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Blackmailing Cheating Cheerleaders - Chapter 4

"Katie challenges Mr. V to take control"

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Author's Notes

"Read chapters one, two, and three first. A note to my submissive ladies out there (you know who you are). You may not read any of my works without 1) something painful on your nipples. <p> [ADVERT] </p>2) at least one finger inside of you (you choose where) and 3) private message me with a photo as proof, it makes Master happy."

My morning run is a sacred time for me. It is time to clear my head and relish solitude and tranquility. Living in a small town often feels like living under a microscope, where everyone knows everyone else's business. That is precisely why I cherish my run; hardly anyone ever ventures onto this old logging trail. I have crossed paths with more bears than people here. I've stopped even bringing my phone; it is a complete unplugging experience. Just me, my dog, and the open path.

The air retained the last vestiges of the night's chill, and the fog was dissipating in the morning sunlight. As I neared the peak of my trail, I sensed a distant presence behind me on the path. I halted, listening intently. The sound grew louder, and it was undoubtedly human.

I resumed my pace for another tenth of a mile, then swiftly veered left through some trees, reaching a familiar overlook. Frequently, I would break off my run to savor the view of the sparsely populated hills and the community I now called home. I squatted down, and my dog, Fezzik, sat beside me, panting loudly. I wished he could pant more discreetly, but that was not in his nature.

Growing irritated, I waited to identify the source of the noise that had disrupted my peaceful morning. My breath caught in my chest as the intruder came into view. It was Katie, vigorously pedaling a mountain bike. She was dressed in tiny running shorts and a skin-tight tank top.

"KATIE!" I yelled, springing to my feet and jumping directly into a sticky, dew-covered spiderweb. "Ahh, yuck," I yelled.

My sudden appearance startled Katie. She convulsed in a series of erratic movements, her body jerking one way and her arms involuntarily yanking the handlebars in the opposite direction. The bike wobbled precariously, and one foot slipped off the pedal.

I watched in horror as it seemed like a slow-motion catastrophe unfolding before me. It was a testament to Katie's athleticism that she managed to maintain her composure. Realizing that regaining control of her bike was futile, she let go of the wobbling machine. With her free foot, she stepped away as the bike proceeded to crash into a shallow gully. After a few heavy steps, she came to a halt and looked up at me.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck, Mr. V?" she exclaimed, clearly holding me responsible for her near-crash.

I pawed hopelessly at the sticky spiderweb on my face. "What...?" I stammered, feeling a bit bewildered. Katie looked back to her bike, which now lay in a shallow gully, its front tire still spinning. The mechanical clicks of each rotation were the only sounds breaking the morning silence.

"What are you doing?" I insisted, somewhat accusatory in tone.

She bit her lip and drew a breath, preparing to respond, but was interrupted by an enthusiastic greeting from Fezzik. She reached down to greet him back. Deciding they would be friends, Fezzik licked Katie's hand and leaned his massive body weight against her. Katie gave him a few pats side and then picked his leash up for me.

"Thank you," I said, taking the leash from Katie's outstretched arm.

"So… don't tell me you're just out for a ride. I'm the only person on this trail. Ever.” I looked to Katie for a response and waited in awkward silence.

"Yeah," Katie responded, still catching her breath. "It isn't exactly how I envisioned this, but that's kind of the point." She shrugged, then glanced down at a scrape on her leg and brushed off the dirt absentmindedly. Standing to address me again, she proudly proclaimed, "Isn't it great, though?"

I waited for her to elaborate, but she merely stood, as if waiting for me to grasp the punchline of a subtle joke. Fezzik tugged at his leash, eager to continue moving. We were far enough from the roads, and I wanted time to address Katie without distraction, so I unclipped his collar, setting him free to roam.

I stood up to face Katie once more. "Frankly, Katie, I don't see anything 'great' about this. We just startled each other half to death; you almost crashed your bike and died, and I am gross and sticky with cobwebs." I continued to try to rid my fingers of the sticky strands.

"OMG, Mr. V. Do I have to spell this out for you?" She bit her bottom lip and walked toward me, closing the distance quickly and gracefully.

Katie gently grasped my face in her hands. She spoke softly, her lips almost touching my chin as she looked up at me.

"We are alone," she whispered. She kissed my chin, emphasizing her point.

"I couldn't hide a phone in this outfit. I am here only with the clothes on my back and my bike." She gently tilted my head and kissed me again softly on the lips, underscoring her second point.

“Safe and totally alone. So you, sir, are about to get your dick sucked by a willing, obedient teenage slave.” Katie lowered her hand to the growing bulge in my shorts.

Katie continued, "I know you say we have to wait, but that's dumb. It is not good for any of us. What you have created, sir, is three sexually frustrated people trying to live normal lives, and none of us is doing terribly well. I know Kenz and I will do better on exams if we can just get a little relief, Mr. V."

Katie pressed her body to mine. “And I think you will be less uptight once you shoot your cum down my throat.” She rubbed my erection once more with a confident stroke.

“Oh my, Mr. V. I can feel your dick throbbing. And it’s enormous. I don’t know if I can take all of it in my mouth, but I want to try.”

