base. She checked her watch and a shiver ran through her, seven hours left until she tried a cock on her ass. Fuck, she was horny.

Eric got the oil, a bowl a small tripod to put the bowl on, and some tea lights to warm the oil with. He hurried back to his apartment because he needed to send a few emails that his customers were expecting first thing Monday morning and call his friends to cancel poker night. Once he was done with that, he shaved his cock and balls. Tina loved it when they were recently shaved and the previous time she had nagged a little about the stubble. Now she would be happy and a happy Tina meant amazing sex.


Tina came home just after four and had enough time to grab a sandwich before the doorbell chimed. She opened and Eric was standing outside with a plastic bag in one hand and a grin on his face.

“Hey babe, are you ready?” he said and walked in.

“Sure. What’s in the bag?”

“Oil and implements to warm it up.”

“I had an idea. I have this vibrator that I haven't used much, it was a gift from a previous boyfriend. I thought we could use that to warm me up so to say.”

“Great idea, I love it. Where should we set up?”

“In the dining room. I don’t want to get oil on my sheets and carpet. The floor in the is marble and I bought a few towels on my way home that I can throw away afterward.”

Eric had never been to the dining room since he always went directly from the entrance to Tina’s room. When he walked in, he whistled. “This is very nice.”

His and Denise's living room was large but what Tina's parents had done was to put up a wall and create another room for dining. The floor was marble and the walls were covered in paintings, mostly classics but a few modern. There were no windows and when Tina turned on the light it was mooted and warm. “They like to dine with candlelight when they have friends over,” she said.

The table in question was large and sat eight people so Tina would easily fit on it. They worked together to put away the tablecloth, candelabras, and a few ornamental crystal bottles and glasses which they brought to the living room and placed on the tables by the sofa. When they were done, they placed towels on top of the table and folded one into a pillow for Tina to rest her head on.

Eric looked around for a place where he could put the bowl and tripod. Tina pointed at a trolly. “They use that for dessert but it would be perfect for what you need.”

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Eric rolled it up to the table and placed the oil, bowl, tripod, and candles on it. Tina began to undress. When she was naked Eric helped her onto the table.

“Face up or down?” she asked.


She was at the perfect height and he could easily reach all around her body. Then he noted something. “Hey, what happened to the tuft?”

“I shaved it off. I think my pussy looks cuter now.”

She was right. The pink lips surrounded by her white skin looked just perfect. Eric lit the candles and placed the bowl on top of the tripod.

“Don’t burn me,” she said.

“Don’t worry, you will be hot and horny, not burnt, baby.”

Eric used his hand and dipped into the warm oil and then began from just under her chin to let it drop down on her skin and over her boobs down to her pussy, but not on it.

“It tickles something fierce,” Tina said and giggled.

“Lie still.”

When he was done, he placed his hands on her tummy and slowly began to spread the oil out over her skin. When he reached her boobs, he took extra care of them and it didn’t take long before Tina began to moan quietly and he pulled at her nipples which grew hard.

“This feels so sexy,” she said.

“You look sexy.”

He dipped his hand again and this time let the drops fall along her thighs down to her feet. Then he massaged her taking care not to move too close to her pussy. Her skin was slippery and so sexy he wanted to mount her and fuck her right there but he held back.

Tina wanted him to move his hands further up to her pussy and give it a massage and it was frustrating when he didn’t. She slid a hand over her hips and onward to her pussy. If he wouldn’t do it, she would.

“No, young lady. None of that.”

“Please, I’m suffering here. Look at my pussy it's all wet and ready.”

“Sorry, you have to wait. This is not about your pussy, remember.”

“Ah, fuck, I hate you!”

He laughed and he gently rolled her over onto her stomach. Again, he dripped oil over her back down to the small of her back and massaged her. Tina thought he had the hands of an angel and wondered how many other women he had massaged like this.

Eric licked his lips as he dropped oil onto her firm asscheeks and massaged them. One hand slid in between her legs and the ridge brushed against her pussy making Tina moan. “Oh fuck, finally I get some attention.”

He pulled his hand back and massage down her legs and back up again where he gave her another brush against her pussy. His hand came away with strains of pussy juice attached to it.

“You are pretty horny right now, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, what did you expect?”

He smiled and used one hand to spread her asscheeks and used the thumb on the other to massage her anus. “Oh, oh, fuck, that feels so good, Eric. So darn good. The vibrator is on the shelf behind you, next to the salt and pepper shakers.”

He found it and it was not very big. Maybe six inches in length and quite slim. He turned the knob and it began to buzz in his hand. He spread her cheeks again and this time she moved her legs apart as wide as she could giving him easy access without having to spread her asscheeks. He placed the toy against her anus and she gasped and moaned loudly.

“Oh, man, that is amazing, so fucking good.”

He moved it in circles around and over her tiny hole and then when she began to lift her ass off the table, he pushed her down with a strong hand on her lower back. He then began to put some pressure on the toy. The pointy tip went inside and Tina moaned. He took it out and rolled the toy along her inner thigh until it was wet with oil and then returned it to her anus where he added some more pressure.

Tina gasped as the toy began to penetrate her. The vibrations shot through her body like short waves and she released a long sigh of pleasure. “How much is inside?”

“All of it, all six inches,” he said and turned the knob up to full speed.

“Oh, oh, fuck, fuck, god, that’s too much, fuck me, it's good.”

He turned it down a little and began to move the toy back and forth letting go of her lower back. Soon she was lifting her ass up and then she was on all four on the table. Her back was arched and she looked at him with an open mouth and her eyes couldn’t quite focus. “Eric, fuck my ass now, I want your cock in it.”

She helped her down and had her rest her upper body on the table and then used his foot to spread her legs before pulling down his pants. His erection popped out at full attention and he used some oil to lube it. “Ready?”

‘Fuck yes!”

He took out the toy and lined up his cock. Gently he began to put some pressure on her and she gasped when the head slid in half an inch. “Oh,...

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Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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