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The Train Ride

"She gets a ride on a train."

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Author's Notes

"Amandas' train journey home from work took an interesting turn, when the train was delayed en-route."

It was dark outside as I sat waiting for the train to arrive. The air was cool, and the breeze felt nice against my skin. I had been working hard at my job all day, and the heat had been unbearable.

My long, blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and my white shirt was tucked into my black leggings. I loosened the top couple of buttons, revealing a tiny amount of my ample cleavage.

I didn't have any makeup on today, just a little mascara and some lip gloss. I wasn't going anywhere special tonight. I was just glad to be out of the office.

The train pulled in, the throng of electricity charging the air, and I quickly got on board. I walked down the aisle until I reached an empty seat and sat down. As I sat there, I could feel someone looking over me. I glanced around and saw a man a few years older than me looking in my direction.

Our eyes met briefly before he quickly looked out of the window. He turned his head slightly, and I could see him glancing back at me again. I smiled to myself and turned away from him. I took out my phone and scrolled through my emails.

I was used to attracting attention, my colleagues in the office called me "the local hottie." I am nineteen, have blonde hair, and a 36-24-34 figure. Men (and women occasionally) often eyed me up and down when I walked by.

I often notice some men mentally undressing me: I know this because they always stare at my breasts, especially on a summer day, especially if I'm only wearing a t-shirt.

I put my phone away and settled back into my seat. The train pulled away from the station and the whine of its motors grew louder. The man who had been staring at me earlier was still occasionally looking in my direction. I watched him, watching me, out of the corner of my eye. I smiled at him, and he gave me a slight nod before turning away and returning to his newspaper. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Within a few minutes, the train slowed to a standstill. A few moments later, the driver announced over the public address system, "Sorry folks, we've been brought to a stand at a red signal. This is due to issues with the overhead lines. I don't know yet when we'll be restarting, but I'll be in touch with control to find out shortly.”

The man looked over at me and said, "Typical, ain't it? Bloody trains are always up the creek.”

I nodded. "It's okay; as long as I get home, I'm in no rush," I replied.

The train stood there, stationary for at least another five minutes, before the driver made another announcement. "This is your driver speaking. I'm afraid, due to problems with the overhead electric lines, all trains are currently subject to severe delays and disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

I sighed and looked at the man who had been staring at me. He looked at me and then looked away. I smiled at him again, and he gave me a small smile back. I shrugged and returned my gaze to the window.

After another ten minutes, the driver came on again. "This is your driver speaking. Due to electrical overhead line problems, we cannot proceed until these issues have been resolved. I don't know when we will start moving, but I will let you know once I know more.”

The man looked over to me. "It looks like we'll be here for some time then,” he said.

He moved his paper onto his lap and looked out of the window. His hand was under the newspaper, and I could see his arm moving.

I wondered what he was doing. Surely he wasn't masturbating?

I looked around; there were only a couple of other people at the far end of the carriage. His eyes were closed, and otherwise, he was sitting very still. I tried not to stare at him, for fear of him opening his eyes and catching me watching him.

I couldn't help it though: I found it arousing. I kept trying to look away, but every time I did, I glanced back at him. He was breathing slowly, and his arm was moving faster now. Then he opened his eyes and looked straight at me.

My heart skipped a beat. I turned away quickly, hoping that he hadn't seen me looking at him. But he'd seen me.

He looked down at his newspaper again and then back at me. I felt myself blush.

He stared at me for a few seconds before turning away again.

I thought about what he must be thinking. Was he wondering what I was thinking? Was he thinking about me? Was he imagining me naked?

He looked at me again and then leaned forward and said in a quiet voice, "You're a sexy little thing, aren't you?"

I looked at him, shocked.

"Did you hear me?" he asked.

"Yes", I replied quietly, "I heard you."

He looked at me again and then continued, "You know you're beautiful, don't you?" I just nodded, unable to speak.

"You know, I've wanted you since I first saw you." I blushed heavily again.

I knew this all felt so wrong, but I was so turned on watching this guy.

I couldn't believe I was watching him play with himself. But I was. I couldn't stop thinking about how good it would feel to have his cock inside me.

"Why don't you come over and take a closer peek?" he said, smiling.

I really wanted to go over to his seat and just straddle him there and then. I was that turned on. But I thought I'd play hard to get for a while.

"No thanks," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I'm not that kind of girl.”

"What kind of girl are you, then?" he asked.

"A girl who knows what she wants and doesn't do anything she's not comfortable with," I retorted.

"I can tell you want to," he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, you want to touch yourself, don't you?" he asked.

I didn't reply. I just looked at him and bit my bottom lip.

"I can see it in your eyes," he said.

"Can you?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, "I can see it in your eyes. Is it because you're too shy?"

"I am not shy!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, yes, you are."

"I am not!" I protested.

"Prove it," he said.


He patted the seat next to where he was seated.

"Come join me over here," he said, smiling as he said it.