"Katie, I appreciate..." I said with a breathless attempt to fight against her actions. Katie nodded slowly and continued working at my erection through my shorts. This hypnotic siren had me under her spell. For the life of me, I could not remember how I was going to end that sentence.

She pulled me down to her perfect lips. I could do nothing but let myself go. I kissed her with such a passion as I had never experienced. I had lusted after Katie for so long. In many ways I love her. This kiss was cathartic. All of my anger at the world and frustration with my station in life melted away as I channeled my passion into kissing her.

Katie felt it too. After what seemed an eternity, we broke free and gazed at each other. I could still taste her lip gloss. Her sparkling eyes, which seemed as deep as an ocean, stared back at me.

"Wow, Mr. V, that..." she shook her head. "You don't do anything halfway, do you? I…uh…fuck. That was incredible."

"It was," I replied weakly, in agreement and surprise. "It was, but Katie, I don't want this."


"I mean, I do. I don't... I am sorry, Katie. It goes against everything I am trying to do. Not touching you until you and Mackenzie have graduated. And this... this is a sweet, loving encounter. Don't get me wrong. It feels amazing to finally kiss you."

I stepped away from Katie to prevent locking lips again.

"... it's a kind gesture; the type of thing a girlfriend would do. I like you, Katie, a lot. You're smart, beautiful, and funny. You're literally everything I want in a woman. I like you too much to let this happen. That is why it is so important that we keep our distance emotionally. Having you and Mackenzie as sex slaves is one thing. I want to own your bodies. But creating emotional ties is wrong on another level. It is a hypocrisy that I could not live with."

Katie fidgeted her hands and looked pitiful and dejected. "You have your life to live," I implored. "I am a middle-aged man with nothing to offer someone like you. I want two weeks of your life this summer for self-serving, sadistic reasons - solely for my enjoyment. But anything more would be wrong of me."

“Wrong of you…?” Katie mirrored. “I'm glad you have such a strong moral compass,” she said sarcastically.

I could almost see the gears of her brilliant mind working away. "Tell me more about your desire to 'own' our bodies."

I scoffed at the question and grew angry. It sounded like a trick; like something she wanted to have recorded. Suddenly paranoid, my head snapped wildly around looking for the trap I was just caught in.

Soothing me gently, Katie whispered, "I understand your concern, Mr. V. Especially after what Mackenzie tried to pull, but there is nobody here, sir. Just us." I looked and listened carefully. The only noise was the familiar rompings of my lummox dog Fezzik. Nothing more.

Still, I needed to be certain this was not a trap. "Hands up," I commanded, nodding my head unconsciously upward.


"Put your hands in the air. Now,” I ordered sternly.

"Yes, sir," she said with a bit of a defensive attitude.

"I have to be certain. You don't have any sort of camera, or TikTok machine recording us?"

"No, sir," she said, a little hurt. "That’s why I wore this outfit and why I came here to the middle of nowhere. We are safe. You are safe." She watched me as I circled around her, looking carefully for evidence to the contrary. Her outfit was so form-fitting, you could not conceal a shiny penny under the fabric, let alone some recording device. I ended my circle and looked at her, standing closer than I should have.

"Your paranoia is why you need this, Mr. V. I like you too, sir. A lot. I am worried for you."

Katie’s face showed concern, but there were the makings of a smile too. Suddenly, she let out a burst of laughter. “I’m sorry, Mr. V, I am trying to meet you on your level, but what the hell is a ‘Tik-Tok machine?’”

I could not help but laugh too. “I don’t know,” I chuckled defensively, “Isn’t that some device y’all use to post videos?”

Katie gave another hopeless laugh, “I can’t even with you right now, Mr. V.”

I thought about asking for clarification as to what that meant but chalked it up to a lost cause. I would just embarrass myself further.

Katie took a breath and reassumed a serious tone. "Mr. V, I will respectfully fight you on this point, sir. You need a release. I don’t care if you treat me as a lover or if you want to ‘own my body’ - whatever that means, but I will not leave this trail until your cum is in my mouth," Katie explained with conviction.

With that, she stepped closer. Her arms, which she had kept obediently in the air, dropped in clear defiance.

“Come on, Mr. V, blow job time. I can see you’re ready.” She reached down again, grabbing my obvious erection. “This guy needs some help.”

This was a turning point. Katie, my slave, was disobeying a direct order. It hit too close to home with all the frustrations of being an underpaid and underappreciated educator. I grabbed her ponytail and pulled it downward. Startled, Katie looked wildly into my eyes. “Did I tell you to let your hands down?”

A flash of a smile crossed her face. “Nope,” she replied flippantly as she continued to rub my erection.

“What are you going to do about it, Mr. V? That is the question.” I studied Katie carefully for a moment and realized something amazing. Katie was aroused. Her pupils were dilated, her breath shallow, and she was leaning in, awaiting my response.

After a prolonged moment of silence, Katie pressed on. She drew closer, rising to her tiptoes so she could whisper in my ear, "I won't take 'no' for an answer, Mr. V." She playfully nibbled on my earlobe and caressed my manhood through my shorts, then made a path of soft, warm kisses from my ear to my mouth.

