Standing in front of the mirror. Completely naked and gazing at herself approvingly. Now she puts on the cream that keeps her face so pretty. She knows that she is pretty. Yes, Leora is happy to be a precious little princess. Naked, with her glowing, slim body. Not an inch of fat on her lithe figure. She smiles at her reflection and caresses her own soft skin.
Long, thin legs, slightly bowed. But so charming. She knows it. Her tiny breasts perky and firm. Just a tad pigeon-toed, but cute as hell. Tender pale skin. So young and sweet. Happy with her own long straight brown hair. Fluffing it now with her delicate fingers. Making herself pretty for Paul and for herself.
The dog is prancing about the room, barking now and then, wanting to play. She ignores him, still rubbing lotion into her skin, preparing for her morning. Now she walks over to the daybed and picks up the small camisole she will be wearing around the house. When it is down over her head covering her conical titties she steps into her tight thong panties that emphasize her round little buttocks. They are revealed as she walks quickly through the hall and then into the front room.
Her feet are covered with anklet socks as she passes by the large screen television that has been playing all night. It's always on but she ignores it, going over to the desk to play with her paints and brushes. It's time to create some pictures for her walls. She's proud of her talent and she wants Paul to be proud of her.
After some time, she glances at the tiny watch on her wrist. It's been over an hour. She's pleased with her work. Now she wants to play a little. The dog is scrambling to follow her as she goes back into the guest room, in front of the wall mirror, and looks at herself. She smiles and removes the top and bottoms she was wearing. Now her smooth pussy and her pert breasts are free again. For awhile.
The daybed is there, all made up and ready for her to lie down. But she is not ready for a nap yet. She sits down and leans back into the large pillows covering the quilt. Her thighs are so pale as she slowly strokes her skin, feeling the flush of arousal coming over her. Her right hand is now gently caressing her breasts, making the nipples stand up firmly like little penises. Yes, she is thinking of Paul's prick. She loves the way he uses it.
But Paul isn't here. He's gone to work and won't be home for hours. Leora is so horny. So needy. She needs to feel good. She wants to feel good. She deserves to be happy. Her other hand is running up her thigh and finding her little slit. Her wet slitty needing to be touched.
Her tiny fingers know just where to touch. She has done this so often. So often because Paul is always working. She needs to feel good. She wants that and she deserves it. Thinking of his cock before her she slowly drags a middle finger up her swollen pussy lips, testing the wetness. She is ready for more. Two fingers now enter her tight pussy and find the special spot inside. Up and inside where the nerves are so tender and tense and so fucking nice. Oh god, it's nice.

Squeezing her tits tightly now, and twisting them, just a little. Just a little to make them tingle while her thumb is rubbing her tiny clit. Her clit that makes her happy, while she fingers her hairless, pink pussy. So wet now. Wet and juicy and sticky. Her fingers rise up and she licks them then puts them back and begins finger-fucking faster and faster.
Leora is so horny. Oh fuck, she wants Pauls to use her. She needs to be fucked now. Jesus, it's so hot in here. The dog is sitting on the daybed and whining to go out. Oh damn. Oh fuck. She's ready for her first little cum. Yes, so ready. Rubbing her clit and pinching her nipples. So ready. The orgasm flows through her body and she shivers now, spreading her thin legs wide apart and then drawing her knees up. Her toes are curling as another orgasm pulses through her delicate, winsome body.
So fucking good. Wanting more now. Her knees collapse to the sides and her little vulva protrudes out to feel the three fingers now fucking herself. Leora loves herself and wants Paul to love her like this. Like this, cumming over and over. Making her feel the love and lust and passion he feels and she feels as she plays with herself and cums over and over.
The dog is yapping now. Wanting to play. But Leora needs just a little more. She reaches over to the pillow and finds the device underneath it. Her special little friend. Her vibrator that is always there for her. Always ready. She's shaking just a tad but her hand carries it over and then starts it running, touching her tender clit. Rubbing softly and gently at first. Then harder, and running it over her pudenda, and then into the slit. Into and out and in and out. Oh fuck, feeling the vibrations and wanting to cum quickly and fast.
She does. Her young body trembling and shaking. Humping up and taking it in. Loving what it does for her. Yes, yes, feeling the happiness spreading over her flesh. Over her tiny tits and her long, slender body. Over her round, luscious ass. Down deep in her vagina. Feeling the lust and the freedom. Free to cum over and over.
Oh god. So good. Moaning and groaning and loving being Leora. Little Leora. Wanting Paul to come home but feeling the glow spreading over her. Happy and content. For awhile.