I hesitated. I didn't know if I should, but I also didn't want to turn down the opportunity to have some fun.

So I slowly walked over towards his seat and sat down next to him. His hand was still under the newspaper on his lap. I looked at him, and he smiled. "Well?" he asked.

"Well, what?" I asked.

"Have you got nothing to say?" he asked.

"I guess not," I replied.

"So you're going to sit there and watch me then?" he asked.

"I guess so."

"But you want to touch yourself, don't you?" he asked.

I blushed deeply.

"Of course you do," he continued. His hand, still under the newspaper, was still moving. With his other hand, he lifted the newspaper up slightly. I couldn't help but look; his zipper was opened, and his erect penis was sticking out, gripped tightly in his fist.

"You want to touch it, don't you?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Well, why not?" he asked.

"I'm not that kind of girl," I replied, with a slight grin.

"That's right," he said. "You're a tease, aren't you?"

I didn't reply.

"Well, I'll show you," he said. He started to move his hand. I watched as his hand moved up and down his shaft. He was so hard. "You like that, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes," I whispered.

"Do you want to touch it?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked.


"Then why are you watching me?" he asked.

"I'm not," I replied.

"You're a dirty little tease, aren't you?" he asked.

"Maybe," I replied.

"Good girls don't do that," he said.

"I'm not a good girl," I said, smiling at him.

He took hold of my hand and placed it under the newspaper. I gripped his shaft firmly and moved it slowly up and down against his cock. I could feel it throbbing against my fingers. "Does that feel good?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied. I gripped him tighter and he let out a little groan.

"Easy," he said. "We don't want anything unexpected to happen."

He reached up and began to thumb at one of my nipples, which were quite erect, and showing through my bra and shirt. I let out a small moan of my own.

"You're such a tease," he said.

"I'm not a tease," I replied.

He leaned over towards my ear and gently nibbled my earlobe, and began kissing my neck. It felt so good. I could have easily just straddled him there and then, but we were stuck here on this train going nowhere quickly, so I was playing the long game.

I wanted more than just a quick fuck. I wanted to make him beg for it.

He continued to kiss my neck, then moved his hand down and began to undo the remaining buttons on my blouse. He lifted my blouse off my shoulders and pulled it off my arms. I looked around nervously, hoping no one would see us. Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying us attention.

His kisses slowly went down my breasts, and he kissed my nipples through my bra. All the time, I was gently working on his shaft. I could feel it throbbing inside my hand.

He stopped kissing my breasts and pulled my bra down, exposing my breasts. He cupped them both in his hands and began to gently squeeze them.

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I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling. He moved his mouth down to my breasts and began to suck my nipple. I let out a soft moan. He sucked harder and began to bite one of my nipples. I thought for one moment that I was actually going to orgasm there and then.

My whole body was trembling, and I was squeezing his cock tightly. "You like that, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied.

Whilst one of his hands held one of my breasts and circled my nipple, his other hand worked down my stomach, into the waistband of my leggings.

I knew what he was going to do next. He slowly slid his hand down inside my leggings and down my panties.

I was so wet.

He pushed his finger against my pussy lips and slowly pushed it inside me. I let out a loud gasp.

"I see you are enjoying this as much as I am," he said.

His finger gently grazed over my swollen clit. I was so turned on. I couldn't believe how horny I was. He continued to work his finger inside me, and I could feel myself getting so close to orgasm already.

I began to buck my hips against his finger. I was so close. He suddenly stopped and took his finger out of me.

"No," I cried out. "Please don't stop”

He began to pinch my nipples and twist them between his fingers. I was so close to cumming, and he wouldn't let me. He whispered into my ear, "You're not the only one who can play the teasing game."

My hand was still working up and down his swollen shaft.


"Please, what?" he asked.

"Please let me cum," I replied.

"Not yet," he said. "Why don't you show me what you want?"

I looked at him, unsure of what he meant. "Show me how good girls do it when they are alone."

I said, "You want me to..." I paused, "Touch myself."

He nodded. I released his throbbing cock and slid my hand into my leggings. He lifted away the newspaper, revealing his swollen member, and slowly worked himself as my fingers began to massage myself.

I was so turned on. I started to rub my clit inside my leggings. I was so wet. I had never felt so horny in all my life.

I could hear him breathing heavily. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"Tell me what you are doing," he said.

"I'm touching myself because I want to cum," I replied.

He smiled. I could see the lust in his eyes.

"You're such a naughty girl, aren't you?" he said.

"Yes, I am," I replied, my own breathing quickening. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"Rub yourself faster," he said.

I did as I was told. The outline of my hand inside my leggings was moving rapidly.

"That's it, faster," he said.

I was so close. I could feel my orgasm building.

"Harder," he said. I did as I was told.

"Ohhh, god," I moaned quietly.

I was moments away from my orgasm. A few more strokes. Nearly there.. nearly.. nearly..."I want to taste you," he said. "Give me that finger."

"Oh, fuckkk..." I was so fucking close.

