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Blackmailing Cheating Cheerleaders - Chapter 3

"Mackenzie's blackmail fail, Mr. V's punishment fail"

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Author's Notes

"This chapter switches back and forth between Mr. V. telling a story TO Katie, and Mr. V. speaking directly WITH Katie.  It may help to think of the structure of The Princess Bride*.  Look for helpful headers to keep things straight.  *If you have not seen the movie (or read the book), The Princess Bride, stop everything and go correct your mistake NOW.  You’ll thank me."

Mackenzie’s Attempt at Blackmail - My Story to Katie

Mackenzie looked especially sexy yesterday morning as she walked into my office and asked to talk. Her unannounced presence was peculiar because she had been avoiding me since I'd blackmailed you guys. She wore a bright yellow sundress that was slightly too short for school, but so nice on the eyes. Mackenzie closed the door, arranged her purse and bookbag carefully on the floor, then bounced up, turning to me.

She was here with a purpose. “You looked stressed out, Mr. V.,” she said sympathetically, using a stage voice. Her words were formal, almost rehearsed. It was not her baseline behavior.

“I came to take care of you.” She approached me confidently, strutting her hips and swishing her sundress side to side. It was hypnotizing and sexy, but totally out of place. She aggressively closed the distance between us and then squatted down so that her head was at belt level. Her legs splayed open and I had a view of her soft white panties.

“Let me help you relax, Mr. V.,” Kenzie said, reaching for my belt. I stepped back, evading her; I am determined not to touch either of my slaves until our trip. In addition, something was very off about her actions. She had been avoiding me, now she was seducing me? It was a little ‘sus,’ as you say these days.

“Stop it,” I commanded with a snap. She slumped, dropping her hands. Kenz was clearly embarrassed at her denied advance. It was cute watching the rejection register on her lovely face. It was the middle of the school day and an inopportune time to dominate my cheerleader slave. Despite that, Mackenzie's actions were misguided and I decided that I needed to take control of her for a moment. 

I was not so cruel as to let her feel rejected for long. After all, she didn't know that it was my personal conviction not to touch until summer. I was rejecting the timing of her advance, not her personally. I tried to offer some encouragement. “Nice panties, Kenz. Very sexy.” She perked up a bit and looked up at me smiling. “Did you wear those specially for me?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, managing a smile.

"Kenz, I like you squatted down and I love these little white panties you have on. But you left the door unlocked and it is a school day."

I started towards the door but reconsidered. “I think I'd like to see more of you, Kenzie,” I said, handing her the scissors out of my pencil cup. “I’m going to go and lock the door. You are to stay squatted there. You have until I get back to cut your panties off.”

Mackenzie was taken aback. This is not how she planned this encounter to go. She gave a quiet, “yes, sir,” accepting the scissors.

I walked past Mackenzie and locked the door. It did not take very long at all. It was unfair to set my slave up for failure by assigning an impossible task. I glanced back at Kenzie, who was obediently working at her panties with the scissors. In her squatted position, she struggled to get an angle to cut safely. She would further struggle because my scissors are school-issued, cheap, and old.

She was working in earnest with her back to me, so I left her to it. I looked around for a way to give her more time. I had not fed Jarvis, my beta fish, yet today. I reached over and added a pinch of food to Jarvis’s bowl. Mackenzie was still working. I glanced down at her belongings and something caught my eye. A screen illuminated the darkness of her purse. I peered closer to see that her phone was on and it was recording.

At first, I thought it must have been an accident, but I saw on the screen that the camera pointed to where I had been standing moments ago. This was no accident. This bitch was trying to blackmail me. 

Her behavior now made sense. I had leverage over my slaves, footage of these girls cheating. She was trying to get her own leverage. She planned to seduce me on camera and then use the footage to...

Katie and I

I took a break from the story. Katie was obediently listening in her stress position, with her legs in the air, holding her ankles. It was her punishment for forgetting her place as my slave and giving me attitude. “Damn," I fumed, "just telling this story is making me angry again.”

Katie exploded. “Oh my God, me too. What a slut. I cannot believe how stupid she is. She knows how important my scholarship is to me. She and I agreed that obedience to your fucked-up plans is the only way to move on. Your footage is the last obstacle between me and college.” Katie was outraged.

The contrast between Katie and Mackenzie was striking. I did not understand how they could be friends. They looked similar on the surface - cute, fit, bubbly. Katie was superior in so many ways. She was more mature, more confident, more cunning, more athletic, and more beautiful. In contrast, Mackenzie did not think things through. She was rash and erratic. Her actions yesterday proved that. I was angry again and regretted not punishing her more severely.

I wanted to take my wrath out on Mackenzie again. The problem was Mackenzie was not here, Katie was. I eyed my sweet slave's body. She held her stress position and was showing signs of fatigue.  

“Katie, I’d like to see for myself how difficult it is to cut panties off with these old scissors.” Katie tensed, and her expression turned to fright. I liked watching her squirm. Katie had tolerated her punishment so far, taking it in stride, but displaying her panties and destroying them were two different things. She would have to go commando the rest of the school day.