She joyfully and assertively announced, "You are getting a blow job.” She accentuated the 'you' of the sentence by tapping the tip of my nose with her finger. "I think you're just mad because this little adventure wasn't your idea."

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I felt a flash of anger. I tried to hide the emotion from my face, but Katie caught it immediately. "That's it, isn't it, Master V? You want to be in control."

Her words were harsh but struck a nerve. I considered carefully. “I…I do want to be in control. You’re right, Katie. But it’s more than that.”

I paused, letting my thoughts take shape. “I want everything between us to be about submission. I want to objectify you and Mackenzie. I don’t ever just want a blowjob. I want it to have meaning. I want it to be an act of contrition from you. Everything I have planned for you and Kenz appeals to my sadistic nature. I want you to suffer for my pleasure."

With fresh resolve and clarity, I slapped her cheek hard. “I said ‘hands up’.” She continued to stare me down, deciding if she would obey. Finally, she complied with a resolute “Yes, sir.”

I yanked her tank top and bra over her head, leaving them hanging from her upstretched forearms. Bringing my hands down, I slapped both of her small, cute breasts. She let out a tiny yelp of pain. She recoiled for a moment, then stood up straight again, pressing her chest out and offering her tits once again to me.

“Good girl,” I praised her obedience and slapped her tits once more. This time, Katie suppressed her yelp and stood waiting to be struck again.

I continued, “I want you to feel the rule that I have over you. I want you to feel helpless knowing that your future is in my hands and that every time I choose to penetrate you, it is a reminder of your slavehood.”

Katie's face and breasts were starting to turn red from my strikes. She nodded her head, subconsciously approving of my words and actions. I pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees.

I explained with clarity of thought. “The first time we touch this summer, Katie, is a moment I have planned extensively. It is not a kiss some lovers embrace. No. You will be waiting naked on your knees. I plan to slap your beautiful face, then each of your tits, then spank your ass. I want to shove my fingers from one hand in your mouth and from the other hand in your cunt until you cum. Then, I will smear your face with your juices. You won’t just feel my control, no, you will taste your submission. Mackenzie will be there there too, naked, waiting, watching. She will clean your cum off your face. Then it will be her turn.”

I stepped back to gauge her response. I had never openly verbalized my dominant desires to anyone. Afraid of the answer, I asked, “How does that sound to you?”

Katie looked at me for a moment and said, straightening up as if facing a challenge, "That is a bit different and intense, but nothing I can't handle. It actually sounds kind of sexy."

“Really?” I asked in surprise. Katie just nodded earnestly.

“Mr. V, I have discovered that I like being bossed around by a man who knows what he wants. Even the abuse and humiliation, it’s… intensely sexy.”

“Really?” I said again in dumb awe.

I felt the need to inquire about something. “Side question, here, Katie. You might be right that we both could use a sexual release, but I am gross from my run. You don’t really want to blow me like this. What if we met out here tomorrow?”

Katie let out a scoffing laugh. “You think I am afraid of a little sweat, Mr. V?” She reached out and caught a drop of sweat from my chin on her finger and licked it off. “I am about to suck your balls dry and swallow your cum down my throat. And anyway, I’d much rather taste your sweat and your cum than my pussy any day, sir.”

She flashed me a sweet grin. “Anyway, ‘We make sacrifices for the things that are important to us.’ Right, Mr. V?” She was quoting a homeroom lesson I had taught her sophomore year. Clever girl.

“OK, then. Let’s do this. My orders, your obedience, just like when you stepped in my office that first time. Got it?”

“Got it. Yes, sir.” She gave an enthusiastic nod, which made her ponytail bounce. This girl was adorable.

“You are entirely too happy about this,” I exclaimed. I reached down and smacked her pussy lips. It is something I had always wanted to do to a submissive, but it never seemed right until now.

Katie winced at the pain and took several heavy breaths. She flashed me a genuine smile, then spread her legs as far as her shorts would allow and tilted her pelvis forward. She was not just allowing me to strike her pussy again; she was inviting it.

My eyes grew wide with disbelief. I gave her a look as if to ask, “Are you sure this is OK?”

She nodded confidently and answered my unspoken question. “Contrition, sir. I deserve this for cheating.”

“You do,” I agreed. I delighted in smacking her shaved pussy lips twice more. With each strike, she breathed heavily but remained resolute.

“Naked, now.”

“Yes, sir.”

Katie stipped down and then stood at attention. At that moment, Fezzik romped back towards us with a stick in his mouth, clearly hoping to play fetch.

“Not now, Fezzik,” I said forcefully. “Git,” I yelled as I pointed him back in the direction from whence he came. Disappointed, Fezzik glanced between the two of us, dropped his stick, and turned back up the trail. He was a loyal and obedient dog, a true source of joy for me. Realizing this, an idea popped into my head.

“Hands and knees, Katie.”

Clearly bothered by the idea of crawling in the dirt, Katie gave a half-hearted, “Yes, sir.”

“Come, I’ve got a beautiful necklace for you, my...

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Written by ktdoner66
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