"Now," he said.

I looked at him, my pussy about to climax.

"Stop now and give me that finger," he ordered.

I withdrew my finger, my pussy quivering, begging for release. He took my hand and sucked the juices from my fingertips. "You taste so sweet." He said, smiling.

My hips were still bucking and shaking, my knees and thighs were pressed together, and my pussy was still aching so badly. He leaned forward and kissed me. I tasted myself on his tongue.

His hand worked its way down my breasts, over my stomach, and down between my thighs. He teased my aching clit, with his thumb through the material of my leggings and panties.

I was so close to cumming, and he wasn't letting me.

"Please, please," I begged.

"Please, what?" he asked.

"Please let me cum," I replied.

"Not yet," he said. "I want to taste your pussy."

I almost couldn't believe how brazen he was. He kneeled down in front of me, pulling my leggings down past my knees and revealing my white panties. His hand teased my aching clit. "You're soaking wet," he said.

"Please,” I begged him.

"Don't worry," he said, "I'll make you cum."

He pulled my panties aside and began working his tongue inside me.

"Do you like me eating your pussy?" he asked.

I gasped. "Oh god, yes."

"Mmm..." he said, "you taste so sweet."

I moaned loudly as he flicked his tongue over my swollen clit.

"Do you like that, baby? Do you like me eating you?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Good girl,” he said.

"Now I want you to tell me when you're going to cum".

I nodded. He kept licking and sucking, I was so close. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my much-needed orgasm. My hips were thrusting towards his face.

My whole body was quivering. I pushed his head harder and tighter against my sex. "I'm going to cum," I moaned.

He kept licking. I could feel my orgasm building.

"Oh god," I moaned quietly.

"Cum for me," he said.

I came so hard. I don't think I have ever orgasmed that hard in my entire life. I squirted and felt my panties soaking up my hot juices. My legs were shaking, my whole body convulsing.

He got off his knees and sat down beside me.

I struggled to catch my breath.

I looked at him as he wiped some of my juices from his face with a tissue he retrieved from his pocket. I sat there, almost exhausted.

"That was beautiful," he said. I was still trying to recover my senses. He started rubbing his erection quite excitedly.

"I want you," he whispered to me.

"What, you mean here, now?" I asked.

He nodded. I looked further down the train carriage. There was one person right down the other end. He or she was facing away from us, and I just saw the top of the back of the person's head across the lines of seats.

"It's too risky," I said.

"Just relax," he said.

He stood up and pulled down his trousers and underwear to below his knees.

He sat back down beside me. He lifted my chin and kissed me.

"Come sit on top of me."

I pulled off my leggings and panties from one leg straddling him. I slowly lowered myself onto his erection. I could feel him throbbing as he entered me.

He held my waist, guiding me down. I took his hands and placed them on my breasts, feeling my nipples harden. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply.

Our tongues intertwined. He reached down and grabbed my ass cheeks.

I began riding him, sliding myself along his shaft. I was so wet, it was easy.

He was holding me tightly, and I could feel his hardness pressing deeply inside me.

I rode him hard.

I could hear the sound of his breathing becoming ragged.

I knew he was close to cumming.

"I want to cum inside you," he said.

I knew that was risky. I wasn't on the pill, but in this moment of ecstasy, I didn't care.

"Just fuck me," I moaned, through gritted teeth.

He picked up the pace, and I could feel his cock throbbing deep inside me.

I was ready to cum again.

He slid his hand between my thighs and rubbed my clit.

That sent me over the edge. I screamed out loud. I felt my pussy contract around his cock. I could feel the warmth of my juices gush over his lap.

He thrust into me, hard and deep.

I could feel his cock swelling. I knew any second that an extremely risky spray of semen would enter my cervix.

I was beyond caring.

I could feel him tense up. His breathing became more rapid. I could feel his cock pulsating.

"Oh god, yes," he moaned.

"Cum in me," I said.

I felt him tense up, his erection hardened, and he throbbed his hot, sticky come inside of me. It felt like a river of cum was pouring into me.

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever.

When we finally came down, we both collapsed, spent.

He put his arms around me.

I dismounted him, and as a reminder of the huge risk I'd just taken, a huge splash of his white come ran down the inside of my thighs.

I wiped it off with my panties and put them inside my bag.

I pulled up my leggings as he pulled up his underpants and trousers. I put my bra and blouse back on and sat beside him.

He put his arm around me, and we sat there silently for a while.

We both had a sense of what had happened, but neither of us wanted to say anything about it, heck, I didn't even know his name.

And then, the train started moving forward again; the driver's voice sounded over the public address system.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologise for the delay; this was caused by a problem with the overhead electric lines. The problem has now been rectified, and we may now carry on towards our destination."

The train pulled into my station a few minutes later. I got up and walked to the door.

As I got to the door, I looked at him and smiled.

I said, "Thanks for the ride," and stepped out onto the platform.

Written by expressomarkie
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