“Put your legs down for a moment,” I instructed, grabbing my scissors.

Katie let her legs drop. She assumed a confident, assertive tone. "Yes, sir," she said, letting out a sigh of frustration. "You're going to make me sit here with my bare pussy exposed, aren't you, Mr. V.? You are such a bad man." She hooked her thumbs under the fabric of her panties and started them quickly down.

"Unh-unh," I admonished. Katie froze. Cunning Katie was trying to play me. She acted as if she was following my order, but she was directly disobeying the command. She was trying to keep her panties intact to wear them for the rest of the day. "Your panties are coming off, Katie...but not like that." I opened and closed the scissors to drive the point home.

She knew she was busted. "Yes, sir," Katie said with as much dignity as she could muster.

"Spread your legs wide," I said as I walked around my desk and then knelt down to get close. “Lift your panties up. I don’t want to cut you.”

Katie looked down at me. I could see the gears turning in her mind. Unable to think of an alternative, she complied. Hooking her thumbs under the right side of her panties, she provided a channel for my scissors to cut. She stretched the fabric laterally and the scissors made easy work of the job. I was surprised. We did the same on the left side. I used the flat edge of scissors to pull the fabric of her panties down, exposing her smooth, bare pussy inches from my face.

I breathed deeply and enjoyed her aroma. Being so close to Katie, my student crush, vulnerable and exposed, was a dangerous place to be. I had to retreat before I got carried away. “Put those in your bag and resume your punishment,” I instructed, returning to my desk.

I waited for her to complete her assignment then asked, “be honest, how hard is it to hold that position?”

“It’s beginning to burn, sir,” Katie answered. “Could I please sit normally, sir? I would still keep my legs spread for you?”

I took a moment to consider, then answered, “Tell you what? You may earn the right to sit normally by accepting your original punishment for your attitude - three slaps on your pussy from my ruler.”

Katie bit her lip again, angry with her choices. “Go on with the story, sir.”

I figured she would choose discomfort over pain. “OK, but if you change your mind, just let me know. I would love to hear you beg for punishment.”

Katie answered my offer by holding her position and staring back at me, resolute. She raised an eyebrow as if to say 'I'm waiting.' Mildly disappointed, I continued the story.

Mackenzie’s Attempt at Blackmail - My Story to Katie (continued)

Where was I? Oh yes, I had just discovered Mackenzie's phone recording while she was busy cutting her panties off…

I stripped the phone of its battery. There hadn’t been enough time for video to upload to the cloud. In my cinder-block cave of an office, I barely got reception to send a text.  

Slipping her phone into the lapel pocket of my suit jacket, I stepped back to Mackenzie, who had just completed her assignment. She banged the scissors on the desk and held up her panties to me.

My eyes dropped to her exposed, gorgeous cunt.

“I see you have been shaving your pussy as directed?”

“Yes, sir,” Mackenzie said, nodding her head. She reached down, rubbing over the smoothness of her lips. She was still using that stage voice. I now understood why - she was putting on a show for the camera that she thought was running.

“Good girl,” I encouraged. “Now, what are you going to do to help me ‘relax?‘”

“I’m going to suck you, sir.”

The statement was more overwhelming than I ever imagined. The words themselves were predictable, but their effect was staggering. Despite my anger at Mackenzie, a blowjob from her sounded delicious.

“Do you have experience with blowjobs?” I asked knowingly. Counselors hear things.

“Yes, sir," she said truthfully, "I love a dick pumping in and out of my mouth." To my amusement, she did not use her stage voice to say that sentence. Instead, she was rather quiet. She clearly did not want that on her video.

“And, what about my cum?” I inquired.

“I'll do whatever you want, sir. You are my master,” she said in a quiet, determined voice. The hand at her pussy was now rubbing with more intent. “I am obedient to you. Cum on my face or in my mouth. I've never swallowed, but I’ll try for you. You can be my first. Mr. V., let me suck you.” She was begging.

I was so turned on by her words and actions; I had to look away to prevent cumming then and there. As I did, the screen of my security cameras stole my attention. It reminded me of where we were and that school was in session. I realized that someone may have seen Mackenzie come in. What a fool I was to be caught in this compromising position. 

“This is wrong, Kenz," I scolded. "It's the middle of the school day and you are supposed to be in second period. Does your teacher know you're here?”  

“Nobody knows I’m here, sir. I’m an assistant, helping Pablo with math. His class is taking a test right now. Nobody knows and nobody is eh-VER going to know. This is between us. Just you and me and him.” Mackenzie reached up boldly and rubbed my erection.  

Her statement was most disturbing. Mackenzie did not know her phone was currently in pieces. She thought we were still on camera. She absolutely intended that someone would find out about this. Your best friend had just told a most convincing yet bald-faced lie. She might not be smart enough to pass the SATs but she is a very convincing liar.  

She skillfully massaged my dick through my pants. I let her linger longer, too long. “Stop,” I finally commanded with more ferocity than necessary. Kenzie withdrew, startled and rejected. “This is just a game for you, isn’t it? Just an act? You don’t want me. I’m a middle-aged guidance counselor and you’re a beautiful cheerleader. Tell me honestly, why are you here?”

Kenz considered my question for a long moment before responding. “You’re right. I don’t want to be here, Mr. V. I don't want you, although you're pretty hot for an old guy…" she turned her eyes downward and lowered her voice even more. “The truth is, it kind of turned me on last time, you know? You made us your slaves. You took command of me. You made us strip naked. You humiliated me and Katie, then you sent us away like dogs.

“You made me put binder clips on my best friend's nipples… and that made me feel…” she searched for the word, “It made me feel slutty. I was turned on by hurting her.” Her eyes met mine for a moment.

“I went home that day pissed-off and confused. I cried and cursed in my room for a long time. I decided I wanted to shower. I wanted to wash off the filth of what you'd done to us. The hot water relaxed me and I felt much better.

"I don’t know why, but I shaved my, you know, my downstairs as you had ordered us to. As I glided the razor over my...stuff, and I felt betrayed by my own body. I probed a finger inside and was shocked at how wet I was. I masturbated. Uhgh.” Mackenzie gave a disgusted sound as she replayed the memory.

“I never touch myself. It's dirty and wrong. But, I did it anyway. I masturbated then and there to climax. The whole time, thinking about being naked in your office - embarrassed, ashamed, and helpless.”

Mackenzie paused and was staring off. A good counselor does not interrupt. Her thought was incomplete so I waited for her to continue.

“You were there too, watching me. It felt so dirty. You watched me shuddering and orgasming against my fingers. I looked at you when I was ‘done.’ You just stared back, unimpressed. Taking command of me again, you ordered me to lick the cum juices off of my fingers.”

"I shook my head in protest. 'Please don't make me do that, sir; it is so gross.' You didn’t reply. You just stared at me in my nakedness. ‘Yes, sir,’ I finally relented. I obeyed you and tasted my nasty girl juices. That humiliated me more."

Kenz paused again.

“You instructed me to clamp my nipples. ‘Yes, sir.’ I couldn't find any clamp-y things in the bathroom. I reached for a towel to go search the house, but you shook your head in disapproval. You wouldn't allow me to cover up. 'Yes, sir,' I resigned again. I was growing irritated at your demands. I wandered the house dripping wet, naked, and horny. I finally found chip clips in the kitchen. I attached them to my nipples, just like you made me do to Katie.

"Each step back to the bathroom was agony as my footfalls jiggled my tits. The clips were relentless. It was humiliating and painful. Despite that, I felt my pussy lips sliding against each other with each step. Just walking was turning me on. What were you doing to me?!

“I reached the stairs and took a slow step up. Mmm…more sliding. More juicy, warm friction. I climbed each step slowly savoring the warm sweet feeling between my legs.”

Mackenzie’s countenance grew dark. “You got very angry.  Walking slowly relieved the pain of my nipples and you did not like that.”

“‘Punishment, now!’ You commanded me.”

“Yes, sir.” I continued climbing, then I squeezed, twisted, and yanked at the clips on my nipples. The pain was blinding. So intense. I might have blacked out because I don’t even remember the rest of the walk to the bathroom. 

“Back in the shower, I came again as you watched. It was so fucking awkward. Masturbating never felt so good. I tingled all over as I rubbed and fingered my junk. The second time I came, I licked my juices immediately off. ‘Yes, sir.’

“The third time I came, you told me to disgrace myself like the slut I am. ‘This time, slave,' you challenged, 'be creative.'"

Another pause. Mackenzie gave a scary, maniacal smile. “So I took my nasty fingers and I smeared them over my face. I wanted to wash it off, but you wouldn’t let me. I wore pussy juice on my face and breathed the smell of my own junk all night, for you.”

Mackenzie looked up, breaking her trance. I was troubled. I was never in her house. My growing concern was that Mackenzie had experienced a psychological break from reality. This might really be a problem. Guidance counselor mode took over as I assessed her mental health. She must have read my expression of concern.

“Not that you were really there,” she qualified quickly. “But it seemed so real. And my orgasms…were so intense.”

I was relieved and stunned. I did not see that coming at all. She was either conjuring an elaborate lie or she was genuinely aroused by humiliation.

Thankfully, arousal is easy to verify. Just like crying or yawning, you can’t fake it. Mackenzie had remained squatting with her legs spread through her story. I was going to make Mackenzie finger herself to show me her wetness.

“I waaaa…,” is all that came out. I paused, astounded. There, dangling between her pussy lips, was a string of liquid. It had stretched down to the floor and was forming a dime-sized puddle. I had never seen this before. Her pussy was dripping wet. Dripping wet and onto my floor. She was turned on.

I decided it was time to have some fun. “Look at the mess you are making,” I scolded.

Mackenzie looked down and let out a visceral noise of shock. Reaching for my tissues, she apologized, “I’m sorry sir, I’ll clean this up.”

“I know you will. Stand up.”

“Yes, sir,” she reacted quickly. I watched the string of grool from her pussy stretch thin and...

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Written by ktdoner66
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